#fili appreciation week
ironmandeficiency · 1 year
stupid goose
pairing: fíli / hobbit!reader
word count: 2953
summary: a goose followed fili into erebor and refused to leave
a/n: this has taken over my brain
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no one knew where that damn demon bird came from. all anyone knew is that when fíli returned from the markets of dale one day, he was trailed by a goose. this goose demanded in very angry honks to be let into erebor right behind the golden prince, and despite every attempt made to shoo the thing outside, the goose remained.
it honked during council meetings, entertained some of the young pebbles that had returned to erebor with their families, and generally caused a disturbance everywhere it waddled. fíli took to naming his new pet trøbbel, and he grew to appreciate the feathered chaos harbinger.
thorin couldn’t stand the damn thing. it would flap and honk and nip at him at the most odd times, namely when he was scolding his nephews. the king under the mountain was halfway convinced that fíli trained it to behave so.
the days turned to weeks, weeks into months, and trøbbel stuck around through it all. he was a common companion, and a very proper one indeed. eventually he learned some semblance of patience; the standard amount of patience in geese was alarmingly similar to the patience of dwarves.
trøbbel definitely lived up to his name, so much so that when bilbo sent word that he was planning a springtime visit to the mountain in a few months’ time, multiple correspondents thought it fit to warn their burglar about the newest addition.
“dear bilbo,
the company is delighted to hear of your pending visit to the mountain! many things have changed for the better since uncle was crowned king (not his temper, unfortunately for us all). everyone is looking forward to seeing you again, though i do carry a warning with this letter.
you see, a few months ago i involuntarily acquired a wild goose as a companion. he made himself known to me after leaving dale one afternoon and rather violently refused to be parted from my side.
this goose is a mighty beast that honks and bites diplomats (dwalin never loved him more than when he nipped at thranduil upon first glance of the elf) and steals food from the plates of those not paying attention. i warn you because trøbbel is very suspicious of new people, and i don’t want you falling victim to his wiles if he finds that you don’t have snacks for him upon arrival.
see you soon,
prince fíli”
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bilbo was baffled. he was confuddled, stupefied even. how in yavanna’s green gardens fíli ended up with a goose was beyond his reckoning. the last time he heard of a goose forcing its way into someone’s life in this manner was being told the story of how his parents met when he was a wee fauntling.
it was a somewhat rare phenomenon among hobbits to be found by a goose in such a way. they were said to guide hobbits to their soulmates, the other half of their soul as created by lady yavanna. the goddess had to create an animal stubborn enough to aid her hobbit children in finding their soulmates, one that could easily navigate the hills and rivers of their lands, and the goose was her solution.
even though erebor was no west farthing, bilbo could imagine that any goose worth its tail feathers would find a way to survive in the lonely mountain. and, based on the letter he just read, one has.
taking into consideration the thing’s audacity, that bird of fíli’s is definitely a soulmate goose, and a right bugger at that.
the first thing he now had to do was inform fortinbras of this development. as thain and cousin, bilbo was sure that he could find some sound advice there.
now, if bilbo could figure out how to explain that fíli has a hobbit for a soulmate without putting thorin and balin into their deathbeds, that would be just peachy.
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“i cannot believe you, tansy!”
“yeah you better run, you wretched thing!”
tansy the goose had to be the biggest pain in the backside you’ve ever met, and that’s saying something considering the run-ins you’ve had with the bracegirdles.
she followed you to the markets, when you went on walks among the meadows and fields, and even snuck into the washroom to be there when you bathed. in your opinion, it was all a bit too much.
your tansy gave the wizard gandalf a run for his money when it came to disturbing the peace. on days you went to the market, she would follow you and honk all the way at passersby and intimidate them off the dirt path you were on.
she also picked up a very peculiar habit of trying to (and sometimes succeeding to) snag fine jewelry from the booths of dwarrow traveling through from the blue mountains. every time you would turn and see a shiny glint of silver or gold hanging from her beak, your heart would drop to your feet in fear. thus far, the merchants you’ve encountered were very understanding of your feathery thief and harbored no ill will against you as you returned their wares to the tune of an angry goose.
while those situations were mortifying and anxiety-inducing, you’ve reached the end of your rope today. tansy has committed a grievous sin by brutalizing your blackberry patch to the point of there being almost nothing left worth eating and you’ve had it up to your ears with her.
you chased her with a wooden spoon as you ranted about her foul deed and resolved to talk to someone about what to do about tansy the chaos goose. maybe the thain would have some advice?
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“uncle! we’ve got a reply from bilbo!” kíli waved the letter in the air excitedly as he barged into his uncle’s chambers.
fíli follows kíli in, rolling his eyes as he snatches the parchment from his brother’s hand. “no, i got a reply from bilbo.”
the golden prince makes no mention of the second page bilbo wrote to him with explicit instructions to keep it to himself. that morsel of information was for him and him alone - well, for him and trøbbel, of course.
“hurry up and read it!”
“i would if you’d stop flapping about like trøbbel!”
in response to being compared to kíli (or maybe just hearing his name), trøbbel honked indignantly.
“dearest fíli,
it pleases me greatly to know that erebor is flourishing under your uncle’s rule. i am most excited to see you all again, especially in the comforts of your home.
while i thank you for your warning, i have some news of my own to share. there will be a hobbitess accompanying me on my trip-“
thorin cut off his nephew, his bright mood upon receiving bilbo’s correspondence immediately clouding over. “he’s bringing a hobbit lass?” the king’s thoughts immediately sour with thoughts of his burglar introducing the company to a spouse wooed by his tales of adventure.
both brothers caught the sudden wave of melancholy that surged through their uncle. his feelings for bilbo were a poorly-kept secret among the company, but there were none who had the courage to call attention to it.
“you’re almost as bad as kee with interrupting me,” fíli chastised before clearing his throat to continue.
“-there will be a hobbitess accompanying me on my trip that shares in your feathered predicament. with the description you gave me of your trøbbel, i’d bet all of my fourteenth share that he’d get along swimmingly with her tansy. she’s a menace, that one.”
“see uncle, you can remove that frown! bilbo isn’t courting anyone back in the shire!” kíli interjected with a small smile and an elbow nudge, hoping to goad thorin back into a good mood.
fíli sighed the sigh of a long-suffering older brother. “this is exactly what i mean when i talk about you interrupting me, kee!”
“but he was sad!”
“and i’m annoyed!”
one word put the squabbling siblings back in line.
“sorry, uncle.”
“do continue, fíli.”
“i send this letter ahead of me from bree. i hope you receive it in proper time so you can prepare the mountain for the impending doom that will be brought upon by two geese occupying erebor.
if you note the bite marks in bottom right corner and the occasional blots of stray ink on the parchment, those are courtesy of tansy. she sends her well wishes along with mine.
your burglar,
bilbo baggins”
thorin looks at trøbbel where he’s squatted directly on top of thorin’s favorite bedpillow like the cruel beast he is. the smug bastard has a wicked gleam in his eye as if he knows he’ll soon have a partner in crime to terrorize the whole mountain alongside.
oh mahal, please watch over this mountain.
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erebor was teeming with anticipation, both for the arrival of the famed dragonriddler and for the next act of war from trøbbel. for nigh on three weeks, the royal bird has been eerily well-behaved. this was so out of character that fíli carried his companion to óin in the hopes the healer could figure out what malady had struck his friend.
there was nothing obvious to blame for the sudden silence of the royal bird, so the healer told fíli to watch over his bird and take as good care of him as possible.
he didn’t know much of anything about geese, so he simply opted to treat his companion like kíli when he was sick.
a cozy new bed was constructed, fíli monitored his food, and things seemed to be getting better. trøbbel slowly came back to his regular gremlin self, causing chaos that was mildly tamer than before.
at least the mountain didn’t get too comfortable without his shenanigans, because when bilbo arrived with his companion and their goose, all hell broke loose.
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“hmm,” bilbo hummed to himself as he observed tansy sitting demurely on her designated pillow. she’d been oddly calm today, as if she knew where her company was going.
when bilbo explained the significance of tansy’s appearance in your life, you were flabbergasted. the idea of true soulmates was a sweet one yet painfully unrealistic in your eyes, something you read in bedtime stories. but with both bilbo and thain fortinbras’s confirmation that you received a soulmate goose from yavanna, you couldn’t deny it any longer.
then bilbo claimed he knew your soulmate and had fought alongside him against trolls and goblins and orcs and a dragon. he told you that he was rather fond of the dwarves of erebor, and that they were rambunctious and honorable.
but when he spoke of king thorin, the uncle of your soulmate, something was decidedly different from how he spoke of the rest of the company he kept. you could see the way his body visibly relaxed, how his eyes were softer and the appearance of pink on the tips of his ears.
your friend clearly held something more than respect for the dwarf king.
one night around the campfire, you told tansy about your suspicions. for a hooligan goose, she was a rather good conversationalist.
“i think bilbo loves that king of his, tansy.”
“exactly! that’s what i was thinking!”
tansy honks back in response. living among hobbits, she seemed to pick up on some social etiquettes and right now, it was as if you were pleasantly chatting over afternoon tea.
you pondered what to do about this new development. bilbo was always seen as a bachelor, someone unattainable by shire standards. but just maybe, by the grace of yavanna, he’ll find his love in the heart of a king.
“say tansy,” a soft honk of acknowledgement came from your goose, “when you’re done leading me to my soulmate, can you help bilbo find his?”
in years to come, you will swear by the fact tansy nodded at you that evening by the fire.
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“they’re here!”
“our burglar has returned!”
in the distance, they could see bilbo making his way towards the front entrance of erebor and unbridled joy swept through the company. how they’ve all missed their burglar in his absence from the mountain.
bard was walking alongside bilbo, who had dismounted from his pony when he entered dale and was guiding him along by the reins. at bilbo’s other side was another hobbit, presumably the lass he mentioned in his letter, and waddling with pride beside them was a goose wearing a red ribbon tied into a neat bow.
fíli made a break for the front gates as soon as the horn announcing bilbo’s arrival echoed through the crisp air. he genuinely missed bilbo and was plenty excited to meet the goose (and the hobbitess) described in his letters.
trøbbel dutifully followed behind his dwarf, waddling just fast enough to keep pace. at first. but in the distance, the royal goose of erebor heard a honk that resonated so deeply in him that he couldn’t dawdle with fíli, he had to go immediately.
his orange webbed feet pitter-pattered on the stone floors with the intensity of oliphaunts and the speed of rhosgobel rabbits, honking all the way. members of the company hollered after the speeding goose but trøbbel paid them no heed, far too focused on his destination.
“oi! trøbbel you mangy beast, get back here!”
“you ain’t beatin’ us to our burglar!”
the dwarves stood no chance at catching him, only following behind him like goslings in a rather lopsided row. apparently, trøbbel was going to beat them.
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tansy was going to turn you grey long before your time if she had anything to say about it.
that wild beast of a bird strutted into dale with the attitude of the most pretentious hobbits in the west farthing, catching all sorts of strange looks from the big folk who never beheld such a human-acting animal. she honked and nodded to the growing crowd in greeting. you sighed at her antics but carried on, watching as bilbo’s entire countenance changed the closer he got to his dwarrow.
watching the entrance to the dwarven kingdom grow ever closer, you felt strangely lighter, almost as if you were coming home.
before you knew it, there was a stampede of dwarrow emerging from the front gates headed straight towards you and bilbo, led by a goose. logic told you that they were his friends from the journey, that they missed him more than you could imagine missing anyone.
but then tansy let out a screeching honk unlike anything you’ve ever heard in all your days. she immediately bolted for the feathered line leader, not even the slightest bit worried about being trampled by the pounding feet of dwarrow.
“tansy! tansy! oh you reckless fiend, you’re lucky i didn’t cook you on the way here!”
chasing after her was a terrible idea. instead, you elected to watch from beside your pony and hope for the best.
recalling bilbo’s stories, you could point out a few of his companions. bombur with his braided beard that weaves into itself, nori with the star points atop his head, thorin with his raven-colored hair…
the king of erebor was running like a hooligan towards bilbo at full speed, a wide smile on his face that bilbo led you to believe was a nigh impossible feat.
you nudge your friend with a smile, wondering why his feet weren’t going a mile a minute to reunite with his dwarf. “go to him,” you whispered. this seemed to spur him into action, bilbo making a mad dash for his king.
when thorin caught bilbo in a leaping embrace, their laughter was infectious. even tansy was honking joyously with them, echoed by another bit of loud honking you couldn’t place.
looking over, your tansy was nuzzling with the ereborian goose. they were waddling around each other inquisitively at first, then plopped down to the side of the path to watch the joyous reunion of king and burglar.
within moments, you realized what this meant: your soulmate was on his way. oh green gardens, you weren’t ready!
meeting your prince soulmate now, after a ragged journey across middle earth while covered in yavanna-knows-what, had your nerves vibrating with tension. your hands were clammy, eyes flitting around to spot him based on bilbo’s descriptions.
“trøbbel! oi you bugger, how dare you run ahead!”
you heard one voice clearly through the thicket of joyous bustling, and the entire world came to a screeching halt.
your soulmate wore a smile that could have blinded you, and his laughter put you in a tailspin. in the golden light of morning, his hair shone like the wheat fields you grew up playing in.
you had to be closer to him without another moment’s delay.
without your permission, your feet began to carry you into the growing crowd of dwarrow towards fíli. part of you wanted to dig your heels into the dirt because you didn’t know what to say to him! how did one even begin to introduce themselves to the person that the gods made to be their other half?
turns out you didn’t have to answer that question on your own.
in the time he spent on the road with bilbo, fíli learned quite a few pieces of important information about hobbits. they valued their food and their gardens, and placed great importance on flowers and their meanings. so when presented with his hobbit soulmate, he knew exactly how to make a good first impression.
presenting you a few sprigs of purple lilacs, he approached his one with a charming smile. “i imagine you’re starving from the trip here, love. would you like me to fetch you a warm meal straight from the royal kitchens?”
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njordr · 3 months
hello! i’ve been very diligently hammering out this one-shot/short-story and it is now 12k (so far edited) so i thought id share a little blurb, it should be posted sometime by next week at the latest! 🤞
“Baggins.” Kili said the name, scrunching his nose in distaste. “What ugly sod gave you that?”
The sound of cutlery and gnashing of mead quieted in the wake of Kili’s, otherwise obnoxious question. Hobbits being an incredibly private species, to ask of one’s family was often taken as romantic interest. Knowing better, he cleared his throat before speaking.
“My father,” Bilbo responded flatly, more annoyed by Kili’s pestering than the question itself. His parents had both been dead twenty some odd years, he was well acquainted with the old grief. “—And he was quite ugly in his old age. Not as ghastly or brutish as a Dwarf, we have a reputation to uphold you know!”
The company grumbled in slight offence. Those who listened. “What of your mother?”
Bilbo raised an eyebrow from where he sat at Belen’s large, stretching wooden table. The Hobbit did his best to hide his amusement. “Before she married my father she was a took.”
“A took.” Kili exchanged glances with who, Bilbo could not see. Though the interaction only served to widen the young Dwarf’s smirk. “What is that?”
“They are names,” He huffed. “My father was a Baggins and my mother a Took. Should you ever find yourself with your nose in a book instead of in the business of others, you might learn that names have reputation.” Kili’s expression stuttered, cheeks darkening with amused embarrassment as he grinned. Non Perturbed by the Hobbit’s insults.
“Took,” Kili emphasised his prononciation with flying spittle. “Hobbits are strange little things, next time we visit you’ll have to introduce us to her.” The Dwarrow brought his mead to his face, taking a long swallow that sloshed out the sides of his mouth and down his face.
“Oh, my mother passed long ago.” Bilbo said as casually as you might tell someone the weather. Twenty-some years now, he’d long since stopped counting to save himself the heartache of reminder.
Kili choked on his food, eyes blown wide as he searched across the table for another pair of eyes to glance into to share in his horror. Bilbo felt Thorin’s eyes, burning concerned holes into the side of his head but he brushed the look of sympathy in their eyes off.
“My mother enjoys painting.” Fili chimed in, muttering under his breath as though it was a soft topic for him. Bilbo appreciated his consideration, but felt a lance of embarrassment with the attention. “She also enjoys cooking until there is nothing left; makin’ sure we’re stuffed. She makes a good stew. Plays the harp real well.”
“Aye.” Gloin hummed in agreement. “My Gimli loves it!”
Bilbo felt any and all prior grievances with the pair of brothers melt away from him. They were good boys, sons. Inwardly, The Hobbit swore that he would see them back to their mother at all costs.
