#fatima jha
thesouppond · 6 months
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liciatalks · 2 years
Raw Notes Dump - Gen: Lock Season 2
Again it's in my notes app so I'm going to dump it here
S2 Gen:Lock | Opinions [Part 1]
The World Building
The Union
Treated like an established Super Military power. With the military man and tech power to back it up.
The nanos kill all organic life that it touches. Those that have an Union badges are safe.
Those that live in Union held territory seems to be in a police state.
Makes it out that the Union had slowly been taking over countries/territories either by military, propaganda or both.
We don't get a lot of information but from context clues we can figure out key characteristics and possible motives
Seems to be more tech, inorganic and controling in theme
By the way Yaz speaks about the Unions there could have been a shift of politic power/views from an older Union to this newer one.
Is presented as a peaceful, religions group (Death Cult), with little or no military power.
Despite having organic eating Nano cloud leaders talk about the climate crisis needing to save life.
Although their are police, citizens seem to followers of the one region, and willingly stay with the Union.
No mention of taking over other countries. Treats the ear as more of a fight between The Union and the Poilty (US based)
Nothing in S1 hinted at the Union being a religious group or death cult. Union leader seems to be in contact with another who is part of group call the Athenians
Seems to be more Organic, less tech (unless approved), assumed freedom.
In flash backs it seems like Yaz was a teenager when she ran from the Union, and was not a believer. Making sound as the Union as always been this.
Somewhere between S1 and S2 it looks like the plan for the Union changed from a looming Super Military power, to a forced militarized religious group. Making it sound as they would have left things alone if they were left alone. I assume in an attempt to make them out as less of a boogieman and more of a group that you could sympathize with. Probably done with the shift in story.
The Poilty
Seems like you standard Military, looks to based off of United States. Loyal soldiers military secret projects basic stuff.
The Poilty isn't really talk about much as a whole. We see leaders talking at a press conference in the first episode but we really only see the military branch
Militarization of civilian science projects for their gain.
Send to actively prioritize civilian lives in evacuations as well as their own soldiers
Not much to say here
We learn that the Poilty is the new UN. Countries now have a joint military instead of separate ones.
Established that Poilty struck first, possibly out of fears, of the Unions tech after Union refused to share it's knowledge.
Seems to have no problem killing both civilians in their own soldiers to serve a end goal.
We still only see mostly the military branch and nothing if the government branches.
In the story shift it appears they made the Poilty into more of a "bad guy" to make you question if the Union was right or not. Which isn't bad, and have been done before but was given no real build up or clues in the 1st season only to flip a switch in the 2nd.
Introduced in the last couple of episodes all we really know is it's a group of scientist similar to NASA meets Boston Dynamics.
The leader seems to be a sketchy businessman. Might have been hinting that he has/had connection with The Union. Playing both fields.
Knew of Gen:Lock as a concept but didn't know it was up and running. Except for the doctors ex-wife, sort of.
The leader has turn full Elon Musk. Selling tickets to a Utopia on Mars for anyone that can afford it. I think that's War profiteering?
Henry, one of the scientist from the first season, seems to have no real allegiance except for science.
Fatima Jha appears to run off of moral code but has no real allegiance.
RTASA itself didn't really play a part other than a place to houses the Holocrons and whatever it was doing in the final episodes.
Not many. It's weird that it's Leader was placed so high on the powerful figure list, that there was a moment that I had to remember he wasn't the President of the Poilty. He would have made a better turncoat.
We don't get much from them. They are either getting rescued by the Poilty or running from the Union
The Ether does seem to be fill with people, so it's possible for those in non Union control areas it's business as usual. Eh the loom of invasion on the Horizons.
Much like S1 they are mostly either being rescued or running away.
Despite half of the continent being overran, civilians in certain parts act like nothing's going on planning to take that trip to Mars.
There's not really the Ether anymore but there is Las Vegas
We do get to see civilian life in Union territory.
I would have like to have seen more points of views. We got a few but not enough we could have linger a bit longer to really feel the force of the war.
