#fear street sagas
sunsetthedragon · 7 days
Happy 35th anniversary Fear Street.
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35 years ago in 1989 R.L. Stine graced the world with the terrifying town of Shadyside, Ohio.
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The series ran for a decade straight (and got revived a few times) and gave us many chills and thrills over the course of its 158 books.
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And as the series progressed, the story behind Shadyside and how it came to be grew and developed.
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Even after all that time, Fear Street still managed to evolve its story and bring new ideas to the table.
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While Fear Street is far from a perfect series, it hold a special place in my heart and I will always the ideas and characters from these books.
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And for now, I look towards the future to see what Fear Street has in store for us next.
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12ish year old me was really invested in Simon/Angelica and Robin/that girl that was forever undead with him.
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backlistbacklog · 15 days
Never read Fear Street Saga? Me either, have some memes anyways
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forgottencartoons · 4 months
ok I’m watching the Disney+ Goosebumps in the middle of the night and while this is clearly A Middleschooler’s Intro to Horror-Comedy (which I respect, because that was how the original books were), the guy who is possessed keeps looking for “his friend” and let me tell you right the fuck now, if Slappy’s demonic wooden ass is about to show up, I want to know in the middle of the afternoon, not 1 AM.
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October 2022 Book Goals
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October🍂 , One of my favorite months of the year and it's time for a spooky 👻 book month theme. All month long I'm going to largely devote myself to reading dark academia, sci-fi, horror, thriller, mystery, magic, or Halloween-related books. My exceptions are books that I've had on hold at my library that come through.
Book goal: 12 books 📖
Dream goal: 24 books 📚
Book Challenges
The Horror Aficionados group on Goodreads is hosting a challenge to read horror stories that meet the following listed topics:
Bat 🦇 Cat 🐱‍👤 Ghost/Haunting 👻 Graveyard ☠ Jack-o'-lantern/Pumpkin 🎃 Monster 👹 Scarecrow 😱 Treats 🍬🍭 Tricks 😈 Vampire 🧛‍♂️ Werewolf🐩 Witch 🧙‍♀️🧹 Zombie 🧟‍♀️
I have until November 30th to complete the challenge but I hope I can either finish the challenge by the end of the month or make a major dent into it. Also, I have 17 books left to read for the PopSugar 2022 challenge and there are 7 prompts I need to fulfill to keep me on track so I've chosen:
A book about or set in a nonpatriarchial society
A book with cuterly in the cover or in the title
A book about witches
A book set on a train, plane, or cruise ship
An #ownvoicesSFF bok
A book featuring a parallel reality
A book with a protagonist who uses a mobility aid
I have zero clue what I'm reading for most of my book challenges but here are some books I know for sure I'll be reading this month:
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Most anticipated: It's a tie between Sleeping Beauties and PenPal. I've actually never read a Stephen King book and so I decided to start with this one as my first and so far I really like it but it's kind of hard to follow with the number of characters. I've heard amazing things about PenPal and that it's extremely disturbing which I am ready for! I actually rarely read scary books aside from psychological thrillers but those rarely freak me out so honestly this entire genre will be new for me.
Book I already know I'm going to love: The Book Thief. I know very little but a long time ago I read the first chapter and I was hooked but life got in the way. I just have a strong feeling about this one since everyone I know recommends it to me.
Nostalgic selection for October:
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R.L. Stine was my favorite author as a teenager. He's the only horror author I ever went out of my way to read and I was obsessed with Fear Street. I read the cheerleader saga once a year and I'm excited to read the rest because it's been so long that I don't even remember most of them. I do know they're not long reads so we'll see how many of these I can bang out. They're largely why my dream goal is so high.
I'm so excited for this month and to see how I fill this out in the end. I had most of September planned out but since I'm new to the horror genre, don't really read a lot of sci-fi or magic books, and dark academia is new to me I'm eager to see how I take to this challenge 😁🎃
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ohtobeleah · 7 months
Scream // Jake Seresin
🔪 Summary: When home alone on Halloween Eve, someone keeps calling you from an unknown number. As fear begins to consume you and panic builds as you run for your life, the masked stranger really takes advantage of the pretty girl he’s decided to hunt down.
🔪 Warnings: Mask kink, CNC (consensual non-consent) knife play, unprotected sex, oral sex (m. receiving), choking, hair pulling, dirty talk, degradation, creampie, rough sex. Jake Seresin x F!reader. Ghost Face likeness/cosplay.
🔪 Word Count: 7.6k
🔪 Author Note: Happy Halloween ya filthy animals. Hope you enjoy this X-rated Ohtobeleah Halloween Special! Concepts are open for this one too! Especially with that ending….
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Spooky season. It had to be your favourite time of year. The fall brought so many changes and flavours and aesthetics you just couldn’t resist. From the pumpkin spiced everything’s to the burnt embers and oranges that littered the trees that lined the sidewalks. To the overconsumption of old Halloween classics and seasonal house decor that made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. 
Halloween was and always would be, yourself favourite holiday, and for that you thanked the pagans for their belief system many centuries ago. Without them? Why else would you have an excuse to sit in your living room with what felt like an endless supply of single wrapped sweets and chocolates that you should very well have been saving for the trick or treaters that would be roaming the streets of suburban Texas the following night. 
“Is that how you wanna spend your summer?” You’d seen IT probably a million times before, but it was always a good start. “Inside of an arcade?” Eddie Kaspbrak asked little Richie Tozier as you popped another Reese's peanut butter cup into your mouth. 
“Beats spending it inside your mother.” You couldn’t help but to say the line out loud knowing exactly what comeback was coming around the corner. Like clockwork little Richie said the same thing he always said and you laughed like an adolescent. Yeah, the IT Saga was always a good place to start before moving into the Halloween Collection and Scream Series. 
You were what some would call ‘Basic’ But to you basic was better than being overly ambitious and lacking in complete pop culture appreciation for the movies that were, in your very not so professional opinion, the backbone of the spooky season film industry. 
In need of another glass of Prosecco or perhaps something a little stronger and gin based, you made your way into the kitchen after you’d paused your movie. The house smells of cinnamon and pumpkin, there was no escape from the ever present and consuming aroma of fall as you took a moment to decide if you were going to finish that bottle of Prosecco or move on to the big boys. The gin sours. After all, you were home all alone on Halloween Eve and there was nothing stopping you from getting a little tipsy in the quiet and comfortable silence of your humble abode. 
Even your Flyboy boyfriend, Jake Seresin, wasn’t coming home. The original plan had been he was taking some much needed leave to come home and spend two full weeks back in the arms of the woman he loved so dearly. But things changed, life happened, and all of a sudden you were facing the reality that you would be alone for the Halloween holiday head on. 
You couldn’t blame him, it was just the way the job went sometimes. Things came up, plans changed overnight and soon enough, four entire months had passed since you’d last seen Lieutenant Commander Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin, or as he was more affectionately known to you as, Flyboy.
It was just the way the pumpkin spiced cookie crumbled this time around, but Jake had promised the minute Robert Floyd was back on deck after his four weeks of leave for paternity were over, he was racing back to you. 
In the middle of your silent thoughts on when you’d get to see your boyfriend of three years again, your phone began to vibrate back on the coffee table where you’d left it. The ringer had been silent—but the vibration against the glass was all you needed to hear as you padded back into the living room. Still drinkless and very much sober, something that needed to change very quickly if you were going to enjoy your time alone. 
You anticipated the call to be Jake, but when the caller ID didn’t read ‘Flyboy’ with one of those obnoxious pink hearts next to it, you frowned. All that was staring back at you was an unknown number, one you hadn’t seen before. One that didn’t look familiar or resemble any contact you might have accidentally deleted from your contacts. 
You’d heard what could become of curious minds, but that didn’t stop you from swiping the pad of your thumb across the vibrating screen before you held your phone up to your ear. 
“Hello?” You asked cautiously, already wondering who could be calling you this late who didn’t know you. 
“Hello?” A voice you didn’t recognise mimicked your greeting. 
“Yes?” You grimaced at your own stupidity for a second as you made your way back into the kitchen. 
“Who is this?” The man on the other end of the phone asked like he wasn’t the one who called you. 
“Hmm—Well who are you trying to reach?” You tried to remain polite, for all you knew as you reached up for the bottle of gin, it truly could have been a mistake. A wrong number situation if you will. 
“What number is this?” The man asked, a little more confused. 
“Well what number are you trying to reach?” Your patience was going a little thin, but nevertheless you remained polite. 
“I don’t know.” The man on the end of the line sounded as if he shrugged with a cocky little smirk. Was this some sort of prank call? 
“I think you have the wrong number.” As if you were going to play along. Prank calls around this time of year were a dime a dozen and you just weren’t in the mood for childish antics. 
“Do I?” He asked, almost shocked, like he knew that he had the right number all along. Because he did. 
“It happens.” You shrugged it off with a quick eye roll, silently masking your annoyance. “Take it easy man.” You ended the call with a quick sigh and placed your phone on the counter as you went about making yourself a stronger, more appropriate beverage. The night was still somewhat young and you wanted a buzz. But then, once again, your phone rang with that same unknown number. At first you weren’t going to answer, but something inside you told you it could just be one of Jake’s friends pulling a prank. 
