#final fantasy xv tickling
ravianefleurentia · 8 months
Tag 4. Immer wieder, immer mehr? (Gladiolus x Ardyn) FFXV
Gladiolus Amicitia der stolze Schild von König Noctis. Konnte er sich selbst erlauben sich dem Gefühl des Kitzelns hinzugeben? Mit jemandem wie Ardyn Izunia? Die Antwort auf diese Frage war so weit und doch so greifbar. 
"Oh mein lieber Gladiolus!" schurrte der Kanzler ihm ins Ohr, was dem Angesprochenen eine Gänsehaut verpasste. "Was willst du?" fragte dieser kühl. "Sei doch nicht so kalt! Zeig mir deine Emotionen!" grinste er nun und betrachtete seinen Gefangenen. Er hatte es geschafft Gladio hinterhältig zu fesseln, als dieser gegen ein paar Monster im Wald kämpfte. Zur großen Verwunderung Ardyns war er allein gewesen, was es ihm nur noch leichter machte. 
Der Schild zog an seinen Seilen und versuchte sich zu befreien. "Du gehörst allein mir! Niemand kann dich jetzt noch retten! Und du weißt was ich vor habe!" grinste der Böse und zog eine Feder hervor. "Nein, bitte nicht!" flehte er jetzt schon. "Ich liebe es, wie kitzlig du bist!" lachte Ardyn. "Wie lange du wohl dieses mal durchhältst?" wollte er noch wissen. 
Als Gladio die Feder spürte, konnte er absolut nichts dagegen tun. Sofort spannten sich alle seine gut trainierten Muskeln an. Doch nach nur wenigen Sekunden brach er in schallendes Gelächter aus. "So gefällt mir das!" gab er von sich uns strich zärtlich die Bauchmuskeln nach. 
"Hahahahahaha nihihihihihihihicht hahahahahaha..." lachte der sonst so starke. "Das deine Schwäche kitzeln ist, ist wirklich sehr amüsant!" spottete Ardyn. "Und dabei ist es nur eine einzige Feder! Was wäre, wenn ich noch andere Werkzeuge dabei habe, nur um dich an den Rand des Wahnsinns zu kitzeln?" fügte er noch hinzu. Sofort wurde das Lachen noch lauter. 
"Ich glaube, dass ich dich heute mal so richtig durchkitzeln werde! Dann wirst du die Feder als Entspannung ansehen, da alles Andere noch schlimmer ist!" sprach der Peiniger und zog die Feder nach unten. "Sonst immer so stark aber du bist viel zu kitzlig!" kicherte Ardyn, während er sich um Gladios Füße kümmerte. 
"Hahahahahahaha nihihihihihicht dahahahahaha..." rief der Gefangene lachend. "Nicht da? Soll ich mich lieber um deine Achseln kümmern?" fragte er, wissend, dass Gladios Achseln sein absoluter Schwachpunkt waren. "Hahahahahahahaha neiheiheiheihein hahahahahahaha..." schrie er lachend. "Wusste ich doch! Also lass mich deine Füße verwöhnen!" fuhr er fort und umspielte mit seiner Feder seine Zehen. 
Laut lachend lag Gladio auf Ardyns Bett. "Du bist so hübsch wenn du lachst!" meinte der Kanzler und gab seinem Opfer eine kleine Pause. Der Untergebene des Königs atmete schwer. "Willst du was zu trinken?" fragte er nun, was den Atemlosen überraschte aber dennoch nickte er leicht. 
Ardyn ging und kam kurz darauf mit einem Glas Wasser zurück. Gladiolus sah ihn skeptisch an. "Das ist nur normales Wasser!" meinte er und trank selbst einen Schluck. Der Schild seufzte und trank in einem Zug das Glas leer. "Besser?" fragte der Kanzler vorsichtig. 
"J...Ja..." gab er nur knapp von sich. "Gut, breit für Runde zwei?" grinste er nun, was Gladio heftig den Kopf schütteln ließ. "Aber ich habe doch noch so einiges für dich vorbereitet!" kicherte er. "Du sollst schließlich die Feder lieben lernen! Und das geht nur, wenn ich dich richtig kitzle! Bis jetzt habe ich immer nur mit dir gespielt aber ich will auch mal etwas weiter gehen!" meinte er nun und zog aus seiner Tasche eine elektrische Zahnbürste.
Der Gefesselte riss die Augen weit auf. "Das kannst du nicht!" rief er. "Ach? Warum denn nicht?" fragte er. "D...Das wird zu viel!" flüsterte der Hilflose. "Keine Sorge, ich sorge dafür, dass du mir nicht ohnmächtig wirst!" lachte er. "Bitte Ardyn!" wimmerte Gladio. "Oh mein Lieber, wir versuchen es! Wenn ich merke, dass du es nicht aushältst werde ich aufhören! Das verspreche ich dir!" gab Kanzler Izunia von sich und schaltete sein Folterinstrument ein.
Nicht einmal eine Sekunde nachdem er dieses unerträgliche kitzelnde Gefühl spürte, schrie Gladiolus lachend. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NIHIHIHIHIHIHICHT HAHAHAHAHAHAHA..." war alles was er rufen konnte. "Die Reaktion ist besser als ich erwartet hatte!" kicherte der Ältere und quälte seinen heimlichen Geliebten solange wie er wollte damit.
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dokidoki-muffin · 2 years
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AAAAH!!! Dear Ginny! 💖💖💖( @otomiya-tickles ) I wish you a most wonderful happy birthday!!! 🎉🎉👏👏💖✨ Since we were talking about FFXV just the other day, here's a little gift for you! 🤭 I legit found out today that it's your bday so I speedran hell out of this!! 🤣😬🙈🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️💃💃 I hope you enjoy it 😊 All the best and lots of love!! Dokidoki Muffin 🧁💖
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otomiyaa · 5 months
Hi! Did you get rid of your Prompto’s turn? That one just so happened to be one of my favorites you’ve written. Could you bring it back please?
I GOT A TINY HEART ATTACK aahhh that one was one of my faves too! It's still on AO3, phew!
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andywinter16 · 1 year
Been browsing your touchstarved headcannons. Love the stuff. Question: Nyx vs Luche vs Pelna vs Libertus vs Tredd- how do they fare in tickle fights against an SO? (Which big bad glaive squeals? Which are immune till a certain spot is found? Let me know what you think!) XD
Awwwww, thank you so much!!!❤️❤️❤️ I hope you won´t mind but I added Crowe, Axis, Sonitus and Titus, because they also deserve good tickles.
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you are well aware of his weak spots ( on his sides and underbelly), but Nyx is also aware of yours
if you play your cards right, you can hear him giggle 😈
but most of the times is Nyx the winner
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seems unaffected, will hold his own pretty well
is very cunning in tickle fight, and pretty slippery
BUT! Luche has a special spot on his neck, so if you just lightly breath on it .... he would squeal like little girl😈 (this information was not leaked by me, okie)
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I believe Lib is not ticklish for some reason
if you try it with him, he will give you blank stare
but he will tickle you instead, and he would not stop until you cry for help (scaryyyyyyy!)
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sneak attacks you! and knows your weak spots too well
he´s so giddy and has the prettiest laugh *-*
it´s hard to tickle him, because his ultimate weak spot is on his feet and another one is under arms
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vicious tickler! won´t stop until you beg her (and even then she won´t let you from her grasp)
Crowe squeals, Crowe squeals!!!! (I am prepared to die for this information!)
weak spots are on her belly and under her ribcage
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mister " I am not ticklish, I am a big scary dude" is in fact VERY ticklish
... he giggles when you find his weak spot (which are on his legs, thighs to be precise and under his knees)
another tickler who tickles you so much you almost pee yourself (wins most of the time)
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looks so unfazed when you try to tickle him
BUUUUUUUT! if you tickle his loins .... he will be laughting mess
come on, Axis is great at tickle fights! (he´s father of three childen, he has to be prepared for anything)
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another one, who isn´t ticklish
you can try whatever you want, he just isn´t
without mercy when you try to tickle him (better run away!)
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... I just wanted to say, that you´re the bravest person I have ever met
If you try to tickle him, at first. You will get face like in the gif
But Titus has a little secret ... between thigh and his hip bone, there is this little sweet spot which makes squeal
Just little warning, when you discover his weak point ... Titus will has to silence you ( with tickles!!!!!)
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riisume · 1 year
another ffxv fan in the tk community!! welcome :) got any headcanons for the chocobros? -tickleraptorss
Hey there!! Thank you for the ask! I didn't originally have any, I'm honestly shocked. So I took tonight to come up with some! These might be subject to change in the future, but..! I hope they'll suffice for now. ^ ^
FFXV Chocobro Headcanons
-First off, ALL the chocobros are ticklish and you can’t tell me otherwise.
-I can definitely see Prompto being the resident tickle monster out of the bros.
-It definitely backfires on him, though. Especially if he targets Noctis.
-Noctis and Prompto get into tickle fights pretty often, honestly.
-It might take a bit for Noctis to retaliate, but if a few ‘quit it’s’ or ‘knock it offs’ don’t get through, it’s tickle fight central.