Climate Crisis
Wasn't there. Wasn't even mentioned. Florida was underwater but that's basically a RT joke.
Flaming tornadoes? New York in the end being underwater. Large areas of dead land.
Not going to lie season 2 sort of smacked us in the face with this. It's not mentioned in season 1, it's not built up and they kind of made everything get destroyed over a couple of months. Robot animals? I don't know.
Season 2 still feels like some weird fever dream. Characters were OOC. Organizations were OOC. THE SHOW WAS OOC!
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necronymie · 2 years
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simplyender · 3 years
silly prediction: one of the things on the list of stuff fatima has done with the gen:lock program behind colonel marins back is "try to fix and rehabilitate nemesis from s1".
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probably-chase · 5 years
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round number 4 of the good ol’ ‘deserves happiness’ flags!
This batch of Chibi’s were made by @primal-interstellar!
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news24fresh · 4 years
Two die during pilot training exercise in Odisha
Two die during pilot training exercise in Odisha
An instructor and a trainee pilot died as a training aircraft crashed soon after it took off from the Government Aviation Training Institute, Birasal Base, in Odisha’s Dhenkanal district on Monday morning.
The deceased have been identified as instructor Sanjay Jha and Anish Fatima. Other details of the victims are being collected.
“Trainees come to Birasal Airstrip for a limited period…
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hero-dreamer · 5 years
gen:LOCK ep 8 reaction stuff
Writing as I watch:
Migas is confirmed alive
Doc’s dead for real?
Nano chip signal mimicry...nice 👌
Aw, Nugget
Caliban waving to Doc’s ex-wife (can’t remember the name)...[EDIT - Dr Fatima Jha]
“We call him funny names”
Fighting in the background while Chase tries to lure Nemesis out
Ah shit, Nem can fly now too
Iron Man in Infinity War flashbacks w that Holon
You spin me right round baby right round-
C’mon Chase, u can do it
“Go to hell!” Lazer eyes!
Merging what?
Also, that spin into it
Chase...what are you doing...
“I lost that 4 years ago”
Oh, fuck, he’s there too
“My body”
“Just like me”
The twitches
Oh no
Elsa, anyone
Oh heck
Teamwork time
Another Iron Man flashback, anyone (first movie)
iRobot flashback now
Heck, Nem is dead - I thought hey we’re gonna try to fix him
Comatose? Dead? Shit
Let’s go, Polity, let’s go
Where did ya come from, where did ya gooo
SEASON 1 END (waiting for any mid/post-credit scenes)
Yep, post-credit scene
Someone’s running
Sinclair? Sinclair!
Ok, now it’s over
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alexthegamingboy · 5 years
Toonami Weekly Recap 09/14/2019
Dr. Stone EP#04 - Fire the Smoke Signal: After Senku creates a successful batch of gunpowder, which Taiju accidentally sets alight, the group spot a different source of smoke in the distance, suggesting that there are other survivors. Senku makes the decision to light the gunpowder further to use as a smoke signal, leading Tsukasa to find him and use Yuzuriha as a hostage to obtain the recipe for the revival fluid. As Senku relinquishes the recipe to save Yuzuriha and is given the choice of either abandoning science or dying, he recalls how he developed his love of science and became friends with Taiju. Refusing to abandon science, Senku prepares to die at Tsukasa's hands.
