#ffxiv blabbing
aethernoise · 2 months
An incomplete list of flowers FFXIV should let us grow in flowerpots, in no particular order:
- Peonies
- Hibiscus (or "Oschon's Rose")
- Daffodils
- Petunias
- Irises (DRKs know)
- Gladiolus
- Hellebores
Other items from my flower related wishlist:
- Expansion of indoor flower pots to more than 1-2 per property (PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD)
- Jasmine trellis outdoor furnishings
- Vendor-purchased Cherry Blossom trees
- A "mixed bouquet" ALC recipe using multiple different grown flowers (with multiple variations)
- A flower basket fashion accessory (as seen used by various NPCs)
- Outdoor flower pots/option to grow flowers in garden plots
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usagi-mitsu · 2 years
The more I learn about the convocation and their members, the more I start questioning my views of the more "prominent" members. Like.
When we met Lahabrea, I was like "ok... crazy ass guy! Super powerful! Very respectable." And then he went all crazy and we defeated him and I haven't been able to take him serious anymore AT ALL. And now we find out that we either defeated a guy who was already old 12k years ago OR his super insecure, young son.
Speaking of young: Elidibus. Like. I was always like "oh... so he is the leader of the ascian squad. Ok. He is powerful. And respectable. Intimidating. I'm glad he seems nice..." Then he did 3.2 and 3.3 and I went from "FFS YOU ASSHOLE" to "bebi don't cry... IM SORRY!!!" And now we find out that he too was really young (in comparison to Old Lahabrea) and so full of hope and imagination!!!
And then we have Emet-Selch. And my first impression was "what a bitch." Like. Literally. Until he helped us get Y'Shtola back he was the equivalent of the cat-knife meme for me. But then he broke my heart - TWICE! Because if he could help us escape in the Seat of Sacrifice, WHY NOT STAY! (Because he's tired. And dead. I know.) At this point I had SO much respect for him. And I was so sorry. He must have been so tired of wrangling his half deranged colleague and being under Elidibus couldn't have been easy. But yet again: in Elpis we learn that he too is actually really young compared to other ancients!
So now my view of the unsundered is less "a group of highly intelligent and well organised individuals with a plan and a common goal" and more "final year law student tries to help his undergrad buddies pass their exams while trying to get enough sleep" XD (in case its unclear: ES is the law student in this scenario.)
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And don't even get me started about Azem. Even the tiny bits of info we are getting about them are enough to make me think having them around must have been absolutely mental. And thats before one starts filling out the gaps with your own imagination XD
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lotuseatingstone · 1 year
my criminal friend, using their mods to give me a special birthday gift of my current big ship ♡♡♡:
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same friend, awarding me with a unique title:
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¯\_( :/ )_/¯ duality of man
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marcilled · 9 months
should i stop living in fear and just post about my ffxiv ocs on this blog
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hag-darling · 1 year
Me, 1 month into Shadowlands: This is the most unfun I've ever had. I'm never playing this shitty fucking game again.
Me, now: -helping a gay dragon couple save a wetland area and get a new pet duck in the process- hehe
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picturesofashe · 2 years
going through some old notes about ashern again and remembering how stingy he is about being called ashe by anyone that isn't close to him. he's really particular about it, and actually gets kinda mad it if someone calls him ashe unprompted. asking though? that's fine, he'll just tell them that he prefers they call him ashern over ashe.
which is extra funny to think about when it's okay for someone to actually refer to him by nickname, and they do it in front of others that have heard he doesn't like that and the absolute confusion that follows. just a whole round of "we thought you didn't like being called ashe?" and a full thing of "well yes, but no, but yes, but also no." and he just can't quite explain himself because ashern doesn't... really know the reason why he does this. just chalks it up to He's Just Like That™
in actuality he was primarily called ashe by his gran, who was the closest person he had before gestures to MSQ shenanigans. so it just kinda got stuck somewhere in his head that the only people who he allowed to call him ashe were those close to him. maybe one day he'll actually realize this. maybe not. he definitely hasn't even by the end of endwalker though
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starrysnowdrop · 6 months
Okay like...I'm not a huge Hermes fan because of what happens later with him but..I can tell you are very excited about him and your stuff involving him and you're afraid no one will like or ask about it. I like to encourage people to chase what they love and inspires them so...
