#eye think its cuz idk how to talk ab my feelings without feeling like a cringe loser and starting crying
ace-with--a-mace · 2 months
im so scared im gonna throw up
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joylessholland · 7 years
Just A Guy I Like (Part 2/?)
(1,500 exactly) 
Warnings: Swearing, Homosexuality (This is the last time i make this a warning cuz get over it lol) 
A/N: I got love on the last part and i’m so exited to bring you the next one, I have ideas for more parts at least one so let me know if you want it and send me ideas for more stuff!  ENJOY
Part One    Masterlist
Mags: Who was it
Me: What the hell Mags its 3am
Mag: I know but I’m freaking out who left u the number
Mags: You haven’t texted them yet
Me: Is this the only reason you texted me, if so I’m going to bed!!
Your phone dings again, you turn it off and with a huff try to fall back asleep
       The bell above the door chimes and you see Maggie. It was early Sunday morning the only people in the diner were the early morning mass crowd and the walk of shames. “What’s wrong with the back door” you say helping Mags her purse as pours coffee into a mug “Joe was taking a piss out there again” she said taking her purse and placing it in her locker, you open the door peeking out at Joe the old homeless man who frequented the alley behind the diner “Morning Joe” you call as Maggie hand you the mugs. “Coffees fresh” you say Joe beams a toothless smile “Your two are so kind” he smiles “Don’t mention it Sweetheart, oh wait here” you tap his arm and rush inside. A moment passes and you return with a brown paper bag “No, I can’t take that” Joe smiles sadly “Look it’s a piece of warm day-old meatloaf, dry bread, and a piece of pie from yesterday that Morgan throws out anyway” you coo “Thank you so much, Vince and you too Maggie dearest” “Have a good day Joe” you call back entering the building
             The bell rings again “I’m sorry to tear myself away from this riveting conversation but I have a table” you say to Mags who for the last hour has nonstop been trying to get you to text the number while you and her were folding napkins “This isn’t over” “Oh, god I’d hope not” getting off the floor, you grab a menu and scan your section your eyes fixing on a head of brown curls sitting at the corner booth. Squatting on your knees you whisper to Maggie “Its him” “What,” she pokes her head out from behind the counter “Go now, Go, Go, GO!” she squeaks “Fine, jeez” getting up Morgan is standing in front of the counter arms folded “You have a table, do you want me to get it?” he asks reaching for the menus “No, I got it” you swat at his hands.
             “Back again British” you coo at Tom who is sitting swiping through his phone “And the foods not that great so” “You caught me” “Coffee” “Sure” you walk off to the counter to pick up a put of fresh coffee “What did he say” Mags said still on the floor “IF you don’t get up off that floor” you snap grabbing a mug. “What can I get for you” there is long pause before Tom finally speaks “Did you get my note” he asks sheepishly “So, it was you. Mags and I should have put money on it. God know she was talking about it enough.” You giggle as you look down at his red face “I’m Just joking Sweetheart, what can I get you” “Diner, tonight” “Ok tiger” you laugh sitting down across from him “Come on, it took all my courage to even write that note” “I get off at five pick me up here…” you scribble your address on you order pad and give it to him “at six” you smile “Now what can I get you” “I didn’t actually come here for food, I came here to ask you out and I didn’t even think I would, how much for the coffee” “Nothing, don’t worry about it” he gives you a smile and walks to the door sending a wink to Maggie at the pie counter
             “I’m not wearing that” you laugh at Mags as she hold up a top hat “Why it’s so amazing” “You can I have it I don’t even know why I have it” you say picking through your closet looking for something to wear on your date in a half an hour “It’s from your Abe Lincoln costume from two years ago when you went as him and I went as…” “John Wilkes Booth” You both break down in laughter “Fucking iconic” she says placing the hat on her head “How’s this?” you stood in pair of acid washed blue jeans, black converse, a white tee covered by your favorite black leather jacket. “Oh my god you look so good, is this how mothers feel on their kids first day of school” “No it’s not, if I were a mother the feeling of finally getting rid of my child would be pure relief!” “Did you have to ruin the moment, gimme a twirl” you complied and you hear he clap “I feel like a pageant queen” “Drag Queen maybe” Mags snickers “Ha-Ha” you mock sticking your tongue out. A buzz rings out and you gather your things but before you open the door you stop and take a deep breath “Shit” you breath putting your back to the door “What’s wrong” she asks “I- I might be nervous” you say feeling the blood rush to your face “Wait, You can feel human emotion” “Fuck you” you snap playfully exiting the apartment.
             Outside Tom was leaning against his car whipping his palms on his black jeans. The red shirt he was wearing hugged his body and you couldn’t help admire the view before he noticed you “Hey, you look great. It’s nice to see you without an apron on” he said opening the door for you “What no flowers” you playfully say “Wait, was I sup-supposed to…” he fumbles over his words “It was joke, I do that sometimes” you say placing a hand on his arm before entering the car. He enters the car and starts to drive. The smell of his cologne was nice it was the first thing your mind wondered to on the silent drive “This is kinda my first date with a guy” he spoke so quietly “You’re doing fine Sweetheart” you giggle “It’s just you’re so proud of who you are and that’s so…amazing” she says a huge grin plastered on his boyish features “I wasn’t always” you say shyly “Really” “Yeah” “I never would have thought” he snickered “What did you think a just strutted out of the whom and threw rainbow confetti everywhere” “Kinda” he laughed.
