#even though robin is not contributing to this yet lmaoooo
scoopstrooptm · 1 year
       Something was very wrong. Robin had sensed it in Nancy ever since Barb had gone missing from Steve Harrington's party and disappeared into the woods. It had been understandable, really; they were all worried about her and frustrated that the Hawkins PD's search had yet to turn up any results. But it hadn't been Nancy's behaviour alone that had led Robin to the Byers house, of all places, on this cold November evening. Instead it was the way she'd witnessed both Nancy and Jonathan Byers downtown shopping for hunting supplies earlier in the day. Seeing them load up Jonathan's car with bear traps and hammers and gasoline from across the street... Robin wanted to make sure they weren't gonna try anything stupid.
       “ Hey! Don't go in there! ” A voice pulled her attention away from the front door as she approached, and Robin's brow furrowed at once.
       “ Harrington? ” Nancy's asshole boyfriend was stood by his car, door open, staring wide-eyed at the house as if it might reach out from its foundations and grab him. His face looked just as messed up as it had earlier in the afternoon when she'd caught him cleaning off spray paint from the movie theater marquee. The rumour was that he'd been the one to put it there in the first place. But none of that explained the alarm or urgency in his tone, or the way it looked like he'd just seen a ghost. Robin glanced from the front door back to him again. “ What are you talking about? ”
       He didn't say anything, but his eyes nervously shifted from her back to the house, and Robin followed his line of sight this time. The warm yellow light emanating from the windows were suddenly flickering, and before Robin had a chance to ask Steve about it, he was already making a beeline for the door. She instinctively followed.
       “ I'm serious. You should go home. ” He hissed the words at her right as his hand reached the door handle, but it wasn't the deterrent that Steve had maybe been hoping for. He was being serious, no doubt about that. But there was still no explanation, and if Steve Harrington was here that surely meant that Nancy was here too. Inside. Why else would he be here? Jonathan Byers was about as low down the social food chain as she was.
       Besides, she wasn't about to let the bane of her history class tell her what to do.
       Robin carefully crept into the living room after him but, where Steve immediately sprung into action, she could only stare. A monster — there was no other word for it — with a face that had opened up was in the Byers living room advancing on Nancy. She had a gun in her hand, but it had run out of bullets. As it moved to finally strike, Steve threw himself in the way, wielding a baseball bat with nails sticking out of it.
       The distraction he'd provided finally spurred Robin into motion. “ Nancy! ” As Steve pulled the monster's attention, Robin reached forward to grab her friend's arm and pull her out of the way. She watched Steve's silhouette flash against the flickering lights as he pushed the creature into the hallway. “ What the hell is going on? ” @gunspluraltm
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Don’t Call Me That Pt. 3
Word count: 15k+ LMAOOOO
TW: Sex, ptsd, abandonment
A/N: I KNOW I DELAYED MY PUBLICATION!! So i’m very thankful for all your support and patience!!! I will be posting outfit pics after this, heheh. You guys are honestly the best. I love your enthusiasm. Keep it coming!! 
The deep heat that penetrated your skin and into your muscles was a relief as you rubbed Tiger Balm onto your shoulders and the back of your stiff neck. The mentol of the ointment smelled strong, yet it made you feel relaxed.
Your muscles were feeling tense for a while, largely contributed to the fact that you patrol much more often now that you were done with highschool and was waiting for when University lectures started. Perhaps you could go for a spa or massage. Bruce would definitely pay for your indulgence.
Even though it had been over a year, you were still the relatively new Robin. Such a drastic change in lifestyle wasn’t easy to get used to. The training, the patrols, the constant vigilance, constant analysis. You still felt like it was your first week.
Standing in front of your window, you tried to look for the full moon. But the night was too cloudy, and you sensed a storm was coming soon based on the way the trees outside swayed brutally in the wind. It was three in the morning, and you had returned from patrol.
Jason waited for you like usual outside his room in the Cave, but this time, he didn’t follow you up to your room. It must have been a rough day for him. Dick had told you that Jason went a little bit too hard at the Cave gym that evening, almost injuring himself if Dick hadn’t stepped in to help.
So there you were left alone with your own thoughts that night. You were so used to having Jason in the room with you, that now you felt a bit lonely without him.
You frowned. You thought you had heard footsteps in the distance, but now they were gone. Shrugging to yourself, you concluded that must have been Dick returning to his room for the night.
The door slammed open and you jumped in surprise.
