#fellswap cosplay
Skeleton's child is determined to put make up on him. How does skeleton react?
Undertale Sans - He lays on the floor and lets the kid do what they want to him. He falls asleep after ten minutes or so. When he wakes up, his skull is a rainbow. There's so much makeup it will take several weeks to wash fully lol. Sans has a greenish face for a good month. He doesn't care though.
Undertale Papyrus - Sure, if he can do it as well! They are both fabulous before the end of the day, as they use all MTT products Papyrus has.
Underswap Sans - He lets the child do what they want before realizing they're late for work and running to the car, completely forgetting the makeup. He's confused as to why everyone is chuckling before he sees he has a half-weird cat drawn on the cheek. Oh well. He's not going to break his kid's soul by erasing it.
Underswap Papyrus - Since he's quite a specialist in the matter with the many cosplays he created, he's teaching his kid how to do it properly, exercising on him. They're having fun using fake blood to transform their father into a zombie. That's a good father-child bonding moment.
Underfell Sans - He's not sure about it but he can't say no to his child so he doesn't really have any choice, right? He regrets it the moment his kid says there's not enough glitter and then proceeds to throw a handful of it in his eye sockets. Red can't open his eyes anymore, lying on the floor like a dying sea star, defeated by a three-year-old. The kid keeps giggling and bouncing on his belly, celebrating their victory.
Underfell Papyrus - He's in the bus. His face is full of child drawings because they looked really sad they couldn't paint his face before he went to the grocery store :( And he couldn't say no. Now, if someone is staring a little too long at his face, he just growls menacingly. What you're looking at? He's fabulous!
Horrortale Sans - He jumps a little every time the kid goes too close to his headhole, but other than that, he's chill. He even lets them draw on his arms and ribs. He looks like he fell into painting, but the child is having the fun of their life. He's just purring, happy to spend some time with his baby.
Horrortale Papyrus - He can't stay too long in the same position, so he proposes he puts makeup on the kid instead. He will happily paint his kid's face like whatever character they want to be. He's a bit sad he can't let them do the say, but they would have to climb on him and it's not good for his back.
Swapfell Sans - Absolutely not! The kid gives him puppy eyes. ... FINE. But only around his sockets. He ends up having the entire skull painted, and the hands, and the ribs... Yeah, he's weak. At least his kid had fun.
Swapfell Papyrus - Whatever suits your boat. He offers his body to his child. The kid paints him blue on all bones visible. He's going to stay blue for a few weeks as he realizes trying to wash his body his kid used markers instead of paint :D Oh well. That's life. Nox pretends he doesn't know him when they're leaving the house until his bones are clean again lol.
Fellswap Gold Sans - No thanks, he already put makeup in the morning. He can put some on his kid though. Wine has professional skills and will spend a few hours to make them look gorgeous. He then goes parade in the streets with his child to make all these peasants jealous as hell.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He has some body paint and shows his kid how it's done. They both work hard to make Coffee and the child the same color as the living room wall to scare the shit out of S/O when they're coming back from work. They're quite proud of their job!
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ratsoh-writes · 2 months
For those of you who don’t know, this is an RP event taking place from today (tuesday) to Saturday evening! I’ll be answering replies whenever I’m online! The setting will be one of ebotts biggest celebrations, the golden flower festival, a spring celebration of the arts and culture of ebott!
This year is extra special! The festival is being held all around Portland, a city next to the ocean full of docks. Normally any sort of trade and skipping ships dock there, but they’re being redirected to all the smaller seaside towns for these few days. And it’s also the first major festival that’s completely hadal accessible! All the shopping and events will take place on the docks and beaches around the ocean. Many ships have also volunteered as spots to host events.
This year’s art theme will be blacksmithing. All the art contests and shows will center around metal works.
Activities to do:
Visit the shops of course! Artists and artisans of all kinds fight for a booth in this fair, so there will be all kinds of goodies!
What’s a fair without fair games? Of course there will be many booths looking to rip you off for the chance to win a cheap stuffed animal! So much fun!
