#evil wu au
goldleaf-blog · 1 year
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Dragon Lord Wu Reference Sheet.
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master-wus-tea · 5 months
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More Evil Wu doodles yay!
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reverintherevery · 9 months
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@absolutelynotsanebaby ‘s Vitrification AU kinda reminded me to this old au of mine from back in 2020… we talked and Hey I might be bringing it back.
something something… What if Cole was forgotten the moment he turned into a Ghost? What if the Curse makes the other Ninja think he works for Morro? What if Cole needs Morro to get his family back?
EDIT: Ignore the fact that he speaks in the one on top, this is now the Silent Ghost AU
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the art I made for it back in 2020. And yes, this is me spreading Sandstorm propaganda.
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roguishshrimp · 2 years
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in the evil-but-not-really!lloyd au possession is mostly about lloyd and morro hanging out at the skate park
Kinda skipping around in the timeline here but a big part of this au is Lloyd hating being the green ninja and the responsibilities that come with it, so he spends months not participating in any ninja activities (training, battles, etc) and trying to live a relatively normal life.
"relatively normal" to Lloyd means still staying at the monastery but more as Wu's annoying nephew mooching off him for food and board and then spending all his time at the skatepark (he is not good at skateboarding).
Morro returns for the same reasons but after finding no green ninja running around he's just sort of chilling and him and Lloyd become buddies. Lloyd is pumped to have a cool new ghost friend and even asks him if he can try possessing him out of curiosity.
Queue Morro slowly finding more and more coincidences surrounding Lloyd that point in the direction of him being deeply entangled with what used to be Morro's life.
Lloyd invites Morro over to the monastery to hangout and Morro is so shocked, Lloyd explains he's Wu's nephew and Morro accepts this but is very on edge.
Now picture this, Morro grabbing some food from the fridge late at night to bring back to Lloyd's room where they're playing video games and Wu walks in. Wu is shocked. Not registering that this is Lloyd's new friend he's been talking about, Wu starts going "Ah my former student, you must be here to claim the title of green ninja, unfortunately the mantle has already been taken by my nephew".
Morro is angry and confused and him and Lloyd have a huge verbal fight. Lloyd does not care about being the green ninja, he's dismissive and essentially tells Morro he can have the title if he wants which just further enrages Morro. This then leading to a possession scenario similar to that of the original season.
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seaghosst · 8 months
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remember my domesticated morro au. i forgot to keep updating it but yeah i redesigned his SoG outfit
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sealiz123 · 6 months
WARNING! ⚠️ BLOOD! and gore)
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- That's insane...
Morro looked down at the plate and began to sweat cold. That thing with his cousin's face just served him a f*cking fresh meat. It was still covered by strange purple- red blood and... Smells like a trash.
It was disgusting. All of this situation was disgusting. Morro was wondering how did he ended here.
The thing just looked at him with a warm smile.
- Just take a bite... and then all this will be over.
The thing that previously presented itself as the "god of this world" continue to look at him with this friendly smile, which only reminded him even more of his cousin. But Lloyd would never have done what that monster did.
Morro started to feel sick.
- That's... That's a human meat, isn't it?
Morro asked, feeling dizzy and feeling his insides clenching. He knew that if he touched this abomination now, he would most likely vomit.
The "god" laughed, as Morro had just told him the funniest joke in the world.
- No, silly~ I would never feed you something like that... It's just Overlord's remains.
Morro looked at him confused.
- Overlord?
The strange god seemed to be surprised for a second, but he recovers immediately.
-Yeah, right. You don't remember...
The thing seemed to be a little sad now.
"The things just getting weirder... But how can I get out?"
Morro just wanted to escape from here. But he didn't even know where he was... The thing... Or god... Whatever this person was. He didn't hurt Morro, but the boy knews that if he continue to disobey the things can get worse.
The strange god sighed and looked down at Morro again, but there was no longer any sign of emotions into his eyes now.
The boy felt sweat running down his back.
- You know...over time I realized that no matter how many times I killed Overlord, he always came back. I think he was right about the fact that “where there is light, there will always be shadow.” The world simply cannot exist without balance, hahaha~
The thing laughed again.
- And I found a solution! But unfortunately... I was only able to eat half of the remains. If I eat more, my inner balance will be disrupted, and then who knows what might happen to the poor little people.
Morro looked up at the strange god with mix of fear and disbelief. He didn't like where he was going with this. The god smiled, but it wasn't a friendly smile anymore.
- You get it right? You must eat the other half. So this bastard will not come back... and will never get in my way again.
- What will happen to me if I... eat this? I will die?
The god grinned and stroked Morro's head with a clawed hand.
- No. I promise.
- Then... will I remain human?
The hand on his head suddenly stopped stroking. Morro felt the claws lightly scratch his skin and winced.