But before you could turn around in response, you felt a pair of arms around your waist, pulling you close to a hard, warm body.
Jason sobbed silently into your back, his forehead resting on your right shoulder. You didn’t ask him why, you didn’t say any words of comfort. Instead, you put your hands over his and squeezed tightly, as tight as how your chest felt.
After fifteen minutes, he finally spoke up.
“I’m sorry,” he choked, “It’s just- it’s been haunting me more these past few days.”
“What has?”
“The nightmares,” he gave a watery reply, “Or- I just can’t stop thinking about it. Even during the day.”
You pursed your lip. “Is it the same one?”
“It always is,” he whispered solemnly, “All the time.”
Again, your hair was soaking.
During any other nights of stakeouts in the pouring Gotham rain, you would have complained or wished you brought a shower cap with you. But that night, you were silent.
On the rooftop of a warehouse in the loading bay of Dixon Docks, you and Batman were crouching low near the edges of the roof, using the cement wall that rose to your hips when you were standing as a shield from the two other armed guards on the roof of the building across from yours.
The informant had told Batman that a load of weapons were coming in that night, but he didn’t know what time. So there you were, waiting in the cold wet weather, slowly going into your second hour already.
Anxious and bored, you clipped open your cape and dropped it to the ground for you to sit on. It was drenched and that made it even heavier than it already was.
“Bruce,” you spoke up.
“Batman when we’re in uniform,” he corrected you.
“Right,” you said, “Can I ask you something?”
He nodded, water droplets running down from the sharp tip of his cowled nose.
“Have you ever thought of- of killing Joker?”
The sound of water against concrete provided much cover for your voice, and you weren’t sure if Bruce had answered or not.
“All the time,” he finally did.
“But…?” you prompted.
“But that would be the start of something much worse,” he said solemnly, gazing in the distance.
You waited for him to explain, but he never did.
“What does that mean?” you probed, “I’m not saying all of them, Bruce. Just him.”
“It’s Batman when we’re out.”
You let out a frustrated sigh. “Okay. Batman. Just Joker. Just for what he did. All the things he did.”
He answered you with silence.
“Look, I know your rationale, and I understand it, I really do. A lot of these people, they didn’t ask for this. They didn’t ask to be desperate enough to have to choose to be a criminal. Hell, even Pyg can’t help it. He’s got.. Schizophrenia or something, right? But Joker… He’s got no excuse. The man is plain evil. And he’s better off dead.”
“We don’t know enough about Joker to rule it out as plain evil,” Batman tried to rationalize with you, “And we don’t get to choose who lives and who dies. That’s not our job. That’s not anyone’s job.”
The rain came down hard, and it sounded like white noise as you registered what Batman told you. He was still defending Joker.
“What if I told you I wanted to kill him?” you whispered, so low that if it were anyone else, they wouldn’t be able to catch your words.
“Then I’ll stop you.”
“No,” you tried to keep your voice from breaking, “You wouldn’t. Not if- not if you knew. Not if you truly knew what he did to Jason.”
You saw him clench his jaw, but he left you with no reply.
“I want him dead, Bruce,” you grit, “I want to rip him apart and scrape every single cell in his body against every surface of this planet, Bruce. I want him to feel everything that he did.”
“Robin, for the last time-”
Oh, no. Don’t you dare.
“When we’re on patrol, it’s Bat-”
“I don’t give a fuck!” you yelled, standing up on your feet in anger, forgetting where you were at that moment.
“Robin, down!”
You felt it first before you heard it.
A sharp pain that vibrated through your bones. You felt the pain power through you from your back, just a few inches below your shoulder, and then you fell forward. You tried to break the fall with both your arms, but your right arm couldn’t move, so you fell almost flat on your face into the ground.
And then you heard it, the loud BANG of a gun, Batman yelling something in the distance and then disappearing, more gun shots, and then footsteps rushing towards you.
“Robin,” he said with urgency in his voice, “Are you okay?”
“Can’t- breathe- pain- ow-” you gasped, trying hard to manage with shallow breaths, because every time you inhaled, the pain became more intense.
“We need to get you back. Can you move?”
“I- I think so-” you tried to move your legs, wincing when you moved your upper body. Batman lifted you up by gripping onto your left arm, pulling you to your feet.
“I’ll carry you to the Batmobile,” he stated, “You can’t grapple like this.”
You nodded, shame and guilt burning into you as he lifted you up in a fireman’s carry.
“Alfred!” Bruce’s voice boomed loudly in your ear as he carried you out the vehicle, echoing back at you in the Cave.