I am asking. Lay it on me! Give me all the Hermes stuff that makes you excited! (If you're comfortable doing it.) Headcannons, thoughts, um..I don't AO3 but if you have links to stories with him...whatever you want to share! Go for it!
First of all, can I give you the biggest virtual hug?!?
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Thank you so much @pinxli for your kindness, your encouragement, and your support for us all here!! You are an amazing friend and I’m so grateful. 🥹💖
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Onto your actual ask, which is just a chance for me to blab about Hermes for a bit, which I know will end up way too long, so I’ll put it under a cut.
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So, I want to start by saying that you are absolutely right Inxli-mun in that it’s been difficult for me to talk about Hermes, for multiple reasons, but a big one is that so many in the fandom seem to hate him. I mean he is the one that is easy to point to and say that he caused the final days in the first place and that he’s to blame for literally everything that happened afterwards. So I get it, I really do. But it also means that it makes me really anxious about even talking about him, let alone gpose or write about him. So hopefully this will help me in doing so in the future.
Here’s the thing. From the beginning, I was in the “love to hate him” camp about Fandaniel. I was intrigued with his character and wanted to know more, but I wasn’t exactly excited about his total nihilism, especially in the Pre-EW patches when we first got a taste of him. He got a bit more interesting after the Amon reveal right before Tower of Zot. As a fan of Allag stuff, I liked the reveal and all, but I still didn’t know at all what to expect next. When we got to Fandaniel’s death when he became the heart of Zodiark, I felt like he was an interesting villain, but not my favorite in FFXIV, and I thought that was that. I didn’t think we’d get anything more about Fandaniel, let alone his Unsundered self.
Then came Elpis, and the more I heard and saw, the more I realized that I was going to fall in love with this character, or should I say the Unsundered Fandaniel anyway. The reveal that his name was Hermes got me so damn giddy already because I have always loved Hermes from Greek Mythology. Then when Hermes first spoke in Elpis, I recognized Jeremy Ang Jones’ voice, as he was clearly Amon/Fandaniel, but he spoke so softly and it just hit me with the feels instantly. I have no idea why, but I find a great voice to be a huge turn on, and Hermes just did it for me. His beautiful green eyes also greatly help in the sexiness department for me.
Seriously though, the more I learned of Hermes, the more I felt for him. His caring nature and compassion for all of the creations, his devotion and fatherly love for Meteion, and his kindness towards the WoL just made me love him so deeply. And he was so unique amongst the Ancients, with his love for all creatures, not just his fellow people, and not to mention that I saw a lot of myself in him with his depression, as I myself have chronic depression and anxiety. It all spoke to me, and way after I had finished 6.0, I still couldn’t shake him from my mind. Though I had no intention on shipping with him for the longest time, since it took me nearly 2 years to do so, he had stolen my heart, just as Aymeric, G’raha, Cid, etc. had done before.
So I don’t want this to turn into a full blown essay on him, even though I have already written so much already, but I wanted to talk a bit about why I love him, and that my love is very much for Hermes, and not as much for Fandaniel as the sundered ascian. I very much see Hermes, Amon, and Ascian Fandaniel as all separate characters, even though they all share the same soul whose trauma can be first attributed to the suffering that Hermes experienced.
Though I am still figuring out not only a canon timeline, especially with the newest short story coming in and wrecking a few things that I had planned, but I also have a few headcanons for the Modern AU with Urania x Hermes, and I also I do want to do a Happy Ending AU for Hermes, but I am not entirely certain if I could pull that last one off. So for now, I’ll give you a handful of headcanons for the Modern AU.
Hermes is a single father who adopted Meteion when she was a few months old, and she is obviously not a familiar in this modern setting but a little girl who wants her papa to find love. He is in graduate school working towards his master’s and eventually his PhD in Astronomy, but he still doesn’t earn enough to support himself and his daughter, so he is a barista at the local coffee shop. It is at the coffee shop where he meets Urania, who is a regular customer. They then bump into each other at the university and realize that they are in the same Astronomy graduate program. Some other hobbies that Hermes has is bird watching and cooking, along with spending his free time with Meteion as much as he can. I’m still figuring out how I want the romance to develop, but I’m very excited about this AU because it can just be a sweet love story and no big bad stuff happening like the Final Days.
