#exerpt from the play of electrons /!!?!?!?!?!??!
noisemachinedotcom · 6 months
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Little CYOA sneak-peeks
Lil exerpts from the opening/base posts for each storyline below :)
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Javier Peña
“Can I get that for you?”
It’s jarring to hear English—it’s not what you expect. The music playing in the club is loud; the lyrics are in Spanish, sung faster than you can comprehend. You hesitantly glance over your shoulder. Your eyes catch on his smiling lips first, then sweep up over the mustache, over his nose, up to his eyes.
“...If you tell me how you could tell.”
Nathan Bateman
You were warned, of course, but it is…Absolutely insane. You’re tired, you’re sweaty, and you are so, so happy that you packed fucking light. You shift your backkpack on your shoulder, glancing around. Follow the river. Follow the fucking river? You’re not a goddamn girl scout. You pull in a  deep breath, then let out a relieved sigh as you finally spot the house…Up a rather steep incline. Son of a bitch.
Bruce Wayne
It must be a mistake. There’s Wayne Construction, Wayne Chemicals, Wayne Biotech, Wayne Automotive, Wayne Shipping, the Wayne Foundation, Wayne Medical, Wayne Electronics, but—
But this is something that seems to have been…Buried.
There must be a reason. Things like this don’t just slip through Lucius Fox’s fingers, and that man is on top of everything at Wayne Enterprises. Of course, you’d think Bruce Wayne might miss a thing or two. The man doesn’t know a damn thing going on in his own company.
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remmushound · 4 years
Donatello’s mind was blank. Unusually blank. There was a strange buzzing in his ears and in his head, any of the few thoughts he had carrying him on autopilot to continue his task. Where to screw, what wires to connect and where to connect them. Occasionally a flash of memory would shoot through the turtles mind and stop his work as his hands shook uncontrollably. Gunshots, blades whisking through the air. The sound of weapon stricking weapon.
Donatello fitted the wires perfectly around each other in a neat, ball-like brain.
Screams. Steel slicing through flesh.
He double checked, and triple checked his wiring, running a few electronic pulses to confirm what he already knew.
Shattering glass.
The robot drone blinked one eye and then the other at Donatello’s electric command.
Leonardo flying through the busted window.
He shifted each of the wings in turn, testing their flexibility and how well the new parts took to the battered body.
That monster... that Shredder...
The door slammed open and Donatello didn’t have to look up to know who entered; he recognized the heavy footsteps, the labored breath and the way growls whistled between the gaps of the snappers fangs.
“How’s Leo?”
Raphael didn’t respond, stomping over to Donatello’s table side to scrutinize the work at the softshell’s
“It’s not much, but he’s a lot better off than that Shred-Head left him.” Donatello said, “Was thinking in a week or two he can be zooming around like normal. I just hope his memories are intact— do you think—“
Raphael’s answer came in the form of a roar and a powerful arm swiping the drone from the table and sending it crashing to the floor. A few of the exposed wires caught and tore on the jagged edges of the fall, and any life that had been returned to the drone quickly flicked out of its eyes. Donatello did nothing.
Donatello was silent, his hands locked in place where he had been working, his eyes much the same.
“You should be in there with him— we should be coming up with a game plan— and you’re focused on a drone!”
Raphael’s fury only grew at the lack of response and he circled around to face Donatello at the opposite side of the table, slamming his hands down to splinter the wood almost in half.
“A ROBOT. Dad could be dead— Karai is!— and you can’t go two seconds without your nose stuck in wires?”
Donatello said nothing. His lip quivered and he blinked in quick succession to avoid from crying.
Raphael gave a huff. “Whatever. Enjoy your robot.”
He kicked the already-damaged droid on the way out of the room and slammed the door shut with enough force to make the room shake and make Donatello flinch. A few moments passed in silence with his numb thoughts buzzing before Donatello slowly got up from his chair, picked up his forlorn son, and started work on him once again.
An exerpt from a version of the ROTTMNT finale where Leonardo was savaged by the Shredder and tossed through the window of April’s apartment like previous incarnations.
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