#far cry captain
afarcryfrommymain · 4 months
I don't know about everyone else, but both with my personal characters and just the actual in game characters I don't think if the protagonists in far cry 5 and new dawn swapped places any of that shit woulda happened.
John says one word and gets a buzz saw to the face. Jacob wakes up one morning, and the Captain has chewed through the bars. Joseph does not survive the bunker. The twins' compounds are gone in 3 days tops. Joseph has to deal with a not-truamatized deputy in New Dawn and gets his shit rocked. I know this in my heart of hearts, and I am right.
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vaguewrites · 1 year
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I ship my deputy with my captain and I will not apologise
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khagihan2000 · 7 months
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I watched Laserhawk and this is what I think of
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redibinch · 7 months
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Game accurate captain laserhawk can't hurt you
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spacechild85 · 8 months
If this isn't the dynamic for the Supermaxx squad I DON'T WANT IT/lh
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fallloverfic · 8 months
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Okay... you got me. They're cute.
(Screencaps from the trailer for the upcoming series Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix, featuring the apparent protagonist, Dolph Laserhawk and his canonical boyfriend, Alex Taylor, whom Ubisoft describes as "the love of his life").
Also Tokyopop is doing the comic adaptation and dang the cover art by Bayou Kun "for the "boys love manga adaptation" - iOS
(Though as a disclaimer, I wouldn't recommend buying this, it's pretty bad)
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ikoruh · 4 months
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dolph >:(
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rocklain · 2 months
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Finally picked up the artbook today from Waterstones, nothing could've prepared me for how fucking big and heavy it was.
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50spoetics · 7 months
no words can describe how absolutely disgusted i am with ubisoft atm
they’re using captain laserhawk as an excuse to push NFTs and the metaverse, and i don’t think i even have to explain why this is oh so terribly scummy.
it’s also kinda hilarious, because the point of the show just went over all these NFTbros heads. it takes place in a capitalist dystopia with a shattered economy—which makes everything so ironic
im so worried for the fate of this show man
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ideas-4-stories · 8 months
Every since I dived head first into all things One Piece I have been wondering what kind of chaos would ensue if there was ever a version of Mihaw, Buggy, and Crocodile waking up married and then deciding to stay married after the obligatory freak out. What kind of husbands would these oddballs make? Would Mihawk be the surprising homebody that cooks all manner of delicious dishes for his husbands? Would Crocodile secretly love being doted on and allow himself to be vulnerable around his spouses? Would Buggy's protective instincts go into overdrive for Mihawk and Crocodile despite them being two of the strongest men on Earth, and said men would find it super hot? So many shenanigans they could get into lol!
I'm pretty sure that most of Buggy's followers would want Mihawk and Crocodile to make Buggy happy and would not like them breaking his heart.
Mihawk is definitely the one cooking for them, maybe Crocodile helping helping sometimes and Buggy can't help. Unless the want a sobbing clown and burn to a crist house/tent/place.
Buggy is definitely the sewing and cleaning, always dancing and singing & making it into a game to himself to keep himself from being board. Like he did when he was a kid on the Oro Jackson
Crocodile is definitely the one that buys things for them that comes from far away.
There's so much more ideas about this.
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afarcryfrommymain · 9 months
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Some Captain Olive for your troubles? Careful, she bites!
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dinoclawsz · 8 months
Captain Laserhawk!Pagan should wear chandelier earrings and acrylic nails and listen to the Spice Girls I think. since the show is technically set in the 90s☝️netflix get on it
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seekerofthemuse · 1 year
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Monday left him broken
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djsherriff-responses · 4 months
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Sketch design of Mickey and Lou, never played a far cry game i just really like these girls’ vibes
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spacechild85 · 8 months
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Unexpected discovery: high quality/alternate version of the "Forget Everything You Know" frame from the trailer with a more annoyed than angry Laserhawk
Starting to think this is a frame from the actual show ngl-
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lulu2992 · 4 months
Today is the 5th Anniversary of Far Cry New Dawn!
I watched the Story Trailer again recently, and that reminded me that Joseph says something in the video...
After all I’ve done, and after all we’ve been through, you’ve come seeking help... from me? You must be truly terrified.
...that isn’t in the game. I don’t know if it’s because it was only recorded for the trailer or because it ended up being cut, but I think it was a great line and it’s a shame he doesn’t say it in the sequel.
The Voice’s prophecy was fulfilled and Joseph was right about the Collapse, so he feels vindicated and, in my opinion, doesn’t regret everything he’s done, but the line suggests that he’s at least come to realize that, maybe, the people of Hope County had a good reason to be upset, after all. Seventeen years ago, he believed accepting his help was the only logical option for them, but he apparently now understands that, from their point of view, seeking his assistance was always far from being the obvious choice. And if they do it anyway, that means the situation really is desperate...
Now, when he says “you”, it could be plural and referring to Prosperity as a whole, but if it’s singular, since the Security Captain has no history with the Father and he’s not an enemy to them at all (basically just a strange old man with family problems who gives them superpowers), the line was most likely not directed at them. If it was just for the trailer, maybe he’s addressing the players, but if it was supposed to be in the game, I wonder which character he could be talking to. Was one of the Captain’s allies, an enemy of Eden’s Gate, going to have to meet and speak with Joseph in an early version of the story?
New Eden and Prosperity (sort of) join forces against the Highwaymen in New Dawn, but the Captain is there to act as an intermediary. Joseph directly interacting with Kim, Jerome, or any other character from Far Cry 5, though? I highly doubt they would have become friends, but it certainly would have been interesting, and I would have loved to see that!
There’s another line in the trailer that isn’t in the game (“Power is the new currency, and thanks to your weakness, it’s easy to get rich”) but Mickey says, “The only currency in this world is power” in New Dawn, which I think is quite similar. Joseph’s unreleased line, however, doesn’t really have an equivalent.
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