#except for audrey and bendy AND ESPECIALLY JOEY AND AUDREY
babitim-in-fandoms · 1 year
Uhhhhhh Introduction?
Heyyy uhmmm.......... idk.
Doki Doki Literature Club
Baldi's Basics
Bendy And The Ink Machine
Hello Neighbor
Among Us
Bendy and the dark revival
Cuphead DLC
Amanda the Adventurer
So these are the options. I'm not adding anymore. I didn't include some popular Fandoms because I don't wanna.
Feel free to ask. But be specific which fandom your asking. There all in their own worlds.
Also in Cuphead and Bendy And The Ink Machine some characters are switched up.
Hehe..... bye.
Except for Among Us. Even then, only ships that are in IM.
Especially not BENDYSTRAW. It makes me sick and uncomfortable.
Character list:
The titles that have the character designs are clickable!!
Sayori: Mugman
Monika: Cuphead
Yuri: Bendy
Natsuki: Boris
Player: Holly
Cuphead: Bendy
Mugman: Boris
The Devil: Oswald
King Dice: Felix
Bendy: Cuphead
Boris: Mugman
Henry: Cannikin
Alice: Cala
Alison: Holly
Butcher gang: dot, wakko, yakko
Sammy Lawrence: Felix
Baldi's Basics
Baldi: Mugman
Player: Cuphead
Principal of the thing: Bendy
Playtime: Boris
This is a Bully: Fanny
Arts and Crafters: Red
1st Prize: Holly
Gotta sweep: Cala
Ñ#Łl / fıłə ñªm3 ² : Alice
Mrs. Pomp: Dot
Cloudy copter: cog holly
Chalkles: yakko
Beans: wakko
Hello Neighbor
Neighbor: Cuphead
Player: Mugman
Among us
Red: Cuphead
Orange: Boris
Yellow: Alice
Dark Green: Black Hat
Blue: Mugman
Cyan: Oswald
Purple: Cala
Pink: Holly
Black: bendy
White: Fanny
Brown: felix
Bendy And The Dark Revival
Bendy: Cuphead
Audrey: Alice
Tom: Mugman
Wilson: Black hat
Betty: Betty bop
Alice: Cala
Alison: Holly
Joey drew: Bendy
Cuphead DLC
Cuphead: Bendy
Mugman: Boris
Chalice: Alice
Chef saltbaker: Cog Holly
Amanda the Adventurer
Amanda: Sarah Songbird
Wooly: Boris
Player: Bendy
Main blog
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just-antithings · 1 year
I'm a huge Bendy fan and I'm in love with Bendy And The Dark Revival, especially the Ink Demon himself. I ship him with Audrey(the player character), and I ship that HARD. Those two have some Major Chemistry. Probably in part thanks to the Ink Demon's voice actor, who literally admitted that the way he played the character, the Ink Demon was flirting with Audrey and basically trying to seduce her.
"There's this flirtatious sensuality that comes through the inky terror." His exact words. YEAH NO SHIT, INK DEMON SOUNDS THIRSTY AF IN A YANDERE KINDA WAY THE WAY HE TALKS TO AUDREY
Spoilers ahead!
Anyway, there are also people who believe Audrey and the Ink Demon are technically siblings, since they were both created from the same ink by Joey Drew, except! Joey treated Audrey as his daughter and raised her as such and loved her, while he had nothing but disgust and contempt for the Ink Demon and treated him like an abomination that should have never existed. Joey was a father to Audrey, but not to the Ink Demon. I can rant all day about how the Ink Demon didn't deserve to be treated that way, he's not truly evil he's actually traumatized and angry, and it's not his fault he ended up as a vengeful, domineering creature in BATDR, but that's not my point here.
My point is basically that I do not believe the Ink Demon and Audrey are siblings and don't need to be treated as such, any more than Allison Angel and Tom Boris would be siblings just because they're made from the same ink by the same creator. (Btw Allison and Tom were married when they were living humans, so that ship is pretty much canon) It's fine if you headcanon that they are and want them to have that kind of relationship! But I'm worried that there will be antis that will start screaming about how you can't ship them because that's iNcEsT.
That said, I'm gonna write a fic where Audrey is gonna get seduced and railed by the Ink Demon while he holds her close and tells her that she belongs to him because she's made of the same ink that makes up his entire domain and also his own being and I'm gonna make it intimate and loving but in a lowkey terrifying way uwu
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crystallizedday · 2 years
Mkay so
I don’t have any images for this
But imma still try to make this an entertaining read like the last analytical essay thing I did.