“Hello?” You tried to mask the annoyance in your tone but it must have come across as clear as day as you answered the phone. Same unknown number, same smug voice. 
“I’m sorry—I guess I dialled the wrong number.” The man on the other end sounded like he smiled through his words. 
“So why’d you dial it again?” It was a genuine question, why would someone who dialled the wrong number dial it again? On purpose. 
“To apologise.” The man replied rather quickly as you worked to pour yourself a rather strong shot of gin. It was going straight into the shaker. 
“Well consider your apology accepted.” How stupid was the guy? “Goodbye now—“
“Wait, wait—don’t hang up.” He nearly begged, you could hear the desperation in his voice, the need to keep you on the line. What was this weirdo playing at? 
“Why would I not?” You frowned, stilling your movements to pounder this entire situation. Who the fuck was this guy? What did he want? Did you know him? Was this some sort of prank? 
“Because I wanna talk to you for a second.” Oh okay, now you got it.
“They’ve got numbers for that kinda shit.” You chuckled to yourself under your breath. “I ain't that kinda girl.” You didn't even bother saying goodbye this time, you simply pressed the end call button and went about making yourself a drink. 
By the time you got settled back on the couch amongst a sea of throw blankets and halloween themed pillows, the TV had dimmed. If anything that was a clear indication as to how much time you had actually wasted talking to that random creeper on the phone. 
As you got settled, the buzzing vibration of your phone on the coffee table scared the ever living Christ from you. You groaned when you saw it, that same unknown number. With a huff, you answered. 
“Why don’t you wanna talk to me?” Your heart nearly sunk at the harshness the man used as you held your phone up against your ear. 
“Who the hell is this?” You frowned again, this time you weren't playing games. You’d spent enough time entertaining this lunatic and now it was time to get to the bottom of who the fuck was messing with you.
“You tell me your name and I’ll tell you mine.” The man chuckled to himself as he watched you get up off the lounge and slowly approach the nearest window to have a cautious look outside.
“I don’t think so.” The only thing you could see were the small pumpkin lights that boarded the front porch as they softly illuminated the stone in an orangey hume. Besides those small plastic pumpkin lights? There was nothing but darkness until the street. 
“What’s that noise?” The man asked, trying to keep the conversation going. He sounded far too intrigued by you and your surroundings. 
“I’m trying to watch a movie, now would you quit calling me?” You hissed through a huff as you made your way back to the couch. You were going to have to rewind your movie now, completely having lost track of where you were up to because of this lunatic. 
“What movie is it?” This game was becoming old and cheap, you couldn’t help but to roll your eyes as you sat back down and fixed the fuzzy grey blanket that was one of Jake’s favourites. God you missed him, wished he was here. “The one you’re trying to watch?”
“IT, Chapter One.” There was a sharp, get to the point, I’m over this damn conversation tone in your voice as you picked up the remote to rewind the movie. 
“Oh so it’s a scary movie?” The man sounded as if he raised an eyebrow at your explanation. 
“Well I tell ya what Sherlock Holmes—“ Once again, you weren’t trying to be nice, so the sarcasm dripped from your mouth like liquid candy. “You’re onto something there.” 
“Do you like scary movies?” He prolonged the question rather politely, but you didn’t miss the way his voice dropped an octave as your heart quickened inside your chest. 
“I do—“ Your house was far too quiet for your liking as you spoke on the phone to this complete stranger. You’d all of a sudden lost all interest in your movie as you looked back to the front door. Did you lock it? 
“What’s your favourite scary movie then?” 
“I’m not sure, there’s a few that I could choose.” In an overprotective manner you walked back to the front door to check if it was locked. It was. 
“Oh come on now, you’ve gotta have a favourite scary movie.” The man asked as he watched you walk around your house to check all the locks on all the windows and back door. “What comes to mind?”
“Fine, Halloween—“ None of your attempts to secure your humble abode would avail to anything. “You know, with the guy in the white mask that walks around stalking babysitters.” Because the man you were currently talking to was already inside your home. The home you shared with your loving, cock sure, flyboy boyfriend who was still in damn San Diego. 
“Yeah, I know it.” The man replied softly, he was just trying to keep you on the line. 
“So—what’s your favourite? Since you needed to know mine so desperately.” It even surprised you, but before you could stop yourself from entertaining this creeper any further the words had already escaped. You mentally had to slap yourself across the face for that one. That one was all on you. 
“How about you guess?” The man chuckled as he watched you walk back from the back door to the living room where once again, you sat back down on the couch. 
“Is it Nightmare on Elm Street?” Why oh why were you doing this to yourself? 
“Is that the one where the guy had knives for fingers?” The man sounded like he had a smile on his face, like he was enjoying this a little too much. Like he was just waiting for the right moment to come around. 
“Yeah, Freddie Kroger.” There was an ever increasing pit in your stomach that wouldn’t go away, something wasn’t right about this entire interaction. Who the fuck was this guy and why was he calling you on Halloween Eve. 
“Freddie, yeah that’s right, I guess I do like that movie, it’s pretty scary, don’t you think? 
“Well, the first one was but the rest sucked.” Again, why the fuck were you entertaining this guy. 
“So—you gotta boyfriend?” There it was, the last of many red flags. The first three being the late night unknown phone calls.
“Why? Are you gonna ask me out on a date, Mr. Cold Call guy?” A little teasing wouldn’t do any harm you thought to yourself as you popped a piece of candy into your mouth. 
“Maybe—“ The line went silent for a moment as your heart rang in your ears. “So? Do you have a boyfriend?”
“I do—“ You didn’t even need to lie, you did in fact have a very loved, very attractive, very not here at the moment boyfriend. “So, unfortunately for you there’s not gonna be a date.” 
“How could there ever be a date when you still haven’t told me your name?” 
“Why do you wanna know my name?” The next few seconds of time slowed down into nothing as your heart sank into your stomach and your head rang in fear. The man you’d been talking to with the rough voice and the polite responses had you turning seven colours of bad shit as he spoke. 
“Because I wanna know who I’m looking at—“
“What did you just say?” You shot up off the couch as you looked around your home frozen in fear. 
“I said I wanna know who I’m talking to.” The man tried to plan it off cool, calm and oh so collected but he knew he’d been heard and heard correctly. 
“That’s not what you said.” You could feel your heart hammering against your chest like it was trying to escape, but your feet refused to move. 
“What do you think I said?” He egged you on as you heard what sounded like footsteps coming from the laundry and tears began to well in your eyes. 
“Look, I gotta go, this is starting to get fucking creepy and my boyfriends gonna be home any minute.” The man on the end of the line could hear the shake in your voice as you tried to hang up and get out of this situation. He chose to play on your fear a little more. 
“Wait, I thought we were gonna go on a date?” He questioned rather quickly as you tried to regulate your breathing and get your feet to move. This wasn’t happening, this was like the beginning of some slasher 90’s horror movie where the ignorant girl gets killed for not using her brain.
“Nah—you’re dreaming.” You pulled the phone away from your ear but froze in fear when you heard the man scream down the phone at you. 
“Don’t you fucking hang up on me.” He spat with venom in his tone. 
“Listen asshole—“ You spat back as you finally let the anger overtake the fear inside you. 
“No you listen here you little bitch—“ He argued back as he watched you storm into the kitchen looking for a weapon to defend yourself with, only then did you realise the knives in the knife block had all been removed. “Hang up on me and I’ll gut you like a fish!” 
“Is this some sort of sick joke to you?” It was like nothing you had ever experienced before. God you wished Jake was here right now, he would have told you not to answer an unknown number. 
“More like a game—“ You should have listened to the little voice of his that lived in your mind. You never should have answered the phone. “Can you handle that—Y/n?” The way he said you named made all the hair on the back of your neck stand to attention. 
“Can you see me?” You asked as you looked out the window once more, when there wasn’t an immediate response you growled into the phone. “Listen, I am two seconds away from calling the police—“
“I don’t think they’re gonna make it in time sweetheart.” The man chuckled rather menacingly and it made your blood boil. “But they’ll definitely get here with just enough time to see what your insides look like.” 
“Ahh!” The doorbell rang and you swore your heart nearly exploded when it did. “Who’s there!” You shouted as you back away, screaming and crying into the phone. “Who’s fucking there!”
“You should never say who’s there, don’t you watch scary movies?” The man chuckled. “It’s a deathwish.”
“You’ve well and truly had your fun, now please—leave me alone.” You whimper for mercy, this was all too much. 
“Or else what?” The man asked curiously, he wanted to know exactly what you were going to do about all this. He was, after all, the one with the upper hand. 
“Or else my boyfriend will be here any second and he’ll be pissed when he finds out what cruel sick bastards been harassing me!”
“Isn’t he outta town?” How did? How the hell did he know? Had you told the mystery man fucking with you. 