“She sounds lovely.” He met Fili’s gaze; as intense and deep as his Uncle’s. Softer though, as he ducked his head in quiet appreciation.
When his gaze flickered to Thorin at the head of the table, he was pleasantly surprised to find The Dwarf looking back at him. His blue eyes softened for a moment before they flitted away again.
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Fili X Reader - Restless
✿ Words: 2,688
✿ Themes: Kinda(?) Angst, Fluff
✿ Prompt: After the Battle of the Five Armies, you are tasked with keeping the line of Durin alive.
✿ Posted: 2/19/23
You had merged into Thorin’s company when they stumbled upon Beorn the skin-changer. You just happened to find Beorn a few weeks earlier as a traveling healer. After you helped with the injuries they had, it was decided by Gandalf that you would continue with them. You spent a good three months with Thorin and the company and had come to appreciate them all, and them you. 
You loved watching Ori knit next to the fire. He was even sweet enough to teach you how to mend your own clothes and made you a pair of knit gloves that you carry with you at all times.
Bofur would tell the funniest stories when you and Bombur prepared dinner with him. You could always tell it was a really good story whenever Bifur would laugh and slap your back, saying words that you could understand.
Oin shared his healing techniques with you, and you to him. It was a wonderful learning experience that would come in handy later on. He also gifted you a small satchel to carry herbs in. 
Gloin always has something to say about his beloved wife and son. You would always hear groans from the other members, but you loved listening to him rant and rave about his family. It was so cute to hear how much he loved them.
Thorin and Dwalin were both tough nuts to crack. Thorin seemed to welcome you in once you spat in the face of Thranduil in Mirkwood. You ended up buttering up Dwalin on accident. You had some cookies from another passing traveler that you helped and were eating a few when you noticed him eyeing down the small bag you were holding. You tied the top of the bag and tossed it to him. He seemed frazzled at first but grunted in appreciation.
Nori was an annoyance, but you still enjoyed him. You would always find him looking over something of yours that had miraculously ‘fallen’ out of your bag. He did try teaching you how to pick-pocket, but you weren’t very good at it.
You loved Dori and Balin. They were the ones that you would always go to for advice. They were the grandparents you never had. Dori especially seemed very mothering towards you, going as far as making sure you always were close enough to the fire.
Kili was a menace when it came to his teasing. There wasn’t a day that went by without some sort of joke that would make your cheeks heat up. You were glad you could take some of the attention from Bilbo though.
You loved going to Bilbo when you needed a civilized and calm chat. You both spoke of simpler times and gardens.
Fili… Oh, Fili was something special. Despite being like his brother, there was something else about him that just completed you. When he stepped in front of you to defend you from a spider, your heart fluttered. When he waded back into the water to pull you from your barrel, your stomach did flip-flops. When he grabbed your hand for comfort when his brother was sick, you nearly exploded. 
When you reached Erebor, you ended up spending even more time with him as you both were on the same schedule looking for the Arkenstone. You hated to admit it, but you’d come to fall for the blonde dwarf, and spending every waking moment with him didn’t help. You only ever confessed your crush to Bilbo when he caught you gawking at Fili who just bathed in a stream. You never dared to tell Fili, too scared to ruin what you had now.
After the battle of the five armies, the line of Durin returned to you tremendously wounded. We’re talking twenty minutes from death kind of injuries.
You and Oin were working around the clock trying to repair the damage that was dealt to your newfound family. Your weak heart allowed tears to fall from your eyes as you worked on Thorin, worried that they all wouldn’t make it. A few hours later you managed to stop the bleeding and suture any lacerations or mutilations.
By the twenty-sixth hour, your mind was worn out as you sat on a table mixing a salve as Oin mixed up the decoction. It was silent in the room, the only sounds being the small clinks of glass and breathing.
You jumped when you heard the door squeak open, the head of Dori popped in and you nodded at him, continuing with your work. He took this as an okay to come in, his eyes looked over the three men laying on the beds.
“How are they?” He asked, not making eye contact.
You had a grim smile on your face as you mustered up some words, “Mostly stable.” 
You watched out of the corner of your eye as Oin’s head lightly drop before lifting again, You slid off the table and placed down your finished salve. You walked to Oin and plucked the decoction out of his hands.
“I’m not done with that!” He grumbled, reaching up for it. You moved it out of reach and walked to Dori, placing your empty hand on his shoulder.
“Do me a favor and get him to bed.” You pleaded, eyes looking between his. 
“I don’t need to sleep. There’s much work to do!” Oin tried to argue but you just shook your head.
“It’s no help to either of us if you faint from exhaustion,” You gave him a sympathetic look. “I can handle it, don’t worry.” He grumbled a bit but didn’t fight as Nori led him out of the room.
You spent hours delicately washing the blood off of the dwarves' bodies and coating their wounds in the salve. By the time you were done and pouring small amounts of the decoction in their mouths, you were half asleep. 
Your head lightly raised when a knock sounded on the door. You hummed in response as you began to gather all of the bloody tools that needed to be cleaned. The door creaked open and a grunt met your ears. You peeked over your shoulder to look at the dwarf who entered, Dwalin and it looked like Bofur was right behind him.
There was a low whistle from Bofur before he spoke, “Lass, I mean this in the nicest way,” He started. “You look terrible.”
You scoffed as you dropped the metal tools into a large basin. “I’m well aware, thank you.” You slowly blinked before turning on the water, a soft sigh leaving your lips as the cold slightly shocked you awake. Wiping your hands off on a towel, you pushed the herbs to the side now.
“Are they-” Dwalin stopped mid-sentence, seeing a sorrowful look in his eyes. You’re sure he must be in as much pain as yourself, seeing his best friend laying there.
You moved to him placing a tired hand on his shoulder in reassurance. “All alive. I’ve been keeping a keen eye on them.” You lazily smiled. You walked over to Fili’s bedside, a downcast look as you brushed the hair off his face. You closed your eyes for a moment, taking in a deep breath.
“When’s the last time you’ve slept?” Bofur asked. You thought for a moment and shrugged as you stood there. 
“Not that long ago. I’m alright.” You brushed him off, opening your eyes and continuing to work on organizing the herbs back to where they were originally.
You weren’t aware of the looks that Bofur and Dwalin shared behind your back but it wasn’t long before Dwalin stepped forward and grabbed your hips, heaving you over his shoulder. A gasp slipped out of your mouth. You went to fight him, but limply hanging there only made you realize how tired you were.
“Sleep well dove!” Bofur’s voice called to your and Dwalin’s retreating form.
-.-.-.-.-.-.- 2 Weeks Later -.-.-.-.-.-.-
You and Oin had been keeping Thorin, Fili, and Kili under constant supervision. This meant 12 hours of your awake hours you spent in that room treating them.
Today, you were walking towards the room. You had a heap of books you planned to read during your downtime, but you froze in place when you could hear a voice inside the door, then a familiar laugh.
You rushed forward, books clattering to the floor, slamming the door open and looking towards where Kili lay. He was awake!
“Oh, Kili!” You cried out, running to the side of his bed and dropping to your knees. You grabbed onto his hand, excited to see one of your friends awake.
“Did you think I would die that easy?” He teased in a weak voice. You laughed and shook your head.
“I’m so grateful for that.”
 -.-.-.-.-.-.- 1 Month Later -.-.-.-.-.-.-
You had been talking to Oin in the corner about making a balm for Kili to use on his own when you heard a low groan. You both turned towards Kili, expecting him to be whining about his pain again but he was staring at his uncle. You turned your gaze upon Thorin, watching his face scrunch up before his hand twitched. You quickly moved forward, bending over him and placing a hand on his shoulder.
“Thorin? Thorin can you hear me?” You asked before turning to Oin, “Can you hand me the macerate-” You were cut off by a painful hand around your arm, Thorin reeled forward screaming out a war cry. 
Oin rushed to help you hold him down and attempted to calm him, but he acted as though he was still in the middle of battle. You received a good punch to the face, stumbling back before rushing forward again and holding him down with more ferocity. If it wasn’t for Kili, who stumbled into the hall and called out at the passing Dwalin, you’re sure you would have received much worse.
When Thorin finally calmed down and came to, he looked at you with a horrified expression.
“My deepest apologies, (Y/N). I thought you-” You smiled and placed a hand on his.
“Thorin, it’s alright. You’ve been through much more than I.” You reassured him with a small pat on his hand. “I’m just glad we all have you back, King under the mountain.”
-.-.-.-.-.-.- 2 Months Later -.-.-.-.-.-.-
Kili and Thorin were both mostly on their own at this point, only coming in every now and then for a tincture to help their pain. 
But Fili… Fili was still sound asleep.
Every day you would talk to him as he lay in that bed. While you talked you would do things like clean him up, change his bandages, and even mix up some medicine just to prepare for the worst.
Today was draining. New dwarves were flooding into Erebor and in your free time, you were helping the others by showing the new Darrow their way around the mountain. Oin had a rough day himself and asked if you would be okay to cover his shift. You knew that nothing ever happened so you accepted.
You had just packaged up a few salves when a yawn hit you. You could probably get away with a small rest even though you knew you weren't supposed to. Your eyes glanced at the empty beds before they slowly drifted to Fili. Slowly shuffling to his bedside, you examined his features. He looked so comfortable and warm. You crawled up next to him, before carefully laying down. You lightly rested your head on his chest, ear pressing against the fabric covering his torso.
“Your heartbeat has always been so calming to me, Fee.” You hummed to yourself, letting your arm trace over a scar on his arm. 
“I wish I told you how I felt before this happened. Hell, I wish I could tell you now.” You sighed, shutting your eyes and focusing on his heartbeat. 
“No one is around to hear, I don’t see any harm…” You opened your eyes, moving up the bed towards his face. “I love you, Fili. From the moment I laid eyes on you I knew I did.” You placed a light kiss on his cheek.
“I would do anything just to see your smile again, to hear your laugh, to see your eyes sparkle in the sun.” You whispered before resting your head down on his chest again, slowly giving into the darkness of sleep.
You groggily blinked as you woke yourself up, unfurling yourself from Fili’s side. You grabbed onto Fili’s arm which now wrapped around your waist. You must have moved it while you rested.
“Oh Fili, your skin is so soft..” You murmured, bringing his hand up and placing a kiss on his palm.
You brought your head to rest back on his chest, “If you were awake, I would tell you how much I adored you…” you sighed. “How much I miss you…”
A few minutes passed as you laid on him, there was still so much you had to do before Oin came in, “I should probably stop talking and get to work.” 
“Please keep talking, I love the sound of your voice.” A throaty voice crackled in your ear.
You let out a shrill scream as you flailed and fell off the bed with a slap against the cold stone ground. You stared up as you could hear the shifting of him on the bed.
“Fili?” You whispered as you shakily stood off the ground, his blue eyes were cracked weakly but a bright smile still played on his lips.
“Hello sweetling.” He cooed, arm feebly reaching out for you. Had it not been for your excitement of seeing him awake, you would have thought more about what he called you.
You swiftly crawled onto the bed next to him, sitting on your knees and cupping his cheeks. “Oh, Fili…” You whimpered, examining over him.”I didn’t think you were going to wake up…” 
He used his hand against your back to gently direct you down until you were spooned to his side. “For a while, I dreamt of nothing. But then, it was you.” He sucked in a small breath, his hand coming down to rest on your cheek. “When I was about to give up, you came forward, urging me to return to you.”
You pressed into his hand but furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, “What are you saying?” 
“I love you, (Y/N). I should have told you before I left you on the ramparts.” He whispered, “The last few days I listened to your words of adoration, and I knew you felt the same about me.” He confessed
Your breath hitched in your throat. He had heard you. He had heard it all! Your cheeks heated up as you opened your mouth to find something to say, but all that came out was a pathetic squeak.
“I want to court you.” Fili announced confidently, his smile unfaltering on his stunning face.
“Fili…” You muttered in shock, his thumb brushed away a tear that escaped your eyes.
“It doesn't have to be now,” His voice lowered to a desire-filled whisper. “But I cannot possibly stand another second knowing you are not mine.” 
You shifted where you lay, choosing to instead move and hover over him. He breathed deeply as you looked over him, his free hand coming up to rest on your waist. Your stomach did backflips as you leaned down, gingerly just brushing your lips together. He quickly leaned up, locking your lips together. His lips were feathery as you both familiarized with each other. He tasted of the tincture you’d last given him, and something else that was just so uniquely him. 
His hand gripped your side harder, pulling you down until you were rested on top of him. Your cheeks burned as you reached up to brush a hand against his bearded chin. You reluctantly pulled your lips apart, Fili leaned up to try and follow but you placed a hand on his chest to keep him there.
You lovingly sighed as you bent down, pressing your foreheads together. “I am yours, FIli. I always have been.”
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Today on Hobbit-Headcanons:
What would the company of Thorin Oakenshield enjoy about the Modern World?
One of my WIP transports the company to our world shortly before they're supposed to reach Rivendell, and into the apartment of my OFC.
So here is a list of things I think each character would enjoy about the Modern World:
Thorin: Google Maps, Siri (will totally argue with her like she's real), Shows like The Crown, Game of Thrones, but also Bridgerton, Democracy (yes you read that correctly), Rock music
Fili: Birth Control (can finally fuck around without risking the royal lineage), Superhero Movies (has an huuuhe crush on Black Widow), Tinder, Martial Arts, Feminism, Henley shirts to show of his muscles, bars & clubs
Kili : TikTok (LOVES cat videos, Top Content Creator about Archery, 'deep thoughts'/rambling, 'prank my uncle/brother with me', does EVERY challenge, accidental thirsttraps & flustered by the comments), Parkour, Man Buns & (Hipster-) Fashion, LGBTQ+ - Community , karaoke bars, team sports, the zoo
Bofur: modern music (especially pop songs with dirty lyrics), Tumblr (is no. 1 shit-poster), music festivals, arts&crafts blogs, Christopher's Streets Day
Bifur: Google Translate, Modern Medicine, Pain Medication, ASL, RomComs (trust me), helps out in an animal shelter, country music
Bombur: Cooking Shows (has his own Online Show), Kindergarten (he had so many children, the reprieve would be SO appreciated), international foodstuff to try
Dwalin: Guns, MMF, store-bought cookies, sport shows (AGRESSIVE fan for whatever team he randomly picks), Barbecues
Balin: Twitter (the political possibilities!!!), mental healthcare (he's sending the whole line of Durin he had no time for their shit), Spa Days, public schools, classical music
Oin: Modern Medicine (Duh), hearing aids, physiotherapy
Gloin: bitcoins, the stock market, Facebook (posts daily about Gimli)
Dori: hair tutorials, fashion shows, tracking devices (has totally microchipped a drunk Nori at some point)
Nori: hacking, movies with the lovable rogue as the MC (Pirates of the Carribbean, Deadpool etc.), spy movies (duh), the mafia (yes, he becomes a boss within weeks)
Ori: Wikipedia, public libraries, tutorials for EVERYTHING (knitting, cutting your own hair, how to talk to royalty, fancy war cries, you name it), fantasy novels, public schools
Bilbo: Food blogs, the "ignore call"-button, Instagram, university (will mayor in at least three subjects), museums
Gandalf: the Internet as a whole, email/ instant messaging, yard sales, modern weed, museums (has a knack for finding cursed items), adventure movies (after watching Indiana Jones he seriously debated obtaining a whip)
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tolkienfamilyweek · 1 year
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Hello everyone!
This year we are back with Tolkien Family Week, an event dedicated to showing appreciation for familiar relationships in Tolkien's work - be it The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion or beyond.
Below is a list of non-mandatory prompts to take some inspiration from:
Day One Parent-child relationship - From Lúthien and Dior to Samwise and Elanor, on this day we encourage you to explore the relationships between mothers and fathers and sons and daughters!
Day Two Siblings - Tolkien presents us with many pairs of siblings throughout all the ages of Arda. This day is devoted to relationships between brothers and sisters, such as Fili and Kili or Galadriel and Finrod.
Day three Extended Family - Cousins, uncles, nieces, grandparents. Family trees goes beyond the traditional household members. Finwë with his numerous grandchildren, Théoden with Éomer and Éowyn - this day is dedicated to them.
Day Four Cut Ties - Families can break apart. Disagreements, rivalries, separation, death - their presence is a never-leaving shadow in Arda. One only has to look at the likes of Fëanor and Fingolfin.
Day Five Found Family - Families can break apart, yes, but at other times, they can also be in found in unlikely places. From kidnap fam to adopted distant cousins, this day is for exploring them.
Day Six Ancestors and their Legacy - Every family has its roots somewhere. On this day we look back to where the great families in Tolkien's works came from and what those ancestors left behind for their descendants.
