rebuildingrob · 8 months
A matter of perspective
I broke up a fight this morning at my school. Well, sort of. To be honest, it was pretty much over by the time I got there. Boy 1, to my understanding, has a bit of a temper. It sounds like he’s gotten in trouble for fighting before. But looking at the boy, and reading his disposition, one could tell that he’s quiet and soft-spoken. It seems like is sensitive, but also has a short temper, and…
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bloomingbutterflies · 2 months
HOW ABOUT YOU PICK ON SOMEONE YOUR OWN FUCKING SIZE ASSHOLE? *They had fury in their eyes, ready to start a fight with Angel Anon*
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sunlightmurdock · 10 months
Can you pls make more fighfighter!bradley fics!!
prompts + requests are always welcome for firefighter Bradley !
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propertyofkylar · 2 months
Nica help. I used to hate firefighter but now I'm in love because why does that new fighfighter from idv looks like a fuck boy like omg pleaseeeee. MARRY MEEEE AHHHH HE KNEW HE IS HOT AND BE IS USING THE POWER AGAINST ME AHHHHH
im sorry for your loss. or happy for you. idk
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Dean, at 4 years old, saw something tragic happen to his mother. The firefighters were the real heroes that night. They put out the flames that turned his mother into ash and changed his life forever.
Supernatural Hiatus Creations  // Week 2 ↳  hunting pseudonyms and disguises
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tarlosbuddie · 3 years
Buck: Hey probie
Ravi: I have a name you know?
Buck: Last time I called a probationary fighfighter by his first name, I ended up falling in love with him within the first week and now we're raising his son.
Ravi: ...
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t-rina · 3 years
Counting the times Kirk rips his shirt
while I rewatch Star Trek TOS
1. Where No Man Has Gone Before (while fighfighting Gary Mitchell)
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theblessedbear · 4 years
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detectiveinchicago · 2 years
I love the fact that Pelham already has a squad willing to defend him and he got there literally five minutes ago. 51 is his family now (hopefully for a long time?). Boden is getting SAVAGE next week cause how this Kilbourne dares to come after one of his fighfighters? Boden is not going to stop until he takes him down.
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Self Aware bi!dean fic list
*cracks knuckes* i gotta start using the bookmarks on ao3 bc scrolling though ibooks and checking the tags individually is Not It. Most of these are au's, because while a lot of self-aware canon dean fics do exist, it's harder for me to remember which way it goes becuase they tend to blend together more in my memory.
profoundly different by amireal and tiamatv - s4 au, cas is in anna’s role
no kingdom to come by domestic adventures  - canon quarantine fic fwb
the prophet must die by imogenbynight - pre god!chuck, dean realizes chuck kept publishing and that his attraction to cas is out there in the world for anyone to see
a turn of the earth by microcomets - can’t remember if dean Knows, but its s10 cas and pre-series dean
the path of fireflies by museaway - so dean technically doesn’t know, but its an amnesia fic post s8 i think where dean wakes up married to cas and they run a b&b in vermont  
tell me about the dream by playedwright - not a dean knows fic either but its incredible. post s5 dean and cas raise claire together 
crossing lines by sometimeswelose - pre series dean gets brought into late the late season. heavy internalized biphobia and angst in this one 
Cinderwings, 4LW by bendingsignpost (I feel like these go without saying but I’m putting them here anyway)
carry you home by casloveshisfreckles - college/pro baseball au
fire and ice by castielslostwings - fighfighter dean/emt cas  fwb to lovers where the benefits are a d/s contract 
a ghost story by emmbrancsxx0 - this is like if you mixed tec and moy and made it destiel, i recommend p much all their fics too
peace and good luck to all men by kismetjeska - human au - anna brings home her boyfriend dean home for christmas, everything is a disaster 
Satin and Sawdust by ltleflrt- Cas is vet who just bought a fixer upper, dean is the contracter who lives across the street.
russian to the altar by malmuses - fake marriage for visa purposes 
and this, your living kiss by opal_bullets - the poet dean fic you know the one, their other fic, everybody needs the light is also good 
inevitable homoeroticism in spanish romantic heroes by prosopopeya - i dont’ actually remember this one all that well, but it fits the bill and its a professors au
asunder by rageprufrock - pining dean takes his friend cas to his brohters wedding . this is one of the few fics i remember from the 2012ish era and it still holds up 
a beginner’s guide to communing with the dead by suspiciousflashlight - i can’t really sell this once succintly, but its a detective story in a magical world and its v good
a reasonable amount of trouble by xylodemon - dean is a hunter/PI, cas is a client, noir vibes. their wolfstar fics are great as well
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You Got It Wrong (Matt Casey) Part 5
Summary: After Y/N and Matt get into an argument, she leaves for her sister's wedding.