“No!” You denied the fact that Jake was out of town, still stuck on base in San Diego when he should have been here. “No he’s not, and he’s big and fucking jacked and he flys fucking military planes for a damn living and he’ll kick the ever living shit out of you!” You shouted into your phone as you backed away from any door and window you could possibly get away from. Spinning around to make sure you had good enough vision of the whole house. 
“Oh yeah?” The man laughed on the other end of the line. “Sure, I’m shaking in my boots honey.” There was no question he could tell he was scaring you beyond belief, he’d watched you for the better half of five minutes frantically rush around the house locking all the doors and windows. “His name wouldn’t happen to be Jake? would it?” This was going to be so much fun. 
“How do you know his name?” There was a clear whimper in your voice as tears streamed down your cheeks. Fear was caught in your throat like a ball of wax, choking you completely. 
“Turn around—“ Slowly, you hung up the phone you held with a vice grip and turned around. To your absolute horror, there he was, the man who had been on the phone with you. Only you recognised the outfit with ease—it was a GhostFace costume. A really good one too. One that wasn’t from Dollar General the night before Halloween. This one had been thought out, the costume had intent and it was detailed. 
“Boo.” Was all he said as he took a step towards you. “Aw look at you.” He chuckled to himself as he approached and you remained still in complete and utter fear. “A little scared are you?” 
“How—how did you get inside my house?” It was a stupid question to ask, but as the man in the GhostFace mask approached you, you felt like you couldn’t think, couldn’t speak, couldn’t breathe. 
“You looked me in?” He simply explained as he showed you a shape, clearly brand new knife. “Now we’re all alone, with no one to interrupt.” It was slow, but the man behind the mask moved the knife closer and closer to your chin until he was using the knife's edge to tilt your chin up. 
“I—“ Before you could speak, the man brought the knife down by his side and tilted his head. The silence that followed was all consuming as he just stared at your frozen, shaking and clearly terrified state. 
“Y/n?” He growled from behind the mask, all you did was stare at the mask. That all consuming, all encompassing mask that made your heart beat so hard inside your chest you swore your sternum was about to break “Run.” Was all he barked and that’s all it took for your flight or flight to kick in. 
“Help!” You shouted as you turned in the opposite direction and ran towards your front door. “Help me! Someone!” The masked man was right on your heels with heavy strides that made the timber flooding of your home creak with anticipation and excitement. 
Oh to be hunted, oh to be caught. 
You tried your best to get the front door unlocked in time but you just weren’t quick enough, or perhaps being caught was exactly what you wanted to happen. Just as you opened the front door and took two strides out onto the front porch—an all encompassing arm wrapped itself around your waist and the other wrapped itself around your mouth. 
Your eyes shot out of your skull as you felt yourself being dragged back inside your house. Your feet slipped under the anxiety of it all and soon enough you were on the ground being dragged back across the living room by the man in the GhostFace mask. 
“What’s the matter darlin’ I thought you said your boyfriend would be home any minute?” The man teased as he manhandled you up by your hair, forcing you up to your knees as your own hand came up to grip around his wrist, giving him two very firm squeezes in a row. Green, you were emerald green and everything in between as you clenched your teeth together and let your tears fall free. “I don’t see him anywhere?” 
It was like nothing you’d ever felt before, the feeling of being completely overpowered by someone. Being told you had no control, no say. 
“Fuck. You.” You spat as the man worked to pull off the black cloak he was wearing, revealing under a simple outfit of dark blue jean, a nice brown belt that matched the leather of his boots and a white-T. 
“That’s exactly what you’re gonna do.” You didn't register what that meant at first, but as you watched the man in the mask unbuckle his belt with one hand as he held onto your hair tightly with the other, that's when you started to feel the all too familiar heat pooling between your legs. 
“No!” You shouted as you tried to rip your hair out of his tight grasp. “No! Get away from me!” Kicking and screaming you tried your best to free yourself from your captor's hold, but it was to no avail. 
“My cocks been aching for your mouth since I saw you pop that candy into it.” There was a distinct primal need dripping from every word the masked man spoke as he shoved his jeans and boxer briefs down ever so slightly to reveal what you had been anticipating since before your phone rang for the first time that night. “Now you’re gonna suck me off like a good fucking girl before I gut you.” The threat could’ve been taken suggestively or literally, but as the man pumped his entire fist around the throbbing velvet length right in front or your face, you could have sworn you drooled. But you couldn't break character, not yet, it was far too early and you wanted to see just how far this could actually go before you had to tap out.
“Get the fuck away from me!” You turned your face to the right to try and save yourself from the ever looming sexual act you knew you were about to perform. Pre-cum oozed from the throbbing tip that looked exactly like the colour of your boyfriend's lips. A mix between pink and red, the perfect soft flesh colour that you adored. It looked just as pretty on his cock, but you would tell him that, not right now. 
Not when he was dressed up as your favourite Ghost Face Killer for Halloween Eve. 
“Uh uh uh–” His voice still sounded like his, but with the mask it muffled the familiar twang you had leant to love. Without that comfort this felt all too real, you weren't going to lie and say you weren't a little scared. But that's exactly what you had asked for when Jake had agreed to do this for you. To play into one of your biggest and longest standing sexual fantasies. “Don't you turn that pretty mouth away from me, we’re just getting to know each other.” 
“I'm not sucking your dick.” You hissed through gritted teeth as the masked man crouched down a little further and used his free hand to squish your cheeks together as you kneeled before him. “Fuck you!” 
“You have two options here.” He growled from behind the mask, if you looked close enough, you could see those familiar lips of his behind the darkness. “Either you do what I say, everything, without a fucking fuss–” There was a very distinct pause that the masked man made you sit in contemplation in before he told you your second option. The one he knew you wouldn't like very much. “Oh i'll just kill you, right here right now, no one will hear you scream, no one will know who did it, you’ll become a forgotten first kill because let's face it sweetheart, no one really gives a shit unless you're a final girl.” 
There had to be someone psychologically wrong with your brian and how it was hard wired to experience pleasure, because in that moment, in that very millisecond of time, your core throbbed at the thought of being used against your very willing will. The idea of consensual non consent had been brought up a few times, by you of course. Jake took a little while to come around. He wasn’t too keen on the whole idea of forcing himself on you, he wasn’t sure how it all worked, but once he understood the concept, once he understood how to act and how to communicate while you were deep, deep in that subspace scene he knew you loved, it became as easy as riding a bike for him to please you. 
“Well?” It was like he could see the cogs turning inside your mind as your eyes never left his from behind the mask. “What’s it gonna be?” When you didn’t answer and instead involuntarily shook in his grasp, Jake took a split second to check in on you. He stood up slowly, letting the hand that had once been squeezing your cheeks caress the side of your face as he pulled you closer to his hardened sex by your hair. “What colour?” 
“Green.” You replied and within a second, Jake had made your mind up for you and was guiding his tip between your lips. 
“Suck my dick sweetheart, come on, be a good girl for me.” It was hard to pretend to protest, but you tried to keep your mouth shut until Jake was gripping your hair a little tighter until you gasped at the pain. “That’s it, good fucking girl.” 
With eager hips Jake growned at the feeling of your mouth taking him in, so warm and tight around his throbbing girth. The mask he wore, the one that seemed to get you off to the heights of heights was humid from his open mouth breathing. But like hell was he about to ruin this roll play, he’d rather pass the fuck out than ruin the illusion the both of you had so perfectly orchestrated. 
“Oh god your boyfriend’s a lucky guy isn’t he?” You couldn’t help but to look up as the man in the mask looked down at you. Fuck—your panties were soaking, arousal pooled between your folds as you felt the very tip of his cock hit the back of your throat. 
The eye contact was intense, you knew it was Jake but something about that damn mask had your head spinning so violently that your eyes watered with fear and need. You wanted to fight, to run, to fake the unwillingness to cooperate just to see how far Jake would go. 
“Don’t fight it baby—“ He growled as you strained to stop your head from bobbing up and down his length. “You’re doing such a good job, fucking whore of a thing aren’t you?” The feeling of his slightly calloused hands keeping your head right where he needed it to be was pure pleasure—being used like this, being told what to do even if you didn’t want to do it. “Fuck look at those tears, what are they for huh?” 
The man in the Ghostface mask, your boyfriend, Jake, dragged his thumb across your cheek to collect the tears that fell as he fucked your face to a rhythm that had him weak in the knees. 
“Ohhh god I’m so glad I didn’t decide to kill you straight away. Stupid girl—“ He went on to say as the tip of his hardened and throbbing cock bashed against your throat, making you gag around him before he held you still. He made sure that you couldn’t breathe, not while you were choking on him and only him. “Maybe this will teach you not to answer unknown numbers, there’s some fucked up people in this world sweetheart.” He teased as you pushed against his jean clad thighs, trying to push him away so that you could feel the sweet relief of oxygen returning to your lungs. “What did I just fucking say huh!?” 
“Let me ggoo—!” You screamed as the man in the mask pulled himself out of your mouth and let you go. He watched with a curious held hilt as you crawled away crying and gasping for air. “Get away from me!” 
