#f1 tiktokers are genuinely embarrassing
fcb-mv33 · 5 months
People still being like “oh I hope Max or Checo cannot race next season so DD can get that seat” make me want to scream😭stop being losers wishing injuries on drivers cause your dude fucked up his career😭
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itaipava · 8 months
— how f1 boys would act when crushing on someone.
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tries to become your best-friend. and makes sure everyone knows you two are close. actually plays it cool but secretly thinks of you 24/7. tries to deny his feelings and puts himself in the friend-zone so that it hurts less when and if you do. sometimes, his eyes subconsciously drop to your lips when talking to you. always invites you to hang-outs with his friends and unintentionally ends up ignoring or forgetting everyone else and mostly just talks to you or sticks with you. always tries to match your pace when walking together.
casually flirts with you a lot but does so in a joking or playful manner. slow to realize his feelings but doesn’t bother hiding it once he does. goes out of his way to spend time with you and talk to you. so many little touches like slight brushes of the fingertips, a light rub of shoulders, or a game of footsie under the table. is endearingly protective over you and defends you a lot. asks you to text or call him when you get home, or often offers to walk you home himself. unknowingly smiles so big while texting you and lowkey gets embarrassed when someone points it out or when he notices his own reflection in his phone screen.
looks at you like you must be protected at all costs, but also admires you and thinks highly of you. notices your little quirks and habits, and finds them cute. wants your opinion on things because he cares about what you think. wants to be updated about your life and keeps you updated about his. lots of eye contact. soft yet deep and intense gazes. unintentionally becoming more goofy and energetic around you. smiling uncontrollably when someone mentions your name or when he gets teased about his crush on you. always picking you first for his team when playing games with friends.
is actually timid about liking you, and tries to teat you like just another friend because he doesn’t want to be too obvious. does subtle things like tagging you in funny posts, or remembering your favorite cake flavor and buying you one on your birthday. throws surprise parties or celebrations for you — your birthday? surprise! you just finished your exams? surprise, again! sends you memes and tiktok videos at 3 a.m. his words are neutral but his body language shows his feelings; can’t look at you directly without getting slightly flustered, especially when you’re in public or when surrounded by friends. sometimes becomes tongue-tied in the most adorable way when talking to you.
becomes more talkative and tends to ask a lot of questions about you. he tries not to overdo it but he’s just genuinely curious and interested. tries to find excuses to hold your hand; subtly grasping your hand just a little longer after a high-five or asks for your hand so that he can “read your palm” or compares hand sizes for the hundredth time. lingering gazes and touches when you’re around people. always buys you little snacks that you like. if you just casually makes a comment about how a certain color looks great on him, he remembers that and wears that color even more around you.
more smiley around you but is also generally chill. always tries to initiate conversations with you and keeps it flowing. he’s slow to realize his feelings, so his friends are more likely to notice it first. loves to tease you and loves it even more when you tease back. the type that probably won’t look away when you make contact but also gets flustered and a little annoyed when someone interrupts the moment. initiates hang-outs with just the two of you and likes to take you to his favorite spots, but claims that it’s not a date unless you want it to be.
enjoys teasing you, but in a good-natured way; pinches your cheeks and ruffles your hair; steals the last piece of chips from you, only to buy you a whole new bag afterwards. showers you with compliments and also likes to help you with things — basically becomes your cheerleader and personal assistant. his voice or tone changes when talking to you, like he might be mad at someone and talking to them in an angry tone but as soon as he turns to speak to you, his voice becomes softer and sweeter. stalks your social media because you’re so beautiful and he can’t get enough of you. and he always comments on your posts, even if it’s a provocative comment, but he’s always there.
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wanderingblindly · 7 months
20 questions for fic writers - from the ever incredible @like-pilot-lights!!!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
12! Although I've purged this account multiple times, so god only knows how many there used to be.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently just Formula 1, but my history is... questionable. (Dan and Phil, The Amazing Spiderman, Visual Kei)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? -
Is It Gay to Watch Your Teammate on Tiktok? (Landoscar) - genuinely had no idea this would garner so much interest?????
Middle Child Syndrome (Lestappen) - with love, this fic is the bane of my existence. Pacing whomst? Embarrassing to read tbh.
Rules of Engagement (Lestappen) - domestic fluff, my beloved!
Second Time's the Charm (Lestappen) - idiots in love, my beloved!
All The Stars We Cannot See (Lestappen) - this holds a fond place in my heart
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Always! The neglected youngest child in me craves validation like no other lol. Plus, I like the feeling of community it gives, especially when I see the same people in multiple works ^^
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I am a spineless worm and cannot write angst :)))))
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
uhhhhhh I'd say they're all similar? Ish? Love a "getting together" trope, man.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, and I've never seen hate on any F1 fic I've read! Thank god
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No, but -- according to my old fic archives -- FIFTEEN YEAR OLD LIQUID THOUGHT SHE COULD???? WHY????
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I haven't! Though my gf and I have a running joke of a Yuri on Ice!!! x F1 crossover
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No one's had bad enough taste to claim mine as theirs lol
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes!!! It's still on my AO3 lol, but someone translated one of my Amazing Spiderman fics into Mandarin (it haunts me)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? no, although
Not formally, but @like-pilot-lights and I basically spam each other in chat until we find the plot so... she's basically my co-author on everything lmao
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Sebchal was my first F1 love, and therefore will always have a special place in my heart. That said, I think it would be a tie between sebson and sewis? Sebastian is the common denominator, as always, and there's something about... them seeing him grow from red bull to ferrari, the trust and respect? I can't articulate it but god I love them.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
oop the sequel to Second Time's the Charm has been in my drafts for.... ages.... and for some reason just won't come to me. I'll never say I won't finish it though, the idea could hit at any time!