gen:LOCK EP#07 - It Never Rains...: On the run from the Union, the gen:LOCK team deals with the aftermath of the loss of the Anvil and presumably the entire Vanguard. Val/entina discovers they can now play Kazu's guitar, a side-effect of gaining each other's memories during their mind-share, which Kazu finds uncomfortable. Chase gets into his Holon and patrols, only to hear Nemesis mocking him for no longer being a real human. Union drones soon ambush the group, forcing them to flee. Cammie realizes Nemesis is tracking them because he's still connected to the GL network, and so long as they stay in their Holons he will know where they are: none of them can use their Holons. As they contemplate their next move, Caliban initiates the Omega Protocol and starts speaking in Dr. Weller's voice: he delivers a message from Weller, who reveals Caliban is one of the earliest gen:LOCK experiments, possessing an early copy of his neural pattern and everything Dr. Weller knew for gen:LOCK; he ends the message assuring the team that they were all important to him and apologizes for not being there to the end. Caliban then reveals the gen:LOCK program's next destination was the Rogue Technology Aeronautics and Space Administration (RTASA) administration facility for further research and development. During the trip, Yaz tries to comfort Chase as he questions whether he or the Nemesis can be considered the real one: Chase being a copy, and the Nemesis now fighting for the Union. The group arrives at the facility to be greeted by a security force, who are quickly ordered to stand down by Dr. Henry Wu, one of the scientists they rescued in Atlanta. Wu introduces them to Dr. Fatima Jha, Dr. Weller's ex-wife and one of the earlier collaborators on gen:LOCK. They inform her of the loss of the Anvil and Weller's death: she expresses surprise that the Holon units made it to field-ready status, and brings in Marc Holcroft, one of the principal investors in the ESU and RTASA. Holcroft agrees to allow them to stay at RTASA and fix their Holons in exchange for the capture or destruction of Nemesis's Holon. Cammie leads the repairs, and upgrades the armor to give the Holons unique appearances, weapons, and abilities: Yaz is given wings similar to Chase's, Val/entina's is designed to resemble them, Kazu's is based on RoboShogun (a manga he loved as a child), and Cammie's is designed to look like a rabbit. Chase upgrades his holographic appearance with the gen:LOCK uniform, accepting the group as his new team.
Fire Force (VS. Special Fire Force Company 1 Arc) EP#08 - Infernal Insects: Captain Obi examines Hibana's research which indicates some kind of insect has been introduced into a human's core to create Infernals. At Company 1, life seems normal, but then a group of Infernals are detected and the company is mobilized. Shinra and Arthur are ordered to stand aside, however they see someone use an insect to turn a human into an Infernal and they go in pursuit, only to encounter Lieutenant priests Flam Karim and Hoshimiya Rekka in the shadows. Shinra and Arthur search Karim's room and find an insect in a glass vial, but Karim claims that he is also investigating which indicates that Rekka is the culprit. Meanwhile, Rekka gets Tamaki to gather some children, promising to protect them from becoming Infernals. Under the pretext of hugging her, he renders her unconscious and turns the children's carer into an Infernal with an insect then slays her. Tamaki awakens and Rekka says that he is creating Infernals for the Evangelist, searching for the one who will become the "pilot light". He infects a child who bursts into fire, but the boy manages to extinguish the flames himself and Rekka declares that he is compatible. Tamaki tries to flame up and Rekka prepares to beat her to death, but Shinra had seen her flame and bursts in to attack Rekka.
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin EP#11 - The Battle of Loum.
Food Wars!: Shokugeki no Soma (Training Camp Arc) EP#11 - The Magician from the East: Shinomiya initially refuses Soma's challenge, however, Dojima and Inui overhear and pressure him into accepting the challenge. Thus, Soma and Megumi battle Shinomiya in an unofficial Shokugeki under the condition that Megumi is the lead chef as this Shokugeki is designed to prove Megumi's worthiness as a chef. While Shinomiya makes his dish, Megumi starts to panic. Soma tells her to relax and to focus on making something that's representative of herself and not on what Shinomiya is doing. Megumi begins to cook her dish, with Soma serving as her sous-chef. Shinomiya presents his dish first, the Chou farci, and the judges give overwhelming praise to the dish. However Dojima is not satisfied by the dish, as it was not one of Shinomiya's specialties. Megumi then presents her dish, the Rainbow Terrine.
Lupin the 3rd Part 5 EP#14 - How To Steal A Kingdom: Padar society is divided between reformists led by the King and traditionalist elements led by the High Priest who opposes the country's advancement into the high-tech age. Lupin and company travel to Padar to track down Princess Dolma and steal the Bloody Teardrop, as does Fujiko with a grudging Ami in tow. As they all investigate the princess' whereabouts, they stumble right into an imminent coup d'état planned by the High Priest and covertly supported by Padar's army and the American government. Their plan is to depose the King and install Dolma as a puppet ruler. Lupin and Ami sneak into the royal palace to rescue Dolma, but as Lupin turns his back, he is suddenly shot by one of the princess' arrows.