Jake pumped his hand up and down his shaft a few laboured times before he stuffed himself back into his jeans and went after you with heavy strides. You hadn’t gotten far, but oh how thrilling and invigorating was it to be hunted in your own home. 
“Gee that boyfriend of yours is running real behind on schedule isn’t he?” The man in the mask chuckled as he rounded the corner into the kitchen, you were hiding just behind the countertop. “Come out, come out wherever you are.” He cooed childish as he stepped slowly, the floorboard squeaked under his boot as he did so. “Y/n, I know you’re in here sweetheart, why don’t you come out so I can cut you up.” 
You were careful not to make a sound as you placed your hands over your mouth and pulled your knees up close to your chest. Every second that passed? Your heart threatens to break out of your body. You knew deep down that the guy in the mask was Jake, but he was doing this a little too well. 
“You wanna play psycho killer?” You mumbled under your breath. You really didn’t know how you were going to get away, but you knew that the man in the mask was about to come around the corner and see you hiding clear as day. “Fine!!” 
As soon as Jake rounded the corner he was met with you first to his stomach with enough force that it had him doubling over. His moment of weakness gave you five seconds to run out of the kitchen and straight up the stairs. The plan all along has been to eventually end up in your bedroom. 
As you ran down the hall towards your bedroom, the man in the mask was quick to catch up. After all, this man was a highly skilled Naval Aviator who was fighting fit. You never stood a chance at getting away. 
“Ahhhh!” When you saw him in the mirror standing right behind you as you looked for a place to hide, you couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think straight. This was what it was like to be hunted down, used, tormented. 
“What’s the matter Y/n?” The man teased as he tilted his head and stepped towards you, pointing the knife he held in his hand your way. “It looks like you’ve seen a ghost.” 
“Leave me alone!!” The sound that came from you was something straight out of a horror movie as the man stepped closer and closer, completely ignoring your cries and pleas for him to stop.
“Get on the bed—“ Was all he demanded as he pointed the knife to the mattress. “I said, get on the fucking bed!” 
“You’re gonna have to force me or kill me because I’m not letting you touch me again.” The standoff continued in the all consuming silence of your bedroom as your core throbbed and soaked your delicate panties. This was it, all the talks, the explanations, the ideas. They all boiled down to this moment. 
You trusted Jake Seresin with your life, so much so you let him in on a fantasy of yours, a kink so deep and nasty that you’d never told any of your ex boyfriends about. You didn’t trust them to do this with you. But Jake? Ten fold. 
“Colour?” It would be one of the last check in points before you got exactly what you wanted, what you so desperately craved. Jake remained in character as he once again looked you right in the eyes through his mask. 
“Green.” At your whimperious admission, Jake lunged at you with so much force it truly knocked the wind right out of your lungs. He had you pinned on the mattress within seconds of your admission. “GET OFF ME!” 
“Shut the fuck up.” The man’s hand came up to tightly wrap about your throat, squeezing the sides to restrict your breathing. “Now listen here and listen good, I’m gonna fuck you real good, and after you cum all over me—I’m gonna make sure no one ever finds out what happened to poor sweet Y/n when she was murdered in her own damn home.” 
You were manhandled by your neck and hips to flip over onto your stomach into that position you knew your body loved the most. Doggy style. Something about the angel always sent Jake's length so deep you swore the tip of his cock kissed your cervix with every thrust. 
You felt the edge of the man’s sharp blade run slowly over the fabric of your pyjama shirt, directly down your spine as you shivered under the touch.
“I bet you're a tight little thing.” Too afraid to move, you felt the elastic of your pyjamas pants slipping past your hips until the chill of your bedroom kissed your exposed cheeks. “Holy fuck look at you, you’ve ruined your panties.” The man growled as you heard him shimmering out of his jeans behind you. “Someone likes to be taunted, don’t you darlin’?” 
Again you could do anything but remain silent and shaking in fear as you felt the man’s hands trail up under your shirt, across your smooth ass and finally down between your dripping folds. The anticipation was all consuming. 
“That boyfriend of yours is a lucky guy—“ You saw a flash of white light illuminate your bedroom for a brief moment as you felt a hand pressing your head down into the mattress. Holy mother of god he’s taking photos. “I’ll need these for later.” He admitted as another flash went off. Photo after photo. 
“Please, please don’t do this—“ You cried as you felt the tip of his cock sliding up and down through your folds. Collecting all your arousal as he did so to slick up his length to fit right inside. “Please—“ 
“I love it when they beg.” Was all the masked man said before he was pushing himself inside you. Your eyes rolled so far back into your head at the overwhelming pleasure that you swore you saw your own soul. “Ohh fughh—such a pretty pussy you’ve got, go on, scream for me darlin, no one's gonna hear you.” 
“AHHHH!” With every frightful, pleasurable thrust you screamed into the mattress. “Stop! Stop please!” 
“Oh but you feel so fucking good.” The man growled as his free hand that wasn’t pressing your face into the mattress came up to slap your ass. You jolted from the sting. “Look at that, so reactive.”
Again you felt another sharp slap as the man behind you quickened his pace. 
“Ah fuck!”
“That’s it baby, I know you love it—“ The man let go of your head as his hands came to hold
Your hips tighter than ever before, pulling you back into him as you tried to get away. “I know you love this, being used, don’t run away, stay right here on my cock.”
Jake didn’t let up as he fucked deep and hard into your push from behind. You couldn’t see the mask, but the idea of him wearing it was even to have you seeing stars. Every thrust brought you closer to that ever looming orgasm that threatened to crash over you and every slap against your ass sent you further and further into that sun space where you could just feel and exist. 
“Dirty fucking thing look at you, fucking a killer.” The man taunted you as he pulled you up by your hair so that your back was flush against his chest. When did he remove his shirt? Was it when he took his jeans off? Did he also take the mask off? “Unbutton your shirt.” He hissed as he slowed down the pace to a barely there rhythm. You could feel his cock pulsing inside you like it was dying to coat your velvet walls. 
“I said!” The man held the knife to your throat as he fucked you slowly from behind, keeping your back pressed against his chest. “Unbutton your shirt—“ 
With shaking hands and the inability to fully comprehend how pleasure filled and ignited your nerve endings were, you slowly but surely unbuttoned your shirt, leaving you in nothing but your bra. The black lace one Jake adored to no end. 
It matched the panties you’d ruined, the ones the man had dragged down your legs along with your pyjamas pants. 
“What colour?” When you didn’t answer straight away Jake frowned behind his Ghostface mask and dragged the knife away from your neck along your sternum towards your core. “Sweetheart, it’s me, I’m here, what colour are you?” The gentle words broke through the blinding spell of the role play situation you were in. It was all fake, you were safe, Jake would never do anything to hurt you. “It’s me, just me.” 
“Green—“ That was all Jake needed before he was pushing you back down onto the mattress, he manhandled you expertly so that he was on top, sliding back into you like you were his home, like you were made just for him. “Ahh! Fuck!!”
“Naughty little thing—“ He growled behind the mask that hovered over you. His hips slammed into yours as he hovered over you with a hand on either side of your body. “I can feel you trembling.”
That coil had begun to wind to new heights as you wrapped your legs around Jake's waist and dragged your nails down his back. You were getting close, oh so close to that orgasmic euphoria you’d been searching for since that first phone call. 
“Ohh fuck yes I can feel you gripping my dick, ohhh fuck, that’s it sweetheart, bet you wish that boyfriend of yours could see you like this huh?” The taunting mixed with the rhythm of Jake's rutts we’re sending you towards the edge of the cliff face you wanted so desperately to jump off. The mask that was staring you right in the face though, that’s what was doing it the most for you. “You wanna come? Wanna cum like a little whore all over my dick?” 
Needy little cries were all you could reply with as the man in the mask trailed one hand down between your bodies to circle the pad of his thumb against your sensitive bundle of nerves. “I’m close too, which means you’re gonna be full of my cum, dripping, completely stuffed full of my load.” He moaned through the mask as your back arched and your eyes rolled. You were so deep into your sun space Jake hardly recognised the please in your eyes. “Colour?” 
“I’m coming!” It was all you had the energy to say before your cries and whimpers and desperate pleas all mixed together into a babbling mantra of euphoric high. Your back arched all the way up till your stomach was pressed against Jakes and he was following within seconds. Seeing you like this, so spent and fucked out and blissfully under control made the orgasm that was pooling at the base of his shaft shoot up to overcome his entire being. 
“Ah shit! Fuck fuck fuck fuck, baby yes—ahhhh Christ!” It was one of the most intense orgasms Jake Seresin had ever had. The load he pumped inside you was thick and heavy and dripped around his shaft as he continued to fuck you deeper and fuck you through your own high. 
His back bled from your nails scraping down his muscles, but he didn’t mind, they were worth it to see you like this. 
The second he could, Jake was taking the Ghostface mask off and coaxing you to look at him while he was still buried deep inside you. Tears welled in your eyes as old tears stained your cheeks. His gentle touch made you jump. 
“Shhh baby it’s me, just me.” 