Also this fair is literally on the beach, so find a clearer spot and enjoy the sand and water! Because of how many aquatic monsters will be around, fishing with any sort of hook or nets are strictly prohibited in Portland for the week.
See the art show! There’s four sections being judged: small works, large works, weapons and machines! All got blacksmiths and metalworkers of course!
Visit seaweed mall! While it’s not as big as the metta mall in hotland, it is a nice mall and was the first one built in ebott. Seaweed mall is special for selling brands from outside of ebott. So it’s mostly catered to humans but most brands are slowly making monster geared items too!
There’s gonna be a school play on one of the navy ships docked about the story of ambassador frisk when they first fell underground. It has two showings, a day apart. Ambassador frisk has no comments about the play lol
There’s also gonna be a cosplay contest on the same ship at different times. Ebotts first comic con group paid some serious gold to advertise this and are hoping to draw out more fans for the con coming up in may. No theme, just show up as a character you love.
The royals presiding over this festival will be King, Summer, Olympia, Titanic (and to a lesser extent, toriel miss and asgore) so there’s a small chance to run into them.
The biggest show will be a meet and greet with some of ebotts biggest stars! The big three: mettaton, napstablook and fallentron (or felltron) will be the main guests, but there’s also a chance to run into Goldentron (fellswap gold) and silverblook (swapfell) throughout the festival.
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snapzback · 2 years
behind the scenes!! show us what inspired the goblin
ARIGHTTTTT so i've had this blog since 2017, and it used to be named theinfamousnapz. it's because he's the swapfell (underswap except fell versions) counterpart of Naps (Greta's underswap counterpart.) At the time, it was very popular to be making those types of AUs.
But I was always kind of known for taking stuff in a different direction! When I made an Underfell verse for Greta, that created FIEND, who was my take on a silly, very over the top grimdark and adult swim-esque style of humor for the Underfell universe. Where Greta was very loving and trusting and sincere, Fiend was MEAN and CRUDE and LEWD and VIOLENT. Eventually the art style for him changed SO MUCH that he had such a huge bottom jaw so I changed the classification from UNDERFELL to UNDERBITE. (Fiend would go through a lot of character development and retcons and eventually turn into Sir Moss, the ex-fell.)
Sometime in late 2016, Greta pretended to be a Fell and cosplayed like one, except all he had was really hot pink items. This would inspire the creation of Fella aka T-GAT (before he became an OC). Fella was something called TOONFELL, which was meant to be incredibly silly Fell stuff that wasn't as dark and edgy as Fiend and relied on cartoonish physics and some of my favorite elements of Undertale.
However, in about Feb 2017, I decided to change stuff up again. I would end up designing SnapZ and his brother, Worst. They were the fell versions of Naps and Best, who were the swaps of Greta and Laziest. (CONFUSED YET? IT'S OKAY,)
It wasn't until May 2017 that I would end up making Fell Naps, whose original url was theinfamousnapz and would take on the nickname Snapz (where his alt's url was thegreatestnaps .... u can see how these guys all got their nicknames)
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That was the first drawing I'd ever done of SnapZ. He didn't have his crown yet either! he was also on a sideblog until i eventually liked him so much i moved him to a mainblog. What I wanted to do with this AU was have something dark like UNDERBITE, but also I wasn't interested in following popular fanon for Swapfell (underswap but fell) or Fellswap (underfell but swapped. yes they are different.)
I decided to sort of combine design elements and leave out all the kinky shit that kept happening. (ie fellswap papyrus being on a leash???? and led around by his brother???shdfjkhskdj ARIGHT)
I also wasn't a big fan of the fact that it was largely accepted that for some reason swap Papyrus was a stoner. I never got it. So, Naps was often always seen with candy of some kind, usually a lollipop. SnapZ was the same way--he doesn't do drugs, he doesn't like the way weed makes him feel and avoids that stuff. In trying to think of how I would differentiate him, I decided to go with another view of "lazy"... I made him very much unmedicated ADHD. (As a person with ADHD myself, I had been called lazy many times during my life and felt like putting that uncomfortable depiction into my work. Everyone around him saw him as lazy because he'd avoid work, but he's far from lazy) He was unable to hold focus on things that were under stimulating--he would end up procrastinating on everything that was work-related, but if it came to having fun or being reckless, he was all over it.
