#feeling angy might delete this later
erinfulmerwrites · 9 months
Love love love being me and thinking things are finally going ok only to get that good old slap in the face reminder that my mode of contribution to (work, community, art, family) is not preferred by the majority, that my contributions are both too little (lazy, “not connected,” inconvenient to accommodate) and too much (too loud, too wordy, too demanding, too uncomfortable), and that I’m the problem if I speak up or feel hurt about any of this (oversensitive, reading into things, misinterpreting)
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prof-polaris · 6 months
saffron: ...ah, you're aware. well. violet, you are... ignore the last concerned observer anon, then. i should have checked your knowledge before i sent. i guess there's no point hiding that was me now, huh?
point still stands - i hope i can help him feel better in some way. i won't tell it about indigo being missing. i might... start to tell den and fuchsia and saffron what's going on. i'll be talking to angy later about it, but since the sonboy is safe and task completed... it might be okay to.
... i remember something about 'how to get to lake acuity in a wheelchair'. if that helps you at all.
I deleted it, kinda figured it was you.
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stevenbasic · 3 years
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“Imagine him, the poor guy, upstairs all alone as these come through…” Randi snickered, as the four of them thumbed through the newest applications, sitting in his office after work. There were - Jesus! - so many! So many girls clamoring for these jobs. She knew it’d be popular, but hadn’t expected a response quite like this...
“Yeah what are we up to, like forty?” Amelia offered, somehow still managing her typical disinterest and general irritation with the world, “and it’s...what? Five-thirty? They just keep coming in.”
“Forty-seven,” Josie answered, in obvious wonder, “He’s probably so scared…”
“Yeah maybe we should go upstairs and comfort him,” Amelia offered, “maybe he needs help. I’m sure his hand is getting tired.”
“Hahahahaha,” Randi laughed, deleting one application without even reading it (fatty, bad hair). She had been tasked with not only posting the job, looking for candidates, but weeding out the garbage before Missy (and, oh yah haha, Dr J) had to start making decisions. This would be easier at a desktop, but Marisela was at his PC.
“Who are all these other girls?” Marisela asked, semi-incredulous that a job posting for positions here, at this rinky-dink geriatrics practice, would garner such attention. She hadn’t realized that so many women were already in the know, understood what was going on at Far Horizons.
“Well, some of them are friends, yeah,” Josie answered, “like Shanette and Angie, a few others. Also a bunch of randos. But a lot of them are Evolution girls, of course-“
“Like this Bianca person,” Amelia interjected, swiping herself to the photos she had of the tall redhead, “I met her last week. She’s...impressive.”
“I’m sure she’s already on some sort of treatment, somehow,” Randi added, “lots of these girls probably are. But being here, around Melissa…”
“Jesus what’s going to happen to them?” Josie mused.
“Exactly. Who knows?” Randi answered, “We could have a team of Amazons here in six months, or sooner. And it’s all only going to feed into Missy’s getting bi-“
“And ours, right?” Josie interjected, an obvious eagerness growing in her voice as she pictured what ‘Office Culture’ might look like here, sooner rather than later.
“Yeah, what’s going to happen to us?” Marisela asked with her usual mordacious bite, “I mean...I think I outgrew this bra of mine today.”
“Oh, you poor thing, getting taller, smarter,” Amelia scoffed, for the moment not paying attention to her new nails, though she put her phone down to check them. They were starting to look like claws. “Suck it up, soldier. I mean, look at me,” she continued, as she pressed her chest forward, swelling her tits impressively in her clingy scrubs, “I think even my implants are growing.”
“Jeez Amelia wow,” Josie marveled, unconsciously bringing her hand to her own chest, through her own scrubs, feeling her own new mass, “Are we all going to get to be...what does Angie call herself?”
“‘Titty Monster’?” Amelia answered, causing Randi to snicker, “Are we all going to turn into Titty Monsters? Yeah maybe.”
“We actually have to watch out for Angie, I think,” Randi added, going back to the cloned account of his she had on her phone, “some of this stuff she sent to him is-“
“Pretty aggressive, yeah,” Marisela broke in, wide eyed behind the terminal screen, obviously looking at the application photos that Angie had forwarded, “Who is this chick?”
“She is a motivated girl,” Amelia answered, “a friend from the Hoot, now works for a bank, manages a couple branches. Huge knockers already, Knows how to use them..”
“And really ambitious,” Randi added, going back herself to look at Angie’s resume. She thought a few moments to herself, hair on the back of her neck rising. “Yeah, let’s keep an eye on her…”
Newest posts and bonus content up at my Patreon first
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honhonluigi · 3 years
I'm curious. You've said you dislike religion (which is valid as fuck and I have the same opinion), but if that's the case then why is Angie one of your favorite characters?
(I don't mean anything offensive or anything by this, by the way! If it makes you uncomfortable feel free to delete it.)
No, no, man, I totally get it. I’m sure it looks confusing from the outside. I can explain myself no problem. 
I guess it’s probably important to give a little explanation of why I hate religion so much, because it’ll make more sense then. I don’t hate religion because I’m an atheist. I am an atheist because of evidence and facts. Because I want to draw my conclusions based on fact and evidence. If I saw what I thought was undeniable proof of any god’s existence, I’d change my mind. Nah, I hate religion because I was raised in a cult. Not like a “my parents were heavily evangelical/strict” way. My parents were actual official members in an actual cult, listed as a cult by government officials (though they’re considering removing it from the list which would be a supremely bad idea.) You look up all the fucked up things that cults do? Those lists of “How To Tell If You’re In A Cult?” You’re describing this religion to a tee. It gets an A+ in every aspect of cultism. It wasn’t a cape-and-fire-chanting-in-the-woods cult. Those aren’t real. This was a Christian-based cult. (Most real-life cults are. Aside from like...Scientology maybe?) But they weren’t just Christians who took it seriously, like I said. It was a separate cult religion and the entire religion is officially cited as a cult. It was just Christianity-based. See if you can guess what it is. Based on the clues I gave I’d say there’s like...two choices. 
Anyway, that’s why I hate religion. Because I’ve seen and suffered first-hand all the damage that religion can cause innocent people. Not just in religious wars and acts of prejudice, but just in individual thought and life control aspects and so much fucking trauma. In torment and guilt and wasted years. In passed opportunities and ended relationships and sexual repression. Religion sucks. (In my opinion, all religions are fundamentally cults at their core. Or they would be, if the worshippers actually adhered strictly to the rules that they made. Which they usually don’t, hence why most mainstream religions aren’t thought of as cults.) I hate religion for the core principles of ‘sinning’, hell/heaven/paradise, good vs evil, thought-crime, religion-over-family, faith, not thinking for yourself, and believing whatever you’re told. That’s so damaging. But I don’t hate religion just because “lol it’s so stupid, I can’t believe people believe that shit!” or “religion is just too mainstream for me!” I can see why people would believe that in the old days, when things couldn’t be explained by science. I hate all religions, even the non-mainstream ones like wicca and shit. And I actually think studying ancient religions is really interesting. It’s an aspect of culture, and I can respect that. 
What does this have to do with my opinion of Angie? A lot, actually. I didn’t just go off on a religion rant for no reason. 
So, for starter’s, I don’t hate religion because I think it’s “too stupid to be believable” or that being religious is “too mainstream”, like I said. I don’t look down on religious people for being stupid, gullible, or trend-followers (more on that later.) That means that I can still respect Angie as a person, even if she’s religious. That’s important to know going forward. 
But the main reason is, I hate religion, not religious people. I hate the institution of religion, any religion. I hate the ideas that it carries and the practices it puts into play. But Angie is not any of those things. She’s just a person. She’s not responsible for any of the things that any religion, including hers, will do. She just believes in it. She, as a person, is not the thing that is doing all the damage I hate so much. Maybe her religion is, but she as an individual is not. 
Religious people are victims. I know. I was there. 10 years ago, I was an indoctrinated, god-obsessed homophobe, shivering in anticipation of a doomsday when god slaughtered billions of sinners. I won’t say I was different, and I always knew something was wrong about religion. No, I believed like everyone else. I was indoctrinated as much anybody. Religious people can’t help what they believe. They are the victims of peer pressure, cultural expectations, propaganda, lack of information/education, deliberate thought control, family pressures, and many other factors. Trust me when I say: they really can’t control what they believe. That’s why it’s pointless to argue with them. Their beliefs don’t come from logic. They are all victims. And I see everyone in my former cult as a victim, not an enemy. They really can’t help it. I can’t express that enough. 
So it’s not Angie’s fault that she’s so deeply ingrained in a religion. It’s not a character flaw for her, and it doesn’t make her evil or bad. In fact, it makes me like her more. I feel sorry for her. I sympathize with her. I was exactly where she was when I was 13. I know to everyone else, Angie’s religion is just a caricature or a joke. But to me, it makes her character deeper, more interesting, and sadder. 
Also, Angie’s not a cultist. Oh, this one makes me so mad. Everyone who says “Angie is in a cult!” or “Angie became a cult leader!” has absolutely no idea what an actual cult is like. The DR writers don’t know. The fans don’t know. It’s nothing like what Angie does. She never becomes a cult leader. Trust me. I would fucking know. 
When she becomes Student Council President or w/e, the Student Council has nothing to do with her religion. She’s doing that because she believes she knows what’s best to stop people from killing each other. She’s not doing it because “my religion is right and you all need to convert!” Otherwise, she’d have done that at the start. The rules she makes, like the night time curfew, have nothing to do with religion. (Also, her rules about flashback lights and night time curfews were completely correct and were good ideas, but go off I guess.) Yeah, she might say “Atua told me to do this!” But all hyper-religious people credit their creativity, ideas, or achievements to god. Whether or not those had anything to do with religion. She’s doing it because she has ideas that she thinks can help, not because she wants to push her religion. 
Case in point: in order to join her Student Council, you don’t have to believe in Atua. You don’t have to convert. K1-B0 and Himiko make that choice, but Tsumugi and Tenko don’t. And Angie doesn’t care. You’re allowed to be one of their group without sharing Angie’s religion. And once Angie’s Student Council is in power, then what? Fucking nothing. She doesn’t force anyone else to convert to her religion either. Even the people who didn’t join the student council. They’re allowed to not believe. She never approaches them being like “you have to join my religion now that I’m in power.” And she still treats Shuichi and Kaito as politely and friendly as always. (Not Maki and Kokichi, but for obvious reasons. She was right not to trust Maki, after what they learned about her.) Angie not once ever uses her power to push or pressure or threaten or force anyone to worship Atua with her. It doesn’t happen. She’s not a cult leader. If she was, it wouldn’t be optional. There would be grotesque amounts of threats, social isolation, pressure, etc even to those in her own student council if they didn’t believe. I won’t go into detail here, but trust me, it would be so fucking different if her little group actually followed the criteria for being a cult. Even when Tenko goes behind Angie’s back and escorts Shuichi into the school after dark, Angie doesn’t threaten her or oust her. She forgives her. She doesn’t say “no one is ever allowed to talk to you again” or “you have to do a horrible punishment” or “you have to die”. She just...forgives her. Yeah, she insults her a little, but she has a right to be angry after being lied to, betrayed, and used by Tenko. Still, she forgives her. Also: Tenko being in the school after dark and Angie being upset at that has nothing to do with Angie’s religion at all. The rule of not being out after dark doesn’t either. 
Also, her actions before her rise to power weren’t culty either. Angie never pushed her religion on anyone. I hate people like that. People who want to force others to believe the way they do. They’re the fucking worst and the scum of the earth. Some of the worst, most evil people alive, in my opinion. Angie’s not like that. She only talked to people about her religion if they asked her. As she explained to Tenko “I wasn’t brainwashing anyone. I was just answering questions.” Himiko, Gonta, and K1-B0 asked her questions because they were curious about her religion. She answered them. When they showed interest, she kept talking to them about it. They were the ones who said they wanted to convert. She never even asked them. And then when they wanted to, she welcomed them with open arms. They approached her. All she did was speak openly and honestly with them. She never forced anyone to convert to her religion. She never even forced anyone to listen to her talk about her religion. When Kaede and Shuichi got uncomfortable about it and changed the subject, she let it fucking go. She stopped talking about it. She never made the first move when talking to someone about Atua. They always approached her first. That’s definitely not culty. That’s just a religious person being honest when they’re asked questions, or getting excited when someone shows genuine interest in their beliefs. Of course she would be excited. These are her friends, and she truly believes that her religion is correct. She would be happy to see them safely in it. In her eyes, it’s the only place where they’re safe. Also, if she was truly a bad religious person, she would think that everyone who didn’t convert to her religion deserved to die. Mark of cults. But she doesn’t. She loves all her classmates, tries to keep them safe, and prays for them when they do die. Also, she believes that they get into Atua’s kingdom simply for being good people, even when they don’t believe in him. That’s definitely not culty. A cult is like “everyone who doesn’t worship like you is always evil, and they always deserve to die, and if they don’t convert then they are not worth saving. If you don’t believe in our religion you will definitely be killed at judgement day no matter what.”
But, most importantly: Angie’s religion is not the only aspect of her character. Angie’s religion actually has nothing to do with my opinion of her. I like her because she’s cute, bright, hopeful, happy, and persistent. She’s kind and selfless and she tries her best to keep everyone happy. She’s confident in herself, even if other people ridicule her. She’s got an interesting twisted side to her, with her composure in the face of death and her desire for blood sacrifices. But that doesn’t stop her from being kind and friendly to everyone. And she’s surprisingly smart, in her own ways. And appropriately ruthless when going after her goals, which is always something I admire. (I loved that she was willing to turn on Himiko when it seemed obvious that Himiko was the culprit, instead of obnoxiously ignoring facts like Tenko. Um, hello? If Himiko is the culprit, you all die? And if she’s the culprit, she’s trying to kill everyone, which kind of gives Angie the right to revoke her friendship from Himiko, yeah?) Angie’s character goes so much deeper than her religion. As far as her religion influencing my opinion of her, it...doesn’t. I pretty much just ignore it. I love her for who she is, not what she believes. 