“Jake.” You sobbed as he came down to kiss your lips as gently as ever before trailing those same soft kisses across your collarbone as you came down. 
“It’s just me darlin’ you did so well for me.” He whispered sweet nothings across your fiery skin. “You played along so well.” Jake knew you were gonna take a while to come down, he knew it would take a while for you to process everything, from the phone call to the oral to the knife okay. But he already had a plan in place and a surprise organised for you tomorrow night. 
“I’m gonna run us a bath.” Jake mumbled against your skin as he left a few marks behind in his wake. You swallowed heavily in response as your body continued to experience the after effects of being so deep into role play. “I love you so much, thankyou for letting me in, for letting me bring your fantasies to life.” 
“Are you staying with me in the bath?” You could barely speak as Jake helped you up, handing you your pyjama short back as he dismounted from your bed. His cock remained flaccid and coated in a mix of your arousal and his cum. 
It was just as important to receive the aftercare than to experience the high. Jake was good like that, and you’d discussed this beforehand with him. That you’d need time to come down after and just be held and brought back to earth. Jake was more than accommodating to your needs. 
“Absolutely, I’m not going anywhere.” You managed a smile as you watched Jake pick up the Ghostface mask and stare at it. “You know there were two of these guys right?” Jake smirked as he threw it over onto your bedside table. “Kinda makes you wonder how far we could take this role play kink of yours.” 
“Who’d be your Stu Macher?” You asked as you stood from the bed to give Jake a kiss so gently it was like the wings of a butterfly had handed against his cheeks. “It’s bath time Loomis.” You cooed as you patted Jake's shoulder twice. “Come on.” 
“I’ll wash your hair for you.” Jake followed you into the bathroom eagerly before he shut the door behind him. It was good to be home. 
“This is awesome.” Javy beamed when he saw you and Jake at the annual Seresin family Halloween party. The Daggers had all been granted a week's grace and they all decided to utilise the time off to attend the celebration. “Sidney and Billy, that’s awesome.” 
“If only he knew—“ Jake whispered in your ear as you giggled and pushed at his chest. You were still buzzing from your night with Jake. High on the ecstasy his Ghostface impersonation gave you. “Come on now, don’t act all shy.” Jake teased as he kissed you tenderly, tilting your chin up with his index finger. The costume was really making you dizzy, you were still all consumed by your burning desire to act out your wildest fantasies. 
“Oh.” You felt your phone ringing in your back pocket. “Huh.” You had to laugh at the irony. “It’s an unknown number?” You turned your phone to Jake as he smirked and nodded.
“You should answer it.” After all, he did have a surprise for you. “Go on now, don’t be shy.” With confusion laced into the lines and fake blood on your face, you swipt your phone along the screen and held it to your ear all the while you kept eye contact with Jake. 
“Hello?” You asked cautiously, still not sure what the hell was going on. 
“Wanna play a game?” Bradley spoke through the phone as you caught sight of him behind Jake’s shoulder. Dressed in that all too familiar ghost face costume. After all, there were always two killers. 
Tags: 🏷️ @attapullman @330bpm-whiplash @mamachasesmayhem @echo-ethe @avengersgirllorianna @nmw-am @eli2447 @hookslove1592 @kmc1989 @seitmai @blindedbythelightt @tayl0rhuynh
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Do you have any gothic novels that you can recommend off the top of your head? Especially to people who want to try their hand at the genre? I've hit a wall in my project and I need to get some fresh inspiration, but I don't know where to start and the book side of tumblr failed me the last time I tried asking them for recs
Hell yeah! I made some old posts for this a while back, but it's good to look at it again with my more recent taste! Let's see...
Classic Gothics
Dracula: The one, the only. Often imitated, never equalled.
Frankenstein: Short, sad and world changing! Can get a little slow at parts, but definitely worth it. (True story, my parents read this to me as a fetus to calm my kicking, so it's part of my personal mythology!)
The Case of Charles Dexter Ward: The most gothic of Lovecraft's work, and possibly my favorite. Novella length, usually found in collections.
The Picture of Dorian Gray: Sinister, sexy, philosophical, with a main character I want to punch in the face!
Carmilla: Another novella, about as lush and swooning as vampire stories get.
The Hound of the Baskervilles: A very readable gothic mystery.
Confessions of a Justified Sinner: This one isn't as action packed, but if you have big religious issues like me, it's incredibly haunting.
The Monk: Like the above, but sleazier and crazier!
Northanger Abbey: A gentle parody of early gothics, starring an adorable proto-goth girl.
The Italian: I'll be honest, I find Anne Radcliffe kind of a slog, but if you liked Northanger Abbey and want to read what Catherine Morland reads, this is probably the most accessible.
A Long Fatal Love Chase: This starts as campy and then takes a plunge into gut-wrenchingly intense. The book Jo March was always trying to write!
The Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: Another novella, and Stevenson is one of the best writers out there for excitement!
The Werewolf of Paris: Gothic monster as serial killer, still scary today.
Rebecca: The foundation of all gothic romance to come afterwards. A ghost story without a ghost, with an ending that's still debated as happy or sad!
Jane Eyre: The other foundation of all gothic romance to come afterwards. I bounced off the child abuse-heavy beginning a few times, but I'm very glad I finally read to the good stuff!
The Castle of Otranto: Considered the first gothic novel, a goofy b-movie in written form.
Modern-ish Gothics (post-1950 or so)
The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein: Fuck the haters, I love this book.
Mexican Gothic: Genuinely scary, genuinely romantic, genuinely creative. A favorite.
Blackwater: A southern gothic saga of a family in a flooded town, whose scion marries a woman who isn't quite human. A whirlwind ride!
A Bloodsmoor Romance: Another family saga, this one northern gothic, with sisters whose lives all go off the rails in different supernatural ways. Give this a try before writing Joyce Carol Oates off entirely!
The Silver Devil: A nasty, problematic bodice ripper where you'll cheer for the heroine to bring the hero down low!
Interview with the Vampire: To be honest again, I'm not super into Anne Rice, but this is a page-turner, and every vampire book that has come after it has had to respond to it in one way or another. Read the next two Vampire Chronicles books if you like it!
A Taste of Blood Wine: My own preferred sexy vampire romance!
The Bloody Chamber: The ultimate dark sexy fairy tale work, accept no substitutes.
Haunted Castles: Contains the brilliant novella Sardonicus, as well as some other campy gothic stories!
A Great and Terrible Beauty: Many millennials were introduced to the gothic genre via this, Fear Street Sagas, or A Series of Unfortunate Events. This is my favorite of the three, though the sequels are a bit of a letdown.
Gormenghast: This series is a throwback to the pseudo-medieval, Otranto-style gothic, but much better. Don't read Titus Alone.
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saintone · 11 months
So, recently, I received the last book of SVSSS saga, and I instantly jumped to read, once again, Shen Jiu’s story chapter. And, oh boy. I’ve got things to say.
Spoiler’s ahead!!!!
Something I notice about MXTX’s writing is that, in a very subtle manner, their narrator's way of telling the story changes based on whose character's pov it is, so we can guess that the book’s narrator isn’t omniscient, but it’s actually a character’s inner voice. which isn’t anything new, as many users have pointed out that Shen Yuan isn’t a very reliable narrator, and some things of the books that are told from his pov don’t match with reality (the easiest example I can say is when sy and lgh reencounter after the eternal abyss. sy interpret’s lbg’s ‘dark gaze’ as his vengeful desire when actually half of the time he’s just being horny lol).
Something else I’ve noticed repeatedly, and kinda made me uncomfortable is sy’s portrayal of female disciples. Based on his belief that og!sqq preyed on his disciples, sy takes the liberty to make very perverted assertions that stay on the fictional side due to his fear of facing a similar ending as the one of the original goods. quoting some real phrases from the book:
“This was because he had designs on Ning Yingying—ah, no, more like the original Shen Qingqiu had designs on Ning Yingying!” (p. 34, first book).
“One can, however, imagine the result of daring to try to get a taste of the male lead’s woman!” (p. 35).
Or his description of the fight between Liu Mignyan and Sha Hualing:
“Every man dreamed of being caught between an angel and a devil. To watch them jealously vile for each other over him one moment, then risk life and limb for his sake in the next — that was the highest, most sacred, perverted fantasy of every male organism” (p. 112).
These aren’t the words of a neutral, omniscient narrator: these are Shen Yuan’s own thoughts. And he is a very perverted guy: it makes sense, as he was an avid reader of PIDW.
Following the conclusion that the narrator varies on the character’s pov, Shen Jiu’s story takes on a new meaning. Because all of the words in Chapter 24 are Shen Jiu’s own.
The Part 1 of the story starts with Shen Jiu on the streets, until Shiwu goes missing, and Yue Qi goes searching for him, with Sj following. The change to Part 2, which starts directly in the Qi mansions, is kinda abrupt. There are many reasons for something like this.
On one side, we can interpret that the story starts with Sj in the Qi mansions, and he was reflecting on his life to gauge how he ended up there. The sudden jump of events, which leaves us with a gap in information, can be due to trauma, or confusion: Sj isn’t entirely sure of what happened. That’s why this chapter is wholly written as a recount of events, from a man who, perhaps, needed to learn how to write and read to be able to put words to his life and story.