He rushed you to one side of the cave, where there always was a bed and a very complete first aid kit- that shouldn’t even be called first aid anymore. It was where Alfred would perform emergency medical interventions straight after patrol, and then only after that, the said patient would be moved to the infirmary upstairs in the manor for recuperation.
You were hanging upside down over Bruce’s shoulder, ass jutting out in the air. Honestly, the embarrassment would have been the most painful thing about the whole ordeal if you were used to getting shot like Dick or Bruce was.
From the countless times you saw them injured, you always thought getting shot was no big deal. They handled it well, and then even a week later, they would be back in uniform.
That was miscalculation on your side. It wasn’t that it didn’t hurt, they just got used to the pain.
Because the bullet shoved into your shoulder blade right now hurt like a mother fucker. You knew it didn’t even hit your lung, but you couldn’t breathe because of the pain. You felt lightheaded, and your current position was not helping.
Out of the corner of your eye, though, you saw Jason stand up from his box, rushing to you.
“What the fuck happened?” he demanded.
Bruce put you down gently on the bed, the change in position making you cry out and groan as you sat upright.
“What the hell happened, Bruce?!” Jason yelled.
For the first time ever since getting to know Bruce Wayne, you saw him stunned as he looked at Jason.
“Well?!” he pushed.
Bruce took off his cowl, and set it aside. “She got shot.”
“How?” Jason hissed, “Where?”
“Shoulder blade- I don’t think it’s fatal. You can calm down.”
“Calm- calm down?” Jason’s nose flared in anger. “This happened on your watch, Bruce! Need I remind you what happened the last time something went wrong with a Robin on your watch?!”
Bruce didn’t say anything to that. Instead, he clenched his jaw tight, eyes looking down.
“It- it was my fault,” you panted, “I took off my cape. I practically asked them to shoot at me. Was being stupid.”
“What’s the cape got to do with anything?”
“It- yours- yours wasn’t bulletproof?” you asked out of curiosity. Anything to distract you from the pain.
“No,” Jason grit.
“Oh my- what happened?” Alfred finally arrived, immediately opening the first aid kit that was the size of a goddamn cabin suitcase.
“BW to right scapula,” Bruce turned from Jason to assist Alfred, “.22 calibre.”
Alfred sighed in relief. “Very well. We are well stocked on Lidocaine, so this won’t hurt.”
“Okay,” you squeaked
Using a special pair of scissors, Alfred cut through the back of your uniform to expose the injured area.
“Why were you being stupid?” Jason walked over to stand in front of you.
“I just- we- we got into an argument,” you avoided eye contact and played with your thumbs.
“What about?”
“No- argh!” you felt a burn in your back. “A little warning next time, Alfred. It’s my first bullet wound, you know.”
“My apologies, Miss.”
Jason raised his eyebrows at you, waiting for an answer.
You locked eyes with Bruce for a moment, who was hovering behind Jason.
“Nothing. It was stupid. Something about my cape and how it was too cold,” you lied.
Jason stared deep into your eyes intensely.
He definitely was not convinced.
“I will be injecting the anesthesia now. It will hurt for a moment or so.”
“Okay, Alfred.”
“Take deep breath… Hold.”
“Hnng,” you whimpered as you felt another sharp pain.
Jason let out a heavy breath, and muttered, “Jesus.”
“We shall wait for a few minutes for the anesthesia to start its effects before I attempt to extract the bullet.”
“Sit next to me, Jay,” you smiled, patting the space next to you.
“I’m fine where I am,” he huffed, crossing his arms. Then, his eyes softened, “If it makes you feel better, I’ve survived worse. You’ll… Get through this.”
“Is that an attempt to comfort me?” you laughed.
“Maybe,” he frowned.
“Well, I’m all good. Anesthesia is kicking in. I don’t feel it much anymore,” you told him.
“Good,” he gave you a stiff nod, “You shouldn’t have to feel any sort of pain. No one should.”
His eyes fluttered away from yours as your heart sank.
Bruce pursed his lips in hesitation before he attempted to say anything. “Jason…”
“Only she gets to call me that,” his snapped at Bruce.
You felt a little bad, but at the same time you couldn’t help but a feel a little happy the way you were the special one.
“Okay, son. I’m sorry,” Bruce said softly, “For… For everything.”
“I don’t care about that anymore,” Jason choked.
“I should have been better,” Bruce continued, “God, I should have done more.”