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Hoya! May I ask some hcs for MM!Hajime, MM!Mikan and MM!Nagito ending up falling for a (female, if it's ok) student?
Before I get another mastermind request: I have Kokichi and Fuyuhiko in my inbox!
This might be a bit worse but it's cuz I don't write for Hajime and Mikan often-
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Masterminds! Hajime Mikan and Nagito ending up falling for fem! student
Hajime Hinata
He was jealous... Jealous of the Ultimates with their more or less flashy talents he could only dream of having.
You were one of them and all of you ended up in the killing game together. He lied by saying that he doesn't remember his talent.
But since he did delete most of your memories none of you thought of it.
Hajime was super helpful person and he talked with you very often. And even though he told you didn't remember his talent you tried to guess it and help him remember.
He ended up falling for you and to him this was bad. VERY BAD. He needs everyone to feel the despair but after getting to know you better he doesn't know anymore!
Trying to ignore his feelings he went on and continued this madness... He could stop it earlier but now it was too late.
You started to worry about him since he started being nervous... And he tried to shrug it off.
He actually felt guilty and that's exactly what he wanted. The day this game was over was getting closer and Hajime started to slowly lose himself.
At the beginning of the trial he tried to cooperate but he of course couldn't reveal too much info. He was calm but in his head he was disappointed that everyone relied on him and you. I mean it only means that his silence will be suspicious.
But in the end you threw that accusation since it was the only thing you had left to say. Hajime acted surprised like he didn't see it coming.
You argued for a while and in the end he just said "Okay you stupid ultimates won. All I wanted was to just see you all suffer and fall into despair but it turned out the other way didn't it? Whatever I'm bored by your misery anyways" he said looking away.
He felt the empty and couldn't care less about his death but before his execution you tried to stop him since you saw that he still could be saved.
But you didn't manage to change his mind "I love you Y/N but if you will care too much or hope for something impossible you are going to just harm yourself. Better stop this foolish action" he said and didn't reply to anyone anymore and so his execution finally began.
Mikan Tsumiki
She went through so much despair in her life that it just fucked with her mind and meeting Junko made things even worse becouse she planned her own killing game.
The thing is that she loved you even before she decided on the killing game but it whould give her so much beloved despair she can't just pass this opportunity!
Her acting was good... Waaaay too good. Even though she was crazy she still managed to act just like when you two first met.
She waited and waited for you to betray her or everyone else or when she was revealed as the mastermind. Any whould work.
But even though she was really smart with her plan she still was really clumsy and overlooked some things.
Of course you noticed some things that pointed at her as the mastermind but you just thought it was ridiculous thought and moved on.
It made her feel even better about her plan since if you don't believe it now you will feel like an idiot for actually believing in her.
She loved you so much she just really wanted you to feel the despair since to her it was just too good feeling.
In the end... You had evidence that pointed mostly at her and you HAD to present them during last trial.
Oh it did give her that feeling she wished for. And she could see that you were hesitant so she kept her act for few minutes until she was out of argument.
She completely stopped shuttering and her voice was calm "How boring. This argument is going nowhere" she paused "All I ever wanted was your despair. I wanted to help you feel it and it worked. I have no task left here but to die"
After that statement she smiled "Too bad I can't see your face when I die Y/N. You are something special to me and I want to make sure you feel this wonderful feeling of despair to the fullest" you didn't understand... No you didn't wanted to understand what was happening... But before you know it her execution started and you had no time to ask any question or say goodbye.
Nagito Komaeda
In his case it was huge mix of intentions... He wanted others to feel despair and see for himself who is actually worthy of bringing hope so it wasn't clear whether he did it for despair or not.
Most of his time he'd just stare at you and see how you fought for others sake. It made him feel really wierd but satisfied at the same time.
He knew that what he felt was love and he thought for a while whether he should confess or not. For the time being he decided not to becouse he wanted to suffer.
More exactly suffer from the fact that he wants to do it but he bottles this emotions. It made him even more crazy.
He knew that in the end either you or him whould die... Maybe both?
You started to worry about him after some time so you asked if everything was alright with him. His cover was pretty good even though he was still not cooperating with others too well (which WAS your main reason of worry that he doesn't trust anyone).
Each time he brushed you off and said that he thinks that he doesn't deserve to spend time with other ultimates and he'd just get in everyone's way.
After you gave him a speech saying that it wasn't the truth he started liking you even more... Such kindness...
But sooner or later it had to happen. He was revealed during very long trial.
It hurt you but it was hard to deny it at that point... Still you tried to come up with something.
"Someone who is supposed to be a symbol of hope shouldn't lie and avoid the truth Y/N" he said blankly.
Few seconds later laughed like he lost his mind (but now that you think about it he probably lost it long time ago) "Ah it was obvious that a trash like me couldn't even keep a secret" you could see in his eyes despair of defeat "I knew that it whould happen but since YOU were the one to reveal all this... Let's just say I feel betrayed after betraying you but I hope you won't forget how I was before Y/N... Even if it was an act I really wish I could actually be like that since it managed to let me get closer to you".
Everyone was silent for a while and Nagito smiled "I said a bit too much? Well either way it's time for my punishment. The hope won" he said shrugging.
~Mod Angie
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sage-selfships · 5 years
Sage H. D. - Bully Self-Insert
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This is my Self-Insert for Bully/Canis Canem Edit! I made the art myself and would appreciate if you didn’t use it! The Template was created by Silkvale and found here! I will post updated versions to @kitty-selfshipping so uhm yeah, follow that blog to read it when it’s totally finished or edited.
If you are interested in reading the current info about my Bully Self-Insert, please read under the cut!
Biographical Information Full Name [& Pronunciation] - Sage Holland Drage ( S AI J ) ( H AW - l uh n d ) ( d r ai j ) Meaning - Herb or Prophet, Ridgeland, Dragon Set Age - 14-15 Certified Birthdate - 12 January 1992 (not my real birth year, but shh) Astrological Sign -  Capricorn Pronouns - They/them or He/Him Aliases & Preferred Nicknames – Dumbbell - Sage might not actually like the nickname, but Mandy WIles insist on calling Sage it whenever Mandy sees Sage, so Sage is  Dragon - As some people may not be able to pronounce Sage’s surname, Sage just call themselves Dragon to make it easier for everyone. Ms. Shy - Even though Sage prefers to go by he/him or they/them pronouns, people insist on calling them ms, and many people consider them shy because of how they seem terrified of new people Puppy - A nickname Sage got from Kirby Olsen, that they claim matches their general personality Ethnicities Distant Descendants : American, British,  Dominant Descendants : Norwegian, Swedish, Danish Physical Description Hair Color - Brown Eye Color - Blue Weight – Height - Typical Clothing Wear :  Maroon or pink vest, purple skirt, blue bow, purple bow, pink shoes - School   uniform  Red stained dress and blonde wig - Halloween costume, that is supposed to resemble Carrie White from the movie Carrie Faux fur coat, faux fur ushanka - Winter attire Figure/Build - Distinguishing Features/Scars/ or Birthmarks – A mole just over their lip Explain: Tattoos: Piercings: Frequently Worn Jewelry: Choker belt around their neck Personal Information Current Living Arrangements - Sage currently lives with three of their American relatives, but also they technically live at Bullworth, in the girl’s dorm Originated from - Vestfold, Norway Traveled Territories - Hobbies -   Fears – Spiders, snakes, insects, heights, scarecrows, most of the jocks Religion/Beliefs – Atheist Why?: Sage grew up in an atheist family, as simple as that. Health Behaviors Physical Ailments/ Disabilities/ Issues – Addiction(s) [Sex, Drugs, Smoking, Alcohol, Other]  Why?: Any regular medication taken? – Medication for their Iron Deficiency and for their Hives Chronological Information Profession - Student Likes - Dislikes - Goals/Ambitions – Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience - Story behind experience: Weapons/Equipment - Sage mostly fights using their hands but can use a baseball if they need to Personal Attributes Personality - Strengths - Weaknesses - Good Habits - Bad Habits - Fetishes/Strange Behaviors - Stereotype - Shy kid with few friends As you know them better(and you like them) : As you know them better(and you hate them) :   Ratings on Personal Qualities (don't go overboard make reasonable stats for your character) Physical Strength : 4/10 Sage might not regularly train, but surprisingly Sage is stronger than they seem Attractive : 5/10 Sage doesn’t consider themselves the most beautiful and mostly blames it upon their parents and grandparents for how they look Honesty : 7/10 Sage hates lying in general, but still does lie if they need to. Rule Abiding : 3/10 Sage thinks certain rules are to be broken and others are to be broken. Sociability : 3/10 Sage is quite shy when it comes to meeting new people, but if they muster up enough confidence they can make new friends. Bullworth Academy Information Reason for enrolling: Sage has lacked disiplince and Sage’s parents had relatives that lived close Bullworth, so they decided on sending them to a Clique - Standing and Rank in Social Circle  - Room Number – 4 Roommate(s)-  Zoe Taylor & Beatrice Trudeau Favourite Subject(s) – English,  & Art Why?: Sage loves English because they’ve felt so motivated and  Least Favorite Subject(s) – Why?: Favourite Teacher – Mr. Galloway & Mrs. Philips Why?: Mr. Galloway - Sage takes a liking to Mr. Galloway, mostly because he encouraged and gave Sage a warm welcome to the school, during Sage’s first day at Bullworth Mrs. Philips - Sage got a few compliments Least Favorite Teacher –  Mr. Slawter Why?: Sage is quite afraid of Mr. Slawter, mostly because he yelled at Sage during their first class Knowledgeability Language(s) – Norwegian, English Schooling Level - Grade 8-9, Expertise – Chemistry - Math - English - Geography - Sage knows a few things, like where certain European countries are, but after that, nothing more Politics/Law - Economy - Cooking/Culinary - Shop - Botany/Biology - Mythology - high / Sage knows a lot about Norrøn Mythology and enjoys learning more and more about it Art - high / Sage highly enjoys Art and feels that they know a lot about the rules about realism and perspective Photography - Sage knows how to use a camera, and what settings look good or not, so they consider themselves at a 5/10 Reading Level - Overall Intelligence Level(s) - Interpersonal and Naturalistic. Relationships Statuses   (once you list characters here, delete them from the other list near the end of this information sheet, makes things less confusing) (Also, please describe the relationships of your character with other characters) Trusted Companions Closest Friend(s) –   Milliz - “I trust her with my life. Nothing more or less to say. And might I add that her and Earnest are really freakiNG ADOREABLE?” (Jeg beklager ikke for at du er satt på denne lista, Milliz) Friend(s) -   Kirby Olsen - Despite Kirby being a jock and Sage being afraid of most of the jocks, Kirby and Sage are pretty close and    
Hated Rivals Worst Enemies – Intolerable Students - Harmless Acquaintances Tolerated Students - Tolerated Townsfolk - Hot Encounters Hinted Attractions - Crush(es) - Lover(s) - Gary Smith, Jimmy Hopkins and Petey (Ey, don’t judge me please or make comments about this please, I just ship myself with all of them :( I will also make like another post or tweet where I just describe everything from lore to headcanons about this ) Ex(s) - None Extra Information Eating Habits Omnivore/Carnivore/Herbivore – Favorite Food(s): Favorite Drink(s): Disliked Food(s): Disliked Drink(s): Added Information Proclaimed Theme Song(s) - Either Dancing Queen by ABBA or Scent – Favourite Color: Favourite Season: Favourite Animal: Sage  Favourite Music Genre: Sage can’t really choose, but they are very fond of country and Pop Most Memorable Quote – Various Quotes Through Interaction :  “ Walking around – “I sure hope Mandy was joking when he called me a dumbbell...” “I don’t know jack dritt about math, how am I supposed to get a good grade?” “Gary mentioned something about rats, wondered what he was on about.” “I’m considering joining a clique... but which one?” “ “ “ “ When the fire alarm goes off – “Stuff like this always happens when you least expect it.” “Sure hope this isn’t a drill, I don’t want my slippers to get wet again without reason.” Greetings Good Terms: “Hiya!” “Hey there, best friend!” “How ya doing, sweetie?” “How are you doing, buddy?” “Hey, anyhting fun happen recently?” “Bro! What’s up?” “Heisann!” (Norwegian for ‘Hey there’) Bad Terms: “Please leave me alone” “I rather not talk.” “Ew.” “Get out of my face!” “Leave me alone!” “Continue being around me and I’ll beat you up! Or cry!” Saying goodbye – Good Terms: “Have a good day! “See you later!” “Hope you have a good night!” Bad Terms: “”See you in Hell, I uhm mean class.” “Leave already.” “I’m getting a headache, gotta go.” “Byyeee, see you never.” When Flirted With – Good Terms: “I uhm...” “Thank you....” “Well I uhm, thank you so much! I uhm haha, we should hang out or something!” “I feel flattered. I’ll uhh have to go over there until the blushing stops.” “Continue acting this sweet and you’re going to be getting ladies really quickly.” “ “You’re such a sweetheart!” “If I were of age, I would marry you right here on the spot, but I’m still too young.” Bad Terms: “I wouldn’t say I don’t like you, but I’m not that interested.” “Not to be rude, but no.” “That better not be trying to make me blush, because it didn’t work at all.” “ “
Watching a fight – “I know I shouldn’t watch this crap, but damn it feels so right, right now!” “ Attacking – “I’m sorry!” “I have no choice in this situation, so I apologize beforehand!” “I learnt this one from my friend!” While Fighting – “I really wish it didn’t have to end with one of us being hurt!” “Ouch! Thanks, I guess!”