With that, I think I’ll shut up for now. But thank you so much for this ask Inxli-mun!! I very much appreciate the opportunity to blab about this man who I adore very much. 🥰💖
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autumnslance · 9 months
FFXIV Write 2023 Day 13: Check
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C’oretta seemed oddly subdued as she left the Quicksand, Iyna thought. Holiday celebrations continued, though the petite Miqo’te hardly seemed to notice.
Iyna had assumed the festivities were the reason C’oretta had taken this particular job to Thanalan; since Gage Acquisitions’ move to the Twelveswood, trips to Ul’dah were not as frequent, even for the teleport-capable employees. There just weren’t as many reasons to return, though Iyna found the dry, sandy air almost refreshing despite the heat, simply because it was now a change from what had become the norm.
Their job was complete, however—a simple courier trip, handling some of those leftover Corpse Brigade that sometimes liked to harass Little Ala Mhigo, when the vile fools remembered their origins to be more than mere bandits—and now they were on their own time.
Still; she had rarely, if ever, seen C’oretta look so…normal. There was none of the spring or pep she usually associated with her pink-clad companion as she walked out of the Adventurer Guild and down the street.
So Iyna followed. Discreetly, at a distance.
It wasn’t difficult to keep C’oretta in sight, nor to find her again when crossing through crowds or around corners. Iyna did not expect to turn a corner and find C’oretta waiting for her, arms crossed, scowling up at her—which was honestly adorable, but Iyna wasn’t going to tell the kid that.
“You’re not as sneaky as you think you know and it’s not polite to follow someone off on personal business.”
“I know how sneaky I am, Kitten, you’ve just gotten better at picking up a tail.” Which was, unfortunately, true. Damn the girl’s observation skills, and probably some of that combat-prescient Echo of hers. “And you could have simply mentioned you had something to attend to, instead of trying to sneak off, from a sneak.”
C’oretta frowned more, which looked utterly alien on her typically cheerful face. “Maybe but it’s complicated except not really it just feels that way and it’s been too long since I’ve been back here what with the move and everything.”
“It’s nothing dangerous or illegal, right?” Granted, Ul’dah’s rules in the latter regard were often lax if one had the money and influence. Still, there were some things by general Eorzean agreement one steered clear of.
“It’s not and if you’re so curious you might as well come along and see but no blabbing to everyone,” C’oretta sighed, turning and walking on.
“You know I won’t.” Iyna followed along.
She was not expecting C’oretta to lead her into a sanitarium. The man at the desk welcomed C’oretta warmly, waving off her apologies. “It’s a good day, I hear. She’ll be happy to see you, and meet your friend.” He turned a careful smile to Iyna. “But don’t be surprised if you’re forgotten by the end of the visit, or unrecognized next time you accompany Miss C’oretta.”
Iyna only nodded, as her friend still hadn’t explained what this was about.
It became clear once they went upstairs and into a room, filled with carefully-selected personal belongings that did not hide its hospital functions. A Miqo’te woman sat inside; only just started to reach what one might call middle-aged in the shorter-lived races. She had red, gray-streaked hair, big green eyes, fair skin, and was about as petite as C’oretta, several facial features the same between them.
She looked up from her writing or drawing by the window and beamed as she saw her guests. “Oretta! Oh, and a friend, how exciting, hello!”
C’oretta plastered on a fake smile as she bound across the room with a facsimile of her usual energy. “Hello Mama! Yes this is my friend Iyna we work together and came to check on you I’m so sorry it’s been so long since I stopped by.”
“It’s fine, darling, your schooling is important, but the sun will set soon, and Papa will be home and we can watch the fireworks together with your friend. Won’t that be lovely?”
C’oretta managed not to flinch, but her smile wavered. “That’ll be wonderful Mama.”
Iyna bit her lip, staying quiet as C’oretta visited with her mother, understanding now why the girl kept this to herself.
She couldn’t decide if her own orphaned situation was in the end preferable after all.
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tekutiger · 7 months
FFXIV Patch 6.51 !!