SnapZ was self medicating with tons of caffeine--mostly drinking energy drinks (HOT6) and he was very much constantly zoomies. SnapZ had a mean side to him, due to being fell, he was a lot more nasty with his pranks and would go out of his way to hurt people (indirectly) and laugh at them.
His design was very much inspired by at first how much I played GTA:O with friends, but eventually I took a break from writing SnapZ after too much drama kept happening. In late 2017, I picked him back up and changed some stuff around. He was much more playful and silly, I was getting back to my roots for Undertale similarities. I also got into Watch Dogs 2, and the character of Wrench was SO SIMILAR to SnapZ that I was like OMG!!! I made Wrench SnapZ's voice claim. His personality and mannerisms and all of that were so much like my baby.
I moved away from making SnapZ edgy fell in the same ways as Fiend, and started on making him more his own thing with nods to Undertale. He was still pretty mean, or COULD be, but he was finally opening up to the idea of loving other people and trying to show them he cared without making excuses. (it would end up falling apart, but before that, he really felt like he belonged.)
And now we're in the present, with SnapZ being in a new timeline with none of the other BS-- but that might change, too. He has always been inspired by punk aesthetics, skateparks, being a little trouble maker. I figured there were more ways to show apathy than just focusing on someone lying around all day.
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kenniex2 · 7 months
fellswap s+p cosplay fullmetal alchemist brothers
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imjustalazycat · 4 years
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commission for the lovely @juliacarter07 a gift for their freind <33
thank you so much for supporting me ;;
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harlen-cosplays · 7 years
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This past weekend I attended Tokyo in Tulsa, debuting my Fellswap Sans cosplay for the first time!! I made this in juncture with @dapperblaster them being my Fellswap Papyrus. If you havent seen their cosplay, definitely go check them out and give them a follow. We’ll both be posting fellswap fontcest soon~!
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achirding · 5 years
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Costume time! ★
The GREAT Papyrus/Classic as a dashing cowboy! 
The SKEPTICAL Red as Marik Ishtar from YuGiOh!
The SLEEPY Sans/Comic as Kero(beros) from Cardcaptors Sakura!
The TIRED Slim as Ikki from Saint Seiya!
The MAGNIFICENT Blue as Ray from Beyblade!
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moonrihe · 5 years
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s/o is a streamer/youtuber who has a rather big following.
one day, they wanted their skelefriend to join that days video.
and the fans loved him! after a week there was already multiple peices of fanart of s/o and skelefriend.
skellies reactions?
Undertale Sans - He's flattered your people like him. He was a bit shy at first, but then you asked him to take care of the chat while they had to go to the bathroom so he started telling jokes and that worked so much people only wanted him for the rest of the night. He might try to open his own channel one of these days, it was fun. He loves the fanarts.
Undertale Papyrus - He has FANS. He is so excited. His followers on social media exploded and every time he receives a new fanart, he runs down the stairs to show you, so excited. He's overwhelmed with all the attention.
Underswap Sans - He's not sure why people are so interested in him but some of them are like really obsessed with his star eyes and that makes him a bit uncomfortable because he doesn't like it when people notice it too much. He's glad he left a good memory in your fans' minds though.
Underswap Papyrus - He's overwhelmed. First, people found his social media account and now everyone can see his drawings and he's so scared to check his notifications. He's glad about the fanarts, but he struggles to understand why people like him so much. He's just some dude.
Underfell Sans - Everyone is drawing him as a grumpy old man because he was not that enthusiastic about this. He's not sure if he should feel flattered or offended. It gets too much when one of your fans asks you if they can have the grumpy skeleton in the photo too. He's an internet meme now. He hates it.