Shen Jiu’s reflections are born from his pain. At the end of Part 2, we get an explanation of how he ended in the Qi mansion:
“Shiwu should have been trampled to death, trampled into minced meat for thousands to spit upon. Qi-ge should have never gone back to save him [...]
As Shen Jiu suffered through day after day of torment, he turned those sweet yet futile thoughts over and over again in his mind, drawing strength and comfort from them” (p. 90, fourth book).
This phrase is very powerful. I think that, as Shen Jiu suffers, he reflects more on his life until now, on the reasons that guided him there, on the actions of those around him, and on the path they should’ve followed. 
He wasn’t like that in Part 1. Even as a slave, he doesn't reflect on his pain or suffering because he was pretty much the top game among slave boys, and as Yue Qi says, “the other party would be the one to end up suffering and bawling in terror” (p. 82).
It’s also very meaningful how Part 3 starts:
“Shen Jiu thought a lot about why Yue Qi never returned to look for him” (p. 90).
Yess, right after Sj thinks that Yq should never’ve returned to look for Shiwu. Coincidence? I don’t think so!
Sj says “go back to save him”, but the one who actually saves them both, Shiwu and Yq, is Sj. 
The question here is, does Shen jiu regret saving yue qi? Or is he afraid, as we see at the beginning of Part 3, that yue qi learned his lesson, and won’t come back to save a kid that could betray him at the end? Do you think that, after being imprisoned at the water prison, Shen Jiu considers himself a Shiwu too, betraying Yue Qingyuan and guiding the fall of the Cang Qiong Sect?
How do you think it felt for Sj to never get those answers either?
Before going foward, something very meaningful from Part 2 is Qi Jianluo’s reflections around Shen Jiu.
“As long as the boy remained obedient and honest, there would be no issues” (p. 88).
And “Humans must understand and repay kindness. Our family gave you the chance to play human, so even if it means repaying us with your life, that’s just how it should be.” (p. 89).
Who could you remember was obedient and honest? And wasn’t human?
Isn’t it awfully coincidental that the despicable way in which Qi Jianluo viewed Shen Jiu, is exactly what he tries to destroy in Luo Binghe? His honesty and obedience, his human side?
I’m not saying Sj did it intentionally, he clearly hated the boy, as stated in this chapter. But he made him the opposite of the weak, scorned version of himself.
And this is exactly what he says at the end of the chapter:
“Luo Binghe, everything you have today you owe to taking me as your master, so shouldn’t you thank me? Instead, you’re wholly unable to tell what’s good for yourself. As expected, you’re an ungrateful bastard” (p. 116).
Going forward, Part 3! Right off the bat, we have this beautiful phrase that just makes me go aghh:
“Shen Jiu even imagined walking to the ends of the earth looking for Yue Qi’s remains, and how, after finding them, he would dig him a grave with his own two hands. Perhaps he would even do his best to shed a tear” (p 90).
Let me remind you, that this is the only, single mention of crying in the whole chapter. From everything that Shen QingQiu has gone through, he has only thought of crying in the face of Yue Qi’s potential death.
He doesn’t cry when he receives the remains of Xuan Su, though. Because “This was not Yue Qi but Yue Qingyuan (p. 94).
Then, Shen Jiu puts it into words:
“Some people were rotten from birth. Shen Jiu thought of himself in exactly this way — someone vile and poisonous [ejem, like Shiwu, whose presence brought misfortune to his literal savior] from the start. Because, at that instant, he came to a crystal-clear realization:
That he’d rather have met a Yue Qi who’d died in some unknown corner, his remains unsightly and forgotten, than a Yue Qingyuan who was elegant and powerful, his prospects and future boundless” (p. 95).
This is exactly what I said before when I mention that Sj reflection’s starts from his pain, and his pain is born in the Qi household. Before, as a slave boy, Shen Jiu was actually the happiest. And that’s why he’d rather have a dead Yue Qi than an alive Yue Qingyuan: because he was still Shen Jiu, and he would be Shen Jiu until his death.
It’s right then and there, that Shen Jiu decides there’s something inevitably wrong in him, that he’s poisonous, scornful, and hateful.
And that word marks his future in Cang Qiong:
Part 4: “Shen Jiu hated far too many and far too many things” (p. 95).
But then, we get this phrase:
“I may be a hateful thing for most people, but luckily the Qing Jing Peak Lord doesn't despise me” (p. 99)
Is Shen QingQiu hateful, or is he hated?
Also, “thing”. He’s a hateful thing. So he’s still not human.
Changing topics, on page 100, we get to see a new side of Shen Jiu: his reflection on the women of the Red Pavilion. I think it’s very interesting to compare it with Sy’s considerations of women. 
“Liking women wasn’t the least shameful, but treating women like saviors, cowering within their embrace and seeking courage from them... even without anyone saying it, Shen Qingqiu knew that was horrendously shameful”
From his wording, I don’t think Sj thinks badly of women: he thinks badly of himself. He considers that a man should be able to protect others, not be protected. The “horrendously shameful” thing is himself, and his pain.
And what’s really meaningful is when he says: “even without anyone saying it”. Because it shows us that many things Shen Jiu knows were taught by others' words. Because he was a slave boy, with no education of the noble, or even human ways (as slaves aren’t considered people), and everything he gathers of life he is constantly learning from others.
So of course he is hateful, and of course, he doesn’t get along with others: he hasn’t learned how to (and how big of a coincidence is it that Shen Yuan, who’s from a wealthy family, is able to get along with his Martial siblings just fine?).
Shen Qingqiu also knows that the only reason he was able to become a Peak Lord, is thanks to Qiu Jianluo’s teachings:
“In the past, Qiu Jianluo had forced Shen Jiu to learn how to read and write. Shen Jiu had been unwilling to learn, had detested it to the point of madness, yet now it was only through his abilities in reading and studying—through being smarter than his peers—that he’d been able to earn the Qing Jing Peak’s lord's favor. To make it even more laughable, of the thousands of possible names in this world, the peak lord had just happened to name him Qingqiu” (p. 101).
Doesn’t this remind you of something? I’m going to write this quote once again: 
“Luo Binghe, everything you have today you owe to taking me as your master, so shouldn’t you thank me? Instead, you’re wholly unable to tell what’s good for yourself. As expected, you’re an ungrateful bastard” (p. 116).
Just like Luo Binghe, Sj is where he is thanks to his abusive master. But never once does Sj regret his past:
“But no matter how laughable, no matter how it made him gnash his teeth, Shen Qingqiu still wanted that name, for this name represented that from now onward, a shining new life was his” (p. 116).
Notice the change of preposition, from “that” to “this”? That name is the Qiu name, and this name is the QingQiu name.
He is no Shen QingQiu, and no longer Shen Jiu.
“‘That name irritates me whenever I hear it. I’ve long forgotten it. So please, Zhangmen-shixiong, you should also discard it.’
[...] ‘ Then, the day you responder to it would be the day it no longer irritates you?’
[...] ‘ That would never happen’” (p. 101-102).
Shen Wingqiu wholeheartedly accepts his new name.
No matter what happened, we never see Shen QingQiu regretting his actions, neither cursing his fate. He accepts what life gives him, and he accepts his punishments. 
“What’s happened has happened! I’ve already ‘considered’ it hundreds and thousands of times! There is no ‘if’, no ‘in the beginning’—, there was never any chance of redemption!” (p. 111).
And you know why that is? Because he already considered it a lot after Shiwu’s betrayal.
Shiwu should have been trampled, Yue Qi shouldn’t have gone to save him (should’ve come to save Shen Jiu). But after that experience, Shen Jiu learns that should’ve and could’ve, and would’s aren’t worth anything, because, at the end of the day, his life never goes the way it should.
And he just accepts it: “Only when I see other people unhappy can I be happy myself” (p. 112).
This quote was very strange to me because it didn’t really match Shen Jiu’s actions. We don’t see him going out of his way to make others unhappy. (Except Luo Binghe lol. He openly admits to trying to murder him).
I think the situation was quite the opposite: It was when Shen Qingqiu was happy, that others were unhappy: when he was in the Warm Red Pavillion, others were unhappy. When he was with his female disciples, others were unhappy. When he succeeded as a disciple and became Peak Lord, others were unhappy. And when he was a slave, living alongside Yue Qi in the streets, he now believes Yue Qingyuan was unhappy too.
Shen QingQiu’s happiness came with the price of others’ happiness, and that’s why he comes to accept that he prefers others’ suffering, he accepts other’s hate.
The first time Shen Qingqiu is in the Linxhi Caves alongside Yue Qingyuan, he notices the crude markings on the walls, and asks him about it. What’s relevant of this scene is that it’s the first time Shen QingQiu is the one starting a conversation.
Before that, we always see Yue Qingyuan looking for Shen Qingqiu, talking to him, interrogating him, and a Shen Qingqiu reluctant to talk. In this scene, the opposite happens: Shen Qingqiu asks, and Yue Qingqiu ignores him.