Chasing someone – “You can run, but you can also hide!” “Come back here! please...!” Out of breath – “This always happens....” “Why do I have to have iron deficiency? When hidden from – “ Knocked out – “ Stinkbomb explodes – “I can’t see shit!” “I should be happy I can’t smell anything from before!” Opinions on students who reside at Bullworth Academy– (in alphabetical order) Bullies   Davis White: Ethan Robinson: Russell Northrop: Tom Gurney: Trent Northwick: Troy Miller: Wade Martin: Zoe Taylor: Greasers Hal Esposito: Johnny Vincent: Lefty Mancini: Lola Lombardi: Lucky De Luca: Norton Williams: Peanut Romano: Ricky Pucino: Vance Medici: Jocks Bo Jackson: Casey Harris: Damon West: Dan Wilson: Juri Karamazov: Luis Luna: Mandy Wiles: Ted Thompson: Nerds Algernon Papadopoulos: Beatrice Trudeau: Bucky Pasteur: Cornelius Johnson: Donald Anderson: Earnest Jones: Fatty Johnson: Melvin O'Connor: Thad Carlson: Non-Cliques Angie Ng: Christy Martin: Constantinos Brakus: Eunice Pound: Gloria Jackson: Gordon Wakefield: Ivan Alexander: Karen Johnson: Lance Jackson: Melody Adams: Pedro De La Hoya: Ray Hughes: Sheldon Thompson: Trevor Moore: Preppies Bif Taylor: Bryce Montrose: Chad Morris: Derby Harrington: Gord Vendome: Justin Vandervelde: Parker Ogilvie: Pinky Gauthier: Tad Spencer: Opinion on Adults who teach and patrol at Bullworth Academy – (in alphabetical order) Miss Danvers: Miss Peters: Mr. Galloway: Mr. Luntz: Mr. Matthews: Mr. Wiggins: Mrs. Carvin: Mrs. MacRae: Mrs Peabody: Ms. Phillips: Neil: Prefects – Edward Seymour II: Karl Branting: Max MacTavish: Seth Kolbe: Opinions on People in the cities of Bullworth – (in alphabetical order) Townies Clint(aka Henry): Sage doesn’t like saying it, but they’re quite afraid of him and  Duncan: Edgar Munsen: Gurney: Jerry: Leon: Omar Romero: Otto Tyler: Residents in the city of Bullworth – Bethany Jones: Denny: Dr. Bambillo: Krakauer: Mihailovich: Miss Abby: Mr. Brekindale: Mr. Buckingham: Mr. Castillo: Mr. Doolin: Mr. Huntingdon: Mr. Johnson: Mr. Martin: Mr. Ramirez: Mr. Salvatore: Mr. Smith: Mr. Sullivan: Ms. Rushinski Mrs. Lisburn: Osborne:
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fauxrest · 6 years
Mage’s Familiarity
Himiko Yumeno may have grown a few inches, but she’s not sure she’s any better. More aware, perhaps, but is that really a good thing?  (Harukawa Maki/Himiko Yumeno; can probably be read as platonic.)
Written for Day 4 of YuriRonpa Week: new beginnings. (Click here to read it on AO3!)
A/N: This was written in less than a day and I'm not sure how to feel about it, except that it's short enough that hopefully it's not much of a loss if you read it and don't like it. I had wanted to write a short OumaSai one-shot and then return to the first fic, but that one-shot ended up a lot more complex than I had intended for it to be, and I felt like writing something shorter in the meantime. So... here this is.
“Hey.” Maki Harukawa sat down on the floor, at the other side of the kotatsu, not bothering to get under the futon.
Himiko looked up from her book. It was Shuichi’s book, before, but it was a fantasy novel and he said she would like it better than he did… so now it was her book. “Nyeh… hi, Maki.” 
“No ‘Maki Roll’?” 
“I’m not allowed to call you that, right?” Himiko asked tiredly. She picked a playing card and slipped it into the pages for a bookmark. It was the three of hearts; she was sentimental lately. Whether it stood for Angie and Tenko or for her fellow survivors, she couldn’t decide, but everything good seemed to come in threes, and hearts were the one thing they had—“they” meaning the fictional characters created for the final season of Danganronpa. Himiko rubbed her eyes and tried to sit up straight. She could never completely erase the flaw Team Danganronpa built into her… but she could try to be better. Real people didn’t act like that. Not to the extent she used to do.
“No, but it’s weird for you to respect my wishes. What’s wrong?”
Himiko blinked. ‘What’s wrong’? Maki asked me that, huh…? “Nothing, Maki Roll!” Himiko perked up. “Mmmm… pick a card, okay?”
“Seriously? Card tricks again?” Maki’s lips turned up a little! Himiko smiled in turn.
“Just do it!”
“You got me again,” Maki commented flatly. “Can we stop now?” Himiko shook her head and readied another trick. Now that she had started, she decided, she had to practice every trick she knew at least once.
…Or at least a certain number of them. The sum of the numbers Maki had picked was three plus four plus two… so nine. “Nyeeeeh, I have six more.”
“…Good job,” Maki said. “How many is that now?”
“That’s the last one!” Himiko answered with a smile. “I feel better now… Thanks.” Maki nodded.
The shorter girl shifted and wrapped her arms around her chest. Even with the futon, winter was hard on her. She wanted to earn enough money to get a better apartment. They had given their reward money away. It was a statement. Shuichi had done it, so the other two followed suit. “Okay,” she said, “I’ve decided. I won’t steal Kaito’s nickname for you. He’s special, right?” Maki averted her gaze.
Then something unexpected happened, and Himiko squinted in confusion at the space where Maki was a moment ago before she was pulled up by a soft, slender hand in hers. “You’re different people,” Maki explained calmly. Without another word, she led Himiko to the bedroom the girls shared. (Shuichi had his own, smaller room, because he said he felt strange sharing a room with other people. Maki and Himiko’s beds were stationed on opposite sides of the room from each other. They weren’t particularly comfortable, but they weren’t terrible, either.)
None of them spoke to or of their families anymore. Himiko’s parents had reached out to her, but they were nothing like the single mom or her mentor from the false past she had been given, and they both liked Danganronpa. Even if the world had been changed… sort of… by what the three had done—what Shuichi and Maki had done, thought Himiko, for she had always been a follower and nothing more in the game no matter what her two friends said—there were still plenty who resisted the change. Things didn’t shift magically like that; Himiko herself was an example. 
Besides, Shuichi and Maki had no one, and so they decided to share a home; Maki’s talent was useless in the real world. There was no need for assassins, so no real organizations like Maki’s existed in the first place. And if there were, Maki had said once, she wouldn’t join them. Himiko selfishly didn’t want her best friends to be closer to each other than to her, and she wanted to help. Besides, it meant they could all attend the same school, and spend time together, and share the burdens of cooking and cleaning and everything else. Himiko wasn’t used to taking care of herself. Maki helped her a lot, with all the things Shuichi couldn’t, because he was a boy and he didn’t want to be inappropriate and he didn’t know how to do things like take care of long hair—Himiko was growing hers out, because she wanted to change in every way she could and because she wanted to be closer to Tenko.
Maki said Himiko helped her learn to be normal and have fun, and Shuichi said that it was because she was more light-hearted than either of them. Himiko was an entertainer by nature. Even if Tenko had died for her, and even if her family was fake, and even if her mentor never existed, this one part of her stayed true. At the same time, because of this, Himiko had come to realize something: the other two looked out for her.
They were always looking out for her, and that was why she couldn’t trust them when they said she was good or fun or important. It was nice to hear, but it wasn’t enough.
Maki sat on Himiko’s bed and carefully, tenderly pulled her into a very awkward Maki-style embrace. Himiko shivered and buried her head in the other girl’s clothes. Maki was still in her school uniform, which was gray and bland and reminiscent of Kaede’s from the audition tapes they had seen, although not the same.
“You need warmer clothes,” Maki muttered.
“I miss Tenko,” Himiko answered groggily.
The magician realized what she had said a second later and widened her eyes in horror, covering her mouth with her hand in what must have looked like the most clichéd gesture straight out of a TV show, but Maki nodded silently. In her arms, Himiko relaxed a little more and huddled closer. Even if Maki acted stoic and cold, she was warm on the inside. Himiko wanted to say that, for she thought it quite poetic, but instead she explained what she had been thinking about when Maki came home, when she had been trying to read Shuichi’s fantasy book and her eyes had passed absently over the words.
“I miss Tenko, but she only liked me because she was built that way. That’s why she was all obsessed and stuff. I didn’t like it back then, but now that she’s gone, and my mommy—my mom is gone, there’s nobody that needs me. Right? I mean… honestly. Really, truly needs me,” she rambled, her voice fading into a murmur at the end. She buried her face in Maki’s chest and felt the other girl’s breath get louder. Oh. That was a sigh.
“Look,” Maki said, “‘need’ isn’t important. I wouldn’t tell you that you helped me if it weren’t true. You should know that by now, but I guess you never will, huh?”
“It’s hard.”
Maki’s grip tightened, and Himiko looked up. 
The other girl was blushing.
Maki continued, “I’ll never ‘need’ anyone, but you’re important to me, and I would be...” She stopped, and so did her breath. Himiko blinked. Maki was staring at the window that looked out on the boring, busy street, but her arms were still firmly around Himiko. “I would be a lot worse off if you weren’t here. So would Shuichi, but probably… not in the same way.”
The girl lifted one hand and messed absently with a strand of her long, dark hair. “You aren’t Kaito. Our actions from now on are our own. I can’t be Tenko, either, and I wouldn’t want to be.”
Himiko felt her heart lift at those words. She nodded. “I wouldn’t want you to be, either.”
Endnotes: I wanted to write something and the fic I had been planning turned out a lot longer than I had anticipated. Zoinks.
I feel like I may have seen “three of hearts” used somewhere in a survivor fic before… or something similar with cards as a theme? Or maybe I’m getting things mixed up, but whatever the case, it’s not my intent to copy anybody. If I’m doing something too similar to someone else, I might have been unconsciously influenced by it, because I’ve definitely read a couple survivor fics before (including one or two with this pairing). So… mention it to me if you know one? I mean, even if it didn’t influence me, I might want to read it, haha. ^^
...Also, criticism is greatly appreciated, even for something I wrote on a whim and am already a tiny bit tempted to delete but probably won’t.
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berjhawn · 6 years
Twenty-Four - Part 11 - Home Is Where The Heart Is
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Twenty-Four ~  Chris Evans recently gave an interview and was asked what was his favorite age was and he replied 24. When asked why that age he said he couldn’t tell so my brain had a thought and this was the outcome. I hope you enjoy.
Pairings: Chris Evans X Reader ; Sebastian Stan X Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, cheating, misunderstandings, ETC
Part 1 ~ 9 years later
Part 2 ~ Dinner and a Dress
Part 3 ~ Truths and Premiers
Part 4 ~ Chris
Part 5 ~ The Fear
Part 6 ~ The Harsh Truth
Part 7 ~ Pictures of You
Part 8 ~ A Moth to a Flame
Part 9 ~ The Calm Before The Storm
Part 10 - They Say You Can’t Go Home
As we walk through the sliding glass doors I let out an inward groan of annoyance as all eyes fall on us. It wouldn’t be long before the rest of the town knew that Gene Hollister’s infamous celebrity daughter was back in town. I glance over at Tommy before I say, “Maybe I should have just sent you in without me.”
“What and miss all this?” He jokes as he grabs a shopping cart.
“Not funny Tommy.” I retort as I glance over at a magazine counter to see my face on the cover along with both Sebastian and Chris. I narrow my eyes angrily as I read the title: ‘Actress (F/N) (L/N) seen out and about with Captain America Star Chris Evans’ Rolling my eyes I walk away from the magazines and back to my friend who was headed toward the beauty department. “I swear people have nothing better to do in their lives than to be all up in mine.”
“Well you are a celebrity,” Tommy replies making me cock an eyebrow at him causing him to continue, “I’m not saying that gives anyone a right to your privacy; just that a lot of people are gonna say that when you became famous you gave up any and all chances of privacy.”
“You think I should quit?” I ask honestly making him stop in his footsteps.
“Seriously?” He asks and I nod, “Well do you love what you do?”
“I only started because I loved music and the feel of the ivories under my fingers; but any love for that disappeared when Em died. I haven’t touched a piano since, nor have I sang.”
“That’s a shame, you had a pretty voice.” Tommy says a sad look filling his face.
“What’s with the look?” I ask as I nudge his arm with my elbow.
“Nothing, just remembering things how they used to be, you know, before.” He replies and I nod.
“I do that pretty often nowadays.” I reply as I reach over and grab some shampoo and conditioner and toss it in our cart. “What sounds good for dinner, or do you have other plans?” I ask curiously making him chuckle as we ‘round the corner to the toothbrushes.
“No plans, other than a date with the stables. You offering to cook for me?” He asks and I nod.
“Maybe, you know depending on what you want. I would take some to pops; but I’m the last person he wants to see right now.” I say grabbing a toothbrush and toothpaste. After tossing them into the cart we start to move toward the food section.
“You know we could always stop by Spanky’s or Drake’s?” He adds making me let out a heavy sigh.
“No bars please, at least not right now. Drake’s doesn’t sound too bad, but I don’t know If they’d even let me in the door.”
“Don’t be silly, as long as you’re with me, nobody will say anything.” He says winking at me making me roll my eyes.
“Are you just suggesting a diner because you’re scared of my cooking?” I ask cocking an eyebrow at him making him chuckle worriedly as he lies.
“What… No…”
“Uh huh.” I add as I shake my head at him.
We quickly get everything I needed and after paying, head over to the diner. After noticing how all the people reacted to me, Tommy decided it was better if we got our food to go. Driving back to my family’s ranch-house had my mind racing. Every curve in the road a constant reminder of some painful memory of my past. My heart clenches as my childhood house comes into view. My eyes play tricks on me as I look at that old porch swing to see my mother swinging back and forth a sad smile on her lips.
Then as soon as I saw her, she was gone. I instantly reach up to rub my eyes. Was I finally starting to go crazy? As the car slows to a stop I reach for the handle and open the door. The cool wind whips through my hair sending a shiver down my spine. Winters in Oklahoma were both beautiful and harsh. “Go ahead in, I’ll grab your bags.” Tommy says appearing behind me.