-Ignis probably tries to stay out of Prompto’s radar if he can help it.
-Might retaliate just a bit to shoo him away. I don’t see him really engaging much otherwise.
-Gladio… The same can’t be said for him.
-He won’t go out of his way to tickle the others, but if he’s targetted, he will retaliate.
-Strong arms to keep the others pinned while he tickles them, YEP!
-He finds it more fun than Ignis would at least, imo…!
-Prompto’s definitely a squealer.
-Lots of high-pitched laughter, maybe some dorky snorts, very wiggly and squirmy.
-Noctis is probably the type to curl up into a ball and shield himself if he’s losing the battle.
-Noctis also has a really cute laugh, especially when he starts losing his composure. And yes, he very much tries to keep himself from giggling and laughing for as long as he can.
-If you catch him off guard, though, he won’t be able to hold it in.
-Ignis has a very… Refined sounding laugh? His laughter sounds a bit more controlled, but there’s a few spots that can really get him.
-Gladio has the deepest laugh of the chocobros. Pretty rumbly, too!
-You can’t tell me there aren’t times where Promtpo, Gladdy, and Noct all gang up on Ignis.
-Probably happens more often than Ignis would care to admit.
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toweroftickles · 16 days
Tickle Tier List: 100 Random Characters
And I mean RANDOM. This may elicit a WTF or two. Some of these are famous, some are obscure, some are literal background characters. Whatever popped into my head over the last few days, I added it. No thought, just instinct. Take it as you will.
This isn’t necessarily a measure of how ticklish these characters are; just how they react to the idea.
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*Handy dandy guide:*
Krystal, Jellylorum (Cats 2019), America Chavez (MCU), Inigo, Hero of Brightwall (Female, Fable 3), Natsu, Elise (Nodame Cantabile), Nightcrawler, Rouge the Bat
Sakura Kasugano, Palutena, Jenny Wakeman XJ-9, Wii Fit Trainer (F), Princess Anna, Princess Celestia, Isabelle, Peni Parker (Spiderverse), Otherin (Slow Life Isekai)
Barbara Gordon (The Batman 2004), Ahsoka Tano, Balan, Lisa (Ponyo), Shantae, ROLL.EXE, Alita, Harmony Faith Lane (Kiss Kiss Bang Bang), Kiri, Jaden Yuki, Wonder Woman (DCEU), Luffy, Alicia Lopez (Astral Chain), Lisa Minci, Beast Boy, Robin Hood, Neteyam
Kiki, Deku, Coraline, Victoria (Cats 2019), Ellie, Laurel Lightfoot, Ian Lightfoot, Lena Oxton/Tracer, Yip Gaming, Frogger
Ahmanet, Mowgli, Amy Rose, Midna, Ben 10, Gwen 10, Josha, Gella Twins (Star Wars prequels), Kairi, Sora, Jeanne, Rottytops, Drew Saturday, Miles "Spider" Sorocco, Lilith (Darksiders)
Alexis Rhodes, Dust (An Elysian Tail), Booster Mbube (Speed Racer), Berecca (adult, Ninjala), Jonathan Morris, Korra, Wii Fit Trainer (M), Kazuko Suda (The Night is Short, Walk on Girl), MEGAMAN.EXE, Elemental Hero Burstinatrix, Sly Cooper, Mayday Parker (comics), Princess Atta, Vignette Stonemoss (Carnival Row), Melusine (Final Fantasy XV), Zakumi (FIFA mascot)
Gwen Stacy (Spiderverse), Pit, Kate Bishop (MCU), Nefer (Mummies), Arcee, Tiffany Case (Diamonds are Forever), Knuckles, Big League Chew girl, Nightsister Merrin, Munkustrap (Cats 2019), Suki, Fish Lady, Momohime (Muramasa: The Demon Blade), Dr. Madeline Bergman (Metroid: Other M), She-Hulk
Neith (Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown), Risky Boots, Kisuke (Muramasa), Phoebe Spengler, Toph, Veran (Zelda), Sabe (Padme’s double), Zuko, Buttercup (older, FusionFall)
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inmh01 · 1 year
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So I’m always happy to dunk on feminists who scream “SEXUALIZED!” at any woman who displays more traditionally feminine traits, because some of them think any women with a cup size larger than A is “sexualization” and frankly they are indiscernible to me from religious fundamentalists that think any sign of cleavage on a woman is inappropriate.
At the same time, what exactly is happening in your head when you think “a pair of faceless female robots with large breasts are inherently superior in design to other female video game characters because they get my dick wet” is a good tweet that doesn’t make you look like a weirdo?
I haven’t played Atomic Heart. IDK if the robots being sexualized is relevant to the plot or their character or not- nor do I care, because the devs can design their female characters however they like. Sexualize them all you want, I don’t care- sexy can be fun.
But conversely, devs do not have to make their female characters “sensual” or “feminine” to your tastes, because the defining factor of a good female character or their design is not if they get your dick wet.
IDK who the character on the bottom left is, so I can’t fact-check anything else about her character-design. But she doesn’t look masculine to me- she just looks like a woman with short-hair. And I shouldn’t have to tell anyone familiar with video games that a lot of devs are fond of finding ways to give women short (or very contained, like in braids or ponytails) hair so they don’t have to animate longer hair.
The top-right lady (Selene Vassos from Returnal) is modeled on this woman.
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It’s a pretty close match. Are we now going to argue that her model isn’t feminine enough? Selene isn’t designed to be “sensual”, she’s designed in the same vein as Ellen Ripley: A female scifi action character who wears clothing that makes sense for her role. And yeah, those clothes aren’t always going to be particularly “feminine”, because that doesn’t make narrative sense.
Aloy is not meant to be “sensual” either, she is meant to be a post-apocalyptic warrior. Additionally, picking a deliberately awkward shot of her face from the State of Play trailer to downplay her femininity is a red flag that you’re not being intellectually honest. I’ve played this game: Aloy’s face is normal. Dude deliberately found a shot where her face looks weird because of the angle.
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Also, you can get different outfits for her in-game. Some of them are less conservative than others and show off her body and curves more, but most all of them make sense in context for her to wear because they involve armor and animal hides.
And then of course we have the massive L of deliberately cherry-picking these four characters for bullshit reasons when I can just as easily post shots of Lady Dimitrescu and her daughters, Mia Winters, Jill Valentine, Claire Redfield (all from Resident Evil), Kara, Chloe, and North from Detroit: Become Human, Julianna Blake from Deathloop, Elizabeth Comstock from BioShock: Infinite, Dani Nakamura from Callisto Protocol, Bayonetta, any of the female characters from Until Dawn or The Quarry, most of the female characters from Assassin’s Creed and Final Fantasy...
I don’t see him congratulating the Resident Evil team on making Lady D sexy (or maybe that was because thousands of other people beat him to it? I recall Lady Dimitrescu’s sexiness being relatively uncontroversial) or the Final Fantasy XV devs for giving Cindy big boobs and a revealing outfit.
You get my point, right? He specifically cherry-picked four characters (and within that, cherry-picked specific pictures of those characters) that are not overtly feminine in appearance when he literally had dozens of other options to pick from- but those options would disprove his point.
tl;dr bad twitter post, Feminist Frequency would be grudgingly proud of your cherry-picking skills my dude, and female character design does not and should not always revolve around whether or not it tickles your pickle.
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gummysungshine · 5 months
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Corqi arrived 🥰 I'm so glad I found a 2nd charm of Loqi out there in the wild. I was resigned to the fact that I would never find another charm of him, and I'd only ever have one. ❤️
You can find the best boys here (among others, if Bahamut, Gilgamesh, Verstael, or Drautos tickles your pickle): https://www.etsy.com/listing/888328120/final-fantasy-xv-ffxv-bahamut-gilgamesh
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itsgeecheebitch · 6 months
TITLE: Until Darkness Descends
CHAPTER: 46/47
FANDOM: Final Fantasy XV
RATING: Explicit
MAIN PAIR: Ardyn Izunia x Reader
SEC PAIR: Gladiolus Amicitia x Reader
SERIES: The Fall Part 1 of 4
   It was like the gates of heaven opened up and you heard the angels sing. You wondered if this was how true awe felt like as you gazed upon the walls of water that surrounded you and your friends on all sides. The city state of Altissa was like something out of a fairy tale, with light blue and ivory buildings, clear canals in place of hard concrete roads, and the scent of baked bread following you wherever you went. But your awe was short lived. As much as you wanted to enjoy being in a foreign land, you couldn't escape the yoke of guilt that had your heart in a chokehold.
     You promised yourself that you would reveal everything to Gladiolus once you reached Altissa during the boat ride. But now that you were here, you felt like a chicken who just got its head choked off, your anxiety reaching its limit. You breathed around the panic-induced noose around your throat, your anxiety retreating but never truly leaving.
      The thought to postpone the conversation with Gladiolus tickled the back of your skull. It wouldn’t be bad to give it another day, right? The five of you weren't even in Altissa for more than fifteen minutes, and with the mission looming over your heads, it would probably be a good idea to keep your lips sealed until after Noctis gained Leviathan's blessing. You nodded to yourself, making another silent oath you swore this time not to break. Gladiolus didn't deserve to have the weight of your infidelity on his shoulders while he tried to evacuate the city. This was for his benefit and not yours.
