#fierce and feisty friday
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Rules: Post a snippet from one of your fics (can be published or WIP) featuring a fierce and/or feisty character this Friday or next, then tag some people so they can share, too! (Feel free to use the banner if you want!)In honor of Frozen Smut Week just around the corner, post a snippet from something you'll be posting that week! Follow @kristanna-days for all the updates!Tagging anyone that wants to play! (Doesn't have to be related to Frozen Smut Week)Fierce & Feisty FridayFierce & Feisty Friday
Rules: Post a snippet from one of your fics (can be published or WIP) featuring a fierce and/or feisty character this Friday or next, then tag some people so they can share, too! (Feel free to use the banner if you want!)
In honor of Frozen Smut Week just around the corner, post a snippet from something you'll be posting that week! Follow @kristanna-days for all the updates!
Tagging anyone that wants to play! (Doesn't have to be related to Frozen Smut Week)
This week's F&F comes from my forthcoming fic Diamond on March 30th: "Smooth move" (Kristanna, ballroom dancing AU) - based on my existing fic "Hungry eyes and moving hips" onAO3, rated E
Summary: Anna and Kristoff run a dance school, are in the middle of a sunday morning training session alone, but right now taking a break (sitting on the floor, by now Anna is straddling Kristoff´s lap...)
Anna had started pecking some sweet kisses to his temple and trailing down his neck, nibbling titillatingly on the crook of his neck, while her fingers softly grazed his torso.
“Fuck, Anna… you´re so hot!” He cupped her buttocks, pressing her rolling ass harder into his aching crotch, and he bent forward to nuzzle her warm cleavage.
“Aren´t you too warm in this?” he panted into her skin, his lips searching the entrance of her loosely sitting shirt.
“I am!” she breathed and looked back at him, her hands fumbling with his shirt in turn. “But Gents first!”
She yanked his shirt over his head and grabbed his shoulders, pressing slobby kisses on his well-muscled chest. Kristoff laced his hands into her hair, loosening the band and spreading her mass of ginger hair over her back. He loved her hair, the bright color and the cheeky curls. He reached for her shirt and laced his hands beneath the fabric running them up her back.
Anna let go of his chest and sat up, lifting her arms for Kristoff to pull off her shirt and reach behind her back to open her sports bra. Her nipples were hard already by the mere imagination of them making out like this. Kristoff noticed with a wink and cupped her boobs, gently running a teasing thumb over her nipples. Anna grabbed his wrists and moaned, flicking her tongue over her lips.
Kristoff sensed her arousal, her lisp rosy and full, her eyes half closed and her cheeks blushing.
“Gosh, how good you feel!” he murmured and leaned forward to kiss her neck, his hands still caressing her tits.
Anna laced her hands into his hair and her hips started grinding on the hot feel of his cock hardening between her thighs. She was already a damp wreck, her pussy achingly missing that big dick fucking her.
But there was so much fun in the foreplay, too…
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thecassadilla · 1 year
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Fierce & Feisty Friday
Thank you so much to @annas-hair-donut for tagging me!!! 💕
Rules: Post a snippet from one of your fics (can be published or WIP) featuring a fierce and/or feisty character this Friday or next, then tag some people so they can share, too! (Feel free to use the banner if you want!)
In honor of Frozen Smut Week just around the corner, post a snippet from something you'll be posting that week!
This snippet is from a fic I'm writing for Day 2 of Frozen Smut Week - Ruby!!! The fic is called "Crescendo" and it's a modern, pair skating au. After being dumped by her boyfriend and skating partner, Anna is forced to settle for Kristoff, a non-competitive figure skater slash former hockey player. They get off to a rough start, as Anna is still hung up on being dumped in spite of the instant attraction she has for Kristoff.
In this scene, Elsa and Honeymaren try to convince Anna to give Kristoff a chance.
“Deep breath,” Maren commanded, as Elsa handed Anna her water bottle.
Anna took a long drink, her chest heaving as she pulled the bottle away from her lips. Breathlessly, she muttered, “I don’t think I can do this.”
“Give the guy a chance,” Elsa pleaded, exchanging a quick look with Maren. “It’s only day three.”
“And? It’s like he’s afraid to touch me! You saw with your own eyes that he almost dropped me on a group two lift. Group two! We need a group five lift for our short program - how are we going to get up to a group five if he can’t confidently execute a group two?”
“What do you want to do, then?”
“What do you mean, ‘what do you want to do, then?’” Anna asked, raising an eyebrow.
“You don’t have much in the way of choice here, Anna. If you don’t want to work with him, then you’ll have no choice but to quit. You know how difficult it is to find a male partner for pairs skating, and with competition season quickly approaching, the odds of someone else becoming available are slim to none.”
“Maybe I don’t have to quit. Maybe if I practice enough on my own over the next few weeks, I'll qualify for the women’s singles category instead.”
“You’ve been pairs skating since you were eleven years old,” Elsa countered. “Do you really want to try something completely new to you?”
“Well -”
“Besides, Kristoff seems like a really nice guy,” the blonde added. “I feel like he may surprise you if you just give him a chance.”
“I agree with Elsa,” Maren piped up. “He’s out of his element - this is his first time working with a partner, and there’s a steep learning curve to it. You know that.”
“And he was available at such short notice. That alone should earn him a couple of brownie points.”