Black Clover: Elf Tribe Reincarnation Arc EP#87 - Formation of the Royal Knights: Mereoleona kidnaps Asta, Noelle and Luck, revealing they and one other member of their group have all passed the exam and are now Royal Knights. Mereoleona takes them to the oath ceremony to meet their fellow Royal Knights, including Yuno, Klaus, Mimosa, Kirch, Nils Ragus, En Ringard, Puli Angel, Rill Boismortier, Fragil Tormenta, Hamon Caseus. Mereoleona announces herself as their captain before Zora arrives in Black Bull robes, revealing that he was a vigilante until Yami brought him into the Black Bulls after defeating him. Mereoleona provides everybody with new Royal Knight Robes while revealing that several other Royal Knight members like Nozel were only accepted despite failing the exam as their magic is needed to facing the Midnight Sun, who are based in a floating dungeon located in the Gravito Stones area. Inside the dungeon, Rhya dreams of a moment from his past as an elf where Licht married a human named Tetia, the half-elf child they conceived meant to be a bridge between their peoples.
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malcontent7 · 5 years
Highlights of It Never Rains… (5/8 Reception)
Time to see what the RTASA is all about.
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Cammie dropping them Star Wars references again.
For the record, Chase isn’t telling Caliban to be quiet because he doesn’t like his jokes.
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It’s because they were instructed in Weller’s message not to advertise what Caliban is.
I’ve seen a lot of people questioning why Chase is putting his hands up, despite the fact that he can’t be shot. There’s no garuntee that these guys can tell that he’s an overlay.
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If he spooks them and they fire, it may not hit him, but it could hit the others. No excuse for his jokes though.
Henry Wu to the rescue.
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Good thing they helped him, s couple episodes back.
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I get the feeling RTASA’s off the grid. Either that or word just never got out about the Anvil attack.
Let’s meet ​Fatima Jha, who seems to have some connection to Weller.
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Unfortunately they meet her with ill tidings.
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Oh, so thaaat’s their connection. Explains Caliban’s joke.
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I mean, not even close to appropriate, but you gotta love Henry’s delivery.
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justgenlockthings · 5 years
gen:VIEW Episode 7, “It Never Rains...”
How the hell do you follow up on something like that*?
*that being last episode of course.
By the way, I’ve decided on a general format for my reviews, something I’m borrowing from a recent writing workshop I participated in. I’m gonna start things off with things I “connected” with in the episode: general themes, particular sequences, that sort of thing. Issues that I have with the episode I frame with “questions,” basically asking “What is this missing that could make this perfect” or “What could this do differently?”
So That Happened...
Following the absolute bonkers 6th episode that completely changed everything about the series up to this point, I think it’s fair to say gen:LOCK earned a quieter, if no less dramatic, installment.
First off, can we talk about how beautiful that opening scene was? Chase’s Holon sitting inactive next to the ship, the rainy environment, the guitar strumming that you at first accept as background music but is revealed to actually be Val/entina playing Kazu’s guitar, with the quiet revelation that they now have some of Kazu’s memories as a result of mind-share? It was the perfect moment to contrast with the soul-crushing last act of the previous episode.
Something I really connected with was the sense of mourning, something that needed to be addressed after we lost Dr. Weller in the previous episode. Of course, there was never anyway they would get rid of David Tennant permanently, but his performance as Dr. Weller endeared us to the character almost as soon as he opened his mouth in the first episode. This episode gave both the characters and us the viewers to mourn such a great character, while also moving our focus onto Caliban, who I’m getting a K2SO-vibe from (arguably the best part of Rogue One). Part of me is gonna miss the more expressive performance he gave to Weller, but Caliban’s already making me laugh with his terrible puns and one-liners.