       Feeling a little looser, but not at all completely relaxed, you traversed the pristine sidewalk of the fairy tale city. Your group's first destination was the first secretary of Accordo’s office, madam Camellia Claustra. Without her enthusiastic support, there was no way Noctis and Lunafreya would be able to commune with the water goddess. The fate of the mission rested upon her decision and whether or not the prince could successfully sway her to their side.
      You welcomed the pressure of the mission like a welcoming embrace, hoping it would replace the shadow of your transgressions that haunted every corner of your mind. You would've been successful if Gladiolus hadn't suddenly pulled away from the group, saying he had an errand to run and would meet up with everyone at the hotel they pre booked in advance.
     Anxiety punched you in the gut, causing the impact to reverberate through your muscles. Gladiolus hadn't mentioned having to run an errand during the boat ride. He only just recently revealed his reason for parting from the group before. And this time couldn't have been for training purposes. What if he sensed your betrayal? What if he finally put your long silences and distance together and came to the inevitable conclusion? Terror clawed up your throat, making your esophagus burn like it had just been scratched from the inside. You weren't ready for him to find out yet. 
     The rest of your group moved on without him, meanwhile you were silently falling apart behind them. Your anxiety hadn't quelled even once you arrived at the secretary’s office. You paced the polished maple wood floors, dread riding on your back, causing a restless energy to zing through your limbs like a ball flying off the walls. 
     Noctis had disappeared into the secretary's office while you and your friends waited in the adjoined sitting room. The only sound in the air was your pacing footsteps. There was no concealing your nervousness. It was palpable, almost tangible in its intensity, as though you could touch it and grab it. Your ceaseless pacing seemed to catch your friends' attention since Prompto asked, “you okay?”
     Nerves leaped off your shoulders as you looked at him, as though you forgot you were with company. Your throat refused to comply when you tried to swallow, your tongue as dry as the lands you hailed from. “Y-yeah.” You stuttered. “Just a little nervous.” 
      “Don't be, Noct's got this!” He flashed you one of his cheerful smiles. You gave him a weak one in response, one that was weighed down by the chaos you hid behind it. 
      “He may not look as such, but Noct is well versed in the game of politics, such was his education from birth.” Your adopted brother added from his position against the wall. “Have faith in our prince, he'll see this through.”
       You nodded your head, wringing your hands as you did. Their encouraging words did nothing to soothe your frayed nerves. They were completely in the dark, ignorant to what was truly occupying your every thought. You stopped your pacing to look at them, a bottomless sadness made your chest feel empty. You wondered how they would react once it all came out. Once they found out about your infidelity. 
        They would surely hate you. You would lose your boyfriend and your friends all in a single day. The inevitability of it all made you want to crumble to your knees and wail for all of Altissa to hear. In the back of your mind, you heard dream Ardyn’s words of warning, his foretelling of events to come. Your arms froze over with goosebumps as you remembered. ‘Even if you don’t, who is to say your friendships won’t suffer as a consequence?  Do you really think they would keep you in their little boy’s club if you become an inconvenience?’ 
        You bit the inside of your bottom lip, he was right. Everything he said in your dream was true. Despite being friends with the boys for years you still didn’t enjoy the same bond they had with each other. They would choose Gladiolus.Your eyes misted with tears and you rubbed them to keep your tears at bay. Who knew the riff in your friendship would be caused by your own hands, not your overestimated incompetence in battle, or uselessness after three or four heals, but a choice that was completely avoidable. 
       Just like what your dream foretold, your friendship would suffer as a consequence and you would no longer be a welcomed guest in their club. Fifteen minutes of dreadful silence passed when Noctis returned to the waiting room, a triumphant smile on his face that let you know he succeeded in his task. Your smile was weak as your friends celebrated, with pats on Noctis’ shoulder and words of praise.
       Out of the three of them Noctis would be the least forgiving. The two of you weren’t necessarily close, at least in comparison to you and Prompto or even your adopted brother. You considered Noctis a friend and you were sure he considered you one as well. But your connection was flimsy in comparison to the familial bond he had with Gladiolus. He would surely be the first to discard you and not look back. A putrid taste singed the back of your throat at the thought of being the subject of his contempt. The thought of his deep blue eyes cut you before it could even happen. 
       After going over some of the plan, you and the boys journeyed over to the hotel. It was much more opulent than the Leville in Lestallum, with a ghostly white exterior, high archways, and a collection of square and arching windows. Its reflection rippled over the crystal clear water of the canal as you entered. Geometric shapes decorated the wooden floors of the lobby where you checked in. 
      Riding the elevator to the third floor, you separated from the boys to go to the room you shared with Gladiolus, possibly for the last time. An unrelenting knot tightened your throat as you wondered if your boyfriend was inside, waiting to have a talk with you. Your stomach twisted with unease, the door creaking open as you entered. Much to your relief the room was deadly silent and Gladiolus was nowhere to be found. 
       Something scarlet red caught your attention and you looked at the bed. Sitting on top of the plush blanket was a long evening gown. It spilled over the white comforter like blood, leading your eyes to the pair of silver heels on the floor. You approached the bed, your chest tightening when you touched the dress and found it was velvety soft and silky smooth. It was no doubt expensive and definitely not a welcome gift from the hotel.
       That only left Gladiolus. A pang shot through the muscles holding your chest together. The feeling worsened when you noticed a folded piece of paper on top of the dress. When you opened it and read it you felt worse than dirt. Gladiolus wanted you to put on the dress and meet him downstairs in the lobby by 7pm. You looked at the clock hanging on the wall, the hands pointing at 6 pm. That only gave you an hour to prepare. 
       You weren’t sure what Gladiolus had planned, but whatever it was you were sure it would only plant the knife in your chest six inches deeper. Throwing on the dress, you painted your face as best you could with the little make up you brought with you. You were on the elevator riding down to the lobby with five minutes to spare. 
       You spotted Gladiolus immediately once the elevator door opened. He was leaning against the wall, his broad muscled form concealed behind a black suit. His shoes were polished and shone under the fluorescent light, his hair combed smooth and flowed down his neck. The sound of your heels clacking against the floor caught his attention and he smiled the moment he met your eyes. 
         You squeezed your hand with the other and forced yourself not to look down at the floor. This would be the last time you would be on the receiving end of one of those smiles. The last time you would be able to appreciate his beauty, his love, his intelligence, everything you took for granted. 
          Once you were close enough, he handed a bouquet of roses to you. Crimson like the color of overflowing wine and white like the sight of freshly fallen snow. You accepted the flowers and gave him a smile you hoped didn't look as forced as it felt.
         “Thank you.” You muttered. “What is all of this for?”
         “There's a five star restaurant here”, he nodded his head towards the opulent looking door beside him. It towered over the other doors in the lobby and was fashioned in intricate carvings of gold and silver. “Thought it would be good to check it out. It's been a while since I did something like this for you. We may be here for only a short while but you deserve to experience what this city has to offer.”
           Tears filled your eyes without your consent. You tried to blink them away but they overflowed down your cheeks anyway. Gladiolus stiffened. His eyes slightly widened with panic and worry. “What’s wrong?”
           Everything. The fact that you cheated, that you betrayed a good man who didn’t deserve your disloyalty. The fact you would lose your place in the group before the mission was over. Instead of saying what was on your mind, you sniffled and gently wiped the tears from under your eyes. “I just…been feeling overwhelmed lately.” You said. “I just want everything to stop already.”
          Circling his arms around your waist, he brought you into his warm and safe embrace. The beat of his heart played a gentle tune in your ear, his deep voice rumbled in his chest as he spoke. “This’ll all be over soon.” He promised. “ Noct will gain all of his ancestors' blessings along with the gods, he'll reclaim Lucis from the Nifs and he and Lunafreya will get married and everything will go back to normal.” He pulled away from you a bit to look down at your tear-streaked face. His lips quirked in a half smile as he delivered the finishing blow, “maybe after all of this we could get married, I wouldn't mind tying the knot in a city like this”.
         Your chest shattered into a million pieces, leaving your heart beating and abandoned on the floor. Did he just propose to you? Horror froze your face in a state of shock. You didn’t know what to say. You didn’t know what to do. He essentially promised to marry you and you were planning on breaking up with him. Without knowing what else to do, you plastered a weepy smile on your face and let him kiss you. It felt like the weight of the world was crushing your shoulders, shoving you deep into the pits of the earth. 
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tickleraptorss · 8 months
hey i'm raptor! this is my tickle blog. i make art and write sometimes! i'm a lee-leaning switch :> tickling is NOT a sexual thing for me, i wouldn't describe it as a kink, but it is something i think of as intimate and enjoy.
anyone is free to interact with this blog, but please respect the boundaries of the OPs! note that i also won't interact directly with minors (basically i won't respond to dms or anything if ur a minor sorry).
i'm open to making new friends! but do not message me looking to meet up irl if we aren't already good friends. i am not interested in sessions.
i'm in a variety of fandoms:
-xenoblade chronicles
-final fantasy (vii and xv)
-kid icarus: uprising
-guilty gear
-night in the woods
-animal crossing
...and some others i'm probably forgetting LMAO. anything bold and italicized is my current hyperfix!