Day Seven Freeform - Did we forget about something or is there a prompt you want to revisit? Feel free to use this day for any family related content!
The week will run during the last seven days of November 2023 - 20th to 26th - and will be hosted by @tilions and @armenelols. We will operate in a mixture of queued posts and direct reblogs.
Some minor clarifications:
Please tag @tolkienfamilyweek and put #tolkienfamilyweek in the first five tags of your post so that we can find it
Feel free to send us an ask should your post not be reblogged
OCs are welcome
All kind of content is appreciated - edits, art, writing, headcanons, analysis, let your imagination run wild
The ask box is open for any remaining questions!
We are looking forward to your creations!
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gatheringfiki · 5 months
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The following ficlet was written by @marigoldvance​ based on this photoset.
Fili/Kili, T.
You might also be able to read this story on AO3.
If you’ve enjoyed this story, please leave a comment either in replies or on AO3. :)
By Any Other Name…
Long-haul freight trucking isn’t for everyone. Days, sometimes weeks, away from home; a lot of gas station coffee, leaky motel rooms, and diners with sticky floors and dead-eyed waitresses whose smiles reflect lifetimes of missed opportunities.
Fíli fell into it after uni.
Unlike the majority, he loves his time on the road. Appreciates the peace the job offers. Of course, he misses his loved ones when he’s away for lengths of time, but he’s always been a bit of a hermit. He’s better at listening than engaging, which is perhaps why he considers the radio perfect company.
In particular, a mid-morning radio show that he maybe-sort of-but not really schedules his day around.
            “—And that was Last Christmas by Wham!. Sorry to those of you who almost made it this year!” The DJ cackles, not sorry at all. “Better luck next year.”
            “You’re a menace.” The cohost snorts before introducing the next song, something from the Top 40 to keep things moving.
Kíli Oaks is an incredible radio personality who makes the time pass quickly. Fíli deeply enjoys listening to Kíli’s show whenever it’s on, be it when he’s hauling freight or at home in his kitchen. And while it could be said that harboring a crush on a celebrity is a waste of energy, Fíli is content to indulge it.
His mother worries his interest in Kíli Oaks is hindering his chance of finding someone, “what with dedicating your attention to a disembodied voice.”
It’s a point of contention between them, but Díssandra Durin is a good mum and does her best to be supportive.
Exhibit A:
            “Doesn’t that man on the radio live in Pelargir?” She asked Fíli before he left.
She shrugged as if to say not that it matters, but “Aren’t you going to Pelargir?”
            “Mum, even if I lived near the radio station, the chances of ever meeting him are slim to none.” Fíli said, trying to keep his tone light despite it being the third time she’d made a remark of that nature.
            “You never know.”
            “Trust me, ma, I know. It would be weird, wouldn’t it?” Not that Fíli was angling for an answer. Of course it would be weird.
            “Or it could be a funny story you tell your kids one day.”
Fíli eyed his mother suspiciously, “Or it could be a traumatic story he tells the police.”
He expected her to drop the issue but, instead, she jutted her chin toward the coffee table and said, “Either way, that’s for you.” and carried on knitting as if she didn’t just blow the top of Fíli’s head off with surprise.
Fíli’s stomach clenches in excitement, glancing at the envelope on the dashboard.
While his mother doesn’t endorse his crush on Kíli, she found out about a Christmas special Kíli and his cohost are putting on to raise money for a Christmas charity. In front of a live audience.
An audience Fíli now has a ticket to be a member of.  
He doesn’t know how she did it, considering Kíli has more fans than there were tickets (the show sold out in minutes after the tickets went live), but Fíli’s infinitely grateful.
He listens as Kíli reads a listener’s text aloud, adding an anecdote of his own before both he and his cohost dissolve into fits of breathless, soundless laughter.
            “—That’s not what I said!” Kíli wheezes after his cohost accuses him of defiling a snowman.
Their producer urges them along, trying to herd the chaos into something manageable but Kíli and his cohost keep bantering.
            “Boys,” The producer says sternly, “The next song, please.”
Fíli imagines Kíli wipes the tears from his eyes and composes himself, “Right, right, right,” It seems that what’s cued to play isn’t what Kíli expects because he barks another laugh, “Nooo!’
His cohost squeezes the title of the next song out between giggles, “Here’s Snowman by Sia.” And off they go again, their laughter cut off as the song starts to play.
Fíli grins like an idiot, as if he’s part of the silliness. The adolescent, world is my oyster, everything is possible part of him would love to exchange funny stories with Kíli, watch him laugh until his eyes are glassy, cheeks ruddy and wet. The realistic, adult part of Fíli understands that such things can only happen by divine intervention. Which, in his experience, doesn’t actually exist.
Thus, he’ll go to the show, have a good laugh, respectably ogle Kíli from afar, and then end his evening reading over a cup of mulled wine.  
“He’s so … sad.”
“Are you sure he isn’t too—” Finding the correct words to say ‘serial killer’ without actually saying ‘serial killer’ is difficult. “—antisocial?” Is just as bad, really, but better than ‘maladaptive’ or ‘socially awkward’.
A long, tired groan sounds from between the other two voices. “Don’t either of you have anything else to do?”
            “No.” The first two voices say in unison.
Meet Divine Intervention.
Thranduil peers into the Palantír, silvery hair curtaining his expression, though Gandalf guesses it’s one of disdain. Thranduil has a type; usually six-foot-four and Doriathen, with yodeling accents and donning colorful knitwear.
By contrast, Fíli Durin is a combination of broad strokes and blunt shapes, and a penchant for more subdued seasonal layers.  
            “He isn’t too far away, is he, Gandalf?” Radagast wonders, hovering over Gandalf’s shoulder to watch Fíli’s image in the milky glass, “Will he make it on time?”
            “If you two leave me to my work, I can see to it that he does.” Gandalf puts as much emphasis behind his words as he can muster around the bit of his pipe.
Thranduil and Radagast are deliberately trying to sabotage Gandalf’s progress, he’s certain. It isn’t his fault he has the reputation of casting some of the most intricate and everlasting Tapestries—or as Belinda from HR, in an attempt to rebrand the realm into the 21st Age, calls them: Love Stories.
Gandalf puffs his pipe grouchily at the idea.
As long as there have been a moon and stars, there have been Weavers tasked with the choosing and care of the roses from Lorien’s garden. Each rose contains within its petals a communion, some more momentous than others, but all serving a significant purpose in the lives of those selected to sustain them. A Weaver’s sole responsibility is to match a pair worthy of a rose’s influence and have them meet before the final petal falls. If things go well, the rose blooms anew, radiant and golden, until the span of the—Gandalf shudders—Story is complete.
Well, nothing happens. Some roses aren’t meant to be epic tales worthy of Shakespearean prose, mild in colour and force. Other roses burn too bright and fizzle out before a Weaver can say Tom Bombadil. It depends partially on the rose and partially on the Weaver’s capabilities.
And Gandalf’s capabilities far exceed those of many Weavers, a fact highlighted by the shelves of thriving roses encases in their glass cloches.
He has full confidence that the pair he selected are absolutely perfect for each other.
Fíli may be content in his aloneness, but he is strong and patient and has so much love to give. And Kíli? Kíli is—
“You’re being obnoxious, Kee.” Boromir says, slingshotting another rubberband at Kíli’s forehead.
It hits with a dry snap and falls into the mounting pile in Kíli’s lap, leaving behind a blossoming red spot right between his eyebrows.
“Am not!” Kíli wails through a wide smile, gathers all the rubberbands and lobs them in Boromir’s general direction.
He isn’t. He’s being prudent; a word his grandmother would never use to describe him, but there he is, being just that. Someone’s future happiness rests entirely in the palm of his hand and he will not risk ruining it.
            “You are.” Boromir insists, ignoring their producer, Merry, as he frantically signals for Kíli to prepare for the interlude. “You’ve got that glassy-eyed look you get after a good shag.”
            “I don’t like that you know that about me.”
Boromir bobs his head in consensous, “Nor do I.”
And they’re back on air. Kíli dutifully lists the titles of the songs they just played and introduces the next queue, promises he and Boromir will return for their typical Wednesday slot of Say It or Spray It—a game their old producer concoted to embarrass the shit out of Kíli on his first day hosting the midmorning show.
Needless to say, it had only fueld Kíli’s fire, and look at him now, several years later and a staple at GBC Radio 1.
As soon as their mics are muted again, Kíli whips out his phone, presses his thumb to the print verification button and opens his professional TikTok account.
Boromir rolls his eyes.
Kíli sticks out his tongue.
            “See?” Boromir points toward Kíli with his hand, “Obnoxious.”
Kíli scrolls past hundreds of unread DMs to the thread he’s revisited about forty times in the last hour, swipes through the thread until he reaches the picture attached.
It’s of a man, close to Kíli’s age. Kissable lips swept into a gentle smile, square shoulders and a barrel chest accentuated by the thin, visibly loved band t-shirt worn when the picture was taken. A candid shot at what appears to have been a cookout, hinted to by the long twig he’s hold with a marshmallow speared through the tip.
He’s handsome—very handsome—exactly the sort of bloke Kíli topples head-over-heels for.
            “Your love life is so tragic that someone’s mum is taking pity on you.” Boromir teases, nudging Kíli’s foot with the tip of his shoe.
Kíli wants to sling a comeback at him, but finds he can hardly disagree. Besides, Kíli wouldn’t mind taking the man’s mum up on the offer.
Tragically, she isn’t offering.
She messaged Kíli hoping to get a ticket to Kíli and Boromir’s live audience Christmas special. When Kíli asked his producer about available tickets, he was stunned to discover they’d sold out faster than a Taylor Swift concert.
            “We reserved some for family, if that’s what you’re worried about.” Merry told him.
Kíli replied to the woman, Dís Durin she called herself, with the good news, happy to offer one of his personal tickets to Dís’—very handsome—son, Fíli.
“You’ve got that goofy look on your face again.” Boromir announces. “New update on your boyfriend?”
            “Naff off.” Kíli kicks Boromir’s shin under the table. Boromir oufs in surprise, fixes his face into a glare and retaliates by swatting the top of Kíli’s head.
            “Don’t start, you two, the song’s almost over.” Merry warns, crossing his arms sternly. He slants his gaze toward Kíli, “But Boromir has a point, Kee, you might want to work on that dopey face you make before you meet him. Bit unattractive.”
Draped across Gandalf’s armchair, where he retreated when he and Radagast were shooed away from the Palantír, Thranduil indicates to Kíli, “I like that one, he has passion.” Then he slides a bored glance back to Fíli, “All that one does is drive around in a big truck.”
            “He must have something up his sleeve,” Radagast says in defense of Gandalf as if he’s not there to do it for himself. “The old rascal wouldn’t risk losing.” That is, the bet Gandalf made with Elrond, a Spindler from the third floor who specializes in forks in the road.
A bet made because, to be frank, Weaving loses its charm after a Weaver’s third millennia performing the task. Sometimes, they need incentive, and high-stakes gambling is the motivation Gandalf requires to ensure he doesn’t wilt a rose into lost opportunity.
            “Quite right.” Gandalf lifts his chin proudly and reprimands Thranduil, “How dare you question my artistic process.”
Thranduil meets his stare flatly. “So,” He says, his tone suspiciously matter-of-fact, “All he has to do is get to Pelargir by the strike of 6?”
            “Yes.” Gandalf says cautiously.
            “Very good. And how exactly do you plan to get him there through an avalanche?”
Gandalf whips his head back to the Palantír, alarmed. Although an avalanche is a mighty exaggeration, the scene unfolding in the glass isn’t much better. Wiggling his fingers in a rapid, deliberate pattern, Gandalf hunches over the Palantír with fierce concentration.
Fíli’s truck rumbles merrily along in the cloudy image to the left. In the image to the right is an unholy dumping of snow. Fíli’s still far enough away that Gandalf has time to maneuver a solution, but the window is narrow.
The situation may require—
Thranduil and Radagast watch Gandalf intently, look at each other and then back to Gandalf.
Slowly, his face set in determination, Gandalf raises from the ether a shovel with a wide, metal blade.
—Drastic. Action.
The trouble starts just as Fíli leaves Minas Tirith. Snow falls in sheets, thick and sticky, forcing Fíli to slow his speed and call Central.
            “I stayed ahead of it for awhile,” Fíli explains of the weather, “But it finally caught up to me.”
Bofur snorts, “Guess that luck of yours is finally running out, ay Durin?”
            “Not a chance. Just a little bit of delay. I’ll still make it by this evening.” Fíli reassures, “Just let them know, yeah?”
            “I’m on it. Drive safe, lad!”
Fíli smiles, “Cheers.” and disconnects the call.
Unfortunately, Bofur might’ve been right about Fíli’s luck running out.
Things get worse by Aglarshire, a road closure forcing Fíli to take the exit into town for an impromptu break. After eight hours at the wheel, he’s due one anyway, but he’d hoped to get as far as Karaborough before making the stop.
The snow is really coming down now, and the townships between Minas Tirith and Pelargir aren’t equipped to handle removal like the big cities.
Still, Fíli tries to stay positive.
Almari’s café serves the best stew and crusty bread this side of the White Horns. Almari herself is the motherly sort; a short woman of stout figure and a kind face, somehow able to discern what Fíli needs as soon as he steps through the door.
The café is quiet apart from two men arguing about livestock. A traditional, rustic ambiance of dark wood and brass accents, mismatched tables rubbed in places of their stain and chairs that creak when occupied. An impressive oak bar stretches the length of the wall across from the entrance, hosting a row of tall stools with worn leather seats.
From where she’s polishing silverware, Almari indicates with a blunt knife to a snug corner at one end of the bar. Fíli obliges, pinching off his gloves on the way. He has to remove his coat to sidle between the wall and the counter, and plants himself on the lone stool at an awkward angle before he can maneuver his legs under the bar. Once he’s situated, he turns to hang his coat on the hook above his left shoulder.
It’s a questionable fit, but the space offers a sense of cozy privacy; just what he needs to settle his nerves after driving through nasty weather.
Almari appears and sets a steaming cup of strong coffee in front of him, smiles warmly, and pats his forearm with the affection of an old friend.
            “Bit nippy out there.” She says, brushing snow from his beard with the towel she’d been using to polish the silverware. “Wouldn’t go out there for all the money in the world.”
            “It’s not so bad.” Fíli assures, “At least it’s not icy.”
Almari looks skeptical, “I’m just happy I don’t have far to go when I close up.” Her apartment being directly above the café. “Would be a nightmare trying to find my car after all this snow.”
Fíli agrees. “A real archeological dig, ay?”
Almari considers him sympathetically for a moment before she breaks the news Fíli feared when he was redirected toward Aglarshire. “Make yourself comfortable, dear. The plows might not get to our neck of the woods for awhile yet.”
Fíli’s heart leaps to his throat, but he arranges his features into a neutral guise. “Yeah, I figured as much.”
Almari straightens and smooths down her apron. “The usual, then?”
            “If you don’t mind.”
            “Never, when it comes to you, boy.” Almari leans over the bar again and pinches Fíli’s cheek softly. Then off she sweeps into the kitchen, barking Fíli’s order to the cook, Randolf, her husband of thirty years.
Fíli glances outside, brow knitted. He can hardly see the road through the curtain of snow. He slips a hand in the kangaroo pocket of his sweater and gently holds the envelope he tucked in there for safe keeping, contemplating his options.
At best, he’ll be late. At worst, he’ll miss Kíli’s show altogether and have to apologize to his mother for money wasted. Not that she’ll mind. Nah, she’ll probably take it as a sign from the cosmos that Fíli needs to plant his attention in reality.  
No sense fretting, Fíli resolves and fishes his book from his coat pocket.
Whatever happens, happens.
…And say it again, with feeling.
Fíli huffs through his nose, molars grinding, and flips his book open to where he left off.   
This is wholly unorthodox, Weavers traveling through the curtain into Arda, but Gandalf’s mind is made up. Why Thranduil and Radagast join him, he doesn’t know, their motivations none of his concern.
They land as a unit, dropping like stones into the snow from above. Gandalf and Radagast disappear for a moment beneath the plush white, while Thranduil’s head and shoulders pierce the snow, his long, dainty legs the only bit of him now visible to the world.
Gandalf and Radagast pop up, pull themselves free and brush themselves off. Thranduil’s legs kick frantically before either notice he’s stuck. Together, they yank Thranduil free and resume orienting themselves, scanning their surroundings for anything that can help them on their journey.
            “Aha!” Gandalf sees it first, the depot the town uses to house their massive machines.