Anna crossed her arms over her chest, her cheeks burning as she glared at the two women. “Will you two please stop ganging up on me?”
Please keep in mind that this snippet may be edited/changed slightly in the actual fic, as it's in need of some editing. For some background, a "group two lift" in pairs skating is a lift where the male partner lifts the female partner by the waist, and it is not typically seen in elite skating competitions. A "group five lift" is a much more complicated lift, and gains a lot of points if executed well during competitions. It starts with the pair holding hands to push off, and then the male partner has to lift the female partner over his head using only their collective arm strength. There are a few variations of poses once the female partner is in the air. Please forgive me if I messed up the skating lingo in the fic/here - I am not a professional ice skater and this is just my understanding of how this stuff works lol.
The full fic will be posted on March 26th for Frozen Smut Week!
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firawren · 1 year
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Fierce & Feisty Friday
Rules: Post a snippet from one of your fics (can be published or WIP) featuring a fierce and/or feisty character this Friday or next, then tag some people so they can share, too! (Feel free to use the banner if you want!)
In honor of Frozen Smut Week just around the corner, post a snippet from something you'll be posting that week!
This snippet comes from my upcoming still-to-be-titled fic to be posted on or before March 27th for Day Pearl of Frozen Smut Week.
Summary: Anna and Kristoff are having a day to themselves at his cabin in the woods when things get a bit messy. She ends up wearing his sweater and he ends up topless. They've fooled around with their hands in the past, but not done anything else, yet.
Leading into this snippet, they're sitting back to back, and Anna just offered Kristoff a hand job. He said no.
Anna's heart sunk at the rejection, her blood going cold. "You don't want me?" she said quietly.
He heard the hurt in her voice and had to stop himself from turning around to hug her. "No! I mean, that's not it at all, Anna. It's the opposite! Here, give me your hand." He reached a hand behind him, and Anna slipped hers into it. He gave it a squeeze.
"I don't understand," she said, her voice still small.
"The problem's not that I don't want you, it's that I want you so much. I want you so much it's crazy. But I don’t want to, y'know, take things further than you're comfortable with."
"I still don't get it," she said, starting to sound a little frustrated now. "I offered, so why wouldn't I be comfortable doing it?"
"Because if you touched me right now, looking like you do right now, I would want to do a lot more than just touch."
"Oh." Anna felt a flutter low in her belly as she realized what he meant. "Oh."
"Well…why do you think I don't want to do that?"
"I mean, you didn't want me even looking at your thighs."
She snorted. "I was joking."
"But then why'd you agree that we should turn around and not look at each other?"
"I thought you didn't want me ogling you any more. You seemed kinda uncomfortable being half dressed."
"Because you seemed kinda uncomfortable!"
Anna made a frustrated sound. "Okay, this is so dumb. I'm fine with you looking at me; are you fine with me looking at you?"
"Yes," he replied, sounding almost wary.
"Good," she said briskly, then dropped his hand and crawled around him to kneel in front of him.
His breath caught at seeing her again in that goddamn sweater. Kneeling made it ride up close to her hips, and he stared at those slivers of thigh over her stockings again. Her gaze swept over his bare chest, then she raised hooded eyes to his face to smile at him.
"I'm fine with you touching me; are you fine with me touching you?" Her voice was lower now, in pitch and volume. She smoothed her hands down her thighs. His fingers twitched, and his cock, which had softened while they talked, started to come back to life.
Kristoff swallowed hard. "Yes."
"And I'm fine with doing…more. Are you fine with doing more?" Her voice was so quiet now, and her eyes and smile had a dark edge to them.
"Yes," he managed to whisper before he clapped a hand behind Anna's neck and pulled her to his mouth.
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Fierce & Feisty Friday
Thanks for the tag @annas-hair-donut
Rules: Post a snippet from one of your fics (can be published or WIP) featuring a fierce and/or feisty character this Friday or next, then tag some people so they can share, too! (Feel free to use the banner if you want!)
In honor of Frozen Smut Week just around the corner, post a snippet from something you'll be posting that week!
I tag anyone who wants to do this!!!
This snippet is from my oneshot “The Queen’s Throne” to be published for Amethyst day of Frozen Smut week.
Summary: Anna is now the queen and Kristoff is her obedient servant. 
Rated: E
Pairing: Anna/Kristoff
“You only get one coronation, you have every other day to have alone time with me” Kristoff trailed behind her.
“And as Queen, I order that we have some alone time” Anna peeked to see that no one was following them and she slipped into an empty room up ahead. She liked being able to use the ‘Queen’ card to get what she wanted in moments like this.Anna looked around and realized they were in the throne room. She strutted up to the front altar and sat down on her grand throne. 
Kristoff started to follow her and Anna held out a hand to stop him.“Is that how you greet you Queen? Bow to your Queen” Anna smirked at Kristoff. She was purely joking, but to her surprise Kristoff did a grand bow and knelt on one knee before her.
“Your Majesty, my Queen. I am but your humble servant” he looked up at her. This was meant to be a funny joke, she never thought Kristoff needed to bow to her no matter what advisors and dignitaries and whomever else said, but she was turned on by this. She could already feel a tingling between her legs at the idea of him being her servant.“Rise” Anna commanded, “you may approach your Queen.” 