Here we see, that in those fundamental moments that Shen Qingqiu is the one interested in something, others (Yue Qingyuan) are distant.
Last but not least, I’d like to bring some of the last lines of the chapter to light:
“He had singlehandedly created the Luo Binghe of today, but who had singlehandedly wrought this ending of Shen Qingqiu’s?
Yue Qingyuan shouldn't have met this kind of fate” (p. 117).
Made me go ughrr oh my god.
First of all, the acceptance: like yeah, I made the devil. It came to bite me in the ass. Okey.
But does he regret that? NO! He regrets being who he is. What he is. He regrets what he became: he regrets being hated, being unhappy, he regrets being mean, not because of what it caused him, but because of the person he became.
Shen Qingqiu never, not even once feels pity for his ending, for being tortured and mutilated. He only regrets being unhappy.
And also, he blames Yue Qingyuan for it. 
Because it isn’t a coincidence that after that question, he mentions Yue Qingyuan’s name. First of all is a literary resource. Second, it’s the clear association of the narrator’s mind as he builds a sequence.
He blames Yue Qingyuan for the person he became, and also blames Yue Qingyuan for not being able to avoid the person he became: he denies his cruel destiny.
Yue Qingyuan shouldn't have met this kind of fate.
Because Shen Qingqiu only ever wished for the death of Yue Qi.
This chapter’s narrator is a very sharp, and concise one. He goes from scene to scene, from thought to thought, abandoning fluency and just concentrating on a list of events. This is a reflection of Shen Jiu’s mind: a recollection of traumatic events that brutally shaped him into the man he became.
We see very little emotion, very short pieces of a sentimental being that laze themselves as puzzle pieces trying to make the shape of a deeply traumatized man.
I said it before, and I say it again: SVSSS is a masterpiece, is a book that will become a classic and be analyzed by literary critics in universities (or it should become. we can only hope).
And MXTX is one of the best current fiction writers in the world.
Thanks for coming to my ted talk lol
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angelfruittree · 2 months
Tell publicly 3 facts about yourself or your three favourite songs or favourite books (it can be anything, really-whatever you want to share/feel like talking about) then send it some people you like! ♥️♥️♥️
Ohhh thank you for the ask lys
1. One of my favorite characters ever is Kaul Hilo from the green bone saga - that sound that’s like “I’m not a bad dog I don’t know why I bite” is so very him but he’s rabid! He’s a middle child and something about middle children always gets to me. I think about this bit all the time ( not really a bit is it lmao)
“Now it seemed an impassable emotional mountain. Every time he longed to make things right with Wen, anger yanked him back, like a hand jerking away from flame or Steel rising against a blade.
How often had he found fault with Shae for keeping people at a distance for half the time not being honest with herself, and half the time not being honest with others? Now he was the one sealed off, nursing his invisible wounds alone, just as Lan had once done.
The thought filled Hilo with gloom and dread. He was not a naturally self-sufficient personality. He knew that about himself.
Perhaps some men truly did not need others, but very few, and there was usually something wrong with them to make them that way. The brotherhood of the clan was a promise that its warriors were not alone.
What was the point of Green Bone oaths, of all the sacrifices his family had made, of the relentless war against their enemies, if in the end, the promise couldn't even be kept for him and those he loved?”
But also he’s a murderer and implicates you in every single thing he does . I remember walking my dog listening to Jade war ( book 2 ) and I stopped in my tracks on the street GAGGED!! GAGGED within an inch of my life winded I had to put my hands on my knees.
2. I really love Tasha Suri and help I’m crying but she has these two books called Empire of sand and Realm of Ash and it’s about two sisters ( each book follows a sister) The first book is about the oldest sister ( shes amrithi, a people who have old magic in their blood descended of dessert spirits , they are a nomadic dessert people and they are violently persecuted and feared but their power is also deeply covered - her mother left when she was young bc that is the amrithi way they can’t be pinned down to one place and her father remarries and… anyway I’m talking about realm of ash ) Empire of sand follows a sister forced into an arranged marriage that enslaves her to this dark mystic ( because of her power) but anyway realm of ash follows her little sister, years later who is now a widow and there’s this one line that just skdjdjdjdnffn
“ She thought about how sensible it had always seemed to smooth away her sharp edges, how long her mother had worked to shape her into something worthy of being loved. But Arwa did not care if Gulshera liked her, never mind loved her. She’s had enough of being mothered and molded. She opened her mouth.”
Okay and finally
I read this fic the other day for my two babies 2buck and I’ve been thinking about it none stop sometimes I scream because I think of a line and then I look around me and I’m on the street - or my dogs just looking at me like so disappointed or maybe he’s proud idk here’s the fic my friend found it but idk if I should expose her !!!
But I can’t stop thinking about it ahsjzjzjsjssjsn
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supercap2319 · 1 year
To add a little drama to the Archie saga, Y/A finds an old photo of a young Uncle Frank and Mr. Cooper, suggesting they were boyfriends or dated.
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Y/N hadn't been snooping. Honest, he hadn't. He was just looking for something else and happened to come across a big secret that concerns his dad and Archie's uncle Frank. He had been looking through his father's sock drawer for a book on men's health. He wanted to see if there were any techniques or habits he should be doing as a young man. He found socks and his father's tighty whities, but no book. When he dug a little deeper into the drawer, he found a wooden chest box.
Y/N debated on whether or not he should look inside it, but his curiosity eventually won out as he opened it up to find old basketball cards and a necklace and even a ring. But the crown jewel was a couple of Kodak pictures in the center of the box. One picture was of his father when he was his age. His blue eyes were shining and his blonde hair was golden from the rays of the sun. Another was of his dad and his parents. And a surprising picture of his dad, Fred and Frank Andrews. They all looked at the camera and smiled. The last picture shook Y/N to his core. This picture that he was currently in his hands was worse than all the porno mags in the world put together.
For you see, this picture showed his father as a young boy of summer underneath a tree by the lake, lips locked into a kiss with none other than his straight and narrow basketball coach, Frank Andrews. Y/N blushed with embarrassment and his face was full of shock. He couldn't believe it. His church going, God fearing, picture perfect father was bent too?
"What in God's name are you doing in here?"
Y/N jumped and turned around to see his father with an angry expression on his face. And when he saw the photo in Y/N's hands, he went off on him. "What the hell are you doing going through my private things?! You better have a damn good excuse young man, otherwise you're grounded."
He wasn't sure what to say. What could he say? That his dad had been giving him a hard time lately because of what he and Archie did, making him feel all tuckered out and barely got any time to see each other. And maybe he was just a little bit frosty. Maybe he was as angry as a hornet's nest. For his father, making him believe that being a 'bent son' was a bad thing, when he started this whole thing in the first place.
He held the photo of Hal and Frank together as teenagers. "And what the hell are you doing kissing Frank Andrews?!"
"Excuse me?!"
They both turned to see Alice Cooper in the doorway behind Hal. She had a shocked look on her face. Hal gulped as he reached for his wife. "Alice, honey, let me explain—"
She slapped him hard across the face and left the room in tears as Hal put his hand on the cheek she just slapped. He was hurt and angry, then turned to Y/N. "YOU ARE IN BIG TROUBLE YOUNG MAN!"
"Not until I show this to Archie." Y/N ducked underneath his father's arm and ran downstairs towards Archie's house across the street.
"Y/N! You come back here!"
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sunsetthedragon · 4 months
I think it's crazy the Fear Street books have basically no fandom. Like the book series has been around for over 30 years and a lot people talk about how they remember reading the books but there is like no fanart, fanfic, or fan discussion about any of the books. It’s weird because similar series to Fear Street do have fandoms, just not Fear Street. I really hope that the fourth movie will get more people talking about the books because they really do have some amazing characters and themes worth discussing. The best thing I can do for now is to just keep posting about this series, even if no one responds.
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naturalrights-retard · 3 months
A woman who inherited a home in New York City full of people squatting illegally was arrested and led away in handcuffs after she changed the locks.
Adele Andaloro, 47, was placed under arrest at her $1 million home in Flushing, Queens, which she inherited from her parents after they died.
"It’s enraging," Andaloro told the NY Post. "It’s not fair that I, as the homeowner, have to be going through this."
Andaloro claims the ordeal erupted when she started the process of trying to sell the home last month but realized squatters had moved in — and brazenly replaced the entire front door and locks. Fed up, she recently went to her family’s home on 160th Street — with the local TV outlet in tow — and called a locksmith to change the locks for her. -NY Post
The spat with the squatters, which was caught on camera, rapidly erupted into a verbal altercation until the cops showed up and led Andaloro away - charging her with 'unlawful eviction.'
As the Post notes, people can claim "squatter's rights" if they've been squatting for just 30 days at a property. This makes it illegal for homeowners to change the locks, turn off the utilities, or remove the squatters' belongings.
"By the time someone does their investigation, their work, and their job, it will be over 30 days and this man will still be in my home," Andaloro said. "I’m really fearful that these people are going to get away with stealing my home."
