hyunubear · 5 months
congrats on being a caratbebe!! 🩷 ive loved seeing your posts on your blog about seventeen bc weirdly coincidentally i started getting back into seventeen at the same time you started posting about them. like. i had a dream about them (one member in particular lmao 🫣) and the next day i saw your post and i was like ?????????? so i decided to look up some songs id missed after id drifted away from them for a couple years and BOOM im a carat again asjdddhdsshsvzgs but anyway since you said you were looking for carat friends i thought id say hi 🫶 (plus us kpop hags gotta stick together lmao)
im @everybodysaycbx btw 💓 i hope youre having a good day 💞
Omg hiiii🥹💞💞💞 please kdjdkd i was so happy when i saw ur interacting with my seventeen rbs <3 like WHEW im not alone!!!!
But thats kinda crazy!!! It was DESTINY!!!! 👀👀👀 who did u dream about?????
GOD seventeen's music is SO GOOD????? I have their entire (i think? Hopefully?) Korean discography on shuffle everyday while doing a 1000 pieces puzzle and i never skip ANY SONG... that has not been the case for any group ive stanned since... exo, maybe. Even with exo there were like 2 songs i didnt like and would usually skip odjdkdjd
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baldyeosang · 12 days
I was tagged by @vampyretaemin ! Thank you <33 (and rip to anyone who has tagged me in things that I have forgotten about I'm soRRY)
are you named after anyone? Not my first name, which mom found in a baby name book. Fun fact, about three entries down. Was Hermione. Thank God I wasn't given that name I would never know peace. But my birth middle name is after my aunt but I changed(?? probably) it to Michelangelo like a prentious art kid
when was the last time you cried? Uh like 5 minutes ago listening to empty box but before that i was watching shinee videos today so :')
do u have kids? no lmao
what sport do you play / have played? if you count marching band, which my school Did Not. Rude as hell.
do you use sarcasm? sort of. I more so use hyperboles which. half the time people don't get that either
what's the first thing you notice about people? mouths because i often watch people as they talk so i can understand them better
what's your eye color? great question. blreen. grue... idk no one can agree, but when i was younger i did have heterochromia, and one eye was blue and one green but now they've evened out mostly.
scary movies or happy endings? these aren't mutually??? exclusive?? i feel many horror movies have happy endings even if its unconventional. if by happy ending u mean all those hallmark movies than definitely not those. I love horror movies though!!
any talents? love art! drawing, painting, embroidery, makeup, love it! I wanna try more 3d art like jewelry making or pottery or something but haven't had the time to start any of that
do you have any pets? Yeah!! I have an old man puppy.
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where were you born? In new england, where I still live in. My dad is an electrician and I have to constantly hear about how not only was I born on his birthday but he wired the hospital room I was born in
what are your hobbies? art lmfao. And baking!
how tall are you? truly fluctuates depending on how long it's been since I've been to a chiropractor. Scoliosis gang rise up. So I'd say between 5'8 and 5'10" on a good day but I average 5'9"
favorite subject in school? when I was in school it was for sure art, but I was good at everything but history. Now, I love history lmfao
dream job? oh to be in anything but fucking food service gET ME OUTTA HERE- but the money... If I could be an artist or an author, that'd be swell
I tag @wooyoungisbaby @everybodysaycbx @what-a-fucking-disguise-this-is @a-wilting-wallflower and anyone else that wants to do this <33 no pressure though obviously
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amaranth · 8 months
tag people you want to get to know better!
i was tagged by @everybodysaycbx thank you!
last song: grey veins x ls dunes
currently watching: nothing specific! just scanning colin morgan's imdb page and struggling to find stuff with no subscriptions 😵‍💫 i'm was previously watching merlin but the show is about to get SO sad i'm just watching any episodes earlier than like 4x8 and making silly gifs for my sideblog
currently reading: sharpe's eagle by bernard cornwell and clockwork angel by cassandra clare!! both things i've already read i'm in a Slump of starting new books
current obsession: other than colin morgan and his sort of obscure filmography...hozier <3<3 and new baking recipes for fall!
tagging @dmumt @criedforlove @bellamyblakru @nextstopparis @littlesunshinedae @hongjoongdaes some new and some old people!! as always please feel free to ignore :')
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cxsmicmyeon · 1 year
Ask game time! What Exo song would you assign to your closest moots? Why?