Once he was close enough to touch Anna grabbed his cravat and pulled him into a kiss.“Your Queen orders that you please her” Anna said seductively and then kissed him again, “kneel before your Queen”
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justfrozenthings · 1 year
Fierce and Feisty Friday
Thank you to @loonysama for the tag<3
I tag anyone who wants to join
This is a snippet from my fic An Unusual Predicament. I hope it’s feisty enough.<3
Getting Anna dressed didn’t go down without a fight. It wasn’t exactly that she was fighting back perse, but was too drunk to stand straight. Her arms would flail around and he would have to catch her as she clumsily tripped on her carpeted floor. To put it simply, she had two left feet more than usual. She still smelled of chlorine, but a shower could wait till the morning, as well as getting her to brush her teeth because if dressing her was a challenge, then cleaning her teeth would be impossible.
“Come on,” he grunted, lifting her up one final time. “Let’s get you tucked in.”
“No. I don’t wanna,” she grumpily protested, half-conscious. “Because that would mean you would have to leave and I don’t want you to leave.” She clung tightly to his neck, breathing in his scent as she wrapped her legs around him, preventing him from setting her down. And whenever he would ever try to unwind her, she would immediately wrap an arm and leg around him again.
“Fine,” Kristoff gave in. I was gonna sleep on the couch, but seeing as you're too stubborn to let go, I guess I have no other choice but to stay with you.” Which he definitely didn’t have any problem with, despite the faux agitated voice he put on, besides it’s not like he could go home; not with the state Anna is in. It wasn’t safe to leave her alone in such a condition and he would always be there to take care of her.
Content with this answer, she avidly let go. Turning off the lights, Kristoff padded his way back over to the bed, pressing Anna’s body against his and placing a kiss at the back of her head. “Good night feisty,” he spoke softly, before drifting off to sleep as well.
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annas-hair-donut · 1 year
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Fierce & Feisty Friday
Rules: Post a snippet from one of your fics (can be published or WIP) featuring a fierce and/or feisty character this Friday or next, then tag some people so they can share, too! (Feel free to use the banner if you want!)
Tagging: @thecassadilla @true--north @bad-at-names-and-faces @annaofthenorthernlights and anyone else that wants to play!
This snippet comes from my upcoming "Behind Adjoined Doors" for Day Diamond of Frozen Smut Week.
Summary: After seeing her recently engaged ex at her cousin's wedding, Anna sneaks through the adjoining door of her hotel room to have meaningless sex with Kristoff - because her life couldn’t get any messier, right? (subject to change)
He runs his hands over her thighs, his fingers teasing the hem of her nightgown.
She slaps his hand away and says, “Not so fast. I have conditions.”
“Conditions?” he says with a twisted brow. “I’m not really sure you can play that card, princess. You were going to blow me in my sleep condition-free.”
“I could just go,” she threatens.
He pulls his knees up and wraps his arms around them. With an eye roll he invites her to go on.
“The first is that you don’t have any STDs,” she says, scrunching up her face in disgust because it actually was a probability.
“Check,” he says. “And by the way, if I did, you’d already have it.” He motions with his tongue poking out of his cheek.
Anna’s cheeks boil and she blurts out, “Well, we’re using a condom either way!”
Kristoff chuckles, “Do you have any?”
“You don’t have any condoms?  You?”
“Contrary to my present circumstances, I didn’t actually come to my buddy’s wedding to bang bridesmaids.”
Anna rolls her eyes, and Kristoff says, “Wait, you were going to have lots of unprotected sex tonight. With someone far more likely to get you sick. Wow, Anna. I thought I knew you.”
“Fine!” Anna shouts. “I have an IUD. We don’t need one.”
Kristoff holds in a laugh, and says, “So you’re sure you can’t get pregnant, though?”
“Yes! And you better not pull out and come on my tits or whatever.”
“Fine, what’s the second condition?”
“You make me come three times.”
“What? Three times? Are you joking?”
“I had a really bad night and I want to forget. That’s why I’m here. Of course, I could just-”
“Two,” he says. “I can guarantee two.”
“Fine,” she says with a heavy sigh. “But you have to at least try for three.”
He throws his hands up and says, “Sure. Whatever. Why not? Anything else, your highness?”
“No one can know about this.”
He laughs and wipes his eyes. “What makes you think I want people to know I slept with Hans Westergaard’s sloppy seconds?”
“Shut up!” 
She pushes him to the bed and says. “And now there’s a fourth condition: no talking. Unless it’s to say my name, to ask me what I like or want, or to tell me how much you like what I’m doing to you. Got it? Got it!?” she says, pressing his chest further into the mattress.
“You know, you’re kind of sexy cute when you’re bossy.”
“What did I just say!?”
"Behind Adjoined Doors" will be posted to AO3 on March 30th.
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loonysama · 1 year
Fierce & Feisty Friday
Cat Scratch Fever
Wednesday (TV), Canon Divergent, Wednesday/Tyler
It had been a horrible day, anyway, until Wednesday walked through the door.
There was no mistaking her pale skin, sunken eyes always at least partially hidden by a tantalizing fringe, and dark red lips, so plump that his tongue accidentally darted out to sweep over his mouth.  But he almost didn’t see her signature braids, black as natural hair could be, camouflaged against her skin-tight, black vinyl suit, stitched together haphazardly as though it had been patched up after years of wear and tear.  Tyler’s eyes swept down and up her body, slack jawed.  Her skintight suit revealed a much more mature curves than her baggy uniform hid from his view.