Good Gods a lot has been happening. I finally have a moment to stop and post something 😅
I've been tending to my own personal island, traversing a new island, braving a crazy new event that Manderville added to the Gold Saucer with these hyperactive beans?
I'll be posting a lot of screenies below, some potentially spoiler-y so... unfold the cut if you're interested.
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(I'm more or less posting these for sentimental/archival purposes but) Fall Guys Event!
Very anxiety inducing at first but once I got the hang of it, not so much, and rather fun 😎. Ngl though, I did stop queueing after getting all the glamour and pets I wanted, and reaching one win 👑
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I need to hop back in for a couple more things but my router is literally dying and I'm waiting for my ISP to come out to fix the issue first. A lot of people, including myself, are learning from this event that the snapshotting sucks. So, I'd really prefer to have my net fixed before attempting to queue more.
Oh!! Something I wanted to throw out there for people who don't want to run this a whole lot but want to put the Fall Guys furniture to use. If you just buy ONE piece of each thing, you can place multiple of that furniture item on your island. Go crazy and make a "fun space". I've been considering doing it, lol. Just food for thought 😋
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Island Sanctuary!
I'm not even remotely done here yet. I've hit Rank 20, got the Felicitous Furball glamour, and the 100k crowrie mount/bike, but there's a 200 Felicitous Voucher mount that is going to take agesssss to acquire. I've seen some people with it already. Likely bought the vouchers off the MB or traded with friends. The going rate for those vouchers on my server is 90k-95k each (atm). Buying all 200 of them would make the mount 19m (currently). I'll be patient and slowly earn them, lol 😋
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Aloalo Island!
Okay, I'll just be transparent here. I love the Variant Dungeons 🥰. Maybe Zenos wasn't wrong when he was blabbing on about how I'm an adventurer looking for a challenge, or a test of skill. I feel like Variant Dungeons do that decently enough to keep me in a good place (don't get rusty), but don't push me too much to be annoyed (*cough*fliptables*cough*). I'm not a raider- I'm not OP. But I do like a little push or a challenge here and there.
So, for me, I see these as fun, with rewards that are worth the time and effort.
I cannot say the same for the Criterion version of them however. I haven't done them and I see a lot of people raging over the terrible rewards. If it's that many people, it's worth looking into and from what I have heard, they're right to be upset.
If you need raid gear to do Variant Dungeon and the reward gear is under or on par with the raid gear that's needed to do it- that's a huge no. I don't have all the facts or experience to know first hand how true that is though 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Posting these 👆🏻 because this is my favorite path. I've always loved mimics and had this slight obsession with them since I played Ragnarok Online many years ago (my first MMO ever).
Silly little treasure chests, you're so evil and cute 💝
(Coulda sworn I got a screenie with the parasol but I cannot find it 🙃. Same with the new hair on my female bun... might edit it in later but probably not.)
Edit: (I'm editing one in at least 🙃)
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World of Warcraft: Retail (The War Within, Worldsoul Saga)
So, totally unrelated to FFXIV, but also related in a way... my BFF's BF talked her into playing WoW again, and she talked me into playing WoW again, lol (with the help of the cinematic). It's been FOUR years since I've played.
The reason I say it's "related in a way" is because I want to still play FFXIV at the same time and upkeep my FFXIV 'muscle memory'. I started doing the Loporrit Dailies recently - need to continue doing that. I still need to hit Series Level 25 in PvP - so I'll continue doing those daily. I need to continue getting my Island Sanctuary Felicitous Vouchers. And lastly, I began doing the weekly Custom Deliveries for Anden and Margrat. I intend to finish those for the Glamour and Mount. (It boggles my mind how people can say "I'm bored" in FFXIV. There's SO MUCH to do, always. Just admit that you're not bored, you're lazy 😑.)
If the muscle memory thing doesn't make sense, here's an example: It's when you drop/neglect one game for so long (let's call it Game A) to start playing another (Game B), that you completely forget the controls or lose the reflexes you once had for Game A, because you're too consumed living in Game B. I do not want that.