“I said I don’t care anymore,” Jason grit, “But I swear, Bruce, I will murder you if you let another one of us slip through your fingers again.”
“I assure you, you wouldn’t have to. I would… myself...” Bruce sighed, “But duly noted. I’m sorry.”
This time, the apology was directed to you.
“No,” you shook your head, “It was my fault. I kept… I kept accidentally saying your name, and I was emotional… I’m just a newbie, Bruce. It’s not your fault. I acted rashly.”
“You did,” Bruce agreed, “Which is why I’m taking away your patrol privileges. Only twice a week now until I think you’re ready again for more responsibility.”
“Twice a week?” you groaned, “I mean I understand, but even when I was starting out it was three times!”
“Yes, you have been demoted,” Bruce smirked. He fucking smirked, “For calling me by name in the field three times, and sabotaging a mission. Now there are dozens of illegal and untraceable weapons in Gotham’s black market. Or do you not think this is an adequate disciplinary action?”
“It’s adequate,” you grumbled.
“No more taking off capes during patrol,” he added, “Even during storms.”
“Well, maybe you could make it lighter or waterproof then,” you retorted.
“I will see to it,” he nodded, “That is all. Let me know the damage, Alfred.”
“Yes, sir.”
“I used to get way worse,” Jason muttered when Bruce walked away.
“Ah, yes,” Alfred chimed in, getting started on extracting the bullet lodged in your back. “I remember many arguments. And broken china.”
“You broke things?” you chuckled at Jason.
“Yeah,” the corner of his lips twitched upwards, though it was tough to tell whether he was actually smiling, or it was because of the scar that twisted his lips upwards.
“Actually,” Alfred interrupted, “Master Bruce would also break things. When you’re gone, that is.”
“Did he?” Jason blinked in surprise.
“Oh, yes,” Alfred hummed, “You created much ruckus in the household, Master.”
You didn’t miss how Alfred too avoided his name.
“Bruce has always been nice to me,” you defended.
“Maybe because you never caused trouble,” Jason said, “Not the way I did.”
You now felt Alfred digging into your back. It was an odd sensation, but at least you didn’t feel pain.
“He still very much loves you despite it all,” Alfred said quietly.
Jason didn’t reply to that, and now an uncomfortable silence hung over the three of you.
“Hey, at least now we all got matching scars, huh?” you grinned, trying to break the tension. “I’m pretty sure each and every one of us has a gunshot wound. Or two. Or three. Or-”
“I have more than just gunshot wounds,” Jason stated.
“Yes, yes, torture and all that,” you waved your hand in dismissal, earning a small chuckle from Jason. “But really, though. It’s like a right of passage for us vigilantes, huh? It’s like I’m finally official now. Do you have one, Alfred?”
“More than one,” he informed you.
“Wokay, buddy, it’s not a competition,” you rolled your eyes, “Talk about a cut throat.”
“You’re really irritating,” Jason commented.
“But you love me anyway,” you grinned. “Do you love me, Alfred?”
“I suppose I have no choice but to say yes, Miss,” Alfred retorted.
“Aww, don’t be like that.”
“It’s finished,” Alfred announced. “Bullet has been extracted, and your wound sutured.”
“That was fast.”
“The bullet is in one piece,” he said, “Would you like me to make a necklace from it? That’s what Master Dick did with his first.”
“Hell yeah!” you looked at Jason, “What did you do with yours?”
“I dug it out and threw it back at my dad,” he monotoned.
“Wait… what?” your smile fell. You knew his dad was a criminal who went to prison, but you didn’t know anything about their relationship.
A rustle of plastic. Alfred kept himself busy.
“Just get some rest,” Jason sighed. He reached out to tuck your hair behind your ear. “Don’t strain yourself.”
His hand lingered there on your cheek, going downwards to tilt your head up, forcing you to meet his eyes.
“I don’t like the idea of you getting shot at,” he whispered.
“You and I both,” you snickered.
“I’m serious,” he frowned, “Be more careful. You’re too much of an idiot.”
“Okay, I will,” you smiled. It was nice to see that he cared. That he showed he cared.
“You get the bed all to yourself tonight. You’ll want the space,” he informed you, dropping his hand.
“I don’t mind if you-”
“Sleep facing down, keep a glass of water close,” he interrupted, walking away to his cube. “Goodnight.”
He closed his door.
You waited for a second, thinking of what Jason had said earlier.
“I take it his relationship with his dad was not good?” you asked Alfred.
“I’m afraid not.”