“I’ll have a quad,” she said in her usual sour way, but Tyler didn’t quite hear her.  He couldn’t take his eyes away from the perfectly straight ears standing on top of her head.
“I knew I should have taken off this ridiculous costume,” she grumbled.
Enid sulked next to her, and said, “But it’s our team uniform!  And we’re celebrating as a team!”
“I’d rather celebrate with a quad,” she said.  Then she snapped her fingers in front of Tyler's face.  “Tyler?”
“What?  Oh, right.  Sorry.”  Then he stared Wednesday in the eyes, and tilted his head with a smile so subtle that Wednesday didn’t even notice.
“Well, whenever you get a chance, Tyler,” Enid said in a suddenly wispy, flirtatious voice.  Tyler swallowed hard, knowing he’d been found out by someone.  “We’d all like those fancy frozen latte drinks you make.”  
“Actually, the espresso machine is about to die, so I probably won’t be able to make them.”  He shrugged his shoulders, and moved his eyes back to Wednesday.  “Sorry.”
Enid looked at Wednesday, who had never shied away from Tyler that whole time, and sighed.  “You know, it’s almost dinner time, and I think they’re serving steak tartar.  I want to get there a little early so I can get the freshest cut.”  Then she looked around the empty cafe, and said, “Besides, it looks like you’re closing anyway.”  Then she gave Tyler an encouraging glance, and skipped to the door. 
“You coming, Roomie?” she asked for show.
“You go on,” Wednesday said out of the corner of her mouth.  “I'm going to wait for my quad.”
“Suit yourself!” Enid shouted cheerily as she bounded out the door.
Left alone in the cafe, Tyler and Wednesday stared at each other over the machine for an awkward amount of time.
“Well?  My quad?” Wednesday asked impatiently.
He shook his fantasies out of his head, and said, “Oh, right,” and started on her drink.
The machine sputtered and steamed, then completely died.  Tyler tried every button he could, but nothing worked.  Then he smiled weakly at Wednesday, red in the face, and not sure how this could have happened again, right in front of her.
She rolled her eyes and walked around the counter, and fixed it like she had the first time.  “You really need to be more careful with this machine.  It’s sensitive.”
Tyler stood slightly behind her, determined to learn from from her capable hands.  When she turned fast, her vinyl stuck to his cotton, then unstuck with a whoosh like tape being pulled off.
Wednesday put her hand to his chest and roughly shoved him against the wall.
He grunted, though he wished she had pushed him a little harder.  “What was that for?” he asked.
“Did you break that machine so I’d hang back to help you?”
He tilted his head and smiled patiently.  “Do you really think I’d do something like that?”
She placed a sweet kiss on his mouth, which Tyler wasn't even ready for.  She backed away, her eyes appraising every microscopic movement in his face.  She paused at the unmistakable desire clouding his darkened eyes.  He corners of he mouth quirked up, and he tentatively lifted his hands to her waist.
She kissed him again, her lips dancing with his, grasping and pulling a little more each time.  The ache in his groin from the waxy silk reigning over his mouth, and the pressure of her hips kneading into him in rhythm caused his ears to ring and burn, and the only thing he knew was how much more of her he wanted.  
Continue reading at AO3.
Post your own Fierce & Feisty next Friday!
Tagging @thecassadilla @bad-at-names-and-faces @firawren, but anyone can post a fierce and/or feisty snippet if they like!
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true--north · 2 years
Fierce and feisty Friday 🌻
This is from my little fairytale "Silver Crossbow"
«But it wasn't far; after all he, the Draugr King, was already here. A terrible shadow wrapped in mist was quietly creeping up the mountainside, snuggling up to them.
Kristoff tried to pull Anna by the hand, but she remained standing in place.
"The grave is here, come here!" Anna shouted to Runeard.
"Step aside!" hissed Kristoff. "What are you doing?" He wanted for them to hide, "Let him be!"
"Hush, I'm luring him! Grandpa, come here. We're here! Rita is here!"
The Draugr howled, darted to the gravestone and spun around it in a black whirl, circling around it»
@loonysama thanks for tagging me :}
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infectiouspiss · 7 months
Sorry to say but f***** is a TERF dogwhistle
what word? sorry what word is that ?? you've censored it too much what is it?? how am i meant to understand this?
is it faggot? or is it one of these?