“Are you sure?” I ask, and he nods.
“Yeah, here,” He hands me his car keys and I look down at them confused as to which one actually opened the front door. “It’s the one that looks like a star.” I cock and eyebrow at him and he rolls his eyes. “It makes me think of you. You know, you’re a star, anyway shut up and go open the door.” He answers making me laugh.
“Sure thing, I’ll grab dinner and meet you inside.” I reply reaching back into the truck to grab our food containers and my purse. After closing the truck door, I walk up that familiar dirt path to the front porch steps that led up to the veranda. Millions of memories flashed through my head of happier times when I used to run up those steps with Emily. Even memories of when my father and I actually got along snuck their way in. I smile sadly as I continue up the front steps and after unlocking the front door open it. I am suddenly hit with an all to familiar smell of leather couches, homemade biscuits, and roses.
I leave the door open for Tommy before I make myself move from the foyer into the living room where pictures of Angie, Jack, and dad filled the room. A tinge of pain fills my heart as I make myself move to the kitchen and set the food containers on the marble counter top. I set my purse next to it as I pull my cell phone out and looking at it realize I never finished sending Karen that text. I quickly finish it and sending it to her decide to go through the rest of my messages so I didn’t have to think about where I was and how much this place haunted me.
Unlocking my phone I see that Sebastian’s messages ranged from ‘did your flight go okay’ to ‘I’m staying in your apartment until you get back’. I chuckle as I send him one that answered all his questions and even adding that he still owed me a box of cereal. Then it was Zeke’s messages. I rolled my eyes as I just delete them and decide to move on. I saved Chris’s messages for last. I smile as I read each of them.
-hey, I hope you have a safe trip. I meant it when I said I’ll be there if you need me.
-okay, I have to say I miss you already.
-Sebastian says he’s staying at your apartment while you’re gone, I’m thinking of joining him.
-Okay, never mind, that’s not happening.
-I love you, (Name), let me know when you get settled.
I let out a giggle as I instantly hit the reply button.
Me – Hey, I made it in safely. Tommy and Ange were at the airport waiting for me. I saw my dad, he looks a little rough but still acts like an old fart so he’s doing better. I love and miss you already too.
After hitting the send button, I slip my phone into my back pocket and let out a heavy sigh. Looking around I realize that not much has really changed after all these years. I find myself walking from the kitchen through the hallway to the grand arched stairway that led to the rooms upstairs. Flashes of my younger self, along with Emily’s, running up and down them. Sliding down the bannisters. Even the time I ran around them to get away from my stepmother. That memory in particular made me wince.
Taking a deep breath, I walk up the stairs and reaching the second-floor head down the hall to where my old room used to be. Reaching it I see the familiar sign signaling that it was my room and to keep out hanging on it. Reaching up I gently touch the door and feel my breath hitch.
No, I’m not gonna cry.
Clearing my throat, I reach down and grabbing the handle push the door open. I freeze in my footsteps as I look into my room to see Emily sitting there staring back at me with a sad smile on her lips. “Em?” I say barely above a whisper causing the vision to disappear. Now the tears did fall. Reaching up I cover my mouth to keep from crying out as my knees buckle under me sending me to the floor. I instantly wrap my arms around my waist as that all too familiar feeling of emptiness fills my body. With tear filled eyes I manage a glance back to where she had been sitting to see a little white envelope sitting where she had just been.
I push myself up to my feet and walking over grab it. I see my name on the front and I bite my lip as I recognize the familiar handwriting. Clearing my throat, I open the envelope and pull out the folded piece of paper inside.
Dear (Name),
I don’t know when exactly this letter will reach you since I asked your dad to hold onto it for me. If you are reading it then that means my cancer got the better of me. I’m sorry I never told you, but I couldn’t be the reason you stayed in Oklahoma and gave up on your freedom. You are like the sister I never had and every day with you was the greatest in my life. Thank you so much for making my last few days the best I had ever had. Please promise me that you will never ever give up on your music. The world needs to hear your voice. The only time I have ever seen you truly happy is when you are playing the piano so please never give that up. If you do, I swear I will haunt your ass. Lastly, take care of that guy of yours. He really loves you. Although I think he might have a few screws loose, I know he would never hurt you. Please treasure him like you treasured me. I love you so much my sister from another mister.
When you get this, do me a favor, write me a song. A good one.
All my love, Em.
Tears fill my eyes as I let out a heavy sigh and fall back onto my bed. I stare at the letter and know without a doubt that at some point in time Emily had written it. She wanted me to move on. How could I? It wasn’t fair that I was here able to move on and have a happy life when she wasn’t. Pulling the letter to my chest I hold it close to my heart as I let out all the pain and anguish that I was feeling inside. I hear footsteps hasten to my doorway and I look up through tear filled eyes to see Tommy standing there with an expression that matched my own.
Without another word he closes the distance between us and kneeling down in front of me wraps his arms around me and holds me tight. “It’s okay (Name).” He says letting me cry my eyes out into his chest. He gently rubs circles on my back as he tries to calm me down. “I take it you found Emily’s letter?” He asks, and I nod tears still falling down my cheeks.
“It’s s-still n-not fair.” I cry out in between sobs.
“Can I see the letter?” He asks, and I nod as I hand it over to him. Lifting his head, he keeps one arm around my body as he uses the other to lift the letter up so he can read it. After a few moments he lets out a sigh. “So what are you gonna do?”
“I don’t know.” I reply my knuckles turning white from holding his shirt so tightly.
“If you want my two cents, I say you write that girl her song.” Tommy answers making me instantly pull away from him.
“How can I do that? I haven’t touched a piano in years and I doubt I can even write anymore.” I pause reaching up to wipe the tears from my eyes. “Every time I get close to a piano, I freeze. I can’t even sing without having a panic attack. I can’t do it.”
“I’ll help you as much as I can. For starters, your dad made sure no one touched your piano. It’s still sitting downstairs. We’ll take things slow and while you help your dad, maybe he’ll help you with your music.”
“Yeah,” I scoff folding my arms over my chest. “Like dad would ever get that close to a piano.”
“You’d be surprised.” Tommy replies causing a look of shock to fill my eyes. “For now, lets just get you settled and get your dad home. Then we’ll go from thre. Okay?”
“Okay,” I answer with a slight nod my eyes looking back to the letter he was still holding. He hands it to me before he stands back up and heading to the doorway turns back to look at me.
“Come on movie star, lets get some food in our bellies and then I’ll show you what needs to be done in the barn.”
“Thank you, Tommy. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“You’d be alright; but thankfully we’ll never have to find that out. Come on, shorty, let’s eat.” With that he leaves my room and I’m left to think about the letter and what I was going to do next. Letting out a heavy sigh I place the letter on my old desk and giving my old room one last look over head downstairs to join Tommy for some grub.
Will Continue - 
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cinnamonbuneliza · 7 years
The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants
Write A Thon Day 3 (Lit Day) Eliza Schuyler x Maria Reynolds Words: 1760
Hey, would y’all believe me if i told you i was stressed out of my mind? Cause let me tell you, I am stressed out of my mind.
i’m not sure if all the other write a thon fics will be posted on time but i will try my hardest. i had finished all of tomorrow’s one but it turned out that half of it deleted when my computer did an update, which was fun.
but moving on, my lit day fic is based on the books / movie the sisterhood of the travelling pants which is super cute so go check it out if you haven’t already!
requests are open and i send you my love xx
Eliza had never believed in fate. Sure, she had heard of people finding their soulmates and calling it an act of fate, but she had never quite believed it to be real.
The three girls had always stuck together. When Peggy got her first period, Angelica was standing right outside the toilet door with a heat pack and pads. When Eliza had her first date, Peggy did her makeup and made her look like a princess. And when Angelica had her heart broken for the first time, the three sisters stayed together and cuddled like there was no tomorrow.
When summer rolled around, Eliza knew that after many years of never leaving each  other’s sides, the sisters would have to part ways. Angelica was off to London to study for the winter holidays. Peggy was spending the summer at her friend’s beach house in Florida. Eliza had decided staying home in the summer was the best option for her. Someone had to take care of the house, so Eliza nominated herself.
A few days before the sisters were set to part, Eliza realised that her sisters weren’t prepared for the trips ahead of them. She was shocked when she went through their cases and found next to nothing. So Eliza decided the best thing to do was have one last shopping trip together.
“I still don’t understand why this was necessary. I have plenty of underwear, I don’t need more just because I’m leaving the country,” Angelica stated, swinging Eliza and Peggy’s hands as they walked down the sunny streets of New York.
“I know… but you didn’t do a very good job at giving the underwear to your suitcase. It might get hungry without them, so you’ll need more,” Eliza stated. Peggy raised her eyebrow.
“Damn. You’ve gone insane,” She replied, giggling quietly. She squealed when she saw a vintage store on the corner of the street, dropping Angelica’s hand and running towards it. “C’mon! We have to go in!”
“I don’t think that’s the best place to buy underwear. Aren’t vintage stores full of old stuff?” Angelica said, raising her eyebrow.
“Sometimes. Sometimes they’re new, but with vintage styles. It’s pretty cute,” Eliza said, looking at the store. “I agree with Peggy. We’re going in.” She pulled Angelica into the store, following Peggy to a rack of jeans.
“Look how cute these are! I’m gonna try them, you gotta come check them out okay?” Peggy exclaimed excitedly, bolting towards the change room.
Angelica laughed. “I don’t understand how she’s so energetic. She hasn’t even consumed any coffee this morning.”
“Well, neither have we but we don’t seem to be falling asleep while standing up,” Eliza replied, rolling her eyes and smiling when Peggy opened the curtain to the change room. She stepped out, doing a twirl with a big smile on her face.
“They’re wonderful! And so comfy. You should try them Liza,” Peggy said, stripping off the jeans and passing them to her.
“We’re nowhere near the same size Pegs. But just for your sake, I’ll try them,” Eliza said, taking off her skirt and pulling on the pants. Shockingly, they fit like a glove. Eliza looked herself up and down in the mirror, a smile spreading from cheek to cheek.
“Well, I guess it’s my turn in that case. Pass them,” Angelica replied, holding out her hands. Eliza whined, taking off the pants and shoving them into Angelica’s hands.
“It’s got to be some kind of miracle if they fit me as well,” Angelica stated, taking off her shorts and pulling the jeans on. Her eyes widened. “Well… what do you know?”
“This is insane. We’re cancelling the rest of our shopping trip and just buying these,” Peggy stated, smiling as she emerged from the change room.
“But how do we decide who takes them? I mean, we’re all going separate ways. We can’t exactly borrow them from each other’s closets,” Eliza said, huffing.
“Well, we’ll mail them to each other! I’ll go first, then Peggy, then you Liza! It’ll be fun!” Angelica said, taking the pants off and putting her shorts back on.
“And with the magical pants, we’ll send letters of what happened while we’re apart. Sound good?” Peggy asked, turning to Eliza who was biting her lip. “Liza?”
“Well, I don’t believe there can be such a thing as magical pants, but the letter thing sounds fun. Let’s do it.”
It was two weeks before the jeans returned home to New York and to Eliza’s arms. Everything had been ordinary until the pants were clinging to her legs. She had been attending school as usual, and taking care of the plants in their apartment.
As Eliza stepped onto the streets of New York, she felt a confidence overtake her. She felt her sister’s presence in the pants, and that made her smile more than any cat video ever could.
That was until a rude girl in red decided to spill her boiling hot coffee all over the pants.
Eliza yelped as the brown liquid hit her thighs. She looked down at them and then up at the girl in front of her, frowning. “What the hell?” She exclaimed, crossing her arms.
“Oh my gosh! I apologise. I c-certainly didn’t mean for anything like this to occur. I promise that next time, I’ll be m-more careful! I’m just so clumsy this morning, i-it was an accident,” The girl rambled, a pink blush spreading over her cheeks.
“No need. Just… ugh. Now I’m going to be late for class,” Eliza mumbled, fumbling through her bag and pulling out a napkin. She dabbed the napkin over her the wet patches, a frown etched on her face.
“I am seriously so sorry. I didn’t mean it, I swear. Could I take you out for a… a cup of coffee? I mean… I need to get another one, and it’s the… the least I could do after all of this….”
Eliza glared, shaking her head. “Keep your filthy money. I have other priorities,” She muttered, turning and heading back towards her apartment.
- She bumped into the girl five other times that week, and each were in the same situation. By now, the jeans had taken all they could. Brown stains covered the majority of them, and Eliza didn’t even bother washing them. She knew by the time she left the house again, they would be close to ruined again.
Finally, Eliza had had enough. When she saw the girl walking down the street, she stormed up to her and took the coffee before it could be spilled all over her. “What is wrong with you? Can’t you just hold onto your cup tightly or something just for one day?”
“I know i’m a terrible person, but if you let me buy you a cup of coffee I’ll…”
“If I let you take me out, will you leave me alone?”
The coffee girl went silent, nodding slowly. “I will leave you alone. I promise,” She said, holding out her hand for a handshake. Eliza rolled her eyes, shoving the cup into her hand before sighing.
“Where’s your coffee shop of choice?” Eliza asked, adjusting the strap of her handbag so it sat on her shoulder better.
“I hate to be typical, but Starbucks. It’s cheap and the frappucinos are delcious. I’m Maria, by the way,” She said, smiling and walking towards the Starbucks.
After the two had settled in the booth with their drinks, Maria broke the silence.
“I saw you walking into your apartment building a few weeks ago while I was working on a photography project, and it was one of those moments in which everything just fell into place. You took my breath away. And while I did not know your name, I knew your face and that was enough for me,” Maria said, fiddling with the many rings on her fingers anxiously.
“So you then decided the best way to start a conversation would be to ruin every single piece of clothing I own?” Eliza replied, frowning slightly.