Except this one isn’t an essay.
My brain just REALLY wants to see the Ink Demon cry.
Bendy and the Dark Revival: Immortals AU, or maybe I’ll pick another less cheesy title, I don’t know, I’ve literally never done this before…
Right off the bat, I will need to steer away from canon for a wee bit & not only make the Ink Demon willing to be helped with his MULTITUDE of issues, but also make Audrey willing to help him out. Going by these adjustments, the Ink Demon, being offered kindness in his real form for the first time like EVER, would feel comfortable enough trusting Audrey & her plan to try & help him move past all the shit Joey (as well as Wilson & the Keepers & stuff) has done to him.
Audrey then takes the Ink Demon AS HE IS (no smol Bendy form, I’ll explain why later) to the real world so he can detach himself of both the “kingdom” he used to have under his thumb & the prison that was the cycle (since I’m sure even HE hates being stuck there to an extent, even if only a little bit).
Audrey’s priority is to help Inky adjust to a new lifestyle of being more casual & curious, probably achieving the first stages of this through telling & maybe even showing Inky how much the world has changed since the 30’s & 40’s & such. Being treated like a genuine human being also helps tremendously in that regard.
Audrey still is in control of the cycle like in the end of the game, but now she has Inky with her, who is ever so slowly adjusting to the fascinating world of color & atmosphere.
Hell, I’m sure my guy would mentally just shut down after seeing a rainbow in person for the first time.
Like… he lived most of his life in black & yellow, so all of THIS would be MIND BLOWING to him, perhaps even overwhelming at some points.
The mental image of him experiencing GENUINE rain for the first time & being in utter awe at it makes my heart ache & I love it…
The main emotional point of this AU that I need to address before proceeding any further:
This Ink Demon isn’t happy being “Bendy”.
My poor guy was literally BORN to be a mascot, to be a living face for Joey Drew Studios, & when he couldn’t live up to it with how he came out, he was locked away for it.
He still has SOME attachment to his character considering destroying his cutouts in the og game’s chapter 3 pisses him off, but to Audrey, it seemed like a bad idea playing into the association, especially since those very expectations landed Inky in this mess in the first place.
He can still accept the idea that he was spawned from the IDEA of Bendy, but he’s NOT Bendy. He’s something else, something far more unique than what he was intended to be, and thus begins carving out a new identity for himself, making himself more & more independent from his intended character.
This is mainly for this AU, but if any of y’all wanna play into this idea outside of it, feel free to!
Anyway, let’s get to the section where that “immortal” part of the AU name starts to make sense.
Due to both of them being made of ink (& due to biology shenanigans on Audrey’s part cause I’m not sure how aging works for her so I’m just saying fuck it), they last MUCH longer than the average human, living through SEVERAL different decades & experiencing MANY different generations come & go, always having to adapt to each new coming generation.
Over time, Audrey becomes a little worn down (probably because of her legitimately aging slowly while Inky just doesn’t at all) while Inky becomes more & more explorative & experimental, the two of them still looking out for each other regardless.
I’ve had a few one-off funny ideas for this particular part of the AU, like the classic “kids mess with ball & it crashes through neighbor’s window” trope (or at least I assume it’s a trope) where one of the tiny itty bitty kids has to walk up to the door, knock, & ask politely for their ball back. Only, instead of the nice young-old lady answering, it’s this hulking figure of pure blackness & a terrifying set of teeth, holding the ball in his hand & being like…
“Is this your ball?”
“… Yeah?”
“& that house over there… is that yours?”
“Uh huh…?”
& then Inky, being a petty lil shit, just yeets the fuckin thing at the house.
“There. Now we’re even.”
& just slams the door in the kid’s face.
I’ve also had the idea of either people mistaking him as a cosplayer or GENUINELY being fascinated with him & his look & he’s just internally sobbing with all the positive attention he’s getting because, like I said before, I WANT TO MAKE HIM CRY!!
& uh…
Speaking of Inky crying…
One last random idea I’ve had for this AU thing is Inky meeting THE REAL HENRY STEIN for the first time.
