heyjackieg · 2 months
go gays ;*
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011-hargreeves · 2 years
seja o que for que aconteça na sexta, esses momentos vão ficar pra história do fandomshipp, a gente pode se lembrar disso como "quando o cast todo decidiu ser estranho e insinuador sobre byler"
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scarletserena · 3 years
Yep, I'll be pioneer on this Arvin Russell and Beth Harmon fandomshipp I just inserted myself into
Even if I write only a drabble on them lol
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jiminieloved · 4 years
It must be so strange to join the fandom now, when I became an army it was all so much lighter, without so much stinginess online or fighting over rt's. It's been three years now, but I think the calm weather prepared me for now, I don't know how you guys get the strength to get into this mess. (1/2)
After all, it's not always as bad as it is now, there are much calmer phases and if the fandomshipp is too much, the fandom in general is generally quieter, there are many fans who are calmer than we are used to and don't get involved in controversies out there, it's just that the loud ones draw a lot of attention. For the new armys, there are many old fans who are good companies, you will be able to go through the mess and filter who follows😊😊 (2/2)
Yeah if the fandom was this bad when I joined I would’ve noped out of there so quick. Thanks for the kind words to new ARMYs <3
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cheile · 10 years
can we say negative amount of sense??
i am posting about this not because i agree with it, but because the hypocrisy annoys me. 
FYI that i am not reblogging the post in question because i don't feel like dealing with either the original poster OR any of her followers should they take offense to the facts below.
post went something like this: "i'm looking for new followers!  i don't want to see any ship hate and i'm sooo tired of the hate in this fandom.  reblog if you ship Rumbelle, Captain Swan, x, y, z, but NOT Swan Queen."
so riddle me this:  if you want "positive followers" in your same fandom, why do you CARE if they ship a couple you don't agree with, so much that you have to put a big "DO NOT SHIP" as the second item on your list??  ignore those posts and move on.  not that hard.
for what it's worth, i casually ship Snowing and Rumbelle.  i have a bunch of friends who ship Snow Queen and/or Swan Queen.  do i care?  no, that's the ship(s) they like.  do they care that i ship a couple they don't care for (since i'm aware most of them dislike Snowing)?  no, they respect that that's who i ship.  and we still get along just fine.
what a fucking concept.
and in before the "you don't know what you're talking about!!!" crowd:  news flash, kids--i'm a Trekkie.  my first fandom has history that Once can't even touch.  long before Once OR tumblr were ever thought of, there were shipper wars. 
really nasty ones. 
the kind where the haters would take the email addresses of fic writers whose ship(s) they hated and send them hate mail and/or try to spam them and get their accounts shut down. the kind where webpages had blacklists of authors and/or fans, attempting to encourage more of the above.  the kind that sometimes even turned friends on each other because drama queens and liars caused enough shit to do so.
anyone who remembers the days of the ASC newsgroup drama (as well as the onelist email groups/lists) likely knows of what i speak.
and if people know which post this is about and don't like it, tough. don't whine to me about random immature fans who just use passive-aggressive gifs as a way to hate on your ship.  that's a hell of a lot more easily turned off/blocked/ignored than spam overload in your inbox or seeing good people named publicly on a "blacklist" because God FORBID they ship someone the blacklist writer takes ~*issue*~ with.
if you want more followers that share your ships, that's cool.  if you want more followers that only post positive things, that's also cool.  but don't pretend that you have an issue with all the hate when you're obviously hating as much as the "haters" are.
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