“Jesus,” you let out a breath, “He’s been through so much, hasn’t he? Guy can’t catch a break.”
“Indeed,” Alfred agreed. “It would be nice for him to be at peace. Perhaps, for once in his life.”
“There’s a stack of pancakes, amazingly greasy bacon, berries, cream, butter, maple syrup, waffles- and you’re eating cereal?” you judged.
“Why, my naive sister, don’t you know?” Dick replied, “I need to stick with my reputation, for I am the known cereal killer.”
“That joke has lost its charm after the first thousand times it’s been said, tweeted, and shared online,” you brandished your fork at him.
Dick was over at the manor that Saturday morning, two days after your injury. He had arrived the night before to visit and congratulate you on your first gunshot wound. As expected, he had tried to hug you. But Jason was there, and when Dick rushed towards you, he had stuck out his leg and tripped him over.
“She’s still in pain, you idiot,” Jason had snorted before descending back downstairs to hide away in his box.
Dick on the other hand, had looked up at you from the floor- despite how he obviously should have dodged or maneuvered- with tears in his eyes. “That was the longest thing he had ever said to me.”
Rolling your eyes, you had helped Dick back up.
“I started it!” Dick shouted at you, “No one believes me! I updated my facebook status all those years ago, some reporter reported it, and then suddenly everyone was tweeting it as if they made it up themselves.”
“I’m sorry, Dick, but that’s just not true,” you shook your head. Dick had been trying to convince you he was the trend setter for a lot of things in the past.
“I’m so disappointed in your lack of faith in me. I swear, man, I-”
Dick broke off and looked behind you.
Turning around, you saw Jason standing there with a hand in his hair. “Room for one more?”
“Of course,” Bruce said first, “I’ll have Alfred get you-”
“No, I’m on it,” Dick scrambled to his feet and dashed to the kitchen.
Jason pulled up a chair next to you. His movements were stiff. He was obviously nervous to be joining everyone for breakfast.
“Here,” Dick passed a plate and utensils to him.
“Thanks,” Jason muttered.
“No problem,” he grinned wide, like a kid getting his head pat after winning a trophy.
Jason stacked pancakes and bacon and everything else on his plate.
“What?” he grunted at you.
“Yo- you- you planning to finish all that?” you gaped.
“This?” he looked at his plate, “Yes. And then I’m gonna go for seconds.”
“Okay,” you laughed disbelievingly.
You, Dick, and Bruce made very brief eye contact with each other, and then smiled into your respective plates and continued to eat.
“Uh, Bruce?” Jason spoke up.
“Can I… Can I move back into my old room?” he asked.
Bruce blinked once. “Yes. Of course. When would you like to move in?”
“As soon as we finish here, I can get my stuff from downstairs,” he informed Bruce.
“The room hasn’t been… cleaned,” Bruce said, “I can ask Alfred to prepare it for you. I left it… the way you left it.”
You only went into Jason’s old room once, out of curiosity. It was the first month you were there. After Alfred found out, he had strongly advised you to keep out because Bruce wanted to preserve it the way Jason had left it, all those years ago.
Out of respect, you stayed out of Jason’s old room and never went back in again after that.
“Then it’s fine,” Jason insisted, “I’ll change the sheets myself.”
“It’s probably dusty,” Bruce pointed out.
“I’ve had worse,” Jason shrugged.
“Indeed,” the older man nodded, “Alright. Let me know if you need anything.”
Silence again. But after ten minutes, Bruce asked, “Does this mean you will be sleeping in your own room instead of…”
Bruce glanced at you.
That was surprising, coming from Bruce. He usually would never ask about things that weren't his business. The fact that he did must have meant that he was either really curious, or he strongly opposed it.
“Bruce,” you hushed.
“Why?” Jason smirked now, though there was no humor in his eyes, his mouth twisting upwards into a distorted smile. “You worried about your little princess sleeping with the mentally fucked up son?”
“No,” Bruce stated, “I just realised that I never got around to having the talk with either of you. I was wondering if I should.”
“Bruce!” you gasped, cheeks heating up. “Come on!”
“You don’t have to worry about anything,” Jason grit, stabbing his pancake with his fork almost too violently, “Joker fucked me up in more ways than one.”
Silence. Longer than it should have been.
“What do you mean by that?”
Dick was the one to break it, his soft warm voice attempting to coax and comfort.
You glanced at Bruce. On the surface, it seemed that he was showing no reaction, but you saw the way he gripped his knife, his knuckles white.