            “That’s what you have in mind?” Thranduil sounds incredulous, “I thought we shelved your idea to shovel three hundred kilometersofroad.”
Radagast wrings his hands, worried for Gandalf’s sanity.
            “Not shovelling,” Gandalf corrects with a wicked glint in his eye, “Plowing.”
            “Oh my…” Radagast squeaks, as Thranduil erupts, “You cannot possibly think that’s a better solution! You’ve never even used one of those ghastly contraptions!”
Gandalf waves him off, “How hard could it be?” and trudges forward, carving a path for Radagast and Thranduil to follow.
As it turns out, it’s incredibly hard. For three whimsical beings of the Otherlands, anyway.
Once they locate the right machine, one boasting a large, yawning blade at its front, they struggle to bring it to life. Gandalf and Radagast fiddle with levers and buttons, pressing and pulling things at random.
            “What about this one?”
            “No, no, no, it must be this one.”
            “Or this one.”
Thranduil rolls his eyes, content not to participate. No, he’s a being of acute intelligence and has a better idea than pushing and prodding everything like toddlers in an elevator.  
Without saying a word, he marches toward what a sign specifies is the Main Office. He enters and slips behind the front desk to study a corkboard filled with rows of keys, all labeled neatly for convenience.
At least these Gondorian neanderthals are organized, he muses.
It takes less than a minute for him to locate the right key. Just as he wraps his fingers around it—
            “Hey! Who are you!?” A man shaped like a star demands. He’s round in the middle and thin everywhere else with a head of stringy black hair. The stench of self-importance radiating from him suggests to Thranduil he’s the one in charge of the fleet of machines.
Thranduil groans dramatically, completely put-off by the whole situation, “Well, shit.” In a calculated act of defense, he grabs the computer off the front desk and brings it down on the man’s head.  
He crumples into a heap instantly.
Thranduil takes the right key, steps over the man elegantly, and marches back to Gandalf and Radagast.   
            “Looks like it’s your lucky day,” Almari tells him, watching through the snow the silhouette of a snowplow thunder down the road at speed. She frowns, “Can’t always believe what they tell you on the news, can you?”
            “‘Spose not,” Fíli chuckles, fishing a Ꞓ201 note from his wallet and dropping it on the bar. “I’d better be off.” He shrugs on his coat, flashing a bright smile at Almari, “Thanks for lunch, it was delicious as ever.”
            “Stop in on your way back.” Almari instructs, “I’ve a special Christmas menu that I think you’ll enjoy.”
Fíli nods, walking backward a few steps, “Will do.” He salutes playfully then spins around and pushes through the door. The wind and snow hit him like a brick wall, almost forcing him backward. Thankfully, he’s made of stronger stuff, and shoulders his way toward his truck.
Though the road has been cleared, the car park is still covered in a blanket of white that reaches halfway to Fíli’s knees. Not ideal, Fíli thinks, but doable. If he leaves now, he’ll make it to Pelargir and complete his delivery by early evening, as intended with the mild delay.
He only hopes things go smoothly from here.
Kíli squints against the stage lights, but it’s impossible to distinguish anyone in the audience. Both he and Boromir are already in their places, microphones adjusted to their preferences, muted until the broadcast starts.
He kept an eye out for Fíli while backstage, peeking into the auditorium as often as Merry would allow (which wasn’t often, between frog marching Kíli to hair and makeup, and debriefing Kíli and Boromir on their lineup of special guests and the playlist).
Never in a million years did Kíli think he would be this dedicated to making a fan happy. Usually, that’s PRs job, fussing over giftbags and food boxes, when and where fans can meet the DJs, and so on. This time, Kíli forced his involvement, questioning Rosie about Fíli’s seating arrangement and whether or not he’ll receive a one-on-one with Kíli after the show ends.
Rosie massaged her temples, said in a clipped tone, “Kíli, please, let me do my job.”
            “I just—”
She raised her hands in a gesture parents use to calm their children, “I understand this is important to you, but just worry about the show. I’ve taken care of everything. Your guest will be treated like royalty, just like the other invitees, alright?”
Kíli swallowed and nodded shortly, “Alright.”
Now, he fiddles with the ungodly Christmas blazer wardrobe forced him into. The pattern is bright green-and-red plaid embroidered with sparkly gold thread. Beneath he wears a thin sweater in a crisp white with the image of a fluffy Christmas tree on the front, and, under that, a red, collared shirt.
Boromir dons an equally as gaudy combination, though he seems far less uncomfortable, sprawled in his chair like a king at a feast, texting his wife who sits in the audience only meters away.
“Two minutes.” Merry announces, coming up to them. “You two ready?”
“Yes.” Boromir says at the same time Kíli says, “No.”
“Well, pull it together, man,” Merry insists as he grabs a handheld microphone and prepares to deliver his welcome introduction to the audience. “Don’t forget to smile!” He urges, tracing an exaggerated U over his mouth with his forefingers, before trotting to the front of the stage and signalling to the sound booth.
            “Mate, you’ve never been nervous a day in your life.” Boromir reminds Kíli, “You’ve got this.” He reaches forward and squeezes Kíli’s shoulder. “Right?”
            “Right.” Kíli says and, for the first time since he started a career in radio, he doesn’t believe it.
After abandoning the wreckage of the snowplow in a ditch for the town to deal with, Gandalf, Thranduil and Radagast stomp through the door of Gandalf’s office, dusting snow off their shoulders and shaking it out of their hair.
            “That was the worst thing you’ve ever done.” Thranduil says, plopping into the armchair. “I can’t believe we weren’t killed.”
            “Close enough,” Radagast winces, rubbing the lump at the back of his head.
Gandalf grins, pleased with himself. “It worked, didn’t it?”
            “Fine and well,” Thranduil flaps a hand toward the Palantír, “But what about that? You want to plow through a bunch of civilians, too?”
Deflating, Gandalf watches the image shift from Fíli’s truck to the kilometers of bumper-to-bumper traffic heading into Pelargir. Construction lights and road signs herd cars into one of five lanes, the other four closed for repaving.
Because of fucking course it is.
            “He’s not going to make it,” Radagast laments, hand over his heart. “Even after all we’ve done…”
Thranduil pinches the bridge of his nose. “I can’t believe I have to say this, but: you are aware there’s a whole city and many hours of night at your fingertips, yes?”
Gandalf stares at him inquisitively, inviting Thranduil to continue, “They don’t need to meet at the show.”
Radagast brightens, “They don’t need to meet at the show!”
            “I’m surprised how much you care.” Gandalf admits to Thranduil. “I didn’t take you for the sentimental type.”
            “Oh, shut up. I just don’t want to see you lose your bet. Elrond is insufferable enough as it is.” He amends and stands, holding out a hand for Gandalf to take, “Now, let’s see this shitshow through to the end, shall we?”
Fíli didn’t make it.
The traffic into the city was worse than Fíli’s ever experienced in all his days hauling freight. It crawled ahead by inches for close to two hours, during which Fíli listened to the Christmas special with a broken heart.
He knows better now than to get his hopes up about this sort of thing. Not that he expected much out of the evening, at most an autograph or a handshake.
Fíli shakes his head, hellbent on turning the night around.
The delivery successful, albeit an hour later than scheduled, he takes the underground downtown and roams the busy streets. Pelargir looks like something out of a Hallmark movie, glittering under strings of gold and coloured lights. Storefronts are decorated with garland and baubles and tinsel, all arranged to evoke Christmas cheer.
It works, the chill of dismay lifting ever-so-slightly from Fíli’s chest.
Fíli plucks his way through the bustling crowd, keeping an eye out for somewhere to eat. He’s decided to treat himself to something fancier than he’s used to. Somewhere with cloth napkins and unique cutlery for each dish.
He spends twenty minutes wandering up and down the maze of streets, reading menu displays and peeking in windows at restaurant floors crammed with guests. Turning another corner, Fíli’s just about to throw in the towel and find the nearest fast-food joint when he, quite literally, stumbles upon a small sidewalk a-frame that’s chalk lettering promises Festive Fancies Within.
Fíli scans the area, hoping that no one saw him trip over the sign, and sets it to rights.
It’s as good a place as any, less busy than everywhere else, though still hosting a fair amount of people. Fíli is greeted by a cheerful looking older gentleman with twinkly grey eyes and a beard to match.
            “How many?” The gentleman inquires.
            “Just me.” 
            “Ah, for one. I can only offer a seat at the bar, I’m afraid. Though, rest assured, the service is exceptional.”
Fíli shrugs, already unwrapping his scarf and shoving his gloves in his coat pocket. “Suits me just fine.” He says and allows the gentleman to escort him to a seat near the middle of the bar.
The bartender casts him a smile, indicating he’ll be right with him, and continues to expertly shake and prepare multiple drinks at a time. Fíli watches the bartender pour the contents of one shaker into a chilled martini glass with a flourish, while bouncing another shaker from his elbow into his hand before emptying it into a rocks glass filled with a single, large cube of ice.
Fíli doesn’t bother to hide his awe, never having been anywhere the bartenders perform tricks. It’s obvious the bartender appreciates Fíli’s open admiration since he slides Fíli a drink with three discernable layers— seasonal red, white, and green—in a tall glass, garnished with a spear of dark cherries and lime, and a sugar-frosted rim.
            “Thank you.” He says when the bartender approaches to drop a menu in front of him.
            “My pleasure.” The bartender smirks, “Just signal me when you’re ready to order.” And off he swans, plucking a long chit from the machine behind the bar and filling its order in an intricate series of movements not unlike a ballet.
Kíli feels like he’s being followed. He’s not unfamiliar with the sensation. Since being on the radio and hosting a handful of televised events, a few enthusiastic encounters occurred on behalf of fans. Normally, he invites the adoration, wanting to accommodate those who support his career; they’re responsible for his success, after all.
Tonight, however, he’s not in the mood.
He wasn’t expecting to feel such crushing disappointment when Rosie informed him after the show that Fíli hadn’t been in the audience. The show itself was a resounding success, deserving of the standing ovation it received when the broadcast ended.
Only, Kíli can’t bring himself to be proud. He was looking forward to meeting Fíli, had a plan to invite him out for a drink—maybe a meal—get to know the man whose mother loves him so much, she’d slipped into Kíli’s DMs.
The tingling at his nape increases, the feeling of being followed morphing into something ominous.  
Not wanting to be axe-murdered, Kíli picks up his pace, striding around a corner as quick as he can without drawing attention to himself. As he’s about to break into a full-out run, he trips and crashes into a restaurant a-frame, ill-placed in the middle of the sidewalk.
            “What the shit!” He cries, hurrying back to his feet. It’s then that he notices a crooked figure rounding the corner. “Vala—” He bolts up the cobblestone path to the door of the restaurant and practically falls inside.
There are a fair few people (witnesses, Kíli thinks, relieved) conversing over expensive looking meals and bottles of wine. The place has an old-world charm about it, stone walls and exposed beams, the waiters donning bowties and polished shoes.
            “Hello.” The host greets him, startling Kíli.
            “Hi!” He chokes out. The host looks ancient, sort of wizardlike. “Hi, yes, sorry.” He tries again, surreptitiously glancing behind him to see if the crooked figure has followed him inside.
The doorway is empty.
            “For one, please.”
The host picks up a menu, “The bar is open for full-service, tonight,” he explains, “Unfortunately our tables are reserved for parties of two or more.”
            “Sounds great,” Kíli follows the host to the end of the bar, unzipping his leather jacket and pulling off his scarf. He’s so focused on getting himself sorted that he doesn’t notice the bartender delivering a pint of Guiness he didn’t order until a coaster is placed in front of him.
Kíli’s about to say something when the bartender, a dazzling man with silvery hair, informs him, “From the gentleman at the end.” and hooks his thumb over his shoulder in the direction he’s referring to.
            “Oh,” Kíli slopes to the side to see around the bartender and his jaw drops. “Oh…!”
He can’t believe it. There, sitting alone, slouched over a book that has his full concentration, is Fíli Durin. Kíli can’t help the airy laugh he lets out and quickly gathers his jacket and scarf.
            “Thank you,” He says to the bartender, who sports an oddly conspiratorial grin, “I’m just going to—yeah.” In his excitement, Kíli almost forgets his pint, grabs it at the last second, and scurries—not too eagerly, lest he present himself as a wanker—to fill the vacant seat beside Fíli.
Fíli, so enraptured by his book, doesn’t notice.
Kíli clears his throat, “Um, hi there.”
Fíli’s head jerks up, eyes wide, and slowly turns to face Kíli, face slackening into pure shock. Kíli’s heart is in his throat, palms suddenly clammy. Fíli is more handsome in person than in the picture Dís sent.
            “I—you don’t mind, do you?” He asks about the seating arrangement.
Fíli blinks, seeming to come back to himself, “No. No, please, go ahead.”
            “You’re Fíli. Fíli Durin, right?”
Visibly confused, Fíli answers slowly, “Um, yes. How did you—?“
Kíli cuts in quickly to avoid being mistaken for a stalker. “—Your mum sent me a message a few days ago.”
He’s never seen anyone look so delicious when processing the shock and horror of a mother’s good intentions. Fíli makes it work.
            “Oh, Mahal, she didn’t.” Fíli drops his head into his hands, his broad shoulders shaking as he chuckles through the embarrassment.
            “I thought it was adorable.” Kíli admits and catches Fíli’s gaze, holding it for a few seconds before casting his eyes downward.
Fíli barks a laugh, a sound that sends a jolt of heat to Kíli’s gut, “You did not.”
            “I did!” Kíli shifts closer to Fíli and winks, “I really appreciated the picture she sent, too. I didn’t know Nibin Noeg had any fans left after their last album.”
They banter back and forth; the way Kíli doesn’t know Fíli always imagined they would. The conversation swells and eases by turns, the two slowly losing themselves in one another as the world around them trickles away.
Fíli is interesting and funny and more than Kíli assumed, and Kíli doesn’t want to be anywhere else ever again.
From the look Fíli gives him, Kíli thinks Fíli feels the same.
Collapsing into various seats around Gandalf’s office, the three Weavers heave sighs of relief.
            “We did it.”
            “Understatement of the century, Gandalf.” Thranduil retorts, summoning a cup of elderberry tea. He directs his next statement to Radagast, “I can’t believe you got him—” that is, Kíli, “—there on time.”
Radagast shrugs helplessly, “I didn’t. I lost him outside the theater.”
They allow the information to marinate between them for a minute before Gandalf snorts and then erupts into booming laughter. Thranduil joins him next and then Radagast, though somewhat less enthusiastically.
There are three things a Weaver understands intrinsically.
One, Weavers aren’t miracle-makers.
Two, Weavers can’t force love to happen where it doesn’t want to.
And three, Eternal Love is a rare gem that will bring two people together.
With or without a Weaver’s interference.
Gandalf flicks his wrist and catches a stein of lager that appears, takes a deep drink, and says thoughtfully, “What a bloody waste of time.”
            “At least you get to keep your hat.” Radagast points out.
            “Very true, old friend, very true…”
1 – I wanted to incorporate Castar currency, but there obviously isn’t a symbol for it so…this is what I liked best XD
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urdadisgae · 2 months
The hobbit ships and headcanons I have for them
Bofur x ori
- met thru nori when he was at peak criminal activity
- bofur was in nori’s lil posse and sometimes Ori would tag along while they graffitid statues
- bofur cooks ori breakfast in the morning
- ori practices his sindarin on bofur who has absolutely no clue what he’s saying
- ori melts seeing how good bofur is with kids
- bofur likes to be carried bridal style
Nori x Dwalin
- enemies to lovers nuff said
- saying more
- met because dwalin always busted Nori and co doing dumb shit in a park at 2 am
- Dwalin appreciates how creative and energetic Nori is
- nori loves how calm and scheduled Dwalin is
- Dwalin is a muscle bottom
- dwalin likes to listen to Nori tell long winded talk tales
- Nori likes to watch dwalin work out and spar
Kili x tauriel
- tauriel swears more than Kili but only in privacy so nobody believes him
- Girlboss and boyfailure
- manic pixie dream boy and stoic and calm lady
- tauriel plays more subtle pranks and sometimes assists in Kili and Filis bigger pranks
- Kili bakes really bad baked goods for Tauriel and she hides her true reaction very well
- they have camping dates and leave for weeks on end just out in the wilderness the two of them
- tauriel becomes more crass, kili becomes more sensible
- they don’t even eachother out they just trade some characteristics and intensify the ones pre-existing
Bilbo x thorin
- Thorin doesn’t blush he just narrows his eyes and glares
- Bilbo likes to annoy Thorin for fun
- thorin has a very specific way in which he washes and stacks dishes, which is wrong and leaves water in them
- Bilbo has houseplants and thorin talks to them
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linasofia · 1 year
Business & Pleasure
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Part 8
Summary: At an unexpected lunch with colleagues, you struggle to keep your secret intact as new possible suspicions over your relationship with the boss arise.