I've also had a lestappen twitch streamer AU in my drafts for ages, but I can't seem to nail down the tone? The characterization, maybe.
16. What are your writing strengths?
If I'm honest, I'm not entirely sure? I don't think I'm consistent enough in my writing to have any strengths. I guess my writing occasionally has a pretty specific style to it, so maybe 'stylizing'? If that's a strength?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I :) cannot :) shut :) up :)
Probably pacing as a result of my obsessive exposition dumping. I also frequently get arrested by the "he wouldn't fucking say that" police tbh.
Oh, and I'm trying to break the habit of writing in a way that sounds good in my very specific mental inflection, which often doesn't translate well when someone else reads it. That's a hard habit to break.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I don't mind it if it has a thematic purpose, but just for funsies? I don't see the value add
19. First fandom you wrote for?
... Visual Kei ... the GazettE had content on livejournal back in the day
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Although I don't think it's my best fic, I have a soft spot for The Sum of Our Parts (sebchal). It was my second fic in the fandom, and it was the piece where I felt like I found my personal tone.
It was also the moment where I proved to myself that I could write more than one fic, that I could still come up with ideas like when I was younger. It was a very... solidifying experience, if that makes sense?
I'm thankful to that fic, despite all its flaws.
I think everyone I know has been tagged? Throwing a few people out there though, zero stress if you don't wanna do it <333 @felixsaysstuff @jennarations @f1-giuki @lattesqueeze
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goldenboygate · 1 year
mini rant on the carlando vs charlos war: i know there’s times where the charlos girlies try to act like that’s a better ship or that they’ve “won” or something but like aren’t they embarrassed because carlando wins every time literally the carlando girlies take big fat W’s every week sometimes multiple times a week meanwhile the charlos girlies are holding on to the ferrari mandated c2 challenges like their lives depend on it
lmao like is this even a war? is this even a mini outbreak on the corner of "delusion" and "holding onto pr mandated tiktoks" ??
ch*rlos is a non-entity in my mind. just two guys who work together and enjoy it at times while carlando is different, it's probably one of the realest friendships there's ever been in f1. spanning years and continents. lives ruined, bloodshed. epic. (yes i'm rewatching veronica mars).
these two are not even comparable and i feel sorry for the ch*rlos girlies that are trying their hardest to minimize something that means so much to carlos. they can't stand the fact that lando is family. he's practically a sainz by now. i mean, where the hell was charles when caco was getting married? both lando and charles had the same amount of time as teammates before the wedding (and carlos and charles had even more time on trach since fucking covid came into play during carlando's second season), yet there was only one (former) teammate that actually went (and i don't believe for a second that charles was invited. their relationship just isn't like that).
people just have to deal with the fact that even though they have a great working relationship, it doesn't mean that there's anything of real substance there. i feel the same way about lando and dan. they got a long well when they were working together, but did we ever see them together just chilling and enjoying each other's company? people can vibe without wanting to spend time together out of work hours.
i genuinely could write about this for days but i also just laugh at things like this. i'm also having a hard time figuring out what they or charles has "won" cause it's not carlos' time or affection, that's for sure.
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jamminvroomvroom · 1 year
I genuinely could not watch a 20vs1 Lando video, the second hand embarrassment would be too much. Where did you hear that they scrapped a video?
it would have been a the most jarring thing but i’d still pay money to see it tbh
i saw a tiktok of josh explaining. it was basically an f1 game thing i believe
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yesterdayiwrote · 2 years
Do you think that George’s personality has changed, or he hides it well due to everything? Like I feel like when he wants to, he shows us it and still has it. He was so chaotic with Nicholas in the Williams challenges and I liked that about the pairing. In the W13 reveal he was chaotic with Toto and later in the video of the pair of them. O remember you blogging about it at the time. Maybe with the reality of the sport there’s a time and a place to be silly and serious.
I think you’re absolutely correct and that’s undoubtedly a part of it. It’s not so much that he’s ‘PR’, it’s that he’s professional and that’s always historically been a good thing. The problem is now, as things move into a new digital age, everything is about viral moments that can be easily circulated via social media. People thrive on ‘off the cuff’ moments, and unless you’re making a srs point about something then professionalism is seen as boring.
When I was younger and first got into F1, the drivers were all seen as boring, there were personalities but it wasn’t seen as a sport that made fun of itself. Slowly the tide has turned and now the sport is actively promoting the drivers as personalities. Grill the Grid isn’t so they can genuinely show us how smart they are, it’s made specifically to show us how dumb or silly they are. It plays specifically into the drivers that don’t take themselves too seriously and are happy to muck around for the cameras. The time and place for drivers are expected to be silly has increased drastically from what it was. The team content, the bts videos, the tiktoks, even the press conferences, the expectations now are different to before. It’s no longer deemed enough to just ‘be professional’
With regards to your first question, I honestly couldn’t say. If I had to guess I’d think a little from column a, a little from column b. I think George started to take himself more seriously because he felt that was more in line with Mercedes image, but I think he’s also got a bit of that British thing where we’re all a bit awkward and embarrassed of making ourselves look stupid (no idea why, we do it enough 😂) I think there’s probably a certain element of him not knowing who he wants to be either. I’m older than him and I still don’t know entirely how I want people to view me, not to mention the way I want to act in public and the way I ultimately end up acting in public are often two opposite ends of the spectrum. God, if I had a pound for everytime I thought I was going to be cool, funny and chill and actually end up being quiet, awkward and self conscious I think I could buy my own F1 team 🙈
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