I also connected with the world-building established in this episode, namely the reveal of the RTASA group. When you think about it, RTASA represents a logical place for the gen:LOCK program to go after its time with the Vanguard: where the Vanguard was the militarized program Weller had to work with in order to get funding to keep experimenting, RTASA (and to some extent its real-world allegory NASA) presents a brighter future, the kind of optimism Weller truly hoped for. I’m looking forward to the potential of seeing more Fatima Jha, what with her connection to the late Dr. Weller and potential as their new mentor.
What I thought this episode needed a little more of was some insight into Marc Holcroft. He seems to be the kind of shifty billionaire-type who might have ulterior motives, but it was hard to really pinpoint if we’re supposed to like him or not. We know that he’s a pretty rich dude and seems chiefly interested in his investments. But is it like “Mwahaha I don’t care who I support so long as I get money” or “at my heart I’m a billionaire who honestly wants to help the world somehow”? Now, that’s a lot of information to ask of this character’s introduction, but I think what we got made the character feel a little bland.
Have to complement Michael B. Jordan for pulling double-duty once again as both Nemesis and Julian, to a much greater extent than the previous episode. You know, seven episodes in and it’s still surreal to me that Michael B. Jordan is the voice of a character in a Rooster Teeth show, but here we are. Golshifteh Farahani also gets a moment to show her acting chops in Yaz’s scene with Julian during the flight to RTASA, after a kind of lukewarm performance in previous episodes. As Val/entina, Asia Kate Dillon gets some nice moments, especially their delivery in the opening guitar scene and during the team’s argument about continuing to use the Holons if Nemesis can track them.
After the madness of Episode 6, gen:LOCK offers us a quieter yet just as emotional episode that gives us a breather while also prepping us for the finale. Some (*cough*adel aka*cough*) would ignorantly accuse this episode of being filler, but action-heavy shows need quieter episodes to prevent the viewer from getting fatigued: if you have action every waking minute it becomes hard for the viewer to remember what’s going on in the show. And the fact is, gen:LOCK has done a good job keeping its audience engaged, to the point that this loyal viewer is fine having an episode with no big fight sequences.
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twifairy · 5 years
And now the Dr. Fatima Jha tag is empty smh y’all
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{{ Fatima Jha and Yasamin Madrani have been added to this blog and are now available for RP! }}
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necronymie · 4 years
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yeet i have animal crossing now
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Students of Grade IV C presented Hindi language assembly on the upcoming festival ‘Mahashivratri’.
Akhil Dev recited the special prayer.
Tvisha Sharma (IV A) shared the Thought for the Day.
Mehaan Jain, Mashia Jung, Anabia Fatima, Mannat Salgia analyzed the news headlines.
Students dressed up as the Mythological characters and enacted the story behind celebrating the festival of Mahashivratri.
The presentation also included a traditional dance by Adhira Karmakar (solo) & Mannat Salgia, Nandini Bhattacharya, Shriyanshi Singnodia, Ananya Jha, Tanvi Sardana (group).
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ds4techofficial · 4 years
Two die during pilot training exercise in Odisha
Two die during pilot training exercise in Odisha
An instructor and a trainee pilot died as a training aircraft crashed soon after it took off from the Government Aviation Training Institute, Birasal Base, in Odisha’s Dhenkanal district on Monday morning.
The deceased have been identified as instructor Sanjay Jha and Anish Fatima. Other details of the victims are being collected.
“Trainees come to Birasal Airstrip for a limited period…
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clipper28 · 4 years
Two pilots killed in Odisha as a training plane crashed
Two pilots killed in Odisha as a training plane crashed
Angul: Two pilots were killed in Odisha as a training plane crashed while taking off. The two pilots include a trainer Sanjay Kumar Jha and a trainee student Anisha Fatima.
The accident took place at Kamakhyanagar in Dhenkanal district. The crash happened at Birasal Airstrip under Kankadahad police station limits in Dhenkanal district.
The trainer and the student took off at around 6:30 in the…
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