Just thinking about returning to WoW, I feel a bit overwhelmed. All of us used to play Horde for the majority of our gametime (my BFF and her BF, & some of my other friends who've quit). But before I quit, I was trying to make the permanent swap to Alliance (played Alliance for about a year). She's still playing Horde with her BF so I won't be playing with her unless I continue to play Horde. I'll need to find an Alliance server. It'll be cool if I can find a guild that has people who play both WoW & FFXIV. I need to look up which addons I'll need. I fear for all the crap I left in my inventory LOL.
But mainly. When I saw that new cinematic with Thrall and Anduin my heart broke. Anduin has gone through so much trauma in the time I have been away. All I could think about was "Wtf did they do to my King?" And now I feel like I'm crawling my way back and I'm over my head on how to do it. I need to know what happened to him.
(In BfA,) Azeroth turned into a joke and I was isekai'd away Anduin, I'm so sorry 😭. I'll bring some of the light back with me and give it to you, from Eorzea 💖
(FFXIV x WoW collab, when?)
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aethernoise · 7 months
I'm kinda bummed that in 6.5 we are still stuck with the soul vessel transportation method. After seeing those initial screenshots of Zero at the Crystarium I was so stoked to learn how Y'Shtola had finally figured it out (and also hoping she did actually figure it out herself and not get her thunder stolen).
I mean I don't want to downplay the accomplishment of transferring AETHER via Ironworks-assisted tech but damn I was looking forward to the possibility of more Normal and Comfortable ways across the Rift.
Disclaimer: I know canon is my sandbox and I can do whatever I want with writing / headcanons (and already have, plan to again). Among the myriad other cool things a development like this would bring I just really wanted a canon way for Alyx to bring her overworked husband on a Norvrandt vacation.
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Me and @virus-selfship we’re talking about FFXIV-related shenanigans but all I can think of now is Krysanthe in a nice dress, G’raha in a nice suit. We’re badly dancing at a fancy party for the Scions and I’m chugging every non-alcoholic drink they have.
It’s glorious and we need the Scions in fancy clothes in 7.0
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ottobooty · 3 years
got pissed at a DPS in FFXIV who kept standing in the fire and kept making me have to revive them, so last boss i yanked them through an AOE that went off and killed them
NO i will NOT adjust to you, you will ADJUST TO ME!!!!
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bluefairykino · 3 years
i rly wanna work on original stuff but brain is just “No. Viddy Gam”
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hag-darling · 3 years
i love how all of the wol's friends are in love with the wol, even if it's just a little bit, even if it's just a crush
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thefallenapprentice · 4 years
//I’m just popping in to ramble about the dream I had now that I’m finally home from work.
It was some weird DMC x FFXIV x DA:I crossover that played out like an FFXIV event. Baul shows up and confronts the crew all “I need your help rescuing my brother.” and explains that Modeus was summoned by a cult of mages and bound under their control like a weapon, forcing him into some imperfect Sin DT form (with big ol ram horns and hoof feet and typical “lusty” demon features) with his sword sewn onto his hand with chains. But that keeping him in that state while still under their control takes A LOT of blood and souls so the cult was having him slaughter humans and demons alike in droves.
And normally Baul wouldn’t ask for help, but he can’t free Modeus alone due to the huge spike in power but he can FEEL Modeus’ soul crying out. Because Modeus is aware of what’s happening, and the endless bloodshed is going to break him if the DMC crew can’t free him soon.
And then when the crew and Baul got to him, it was like an FFXIV raid where everyone’s fighting Modeus in a party and he’s several times their size and un-staggerable. 
Also Kyrie was there as healer. Because even though the Sparda boys are tanky on their own the fight was just that difficult apparently.
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starrysnowdrop · 1 year
Happy Patch 6.4 Eve!
This is your reminder to block spoiler tags in preparation for patch 6.4 tomorrow! I will be using the following tags: #ffxiv spoilers, #endwalker spoilers, #patch 6.4 spoilers, and #pandaemonium spoilers. Please be diligent and block spoiler tags if you don’t want to be spoiled!
I’m not even sure if I’ll be posting anything spoilery tomorrow, but just be aware that I might if I have to blab about either the MSQ or the end of Pandaemonium. I tend to put spoilery discussions under a cut, but I might also be reblogging stuff.
I’ll be answering some asks during maintenance this evening, but I’ll reblog this in the morning just to be sure. Happy Patch Eve everyone!! 💖💖💖
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