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ravianefleurentia · 8 months
Tag 1. Eine etwas andere Massage (Prompto x Noctis) FFXV
*tropf* *tropf* *tropf*
Mit jedem einzelnen Tropfen, des Massageöls, welches auf den Rücken des Königs fiel, zuckte dieser leicht zusammen. "Das ist kalt!" murrte dieser und drehte so gut er konnte seinen Kopf nach hinten. 
"Gleich wird es besser, entspann dich!" konterte sein bester Freund frech grinsend. "Aber sei vorsichtig! Du weißt..." "Ich weiß, ich weiß!" gab dieser nur von sich. "Alles gut, ich passe auf!" fügte er noch hinzu und begann das nach Orange duftende Massageöl sanft mit seinen Fingern zu verteilen, war bei der langen Narbe, welche den Rücken des jungen Königs zierte extra sanft.
Schon diese leichten Berührungen brachten ihn um den Verstand. Aber als die Hand des Masseurs seine Seite streifte, konnte Noctis ein leises quieken nicht mehr zurück halten. "Was war...oh!" grinste der Blonde Junge und hatte eine Idee. Doch diese würde seinem wehrlosen Freund gar nicht gefallen. 
"Sag mal Noct, kann es sein, dass du kitzlig bist?" fragte Prompto. Die Antwort darauf war ihm zwar schon klar aber er wollte diesen neuen Umstand etwas für sich ausnutzen. Auch wenn ihm höchstwahrscheinlich eine Rache blühen würde, auf die er verzichten konnte aber dieses Risiko musste er nun einmal eingehen.
"Prompto, wage es dich ja nicht! Ich meine es ernst!" knurrte der Schwarzhaarige und wand sich schon jetzt unter ihm wie eine Raupe. Nur das der Fotograf in der überlegeneren Position war und die Oberhand behielt. "Du kannst grade gar nichts machen!" flüsterte dieser frech aber immer noch ehrfürchtig.
Ganz leicht berührte er erneut die Seite es Königs. Ein Zucken durchfuhr seinen Körper, gefolgt von einem hysterischen kichern. "Oh Noct, das klingt nach Spaß!" grinste der Blonde Junge. "Hahahahaha Prohohohom nihihihihicht hahahahahaha..." flehte er lachend und schlug seine Füße auf und ab. 
"Deine Füße kommen auch noch dran, keine Sorge! Du musst mich nicht so darum bitten!" lachte Prompto und 'massierte' seine Seite weiter. "Ich wusste nicht einmal, dass du so kitzlig bist! Und dabei sind wir schon so lange befreundet!" schmollte dieser nun, als wäre es eine normale Information, die man nebenbei erwähnt. 
Nach wenigen Minuten hörte der Blauäugige wieder auf und ließ Noct durchatmen. "B...Bitte nicht mehr kitzeln!" bat er und seufzte. "Ach komm, dir hat es auch gefallen!" gab der angesprochene von sich und kicherte. Sofort widersprach der Besitzer der Königswaffen. 
"Das Lachen war gezwungen! Und du hast es einfach ausgenutzt!" beschwerte sich dieser. Nun fing Prompto wirklich an ihn zu massieren und grinste in sich hinein. Das sein bester Freund so kitzlig war, konnte er ja nur ausnutzen. Sonst hätte es keinen Spaß gemacht! 
Noctis genoss die Berührungen an seinen Schultern und seinem Rücken. Dies gefiel ihm so sehr, dass er fast einschlief. Er bekam nicht einmal mit wie Prompto sich seinen Füßen zu gewandt hatte. 
Ein spitzer und für den König untypischer Schrei entwich ihm, als er plötzlich 10 Finger auf seinen Fußsohlen spürte. "Hahahahahaha nihihihihihihicht bihihihihihitte hahahahaha..." schrie dieser und versuchte heftig sich zu wehren. 
"Wer einschläft wird gekitzelt! So und nicht anders!" kicherte sein Freund. So ging die 'Fußmassage' noch eine kleine Weile, ehe Prom ihm die Gnade erwies und endlich aufhörte ihn zu quälen. 
"Das war wirklich anstrengend!" gab Noct nur von sich und rollte sich zusammen. "Bist du mir böse?" kam nun die leise Frage. "Natürlich nicht, du Blödian!" kicherte Noct und zog seinen besten Freund in eine innige Umarmung.
So ging dieser Abend mit freudigem Lachen zuende und wer weiß, vielleicht gab es ja noch weitere kitzlige Massagen. 
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ticklefits · 2 years
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final fantasy xv | polyship roadtrip | words: 5,073 | commission for @tickleraptorss​ ♥
Ignis is the type of man who boasts a readiness for anything ; breaching enemy lines for a combat operation or practicing a recipe until he has perfected every single ingredient in the dish before serving it to his loves. It’s become something of a skill truly, but with every skill, comes a price to pay. In Ignis’ case, due to the fact that he, Prompto, Gladio, and Noctis were on the run from Niflheim and could rarely catch a break between dropships of mechanized soldiers or wild beasts harboring hunger, deep sleep was a luxury he simply couldn’t afford. He’s always been a light sleeper though, ever since he was a child, so achieving REM wasn’t something that he sought after when it was time to rest. No, Ignis practically embodied the phrase: sleep with one eye open.
Tonight was no different. He’s become used to the sounds of the forest and the low, ethereal hum of the haven that they settled their shelter upon. It was when his ears pricked to the noise of a slight shuffling next to him, followed by a small murmur of something that Ignis couldn’t readily decipher, when his body fully stirred awake. Noctis is laid beside his frame, and Ignis could tell thereafter that the mumbling was leaking from him ⎯ what ends up catching the royal advisor by surprise, is the fact that the next thing he recognizes is the sound of Noctis giggling. Yes, giggling . With his toes curling and his knees tucked up towards his chest underneath the blanket he and Ignis shared. He halts his movements, observing the softly cackling prince with an expression painting over in a twinge of amusement.
Soon enough, the gentle, huffy laughter provoked both Gladio and Prompto to rise from their slumber. Sluggishly, the two of them met eyes before shifting those tired glances to Ignis, who held but a single digit to his lips and gestured down with his own sight. They follow the signal and after processing the fact that Noctis was giggling and fidgeting in his sleep, obviously experiencing quite the tickle dream, neither Prompto or Gladio could find it within themselves to be cross about being awakened so early. Additionally, no one wanted to rouse Noctis from his dream either. Almost as if telepathically, when they all locked gazes with one another again, they shared the same plan: they would make their sweet prince pay for waking them up a different way.
Dawn breaks free over the horizon, and three out of the four travelers rise to meet the sun. They bathe in its rays as each individual occupies himself with something: Ignis moves to prepare their breakfast, Gladio indulges himself on a morning run near the lake, and Prompto ( deeming himself as the official “Noctis Waker-Upper” ) drags a semi-uncooperative prince out from the shelter of the tent, where he slaps himself down into a chair beside the fold up table. Ignis tsks at him, because he simply won’t tolerate such laziness, and assigns Noctis and Prompto to set the table while he finishes the last bit of cooking. They do so with minimal rebellion, and once Gladio returns from his run, they all sit down to enjoy breakfast together. The conversation begins with Noctis teasing Gladio about sweating up the breakfast table and ends with Prompto snapping a quick photo of Gladio wrestling Noctis into a headlock.
With stomachs full of delicious sustenance and their campsite properly packed back into the Regalia, Noctis nearly chokes when Gladio abruptly inquires of him, “So, what were you dreamin’ about last night, Noct?”
“ ⎯⎯ Dunno. Can’t really remember it, I guess.” Noctis replies in a dry tone, attempting to conceal the underlying anxiety beginning to bubble within the pit of his gut. Why was Gladio asking him this? Sure, there were times where the four of them would discuss the occurrences of their dreams, but this was so out of the blue. On top of that, Gladio singled only him out. It couldn’t be that he…?
“Yeah? ‘Cause, to me, it sounded like it was quite the fun dream.”
Oh. No. Unable to oppose the paint of blossom pink that slowly spreads across the apples of his cheeks, it doesn’t take long for Noctis to realize his fate. If Gladio figured out that he was indulging in a tickle dream last night, then that means… Ignis and Prompto know the same. There’s no way they wouldn’t know!
“Eh ⎯ maybe it was, maybe it wasn’t,” Noctis almost shudders out, exhaling in a manner more shaky than he had desired, with all the intention to remain aloof to Gladio’s teasing tonality. “Like I said, can’t remember.”
His tallest boyfriend gave a mere shrug, and settled into his usual seat in the back of the Regalia. Noctis hoped and prayed to every God who’s name he could recall in that moment, that this entire embarrassing situation would be laid to rest once they were back on the road. But the moment his glance met Gladio’s as he approached the empty seat next to him, he knew his taunts weren’t quite finished yet. Goosebumps raised along the flesh of the prince’s arms, and before Prompto could tread closer to the passenger side door, Noctis grabs him by the wrist and tugs him in close.