Underfell Papyrus - W-well of course he totally expected people to love him that much! That is simply natural. He's not at all printing all the fanarts and looking at them with a big smile and tearing eyes before going to sleep every night. The ones where he appears with Doomfanger are his favorite.
Horrortale Sans - So, uh, he kinda forgot that night and he is just so confused why all your fans suddenly knows him and wants hugs and photos with him. He plays along, but you can tell he has no idea what the hell is going one. But he tries, he doesn't want to be mean.
Horrortale Papyrus - He's unsure about all the love at first as it feels like people are only interested in him because he's tall and scary. But when the next week you go to a meet & greet in a con and everyone is nice to him and gives him gifts and wants to take photos, he breaks down eventually and starts to cry. His heart is too full of rainbows.
Swapfell Sans - He acts like he doesn't care but he's checking his social media all the time to see if there's new fanarts and is actually sad when there's none. He's a bit addicted to this. More than he pretends to at least.
Swapfell Papyrus - He's a streamer as well, and quite a popular one. You basically just officialized you're a couple and now people are going crazy about this, speculating about your wedding or if you want children. Rus thinks it's funny, but he's quick to set boundaries after a random fan asks them when they're going to marry and if they can come.
Fellswap Gold Sans - So, someone came to him in a meet and greet, cosplaying him. Wine is very offended, very curious and very confused. He keeps looking at you, not sure if he has to atomize that guy or congratulate him. Help? He wants to destroy them so bad but that's probably not a good idea in the middle of a crowd.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He put all the fanarts on his wall and sometimes you catch him just staring at them, smiling. He's definitely going to draw something to thank your community. Those people are too nice to him, he wants to cry.
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Kanpai!Con 2018. Group photos will be taken / found later but here are the few photos I took. Cosplay made by my good friend Limoneychicken.
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ratsoh-writes · 3 years
Masterlist 14
(***) = suggestive
he finds a group of homeless mage kids (ut hf mt)
SO acts like a f*ckboi (edge mal charm sans green)
SO needs them to come to a family reunion (sf ul dt fsg butch ace)
kid dresses up a plastic skeleton like them (red cash honey charm wine)
shopping cart riding (all)
SO drove their car into a pond
crazy sib gets adopted by tigers (G oak butch slim pop)
toddler walks in on skelly and SO doing the do (ut uf us)****
flirtacious SO
SO is shy in the streets and gremlin in the sheets (mutt cash charm sugar undyne storm tempest)
Daughter gets cheated on (fsr fsg dt ot ft)
SO tries to save a nest from high winds (sf fsr ft ot hs)
antisocial SO (wine papyrus peaches)
SO dreams of an abandoned mansion (fsg ft us ot ul)
crazy sib chugs sour milk (gt sf hs)
disney land (ul sf fsg)
movie monster needs the loo
fox SO (papyrus mutt charm)
The purr list (all)
SO likes to flaunt the booty****
What to bribe them with (all)
Crush is caught looking at them dopily (fsr fsg ul hf)
pregnancy: who's rather carry or not? (all?)