The god smirked and whispered in a cold tone.
- Just take a bite.
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senseioftheseidiots · 7 months
..happy halloween?
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spicyicymeloncat · 2 years
It’s 4am so have a twisted Ninjago au lets go
The ninja are trying to fight a retreating Garmadon and take back the golden weapons. Soon enough Kai is the only one able to keep up.
“Give it up Lord Garmadon! Evil will never win!” Kai cries, managing to knock the sword of fire out of one of Garmadon’s hands.
The dark lord freezes for a split second.
“What? I’m on the side of good!”
Kai scoops up the fallen golden weapon off the ground, feeling it’s energy sweep through him as he dual wields legendary gold and home crafted silver.
“Nice try! Our master told us about the evil snake venom in your veins”
Garmadon’s eyes widened in a momentary confusion.
“I was never bitten. It was Wu who had been bitten“
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xenia12 · 1 year
Lost her marbles by being a little too silly (aka flat-out insane. Deranged. Batshit crazy. Un-fucking-hinged. Ballistic, even.)
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Context: I have an evil Marcy AU called “Losing Marbles” and couldn’t resist making a dumb joke fjdjbfjfskhd
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okay so what about a Haunted Monastery au where instead of haunting the monastery Cole ends up in the cursed realm with Morro
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emisnt2 · 2 years
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Morro and Sensei G vibing in the departed realm (part 1 (?))
Mainly inspired by LotL haha
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goldleaf-blog · 1 year
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Ayo guys hear me out. Evil Dragon Lord Wu au.
In this universe’s lore there is a dark side to Dragons that is referred to as the Dragon Heart. The Dragon Heart is the embodiment of a dragon’s greed, pride, envy, wrath and lust. Dragons who embrace their Dragon Heart become evil warlords and world conquerors. In the first realm those who embrace their dragon hearts are punished with death.
The FSM had his oni side to combat his dragon heart. Wu on the other hand was born mostly half dragon and so has inherited the curse of the dragon heart. The FSM knew Garmadon couldn’t be saved (thanks to the evil venom), but there was a chance that he could still save Wu. 
Wu drinks magic tea to cool the Dragon’s fury. But it is not a permanent fix, but only to slow down the inevitable. Wu’s Dragon Heart became a sort of alter ego, a second personality, a looming darkness.
The FSM had high expectations for his youngest son as he was the light to Garmadon’s darkness. And Wu still somehow became a disappointment.
In Hunted the Dragon Heart survived Wu’s memory wipe and the heart held the rest of his memories hostage. With no knowledge of his existence the dragon heart manipulates Wu into seeking the Firstbourne’s help. The Firstbourne agrees to restore Wu’s memories but warns him that it will come at a price. Embracing the dragon heart. Wu is willing to accept the price viewing it as a necessary evil. Of course Wu doesn’t realize what he has done until it is far too late. Thus through his years of ignorance, lies and hidden secrets, Dragon Lord Wu was born.
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master-wus-tea · 4 months
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Uhhh I've been doodling yo
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helipackjack · 1 year
Xiaolin Showdown au where Jack's evil genius thing is just a larp-like act he puts extreme effort into and he fully knows it's just a fun thing he does to stave off his loneliness, just normal-er Jack au. But when he opens Wuya's puzzlebox she sees all this shit and assumes Jack is onto world domination too and asks for his assistance. Jack goes along with it cause he's scared of what she could do if he refused. Yeah sure she has no body, but what if she posseses him or haunts him or something? He'll figure it out eventually.
Cue him running into the monks and the whole thing plays out similar to canon, as well as Jack getting some more context to his situation. After the Eye of Dashi encounter he manages to hack into Kimiko's PDA and they have a little "friendly" chat where Jack manages to convince them he's just going along with what Wuya told him cause he doesn't know how to deal with her or if she's dangerous. After getting explained that she is powerless in this form Jack is ready to tell her to scram until Raimundo comes up with an idea. Wuya could always find someone with actual nefarious intentions. Since Jack's, by his own admisdion, just putting on a show, he can keep Wuya in check and prevent her from rising to power by pretending to be on her side. Jack, not having much else to do, and finding the prospect of going on adventures and doing something that can almost be consideted hanging out with friends really nice, agrees.
Xiaolin Showdown but the conflict between the monks and Jack is just pretend. That's it.
They secretly meet up to discuss stuff, Jack gradually learns how to socialize and gets friends. Yeah!
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creatingchimera · 1 year
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was it worth it
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backpackingspace · 4 months
Okay so you know how lqq basically to the whole court was like yah xl was just saying shit to harm himself maybe don't let him do anything drastic au branching off from that where jun wu still kept him under house arrest as punishment for not doing insane slaughter and his newest attempt to isolate xl but excused it as "suicide watch"
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