Maria’s eyes widened.  “No! Of course not. It just kinda… happened. I never planned to spill the coffee on you that first time, I was just distracted that day because i had a lot on my mind… but then I ended up continuing to do it. And I knew it was terrible. I knew I should’ve explained myself that very first time, but in your presence I kind of froze,” she said, sighing softly. “You’re one of the first people that intimidated me honestly. But having even a moment in my day in your presence made me feel better.”
Eliza bit her lip, looking down at the cup of coffee that her hands were wrapped around. “I don’t think I ever properly introduced myself. My name’s Eliza and I’d love to meet you for coffee tomorrow morning… if it was okay with you.”
A wide smile spread across Maria’s face. “Of course.”
When the jeans arrived in London later that week, Angelica sat down with a cup of tea and began to read the letter from Eliza, the last wearer of the jeans. The oldest Schuyler was at first confused by the multiple brown stains over the light blue denim, but she hoped the letter would explain it all.
She ran her fingers over Eliza’s curly hand writing, a soft smile appearing on her face.
My dearest sister, Angelica.
I have never been the type to believe in mystical things like fate, but this week has changed my mind. These jeans are something incredible, Angie. They have lead me to the love of my life.
Of course, there was some miscommunication at first that involved the spilling of coffee and possibly the wreckage of the jeans, but now we spend most of our time together. Our apartment no longer feels as empty now that she’s in my life. Maria Reynolds makes me smile more than any man could. I cannot wait for you to meet her. I’m sure you two will get along like a house on fire.
I hope your London trip is going well, and I hope the jeans bring you as much love and goodness as they did for me.
Sincerely, Eliza.
Angelica placed the letter down on the table, running her hands over the coffee stained jeans. She sighed happily, placing them next to the letter. Angelica knew that for once, she would be able to sleep well. Her sisters were safe and happy. What more could she ask for?
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sheilasministry · 6 years
Jesus says I have to be careful to not be in a hurry that I might miss a word or hit a key & delete it all at once. God says He will be here to see I slow down a lot. Okay I’m here to say that God has started another e-book for me to get out soon after the first of the year. I have two e-books out now called “PRAYER THOUGHTS”. They are really great to read. I read them daily for about a few seconds. Just long enough to get God into my heart for Praise of Who He Is as God Alone with me & all who say His Name as God Jesus with God Jehovah & The Holy Spirit. They are One God Together but Still one God Alone in the Presence as Three but Still One God Alone. I’m here for a bit & then I will do something else in time. I’m not sure but I can start another site if I want. It won’t be a long e-book either but fun to read. God says things different but He says it the best. I let God say it here to. It’s not the same as it was before. I was having some fun or God was. I’m wondering if it will ever happen but God is saying maybe. So I can say this to me. I’m here to do God’s work & not be in some cave with some Hollywood buzz town person or people who say they don’t think Harry will ever show up in that particular cave. He might, I say to them but maybe not. Well that doesn’t wait for me does it? I say what does that mean? Well that doesn’t wait for me? What kind of a question is that to ask me? Well I’m trying to say it the way you say it. It doesn’t even make any sense the way you talk for God online. I mean it sounds different but it doesn’t make any sense. Does that mean that God doesn’t make any sense when He talks with you or is it just you? It’s just you. Now here is what what have to do for now. Be with God Jesus in this old cave. Have some fun. I brought some schmores for us all to enjoy. I know it’s not much for you but it is with me. God says don’t forget the schmores honey. Oh now He call’s you honey to? Well yeah for me He does. He has many actually not just me. Okay what does that mean when He says honey to you then? I mean is that a good thing to be called honey or not by God? Well He won’t call you honey if you don’t want God to call you honey. God said He would call you, hey you, if that’s what you want. Okay is this a joke? No it’s not a joke. I have enough schmores here all of us. Okay fine. Here is what I want to say now with you or to you whoever you are. Anyway I can’t believe in God now okay. I didn’t say you have to believe in God or anything else & my name is Sheila. I thought you knew my name. Okay I know who you are. I was being like you know dumb for a bit. Okay I’m good with that. Stay dumb for God then I know who you are with me. I will avoid the subject with you but I will talk to your sweetheart there. You know Goldie who says she now believes in God. You did at one time but got into the movie business & forgot you knew God. All that money came in & it was bye God I’m good. See you whenever I guess. Okay I did give God up but I’m not into God that much. Can we change the subject please. You don’t look comfortable talking about God. You know the Only Living God you gave up all for the money & fame. When that went away you said maybe to God again right? Okay that’s fair but I want you to know this Harry thing is a bit much for me to get in touch with God about you know? It’s not about you. It’s about Goldie & Harry together sometime in this cave without you. You don’t have a problem with that do you Kurt? No I don’t have a problem with it. You have got to be kidding right? I’m not here for this. I’m going home in the morning. Okay go if you want. You can go to if you want Goldie. No I’m staying for this movie thing. I know it will happen the way God wants it to. Okay I will to stay but if I don’t see Harry by sometime in this whole thing called a movie with my love here. I’m not going any place but home alright? You can go any place you want at anytime it’s fine with me. Now can I can say this to you & Goldie here Kurt? Yes what is that? I have one more time for God’s Heart to be with me now for you. You say God is not. I say God Is. Go for your walk by yourself & let me know or Goldie know when you want to be home with God. I’m done talking with people who say God is not when we all know He Is God Alone with God Jehovah & God The Holy Spirit as One God  Alone Period Still. Okay I have that down. You say it a lot in those blogs, God’s blogs. Oh you read them? Yes I have but they don’t make any sense if you know what I mean? Yes I do. Not many of them made any sense to me either but did. That’s because I said it the way God said to say it. They are not popular but in time it might happen. Well there’s not many I talk to who say they haven’t read them. Why? I don’t know but I have to go back to see if Harry is with my babe here yet now in this cave. Maybe that’s why I’m here now to see if I can say anything I can to say; Hey she’s mine even if I don’t have a ring on that finger. You know it is kind of fun to see if I can be a part of this whole thing to. I’m not mad. I just don’t get what God is doing do you? Your here now aren’t you? Well yeah but I’m not going to be here much longer if you keep playing these word games with me. I don’t play word games Kurt. I’m here to say it for real. Have you been memorizing God’s blogs to be here now for a maybe movie hit? No I haven’t been memorizing any blogs for a maybe movie hit. Okay I have but I don’t get this conversation anyway. I would have said that anyway I think. God says you would not have but now you have only because you memorized these blogs but their not in sequence of His movies. That’s what I keep telling Goldie babe here. Don’t say what God has already written unless He says for you to memorize them for this particular time with me & Him in this cave & these woods. Well now how am I supposed to know that? You don’t have to answer that question. I know I haven’t been with God. I know & now you are leaving a great time to be with you again & not God at all. That to me is dangerous for anyone to say I don’t believe in God & now I want to be by myself. How can anyone be with themself to the point of nothing times nothing to be still a big old fat nothing when they are dead & gone from this world? Okay I have to say this. If I’m saying this for me? How come I’m in this blog? I don’t know but you are Goldie babes here babe right? Yeah I guess. Oh you don’t know? That’s why you didn’t put that ring on her finger for you know Marriage? I mean it’s been almost as long & me & my husband has been Married & you still think maybe? Okay I don’t know how to answer that. You should it’s in the blog. Okay I will but here’s the thing about me. I’m a man’s man you know? I don’t like to be tied down. Is that true or is that from the blog? It’s from the blog. I don’t feel that way being a man’s man. Oh & that movie The Hateful Eight? It was for the money. It always is. Okay I can see if I’m not here it won’t be any different. I can’t act & I can’t see what I can do for this movie but I can. Okay that doesn’t make any sense either. I told you it’s not for this part here now with Harry’s cave going on. Fine I will be me. Okay I’m me even though it says that in the blog. God is not making any sense but He does. If anyone now reading this blog says God doesn’t make any sense then read most of the Bible. It doesn’t make any sense but it does to all of us who say God Is & for those who say God is not well then you don’t make any sense more then the Bible to you does. That’s it for now I’m going to get cleaned up to go some place. I will be back later to blog again but not today. I will be starting another e-book that won’t make more sense then this one blog or any of these blogs or Gods tweets that say He Is God Alone with God Jehovah & God The Holy Spirit. Them Being One God but Still in the Presence of Three and don’t say I don’t make any sense. I get what God is doing. He is not making sense because you all have denied Him as God with Jehovah & The Holy Spirit.That right there makes NO sense to me & many who know God had to do the Cross with us or no one would have. Praise God Jesus for saying yes. At one time you almost said no due to the fact we all were dumb in our hearts here but then you saw me. Okay I have to go now. Bye & don’t do any tweeting on that please. Bye & Goldie tell Kurt he is wanted by you more then you want old Harry. He wants me to be his best friend but he really likes you a lot. Okay bye for now. Angie God has not forgotten you but you keep sleeping around in time with Him. Don’t come back to me on that okay? I know what it means. We all know what they think they want it to mean. So call me & let’s go to my favorite place for lunch okay? Well I know you have six kids. Remember with one more, me, we have two full pickleball courts of having fun. Call me. I will be home most of the time but I will be out more so I might be gone if you actually decide to say; Oh why not? Well I say yes to that. Come on out. I have a pickleball court indoor in case it’s raining we can play pickleball if you know how. God says not. Too bad for you but I’m a certified instructor so I can teach you how to play. I won’t charge much just for you. Okay bye for now but I’m here due to well because God said to be here for a bit but I have to say it’s been more fun then I thought, for me that is. Okay bye for one last time & that is it for now. I’m really going to miss you guys when you are both dead & gone from this place. Okay bye & I mean bye to you two who say I’m not for real. Gee & my pickleball was getting so much better. Mel be good to yourself. God says it’s time to be with Him more. No more of those movies that say bad things with kids around. Dad’s need to be home but with good things to say to them so don’t let that bother you with the money you made like big time & all. Okay bye & so we are doing this for real then? Yeah I guess so. It’s not me. It’s all God to say when, where & with whom. Lucky me I get to be with God all of my time. I hope you can be to. Now that’s the best way to end it here & now. Bye again but be your best with God Jesus & Be with God more & let God decide what is best for you to do in any movie & yes pay off all of your bills now. God said it will get real skimpy with not much to no movies allowed in some theaters when someone passes a Law saying these kid movies are more for adults then for kids. The money does not matter but it does to you Hollywood buzz town people. So write better movies that are really for kids. Parental Guidance on a kids movie should NEVER EVER happen people in Hollywood buzz town. Bye & that’s for good except Mel you don’t look like your happy much in these movies. You need God more it helped me. Now I’m not such a grump with me & people around me. I have a family member that needs God to but she says she’s fine with God but not unless I say so. Well it’s not up to me to say what God says here online. It’s up to God Jesus but I will get the business soon from Hollywood buzz town. That could mean two different types of businesses. I know Angie does not sleep in her time frame of being around God but she is not with God Jesus that’s for sure & neither are you Goldie & your Kurt babe. Come on guys are you kidding me? Your old like me. Get busy with God Jesus. If you die before me & I don’t know if you will or not. Well you won’t be with God now. I’am now but you won’t get the joke with God until you both die & then live again. It’s all in the Bible. We will die but we can die a million deaths & still be here for God’s Heart to be with us in Heaven now. Okay I hope all of you are confused. I’m not but if you are that means God has your attention at least for now but I’m done again. I have to go get ready but I have one last thing to say & then I will be gone for good. God Is Jesus but God is not going to be with me too much longer like this. Instead He will be with me for like Always & Forever. Is He with you like that now Hollywood buzz town? God says not a chance in Heaven for you now here on this planet unless you have Him with you more then not with you here now on this old earth but you being still here with Him as you are & like I’am like me now here on this earth. Makes perfect sense to me. Bye for good but not. That means something but I’m out for now. Done but God says He’s still here to be with me anyway. If I ever get the chance of seeing anyone besides just doing this for God I will explain it better but not. I don’t say these things here online God does. Laugh if you want but I’m Saved & some lady from her tv interview show says God is not with me. Oh so you have read Gods tweets then? Well I hope your joy will be good for Christmas anyway. Bye to you this person of joy. I hope you will be gone from this planet & in Heaven with God’s Heart with you & I will be here to say to you personally; I told you so. Okay I’m done but God says Goldie likes the attention she is getting because of God’s blogs here. She needs to make another movie about her & not anyone young with her. They don’t deserve any attention but she needs me to get her into Harry’s cave & Angie to hold all of that camera equipment she will say she has to bring along for Goldie’s big debut in Harry’s cave. Okay I have to say this for God Jesus. He can say it & make me laugh. I Pray if He wants these blogs out as in movies it will be happening. If He says no I’m good with that to. Okay sorry Goldie but God says your not too old for another of God’s blogs. It’s less work but no money but I hope you get paid in time for another fun movie. I want Angie to make another SALT movie but she thinks it’s way to much work. Okay fine with me it’s your time with your family that counts now. Okay I have a family but they are grown up so that makes a big difference. Okay here is the blossoming word of the day. I’m here seeing I have to do something for my mom & I will. I will be spending more time with her which is fine but I have me to think about but I’m good with me doing what I can with my mom now. She is looking forward to me picking her up & doing some shopping again today. She wants her nails done for Christmas so I will take her to do that when she says it’s time. I won’t be here for good like I think but my mom will be with me in Heaven & my dad is not thinking about me but about how much fun he is having with his family there in Heaven. Jesus says He sends people over to remind them to say nice things to each other. We are still with God Jesus so say God Is Jesus to. They will & they do but it’s so much fun at home in Heaven they keep forgetting Who to say Who God is to someone there. They say we all know God Exists so we are good but we need to Praise Him still even if it’s quiet within ourself or out loud. That’s what I do all of the time. I’m not here to be fun but to say it the way God wants it said. I’m here to say when I’m home in Heaven & I will be soon after I’m done here. I will say Praise God Jesus I’m here & have not deleted one word of God’s blog for this time. Bye but God says it looks different with this blog page. I have more room before the close out button can be accidentally pushed by me & delete’s all at once. I’m not here to say this but I will. God says I have to be here for longer periods of time but I have to leave now to get ready for my shopping with my mom after I get my hair cut. Bye & don’e let that edge there Goldie get in your way. It’s kind of slippery & well okay she just slipped & slid all the way down this steep slope & she did it so gracefully. Did you see that Angie? Yeah I have it all here on tape. Whoa, I mean I have never ever seen anyone fall or slide like that. Me either. How did she do that? Let’s ask her how she did that. HEY GOLDIE! HOW DID YOU DO THAT SLIDE THING ALL THE WAY DOWN THIS EMBANKMENT SO GRACEFULLY? I JUST PRAYED TO GOD JESUS ALL THE WAY DOWN & HE SAID I WAS GOING TO BE FINE. OKAY ANGIE WILL BE RIGHT DOWN TO GET YOU OKAY? YEAH I CAN BE HERE FOR A BIT BUT MY FOOT HURT’S. I THINK I SPRAINED IT. OKAY WELL SHE WILL BE RIGHT DOWN OKAY GOLDIE? OKAY? Okay go get her & I will hold the camera for you while you get her out. Why me? I have to make sure it will be a good shot for us to be in the movie. Hey I got her out of that other hole remember back that way before we even got started with this movie. I think this movie is about Goldie & her being in her mishaps which is fine with me. When she has them I can’t stop laughing for a while. Okay here’s what I want you to do. Get this right here. Me going over the edge the way down Goldie went. Okay I can do that. Hey? What is it with you & Goldie down there in that gully being all messed up with mud & then saying it’s my fault? I said it was slippery & not to get to close to the edge. You didn’t read that one blog did you where you both slid down the embankment? NO WE DID NOT. NOW WILL YOU PLEASE THROW US A ROPE. I CAN’T GET MY FOOTING ON THIS MUDDY EMBANKMENT TO GET BACK UP. OKAY GIVE ME A MINUTE. I HAVE TO ADJUST THE CAMERA & GET MY BALANCE REALLY WELL SO I DON’T FALL OR SLIDE DOWN TO YOU TWO. OKAY ANGIE I’M GOING TO GIVE YOU A TEN. GOLDIE I’M SORRY BUT ANGIE OUT DID YOUR SLIDE DOWN THIS EMBANKMENT. GOLDIE GOD SAYS LIKE AN EIGHT FOR YOU GOING INTO A NINE. SO THAT’S PRETTY GOOD YOU KNOW. OKAY WILL YOU PLEASE GET THE ROPE & TIE IT FOR US TO GET OUT OF HERE. I THOUGHT I TOLD GOLDIE TO BRING THE ROPE. NO YOU DIDN’T TELL ME TO BRING ANY ROPE. ANGIE DID YOU BRING YOUR ROPE THAT I TOLD YOU TO BRING FOR THIS TRIP? NO I DIDN’T. ARE YOU SAYING WE WILL HAVE TO CRAWL UP THIS EMBANKMENT WITHOUT ANY ROPE? WELL IF I WAS A MEAN OLD PERSON LIKE I USED TO BE & STILL CAN BE SOMETIMES. I WOULD HAVE LET YOU DO THAT BUT I BROUGHT MY ROPE & ENOUGH FOR YOU BOTH TO. OH WELL THEN GET IT & GET US OUT OF HERE I’M GETTING COLD. IT’S ON IT’S WAY DOWN. Whew that was close for you two getting back up this embankment. It’s really a steep slope. Well how did you not get into what we did by slipping & falling down there? I said I was fine but God says always Pray. So I Pray about everything going on when or even if it does not happen. Look what Goldie did & God kept her safe all the way down and that is a good thing for her at her age. Okay enough with my age. Your only seven years younger then me remember? Yeah & I’m you know this age but you are seven whole years older then me. I see how people age in like five years to be much older then they were just five years before. I have changed but it’s who we are that keeps us younger in our life here & looking better then some of the Hollywood babes in Hollywood buzz town. Oh is that what God says? You know how to answer that question. Just ask God. He will tell you if I’m right or wrong. Okay I’m done for now. I have to get ready for bye bye.  