Relationship: Thorin Oakenshield x Fem!Reader (Modern AU)
Words: 2,5K
Warnings: 18+
A/N: This is part 8 of this fic. You can read all the previous parts here.
The last day of the week arrives and with the weekend at our doorstep, Friday feelings seem to be sparkling in everyone's blood. Despite the early hour, people gather in the coffee lounge area to enjoy a cup of java together with one of Bombur’s highly desired bagels. What from the beginning were only two standard choices, have expanded to a small buffet with everything from cream cheese bagels with prosciutto and avocado to fully vegan alternatives. The man insists on delivering them in person, with a little help from one or two of his employees. I have noticed that he often stays a bit longer than required and talks to mainly Thorin or Balin when he’s here. Breakfast on Fridays is one of the most appreciated recurring events that take place at the office, as part of the company’s vision in creating an overall inclusive working environment. And today everybody appears to be at the office; the lounge is packed with laughing colleagues, and the smell of freshly brewed coffee fills the air. Someone has lit a few candles, the many spotlights in the ceiling are slightly dimmed, and soft lounge music seeps from the hidden speakers. I try to mingle, as usual, and manage to talk with both the head of HR as well as a few of the newest members in our sales organization.
I have looked forward to this day ever since Thorin left, and even though it was far from one of his longest trips, it was enough for me to miss him incredibly. My strong feelings scare me a little; falling head over heels for my boss was not something I planned, and yet here I am, excitedly waiting for his arrival. I feel vulnerable in a way I have not felt in a very long time, and even if we try to take things slow, my treacherous heart has already whispered things I do not dare to say out loud.
Eventually, people return to their meetings, computers, and phone calls, the constant sound of voices dies, and just as I place my mug in the washing machine, I hear Kili’s voice behind me.
”I just spoke with Fili. He and Thorin had a change in plans and rebooked their flights. They should be here around lunch. Fili said he has interesting news about a future marketing collaboration and I’m dying to hear them.” Kili swallows the remains of his coffee and frowns, then he lowers his voice and casts a glance around us. The lounge is thankfully empty. ”I tried to get him to talk about Michele but he avoided that topic. Maybe Thorin was around, I don’t know.”
”Their last meeting was canceled on short notice.” I reply, but instantly realize that I’ve said too much. I bite my lip and mentally slap myself; sometimes my brain needs to filter my thoughts better before my mouth speaks.
”Yeah, I guess so. How did you know?” Kili looks at me with a curious expression in his hazel eyes. As the younger of the two brothers, and now subordinate to Fili, I have understood that he’s used to not being told everything, but there is no judgment in his eyes.
”Oh, well… Thorin filled me in on some details before they left.” I lie and hope he doesn’t ask further questions. And he told me last night when he called to say goodnight.
”Right. Anyway, if you’re not busy during lunch, you’re welcome to return that meal today at Bombur’s. I heard he’s making meatloaf and that’s too good to miss.”
”How can you think of lunch now? We just had bagels!” I welcome the change in subject and Kili throws me a grin.
”I burn my calories fast, you know.” He gives me an exaggerated wink, and even if I prefer not to know, he makes his point very clear.
A few hours later, I watch Kili use his fork to stab the oversized meatloaf, and his joy over Bombur’s skills can be read all over his face. I have to agree, Bombur never seems to fail in the kitchen, and as part of the mysterious circle that centers around Thorin and includes a strange mix of people from Erebor Corporation, Kili receives special treatment every time. He has just started to explain one of his most recent projects when excited voices raise by the door. I turn around, only to see Bombur making his way over to the entrance, catching the well-known, blond man who just entered the restaurant, in a friendly hug. Kili waves enthusiastically and finally his brother sees him. With a broad grin he approaches our table, holds up a thumb to Bombur who loudly asks if the newcomer wants lunch, and then, after a graceful bow, he takes the seat next to me.
”I thought I would find you here.”
Kili points with his knife to the meatloaf almost covered in gravy and grins. ”You know it!” He takes another mouth full. ”How was the trip?”
”Good, rewarding, and as expected, I guess, in that sense.” Fili starts to explain how their work will elucidate a special matter from a marketing point of view, but Kili is impatient and lifts his hand to silence him.
”You never answered me how Michele is doing.” Kili looks innocently at his older brother, who glances sideways at me.
”Kili, I—”
”She knows, I told her.”
”You really can’t help yourself, can you?” Fili sighs and looks annoyed, but starts laughing when Kili tilts his head like a regretful puppy. ”Michele is fine, just busy or I would have taken her out for lunch instead of looking for your sorry ass.” He turns to me. ”Please excuse me, my brother is a bad influence on my language.”
”It’s fine, I think I know him well enough to safely say I agree with you.”
”Hey!” Kili tries to look offended.
Like a peacemaker, Bombur arrives with a plate of steaming meatloaf, and when Fili exclaims his love for the chef, he gets a not-so-gentle pat on the shoulder in return.
Then the humble restaurant owner excuses himself and disappears back to his pots and pans.
”So..?” Kili lowers his voice. ”Any news?”
Fili, obviously keen to torture his nosy brother, takes a large piece of food, chews slowly and hums approvingly at its taste, then nods. He’s right, the food is—as always at Bombur’s—delicious. I can’t help but think how young Kili appears to be when he’s impatiently looking at his brother. It’s like catching a rare glimpse of their youth, when Fili most certainly had to stop Kili from unwrapping all Christmas gifts the second they were discovered under the tree.
”Thorin knows.” Fili finally reveals.
”What?” Kili almost chokes on his beloved lunch. ”Did Balin tell him after all?”
”No, I did.” Fili looks calmly at his brother, who stares back at him.
”You did?”
”Yeah.” Fili shudders. ”I thought it was best if he heard it from me. It was not an easy decision to tell him, but he took it surprisingly well. I was certain he was going to lecture me at first, but it was as if he thought of something and changed his approach as we spoke.”
Fili looks pensively at Kili. ”It was not like him. And to be honest, I don’t really recognize him at all. He was so… reasonable during the whole trip. It’s not the Thorin I know.”
”Are you sure he’s well? I mean, people who are sick sometimes start to value new things in life.”
”You’re an idiot sometimes, Kili.” Fili shakes his head. ”Thorin is fine. Have you ever seen anyone in better shape, at his age I mean.”
”At his age?” Kili grins. ”I’ll tell him you said that!”
”Still, there is nothing wrong with him. But something has changed and it’s definitely for the better.”
The smallest heat spreads over my cheekbones, and I pray the brothers will not notice. I don’t know if I—or more precisely, what Thorin and I do—have affected him in any way, but the logical part of my brain tells me it can’t be a coincidence. I have noticed a small change in Thorin as well, but I thought it was my imagination playing tricks on me, since I know we’re seeing each other. I poke at my food; eating just became harder. When Kili suddenly speaks my name, I meet his gaze and quickly understand that I missed his question.
”Sorry, what did you say?” I put on a confident smile.
”I said, what do you think? You work close to him. Have you noticed anything… unusual?” He gives me his most conspiratorial smile and even if it makes me nervous, I can’t stifle my laugh.
”No, not really. His personal life doesn’t concern me.” I’m such a bad liar.
”Who said anything about his personal life?” Fili raises an eyebrow, and he resembles Thorin so much when he turns to gaze at me. ”But you have an interesting point.” Damn, I did it again!
I don’t believe in angels, but when Fili’s phone starts ringing and saves me from making the situation even worse, I send thanks to whoever is watching over me. The way his eyes shine as he sees the name of the caller says it all. In a hushed voice he answers, promises to come by her desk after lunch and ends the call with a happy smile that reaches his eyes.
”You’re in deep trouble, brother. You should see yourself right now.”
”Falling in love is not so bad Kili, you should try it sometimes.”
”And miss all the fun? No thanks!”
”Grow up little brother. One day, when you’re old enough, you’ll understand that keeping a woman takes a lot more effort than getting under her skirt once.”
Kili makes a face, lets out his most carefree laugh and turns his attention to the remains of what used to be a magnificent meatloaf. We don’t return to the discussion about Thorin, and I’m almost relieved when we say goodbye to Bombur and head back to the office. A detour to the coffee lounge is mandatory after lunch and Fili immediately occupies both taps on the machine with his cups. One for him and one for the green-eyed woman who clearly has stolen his heart.
Familiar footsteps approach the lounge, and it takes a great deal of willpower not to spin around too quickly when Thorin’s rumbling voice fills the area. As always, he is in full control of his expression when he greets our trio, but a hint of a smile appears on his lips when he sees Fili grabbing the two filled cups. One with milk and one black coffee. Then Thorin turns to me.
”I want a word with you, can you make it now?” I blink and nod. Did he just invite me to his office in front of both of his nephews? After what we talked about during lunch, I would have preferred if Thorin could tread more lightly. But Kili doesn’t seem to react to his words, he only asks Thorin a polite question about the trip. Fili excuses himself, fully focused on carrying coffee to his beloved, and I have to remind my spinning brain that a short briefing with Thorin now makes perfect sense, and not only for our aching bodies.
I follow Thorin to his office, admiring his broad shoulders and back in that impeccable navy suit he wears today. His hair is a little longer at his neck. He was frustrated before he left, for he had forgotten to book an appointment and his barber couldn’t make room for him, but I assured him that it looks good when it’s longer as well. I love touching his hair, and even if I don’t think he will let it grow longer, I enjoy the feeling under my hands. The jacket covers most of his behind, but I know how well those trousers suit him and I can see the shape of his strong thighs as he walks.
He doesn’t look back, he just pushes the handle down and walks inside, leaving it to me to close the door to his office. The moment the door is shut, he pulls me close. His lips crash against mine, and his kiss is hungry, demanding and rough. I whimper against his lips as he presses me tightly against him as if he wants to hinder me from escaping from his grip. The way his hands eagerly explore my lower back and find their way under my top is enough to send pulsating heat to my core. I kiss him back, pouring all my need and longing into the kiss, hoping he can sense what I feel in this moment of reunion. This is what I want and need, him, here and now. But he breaks the kiss too soon for my liking. He rests his forehead against mine and softly pants my name.
”Please tell me that you will sleep at my place tonight.”
”If you want me to.”
His hands grip my waist under the smooth fabric of my top. ”What do you think?” he murmurs huskily and his alluring smile before he kisses me again is a lovely dark promise of a long night.
Suddenly he releases me with an apologetic look in his beautiful azure eyes, and pulls his hand through his hair in a frustrated gesture I know by heart. Then he adjusts his jacket. ”I have to meet Dwalin now and discuss the legal aspects of the issue you two worked out. Believe me, I would much rather have prefered to pin you against the wall.”
”I guess you’ll have to keep that thought...” I tease.
”Until later then,” Thorin replies and I tuck my top back in place.
”Maybe you should get a large mirror in here, so I can check how I look before I leave, and don’t have to rely on you.”
”I can see many benefits with that type of installation.” Thorin smiles slyly. I gently smack him on his upper arm, and he chuckles darkly.
”You’re an animal! But honestly, we can’t keep meeting for sex in your office. People will eventually notice.”
”I know I am, but you like it, don’t you?” He pulls me close again, hovering his lips over mine. ”Or is the bright fire in your eyes only a facade?” His lips brush against mine, teasing me. Then the bastard withdraws with a grin. ”I’ll see you tonight.”
I feel like I’m burning inside as I leave his office, with him a few steps behind. He walks over to the elevator, which will take him to the building’s most secret place—the surveillance room—and I return to my tea, which I forgot the same second Thorin entered the lounge. The abandoned tiny bag, shaped like a pyramid and filled with green tea and chamomile flowers, still rests on the counter.
As I sink back into my leather chair, I let out a delighted sigh. Thorin’s hands still burn under my top, and the memory of his kisses will keep my spirit up for the rest of the afternoon. He’s back.
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lordoftherazzles · 1 year
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I am so excited to share a bit more of this fic - you’ve read the plot bunny from back in the summer, but now I can cross one of those off of my list!! (Once I finish, we’re almost there!) In a WEEK the Hobbit Collab will launch and you can see the amazing collab I’ve gotten to do with @consultingpacha​!
→ Plot Bunny
Here’s a little sneak peek from “The Night We Met”, which will fully launch on Dec. 6th!
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“I have to get back to the vegetables, but if you need anything–”
“Yes, I’ll holler,” Thorin insisted as he cut Bilbo off, watching the hobbit’s face visibly wilt. Swallowing thickly and feeling a tug on his tunic, Thorin glanced down towards his nephews who gave him that stern look that Dis often wore if he stepped out of line. It was a gentle little reminder to try to make light of the moment–something his sister insisted on time and time again. “Thank you, Mister Baggins. We appreciate the hospitality.” Thorin even forced the corners of his mouth upward.
Wouldn’t Dis be proud?
That seemed to brighten Bilbo’s mood. His pointed ears nearly stood straight towards the sky. “Of course!” At least Thorin didn’t seem to hate this arrangement entirely, and perhaps the dwarf was growing more comfortable now that rain wasn’t dumping on his head constantly. Whatever it was, Bilbo took a little pride in it as he exited the washroom, not quite closing the door, but giving the dwarves their privacy and returning to his duties as proper host and tending to the food.
“Uncle? Are you okay?” Fili asked, flinging his tunic aside and picking off his socks before pulling at Kili’s.
“I’m fine, Fili. This is all just very…”
“Strange?” Fili’s big blue eyes stared up at Thorin’s own, a frown on those tiny lips, only to be accompanied by Kili’s wide-eyed stare.
“What’s…strange?” Kili stammered, struggling to get his voice around the words. “Is it bad?”
“It’s not bad, just different, now let’s get you two washed up, you look like you’ve been rolling in the dirt.” Poking at Fili’s bare belly and Kili’s side, earning squeals and giggles from the young pebbles, Thorin was happier to distract them than to dive into his uncertainty. Even if it meant he got another dose of being soaked–but at least this time it was by lavender scented soaps and bath water versus the rain from outside.
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i-am-still-bb · 7 months
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No. 13
“It comes and goes like the strength in your bones.” | Cold Compress | Infection | “I don’t feel so good.”
Pairing: Fili/Kili Rating: G Words: 550
A/N: Light on whump, heavy on comfort.
Fili pushed the door to their bedroom open. The air was stale. The room really needed to be aired, but that would have to wait. The heavy drapes were pulled over the windows. A little bit of light leaked beneath the edges and around the corners. Outside the sun was bright. It was one of those late fall days that you hoped for all season. 
There was no response.
Fili made his way through the dark room and fumbled for the light switch on the camel lamp that Kili had picked up at a yard sale. He had dragged it home with a huge grin on his face. Then he had begun the 3 week search for the perfect lampshade. 
The lamp provided enough light that Fili could see the lump in the bed that was Kili. 
“Hey,” Fili said softly, touching Kili’s shoulder.
Kili groaned something that sounded like it could have been a greeting. 
“How are you feeling?”
“... hit by a truck,” Kili grumbled. He squinted against the lights. His nose scrunched and his eyes were barely open.
“Have you taken any medicine since I left?”
Kili shook his head before pulling the blanket up to block the light again.
“I’ll get you some.” Fili squeezed Kili’s arm before going to the bathroom to grab a blister pack of cold medicine. When he heard Kili launch into a coughing fit he turned around and grabbed some cough syrup with its plastic dosage cup.
Fili sat on the edge of the bed, one leg pulled up. 
Kili peeks out from beneath the blanket. “What did you do today?”
“It’s only 2pm.”
Kili groaned. “Today’s lasted forever,” he said, dragging out the words. 
“I went to the gym, ran some errands, showered, did some laundry, and now I’m here.” Fili popped the mint green pills from their packaging.  
“I thought…” Kili paushed, searching for the words. “Art fair?”
“Eh,” Fili shrugged. “It wouldn’t be the same without you. We’ll go next year.
“Here,” he placed the pills in Kili’s hand and offered him a water bottle.
Kili made an appreciative noise and took them. 
Fili placed a hand on Kili’s forehead. “You’re hot.”
“I know,” Kili joked.
“Well, yes. But no,” Fili said, shaking his head in amusement. “I’ll be right back.”
Kili was sprawled on his back when Fili returned with a cold, damp washcloth. Fili carefully folded the cloth into a long strip. Kili flinched when the cold cloth made contact with his skin.