Words: 1223
Warning or A/N:
Tags: @intergalxtic @babyfannii @corebore123 @halsteadsway @bethii1 @littlemaatta @disneyismyworldforever @nhcwdw @thevelvetseries @myles-production @inlovewith3 @afuckingshituniverse @inlovewith3 @give-jack-a-lightsaber
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Matt's POV:
Tonight was Reid's bachelor's party and Matt wasn't going to go as he just met Reid but Reid insited on him going. So he decided to go. He spent most of the night thinking about Y/N and what she is doing at the bachelorette's party. He went in this, just to keep her from moving houses but now he doesn't know what he is doing. "Hey bro,"
Your eldest brother walked over to Matt and sat down next to him. "Try looking a less miserable,"
Matt didn't looked at your brother. "Well, I dont want to be a stripper club,"
"My sister got your wrapped around your finger, doesnt she?"
This entire thing was going off without a hitch but Matt felt like it was gonna end in diaster and then that would mean she defintely won't come back to 51. "Yeah,"
Jackson pointed at Matt. "He defintely needs a lap dance to chill him out,"
One of the strippers started walking towards Matt but Matt quickly got out of his seat and poliety declinde the dance and walked out of the club. Matt heard someone walking behind him and he turned to see and it was Jackson. "What?"
"I don't know what Y/N told you but this attitude you got towards me needs to be checked,"
Matt rolled his eyes and inogred him, which annoyed Jackson. Jackson grabbed Matt's shoulder and yanked him around to look at Jackson. "Did you hear me?"
"Obivously, I did but do I care? No. You are someone I really dont give a damn likes me or not,"
Matt shakes Jackson's hand on his shoulder and started walked towards his car. He just wanted to go back to the hotel to figure out things. "If she told you what happened, it was her fault,"
This stops Matt and and made him turn around. "What?"
"The night she caught Rose and I at the party. It was her fault. She was just to stupid to realize that I was cheating on her the entire time,"
Matt felt his anger rising in his chest but he knew if he punched Jackson, Y/N would get mad so he held back his anger. "Oh really and how is that her fault?"
"She wouldn't put out so I went to someone who did,"
"Well good thing, she broke up with you and you defintely don't deserve her. You defintely deserve someone like Rose though. So perfect match,"
"Has she put out for you?"
This guy was working on Matt's last nerve. "That's none of your business,"
"Well, once a prude always a prude,"
"Well I rather have a prude which she isn't by the way than some lack of a better word slut who made in her misson to destory someone's life just to make her feel better. The fact y'all are still holding to the past for dear life is astounding,"
"What do you mean?"
"Don't act like an idiot. I know you are trying to make Y/N jealous. You have been at the same job since high school and hasn't been promote or anything and its been like what? Almost ten years? Rose is working a dead end job as well. She has NOTHING to be jealous over. So do me a favor, get over the past cause its making you and your girlfriend look exteremly patheic,"
As Matt started to turn around, Jackson raised his fist and punched Matt in the nose, which had turned into a brawl fast. It didn't take long to have security break it up and kicked them out which Matt didn't care cause he was going back to the hotel anyways.
Y/N's POV:
By the time, Matt got home you had just gotten back to the hotel room that you two are sharing. You had gotten a text from your brother that Matt and Jackson got into a fight outside the club but he didn't know what it was about. You honestly weren't even mad at Matt, knowing how Jackson acted all day, it was a matter of time before it happened. You heard the door unlocked and you saw Matt with a couple of brusies but his face wasn't bloody. "I thought your face would've been more bloody,"
"I washed my face off before I came up. Look, I'm sorry but he was-"
You waved at him to get him to stop talking. "I'm not mad. I knew it was bound to happen,"
"What if, your sister kicked me out of the wedding?"