“It doesn’t matter,” Jason scowled.
Bruce rose from his chair, more robotic than usual. “Just… tell me if you need anything. I’ll be at the computers.”
He left with an odd expression on his face.
“Tired of walking up the stairs to come see me?” you teased, leaning against the door to Jason’s room.
He was wiping his bedside table with a piece of wet cloth when he glared at you.
“I came in here once,” you told him, looking at the books aligned neatly on the shelves, the photos he had arranged on his desk. His laptop opened but not switched on, with a stack of papers next to it weighed down by Bruce’s fountain pen he probably stole. “Then never again when I found out that Bruce was kind of anal about people coming in here.”
You remembered that the bed was made, and that the sheets were blue. Now they were maroon.
“Is that supposed to make me feel better? Oh, forgive Bruce. He was suffering the whole time, too,” he mocked.
“Dickhead,” you retorted, “No. I just noticed that you must have had your laptop on the last time I was in here. I was wondering what you were doing when Alfred came in and told me to get out.”
“Hmm,” he frowned, looking towards his desk, “I don’t remember what I was doing on it. Maybe my essay?”
A smile crept on your lips. You walked over to the desk. “Switch it on,” you grinned.
He narrowed his eyes and came over. It took a minute for the laptop to show the homescreen. The icon was a picture of him from when you assumed to be two years ago , with Dick next to him. Both grinning at the camera.
His smile was different back then. So were his eyes.
“Huh,” you observed, “It was on sleep this whole time? Charging? The battery’s gotta be destroyed by now.”
Jason quickly typed in his password, and then logged in.
The screen showed exactly what Jason had been up to on his laptop two years ago. He slammed it shut, but not before you got a glimpse of the screen.
Porn. Jason was watching porn.
A kinky video too, now that you were thinking about it.
You laughed out loud. His eyes were wide in horror, and- holy shit. He was blushing! His ears went red, and a tint of pink appeared on his cheeks.
“Shut up,” he scowled, looking away embarrassed.
That made you double up and laugh even louder.
“I was sixteen, come on,” he groaned, “Every sixteen year old was horny.”
“No- it’s - it’s not that,” you gasped for air, tears in your eyes, “All this while- all this while, I’ve been so fucking curious. And now I know- it was- it was on PornHub. Jason! Your laptop was on PornHub for two whole years!”
You continued your fit of giggles, before- “Ah! Ow, ow,” you suddenly winced. The injury on your back was pulsating pain while you laughed hard.
“Are you okay?” Jason rushed to your side, panic in his eyes. “What’s wrong? Tell me!”
“I’m fine, Jesus, calm down,” you straightened up and took deep breaths, “It hurt when I laughed, that’s all.”
“You shouldn’t strain yourself,” he worried.
“I’m okay, Jason,” you rolled your eyes, “It’s no big deal.”
His eyes searched your face for any hints of pain, and then he sighed. “I… Came back up here so I can be closer to you… Just- just in case.”
“Just in case of what?” you frowned.
“If anything happened to you,” he muttered, looking away again.
“What’s going to happen to me up here?” you asked, “It’s perfectly safe.”
“I don’t know… What if you.. Fal in the shower or something,” he huffed, crossing his arms.
“Fall in the- Jason, I’m not a grandma!” you chuckled, “I’m Robin. Trained vigilante. I can handle myself in my own home.”
“I was a trained vigilante too, and look where that got me,” he grit.
You didn’t know how to answer that.
“Look,” he sighed, “I just. You got shot. If you had moved a couple of inches to the right, the bullet would have hit your spine. I kept on thinking about that, that’s all.”
“I get it,” you nodded. He was thinking about you dying.
You couldn’t blame him. Death and pain seemed to follow him everywhere. It was probably the only thing on his mind.
“But you don’t have to worry, okay?” you added, “I’ll be careful. Promise. Plus, now that Bruce is limiting my patrols, I get to spend more time with you at night! And I won’t be so tired in the morning. What do you say, you wanna go out later? Maybe somewhere aside from the park?”
“I, uh, I’m actually following Alfred to the grocery store later,” he said, “He says I should pick out ingredients since I eat the most in the house. It’d be easier for him to plan my meals if I were there for him to ask as well.”
“Oh!” your eyes widen in surprise. “That’s great, then.”
You grinned widely. Now that he’s going out with Alfred, it was also one step closer to him going out alone.
“Yeah,I guess,” he shrugged, “I’m just gonna clear out a few more shit from here.”