family, future, Friday, Father, forest, Friend, famous, flower, finger, fiesta, faking, flying, figure, fourth, fringe, flange, frozen, forget, Fabian, filter, France, flight, fallen, famine, female, fiscal, fierce, French, feline, fridge, fiance, fetish, finish, Foster, factor, fluffy, fiddle, fusion, follow, farmer, flirty, feeder, facade, felony, fuller, fisher, fright, failed, flavor, falter, finale, fabric, falcon, fedora, fungus, frosty, fumble, feeble, forces, fester, floral, fondle, filthy, fellow, feisty, fetter, floppy, freeze, finder, frying, facing, Fatima, frenzy, finest, finals, fondue, fuming, fibula, fuhrer, frizzy, fruits, fossil, faucet, faster, floozy, folded, fodder, fabled, flossy, footer, fandom, fiasco, furrow, formed, fading, flagon, flurry, firing, frayed, frigga, foible, frappe, frugal, fruity, foodie, frilly, filmed, futile, funnel, frolic, formal, fueler, filled, fluent, Fresno, fibber, feared, fillet, fueled, fickle, Franco, fixing, fascia, fouled, fuzzed, format, fuddle, freely, filing, fraise, facial, fenian, flimsy, fecund, faller, Fijian, folate, ferret, fleece, feeler, foment, fledge, fasten, fennel, fabler, freaky, favism, funded, floats, footed, forced, favour, Fulton, folder, Faisal, frisky, flakey, faille, flawed, flabby, Frisch, froggy, frigid, flitch, farrow, feller, feuder, Fungia, fathom, Freyja, fizzle, frater, foetus, farina, flatus, fatten, flared, facies, fomite, Fields, flaunt, faulty, foully, famish, fipple, feudal, fibrin, forage, fences, filler, fowler, frowzy, fender, fracas, facile, fresco, fixate, folium, friary, fanion, faired, flyers, fidget, Fulica, frowsy, frothy, flinch, fusser, forego, furled, fakery, falsie, fugler, flocks, Fornax, flukey, fitful, fervor, foaled, forint, fusing, fillip, fasces, Frazer, fellah, forged, flinty, Fukien, frieze, fallow, footle, forbid, flacon, fluted, funder, flavin, felled, funest, fungal, fervid, florid, formic, forger, flanch, ferlie, former, filial, flicky, Fatiha, flyboy, Fenrir, fugato, fulfil, Fulani, finely, fatism, fantan, framed, finery, finnan, fornix, fondly, facula, fescue, fanned, foison, firmly, fetich, fulmar, faisan, flatly, Fawkes, funker, faucal, flashy, Fortaz, flyway, Faunus, fealty, frivol, Florio, facund, feebly, frijol, ferine, faerie, fairly, fardel, furred, foeman, foetal, firkin, flexor, firsts, Friuli, formol, fecula, flicks, foetor, fooler, fucoid, faeces, Frisia, fleshy, fundus, foiled, frumpy, festal, furcal, featly, furane, flamen, frumps, framer, Fugard, ferial, floret, Fallot, fusain, fussed, filago, fanged, floury, farcer, Fennic, floaty, furore, frazil, folksy, Ferber, forked, ferule, frills, forrad, finial, felloe, fulgid, flaxen, foozle, Frunze, fawner, ferned, fencer, fettle, feijoa, ferric, faecal, fauces, Flagyl, Faroes, fakeer, fleecy, fibril, filmic, foxily, fogged, funrun, furfur, FinCEN, friesz, flunky, fatwah, fallal, Fermat, fenced, fulgor, forcer, Fergon, Feifer, Finnic, Fenusa, felted, Florey, feodal, feodum, flexed, frypan, Feosol, Franck, fringy, foetid, fugain, fusers, Fafnir, fulham, fylfot, funada, faquir, futons, fumier, fedish, fuerte, fowled, fizgig, fuling, or furors?
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keeshya6 · 1 year
Fierce & Feisty Friday
Every Friday can be fierce and feisty! Just post a snippet or excerpt with a character who's being extra fierce or feisty so we can all get in the mood for the weekend.
Thank you for the tag @loonysama !
I am tagging: Anyone who wants to join in and has something fierce or feisty to share!
This week, my fierce and feisty comes from a scene in chapter 11 of An Unexpected Meeting. (Mando/Female Reader 18+) Mando has just learned that Reader speaks Cheunh, after she put a cocky Chiss in his place using his own language. If you'd like to read more, come on over to the ongoing story at Ao3!
About fifteen minutes later the Crest grows quiet, systems shutting down. Flipping a few switches on the final sequence, Mando then turns his seat to face you. He cants his helmet again in the way you've come to recognize as curious.
"Yes?" you ask, a slender brow arched.
"How many languages do you speak?"
"Oh, umm…" Your eyes move up towards the ceiling as you think about it, ticking off numbers on your fingertips. "Four fluently, if you count Galactic Basic. Two conversationally. And… I know random phrases from quite a few more."
The tilt of his head has become rather harsh by the time you look at him again, his surprise obvious for once.
"What?" you ask with a nervous laugh.
"You speak six languages? And phrases from others?"
You nod slightly and shrug. "Well, some of us learn how to fight off ten elite guards…and some of us learn six languages," you respond with a cheeky smile.
He just stares at you for a moment before finally laughing softly and shaking his head again. "You're full of surprises."
Another shrug. "Languages made sense for me. I had a knack for it and I grew up in politics. In fact, I was a diplomat, of sorts."
He nods slightly, rubbing absently at the side of his neck. "Yeah, that does make sense. You can't question people if you can't communicate with them."
He pauses for a moment. "Which six do you speak?"
Another pause in thought as you mentally sort them. "Fluently, I speak Galactic Basic, Bothese, Rodese and Ryl. Conversational in Huttese and Cheunh."
He regards you quietly for a few moments and then nods slowly. "That's impressive."
"Thank you." You smile brightly at him. Then, a mischievous glint comes to your eyes as you lift a single shoulder to shrug. "What can I say?"
You pause, waiting as he starts to rise from his seat.
"I have a talented tongue."
Mando goes deathly still at that, halfway out of his chair.
His gloved hands, which had been lightly braced on the chair arms, now curl over them in a tight grip. His knuckles probably turn white under the leather. He takes a few drawn out, ragged breaths before slowly turning his head and leveling his visor on you.
"Fucking. Maker. Woman," he snarls at you.