“Shhh…” Fili soothed, one hand on Kili’s chest while he smoothed the cloth across Kili’s forehead.
Kili grumbled. 
Fili reclined on the bed next to Kili and arranged a blanket over his lap. A cup of tea sat at his elbow next to the cold medicine.  “Do you want to watch something?” 
“I’ll listen,” Kili mumbled without opening his eyes. 
Fili turned the television on and found a documentary on. He turned the volume down and the subtitles one. 
“What’d you pick?” 
“Something about the music industry.”
Kili hummed. “Hand?”
“Always.” Fili took Kili’s hand. 
They stayed like that until long after Kili fell asleep, his hand went limp in Fili’s, but Fili kept his hand there, and used his left hand to carefully lift the mug of tea without spilling a drop.
Taglist Everything: @silvermoon-scrolls Fili/Kili: @dubhlachen
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delicatenightfury · 17 days
Star of the Mountain Chapter 43
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Warnings: fluff, angst, canon-level violence, spoilers for the Hobbit films
Pairing: OC x Thorin Oakenshield
Beta'd By: @mistys-blerbz
Author's Note: please do not steal my work! I do not own the Hobbit or the characters, but I do own my OCs and the parts of the plot that are not part of the movies. I have worked very hard on this fic. Please be respectful and do not steal.
Please comment, reblog, and like!
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“Cousin, stop your fidgeting. Ya look fine,” Dain said with a laugh.
“He’s right, lad. You’re worrying about nothing,” said Balin.
Thorin huffed, straightening his tunic’s sleeve for probably the third time. 
How could he not worry? He wanted this day to be perfect. It was his wedding day after all.
After almost two years of courtship, they were going to be saying their vows and proclaiming their love to one another in front of the kingdom.
Thorin smiled at the thought. He couldn’t wait to see Oreliell. His sister had whisked her away seven days ago, and he hadn’t seen her since, as it was tradition among dwarves to not see the bride for the week leading up to the wedding.
When it came to planning the wedding, the pair had decided to combine dwarven and elven traditions. They hadn’t truly followed any traditions during their betrothal so they wanted to make up for it. They wanted to honor their own customs, yet also show their union as two people of two races coming together as one. 
Thorin looked up when the door opened. Dwalin smiled as he came in.
“Dís said they’re ready,” he said. “Everyone is set.”
Thorin nodded. He shrugged on his coat then reached for the elegant cloak. Oreliell had given it to him days ago. It was of elven design, made of fine silk that shone every time it moved. It was a deep blue, matching the Durin royal colors. The cloak hung over his right shoulder and was strapped around his chest, held in place by a pin with the Durin crest. Thorin smiled at his appearance.
“Let’s be off then,” he said.
He followed his friends out the door. The chamber they had been preparing in was close to the main hall where the dwarves of Erebor had gathered, so as they walked, they could hear the steady chattering of the guests.
When Thorin entered the hall, many people called their greetings. Thorin smiled at them before taking his place at the front of the room where an altar had been placed. He nodded to Lord Rusnig, who would be officiating part of the ceremony. Next to him stood an elven minister, provided by Thranduil, who would officiate the other part. Thorin and Oreliell had made the decision to combine their cultural traditions. They wanted to symbolize the joining of not only two people, but of two races coming together.
Looking into the audience, Thorin spotted Thranduil, seated with a group of other elves and several humans, including Bard. Thorin caught Thranduil’s attention and gave him a nod of appreciation. A hint of a smile appeared on the elven king’s face - though he would most likely deny it - and he nodded back.
Thorin turned and smiled at the sight of his nephew. Kili was dressed in elegant clothes, fit for a prince, but had an air of youthfulness about him. Thorin couldn’t remember when he had last seen Kili so happy.
“Kili,” Thorin greeted. He pulled him close and pressed his forehead to Kili’s. “How are you?”
“I’m well. Excited for the day, though I suspect not as much as you.” He winked at his uncle, earning a chuckle. But a moment later, his face fell slightly. “I just wish that Fili were here to see this day.”
Thorin’s shoulders sagged.
“As do I.”
Kili held his uncle’s arm.
“Though Fili is not here, I know he would be wishing you the very best. He knew how happy you were with Oreliell. We could both see it, we would jest about it often during the quest. We had never seen you so content before. He is smiling down on us today.”
“Indeed he is.” The two turned to face Dís, who had a smile on her face. Like her brother and son, she was dressed in Durin blue, her hair and beard braided elegantly. She lovingly patted Kili’s cheek and placed her hand on Thorin’s opposite arm. “Fili would be quite happy that you have found your One and are settling down with her.”
Thorin smiled at his sister. He knew that she dearly missed her son, but to hear her words of encouragement made him feel a little lighter.
“How is Oreliell?” he asked.
Dís smiled.
“Excited. She has not stopped smiling all day. You’re a lucky man, brother. I’m happy for you.”
“Thank you, Dís.”
Deep horns began to play from the upper balconies. Dís squeezed Thorin’s arm before moving to stand beside Kili. Others hurried to get into their positions. 
Thorin took a breath before turning to face the main doors. Vedis and Oreliell walked side by side, slowly making their way down the long aisle as music played overhead. They both stood tall, commanding the attention of the room.
Vedis carried a sword at her side. It was a dwarven tradition: the family of the bride would carry weapons as they escorted her to the groom, as a symbol of protecting her.
Thorin turned his eyes to Oreliell. He felt his breath catch in his throat before his heart started to thump wildly in his chest. He hoped that those around him couldn’t hear it. 
Mahal, she’s beautiful.
She wasn’t even standing before him and he could tell that she was shining brilliantly. A smile lit up her face and her eyes never strayed from Thorin as she finally reached the altar, just as the horns finished their song. 
“Welcome brothers and sisters of Erebor, men and women from Dale, and those who have traveled from the forests of Mirkwood,” Lord Rusnig said, his voice resonating throughout the room. “We are gathered today to witness the union of our beloved King and his One. But more importantly, we are here to witness the union of two hearts, two families, and two cultures. Our bride and groom wished to celebrate their union by honoring and joining their peoples’ traditions into one ceremony.” He then lifted a hammer, a symbol of Mahal, into the air. “Will the families of the bride and groom take their places, please?”
Another dwarven custom was that the family of the bride and groom circle the couple, like a shield of protection. Thorin watched as Vedis, Dís, Kili, and Dain stepped forward. He couldn’t help but feel a pang in his chest. Oh how he wished that Fili could be there standing with him. Or his father Thrain, his mother Daria, or even his grandfather Thror. How he wished that Oreliell’s parents were with them as well.
Oreliell took his hand in hers and he looked up at her. She was still smiling, but he could see in her eyes that her thoughts reflected his, that she longed for their departed family. However, both knew that their families were there with them in spirit, that they too would gather around them and protect them.
Lord Rusnig nodded once they were in position, lowering the hammer. He began to read aloud a document, created by Thorin and Oreliell, that detailed their relationship and the duties they would carry out as a married couple, as per dwarven customs.
Thorin couldn’t help but let the sound of Rusnig’s voice fade away. He allowed himself the time to truly take in his soon-to-be wife.
She was dressed in a white elven gown, embellished with silver lace along the skirt and flowing sleeves. Attached to her hair was a long dwarven veil, studded with gems that sparkled with every slight movement she made. However, under the veil, he could see that her hair was elegantly braided away from her face, diamonds woven in it, most likely done by his sister. He even saw his courting braid, held in place with his personal bead, which would later be rebraided to mark their marriage.
Everything she wore accentuated her features. Her hair shone like pure gold, littered with diamond, and her eyes sparkled like gems themselves. She was absolutely stunning. 
Thorin came back just in time to hear Rusnig finish with the contract. Rusnig nodded to him. Thorin turned to fully face Oreliell, and she did the same. He couldn’t resist giving a small wink, which made her smile. Thorin then stepped forward and began to walk in a slow circle around her, showing that he would guard her within the great halls of their home.
Once Thorin made his full circle, he turned to face Vedis. He bowed his head briefly, then knelt in front of her.
“Vedis, most faithful sister of my One Oreliell. I make this promise to you that I accept Oreliell into my home, into the halls of Erebor. She will be loved always, until the day that I die, and beyond that. She will be protected, just as she has protected me time and time again. I vow to you that I shall be the best version of myself so that I may be worthy of her heart.”
Vedis laid a gentle hand on his shoulder. Thorin looked up at her, and the two exchanged smiles. She nodded, accepting his promise.
Thorin rose and took his place beside Oreliell once again. The two watched as their sisters then stepped forward at the elven minister’s instruction.
“Within elven marriages,” the man said, addressing those in attendance, “it is customary that the mother of the bride and the father of the bridegroom bless the marriage. However, it is unfortunate that they cannot stand here with us today. Instead, Lady Vedis shall be the one to give the blessing, only for the bride and groom to hear.”
Vedis extended her hands forward, allowing Thorin and Oreliell to each take one. Thorin listened as Vedis spoke into their minds, speaking an elvish blessing over them. She spoke in a slightly different dialect than Thorin was used to, so it made it challenging for him to follow along completely. All he was truly able to catch was Vedis calling upon Manwë and Varda, the king and queen of the elven Valar, to be witnesses to their union.
Once Vedis had completed her blessing, she squeezed their hands, smiled at them, and stepped to the side again. Thorin turned to face Oreliell, taking her hands in his.
“Now the intended shall recite the Seven Dwarven blessings,” Rusnig said. “King Thorin, you may begin when you are ready.”
Thorin nodded. They would go back and forth with the blessings, where she would repeat his words after each blessing:
“Blessed are you, Mahal, who has created everything for the glory of Eru. Blessed are you, Mahal, who fashioned the earth, the mountains and the hills. Blessed are you, Mahal, who fashioned the gems and metals in the heart of the mountain. Blessed are you, Mahal, who fashioned the dwarves and the seven houses. Blessed are you, Mahal, who taught the dwarves the skills to work the gems and metals in the heart of the mountain. Blessed are you, Mahal, who gladdens our halls through his children. Blessed are you, Mahal, who gladdens groom and bride.”
Thorin took another moment to collect himself. He still couldn’t believe that she was standing here before him. Thorin stared into Oreliell’s eyes and had to remind himself to stay grounded as he began his vows. 
“You stood by me in my darkest moments and in my greatest triumphs. You are my peace and my rock, my shining star, the light of my life, and the one that I live for. I shall protect you against all foes, hold you close in times of joy, and love you until my last breath. May the Valar watch over and guide us in this next journey through life, and may they strengthen our love even more.”
He noticed that her smile never faded. She watched him intently as he spoke, soaking in his words like she couldn’t get enough. He could not help but wonder what was going on inside her mind. 
As if she could sense his wandering thoughts, Oreliell squeezed his hand and when she was sure that he was grounded once again, she said her own vows:
“You stood by me in my darkest moments and in my greatest triumphs. You are my peace and my shield, my unshakable mountain, and the one that I live for. I shall protect you against all foes, hold you close in times of joy, and love you until my last breath. May the Valar watch over and guide us in this next journey through life, and may they strengthen our love even more.”
Like her, Thorin’s grin never waned. He listened to every word she said, engraving them into his heart.
Kili stepping forward meant that it was time to exchange rings. Thorin removed one of his silver ones, which had been given to him years ago by Oreliell when they first began courting. Apparently, elves would exchange two sets of rings, whereas dwarves would only exchange one set of rings and beads. Silver rings were exchanged at the beginning of an engagement then returned, and kept safe, so that gold rings could be given at the wedding.
The rings were a small thing that they were able to outwardly show their engagement when they had traveled. Thorin had worn many rings that the company would not have noticed one more, and no one ever commented on Oreliell’s simple silver ring. 
Thorin and Oreliell passed the silver rings to Vedis, who pocketed them. They had decided that she would keep better track of them instead of Kili, who had been made responsible for the gold rings. Thorin watched Kili reach into his own pocket to retrieve the rings when a small flash of mischief crossed his face. However, a cough from Tauriel and a quick nudge from Dís kept him from misbehaving. Kili at least looked a little sheepish when he produced the rings. Thorin nodded to his nephew in thanks.
They took the rings from Kili and, taking turns, slid the gold bands onto one another’s hands. They fit perfectly. Of course they did. Thorin had spent many hours over an anvil working on them, and Oreliell had joined him most of the time, keeping him company and giving her input on the precious metal.
Kili stepped back, and Vedis and Dís took his place before the couple. This time, Dís stood in front of Oreliell and Vedis was in front of Thorin. 
“Another ritual of elven weddings is the exchanging of jewels,” the elven minister explained to the guests. “The bride’s family presents a jewel on a necklace to the bridegroom, and the groom’s family does the same for the bride. Ladies Vedis and Dís, please proceed.”
Vedis reached into another pocket hidden within her dress and produced a silver necklace. She rested it in her palm to show it to Thorin. The jewel was a brilliant white, reflecting the light as if it were made of pure ice instead of stone.
“This jewel came from our homeland, from Thananti in the far north. We returned there after you asked for my sister’s hand and after we went our separate ways briefly,” she said to him. She then moved to put it around him. Thorin moved his hair out of her way, and she was mindful to not touch it. She fastened the silver chain around his neck. “It belonged to my mother. Now, I bestow it to you, Thorin. My sister’s husband. My brother. Take care of her.”
“I will,” he replied to her. He was shocked that she would give him something so valuable. “Thank you.”
Thorin glanced at Oreliell and his sister. Dís had finished securing the necklace around her neck and was giving Oreliell a hug. He smiled at the sight. The two eventually separated and Oreliell rose to her full height again. A simple, gold dwarven necklace rested on her chest, embedded with a central purple gem. It suited her.
Once more, Kili came forward, this time with a goblet filled with ale for the final part of the ceremony. Oreliell took the goblet first. She looked at Thorin and without hesitation, drank from the cup. Thorin was slightly surprised, but only because he knew she wasn’t overly fond of dwarven ale. Nevertheless, she drank her fill and passed him the cup with a smile. Thorin smiled back and finished off the ale.
The moment the goblet left his lips, the hall erupted into cheers and applause.
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The banquet and celebration took place right after the ceremony had concluded. Food and drinks were brought out and served as guests found seats around the room. Music had started up as well, filling the hall with lively tunes for hours on end.
Thorin sat beside Oreliell, probably for the first time that night. Since the ceremony, they had been greeted and congratulated by most of the attendees, including Bard and his family, and Thranduil. Not only that, but they had been dragged onto the dance floor several times throughout the night. Thorin had not danced this much in years, but that didn’t stop him. He loved getting to dance with his wife.
Mahal that felt amazing to say.
His wife.
“You know, I love seeing you smile this much,” Oreliell said, leaning in close to him.
Thorin turned to give her his full attention. Her hair glowed in the evening candlelight and her eyes seemed to reflect the stars. Her cheeks were flushed from the excitement of the day as she hadn’t stopped smiling.
He took her hand in his and lifted it so he could press a kiss into the back, close to where her ring sat.
“I have much to be happy about,” he told her. “And I have you to thank.”
“I was only a part of it,” she said.
“You were the key piece, gimlelul. Without you, I would have none of this.”
“Enough of that. Today is a day of joy, not remembering our sorrows.”
Thorin nodded.
“Of course. My apologies.”
“You’re forgiven.”
Thorin chuckled. She raised a cup of wine to her lips and Thorin’s eyes fell to the newly revealed skin of her arm.
“Your tattoo looks lovely by the way,” he said. “I do not think I had the chance to mention it before my sister swept you away from me.”
Oreliell turned her arm over to look at the tattoo herself. An intricate design of elven and dwarven markings covered her skin where her Morfaroth tattoo used to be. He knew how she had felt about the mark, knowing what it had come to symbolize. But he was beyond proud of her for turning the mark into something new, covering it with art that represented the new phase of her life.
She had spent weeks consulting with Vedis and Dís on the design. When she finally got it done, Thorin had spent some time by her side, keeping her company as the ink master worked. But Thorin had been unable to see the finished product until now since Dís had insisted on separating them before the wedding.
Oreliell ran a light hand over the new ink.
“Thank you,” she said. “I am quite pleased with how it turned out. It feels like I am leaving an old part of me behind and am embracing a far better future.”
Thorin kissed her hand again. A comfortable silence fell over them. Oreliell’s eyes darted around the hall, taking in the mass of dwarves, elves and humans. The celebration would go on for seven days to celebrate the marriage. Many people would most likely fall asleep in the hall, but some would manage to drag themselves back to their rooms for a proper night’s rest before returning to celebrate more in the morning. 