During the recent encounter at her home, Andaloro — who was armed with the deeds — was filmed entering the property after one of the apparent tenants left the front door open. After changing the locks, a man claiming to be on the lease — identified by the local outlet as Brian Rodriguez — returned to the property and barged through the front door. “You shouldn’t be trying to steal my house,” a furious Andaloro yelled at him during the caught-on-camera ordeal. Following a flurry of 911 calls, responding cops told Andaloro she had to sort the saga out in housing court because it was considered a “landlord-tenant issue.” -NY Post
Andaloro says she's now been forced to go through the court system to start an eviction filing to settle the landlord-tenant dispute.
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backlistbacklog · 15 days
If you know you know
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Alright you know what time of the month it is if my horny ass is back. These that's have been living rent free in my head for damn near a month now and I'm about to make it everyone's problem.
Imagine this: Darling reader is traveling with the Straw Hats when they start the whole cake saga.
You love to bake and have plans to spend a good chunk of your savings on some prime ingredients from the island to make some special treats for the crew. 
You get a little lost on your way to the general market. You see Katakuri and ask him (and his advantage of height) oh so sweetly to point you in the right direction, explaining your plan for some grade A sweets.
Of course Luffy and Usopp get in trouble after taking bites out of some poor tavern's walls after a couple pints. You come running and apologize on behalf of yout crewmates and offers your money to cover damages. The boys whine if you spend it here you won't be able to make sweets for them.
Katakuri finds himself proclaiming he will cover the damages almost on impulse. The shocked expression and the sweet grateful smile you give him makes it worth it.He walks you to the market and you get the supplies you need with another grateful smile to Katakuri. You fail to notice the blush behind his scarf. 
You ask one of the vendors what treats he prefers since everyone treats him with a respect born of familiarity. She mentions it's been rumored he enjoys donuts.
That night with a little help from Sanji you make the best donuts you've ever made! Saving a few (a feat in itself to keep them hidden from the boys) you plan to find Katakuri the next day and offer him some as thanks.
It's surprisingly easy to find the man taller than half the buildings. You offer him your comparatively tiny treats as thanks for yesterday, almost worried with how long he quietly stares at the treats.
Your smile returns when he offers to treat you to his favorite bakery that day. Of course you go! You don't even notice how often he stares at you while you munch on the delicious treats. You're far too bust trying to puzzle put the intricate flavors.
The next day is when things turn. You go to visit your new giant friend only for him to say he needs to talk to you. You go with him right away, worried those idiot crewmates of yours ate someone's house.
He leads you to a quiet street, well away from everyone. He tells you matter of factly who he is to the island and how his mother all but demands marriage and grandchildren from all her kids. He explains he has convinced her you are the only one who will ever bear his children and has arranged for your wedding to take place in a couple days time.
It's only then you realize how small the alley he led you into is and how he's blocking the only exit. You try to quietly rationalize that, while you enjoy his company, you don't know each other that well yet. Besides, you would burst before carrying a child of his to full term.
His chuckle is terrifying as he explains how any children you have will be average size until puberty. Closing in, he assures you he'll be extremely careful and gentle with you. How you'll come to love him as much as he loves you. He knew you were meant to be his the moment his hand closed on that tiny tin of donuts.
In next to no time you've got a fiance collar clamped around your neck and are ushered into a mochi palace in the mirror dimension for "safe keeping". No amount of begging to see your crewmates or saying you want to fulfill your dream of baking with ingredients only found on the Grand Line will dissuade him.
Despite your fear, you still feel the need to reassure him the next day when he takes off his scarf in front of you to enjoy his merienda. He was adamant his future wife should know everything about him. You had to nearly stifle a giggle when you saw what he was hiding. After all he talked up his shame you were expecting much more than a couple fangs. 
Thankfully Luffy literally bursts in as Katakuri, finished with his donuts, began reaching for you, "the real treat" as he put it. 
The fight was brutal. Everytime you tried to make a break for it your "bethrothed" would swing about to place himself between you and your captain. It was only when Luffy made him swear he'd let you go if he won did the Mochi Fruit user shift his focus.
When the dust settles and Katakuri falls, you almost feel bad for him. True to his word, he removes the collar, all while begging you to stay. 
You painfully deny his request, saying that you need to live your own life and fulfill your own dreams, not someone else's.
His final words to you echo in your mind for weeks after: "Very well my darling little Sprinkle. I swore if your captain bested me I would allow you the choice and let you go if you desired. This I shall do. However, I did NOT swear not to come after you. Once the dust settles and my wounds have healed I will be setting out to claim you once more. I hope by then you will have achieved you dream. For nothing in this world will stop me until I have you at my side again."
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radoptimism · 10 days
like this post for a random starter from one of the listed muses or you can specify in the comments a specific muse(s). ( third option is you can also send memes hehe. )
bella swan ( twilight saga, anti smeyers ), @bellaswane
betty cooper ( archie horror comics, written as a witch and supernatural hunter ), @bettycraft
gwen stacy ( tasm 1964, what - if based ), @gwendylynestacy
mary jane watson ( tasm 1964 based ), @mjaniewatson
sabrina spellman ( archie horror comics, adapted into fear street ), @brinaspells
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black-arcana · 25 days
VISIONS OF ATLANTIS Release 'Monsters' Single From Upcoming 'Pirates II - Armada' Album
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The pirates of VISIONS OF ATLANTIS have released "Monsters", the second single from their upcoming studio album, titled "Pirates II - Armada", which is set for release on July 5, 2024 via Napalm Records. The new successor to their high-charting previous release, "Pirates" (2022),is set as high as the waves cresting the Jolly Roger — taking everything that has been achieved to date to another level. With the second chapter of the pirates' saga, VISIONS OF ATLANTIS prove that they are more than ready to claim the crown of symphonic metal.
"Monsters" is a haunting musical adventure illustrating the confrontation with inner monsters, beginning with calm passages that burst into a rhythmic refrain, showing off the full musical power of the pirate queen Clémentine Delauney and brave captain Michele Guaitoli. With this preview of the second chapter of the pirates’ saga, VISIONS OF ATLANTIS prove that they are more than ready to claim the crown of symphonic metal and are eager to take stages by storm on their European tour this fall. Their raid will begin with their fulminant album release show in Aschaffenburg on July 6, 2024 and will be continued in the fall with the extensive "Armada" tour boasting 33 shows all over Europe — the biggest headliner tour of their promising career so far.
Guaitoli comments: "We fought the raging storms, the most dreadful foes and the darkest nights. Yet the worst enemy appears to be something we cannot face with cannons and sabers. This battle will be the hardest, as it’s time to look straight the eyes of the 'Monsters' inside of us. Proud and without fears, we're ready. Are you?"
Ship's log: July 5, 2024; High Seas
"A new day of sailing begins, the wind on our side, and the sea speaks of recent battles. The air feels fresh - Hypocrisy, greed, envy - hearts of the old world finally disclose their deluded truth. Old leaders are losing ground, their lies are getting worse, and darkness creeps in. Each sunny day hides a coming storm, nature testing our strength for the last battle.
"We've become pirates as their counterparts, free-spirited and true at heart. Navigating storms that try to make us doubt, we see the light in the darkness. The old truth is fading, making room for a new story. Our destiny is in our hands, in our hearts, in every step we take. Reconnecting with ourselves, we touch the essence of life we share with all creatures. Together, unstoppable, connected to the truth, guided by the sun and storms.
"We'll rule the oceans, the mainland, every street, every house, spreading hope. Our pirate cries will last for centuries, with ancestors humming our tunes, our words sung in the new world we create. Our glory will live on forever. United as one force, one army, under a final ARMADA."
Emotions, depth, richness of sound. Not only a record, but a true hurricane of feelings is what VISIONS OF ATLANTIS delivers with the new album, "Pirates II - Armada". On a journey in which listeners face their own battles and cannot resist joining the "Armada", VISIONS OF ATLANTIS will have listeners facing the "Monsters" inside them, with catchy melodies destined to endlessly stick in their mind. The uplifting "Tonight I'm Alive" surprises and captivates with the rhythms of a pirate party on the eve of combat, with the electrifying rumble of a hurricane — a unique, uncharted showcase of talent from VISIONS OF ATLANTIS. The burning flames of "Hellfire" enchant the listener before the sweetness of delicate melodies accompany them "Underwater". The cinematic adventure of seven-minute-plus masterpiece "The Dead Of The Sea" conjures the salty scent of the sea, making the listener feel — in every melodic twist and theatrical orchestral hit — the cannons firing and the battle raging. Listeners will shed a tear while mourning under the melody of "Ashes To The Sea".
"Pirates II - Armada" track listing:
01. To Those Who Choose To Fight 02. The Land Of The Free 03. Monsters 04. Tonight I'm Alive 05. Armada 06. The Dead Of The Sea 07. Ashes To The Sea 08. Hellfire 09. Collide 10. Magic Of The Night 11. Underwater 12. Where The Sky And Ocean Blend
Photo by Robert Eikelpoth / Photo editing by Blake Armstrong
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