For a moment you try to look at him innocently, but you can't hold it and end up doubled over your lap in a fit of giggles.
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musicarenagh · 1 month
Embracing the Euphoria: Hotel Mira's "Waste Away" Journey In the echoing chimes of their latest offering, "Waste Away," Hotel Mira birth tremors of celestial discordance and earthly resonance unto us, straddling dimensions known only to ethereal beings and tortured human souls alike. Grieve's guitar wails like a cosmic banshee set loose in this mundane realm; simultaneously divine yet decadently profane. https://open.spotify.com/album/6nYzUETihyzIyQnuiGVs85 Kerr sings symphonies in whispers - tales of resilience seemingly told from within an iron maiden - addressing domestic abuse with lyrics that bleed raw desperation beaten into uncompromising defiance. It is at once dolorous balladeering interwoven with warrior cries resounding with surreal brilliance against the backdrop of Noble’s bass humming dirges, assuming forms both mortifyingly sorrowful and spellbindingly comforting. The crash-and-burn rhythm provided by George emulates Poe's telltale heart but also pops boisterously like champagne corks under neon lights. A seemingly paradoxical dance between dirges for funerals never mourned over and anthems for victory parades never celebrated. "Waste Away," enters as an avatar morphing nimbly through garage rock grit, indie pop sparkle and glam swagger – shape-shifting genres until borders blur into obscurity; chaos taming order just to whip it into fervor agitated anew while consuming itself repeatedly like a fever-dream ouroboros intoxicated in delirium sublime! [caption id="attachment_55415" align="alignnone" width="1500"] Embracing the Euphoria: Hotel Mira's "Waste Away" Journey[/caption] Its blooming departure leaves one bereft then invigorated —as if having danced barefoot across shards of emotional wreckage softened by diaphanous veils made out macabre delight— forever stained by celestial auroras etched indelibly on the canvas your very soul: A short-lived euphoria topped up liberally pouring out haunted stardust lingering until oblivion takes its toll. Hotel Mira at once strip away defenses bare then swaddle you tender into safety found amidst ruins guarded fiercely by feisty songs refusing to waste away into whisperings of silent screams forgotten. It's a dizzying spree woven unitard out of tragedy, resilience and redemption archived in anthems creating acoustically quilted antidotes for hearts scorched by home-ground battles. Folloq Hotel Miraon Website, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and TikTok Hotel Mira LIVE Performances Great Escape Show Thursday, May 16th The Impressive/Planetary Showcase @ The Secret Comedy Club, 2:00 PM East Street Tap, 8:20 PM Friday, May 17th Grand Central, 11:30 AM London Shows Monday, May 13th Moth Club Sunday, May 19th The Victoria, Dalston Join us for an unforgettable series of live performances by Hotel Mira!
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Fierce & Feisty Friday
Rules: Post a snippet from one of your fics (can be published or WIP) featuring a fierce and/or feisty character this Friday or next, then tag some people so they can share, too! (Feel free to use the banner if you want!)
Oh.... it´s friday again...
And yes, that Frozen Smut Week coming up... thanks @annas-hair-donut for tagging me (and giving the idea for posting a snippet for the event).
tagging @firawren @keeshya6 @luthien-under-bough @sidepartskinnyjeans or anyone who likes to join!
Here´s the beginning for my canon-verse post F2 Kristanna smut-fic "Sash me to your heart" (day March 28, Amethyst, royal) - here rated M
Anna helped Kristoff out of his clothes, slowly and tenderly giving him a caring stroke here and there while her fingers worked him out of the different layers of fabric. He pulled her close, meanwhile all naked, pressing her body to his and pecked a kiss to her forehead. “Can I skip the bath?” “Ugh… no!” Anna laughed. “But I will be right with you, lend you a hand if you wish.” He grinned, cupped her chin tilting it a tad upward and softly brushed his lips over hers. “I´d love that, feisty pants!” “Off you go, you valiant pungent reindeer king!” Anna teased and tantalizingly squeezed his butt. Kristoff grumbled fondly and turned for the adjoint room where the bathtub was set ready. Anna watched after her husband with a warm glance. He was so brave and deserved some good treat… She started sorting his clothes onto the vanity chair, and just then, a sassy idea came to her mind. ~~~ He had lowered into hot water, sank his large body to a comfortable position at his best, bracing his arms along the tub wall and leaning his head back. Eyes closed; Kristoff had to admit that the privilege of a warm bath at the end of a nerve-wracking day was not to be denied. It didn´t take long and he heard soft footsteps advancing. Anna was such a sweetheart… was she going to rub his back, and maybe some more…? He could literally feel her hands gliding down his chest already and the mere imagination of his wife´s tending to his tensed body sent him almost over the edge. He breathed deeply to prevent his dick from hardening for another few moments. She would notice eventually, but had not to see his cock poking out of the water the very first moment she came in. How rude… A soft cough made him open his eyes, dimly aware that his groins were throbbing in anticipation. Holy iceberg… He glared at Anna who was standing just a hand's reach away from him. If he thought he was in control of his manhood, his rock-hard buddy was not obeying in the least and poked his head out of the water instantly, to see his wife standing there! Anna was smirking, with her hands braced on her hips. Her bare hips. Her hair fell free over her bare breasts. She was completely naked, adorned with only one piece of cloth. His sash.
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thecassadilla · 1 year
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Fierce & Feisty Friday!