Thorin considered retiring for the night as well, with his new bride. And as he took all of her in again - though he had never truly stopped staring - his thoughts were solidified.
“You are truly stunning,” he said.
Oreliell looked at him, her eyes darting over his face. She must have seen something there because another blush crossed Oreliell’s cheeks. She collected herself enough to send Thorin a teasing smile.
“Well your sister truly outdid herself with the gown and my hair.”
Thorin leaned in toward her, putting his lips close to her ear.
“You misunderstand what I mean, gimlelul. I was not speaking of the dress.”
Oreliell chuckled after a brief moment.
“Is that so?”
“How could I ever lie about such a thing?”
“Well then. Would you mind possibly helping me escape from all of it? Dís put so many pins in my hair, I doubt I’ll find them all.”
Thorin stood and pulled her, his wife, to her feet as well.
“Anything for you, my wife.”
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Fluffuary 2023 Day 4: Love Letters- Fili Durin x OC
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Fili Durin x Celeste Nasrin
Description: While Fili is away on business with Thorin he and Celeste exchange letters.
Word Count: 1k
Challenge made by the lovely @darthglitterfanfiction
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“My Lady, a letter has just arrived for you. It’s from Prince Fili,” Celeste’s lady in waiting, Kerala, informed her as she walked into the Princess’ room. In an instant the girl was up and meeting her halfway, trying to contain her excitement. 
“Thank you, Kerala. You may go.” The older woman nodded and bowed before leaving, closing the door behind her. Once Celeste was sure she was alone she all but ripped the envelope open. Inside was a single flower. It was a golden flower from a Laurinquë - an Elvish tree. It made sense, considering Fili was in Mirkwood with Thorin. 
They’d been away for nearly a month at this point to Dale, the Iron Hills and Mirkwood. Ever since Erebor had been reclaimed, part of Fili’s job as the crowned Prince was to go on business trips with his uncle to establish alliances and make deals. Celeste didn’t quite know exactly what went on as she had never gone on trips like those, but she knew that they were important for the kingdom. 
Nevertheless, Celeste missed him dearly. They had only recently been married and had re entered the honeymoon phase of their relationship after their union. Each day passing felt as if it were growing harder and harder to continue without him by her side. She’d even begun having trouble sleeping without him by her side. They’d sent several letters to each other over the time that he’d been gone, but by this point she hadn’t heard from him in almost a week. It was safe to say she was excited to hear she had a letter from him again. After setting the flower down she pulled the letter out of the envelope and began reading. 
My darling Celeste,
It feels like eons since we have seen each other. I miss you more and more every day that we are apart. While I am happy to be traveling to learn what I will need once the crown rests on my brow, it hurts me to know that you are alone. To make up for it, I hope these words will bring you comfort in my absence.
I wish to tell you how you've been a wonderful part of my life. Whenever I think of you I can only fall deeper in love with you and I thank the gods for blessing me with such an ethereal wife. There is just something about you which I can't help loving.
What person could not appreciate such shimmering hazel eyes such as yours? They remind me of the Bloodstone, which represents a courageous spirit such as yours. Not to mention the positive aura it's said to give off. It brings back memories of the journey to reclaim our kingdom, when you would offer comfort when all seemed lost. That is just your heart, which I believe I love about you most of all. You are one of the kindest women I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting and knowing. 
I believe one of the things I have missed most with being away from you is going horseback riding together. Just the two of us alone without a care in the world. I have never felt so at peace as when I am with you and you alone. Perhaps we can go again when I return, it feels like it has been so long. 
Until then, I am afraid that is all the time I have to write to you, but I promise to be home soon so I may tell you all this in person. I am giving you this flower for your collection. It is a bloom from an Elven tree called Laurinquë (though I’m sure you already knew that. You’re incredibly smart). I love and miss you more than life itself. My love grows stronger with every beat of my heart
Yours forever, with all my heart,
Celeste couldn’t help but smile as she finished reading the letter. It was almost as if he could sense her missing him even from leagues upon leagues away. Perhaps he just knew her that well. Despite her best efforts, tears welled up in her eyes. Oh, how she missed him. She missed him more than anything - even if he truly hadn’t been gone that long. Without a word she sat down at the desk that resided across from their bed and grabbed a piece of parchment along with a quill and ink, and she got to work. 
My dearest Fili, 
Words cannot express just how dearly I miss you. Not a day goes by where I do not think about you. During the day all I can do is think about you and how much I yearn for your tender embrace. At night I lay down holding a pillow, imagining that it is you wrapped up in my arms and my head laying on your chest the way it does when you are here. 
Although I am without you, I continue to treat everyone to the same smile I would give you in hopes that one of the returning grins would be yours soon. I treat them with the same kindness, understanding and compassion that I have learned from you. This is but one way I can cope with your absence, and it has been working well enough. 
I believe Lemon and Shadow would appreciate us going for a ride when you return. Our ponies have long been wishing to stretch their legs again, but it just doesn’t feel the same to ride without you. 
Nevertheless, I pray that all is going well with you and your uncle’s travels, and I pray King Thranduil isn’t as impossible as he was before the war haha. I do hope you will get all business done with soon so that we may finally be reunited again. I love and miss you more than life itself. 
Yours today, tomorrow and every day after that, 
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xxbyimm · 5 years
His - Fíli x reader
Let’s get ourselves some protective and jealous Fíli today. I decided to incorporate the first prompt of the Tale teller’s 52 week writing challenge into my story for Fíli appreciation week. I do hope you enjoy!!! <3
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Summary: Fíli is head over heels with a lady at court, and watches her during the victory feast in Erebor. 
Tags: @theincaprincess @fizzyxcustard @soradragon @deepestfirefun Let me know if you want to be added to or removed from my taglist!
Warnings: Mild swearing. A bit of tension, some kissing.
‘Would you like some more ale, my lord?’ the maid asked. 
Fíli was sitting at the high table, the drained cup the lass had been referring to still firmly in his grip. The great victory feast had been in full swing for the last few hours and it showed: the attendees were finally starting to get drunk and the servants were struggling to keep up with the demand for ale and meat.
After tragedy struck and Smaug had taken the great kingdom of Erebor, the hall of kings had waited patiently for more than a century for the return of its’ people. No one had expected to experience another feast in this magnificent room again, but then the impossible happened. Smaug was chased away from his unrightful throne and ultimately destroyed: his carcass would lie in the depths of the Long lake forever. As some discussed the possibility of fishing up the skull of the once mighty fire-drake and hang it in this very hall as their revenge, those who actually had been there simply wished the dragon would stay hidden below the waters.
It didn’t matter, it was all in the past now. The battle of the fives armies was over and king Thorin would be officially crowned in the next few days. But most of all, the grand hall was filled with laughter, music and lively chatter once again.
But none of that cheerfulness reached the golden prince, because he hadn’t been paying attention. As a matter of fact, he did not seem to be aware of anything around him, but one. His eyes were fixed somewhere in the hall. The prince wasn’t eating and barely drinking from his cup, as he kept looking in the same direction. 
‘Prince Fíli?!’ the maid tried. She was getting fed up with waiting until the dwarf prince would finally respond to her. ‘Do you want me to refill your cup?’ ‘What?’ Fíli growled as he was snapped from his ponderings. ‘Ale?’ the lass repeated while swinging the carafe in front of her. ‘Oh, yeah.’ Fíli said absentmindedly, his thoughts already drifting away again. ‘I could use a refill.’ 
He did not see the girl huffing indignantly at his rudeness as she left and if he had, he probably would not have cared one bit. It was unlike Fíli to forget his manners, but tonight was different. Fíli, son of Durin, had experienced  enough dalliances and short-lived affaires to know what was happening to him, but yet this time it all seemed so… different. His heart was hammering in his chest uncontrollably and his head was swimming with thoughts. There was a restlessness swirling through his body that made him want to bust a move before it was too late, but a crippling  fear kept him glued to his chair. He could not trust on his usual charms this time, since in his current state of mind he was unable to pursue the ladies. Not that he would want that now anyway.
For he has had the pleasure of feeling and tasting her beauty and he wanted to have it again. And as she was sitting there a bit further along the hall, enjoying the festivities with her comrades, Fíli dared not to take his eyes of her, frightened that she would vaporize on the spot if he did. She was too good to be true. All his life he had wandered the earth without this mysterious concept of the One, but now he felt it through all the fibers of his very being. This was it, the real thing.
She was laughing at someone, the dwarf in question probably telling a joke. Fíli shifted in his chair and narrowed his eyes. He could not see the guy that clearly, but any male that was located within a few feet from her could be considered a threat. Her beauty was radiating, attracting suitors from all over the hall. So far, she had chuckled at their sometimes drunken attempts to woo her, but the handsome, joke telling lad across the table had managed to catch her attention every single time.
What was so special about him anyway? Fíli watched the lad’s dark manes and groaned. If she was into the burly, moody types even his uncle would have a much clearer shot at her love than he did himself.
But still, that would not explain what happened last night…
 Oh mahal, last night.
The jolt in his stomach told him neither his body nor his mind had forgotten. In fact, he had been playing the scene over and over in his head, memorizing every curve, every movement. Every word they spoke. In final, he had to conclude that she was the embodiment of perfection, a goddess in dwarf form.  
Fíli gritted his teeth when he noticed that the joke telling dwarf was winking. She giggled, shook her head and looked away. Her eyes flashed over at the high table and found the prince’s gaze. His heart skipped a beat. Just twenty four hours ago, they had been a lot closer to each other. He wished he could relive it once more. As for her, she bit her lip and gave him a small, knowing smile before focusing on the dwarf at her table again. Fíli inhaled sharply. Could that mean that she felt the same? Was the trying to say…?
Oh. No, it probably was a wild guess. She had continued talking animatedly with that joke telling lad once more. He probably had imagined the whole thing anyway…
 ‘Hey, idiot!’ Someone was jabbing at his arm, pulling him from his contemplations. ‘What now?!’ he snapped. Kíli was crouching next to him, smiling. ‘Nice to see you too, bro.’ he smirked. ‘What do you want?’ Fíli asked suspiciously. He knew his brother all too well and when those dark puppy eyes were glistering mischievously, it always meant trouble was coming.
 A lot of trouble.
 The whole mountain better prepare and hide away until the worst was over. ‘Nothing special…’ his brother shrugged. ‘I just noticed you were ogling that pretty lass over there for hours at an end, so I figured I should ask you what’s going on. 
This was just great. If even his brother, the world’s biggest ignorant oaf had noticed, he could assume that the whole hall by now knew of his lovesick behavior. 
‘It’s nothing.’ Nevertheless, he could try to divert the predator anyway. ‘I wouldn’t call those smoldering looks you’ve been giving her all evening nothing…’ Kíli grinned. ‘’Did you fuck her already?’ ‘Don’t be so ridiculous.’ Fíli objected, hoping his face wouldn’t betray him. ‘Would Tauriel approve if you talked about her this way?’ ‘Certainly not.’ The youngest Durin agreed. ‘But she’s not within earshot, so I’ll be safe.’ ‘I still don’t know how you got her to fall in love with you.’ Fíli muttered. ‘I’m not sure either. But we were talking about you and your new fling.’ ‘There’s nothing to tell.’ Fíli ensured his brother. ‘And that’s the end of it.’ ‘You sure you’re not going to pursue her love?’ Kíli inquired. ‘Because it looks like she’s got a lot of suitors anyway…’
 Fíli looked up to the spot she had been occupying for the last hours, only to see her disappearing through the doors of the hall with none other than the joke telling lad. Her h/c hair was bouncing on her shoulders, the green dress complementing her delicious curves.
No, not today. He had just found her for Mahal’s sake! 
Fíli smacked down his cup on the table, the ale splattering on the wooden surface. He moved abruptly, the chair he had been sitting in shrieking loudly as he stood up. His ears were ringing, the vein in his temple pulsating. Somewhere in the distance he heard his brother cursing him.
But Fíli didn’t give a fuck that the other guests at the high table were staring at him  as he stormed away from the hall. He did not care that in the process he almost ran over three servants who were carrying heavy plates with food. It didn’t even occur to him to apologize. He was seeing red, hot raging fury spreading through his veins and corrupting his thoughts.
He could handle a lot and he would have understood if she did not want to put a name on it yet. In the end she was his now. She could talk with anyone she wanted, but leaving with someone else… 
That was it.
He could not believe that she really intended to get nice and cozy with another guy just hours after he had laid with her. She owed him at least an explanation, and it better be a sensible one.
 But by the time he reached the entrance of the hall, she and her new lover were gone. The prince stormed the staircase towards the rooms he knew her family was staying in. His boots were thumping on the stone steps as he ascended the stairs towards her family’s quarters. Fíli was beside himself. Had he simply served as a rebound? Would he have to settle with the memories of a mind-blowing one night stand? He had given her his everything, and he got nothing to show for it.
No, he could not stand this any longer. He had to know. She was going to tell him the truth.
So when he slammed the door that connected the corridor with the staircase shut and saw her walking towards his left, he took a sprint to catch up with her. The joke telling suitor was nowhere to be seen, which probably was a good thing.
‘Y/N! HOLD ON!’ he snapped. She obliged, turning swiftly to face her golden lion. ‘Fíli?’ she began with a surprised tone, but before she could say anything more the prince grabbed her arm and pushed her against the wall.
Fíli had wanted to shout at her, to show her how much she had hurt him, but now she finally was in his reach again, there was only one sensible thing left to do. Their lips met in a earth-shattering kiss that made his head spin. Her body was pressed against his own and he could feel her heart beating in her chest. Her hands were clawing in his tunic, pulling him closer. His own arms had slipped around her bodice, already tugging the lace strings on the back. 
But suddenly he remembered the very reason he had chased her.  He pulled back, earning a protesting moan. His breathing came in harsh pants, and he had to take a moment to recover.
‘Do I mean this little to you?’ he finally managed to say. ‘Are you this superficial?!’ ‘What do you mean?’ she murmured, a frown appearing on her face. ‘Don’t play innocent!’ he retorted, anger flaring up in his abdomen. ‘You know EXACTLY what I’m talking about!’ 
The expression on her face changed as she did the math. Standing up straight, she met his glare. The answer was written in her eyes.
And in that instant, he knew.
 She returned his feelings and he had fucked this up royally. But how could she if she was seeing other males on the side? Fíli didn’t understand and that made him even more livid. He wasn’t going to share her with anyone, she was his and his alone. 
‘Fíli, don’t be ridiculous.’ She declared. Her demeanor was controlled and an amused smile was displayed on her lips, but the fire in her e/c eyes was unmistakable. ‘Me?’ he scoffed. ‘You’re the one who seems to be quite busy!’ ‘Fíli, stop it!’ she countered. ‘You need to calm down NOW!’ ‘No. You explain yourself.’ He demanded. ‘First you’re acting like a little dwarfling.’ She scolded. ‘I’m a what now?!’ he dared, narrowing his eyes. ‘Secondly.’ she went on as if there wasn’t one enraged dwarf prince standing before her. ‘That, prince Fíli, was my brother…’
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gatheringfiki · 5 months
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The following ficlet was written by @i-am-still-bb​ based on this photoset.
Fili/Kili, Gen.
You might also be able to read this story on AO3.
If you’ve enjoyed this story, please leave a comment either in replies or on AO3. :)
Whenever You Are
“Merry Christmas… wherever you are… whenever you are…”
That’s what the voicemail left in his inbox or the card tucked into Fili’s luggage always said. It had started as a joke that first year they were together. Kili kept getting time zones mixed up, but he was always amused when Fili was a day ahead of him or a day behind him. That first year Fili had been in New Zealand while Kili was in Chicago. Kili had called and left that voicemail on Christmas Eve, but it was already Christmas morning when Fili listened to it two hours later. 
Fili had teased Kili about it. And then it became their thing. And it always made Fili smile.
Neither of them were particularly attached to celebrating holidays or special occasions on the exact date that they occurred. If they celebrated Christmas, Thanksgiving, birthdays, or anniversaries a few days late or even, once, a few weeks late, they were perfectly content. But when they did get to spend holidays and special days together they always took full advantage of them.
So Fili chose to work holidays for the extra pay. He had even come to enjoy airports on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. His flight crew often wore festive hats or pins on their clothing, passengers were often cheerful and sometimes there were even decorations or Christmas trees in the terminals. There were plenty of people who were disgruntled about their holiday flights or angry about delays due to poor weather patterns, but that was always the case and Fili chose to just ignore them because there was little to nothing he could do to improve their moods. He could only do his job. He could not change the weather, magically fix broken de-icers, or take 3 hours to fly what took 9 hours.