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ppandfm · 7 years
Parties, Formal Meetings & Pinetrees  Chapter: 6
Description: The Chapter of Purple Dildos, Kidnappings, and Richies with Shit Weed.
Two weeks.
Two fucking weeks without a single text from Dipper.
Bill wasn’t exactly pissed, but he wasn’t exactly calm about it either. Really, he was just anxious. His henchmaniacs friends had noticed and tried to cheer him up, but nothing worked. He barely left his apartment lair. One day, Pyronica stormed into his house with Xanthar and hits him on the back of the head.
“Ow! What the hell, Ronnie?”
“You need to stop this. Go see him. I’ll hold down the fort.”
“I don’t even know if he wants to see me anymore. It’s been two weeks. What if he realised I’m the opposite of what he needs right now and deleted my number?”
“Oh my god, you’re hopeless. Go fuck his brains out. That’ll make him remember you.”
“Ronnie, this is serious.”
“You’re seriously bumming everyone out. Even Xanthar is feeling blue.”
Bill thought of the group’s precious dog and sighed, “Fine. I’ll go see him.”
Dipper didn’t think that his parents would be home by that night, as they were supposed to be home in four weeks. Yet here they were and everything was back to normal.
Well, except that one thing. That thing being Bill.
Now he had to keep his friend a secret and hide his phone more often from his parents to keep him from being caught. They’d kill him, bring him back from the dead, and then kill him again. Dipper ate his breakfast slowly in thought.
“So Mabel how was school yesterday?” Their mom looked over at Mabel with a sense of grace. Dipper knew where Mrs. Northwest was the Diamond of the rich community, their mother was the pearl. She was always wearing jewelry that made her shine and stand out from everyone else. Her beauty the most recognizable amongst the family. It was no wonder why everyone said Mabel looked just like her. Their mother wouldn’t hesitate to give her opinion if she found out about Bill.
“It was great as usual! I’m hosting a knitting club now!”
“Really? That’s wonderful sweetie!”
“Oh- Mason remember what I told you about thinking too much at the table. Remember? You nearly put your face in your cereal?”
Dipper looked up, blushing. “S-Sorry Mom.”
“So, Mason, how did it feel being the man of the house for a change?” said their dad, who was sitting at the end of the table. Their dad was known for his business throughout Piedmont, working along with the Gleefuls and Northwests. Besides their money coming from their Great Uncle Ford, it also came from their business. He was always serious about his work and serious about getting his son to take after him. Strict and smart for business, unlike their mother who stayed home most of the time talking with the other rich women in the community. Because of his seriousness, he was strict about everything.
“U-Uh yeah- It was great.”
“Did you do your homework?”
“Was everything completed on time?”
“Yes.” They made eye contact. Dipper’s father maintained it for a moment before setting down his newspaper, “Son, your mother and I have been talking about letting you take over for me when I retire.”
Dipper choked on his cereal. “Wait- What?”
“Well son, I’m thinking about getting you trained and working for my business. You’ll be working along with Miss Pacifica and the Gleeful boy all hours of the day and you’ll finally be able to put that genius mind to work. We think it’d be a wonderful career opportunity for you.”
“Not only that.” Their mother chimed in. “But you’ll also get a chance to make friends like your sister here. Maybe even get a girlfriend and get settled.”
“Mom, Dad- What about college?”
“Darling, there’s no need to go to college now when you have a big career choice in your reach.”
“But Mom-”
“No buts Mason, its been decided.” He raised his voice a little, letting Dipper know not to argue back. It’s been decided. Dipper almost sulked in his chair.
There was silence at the table.
“Alright, it’s about time you two finish up and head on to school,” their mother quickly spoke up with a smile. Mabel got up kissed their mom on the cheek and smiled.
“Okay mom! Come on, Bro bro.”
With that, Dipper quickly got up from his seat and went up to his room to get his things for school. Mabel tried to chat with him as she drove him to his school, but he only made small noises to acknowledge her. When they got there, he picked up his bag and opened the door, but a hand on his arm stopped him.
“Dipper, you need to tell Mom and Dad that you don’t want to take over.”
“What other choice do I have? You know them. They’re not gonna let me do what I want to do. Besides, who would take over the company if I didn’t?”
“Well, I was thinking I would do it.”
Dipper turned to look at his sister, shocked. “I thought you were going to follow your dream. You know, go to college, get a degree in fashion with a minor in business, open your own boutique, all that jazz?”
“Maybe I could get a degree in business with a minor in fashion. It’s not like you’ve been paying a lot of attention to how Dad runs the company anyway. I have. I know how to do this.”
“Okay, but how would we convince them? You know Dad doesn’t think you’re strong enough to run a company. He’d never agree.”
Mabel grinned, “Simple. We’re going to show him that I can do this. Besides, if all else fails, you could just run away. They’d have no choice then.”
The elder laughed, but Dipper frowned. He pulled his arm away gently and grabbed his bag. “We’ll talk over it more tonight. See you later, Mabelgator.”
“In a while, Dippingdile,” Mabel replied, just like always. As soon as Dipper was on the walk, she pulled away. The other sighed as he walked towards the school. He was stopped by someone walking up next to him and putting a hand on his shoulder.
“Heya, Pinetree. Didya miss me?”
Dipper almost choked on air when he felt a hand on his shoulder. And looked back at the blonde behind him. He didn’t know whether to hug the fuck out of the boy right then and there or slap him upside the head.
Bill pulled him close in a sort of sideways hug, “I missed you too, kiddo. So, whatcha doing?”
“I’m going to school. What are you doing here?”
“Picking you up. C’mon, come be a rebel with me.”
“But, I have to go to school.”
“No you don’t. I never finished high school and I’m good.”
“That’s not gonna convince me to skip school, Bill. In fact, that encourages me to go to school and pretend you don’t exist.”
“First off, rude. Second off, you’ll survive if you skip one day. Come on, Pinetree, let’s go.”
“No Bill, I’m not skipping school-” Bill pouted before grinning again and putting his arm around Dipper’s shoulders.
“C’mon, pinetree, it’ll be fun~! Plus, what’s the point of rules if nobody’s going to break them?” The blonde wriggled his eyebrows as Dipper rolled his eyes.
“Plus, a little birdie told me you had some joe and angie troubles yeah?” Dipper raised an eyebrow and stopped walking.
Bill chuckled, “Y’know, Joe and Angie! Joe mama angie daddy~!” Dipper groaned and started walking quickly again.
Bill jogged up and put his arm around the brunette once again, “Come on! You don’t hear that often pinetree~!”
“How did you even know that I had some trouble with my parents?”
Bill walked ahead of Dipper and turned around walking backwards with a wink.
“A magician never tells his secret~ However if you come with me maybe I can show you all of my cards~!”
Dipper looked at the school before sighing and nodding, “Let’s get out of here.”
Bill smirked and pulled him towards a beat-up Impala. The richer of the two couldn’t help wrinkling his nose at the thing. His disgust didn’t stop him from from getting in, though. The interior was much nicer than the exterior. It had red leather seats and a wood finish. A single coffee cup was resting in the cup holder. Dipper picked it up before Bill could say anything.
“You like Starbucks too? I thought it was too expensive for most Miseries.”
The other chuckled, “Keyword most. I freaking love Starbucks.”
Dipper was about to reply, but someone knocked on his window, scaring the shti out of him.
“What the actual fuck?”
Bill leaned over and rolled down the window, “Hey, Eyeball number 38. You’re excused from your duties for today. I’m taking the Richie out in town. Can you tell Pyronica to not mess with my stuff while I’m gone? If I come back and find my dildo on the ceiling again, I’m kicking her ass.”
“Wait wh-”
“Sure thing boss! Wait,” The small boy started to squint. “You do know you’re not allowed to have coffee, right boss? Remember the Christmas incident?”
“I make the rules and I do what I want. You stay quiet about it if you wanna keep your job.”
The kid’s eyes practically widened in fear. “S-Sorry b-boss! I-I’ll stay quiet, I swear!”
Dipper gave Bill a look as he rolled up the window. “Is that any way to treat your employees?”
“They still like me. Besides, I can’t fire him. His brothers would kick my ass. Those Eyeballs might be small and weak, but together, they’d be able to kill a hundred people each.”
“How many Eyeballs do you employ?”
“I think the number’s around forty. I know there’s a shit ton that Pyronica’s always babysitting and one of them is actually a thirty-year-old.”
“Woah really?”
“Yeah. It’s hilarious. Anyway, what do you wanna do on your day off? We can go see a movie or mess with some Richies.”
“I’d prefer to not mess with the other Richies.”
“Aw, come on, Pinetree! I thought you wanted to be rebellious.”
“I never said that. I said I’d leave school with you, but I never said I wanna fuck shit up.”
“Language, kid, geez!” Bill looked at his uniform. “Is that really what you wanna wear today? It looks uncomfortable.”
Dipper grabbed the edge of his vest, “I’ll have you know that my school’s uniform is top notch. But, yeah, the shirt is itchy. Can we go by my house?”
“Well, I mean you look like lil’ Gideon all stuffed in his suit and tie. I have some loose clothes at my place, why not play Misery today?”
The younger shook his head, “No way. I’m not going to dress like one of you. Miseries have no sense of fashion.”
Bill leaned back with a gasp, putting a hand on his chest in offense. “I’ll have you know Pinetree I have one of the best deadass fashion sense anyone could ever have in this town! I’m honestly hurt- no insulted- that you would say that!”
Dipper laughed, “Jesus, dramatic much? If you’re actually that good, I guess I’ll deal with it.”
They quickly made the trip back to Bill’s place, kind of stuck in an awkward silence. I mean, there was something in the air that made Dipper feel a little giddy. But fuck if he knows.
“Okay so, my house is not in the best shape. It is a little messy in my room, oh and there’s peanut butter in the fridge because of Pyronica. Wash your hands after you eat em’ and don’t touch me. I’m highly allergic to them. They’re the devil. Other than that mi casa es su kasa.”