“Hey,” He greets him with vocals barely above a whisper, as if Gladio were listening to their conversation intently. “Could you, uh.. Could you switch with me? Just for today?”
The blond blinks, curiosity spreading across his features like a brush across a canvas. “Switch with you? But, Noct, you know I always call shotgun! Plus, I need the leg room. And I get car sick sometimes if I sit in the back seat.”
“Wha⎯⎯ you have literally never told me any of that before.”
“I have too! Besides, you’ve never asked to be in the passenger seat before, so why do you want it now all of a sudden?”
“I⎯! Because! Uh…” He tries to wrack his brain for a viable excuse to use, but nothing except the truth comes to mind. Swallowing in a dry throat, Noctis shoves his hands into his pockets, sapphire gaze no longer matching Prompto’s own. “⎯⎯ ‘Cause I… Gladio’s gonna be teasin’ me if I’m back there with him, I can already feel it. I damn well know you guys.. Heard me last night…!”
Trembling lips can no longer hold back the smirk forming, and Prompto gasps softly, acting as though he just now deciphered what Noctis is talking about. He leans in closer towards his royal love, pursing his lips as if he were about to kiss him, before he leans just an inch or so back, slaps a hand on his shoulder and goes: “No.~” With a turn of his heel, he circulates back to face the Regalia and hops much too gleefully into the passenger seat.
Noctis is cemented where he stands, struck dumb with disbelief. Did that seriously just happen? He’s never been the type to pull status, but right now, in this very second, Noctis heavily considered brandishing the prince of Lucis card with an order for Prompto to give him the front seat. He knows himself too well though… And, with little more than a passing glare, he slides into the back seat where Gladio sits and the smug grin etched along his lips is enough to dance a shiver down Noctis’ spine.
That wasn’t nearly the worst of the teasing that was to come. Gladio all but pretends to read his book, while taking any opportunity he can to poke or jab at Noctis at the same time, whether it be with a finger, his elbow, even his damn knee. The prince squirms against his ministrations, relying on every ounce of strength he can muster to deny Gladio the satisfaction of a reaction other than smacking at his prodding extremities. Ignis and Prompto spare informed glances to one another, a smirk adorning both of their features as they pretend to pay the two in the backseats no mind.
The biggest of the four finally ceases his taunting touches right before they make their first stop of the day: the gas station. They all exit the vehicle, Noctis fleeing perhaps a bit too quickly to give off a sense of normalcy, and into the small shop on the side he went, with the rest of his crew following behind. Noctis offers to pump the gas, leaving little room for opposition when he shoves some gil towards the shop owner and returns to the Regalia without Ignis so much as nodding in response. Prompto giggles slightly at the scene, before something soft and yellow catches his eye off to the side. He bends a knee down to observe what he’s seen and the smile across his lips spreads into a full grin. He picks the item up, cleans it off and pockets it for later, springing towards the door when Ignis calls for him to hurry and that they’re going on their way.
The prince is surprised when they hop back on the road again and Gladio doesn’t make the same moves as he did earlier. He’s leaving him alone for some reason, but Noctis doesn’t completely trust it. He can feel that he isn’t safe yet, there’s a subtle electricity in the air between the four of them that’s got goosebumps rising along his skin. Prompto is the one to break the silence, oceanic eyes seeking out Noctis’ in the rearview mirror.
“So, you really don’t remember your dream from last night?”
Noctis nearly chokes. Why is Prompto bringing it up now?! Of all the random ass conversations the blond tends to initiate during their car rides, he just had to press on with his stupid dream!
“No⎯..! No, like I said, I don’t remember anything from that dream. Why the hell are you guys so invested in it?”
“Well, ‘cause you were makin’ some pretty cute noises during it. You were twitching too, looooots of twitching & squirming.”
Shit. Noctis’ cheeks are beginning to redden against his better judgment, and suddenly, he begins to feel smaller than what he is. “I⎯⎯”
“Giggling too! There’s nothin’ wrong with all that, I was just curious about the details of it!”
“Th⎯! There’s nothin’ to say…! Just, leave it be.” He was going to explode. He could feel it in the pit of his stomach, the swirling butterflies of anticipation that made his lips tremble and his knee shake. Something very prominent told him that they weren’t going to let this go. And truthfully… did he want them to?
Prompto chuckles a bit, but shrugs freckled shoulders and relaxes back against his seat. “Whatever you say, Noct.”
That was the last of that conversation, wherein a new topic is triggered by Ignis, something about the missions they had lined up for today that the prince has trouble paying much attention to. He’s much more preoccupied with the sensation of prickling warmth pooling underneath his flesh, all too similar to the feelings he’d experienced during his dream last night. He shoves his cheek into a gloved palm, sapphire sight meeting with the fleeting views of meadows and rock formations as they drive. He keeps his attention to the nature surrounding them, and sure enough, he eventually dozes.
“⎯⎯Ahah!” Is the small yelp that bursts from a previously slumbering Noctis, the culprit leaning above his form and adjusting his glasses.
“Good, that seems to have woken you up.” Ignis drawls, removing his hand from the prince’s side, slow enough so that Noctis could easily tell that Ignis had squeezed his side to jolt him awake from his nap.
“Y⎯Y’know you could’ve just shaken me or somethin’ right?” Noctis stutters out, still groggy and obviously tired, as he opens the car door and slides until booted soles hit the ground below. He throws his arms up to stretch his cramped muscles and nearly tumbles back inside the back seat of the Regalia when Ignis reaches to pinch at his side once more. “Hey! Ihihignis, cut it out!”
“I’m simply giving you extra aid in waking up; you still appear tired and we can’t have that right now, we have missions to complete.” The advisor responds with a matter of fact tonality, but the smirk playing at the corner of his lips speaks of underlying mischief.
“ Okay , o⎯okay, I’m awake now, alright?” Legs start carrying him off before he even finishes his sentence, knowing damn well that being alone with Ignis with that look can only spell trouble for him. Gladio and Prompto must’ve already gone on ahead and Noctis races to catch up with them, but he hears their boyfriend trailing not far behind him.
When they both catch up to the other two, they relay the information they discovered and all four begin their hunt for the target. Unfortunately for Noctis, Ignis’ cheeky little squeezes were all he needed for his focus to break apart and split itself between the mission and the ghost touches that still linger across his skin. Cobalt hair wisps as he shakes his head to rid himself of his distractions ⎯⎯ he can’t let it be known that their actions have snuck their way under his skin, not with a commission on the line.
And yet… that’s exactly what transpires.
The commission detailed a request to take down a coeurl that’s been nesting too close to the main road and harassing travelers and vendors making their way between towns. The foursome has fought their share of these tempest wildcats before, and though they’re certainly dangerous, if they focus on the task at hand and work together, the commission would be completed easy enough. That was supposed to be the case.
But, regrettably, the entire ordeal proves to be more difficult than need be. In the midst of battle, Noctis doesn’t notice the huge paw, ripe with sharp claws, moving to strike him down, until Ignis calls out to him, and grabs him by the hip and tugs him away just in time. Prompto fires two bullets, with one lodging into the coeurl’s leg and successfully tears the creature’s attention away from Noctis and Ignis. With Ignis’ hand still squeezing against his hip, the prince can only slightly nod when the taller inquires if he’s alright, teeth gnawing down on his bottom lip to refrain from releasing the goddamn yelp stuck in the hollow of his throat.
Seriously? Seriously?! He can’t possibly be this hypersensitive, not when they’re fighting a beast like this?! He could’ve been killed just now! Ignis saved him, and even though he’s since let him go to rejoin the battle, Noctis’ stomach is still preoccupied with the sensation of Ignis’ fingers digging into his hip..
His mind clarifies when he hears Gladio shout his name, warning him of the coeurl’s impending lunge towards his body. Noctis re-focuses, warps out of the way of the danger and then, after ricocheting off of a large nearby boulder, he summons his sword for a final strike and ends it with that blow. Panting slightly, he steps closer towards the slain beast to examine its form and make certain its truly deceased, with the others closing in as well. Noctis, however, steps a little too close to it, as the last few shockwaves pulse off of its frame and reach his upper body.
“Ah!” He jumps back, startled when something of a giggle rips from between his lips. The shocks were weak, much weaker than when the coeurl was alive and using full power, and the ticklish feeling that came with their touch left Noctis’ skin vibrating. His cheeks flush a petal pink, especially when he notices the small smirks each of his boyfriends don. Without another single word, he bends to pick up one of the whiskers dropped by the coeurl, shoves it into his jacket pocket, and immediately picks up the trail back to the regalia. The rest of the crew follows suit, chuckling a bit about how absolutely adorable that was.
After returning to their quest source, proving they’ve completed the deal and earning their reward, Prompto immediately asks if they can splurge a little for a hotel for the night. They’ve been camping for the better part of a week now, but with the heavy funds from the coeurl mission and roughing it out in the wilderness, they should have saved enough to afford a nice room at the hotel in Lestallum, and then some. Mulling it over, Ignis ultimately leaves the decision up to Noctis, who agrees rather easily. After all, a shower and a warm, soft bed sounded absolutely divine right now.