Hades kidnaps their daughter
Horrors triggers**
Horrors meet their frisk/chara again
8'6 foot SO
their favorite kind of gift
SO is in some sexy cosplay****
he gets teleported to showering crush (ms mf gt sf)
pole dance competition between the dudes
helping SO make a short movie (ut sf fsr fsg ot)
dog has a cicada in its mouth
he switches bodies with his brother and is waken up by brothers SO (ot hs dt gt ft)
stranger opens the car door and kisses skelly (ul ot ft hf)
they catch friends SO cheating (ut us uf ht)
crush says something cute and falls asleep (ul fsr fsg)
chihuahua puppy
you had one job
crush accidentally confesses
they see a car accident (ot uf sf mf)
gym rat SO pulls a hit and run (honey cash mutt coffee slim basil)
cooking competition between red jupiter mutt cash papyrus
wiz sib takes out the bully once and for all (uf sf fsg)
human friend survives breaking the barrier
SO is having a baby! (fsg fsr ft mf mt)
SO is a prankster ice mage
ghostbuster SO (ut fsg hf)
cursed dog 2 (madame don roulette frisk salsa)
kids first driving lesson (sf mf ot)
centaur SO (ft ht us)
SO forgot to get dressed****
wedding vows
SOs wardrobe matches their magics color
Go Kart competition (all)
8'6 SO (hs hf pluto lord slim)
getting called a pet name (toriel edition)
SO uncovered a conspiracy (ut fsg mt)
sister in law is in love with them
toddler walks in on SO and skelly ;)****
humans and magic + soul types
Golem monsters
underfell poly
if the classic, swap and horror bros all lived together
boss and charm friendship
butch and charm friendship
ace and charm friendship
snipe and charm friendship
The Mafias
a little on roulette
marriage vows
SO gets their head stuck in the rails + tempest
mafiafell childhood
SO educates a bigot
boss ace bruiser and slim as grandparents
mafiaswap childhood
mafiatale childood
would they choose child or SO?
when willow realized oak was a Disney princess
even more proof that star is ADHD
domestic star
stars cooking curse
star with a crush
Fellswap Gold
wine's SO becomes pregnant
wine's crush metaphorically bears her soul
Wine with a crush
Wine's crush is in a collar**
Jupiter and a SO that can speak to spirits
charm in a baking competition
frisk and monster bro
rosemary info
mutt as a dad and lord as an uncle
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insidiousclouds-2 · 4 years
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This was supposed to be a humanized Fellswap Sans cosplay but it turned out more.... Underfell Papyrus esque.
Well, I make a good Boss don't I?
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messedupessy · 4 years
Ok so, got a ask from @matronofthevoid for the ask thingie I am doing, where she asked what my skeleton boys would be dressed up for Halloween, and I got hella lot of boys and this is hella long so decided to make a separate post with it yes xD 
I am skipping the seafell and seaswapfell bros, also the genderbent versions of them seaswap boys aka Bon and Nessie, as I srsly dunno what they would be pft, but let’s see...
Swap bros: Stretch I can’t say as that will be spoilers for the Halloween pic I got pft, but his bro Berry totally a sexy fireman just because he can, he gotta be matching his bro because that’s the way they roll.
UT bros: know this has been done before but Sans is dressed in a suit with a note stuck onto his chest with the word apology on it, yes he is a formal apology and Puffy if you read this yes this is inspired by your pic from ages ago. Papyrus is dressed up as Mettaton obviously, his box form that is, which he has worked weeks on perfecting! He technically could had just went with his old armor since that was a old costume he made before reaching the surface, but since he worn it so much it was time for a change, and what better than his favourite sexy rectangle?
Fell bros: Edge, if he isn’t too busy, which he might be unless someone drags him away from his work, is dressed up as Gomez Addams, there is no other costume he could possibly wear. Red is a lazy helicopter tomato who don’t really do the whole dressing up shit, so he will just put a pair of devils horns on his head and call it a day.  
SF bros: Scratch has worked like a mad lad on his costume, it is all made from... well scratch, and he has worked on it for literal weeks, a fancy af gothic vampire with a fluffy skirt, lace, buttons, ribbons, so many details, got like claw gauntlets and everything, it looks like some sort of cosplay with how detailed it is but it’s just a costume and he is very proud of it. Rus is dressed up as a literal trashbag, he just got a stinky old paper bag from the trash and poked some holes in it, put it over his head like the trash he is. 
Seaswap bros: Pass is a ninja because it is ironic as fuck, because Pirates VS Ninjas baby. Boney is dressed as the painting “the girl with a pearl earring”, with his own little twist to the rest of the outfit since you can only see the top half of her body. 
3in1Tale aka G bros: you would think Fraktur would dress up as Dr. Frankenstein since he is a mad scientist just like him, but no, Dr. Frankenstein is a sniveling little piss baby, the creature on the other hand, now that’s where the good stuff is, so yes he is dressed up as “Frankensteins monster”, though mixed with a scientist bc he can’t let go off his mad scientist aesthetic. Gans is dressed like that meme the “how do you do fellow kids” one, not on purpose though he was aiming for a skater because skating is cool, it’s hip, sadly he can’t skate to save his life.