“You mean delete your browsing history?” you teased.
“What for?” he snickered, “Not like you’re coming anywhere close to my computer.”
“And even if I did, I wouldn’t judge. Much,” you winked. “I need to change my bandages. See ya.”
You found yourself worrying less and less about Jason lately, and he found himself worrying about you more and more.
Despite being more independent now, he had started to get clingy.
At first, you would have thought that Jason Todd and ‘clingy’ were two things that would never coexist together. On the contrary, ever since your injury, he wouldn’t leave your side unless it was to go out with Alfred.
You stayed home for the next two weeks for recuperation, and it was basically two weeks of Jason. You woke up, he was there next to you. You ate, he was there finishing your food. You watched TV, he was there fighting for the remote control.
But when you finally did heal and got to go out for patrol- that was the worst.
“He has been anxious the whole night,” Alfred had whispered to you once you came back. Jason had approached you with a serious look on his face, examined you up and down, nodded, and then went back upstairs.
“Hurry up, I’m sleepy,” he had grumbled, leaving you in shock.
You would have been annoyed if it wasn’t for the fact that it was Jason and he showed that he cared enough about you to be worried. So you were actually quite pleased.
So with all the clinginess and worries and occasional outings with either you or Alfred, you weren’t ready for when he suddenly disappeared while you were sending out some emails to the Gotham University staff.
“Uh, have you seen Jason?” you walked up to Bruce who was down at the Cave computers.
“No,” he frowned, “He doesn’t come down here much after he moved upstairs unless he’s waiting for you. Has Alfred not seen him?”
“I haven’t asked, but he wasn’t in his room, or mine, or the gym, or the kitchen either,” you bit your lip anxiously, “I texted him but he hasn’t replied. I’ll go find Alfred and ask.”
“Let me know.”
You found Alfred in the study, taking and dusting books to give to Jason.
“I’m afraid not, my dear,” he answered your question, “The last time I saw him was during breakfast. I have been up here since.”
“Shit, I can’t find him,” you started to panic.
“I’m sure he is fine,” Alfred tried to reassure you, “He’s been much better lately. He knows how to take care of himself.”
“I’ll call him or something,” you worried, going down to wait in the living room.
He never picked up, so you waited there anxiously for the next two hours, barely paying attention to whatever documentary that was playing.
Then at around five, he came waltzing in from the front door, fucking whistling a low tune.
“Jason!” you stood up.
“Hey,” he greeted you casually. “What’s wrong?”
“What’s- what’s wrong?” you repeated, “You just disappeared. For hours. You didn’t answer my texts or calls. Where were you?”
“Out,” he told you.
“O-out?” you asked, “Like, alone?”
“Yeah?” he frowned, “What’s the big deal?”
“Nothing, I just- I was just wondering where you were,” you breathed and sat back down, “Where did you go?”
“Nowhere interesting,” he shrugged, taking a seat next to you on the sofa, “The park at first. Then the grocery store. Then I parked somewhere and walked around Central Gotham.”
“You drove?” your eyes widen.
“Yeah, your car,” he grinned, “Didn’t think you’d mind.”
“I don’t,” you smiled, “How was it? Your day out?”
“Fine,” he simply said, “No big deal.”
He said that and tried to look modest, but you could see from his expression that he was pretty proud of himself. You had learned how to read his emotions better, and that was definitely a genuine, non-sarcastic, non-mocking smile he had on.
“No big deal, huh?” you chuckled.
“Yeah,” he smirked at you. “Why? Were you worried?”
“No way,” you rolled your eyes, “Why would I be?”
He narrowed his eyes and took out his phone. “Nineteen missed calls. Six text messages. ‘Jason, where are you?’ ‘Jason, I’m serious.’ ‘Why aren’t you picking up your phone? Are you in trouble?’ ‘Please call me back, I’m worried.’ ‘Don’t be an asshole and pick up you massive prick.’ And last but not least- I think this one is the best, by the way. Just ‘Dickhead.’”
“Well, why didn’t you pick up? Or text me back?” you demanded.
“Had it on silent. Didn’t want any distractions,” he pocketed his phone, “Wasn’t worried, huh?”
“Shut up,” you huffed, “I thought you… Left or something.”
“Left?” he frowned.
“Yeah, I thought you packed your bags and left us,” you looked away.
“Why would I do that?” he asked.
You simply shrugged.
“I’m not going to leave you,” you heard him softly say, “Not anytime soon, anyway.”