Thank you so much to @annas-hair-donut for tagging me!!! 💕
Rules: Post a snippet from one of your fics (can be published or WIP) featuring a fierce and/or feisty character this Friday or next, then tag some people so they can share, too! (Feel free to use the banner if you want!)
Tagging: anyone who wants to join in on the fun!!
This snippet is from a fic I'm writing for Day 5 of Frozen Smut Week - Sapphire!! The fic is called "Point of View" and it's a modern au that takes place in my Change of Pace universe (remember that fic? gosh, it's been a while...oops) but can be read completely blindly. In this snippet, Anna surprises Kristoff with a blindfold.
He raised a skeptical eyebrow. “What are you doing?”
“I got you a present.”
“Did you?”
Anna smiled coyly, removing her hands from behind her back to reveal a blindfold hanging delicately off of her index finger. She held it up in a most tantalizing manner, raising her eyebrows and cocking her head to the side. “Surprise?”
“I didn’t realize they were giving those out at Parliament meetings now,” Kristoff retorted drily, his heart rate picking up a bit as he stared at the satin cloth. 
She playfully rolled her eyes, dropping her hands to her sides and moving to join him on the couch. “I ordered it online, silly.” 
“And what, exactly, did you plan to do with it?”
Please keep in mind that the snippet may be edited/changed in the actual fic - I've only written part of the 1st draft, and it's in desperate need some editing lol. But the full thing will be posted on March 29th for Frozen Smut Week! And, if you need something to hold you over in the meantime, you can get caught up on Change of Pace here!
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firawren · 1 year
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Fierce & Feisty Friday
Rules: Post a snippet from one of your fics (can be published or WIP) featuring a fierce and/or feisty character this Friday or next, then tag some people so they can share, too! (Feel free to use the banner if you want!)
This snippet comes from chapter 7 of "Beauty and the Brute," a nearly-complete Beauty and the Beast 1991 retelling.
Summary: Belle has entered into a marriage of convenience with Gaston. By this point in the story, they've grown to be friends. They're out on a walk together to gather medicinal plants, because Belle was trained as a healer by her mother.
The sound of sobbing and screaming grew.
Finally they came upon the source. A young washerwoman with a swollen belly was holding a low tree branch above her head for support. She was grimacing in pain and fear, her face red and covered in a sheen of sweat and tears. Her eyes darted over to Belle and Gaston, peering out frantically behind the pieces of hair that had fallen over them. “The baby’s coming!” she cried.
Gaston froze, but Belle rushed over to the woman, laying a hand on her back and smoothing her hair off her flushed face. “What is your name, madam?”
“Bonjour Valérie, I’m Belle, and this is my husband Gaston. Poor dear, you must have been frightened laboring all alone out here, but you’re not alone now. We’re here to help.” They were right at the edge of the woods, and Belle looked beyond the trees to see if the road was in view, but it was too far to make out. Still, Valérie might have several hours of labor left, which would give them plenty of time to get her to a house. “Do you think you can move?”
Valérie shook her head emphatically. “No, no, it hurts too much. I need to push!”
Merde. The urge to push meant they probably didn’t have enough time to move her, but Belle kept her face and voice calm. She stroked her back and spoke to her in a soothing tone. “OK, that’s alright, Valérie. You’re fine right here. May I check how close the baby is?”
Valérie nodded once, but then her face crumpled in pain and a moan escaped through her gritted teeth as another contraction rose up within her. Belle kept rubbing her back and murmured comforting things until Valérie’s face relaxed enough to indicate the contraction had passed.
Gaston stared wide-eyed as Belle knelt down on the ground and stuck her head and arms under Valérie’s skirts. She pulled her head out only a few seconds later but kept her arms under. “Valérie, your baby is almost here. You are doing so well. When the next pain comes, give me a nice big push. Gaston—” He jumped at suddenly being addressed. Belle’s voice had switched from soothing to commanding. “I need you to find a few pieces of clean, dry cloth out of all this laundry, quickly.”
Gaston dashed around the clearing and pawed through the laundry scattered about. As he searched, he heard the woman begin wailing again, much louder than before, while Belle encouraged her, yes, push hard, that’s it, well done. His heart began hammering wildly. “It’s all dirty or wet!” he cried out when the two women quieted.
“I’m going to need your shirt, then,” she called back, while she began unknotting the apron she was wearing over her dress.
“Take it off, Gaston, and get back over here.” She spoke firmly but didn’t shout; the mother needed a calm atmosphere. She laid her apron on the ground under Valérie. “Valérie, you are doing so well. Baby just needs a bit more room to get out. We’re going to have to get you kneeling down.”
“Kneel down? I can’t, I can’t move!” she sobbed.
“You can do it; you’re so strong. Gaston is going to help you.” Gaston had just stepped to Belle’s side with his shirt in hand. “Gaston, fold that and put it on my lap, and then you need to hold Valérie so she can kneel.” He stared at her with eyes wide and wild, his breath rasping out of his open mouth; she’d never seen him terrified before. “Gaston, Valérie needs us to be strong for her. We’re going to help Valérie,” she said sternly.
He swallowed hard and nodded, moving behind Valérie. He took hold of her shoulder with one hand and grasped her hands with his other so she could let go of the branch, then slowly lowered her to her knees on top of Belle’s apron. He grimaced as she squeezed his right hand tighter than an owl’s talons around its prey, but she was trembling like a frightened rabbit against his other hand supporting her shoulder. Her weight was nothing for him, yet he was gulping for air like a fish out of water.