Maybe this could be soon after Inky gets out of the cycle & meets old man Henry who, while appalled over what Joey has done behind closed doors, is incredibly kind to Inky & gives the big guy some closure with at least ONE of his “fathers” accepting his existence…
If Inky can’t see Henry before he passes…
Inky begins visiting Henry’s grave annually to leave various things for him, a little frustrated at himself for not having the guts to talk to Henry sooner.
He’ll also occasionally leave stuff for Linda as well because I said so & I want to make you all cry with the thought of Inky starting to care for the person Inky can somewhat consider his mother in a sense, even if he doesn’t even know what she looks like & only knows of her gravestone.
It’s currently 1 in the morning & I’m all out of brain juice.
I know there’s not much cohesiveness to this post, but I do not care, I just want to get my idea out there in some form, even if they’re more so bits & pieces of ideas rather than something with much of a backbone (at least with the “immortals” part of the whole shtick). I just… really like these ideas.
I still enjoy canon asshole Inky more so than “redeemed” Inky & such, but…
I enjoy making myself feel emotional damage, aka I’m a sap for making myself cry in one way or another in the most BRUTAL ways possible.
So imma indulge myself just this once.
So uh
Imma go get some sleep now.
Hope y’all enjoyed this roller coaster of what goes on in my brain in a nutshell!
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halfusek · 4 years
1) I have a theory regarding what happens in Abomination. As you had explained, both timelines, both in Real World and Story World were connected until the break in Story World occurs with the death of S!Thomas, but there are some details that I consider important to understand the reason why Magenta did that. You mentioned that that death altered what was going to happen in the future in Story World, what if it happened... But what if S!Joey did it on purpose to avoid the same fate as
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Hey ho hello there! Thank you for submitting this theory, it definitely isn’t a nuisance to me, I absolutely love it when people dive so deep into my story and have so many thoughts about it, I’m flattered! :D
And while it’s an interesting theory, I’ll tell you right off the bat that Magenta doesn’t really have that kind of insight to the reader’s mind nor mine. The 4th wall breaks indeed are supposed to be meta but it also was kind of a jab at the real Joey in that moment from him. There is no input from me as a “character” in the story, as Abomination was supposed to be a theory turned into a comic all along I’m only including there events which I have thought to be possible to be canon [with exceptions for a few “OCs” I had to make - random employees to fullfill other roles].
But there is of course a reason why story Joey is aware of, well, being in a story as there is a reason for him to act different than the real Joey! :D
Characters from the real world being now in the story world are more exaggerated, more “cartoony” as in the values that pop out most about them in reality, pop out here to the max. As for the story itself, their reality consist only of things relevant to the story. And finally, there’s this whole thing with the objectives these characters have and how they interpret them.
In a sense they are different characters. Especially those that haven’t died in real life.
But at the same time they are kind of the same person. Especially those that died in real life.
With a few exceptions here and there. :)
And this is where my answer is gonna get long with pictures attached and rambling so I’m gonna put the rest under the cut~
So, you know how there’s the Tombstone Picnic cartoon with it’s missing ending, right? As in - in the canon Bendy universe - when Bendy runs away from a skeleton and there’s a shadowy figure standing over him which he looks up and smiles and the screen goes black.
I’ve referrenced it a few times throughout the comic because it’s really important.
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Like this old-ass panel comes from Part 2 and some events happening in it are Joey and Bendy watching the episode with Bendy getting uncomfortable about being imperfect - he looks at what’s supposed to be his arms and legs.
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Generally parts 1-4 aren’t my proudest work art-wise nkjdf but there’s some things Very important to my little universe here.
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I’d say especially pay attention to panel 101 in this batch.
Then, eons later, there’s part 33 and it’s one that got a few people confused that the comic is ending because this is the title I gave it when posted:
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With the last panel of this part like this:
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Because, technically, this is where the story of the real studio ends and is a turning point of the comic. So, in a way, it is the end. But not the end of the story.
What I assumed with the world of Bendy was that there are two worlds: the real one and the story one which is more like a cartoon. Not just because the story world looks cartoon, it even acts like one with repeating over and over again and not being able to change what’s been done in it [save for few details].
An ending of a very important cartoon episode is missing and never comes and that’s probably what is on the end reel that Henry plays when he comes around but playing the end doesn’t stop things from repeating, it simply puts an end to the current iteration of the cycle.
Back to the comic’s timeline - the story world is created.
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I’m a silly goose, I know. :^)
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Story Joey gets created and yeeted into the story world asmr - that’s panels from part 35 and it’s very short and weird. It’s not entirely meant to be taken literally.