And, Noctis was right. Scrubbing a week’s worth of dirt and grime off of his body made it seem as though he could tackle any problem in the entire world. As soon as he gets dressed in fresh clothes, he makes it his personal mission to sink as far and as deep into the bed nearest to his person as possible, arms spread out across the surface of the blanket. He comes to regret that though, when Prompto leans towards him as he’s walking to the bathroom for his turn to shower, and pokes him a few times along the back of his waist. He relishes in the squeak that releases from his boyfriend, observing with glee as he jolts up and curls into himself. The blond giggles, until he catches Noctis with a look as though he were about to launch at him, and Prompto nearly slips as he flees into the bathroom and locks the door behind him.
Noctis frowns at the shut door, huffing through his nostrils before he jolts once again after circulating around to see Ignis and Gladio standing in the entrance to the room, each one wearing their stupid little smirks well.
“Holy crap.. Maybe you wanna be a little quieter next time, you made so much noise comin’ in the room.” The sarcasm drips off of Noctis’ tone like a leaky faucet dripping water, but there’s a whirling sensation in the pit of his tummy that’s urging him to knock off the sass.
“Tch. Big words for someone as jumpy as you’ve been today.” Gladio rebuttals, recalling Noctis’ little stagger when the coeurl shocks tickled him.
“Honestly,” Ignis chimes in, slowly making his way further into the room to settle into one of the accent chairs near the bed that Noctis occupies, “You’ve got a lot of snark in your voice now, and it’s the first time I’ve heard you this confident all day. I wonder why that is, your highness.”
Noctis gulps, swallowing in an abruptly dry throat, and refuses to meet the other’s eyes. He can feel the heat of color painting his cheeks again, cursing his embarrassment under his breath.
“I⎯⎯” The prince begins, before Gladio interrupts him by joining him on the bed, meeting sapphire with intense honey brown.
“⎯I bet I could take a few educated guesses.” The broad swordsman continues, coiling an arm around Noctis’ middle and grinning when he feels the smaller male tense up, “Heh ⎯⎯ still jumpy, I see.”
Noctis nearly whines when Gladio’s breath trickles over the side of his neck, making a small oomph sound at the display of strength from his shield as he tugs Noctis up and against his chest from the weird, half curled, half sprawled out position over the blanket. Ignis joins after removing his shoes, and soon enough, seconds later, Prompto emerges from a steamy bathroom and pouts at the scene before his eyes. He complains about the cuddle pile occurring without him, but Gladio is quick to pull him into the embrace and silence his bellyaching. The four of them remain like this, enveloped in each other’s warmth and limbs and love, until Ignis catches Noctis fidgeting against him slightly, that dusting of roseate still prominent upon the skin of his cheeks.
Clearing his throat, Ignis speaks up with: “What’s the matter, Noct?”
“Nothin’.” His reply comes a little too fast, a little too breathless for any of his boyfriends to ignore.
“Are you suuuuure there’s nothing botherin’ you? There isn’t aaaaanything in this moment that you definitely want?” Prompto’s sing-song tone is enough to darken Noctis’ flush, because damnmit, there’s nothing better worse than being caught up in the predicament he’s in now. Astrals, he’s such an evil tease.
Noctis bites down on his bottom lip to force back the small squeak that dared to jump up his throat from Gladio shifting, his grip around his waist tightening, as though he were preparing for Noctis to attempt to flee or something. Warm breath finds his sensitive neck again, Gladio’s lips press to the shell of his ear and the prince nearly melts when he goes: “C’mon, what’s got you so flustered, your highness?”
This sucks. It sucks , it sucks , and it’s the best damn thing ever. He can’t remember the last time a situation was like this: being granted such taunting and embarrassing affections from each of his lovers , building Noctis up to the brim right before his boiling point. He hasn’t spilled over yet, hasn’t given in to the sensations overwhelming his body before they even do anything, but he’ll be damned if he isn’t close. Ignis seems to sense this, with his careful eyes and methodical gaze, so when his hand rises, and two fingers settle under Noctis’ chin ever so gently, turning his face to meet with Ignis’, Noctis’ visceral shudder blooms a smirk across Ignis’ lips.
“We aren’t going to do anything until you ask us to, my little prince. Consent is important, after all.”
Noctis curses under his breath and even his words wobble; of course , this is the turn he would take. He studies his advisor’s features and notes that he’s serious, he has no intention of allowing anyone to do so much as poke Noctis without a verbal agreement. Everyone seems to be on the same page too, even Gladio’s grip begins to loosen a bit. Pearly whites now worry against his lips, fighting an internal struggle on whether to give in or stay resilient and refuse. He weighs his options, and decides there’s more cons situated on the side of refusal than if he were to do as Ignis instructs. His stomach is performing backflips and he’s already squirming, succumbing to further abashment the longer he waits to deliver a decision.
Eventually, after a few more minutes of grappling with his thoughts and desires, the prince finally opens his mouth to speak, albeit his words come out hushed.
“Y… yeah, I .. ⎯⎯” He begins, swallowing the lump in his throat to continue ( everyone’s eyes soften as he goes on, he really is too cute ) , “I want… that.”
“Y’want what, exactly?” Gladio urges him, gently, his own vocals barely above a whisper.
“To ⎯⎯ .. to be … tickled ,” The last word leaks out like a dripping faucet, quick and quiet, and almost completely shoved to the side when Noctis keeps talking, “But..! Uh… I want it, kinda.. Gentle. Not rough or fast-paced, like usual, just…” He trails off, growing silent with butterflies, but his boys understand him well enough.
“As the prince wishes.” Prompto calls out, affection poured into each word, as he leans up to plant a soft kiss to Noctis’ cheek.
The three of them take a position somewhere against Noctis’ body: Gladio holding Noctis from behind, Ignis at his front, and Prompto at the lower half of his body. There aren’t any more words for now, it’s time to speak with actions. Ignis begins with digits spidering along the plane of Noctis’ stomach, delicate touches just like he asked for. He squirms, but still remains mostly silent, sapphire sight hidden by the lids as he closes them. He can’t fight back the trembling smile that spreads across his lips though, outing his ticklishness despite there being no laughter yet.
Gladio decides to join in then, raking his nails ever so gently along his sides, and that’s when tiny, breathless giggles bubble up and out of the royal. His limbs fidget against the sensations surging throughout his frame, contending against the urge to keep them out of his boyfriends’ way or protect the sensitive areas they’re targeting.
“We’re barely even touchin’ you and you’re already giggling your head off.” Gladio comments with a grin, bright and loving and just as teasing. His fingers pick up the pace just the slightest bit and when Noctis attempts to bite on his lip for the third or fourth time that day to stifle his laughter, it lasts all of about twenty-two seconds.
“Could it be that it tickles even more when our touch is more merciful? Is that it, Noct? Does it tickle more? ”
Ignis knows exactly what he’s doing, knows exactly the right buttons to push. Noctis is so weak to the way Ignis speaks, especially in moments like these, and it shows from the way he tries to hide his face in the older’s shoulder. Ignis tsks, and removes one hand from his stomach to lift Noctis’ visage back up, shaking his head disapprovingly.
“None of that now, my prince. We want to see that sweet face of yours, isn’t that right gentlemen?”
“Heheh, yep, no hiding, Noct~! That wouldn’t be very fair to us, huh? Not when we’re bein’ such good boyfriends and giving you what you want.” Noctis swears that Prompto’s been the worst out of the trio today, and he’s definitely making plans for some well deserved payback some time soon.
For now, his focus on thoughts of vendetta are shattered once he registers Prompto softly clawing at his knee caps, and Noctis’ new thoughts consist of wondering why it tickles so much worse when there’s minimal pressure applied to it.
“Ehe⎯! C-CraHAhap..!”
“Your knees aren’t usually a bad spot for you; you must’ve been really pent up, huh?”
“Lying’s not gonna get you anywhere, gigglebug.” Ignis chimes in, and the urge for Noctis to hide his face again is strong as ever, the nickname renewing a flush of red down his neck.
The volume of his giggles have heightened considerably, especially so when Prompto begins to alternate between his knees and stroking at the soles of his socked feet. He’s nearly kicked him twice already ( Noctis has determined that soft tickles are the devil in disguise ) and as such, he’s lost the privilege of allowing his legs to be easily maneuverable. Prompto’s moved to settle on top of them, bent over at the waist so he can still reach his feet and Noctis is inwardly grateful that Prompto doesn’t weigh that much.
Still, he’s more than distracted by what’s occurring with his upper body. In addition to Gladio’s fingers messing with his sides, he’s taken it upon himself to make sure that the prince’s ears and neck weren’t left out. Nibbles and kisses scatter all over his skin, from the base of his neck, to the side of it, and the shell of his ears. Ignis occupies himself with his tummy and ribs, stroking the flesh between the bones, and even bending forward to grace his belly with a few kisses that make Noctis snort. Not a single touch, or kiss, or nibble advances above minimal pressure and it’s just about the most flustering thing Noctis has ever experienced in his life.