This Christmas he was in Bruges, France. They had landed yesterday evening and had used their last bit of energy after the long flight to explore the town that was festooned with Christmas lights, music, and festivities.
Now, the next morning, someone had pushed open the curtains of the bunk room that the airline supplied for its flight crews. Narrow single wide bunk beds lined the two walls and there were chests with available locks beneath the bottom bunks. This room, unlike many, had a coffee maker and Gina, the head stewardess, had waked them all with the scent of freshly brewed coffee.
“Highlander Grogg,” she informed him when she set the sterile white mug down in front of Fili. The mugs in the kitchen he shared with Kili never matched. Each was full of character, some had even been repaired with lines of gold after they had been dropped or knocked over. “Decent coffee in the morning is my Christmas gift to all of you.”
Fili nodded his thanks and reached for the mug. The blanket was still up around his ears and half covering his head. He only managed to sleep in these places with the help of noise canceling earbuds and having the blanket covering his face to block out all sight and any sound that was not taken care of by the earbuds. Somehow he had managed to sleep in a time before cell phones, earbuds, audiobooks, and podcasts, but he could not remember how. He sipped the hot coffee and groaned in appreciation. “Best. Christmas. Gift. Ever,” he informed Gina.
The rest of the crew readily agreed from their bunks or the couch near the door. 
This yearFili found the card tucked into his folded undershirt. The cover of the card was decorated with a glittery Christmas tree surrounded by gifts and woodland animals. Fili was going to have glitter trapped in his chest hairs for days. That knowledge came from experience. A previous year had involved an even glittery-er card that had been folded into his underwear.
Even though Fili knew what the card was going to say he smiled when he read it. The words were in Kili’s nearly illegible script.
Merry Christmas
Wherever you are and whenever you are!
Fili tucked the card inside the cover of his book so that it could join the rest of the cards in the memory box in the back of his closet. 
One last walk through the city left them all with the taste of Christmas carols and twinkling lights and a dusting of snow on their minds. As beautiful as the city was, it could not compare with the view Fili knew was waiting for him when he landed at his home airport. This year he and Kili would actually spend some of Christmas day together and that made the day just a little bit more special than usual because there would be leftover Christmas ham to eat, cookies to be munched, and blankets to be cuddled under all without the expectation of having to get up and do anything productive for the next few days. 
Kili was standing outside the Arrivals door when Fili finally deplaned nearly 12 hours later. He was wearing a pair of fuzzy black earmuffs to keep the cold at bay. 
Fili dropped his bag and hugged Kili. This was home. As nice as their apartment was and as much as he liked all of their things, this was the part he always missed the most and anticipated the most when he finally came home. 
“I missed you,” Fili said into Kili’s hair.
“You were only gone two days,” Kili teased, but he tightened his arms around Fili and did not pull away when Fili’s freezing nose brushed against his neck. “Are you sure you don’t just miss Franz?”
Fili snorted. “He’s still a kitten.”
“And that means you can’t miss him?”
Fili hummed in response. “Maybe just a little.”
“Ready?” Kili asked when Fili loosened his grip.
“Only if I am promised dinner, a shower, and cuddles—not necessarily in that order.”
“That I can promise.”
Fili stowed his bag in the trunk while Kili started getting the car warmed up. 
“I got you something,” Fili said when he climbed into the passenger seat, his coat on his lap.
“But there are already presents under the tree!” Kili protested.
“This is for the tree.” Fili held out the small, neatly wrapped box. “Open it.”
Kili pulled the ribbon and popped the tape that held the cardboard box shut to reveal the Christmas ornament that Fili had brought home. Kili lifted the twig reindeer from the box. “I know just where he’ll go.” Then the reindeer was stored away and they were on their way home.
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luna-writes-stuff · 3 years
The type of person my favorite Tolkien characters would fall for:
With Boromir, Éowyn, Éomer, Merry, Pippin, Fili, Kili, Thorin, Bilbo and Tauriel.
I know Tauriel technically isn’t a Tolkien character, but I love Evangeline Lily and I love red-haired women. Sue me.
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An artist. It doesn’t matter what kind of artist; whether you practice in paintings, clay, paper, wood, writing etc., he would love an artist as a s/o. He is always quite busy himself, therefore he never found time and dedication to a hobby, so seeing his s/o being capable of - for example - making a small statue or candle holder from a block of clay would absolutely blow his mind. He would run around with it, showing it off to anyone. He does know when not to, though. If you don’t want others to see it, he would leave it as it is, but your art always passes through his eyes. He’d see you work and he’d see the finished product, even if it is not for him to see. He’s always intrigued by it. Make him something special that is for him personally, and you made this man’s whole week. Perhaps even his whole year. He’d put it up somewhere in his room for everyone’s eyes to see. The love this man holds for you and your art cannot be measured, honestly.
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Someone who is just as pigheaded and independent as she is, I believe. Obviously, there is no holding her back, but she can be insecure at times. She needs a s/o who will remind her of how strong she is and that she deserves anything this world has to offer. Someone who would follow her to the ends of Middle-Earth if it meant making her prove her worth. She has the constant need for validation as she grew up overlooked as Shieldmaiden instead of warrior, so she would love someone who would remind her of her worth and shower her in affections and compliments constantly. Even if it is not needed. She always appreciates it and cannot express her love for you whenever you show her how much she means to you.
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An absolute sweetheart. Someone with a caring heart and good causes. Perhaps you have a soft spot for certain people or animals, but he’d love it. Someone who would remind him of the good left in the world. How something so dull can appear so colorful and prideful at times. A bit of sunshine after the rain. He has seen a lot of war and violence himself, so upon meeting someone who will remind him of the positive things in life, he would most likely fall in love at first sight. Give him a bouquet of flowers or a personally baked cake, and he’d melt on the spot. You’d always give him something temporary to show him that beautiful things might not be everlasting, but they can certainly cheer a person up. You’d give him a whole new perspective on life, and he loves it.
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A silent person, most likely introvert. I feel like Merry is fairly extroverted himself, but he’d love someone who is more to themselves. A person who does not parade around with an open mouth and open mind. Someone who holds back a bit more. Perhaps of shyness or purely the idea of not being comfortable around others. He would probably fall in love with a bookworm; someone who can spent the days in their room reading a good book without the need of socialization or fresh air. I can just imagine him coming home one day with you one the couch reading. He’d just wriggle his way into your arms, head on top of your chest and just stay like that while you keep your eyes on your book, you hand occasionally drifting down to roam through his hair. He’d love it.
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Someone with great stories to tell. He’d love stories about literally anything. You could tell him about old fairytales or things that happened to you once, it doesn’t matter. Pippin loves a good story. You could just lay beside him at night and talk about a vacation you had years ago or a book you recently finished. He’s a sucker for it. I also feel like he would love someone who would join him in his occasional mischief, but also someone who would tone him down a bit and make sure he isn’t doing something too irresponsible. A bit like Merry, but with more control over brakes and consequences. But still someone who knows how to have fun, though. That’s the most important to him.
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Give. Him. A. Badass. Partner. Someone who can beat his ass in combat. Someone who always speaks their mind and isn’t afraid of the consequences. Fili would be absolutely smitten with a s/o like that. You don’t even need to draw a line at your actions, that is his job. He’d keep you in line whenever necessary. Speak up for what you believe in, fight for what you feel is right; it’s just the things that draws Fili to you. He needs someone who can just beat a pack of orcs in hand to hand combat without breaking a sweat. I know I gotta keep it pg, but this dwarf would instantly be turned on, there’s no way to sugarcoat it. He would love someone who could also think strategically, and create a clever solution to any plan, not necessarily thinking about what others want, but solely on that that needs to be achieved. He loves it. He would never shut up about it.
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A nerd. I am so sorry for the Tauriel and Kili shippers among us, but you cannot convince me that Kili would not be head over heels for someone who is incredibly smart or logical. Maybe you will tell him a bit about history, or an analysis about what his stupid actions might lead up to, but it’ll shut him up. Literal heart eyes. You could rant to him about anything about any subject you’d like. You can talk about geology for hours? He’d listen to it all. Invested in Mythology? He’d be in awe of everything you can info dump him about. He would probably brag about it in front of others about how smart his s/o is. He loves using it in arguments (which he will guaranteed get into. He does not know when to shut up.).
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A musical and emphatic s/o. Thorin enjoys music more than he lets on, but if you can play any instrument (or even sing), his heart would be taken. He could listen to it for hours, occasionally even joining in - as he can sing and play harp, no I will never shut up about this. It does not even matter to him what genre it is. Whatever music it is you make, he will appreciate it and let you play in front of others if you give him permission to. Personally, I think he’d prefer someone who likes holding their music as something private, because it makes hearing it even more intimate, but if you are prepared to let others listen too, he would probably not shut up about it for the rest of the night. The empathic part speaks for itself; Thorin is not exactly good with emotions, so he needs someone who would tell him what to say and how to act at certain times to spare other’s feelings. It takes away the whole intimidating part about Thorin, that much is true, but a king needs to be decent and polite, and not rough and stern, correct?
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A decision maker. Bilbo is, obviously, a people pleaser. He needs someone who will help him out in decisions and conversations. Someone who has a mind set out on a single thing and will not wander from it. Someone with a strategic and steadfast mind. A smart, and quick thinker. He loves riddles, so if you were able to return one at the same time he’d asked you one, he’d be on cloud nine. Perhaps also someone he could just turn to whenever he’s frustrated or in trouble. Where he could say what he wants to without getting any response. He’d probably love an s/o who would walk up to a waiter to tell them he wanted ketchup with his fries.
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Someone who takes joy in the smaller things. Maybe a little daisy in a big field, or a simple bird bathing in a river bank, but those little things that make you happy, would make her absolutely adore you. When you always manage to find something positive or look on the brighter side of things, no matter how desperate they might look. Tauriel is a realistic thinker, and it often had negative influences, so with a s/o who could convince her to see the good side would be a great relief for her. A charming person who could cheer up anyone, or could make others laugh, even as things seem dark, would be amazing for her. She would even admire you for it. She loves that about you!
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theblogofdurin · 3 years
|Script Style One-shot|
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Pairing: Kili x Fem!Human!Reader
(Lots of female pronouns and titles. I promise to try to write more neutral stories.)
Disclaimer:-> A/n: This is a script style story, inspired by a scene in this amazing Turkish show on Netflix, that I've been hooked on for the past week called 'Resurrection: Ertugrul'.
The scene I'm referring to is a proposal scene with Dogan Alp and Banu Cicek, it's so cute and sweet. I immediately fell in love with these two story. From the scene, I took a couple of my favorite lines, so credit to the shifting writers for that.
I highly recommend the show to anyone wanting a show that is high paced with both action and drama. 
word count: 1,090
warnings: mentions of love and the Dwarf God, Mahal
Set in the following days after the BOTFA->
{Fili walks up behind Kili as he sit at the fire, that Bombur and the others had set up near the front entrance. }
Fili: "What's wrong?"
Kili: "It's nothing Fi. "
Fili:...*raises eyebrows*
Kili: *sighs*"Even if there was something, you couldn't help."
Fili:" Let me guess…"
Fili: "Does this have something to do with this human friend of ours and that little old bead that's been in your pocket for ages". 
Kili:....*looks down*...
Fili: "Just tell her how you feel brother."
Kili: "I can't! That's the problem. Every time I get near her, my tongue gets all twisted and my brain turns to mush. "
Kili: "It doesn't matter either way, it's not like she would accept a proposal from a dwarf anyway. "
Fili: "How do you know?"
Kili: "Know what?"
Fili:" That she'll deny a proposal from a dwarf. Do you really think that low of her? "
Kili:"....That's not what I meant. I just don't know how she'll react."
Fili: "Exactly my point brother, How can you know if you never ask? "
Kili: "….what if she says no?"
Fili: "Then she says no and you move on, because that's how life works, Ki. It isn't always full of yes's. Sometimes you have to hear a no before something or someone can say yes. "
Kili: *huffs* "When did you get so philosophical?"
Fili: *bumping his shoulder* "When did you  get old enough to love?"
Kili: *smiles sadly*
Fili:"...Wait, did you ask Uncle about this yet?"
Kili:...*small quick nod*
Fili: "Before even mentioning it to me!" *punches Kili shoulder*
Kili:*gulps*" If it makes you feel any better. He tried to have the 'talk' with me again and embarrassed the both of us."
Kili: *smirks back and pushes his shoulder* "whatever."
Kili: *sighs big* "What would I even say? I can't just- "*waves hands in the air sporadically*
Fili: *pushes Kili hands down* "Ok, ok I know what you mean." *visually thinks for a minute*
Fili: "I got it! *turns to sit facing Kili* " You can say something like-" * places his hands on over his heart*
Fili: "Your honey stroked glances have pierced my heart like an arrow. Your blushed cheeks make rubies pale in comparison. ."
Kili: “ That's...actually not bad.”
Fili: “See! I have some knowledge when it comes to love, brother.”
Kili:*mumbles* " honey...pierced arrow…rubies pale.." *looks over at Fili, who nods encouragely *
Fili: ….*rubs at his eyes suddenly*
Kili: "What?”
Fili: "My little brother is all grown up .*sniffs*:(
Kili: “Don’t make me throttle you.”
{In the small healing tent outside Erebor that Oin set up to help treat the wounded after the battle. It is mostly empty now, for it was late and the rest of the critical wounded were being treated in Dale. There were only two left inside as the day ended.}
Oin: "Now remember to wash your whole shoulder before applying the salve. It won’t do any good with dirt in the way. "
Y/n: "I will, thank you again Oin, I truly appreciate it ."
{Tent flaps quickly opens and Kili stumbles in}
Oin: *glances at the two of you* I have other patients I need to attend to. Now remember to do everything I told you. 
{Oin grabs his small med bag and scurried out of the tent }
Kili:*clears throat* "How’s your wound?"
Y/n: Oh, it’s fine! With the stuff Oin gave me, it should get better soon. Thank you for checking in. "
Kili: "That's good!...That's good..."
{A few beats of silence}
Kili: "Y/n I have something to tell y- I mean, ask you."
Y/n: *nods softly as she raises an eyebrow*
Kili: *deep breath* "Your arrow glances have pierced my heart like honey. Your rubies cheeks make blushes pale in comparison."
Y/n: "Kili what are you saying?"
Kili: "I don't even know." * shakes his head, angrily* "Fili."
Y/n:*laughs softly*
Kili: *mumbles* "help me mahal"
Kili: "I may not know what to say but I do know that." *Swifts his posture to stand taller as he looks up*
Kili:" I want you to be my wife...….eventually...I mean I want to court you Y/n.  Then I want to marry you.....and I want you to accept me...as yours."
Y/n:*looks down at the small bottle in her hand and smiles softly as she looks at him*
Y/n: "if what you say is so....then"*takes a small step forward grabbing his hand to hold in hers* "I shall be your life, and the cure to your troubles. For now your arms shall be my palace and your life shall be my heaven."
Kili:"......." *frozen with a dumbfounded expression*
Y/n: "Kili?"
Kili: "........" *still frozen*
Y/n:" Kili?" *gently slaps him across the face*
Kili:*He shakes his head and swallows deeply*
Y/n: "Thank God" *smiles shyly as she looks down at the bottle in her hands again*
Kili: "I..I could not understand."
Y/n: “umph?”
Kili: "I asked you if you wanted to be my wife and you said yes, right?"
Y/n: *nods* "Yes."
Kili: *starts to smile big* " I asked you if you wanted to be my wife and you said yes. So you are going to let me marry you?"
Y/n:*laughs softly*  "Yes, Kili."
Kili: "MAHAL!!!" *grabs and spins Y/n, both laughing*
Kili:*abruptly puts Y/n down* “I have to go tell the others!”
{Kili runs out of the tent, Y/n just stands there as a giggle leaves her lips.}
{Kili runs quickly back into the tent before Y/n could move}
Kili: “You said yes, right?”
Y/n: “I said Yes” *nods*
{Kili smiles broadly, as he rushes up to Y/n. Gently resting his hand on the back of her neck, bringing her head down to press her forehead against his. }
Kili: “You have no idea how happy you just made me.”
{Moving slowly, replacing his forehead with his lips. Kili and Y/n both closes their eyes in contentment}
Kili: *Whispers* "Maralmizu ( I love you )"
Y/n: "I don't know what that means" *giggles quietly*
Kili: *still smiling* "I believe you do."
{Smiling goofy at each other, Kili softly pulls away to run back through the tent door. }
Kili: *echoing against the entire valley* "BLESS YOU!! MAHAL!!!"
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