OMG yay i've never got any of these asks before!! this is so exciting ((: im gonna make it a bit challenging for myself by including only exo songs (no subunit & no solo)
@everybodysaycbx is 100% wolf if u follow them u know why hehe
@colognedecigarette is just as usual, a comfort song for a comfort fren <3
@kimjunnoodle is don't fight the feeling, a fun song that makes me smile for a fun person that makes me smile <3
@littlesunshinedae is she's dreaming, obviously.
@kyungseokie is moonlight, a dreamy serene song that matches her blog aesthetic and vibe so well <3
@eternalnostos is peter pan, a fun upbeat song that reminds me of her blog aes <3
@mel-loves-kdramas is baby don't cry, a song that reminds me of kdramas which she also reminds me of <3
@his-mochi-cheeks is smile on my face, bc i smile every time we interact <3
@starchild--27 is gravity, space aesthetic + song that gives selmi energy
@dandaelions is butterfly effect, the vibes that song gives match her energy plus also fav song for fav ever <3
@dreamylittlesugarcube is beautiful, bc thats her writing <3
thats all i can think of!! i hope yall like ur choices hehe <3 i tried my best
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jonginnation · 11 months
Tag nine (9) people you’d like to know better
Thank you @fishylife for tagging me 💛💛💛
Last Song: Decanting by Suho 🎸🎸🎸
Currently Watching: Ingenious One which is a fun intriguing cdrama, Here We Meet Again which is a romcom cdrama, and I have a few other shows I kinda slog through sometimes. But honestly I’ve been in a drama slump lately. I have dramas I’m interested in but then I can’t seem to pay attention and watch them 😣
Currently Reading: I just started The Left Hand of Darkness after reading a post about it on tumblr.
Current Obsession: EXO 🤪 it’s Cream Soda comeback 😭 sorry this is a terribly predictable answer, but I’m consistent if nothing else 😅. Otherwise I’m really into thinking about and planning lots of craft projects that I never actually do unfortunately. My dream is to quit work and just do my fun projects. Also looking up artwork I can’t afford to buy and don’t have space to display.
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Tagaging: @untouchabyeolman @lotuslate @everybodysaycbx @forcebookish @fightoh @madmoizellevv @sakurasangcl @his-mochi-cheeks 😋😋😋
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chogiwah · 8 months
Tag people you'd like to know better
Tagged by @pinkbyun 💖
you tagged me in august i'm so sorry i'm just now getting to it😭
Last Song: rescue me - day6
Currently Watching: started i think you should leave, haven't watched it in weeks👍🏻
Currently Reading: britt-marie was here, percy jackson and grief lessons. started all three and have not read any of them in weeks/months👍🏻 (i am sensing a pattern)
Current Obsession: stardew valley
tagging: @cviterion @shipperholic-me @everybodysaycbx @xiuminscheeks @intergalacticpcy @delhyun
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everybodysaycbx · 1 year
monbebexol➡️ everybodysaycbx
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monjude · 1 year
Tagged by the beautiful @baekslight
Here are my current top 5 favourite songs (in no particular order)
Bambi - Baekhyun
Charmer - Stray Kids
Move - Taemin
Sweet lies - EXO
Hero - Monsta X
tagging: @dazzlingkai @shineeworldz @chogiwah @bangzchan @everybodysaycbx  
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jonginnation · 1 year
Ask game time! If you had to place your moots in any of the Exo MVs, who would you place where and why?
I’d place @everybodysaycbx in Power MV cause it’s so chaotic 😂😂😂
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AND…. I’d put @fishylife in DFTF mv. Let’s quit our jobs and party on a spaceship with some aliens 😂😂😂
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