You arrived at the small restaurant getting a table in the back after ordering he picked up the conversation from the car “So how did your family take it” he asked sipping his soda “it’s always just been me and my mom and she took it well I mean I think she always knew” “I don’t even know how my families gonna take it” he said his gaze locked on you “ Look, the world is fucking mean, people are fucking mean, but when you find the right people who love you for who you really are, they help block out all the bad and you can focus on their good.” you place a hand on his forearm and he smiles “Thanks, its not just my family, it’s the fans, what are they gonna say!” he smiled shyly and you could see how vulnerable he was in that moment  “It’s not like you being gay changes their life, your sexuality doesn’t change the way you act, Spiderman” “You said you didn’t know who I was?” he cocked his brow “I may or may not have googled you” “I feel so honored, What else do you want to know, I know I have questions for you?” he asks “Fire away”
             The night was full of endless questions, laughs and what was supposed to be an hour-long dinner turned into a two-hour long meal, a walk in the park in the cool Los Angeles night air, and car ride full of the two of you singing songs that you both liked at the top of your lungs. When he finally pulled in front of your apartment he got out of the car and stood with you in front of the door “I have one last question for you” “What’s that” “Can I kiss you” he asked your cheeks flushing pink as you grab his hand and pull him close “Sure” he closed the small gap in between your lips and pulled you into a deep kiss your hand find the back his neck. The kiss was magical you didn’t know a kiss could have so much emotion but this one did! When he broke the kiss, he ran his finger down your chin “Call me this time ok” he pecked your lips again and got in his car driving off, Leaving you alone on the sidewalk. When you hear a scream break the silence of the night you look up to see Maggie hanging her head out of the window “Bitch, get up here right now” she shouts!
here are some people
@midtownvaledictorian @tiemeupspidey @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @natalie-kn @panicatttckiss @seilamigliorcosacheabbiamaivisto @maggie-starz @mendes-holland @captain-katie-xx @vaeyron @wonderyoung @champagneholland
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swallowedthestars · 4 years
I saw super m live and ill post videos later but like.... CONCERT NOTES BELOW cuz im not over it
taemin? god, as expected. i wouldve paid the full ticket price just to see his solo stages lmfao and he did not disappoint at all it was so good i almost cried and im never getting over the fact that i saw goodbye live. he definitely puts a lot of attention into even the very smallest details of his dancing, he stands out as a very good dancer even amongst the other members. he also seemed pretty relaxed/laid back which i was happy abt. it made him seem very much like he had “Im good at this and i kno it” vibes (true!). fans also cheered the loudest for him a lot which i appreciated lol  
taeyong is gorgeoousssss in real life (they all are, its unfair lol). you look at his photos like “can a person look that good” and then u see his face in person and it’s just another level. his english is also super good and he sounds really confident too, he was very chatty and interacted with fans a lot, i think he almost talked more than mark did which imo i find incredible considering english isnt his first language. when the other members pointed out how sexy his No Manners dance was he got very shy.   
lucas is a puppy personified he has so much energy and had a lot of super fun interactions with the other members, his solo stage was super bubbly too. rare 2 see him without a smile. the other members seem to like babying him 2 lol. he also makes the other members look short, which is funny because i think the shortest member is still like 5′8 which is by no means short. his Bass Go Boom backup dancers also had an extremely cute dance and matched his vibe 
mark ofc as resident english speaker was in charge of doing most of the talking, and hes pretty awkward lol but we support. altho im super glad they had an actual translator there instead of making him translate for everyone bcuz ppl dont realize how tiring translating can be. he said that super m would be coming back to our area SOBS. its also obvious how hard he works at everything, he is a great performer in his own right and you can just like... tell how much effort he put into his solo stages and the choreo and his stage mannerisms but it also stresses me out a bit cuz i cant help but feel like hes probably overworked
baekhyun is not that short but he has v smol vibes. UN village was extremely good live. the other members like to cling to him a lot, he had taeyong and ten gripping both his arms at one point and taemin carried him for a tiny bit during With You. its very obvious they all like him as leader which makes me glad 
kai was shy but in a cute way, he seemed slightly embarrassed when he talked. idk why this surprised me but he has a very nice live singing voice? also 100% emits fuckboi vibes when he dances especially during confession. likes 2 flash his abs.   
but the person i really couldnt take my eyes off of and surprised me? ten. all of them are great dancers (Even baekhyun, a vocalist, was very crisp) but his dancing was especially immaculate, he’s able to pull of a super wide variety of styles. and? u can tell he just FEELS the music, he is constantly vibing along 2 whatevers playing and he was doing small little dances constantly. talent. he also had his titties out for new heroes. i think with a bit of time hes gonna be on par w/ taemin as a performer one day
also fun note, the members noticed that there were a lot of entire families at the venue and taeyong decided to thank the parents who came out by saying “I say thank you you say mommy/daddy” and making the stadium chant after him, which was obviously very spontaneous because it caught all the other members off guard lol. i was also happy that we saw all the lightsticks represented of nct, wayv, shinee, exo, and super m 
ALSO MY FRIEND CAUGHT A FRISBEE SIGNED BY MARK EVEN THO WE WERE SITTING IN THE NOSEBLEEDS they really put a lot of effort into distributing their little handouts well TT they also made sure to face every part of the stadium which i found very nice too, they put lots of thought into interacting with us 
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