SF KH/Purple bros: Mauve is too busy been aggressive and feral to dress up, dressing up in costumes and such things are beneath him. Cash dresses up as a drug dealer.... which he already is, he is technically not dressing up at all he is genuinely just been himself but “pretending” to be selling drugs, that might be real, is probably real, by opening his hoodie and be all “wanna buy some drugs?”. Their underground to start with isn’t much up to celebrating these sort of occasions.  
MessedUpTale bros: Pop is dressed up as a proper knight, using one of his old armours he used to use back before he ended up underground several hundreds of years ago. Tycoon or just Ty for short, well he is a king so he just switches out his crown for a burger king crown, at first at least, with the help of Pop and some of their friends they end up changing his costume into a literal grandpa, with a beard and everything, because he likes to joke that he is one, so why not dress up as one.  
Underlöst bros: Velvet is dressed up as Lady Gaga from the BLACKPINK music video Sour Candy, the black one with straps and like buckles, with a blonde wig and everything, as BLACKPINK is his fave band and he loves Lady Gaga. Bin couldn’t be bothered to put any sort of effort into any sort of costume, so Velvet had to do it for him, so he dresses him up as a wizard, but a sexy one, sort of, Bin is not really working it like Velvet had hoped but it will do.  
Easeswap bros: Mello is dressed as a cute and very comfy bat, but it’s also like sexy it’s like kinda like a massive hoodie rather that gets cut off at the knees, kinda like a hoodie dress, with bat hears and wings as the hoodie arms, he is very cozy in it. Dex is dressed as a werewolf, as it was the best and simplest thing he could get his hands on, but also like sexy. 
Fellswap Gold bros: Vin sadly did not have time to dress up or even celebrating Halloween whatsoever, his job is extremely demanding and he rarely got any free time, but if he had gotten a chance he would had dressed up as a old time gentleman. Mocha is a bit too socially inept and anxious to go out and celebrate, but his fave online multiplayer game, he dressed his character up as a punkish pumpkin man. 
Easefell bros: Thyme procrastinated af on his costume, so he ended up having to buy something simple to dress up as, and ended up as Raphael from TMNT, it’s kinda shitty and bad quality but it works. Pepper haven’t really gotten a chance to dress up properly before, yes he have once or twice dressed up for parties when he was more in his teen years but they used to be like not that good and... very slutty. He was tempted to just go with a pair of bunny ears and call it a day as he don’t have time for this, but ends up going with something more proper anyway, and dresses up as Sandy from Grease, the black outfit she wears at the end. 
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harlen-cosplays · 7 years
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It’s about time I showed off the UV effect of my contacts from my Blackberry cosplay! Shoutout to @dapperblaster for letting me bring her blacklight to the hotel and then holding it to get good lighting for the photos. (thanks love~)  I ordered them from here in case anyone was interested in a pair!
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Gonna do it...
So, I’ve never cosplayed before, but I really want to. I have a list of different characters to choose from, but I can’t decide which one to do first. I’m only 14, and I’m not comfortable asking my mom to buy me cosplay stuff, so my cosplay shit is gonna have to wait a couple years. I’ve decided that when I’m at least 20 I’ll start my cosplays, but I want the users of tumblr to choose my first character! Most of them are either Undertale or Undertale AUs, but I do have a few other characters in mind. I’ll just kinda figure it all out from there.
•Underfell Sans
•Underlust Sans (yes, I like the Underlust au, and no my mom doesn’t know. In fact she thinks I hate it.)
•Undertale Mettaton
•Final Fantasy 10 Riku
•Ciel from “Black Butler”
•Fellswap Papyrus (yes, I will use a collar and leash, not for weird shit. It’s just for the character. Ya sickos)
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moonrihe · 6 years
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fellswap-gold sans by:Jot
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