You shrugged. "Then she kicked me out. I'm sure the reason you got into the fight was because he made a comment towards me,"
"Yeah, just a bunch of shit that wasn't true. He started the fight cause I called him and Rose patheic and that you didn't have nothing to be jealous of because they both are stuck of a job that are dead ends and since high school,"
"See, why would I get mad at that?"
"Maybe, cause you've been getting mad at me for a lot of reasons here lately,"
You sighed. You and Casey has yet to actually talk about what happened at the firehoue cause everything has been super busy. "I'm sorry for that,"
Matt's eyes went wide. "Wait..Is Y/N Y/L/N actually apologizing?"
You chuckled and hit him in the chest. "Shut up! When two lieutenants make you feel like saving a kid's life wasn't a top priority, it kinda make you think about what those two lieutenants priorities are,"
"I'm sorry about freaking out on you we just wanted to know you were safe. Saving a child was the right call to make but we just lost too many firefighters recently and I-we didn't need to lose other and when you didn't answer back, it worried me okay?"
You looked at Casey and you could see hurt in his eyes when he said that about the lost of the fighfighters. I wasn't at the house when they lost Shay but I know it hit him hard, not as hard as Severide but still hard and then a few years later, we lost Otis. rYou walked up to him and pulled him into a hug. You hugged for a few minutes but pulled apart. "I get that but when Gallo or Ritter or Kidd don't answer, you don't freak out on them. You only freaked out on me. Are you that worried that I can't do my job properly?"
Casey shifted on his feet and looked at you like you just said the most ridicious thing ever. He placed a hand on your checked. "You got it wrong. You are one of the best firefighters we have but that's not the reason I freaked out on you,"
Casey stopped himself after that and you were too frozen from the closeness to say anything. Casey smiled before leaning in and kissed you. You froze for a second before you realized what was happening. After a few second more of the kiss, you pulled away but Matt's hand was still on your cheek. "Now, see if you would've kissed me when it happened, I wouldn't have gotten mad,"
"Oh really?"
"Yeah. I'm staying at 51,"
"I figured,"
You smiled before kissing him again.
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jayefeather · 7 years
Lady&#39;s Island home <b>damaged</b> after chimney fire, fighfighter injured
Thankfully the family does have insurance, but says there's extensive fire and water damage inside the home. The family says it had not had the ... from Google Alert - water damage https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=http://www.wjcl.com/article/ladys-island-home-damaged-after-chimney-fire-fighfighter-injured/8585114&ct=ga&cd=CAIyGmM1ODA0ODI0ZWVkYWI2OWU6Y29tOmVuOlVT&usg=AFQjCNG9waLgQ_ep6Bo3JlRR0wnhRH2x0A
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ksparrow77 · 4 years
#coverreveal Filthy Fighfighter
    Title: Filthy Firefighter A Cocky Hero Club Novel Author: Emma Louise Genre: Contemporary Romance
Cover Design: Mary Ruth, Passion Creations
Photo: Wander Aguiar
Model: Kaz Van Der Waard Release Date: May 31, 2020
  Blurb He looks like he belongs on stage, stripping out of his firefighter uniform, not running into a burning building to save me. But thank God he did.   When the smoke…
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worldnewsph · 5 years
BFP's Open House accommodates schoolkids in Maasin City
BFP's Open House accommodates schoolkids in Maasin City
MAASIN CITY, March 29 (PIA) — More than a thousand students from the different schools in Maasin City were given a chance to experience how fighfighters work during the three-day Open House at the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) – Maasin City Fire Station.
According to Fire Officer III Raul A. Inocando, the Open House accommodated Grade 3 to Grade 4 elementary pupils and selected high school…
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necklaceday · 7 years
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harshbk · 7 years
Gas canisters explode in major campsite fire in Boston
Gas canisters explode in major campsite fire in Boston
Emergency services have been at the the scene where three caravans were on fire and 'explosion's' heard by witnesses. Fifteen fire fighfighters were …
from Google Alert – Fire & Emergency Services http://ift.tt/2pua5K4 via
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