“Don’t worry. I kind of have a thing against peanuts because my sister got temporarily blinded by on in the fourth grade.”
“Really? You are literally my soul mate now. Okay, but is she still blind? Peanuts are from hell I told everyone this confirms it.”
“She can see just fine now. You were right, the devil shoves peanuts up his ass.”
“Hah, yeah.”
Bill pulled up to a house on a street full of tiny, identical houses. He got out and motioned for Dipper to do the same. “This is it.”
The Richie climbed out of the car, stopping to look at the house in disgust, “This is your house?”
“Yeah, it’s not much but it at least has a roof. In honesty, other miseries would kill to have a roof to live under. Only half of us actually live in homes or apartments. The rest, the streets. So for now. It’s the best I have to live in.”
“Oh… I guess it’s their fault for being Miseries.”
Bill gave Dipper a long look and frowned. “Dipper, it’s not our fault that we have no money. We can’t have big houses like you do. We can’t have good health like you do. We can’t live like kings unlike you and other Richies can. Every day is a fight for us while you and others sit in your fancy little houses living everyday without worrying about money, finding a clean house, getting a job, getting discriminated for how much of a shithole your life had become. This is real, Dipper. This is life.  Not candy land.”
Dipper looked at his feet. “I’m sorry. God, I hope you never meet my father.”
Bill’s shoulders relaxed a little as he walked over and put a hand on Dipper’s shoulder. “It’s fine, Pinetree. In honesty, I hope I do.”
“No, you don’t. He wants to kill all Miseries and nothing anyone says can change his mind.”
“I know I can’t change his mind. That’s life and it sucks. We’ll just have to suck it up. But I’m not afraid of a man who sits in his chair all day preaching nonsense.”
“You don’t understand. He’d actually do it if he found out about you.”
Bill stared for a moment before slowly grinning. “He doesn’t have to know me as a Misery~.”
“Bad idea.”
“I’m a master of portraying personas. I’ve acted as drug lords, dealers, you name it. I can nail a Richie, Pinetree.” He chirped.
“It’s still a bad idea. I mean, my father would ask about everything. There’s no way you’d be able to pull it off.”
“The best thing you can learn is that I am a master at personas, and psychology.” He booped the other’s nose. “I always plan ahead. I don’t jump in before I learn as much as I can about the person I’m fooling.”
“Bill, I really do like you as a person, but you need to listen to me when I say it’s a bad idea. I don’t care how good you are at pretending to be a Richie, my father will know. My sister is fine and you already know my Grunkles, but you cannot meet my father. Actually, my mother would probably tell him if she found out, so meeting her is probably a bad idea too. I’m sorry, but that’s the way it is.”
Dipper sighed and looked at his feet, “Sometimes, I wish I weren’t rich. I live a life of luxury, but that comes with all these rules and things I have to do, like hating Miseries and becoming part of my father’s company and never really having any friends.”
Bill’s eyes were wide, baffled when he heard Dipper’s small rant. “Well, since you don’t want me to that bad. And if it means that I could lose you as a friend in general, then I won’t. But life’s full of surprises, if they find out and kick you out or something. You can always stay here. Don’t let rules and labels rule your life pinetree. You’re a person too. In honesty you’re better than the other Richies I’ve met hah.” Bill patted Dipper on the shoulder.
“Some wouldn’t be this understanding. You’re different, Pinetree. Stay yourself. Don’t be somebody you don’t want to be just to look good in some idols eyes or your parents. Hell they’re stupid in honesty for putting rules down on you kid. You’re a good kid. We need more people in the community like you. Hell, we need more Richies like you.”
Bill clicked his tongue and strolled over to his front door, unlocking it as he swayed his hips.  
“Now do you wanna come inside and relax or do you want to stay out here and lay in life’s lemons all day. Let’s have some fun~” The blonde purred with a teasing grin.  
Dipper chuckled biting his lip. “Hah- yeah.”
Bill led his friend inside, taking note when Dipper’s eyes went to his ass. For someone who swore up and down that he was straight, he did some pretty gay things. The Misery decided then and there that he would be the one to pull this Richie out of the closet.
“Alright, make yourself at home. Shirts are in the top drawer first dresser to the right in my room. After that, make yourself comfortable~!” Bill chirped after closing the door behind him.
Dipper looked around the room, rubbing his arm. He swallowed when he saw the purple dildo hanging from the ceiling, wondering why the fuck it was up there. The teen quickly decided he didn’t want to know and went to the dresser. He changed into the nicest shirt he could find, deciding to keep his shoes on. They were quite sensible and he wouldn’t want to lose them.
There was a knock on the door. “You enjoying yourself in there Richie’? You’ve been in there for over an hour.”
Dipper huffed and opened the door, “I was looking for a nice shirt. You have maybe three that don’t have any holes in them. Seriously, I’m going to take you shopping one of these days and get you some nice shirts.”
Bill raised an eyebrow. “Well they’ll end up torn eventually.” He looked up, noticing the dildo. “Goddamn it, Pyronica.”  
“Pyronica was that lady that saved me the other day, right? She seemed really nice.”
“Yeah, she was. I was actually sending her out to fetch you. She can be nice, just don’t piss her off.”
“Good to know. Anyway, what did you have in mind for today? Or was the kidnapping an impromptu thing?”
Bill grinned. “Well, we could hang around here if you want. You ever smoked weed?”
“No. I’ve been looking for a decent dealer. Richies may hate Miseries, but they know that you guys have all the best weed.”
“Hah, wow you really are different from the other Richies’ I can tell you though you’re in luck. I have some with me and all in the back for trade. I can hit you up.”
He snorted. “Give your virgin mouth something new to taste.”
Dipper blushed, “Just give me some fucking weed.”
0 notes
sheilasministry · 7 years
Jesus says I have had a great day in my life already with God Jesus. I’m now with God more in my dreams. That to me is a Miracle. Usually dreams are like confusing & don’t make any sense at all once you wake up. They are now with me to make sense because God says my life is about to change for the better again. I have a great friend in Jesus Christ God Alone. I have people who I see but God is with me all of the time now. I’m not saying He’s not with others because He is. I know that when I talk about God Jesus it’s so Real for me to say God Is Jesus & God Jehovah with The Holy Spirit. They are One God Alone Together but Still One God Alone Period. God says my Sermons are at a stand still but I will be getting someone out soon to help me get my youtube back online with the internet. Okay I’m not smart like some of these people let’s say in a facebook office working but their time there is slowing down now to. God has put technology on hold for a while. I’m pretty excited about people noticing it but I know for me I won’t but others who are smart about that stuff will in time. Maybe in about a day or two or more maybe it will be like slow really slow in moving on with any computer stuff change. Maybe I can catch up & say; Wow I know how to do this now. I need someone to help me with a lot of stuff on these computers but I will be able to build my own in time. Okay God your idea you just gave me is an instant hit already. I’m thinking of just being with you for typing & it will be safe to make a mistake & it won’t delete your awesome blog or tweets. Well here is the deal with men in black. You know the movies called “MEN IN BLACK”? Okay no one knows who they are but the Government does. They are people who go around & feel like important & try to take away information from people that might threaten the Governments big secret or secrets. God said they have a lot of secrets & it’s ALL about to come out like BIG time from God Almighty Himself because He’s tired of people saying; What happened really to President Kennedy? How come only one man is supposed to be the blame. He wasn’t even close to hitting the President & people know that. The Government knows that to. How come President Lincoln died so suddenly during the night when he was okay with some people right before he died? I know it doesn’t say that but that’s what happened. People know who these people were when President Lincoln died in that room & NOT by himself. Notice there were some people taken out of his room as of to not disturb their emotions to much? Like his wife who said I want to talk to him more. I need to be with him if he is going to die. God said to many now that President Lincoln wasn’t even close to dying in that shoot out with him & that guy. I can’t recall his name now. My memory is not good but I know his first name was John. Okay God helped me to remember, John Wilkes Booth. Okay anyway, I’m here to write it for God so God can remember it for me with people. I know it was Booth. Okay God says that guy had a tiny held hand gun that would barely bounce off of Lincoln’s skull & not kill him at all. Why did they carry him to the nearest place available when they knew this? Because people were told President Lincoln was not alive much longer so they had to carry him to the nearest place across the street or wherever they took him. Okay he was there for a bit knocked out. He was fine but his time here on earth was not up then. God was going to Bless him with another Service in Office for President but he never got that chance. Okay who was there with President Lincoln when he died in that stupid old room that even the bed was to small for his tall frame? Well we don’t know now do we? Who has those records in hiding? God says someone knows who did it & like basically took no crime upon himself when he quietly smothered Lincoln while he was about to say something & didn’t get the chance. God SEE’S IT ALL people. God knows who that one person was. Who was in that room with Lincoln when he died? One or two or three people? We don’t really know the truth but God will get that other person to reveal it & say it was so & so & it will ALL come out in time. Whew that is good stuff. God says He’s the BEST writer EVER. Yes He is. Okay what else is God saying about those men in black. Their a pest & God says they can’t do anything to harm me or anyone at all. They have NO Jurisdiction unless our President gives it to them. Oooh Really? Well we know that our President has to give somewhat of an approval about some things being done here or he’s NOT doing his job, right people? Okay let God clarify this. God Is One with God Jesus & God Jehovah & God The Holy Spirit. They are One God Alone but Three in the Presence as One God Alone Still. Okay I’m about to say this about God Jesus & God Jehovah. They have another idea for me to do in time. Okay I’m in. Anything for God Alone & I will do it. NOT for man but for God Jesus, YES. Okay no one has written for God Alone but some want to. Get into your life & be with God Jesus more & God will take it all into consideration. It sure is fun I know that. I will be typing for God Alone Eternally & I will be the best at it because all I think about is to tweet for an hour or two or three & blog & Sermons when I can again. Okay I have a very tired son who is about to say; I’m done working twelve hour shifts for this one company that is mean to their employee’s. Okay he is a big boy so God will take care of our son. He’s not happy there but he needs the money to move some place else. He’s not happy there either. Too noisy with traffic from one major highway & a very loud noisy street not far from where he lives. He was here for his brothers Wedding & thought well maybe if I can save some money I can move back home & be there for a while until I find another job. It hasn’t happened yet but it will later on down the road. God says not that far but it gives me a chance to say that I had fun playing tennis last night with some fun young ladies. I was the oldest there but another lady was in her fifties or sixties. She was good but didn’t know court placement like I do but I played High School varsity tennis & knew how to be with my partner on the court. Anyway I got to play one fun match in about ten years since I actually played a serious game of tennis. I know I looked out of place but I think I did okay. I got some shots back & our instructor thought I took her the most seriously. She could see I had been playing before. So she said to herself; Maybe I can give her lessons sometime for her to be more on the court. I might want a partner in some tournament. She looks like she plays to win & not to just play. Well I know God told her that because I do. Okay so much for that. I know it will take some time for me to catch up with my timing in tennis but I’m trying to play racquetball again to. I might be rushing this for all three in my life but I love all three like a lot. I need to find people in racquetball to play with for fun & tennis. Pickle ball I have a list of people now anyway. Okay some person just said they hope God says more about you know facebook maybe going down. If the facebook people do NOT mess with my site on facebook knowing that ALL tweets from my twitter site go to facebook. They will be fine. If they shut down my site alone & they know they can do that once they say okay we will. That’s only if too many complaints come out. Not many but God is now saying facebook doesn’t like the idea of God saying this kid who knows who he is. Well he took someone elses idea & made over seven billion dollars with it. I know God has said it before in a movie made about this kid who says he thought of facebook all by himself. NOT TRUE AT ALL. Watch the movie again & watch who he is with & how he SCAM’S his friends out of billions of dollars of their hard earned idea to. Okay enough about that. God says they have a glitch in their facebook site to. It’s about one key away from one person who will say something to anyone & not say it nice & then BAM! It, facebook, will be all shut down. All of this will be done by accident by someone who works there now & says God does not Exist as far as he knows. This kid is Jewish. That is the big old rich seven billion dollar rich kid. He says he’s willing to listen to people about their religion if he ever became President. What a joke! No one has ever said anything bad about this kid. He’s spoiled & he’s NOT that smart because he took someone elses idea & made it to where he is today. If it weren’t for God Jesus letting him do what he has done for facebook that kid would be just another College student today trying to find his wealth. Well it’s about to end. God see’s that it’s time for my computer to relax. Okay that’s it for now. I won’t be back to blogging today. My son says maybe he might get out here this weekend if I say I need his help really like a lot. I do but I’m giving to God Jesus. Goldie says not to say Harry to her anymore people. She can’t stand the thought of some hairy old bigfoot saying to her something about her hair & that it’s nice or something like that. Well Goldie, Harry is not here for real. So relax a little. I will let you know when it’s time for your stint in Harry’s fun fantastic cave with Angie babe & me to. We won’t let that beast as you will call him when you first see him hurt you. He will be gentle like a giant with all of us there. Okay that’s it for now. I will be back tomorrow. Hillary just laughs at the same old thing she always does when people see her coming onto the stage. She’s think this about all around her now; I won’t be here for you when the economy crash’s & I won’t be here telling you to be Blessed or anything with God’s Heart like this lady says to anyone she is with. I won’t be here. I will be in some retirement place in another Country soon so that this Country will be having to Indite me back into this Country for whatever they want to Indite me on. Well I know the Law well but I know God say it’s time for someone to take a fall. Well I’m not taking any fall. That was still Hillary talking to herself again. So no one help her now. She won’t be here when the heat is on. Okay Bill says he can’t leave any of his babes here. He might have to take one of them with him but that’s NOT enough for him. After all he did cheat all the way into the White House & all the way out of it & is still cheating on Hillary now. Maybe he will be in another Country like her but not in the same one. Okay I have to go my bird is on my couch & my two pups are waiting for her to climb down to them. Bye for now.