It starts from little parallels between story Joey and story Henry - at least for how it is in my universe, they are both looping and starting from reading a letter from each other’s real life counterparts.
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In the next part [36] this is what story Joey is looking at when he breaks the 4th wall and this is where the events start changing and he kills Thomas before he quits - generally part 36 is the “equivalent” of part 18 with some repeated panels and some a bit edited and these entirely new from the new timeline. But this is all for laying down the differences betwen real and story Joey off the bat.
You could say that real Joey “would do anything to make his dreams possible” but reastically speaking you’d expect a person to have some kind of brakes, that stop them from doing literally anything. Well, as story Joey is an exaggerated version of real Joey, those brakes kind of get done. He’s dead pan fixated on doing literally anything. And as real Joey on his way of moral decay accepted murder as a solution sometimes, story Joey kind of just doesn’t hesitate.
Another thing about parts 18 and 36 is the mention of Henry.
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I haven’t gotten on it quite yet with the story Joey but what I’m gonna say is this: take real Joey’s obsession with blaming Henry for leaving mixed with leftover feelings he has for him and try to... simplyfy them and turn them Up.
Spoilers: it’s a mess.
In part 35 I lay down that I chose Joey to be the shadow in Tombstone Picnic.
At the time I took this decision I did it because I figured it just suits my version of the story better but honestly as of now I’m ever more convinced that it’s the case.
Because the reason why it being Henry would be cool is that if he was in a cartoon then he could be imprinted from this part of the reel - as this is apparently what’s needed in universe to print ink figures - so this is how in-game Henry would come to be.
Now DCTL has confirmed that regular humans can get inked and in BATDR trailers we met Audrey that kinda just looks like a cartoonified person which is very likely what happened to Henry. Also there’s this part in DCTL:
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When Buddy Boris wakes up after being turned his Boris - cartoon - part of their mind is awoken. He sees a shadowy figure that seems dysproportional to him implying he sees someone with human-like proportions.
Then Buddy wakes up and he sees... Joey. 
To me the parallel is pretty straight-forward tbh  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
But, of course, I decided for it to be Joey long before DCTL came out so I guess it’s just a cool thing to point out lol
The one thing with how I presented it in part 35 is that Joey wears the labcoat - technically he shouldn’t be wearing it, he should look like Joey usually looked like when the cartoon was made - in 1929. But not gonna lie it makes more sense for the shadowy figure to look like that with the coat included :P
And so story Joey takes away the ending by... literally ripping it away, tearing it from the reel. It’s kinda literal and kinda a metaphor.
The explanation for it is my main point here. Why I brought up that story characters are kinda different from real characters.
Because story Joey IS his own character. He’s been his own character since 1929. He’s literally a print of the cartoon. Right from the Tombstone Picnic reel.
Both he and THE END.
And here’s a little theory/headcanon - I’d like to think that cartoon reels/parts of them used for printing cartoon figures kind of just... get erased from the universe. It would explain why we never get to see that part of the cartoon and why things like that happen in the Handbook:
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Ah, a convenient random splash of ink.
So, that’s why story Joey is literally ripping the end away from the cartoon world, because this part is being taken away. Forever.
And what happens with Henry ending the story is that he... imprints the ending itself.
The end is brought to life, and the end = death and welp to me it appears that Henry has the role of the “reaper” as he’s connected to maaaaaaanyyyy death themes, literally called to “be one to bring death” and can get a cool scythe.
Soooo story Joey isn’t just story version of the real Joey, he’s not just Joey 2.0.
He’s the shadowy figure and essentially - a toon.
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That was the main thought of this ramble but as I’m on it I’ll throw more stuff linked to this:
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In part 41 story Joey visits Bendy for the first time in the story world - real Joey did it right after Thomas tried to quit, but again, story Joey had different priorities.
And. Throwback. Remember part 2? Where Bendy and real Joey watched the Tombstone Picnic? The reason here it’s Tasty Trio Troubles is kinda because in part 40 Butcher Gang figures were created from Lacie, Shawn and Grant so this is like a follow-up. 
But back to part 2. Bendy was uncomfortable with his lack of limbs back then.
Parts 1-2 and 41 have a few panels that are intentionally drawn to look similiar or almost the same even, same with dialogue, like that:
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Never trust me when I do that.
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The reason is because-
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I’m a clown. :o)
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