Not to mention that every new reaction he gives them, whether it be a squeak, a wiggle, higher pitch or volume, they coo at him for it. Whisper sweet nothings to him, comment on how adorable he is, and tease him for being so damn ticklish that even touches as easygoing as these have him unraveling by the seams. And they’re right, because Noctis is so red, so reactive, and his body feels like it’s got low power electric currents running along every inch of his skin, he’s getting intoxicated on the sensations of it all.
He doesn’t even realize at first that Prompto’s went and swapped his fingers for feathers ⎯⎯ chocobo feathers to be exact. Noctis has no clue where he’d even gotten the feathers from , nor when he actually got up to grab them, but what he did know was that the feathers were absolutely twice as bad as fingers.
“Che⎯⎯! Cheheheater..!” Noctis accuses, making Prompto grin and roll his eyes.
“You never said I couldn’t use feathers! Besides, how’s this cheating? I’m still givin’ you what you want, babe!” And for emphasis, he swipes the tip of the feather over the tops of Noctis’ feet, before sawing it in between his toes and Noctis loses it all over again.
He’s lost it multiple times tonight, but every new spike of ticklishness caused a spot or tactic change brings a wide smile to his face, basking in the warmth of the tenderness and care his lovers show him. He’s surrounded by a shower of adoration, he can feel it with each caress, each word uttered, the way they observe him with a fondness unmatched. Just for tonight, any worries or problems they’ve had to encounter in the last few weeks are shoved out of Noctis’ mind. The only thing that reigns in his thoughts, is how lucky he is to be so blessed with this kind of appreciation, this kind of amour.
They continue their ministrations like this, gentle tickles and soft, blossoming laughter, well into the night. Until Noctis can no longer access his internal vocabulary to form words and the only method he can use to signal that he’s truly had enough is when his laughter goes silent and he cloaks his features by burying into Ignis’ shoulder once again. Slowly, all fingers and feathers cease their movements, permitting Noctis to simply pant and catch his breath. His body practically melts into the limbs of his companions, pliant and content and glowing with hazy glee. He accepts kisses from all of them, one by one, followed by one giant kiss with all three of them positioned at a part of his face.
He doesn’t think he could be any happier at this moment, as the evening calms down with the four of them, and Noctis begins to drift off listening to their heartbeats collide into one. A series of lazy good nights and i love you’s lead into Gladio, Ignis, and Prompto following in Noctis’ sleepy pursuit.
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otomiyaa · 1 month
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1K Followers Event
Requests Closed!
Hiii! Ah this is a little embarrassing, I never thought I'd do another milestone event, but then again I also didn't expect to gain followers on this blog after losing the old one, or to continue writing in the first place.
My blog activity is literally bouncing back and forth between tickling, genshin, fortnite, honkai, anime, kdrama and other live actions, cats, capybaras, chikoritas and [insert random obscure fandom] and yet 1K of you decided to subscribe? 😭 Thank you and I'm so sorry!
Anyway, this unretired writer thought a little event wouldn't hurt for fun and nostalgia's sake, so let's gooo.
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I'll only do x reader tickle drabbles for this event! Already got my own huge list of pairings I still wish to write, so for this I wanna do something different...:)
To submit a request, please send an ask with:
Lee or Ler [character name]*
Platonic / Romantic / Erotic🔞
A number of a sentence prompt from this list.
Note: All x reader drabbles I write are gender neutral by default unless requested otherwise + submitting a request doesn't guarantee it'll be written! I'll pick the ones that inspire me most :)
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* Fandoms mainly included in this event:
Final Fantasy XV | Genshin Impact | Haikyuu (post timeskip) | Honkai Star Rail | Mystic Messenger | Love and Deepspace | Obey Me | Tears of Themis
* Some sample characters also included:
Carol Danvers | Gojo Satoru | Hatori Sohma | Hawks (BNHA) | Kate Bishop | Loid Forger | Loki | Nanami Kento | Rengoku | Shigure Sohma | Sukuna | Tengen Uzui | Yelena Belova
OR: (insert character/fandom) = you may always ask me if I'm willing to write a certain character that's from a fandom not on this list, but chances are 🤏^^
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larkawolfgirl · 2 years
Asstastic Round Two (Chocobros)
Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M, Multi Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Relationship: Gladiolus Amicitia/Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum/Ignis Scientia Characters: Prompto Argentum, Ignis Scientia, Gladiolus Amicitia, Noctis Lucis Caelum
Summary:  “Prompto and I were talking,” Ignis begins, “and thought we would ask if you would like to take Prompto’s role from last night. With Prompto and myself instead of Gladio, naturally.” “Shit.” Noctis slumps back in his chair looking stunned. “For some reason, I never thought about doing it, but now that I think about it…” “Of course, if it becomes unpleasant, we will stop.” “Yeah,” Prompto assures. “Just say the word.” Noct takes a moment before answering. “Yeah, sure.”
Read on ao3
Prompto is pleasantly surprised to wake within a cuddle sandwich. Even before he opens his eyes he recognizes the feel of Noct’s messy mop of hair tickling against the hollow of his neck with each breath and the secure hold of Ignis’ arm around his middle. Waking to Noct snuggled against him is commonplace enough, but he is rarely blessed with Ignis’ presence since the man is usually up bright and early no matter what time he retired for the night. Even though Prompto is also an early riser, Ignis has usually already brewed a pot of coffee by the time he sets out for his morning run.
Today, however, the man seems to have deemed their rare day off worthy of extra rest. It’s a special treat being able to watch him sleep and Prompto can’t help but smile at the sight of his relaxed features and wish he had his camera to capture it. The moment is short-lived, as Ignis makes a little groan before blinking his eyes open. His face is blankly composed for a second, then, once he’s fully aware, it melts into fondness.
“Good morning.”
“Morning,” Prompto answers back. “This is nice.”
“It is.” He squeezes his arm fuller around Prompto and sighs. Noctis shifts and mumbles something about “big oafs” making them both laugh. “As nice as this is, I should best begin work on breakfast. Nourishment is in order after last night.”
Ignis looks well-rested for once, and Prompto’s glad. He’s lost count of how many times he’s caught Ignis overtired and overworked.
“Let me do it.”
“As always, your help would be greatly appreciated.”
“No, you stay and rest.”
“Now, love--”
Prompto stops him with a level frown. “What, you don’t trust me alone in the kitchen?”
“That isn’t it...exactly.”
He gives a dramatic gasp. “It is! For Astrals sake, how do you think I eat when the rest of you are away?”
“My apologies.” He makes a sweeping motion with his hand. “Go right ahead.”
“That’s more like it.” Prompto hops out of bed--or as much of a hop as he can still feeling pleasantly sore after last night.
As soon as he’s up, Noct begins to grumble in his sleep, and Ignis quickly moves over to fill in the empty space. The king latches onto him immediately and nuzzles his head into his shoulder.
“See?” Prompto asks triumphantly. “Laying back and letting me cook won’t be all bad.”
Prompto nabs his phone off the nightstand and shuffles out of the room. Fiddling with his music app, he sets a chipper bass tune on low and takes a look inside the fridge. There’s always scrambled eggs and bacon, but he feels like being a bit more adventurous, if only to prove to Iggy he can. Seeing the deli ham, he remembers the breakfast his mother used to always make on her days off. It is a casserole with ham, hash browns, cheese, and cream of potato soup. It is simple enough to not take much preparation but fancy enough to remind Ignis that, unlike Noct, he could make his way around a kitchen.
When he returns to the bedroom and sets a timer on his phone, Gladio is awake. “Morning,” Prompto greets, going over to give him a kiss.
Gladio returns it lazily and stretches. “Morning.”
“Food won’t be done for an hour, so there’s time for a run and shower.”
“Wanna join me?”
Prompto shakes his head with a smile. “Maybe the shower, but I don’t think I can keep up with you right now.”
Gladio chuckles and claps him on the arm. “Who’s fault’s that?”
Prompto chuckles with him. “Hey, I wasn’t pointing any blame.”
“Okay, chocobo,” he winks, “but I’ll be hitting you up when I get back for that shower.”
“Now don’t start getting any ideas, Igster and I already have a plan, remember?.”
“You two are really gonna ask?”
“There is no harm in asking,” Ignis says.
“Alright then.” He stands up and stretches out his arms and legs. “Guess I’ll just have to be good and patient, then.”
Ignis quirks his lips. “It will be worth the wait, I assure you “
Prompto helps Ignis do some cleaning around the apartment while they await Gladio’s return.
When he does get back, he’s breathing heavy and slicked with sweat, and Prompto nearly breaks down when they step into the shower together. Caught up on the adrenaline, Gladio’s dick is starting to stir just from being so close to him, and gods does he look good dripping wet.It wouldn't do too much harm to give him a quick handjob, but he also wants the shield to be just as hard and wanting in anticipation as him and Iggy.
Prompto licks his lips and says as nonchalantly as he can through the sexual tension, “Even though you aren't gonna fuck him, you're still gonna be in involved, alright. No way I'm letting you just sit there and watch.”
Gladio’s dick bounces at his words. “That an order?”
Prompto gives him a squeeze. “You bettcha. Gods, I hope he's up for it.”
“Well, I am.”
Prompto laughs. “You’ve gotta tell Iggy that when we get out.”