0 notes
sheilasministry · 7 years
Jesus says it. I will write it or say it. It’s the way it has been for sometime now. I won’t be able to go back & capture what God had for me to post out. My computer just deleted every word but this is not the important part anyway. It’s how I just reacted to this last blog being sent some place where I don’t know how to get it out. God says in time I might be able to figure it out. I’m not a computer person but God is. So if I can say this. I’m not going to repeat anything except this. Listen to your heart for God’s to be there for you to be making the right decision for whatever it is you have in mind to do. So where is all this information coming from anyway Sheila? Well I said I do all of this for God Jesus & God Jehovah. They are One God but in time with me. I’m getting pretty fast but I need time to put it together & then read it for some people to say well it kind of makes sense. I’m sorry it went into some story before I got out what God said before but it’s done. So I move on. Okay a week ago someone said these blog’s were getting better. So I guess that’s a good thing. So where is my heart now. Well it’s still with God. God says He will get into a story so much fun now that I have not lost it with me making it all go away the first time just a few minutes ago. It’s not the same but I don’t know what God want’s people to see now or later. So I go with now & just say I don’t know if I can ever remember so many blog’s out put into my brain to get them back. But God says there is another way I don’t know about and this is not it. So I will see if I’m smart enough in time to see if I can figure it out or someone else around me in time. They will all be there & I can get them out & give them to me to re-read & get them online here. That sound’s good but I don’t know how or when or even if will ever happen. I Pray it does. So I Pray & ask that in Jesus  Christ God’s Name Alone. amen.    Okay I know my family does not read any of these blog’s like at all now that I’m making some sense. That’s not good to hear. They liked it when I didn’t make any sense. Okay that’s because it’s with Goldie & her friend’s from Hollywood buzz town. I don’t know if they all know each other but I know Bet & Goldie have met each other. They were in that movie called “THE FIRST WIVES”. Don’t know what first wives means. I’m not wealthy but I know I the only fist wife my husband has had. So maybe that’s what it means. Okay that’s funny when God says it. I thought that yesterday but it didn’t sound so much fun. Okay I have to say this about me. I’m trying to get into this blog but I’m bummed I won’t ever get out some really good blog’s I lost last year. So I’m here putting in my time now. I won’t be back for a while but I will try again tomorrow but God says He’s into these blog’s. So I will stay until He’s says done. Okay where was I when I deleted that last blog? I was about half way through. So these people like Bet, Goldie, Julia & Angie have kind of swindled me into staying inside to write a blog for them. Well I don’t write for them. I write for God Jesus & God Jehovah. And They are God One in the Presence of Three but Still One God Alone. Okay so I’m here & I’m thinking about dinner but not now just in about an hour or two. Okay these Hollywood babes are telling me to blog. So I Pray & God says okay. He never says no. He knows it’s about Him so I just start Praying & start typing for God Jesus & God Jehovah through The Holy Spirit. Okay I have to say this. I’m thinking I have something to think about but I don’t. I’m just remembering what God was saying before I pushed a button & it was gone as fast as I can think of it being gone. So I’m typing for Hollywood buzz town. They are watching me like a hawk of many eyes on me. I’m laughing because I’m typing for God & it’s about them. They can’t stay away & I stop & say; If you come any closer I stop. They say okay fine. So I’m typing for about two hours. Okay that’s where I blipped a button & all went back to nothing for God’s blog. So I’m here where Bet says to them. I think she does write it all. She hasn’t slowed down one bit. Well we’ll see. She could be just making it up as she goes. Look at her type. She can’t be making it up as she goes. So I say; I can hear you. You all go away please. I’m trying to hear God’s word’s from Him through The Holy Spirit okay guy’s? Okay we will go over there & whisper. Well I finish. I want to take a little break but it’s time for me to do this instead. I have to use the restroom but I’m not leaving my computer for them to run over & look at all of God’s word’s yet. I want them to wait until I have proof read it first. So I take it into the bathroom with me. Okay if you do that. We know something is up Sheila. Well I have to use the restroom & I don’t want any of you Hollywood babes to touch or even get close to my computer got it? Okay we will stay right here. If I hear you get up. I will not be happy about what it is I will say to all of you now. Okay we got it. We will stay right here. That way we know we & you are not messing with God’s word’s so you say. Fine with me & they are all God’s word’s as always & always will be. So I’m out & proof reading God’s blog I just finished. I finish & Pray for God to say it’s all the way He want’s it. I post it out & then I say; I’m going down the street for my Taco Bell dinner. Do not follow me please. I want time with God privately, thank you very much. Bet says; You just had about three in a half hours of God’s time. Why do you want more Sheila? Because I want to be with Him more then I do typing for Him so He can get all people like you all here to say He Is God Alone with God Jehovah that’s why Bet. Okay fine. We will be here I think when you get back. Great. If your not. Don’t be to disappointed if I’m not either. I have some place God want’s me to be tonight. So if I’m here fine. If I leave in a while great. Okay we will be here for you. So don’t worry about that Sheila. Well thank you Goldie but I’m not needing you to be here. I just need to be some place soon that’s all. Okay let us read this blog & go enjoy your Taco Bell okay. Fine with me. Enjoy the new blog from God Jesus & God Jehovah. And just remember. It’s not me who says those thing’s about me & you. It’s God all a lone okay guy’s? Oh yeah we will remember. Hey what is this about me being what? No she didn’t say that God did. So what does that mean about me then people? I mean I’m not out of my mind sometimes about God. What does that mean anyway? Well when she get’s back & I mean don’t get mad at her. She never seem’s to get mad at me. Hey what’s this about me now? She says she is fine but not much about whoever she is fine with. That mean’s that when we are together in some old dreary old cave like in time. She will not be so fine. She will be awesome fun to be with. I think Harry will enjoy that for a change in his life. She can be quite the old nag. Okay I’m not going to be nice now. Okay she says sometimes these blog’s go into other blog’s but this one says; Read it girl’s & don’t weep yet. I’m just getting started on you & God will say it all for me. Okay then there is not much about us. So what does that mean? Well it looks like what comes out on God’s blog site. We all watched & she sat right there until she had to proofread all of God’s word’s from Him alone through The Holy Spirit. You sound just like her Goldie. Well she was there. We did ask how she wrote so fast. Yeah & she wrote fast to. I mean no one can write that fast & be in time with just them self. It has to be God’s Heart with her’s & not just her’s alone. Well we all saw her sit there & do just this one blog. We know it was blank. She can’t save it & she doesn’t know about computer’s. So I know she was just typing for one thing alone & that was God. He’s not a thing guy’s. He Is Almighty God Jesus Alone. Oh we didn’t hear you come in Sheila. How was your lunch or dinner anyway? Well it was awesome news to say the least. I had some great conversation with some people who know who you all are. They think your pretty nice people. I said well you have to get to know them all first. Otherwise it’s like playing catch the mouse. Play with it for a while & then we will let you know if we will let you into our little cove of fun here with us all in Hollywood buzz town. So I said that & they said; Well we kind of figured that one out by your last blog today. So here I’am with these awesome fun people who don’t even know me & they say they would like to meet me more often there for the fun of it. I said I will be here tomorrow if you all come to. They said great we’ll be here. So I have a fun day at Taco Bell tomorrow with some neat people I just met. Okay well what about us? I said I would bring you. Well we can’t do that Sheila. We have another place to be for us & now not you. So I guess we can meet up tomorrow night then okay? Well tomorrow night I have some pickle ball games going on & then they were going to take me out to dinner some place nice. So I’m going to be there for a while. We can meet some place for dessert if you want? How about that guy’s? Well how come all of a sudden we aren’t being together like yesterday? We had fun right Sheila? Well you did. I don’t shop at those place’s so I guess I just don’t feel like I should be there with you buying one piece of clothing for some ridiculous amount, when I know I could probably pay off most of our mortgage with that kind of money. I think it’s great you have so much fun but it’s not for me to stay there & watch you do that when God says He want’s me with these people. Well we want to go some place else with you? Where is that then? Well it’s kind of nice but you will have to change your clothes to be involved with this place. Is that okay for you to do that Sheila? Sure I can do that. What kind of attire do I need to plan for? Do I need to go shopping at a place I can afford & hope the place has some nice clothing to suit this place where you want to take me? Well we were going to be with you in playing some pickle ball to tomorrow. But if you want to play with someone your own level. That’s fine with me. No I will play with you but if I need to dress up for some occasion for tomorrow night. I can find some clothes pretty fast. God help’s me with that thing to. Okay tell you what. We will do some fun stuff tomorrow & then we will all dress up nice & go some place nice. It will be some place we all can afford easily. Okay Sheila? Okay that’s fine with me but if you want to go. I can probably have some extra cash ready for any place you want to go really with me & you to. No we are fine with choice. Right guy’s? Yeah that’s fine with me. Okay then I will go & get ready for some place I have to be then. Thank’s I really appreciate being here with you. Well you just said we weren’t very nice though Sheila. So what does that mean? It means that I have a lot to learn about you as much as you do about me. We have to meet in the middle to understand where we are in our heart’s when we say or do things. And that way we can say I will try harder to understand all about you & the way you are as a person first and not just the way I think of how I may think or know or think I know about you. In other word’s. I have a lot to be reminded of in me. I’m not very good with my time in shopping or food selecting but that’s me. Get used to being with someone like me. If you can’t handle that. Well then you will have a much harder time of being with me then I will in being with you. So I’m going clothe shopping now. I will be back later. Well what do you mean Sheila? You said you had to be some place for tonight. Yes that is my place where I have to be for tonight Goldie. I heard your conversation for me yesterday about tomorrow. So I thought I would surprise all of you & go shopping on my own & get something nice for tomorrow night with you & the guy’s right? Well yeah but we can help you. We can go with you if you want. I’m good for now. I will be here for a bit. I have some tweeting for now. I will be done in about an hour. Then I’m playing some pickle ball. I will cut short my time to be with you. Where are we playing anyway Goldie? Well we don’t have any place. We thought you could help us out in finding some pickle ball court’s to play on. Well we can google it or just play where I’m playing now here tonight. They would love to meet you all anyway. Well no we can’t do that but we will think about another place for tomorrow okay Sheila? Okay it’s your decision. I will be upstairs doing some tweeting for God Alone then. See you all tomorrow then. Well we don’t have anything planned for tonight. Why don’t we all get together for dinner tonight Sheila? I thought you had other plan’s. Well we will cancel them for you. Wait. Don’t do that. What are your plan’s anyway? Well we were going to go take anyone we wanted to some place that we might think they might want to go & have some fun at. Oh where is that? Wunderland for some fun then Goldie? Well yeah. We’ve never been there. So we thought you would like it. Oh your just kidding me now guy’s. No we are not kidding Sheila. Mel has some people going to. We thought it would be fun to shut down the place to have some fun for a couple of hours. No don’t shut down that place. There will be kid’s not happy at all if they can’t go there for some fun. I can play with them in laser tag as well as I can against all of you. I know how to make some ticket’s for some fun toy to take back home with me for some souvenir for me to remember this trip by. Well if that’s okay with you. We can just leave it open so all can enjoy it. Great. Now why not tonight Goldie? You can have some fun with these people. They are so nice & they will be very respectful. They won’t ask for pictures of you with them. I will but they won’t. I like memories for me. So just come & see what it’s like to have some good old fun with some of God’s children okay? Well why not? We could just put on some old fogie kind of sweat shirt right Sheila & then call it good right? So that’s it for that fun nice conversation. Well I mean if you want to. Go ahead. I have some of those in my room still. Want to borrow them guy’s? Sheila we are just kidding. Are you going to be that sensitive to us making fun of us with your blog’s from God? No I’m saying it from my heart. Do you want to borrow some of my clothes for tonight? I have some sweat’s from Harry’s cave. They would love to see you become one of us right now. In fact, I think that’s them calling to see if I’m coming tonight. Yeah I will be there. What time? Okay great. Yeah okay that sound’s like a fun night tonight. How many court’s do you have locked up for tonight. Wow I’m in for a while of playing some good peekle ball. Okay I will there. Hey thank you for inviting me to. I’m really excited about seeing your kid’s play. They sound really good to. So see ya later. Okay how come you don’t sound like that when we say we will do something with you Sheila? Because when I’m here. I’m here to be with you. Your here to be some kind of influence on me. I’m just here to be me okay guy’s? If I show some kind of excitement about something. You don’t respond. Other people do. That’s because I’m here to be with them to with God in my heart and they respond to me. I can’t get you to respond to me with my heart here in my life. So I don’t know how to say it but it’s hard to be with someone so far out there in your world of life. I’m here. Your great people but different as all get out. So you don’t know how to be with me but I’am trying to be with you. I’m not joking too much. Angie said to me; Don’t be so friendly Sheila. We don’t know you yet. Well that hurt a lot by the way. Well now wait a minute. I didn’t like doing or saying that but you did kind of get into my life a bit too much. You said you were Praying for me & my family daily. So I thought you don’t know what I’ve been through. How come you can Pray for me & my family anyway? Well I let God give me the word’s from Him through The Holy Spirit & it’s just like taking care of you & keeping your family safe from people & taking God’s hand once in a while to Pray for your situation. I had no one to help me to Pray or Teach me how to Pray. I was by myself to get through some pretty darn tough stuff. Not like yours but it doesn’t matter. I had to go through it anyway by my self. So sorry if that offended you. And by the way my life is pretty secluded, not like yours is. But I always say thank you for saying you Prayed for me. I really appreciate you thinking of me. So sorry about saying I will Pray for you again. Okay I know who it is but it sound’s kind of like someone I won’t say their name. It’s okay though. God said to just remember people are relying on confidentiality. So that’s it for me you three. I tell you what. I won’t say anything about anyone here anymore okay guy’s? Well if you do. Then they will want to be with us to. So don’t do that okay? I don’t want to be with you now tonight like at all. So sorry if that offend’s you nice people. But I’m going to go have some awesome fun time with people who said thank you Sheila for Praying for us the way you have in the past. So bye for now. That’s it for God’s Heart for now. His blog is short but it’s to the point. bye
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