He glanced down at Belle, her arms still hidden under Valérie’s skirts. Her eyes were focused, she was breathing evenly, and not a tremble was to be seen throughout her body. Gaston was flabbergasted that she was staying so calm! But he remembered that Belle had said they needed to be strong for Valérie. Be strong, I am strong, be calm like Belle, he thought, as he tried to slow the heaving of his chest.
Belle felt the next contraction start. “One more big push and your baby will be here, Valérie! Push!”
Continue reading on AO3
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labelleperfumery · 2 months
Wild Raccoon Goes On the Attack at Hersheypark, Tries Biting People
A feisty raccoon crashed into a Pennsylvania theme park last week and caused utter chaos by attacking innocent bystanders — and TMZ’s got video of the whole thing. The wild critter was looking pretty damn fierce Friday at Hersheypark — opening… from TMZ.com https://www.tmz.com/2024/04/03/wild-raccoon-rampage-attack-hersheypark-bite-people-line/
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indiaeveofficial01 · 2 years
Navaratri - The 9 Days of Festivity
The Navratri celebration that happens as per the Hindu calendar is all about worshipping the appearance of Goddess Durga that lasts for 9 propitious days. Navratri is the celebration of Goddess Durga victory over the malevolent Mahishasura. Navaratri is regarded as the celebration of peace over ego and dharma over adharma. On each of these 9 days of Navratri, pooja and fasting is done by the believers. Each day is dedicated to worshipping each of the nine forms of Goddess Durga namely - Shailaputri, Brahmacharini, Chandraghanta, Kushmanda, Skandamata, Katyayani, Kalratri, Mahagauri, and Siddhidatri. People are in the festive mood for nine days and the days are made even more special by family gatherings, feisty food and doing the rituals and prayers at temples.
Navratri celebrations are here and it is important that you know the significance of Navratri. The nine days of Navratri celebrations are the days of celebrating the victory of light over darkness. Navratri 2021 dates begin on October 7, 2021 (Thursday) and end on October 15, 2021 (Friday). Every year Navratri is celebrated with more enthusiasm and get togethers. However, due to the corona outbreak, Navratri 2021 has to be celebrated in a low profile for the sake of the public well-being.
So, why do we celebrate Navratri every year? What is the significance of Navratri? Here are the fine points of the nine days of Navratri worship:
Day 1: On the first day, Shailaputhri is worshipped who is the personification of Goddess Parvathi. Shailaputhri represents the collective power of Brahma-Vishnu-Mahesh. The goddess is mounted upon a bull and is worshipped on the first day of Navratri.
Day 2: Brahmacharini is the Goddess worshipped on the second day of Navratri. The goddess is worshipped to attain grace, prosperity and Mukti. Devotees wear the royal blue color dress on this day. The goddess has aKumbha; in one hand and Rudraksha; on the other hand. &lsquo;Rudraksha&rsquo; is one of the most admired religious elements for the Hindus.
Day 3: Chandraghanta is the goddess of beauty and bravery. The enthusiasts wear the yellow coloured dress on day 3. The Goddess has three eyes and ten hands. Of the ten arms, eight arms hold weapons and the remaining two are in the gesture of blessing the disciples.
Day 4: Kushmanda is the goddess worshiped on this day and is the one who blesses with green and vegetation, symbolically representing life. For obvious reasons, the colour worn on this day of celebration is green. The goddess is mounted on a lion with an astral-like aura around her.
Day 5: Skandamata is the mother of Kartikeya (also known as Skanda) and while the goddess was carrying Kartikeya in her wombs, she was chosen as the commander by the gods in their war against evil. Skandamata could transform any harm or evil coming near her into thunderstorms the colour of which looks like cloud grey. For this reason, the disciples wear dresses of grey shade on this day. The goddess used a lion as her vehicle and always held Skanda in her lap.
Day 6: Katyayani, the avatar of Goddess Durga is the daughter of Sagacious;. The goddess was very courageous and on this day when Goddess Kartyayani was worshipped, the devotees would wear orange shaded colour.
Day 7: Goddess Kalratri otherwise known as Kali is considered to be the most powerful and one of the most worshipped forms of Durga Maa. Regarded as the fiercest of all personifications of Goddess Durga, her colour was dark and the idol used for worship speaks a lot about her power and fierce nature. The Goddess fought for peace and justice and hence is linked with the colour white. Hence, white is the colour that devotees wear on the seventh day. The Goddess is mounted on a donkey and is the destructor of darkness.
Day 8: The incarnation of Durga as Maha Gouri is the symbol of optimism, intelligence, and hope. The colour pink is what the devotees wear on this day. Maha Gouri rides a bull and her idol is depicted so.
Day 9: Goddess Siddhidatri has a motherly appearance and is believed to be the goddess of healing and bestows her disciples with happiness and positivity. On this day, the temple-goers wear a blue shade dress.
The Navratri festival as the name suggests is the festival that spans nine days and is the true blend of the Indian culture, colours, festivity, religion, spirit, and celebration.
Have a happy and prosperous Navratri 2021 , Katyayani, Kad Sto all you wonderful people!
If you want to learn and know more about events happening all over India; Visit: https://www.indiaeve.com/
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