All three of them rouse Noct out of bed. Ignis turns the lights on and throws the blankets off. Prompto literally throws himself over the sleeping prince. Gladio shakes at his shoulder, while calling out loudly, “Rise n shine, princess.”
Noct groans and tries to burrow into the mattress but Prompto’s weight keeps him in place. “Too early,” he mumbles.
“Not really,” Prompto says. “Dude it’s nearly 10. Food’s ready.”
The mention of breakfast perks him up some. He rolls his head so he is facing Ignis. “No veggies?”
“Actually, Prompto is the chef today.”
Noct cranes his head to look at him, and Prompto beams at him.
“Nope. Not unless you’re counting potatoes.”
It doesn’t take long to get him to the dinner table after that. Ignis offers to divvy up portions since Prompto cooked, but the blonde is too excited to show his masterpiece and insists on doing it himself.
“So?” He asks with a grin as he watches them each take their first bite.
Noct grins. “Good. Very potatoey.”
Gladio nods. “Yeah. It’s good, Prom.” Ignis savors the taste before answering. “This is lovely. Did you come up with the recipe yourself?”
Prompto blushes slightly at the praise. “My mom used to make it for me. It was one of my favorite memories.”
Ignis takes hold of his hand and smiles. “Now it can be one of our memories too.”
Prompto smiles back.
They eat mostly in silence after that, but Noctis looks on suspiciously when Ignis doesn’t move to clear the table afterward. “Alright. What’s up?”
“What do you mean?” Prompto asks innocently.
“Iggy would usually be washing the dishes by now.”
“I merely plan to enjoy our joint day off.”
“Yeah, Noct,” Gladio runs his hand over the length of his shoulders, “can’t we all just enjoy it?”
“And what do you mean by enjoy?”
Prompto hums and rests his chin in his palms. “What do you think?”
“Sex,” Noct replies immediately and Gladio chuckles.
“That’s a good eye you got.”
“Thanks, so, what’re you thinking?”
“Prompto and I were talking,” Ignis begins, “and thought we would ask if you would like to take Prompto’s role from last night. With Prompto and myself instead of Gladio, naturally.”
“Shit.” Noctis slumps back in his chair looking stunned. “For some reason, I never thought about doing it, but now that I think about it…”
“Of course, if it becomes unpleasant, we will stop.”
“Yeah,” Prompto assures. “Just say the word.”
Noct takes a moment before answering. “Yeah, sure.”
Gladio is warm and naked, prompted against the headboard behind him to serve as a human pillow. It is nice and comfy, and Prompto could have closed his eyes and drifted back off to sleep if not for the anticipation bounding through him when he feels Noct settling himself down on his thighs.
“Shit,” Gladio says, running his hands over Prompto’s stomach, “I don’t know which is hotter. Finally being able to DP you, or watching him finally be DPed.”
“Hard same.”
“Why does it have to be a contest?” Noct asks.
“Why? You afraid of the competition?”
Noct makes a face, which Prompto melts away with a kiss. “Don’t worry, buddy. There won’t be any losers here.”
As if emphasizing his words, Ignis inserts a lubed finger without warning and Noctis squirms forward with a surprised gasp. Prompto’s hands find his ass and help Ignis out by simultaneously spreading his cheeks out and holding him in place.
Nocts gives a quieter gasp when a second finger slips in. “I...don’t need you holding me, ya know?”
Prompto leans forward to kiss his shoulder. “You will once we’ve both in.” He shivers at that.
Ignis works a third finger in and spreads them to stretch him out as best he can. “Alright. This will be easiest if you take Prompto first.”
Noctis nods, and Prompto helps guide him into position, hands still covering his asscheeks. He takes a steadying breath before sinking down, not slowly but not exactly fast either. Prompto leans back against Gladio as pleasure floods him. He can feel Gladio’s dick stirring at his back and he presses harder against it.
“That’s it, Gladdy. Go ahead and use my back.”
Gladio plants a kiss at his shoulder just as Noct finaly takes him in a full thrust. He can’t see Gladio’s eyes, but he is sure they are burning fiercely. “I won’t last long if I start now.”
And gods is that hot. They aren’t even really started yet, and he’s already aching to thrust back and forth between his lovers, so Prompto gets what he means. It’s even hotter when Gladio decides to keep kissing at his neck, then his shoulder, sucking and kissing, so that he’s caught between a hot channel and a hot mouth. Then Ignis is pushing his fingers back in beside his dick, and he can feel the way each one waggles to loosen his walls more.
“Oh, gods,” Noct moans, wigglying his ass back onto his fingers “this anticipation is killing me. Come on, Iggy, fuck me already.” Prompto’s just as impatient. He can’t wait to feel Ignis’ dick hard and hot against him too.
Ignis places a chaste kiss to the small of Noctis’ back. “If you are sure you are ready.”
“I was born ready,” he huffs and Ignis chuckles fondly.
“Then I guess I have no reason to hold myself back, then?” He says it in the form of a question, but they all know it isn’t one. It only takes a moment for him to coat himself in lube and begin to press in. It is a tight fit, Noctis not being used to giant toys like Prompto is, and it is a slow process to fully shealth himself, but finally his full length is there squished hard against Prompto’s. He’s suddenly overwhelmed with the urge to kiss Ignis, but he can’t reach, so he promps himself up with a pout, and whines, “Iggy.”
The advisor is swift to lean over Noctis’ shoulder to reach him, which traps Noctis between them, and the king rocks his cock into Prompto’s abs.
“Holy, fuck,” Gladio groans against his neck before sitting up further so that Noct and Prompto are completely sandwhiched between him and Ignis and finally starting to rub his own rock-hard dick against his back as promised, and honestly, this is as close to heaven as Prompto can imagine. He’ll always be a slut for feeling as much as he can of his lovers.
“Yeah, fuck,” he moans over Ignis lips, “fuck, Noct. Fuck us, come on.”
Noctis gives a whine and bounces as best as he can given his limited room. He doesn’t have much leverage, but Prompto’s still squeezing at his cheeks and being rocked into him with each of Gladio’s own thrusts. Ignis has the most room, though, so he has the most control over the pace, and he’s jerking his hips slowly but forcefully, and Noctis is coming apart at the seams just as much as Prompto is. His head is thrown back onto Ignis’ shoulder as he pants non-stop.
“Shit, shit,” Prompto says, “Gladdy, let’s help Noct, too.”
One of his hands stay on his nipple as the other jams between them to find the king’s instead. Following him, Prompto removes one of his hands from his ass to take his cock. He squeezes at him and rubs the head harder against his abs.
Noct’s forehead slumps onto Prompto’s free shoulder. “Fuck, this is too good,”
Prompto’s thinking the exact same thing as Gladio sucks a hickey into the junction between his neck and shoulder.
Ignis slams in a bit faster and they all grunt in unison.
“Fuck, Specs, please, gods,” Noct whines. He’s clamping down onto them making it even tighter and hotter, and even though Prompto knows he is already close, he’s still dying to feel Ignis’ cock slamming over his length hard and fast.
“Please, Iggy,” he whines as well before kissing him senseless in the hopes it will break him.
Either their pleas or the kiss does, because the next thrusts come just as powerful but in quick sucession, and Noctis sounds close to sobbing in pleasure and Gladio is growling as he attempts to grind himself into Prompto’s back at the same pace. Noctis only lasts a handful more thrusts before clamping down around him and Ignis, and between the tightness and rush of hot seed against his chest and stomach, Prompto’s cumming immediately after.
Ignis groans and Gladio’s hands abandon him and Noctis to reach around to tug Ignis in even harder, and now Noctis really is sobbing as he continues to use his hole. Prompto slumps his head back against Gladio’s chest, watching as the shield moves in to take his place at Ignis’ mouth. The elders of the group bite more than kiss as they jerk back and forth on either side of them, and then finally, Ignis finds his orgasm with Gladio soon after.
Prompto sucks in heavy breaths. He’s so hot and stiky, cum coating his dick, stomach, and back. He’s not about to complain, though, and a goofy, sleepy smile settles on his face as he moves his hands to Noct’s back to hug him. “That was, wow.”
“Fucking hottest thing ever. Not that I don’t love your ass, Prom, but shit, feeling you both there. I’ve never felt so full.”
Gladio smirks. “Wait till I’m in there.”
Noctis gives a huff. “You just assume I’ll let you?”
“Oh, really? You gonna gush about being stretched then pretend you aren’t gonna beg me for my cock? Admit you’re a cockslut just like Prom.”
“Yeah, Noct,” Prompto chirps. “There’s no shame in it. It’s more fun, being honest. You get all the cock you could want.”
“Guess there’s no point denying it at this point, huh?”
“There never was, king charmless.”
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64bitgamer · 1 year
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simplysmilingdrew · 3 years
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GUYS!!! Look what I have found in my old computer!! Directly from 2018, one of my first tickle fanart, with Noctis and Prompto from FFXV.
I remember that it took me a week to finish it... studies, exams, and those damn leopard spots drawn one by one. I love their friendship because Prompto was not someone destined to be alongside Noctis, like Gladio and Ignis, he is not from the Crownsguard and he is not noble... Prompto is the first real friend than Noctis choose, he really worked hard to to win the trust of royalty and his comrades.
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