“Good,” you huffed, “Because I’d be super pissed off.”
“And I wouldn’t want to get on your bad side, huh?” he nudged you lightly, “Or I’d lose sponge bath privileges.”
“God, that was one time, and it was because you stank!” you groaned, “Never again.”
You looked into his eyes then, twinkling playfully at you.
“What if I got sick?” he smirked, “Or shot? And I couldn’t get to the shower? And I started to stink so bad you wouldn’t want to stay next to me?”
“Then Alfred can give you your sponge bath,” you rolled your eyes.
“But what if I want it to be you?” he breathed, his voice a mere whisper.
“Then,” you leaned in closer, “I’d make you beg for it.”
He chuckled and left it at that.
The soft sheets wrapped around your almost bare legs, gently caressing your smooth skin. Your eyes had adjusted to the darkness already, since you’ve been laying in bed for about half an hour, staring at the ceiling.
“Has Gotham always been so bright?” Jason grumbled from next to you.
“What do you mean?”
“The city. It was so bright,” he complained.
“No, Gotham is gloomy, Jason. It’s a whole Gotham thing. Gloomy, rainy, cloudy, shithole,” you went on, “Streets are sticky for some reason. And then there’s always that weird smell going on. You ever notice that smell?”
“Seemed bright to me,” he ignored your question.
“That’s,” you turned on your side to face him. You could see the silhouette of his side profile looking upwards. The bump at his crooked nose bridge, the dip of his deep set eyes, even the length of his thick eyelashes. “Because you have been cooped up in the house for too long.”
“I’ve been out with you,” he mumbled, turning to face you as well. “To the park. The grocery store. It’s just the city. Seemed brighter.”
“Maybe because you’re looking at it from a new point of view?” you guessed, “Changed person and all, yada yada.”
“Maybe,” he snorted, “Doubt it. But whatever. It’s not important.”
From the new position, you were now closer to him. You could feel the slight brushes of his skin against yours whenever he took a breath.
“You don’t always have to dismiss something,” you told him softly, “Just because you can’t find the answer, doesn’t mean it’s not important.”
“Who the hell cares if Gotham is brighter or not?” he argued, “It doesn’t affect anyone. Not even me.”
“The questions you ask say a lot about the type of person you are,” you reasoned.
“And?” he breathed, “What type of person am I?”
You bit your lip when you saw his eyes flutter to your lips for just a second. “Perceptive. Introspective. Kind of an asshole, but that’s okay.”
He let out a breathy laugh that fanned warm breath across your face. Taking a deep breath, you sighed as you looked back at him, for no reason at all. You looked down at his lips for just a second and noticed it was ever so slightly parted. Relaxed.
“If you kiss me, I’ll bite your tongue off,” he stated.
You blinked. And then burst into a fit of giggles. “What makes you think I was going to kiss you?”
“You had that look in your eye,” he smirked, “The one that says that you wanted to kiss me. Don’t. I’m not joking. I’ll bite your tongue off.”
“You’re such a scary man, Jason,” you smiled at him endearingly.
“Really? I thought I had charm.”
“Charming people don’t say that they’re going to bite someone’s tongue off,” you laughed, “Dick would never do that.”
“Dick,” he snorted, “What does he know?”
“He knows not to say something like that to someone,” you grinned.
“But you kind of like it when I threaten you,” he pointed out.
“What? Since when?”
“Sweetheart, I technically choked you,” he reminded you, “I keep on saying that I’ll kill you over the smallest things. It’s either you’re dumb or kinky. I think I know which you’d rather be.”
“I’m not dumb, but the kinky one here is definitely you,” you insisted, “I saw the title of that video, Jason. Girl gets-”
“Stop,” he interjected you, “Don’t even. Ever.”
“My point exactly,” you grinned proudly at your win. “You’re the one with the kinky porn videos. You’re the one with the boner almost every night.”
“Can you blame me,” he groaned, “I’m a sexually frustrated eighteen year old who can’t bring himself to come. Give me a break.”
“You’re dragging me down with you,” you whined, “You think I’m not hormonal, too? I’m at the peak of my hormonal mess and my monthly cycles don’t help either.”
He let out a long sigh. “You can kick me out any time you want, you know. I won’t threaten you. Much.”
“I don’t mind you sleeping here,” you told him honestly, “I mean, it’s got its pros and cons. Cons like getting me all hot and bothered is the same category as you taking up all the space and stealing the covers.”
“And the pros?”
“You get to sleep peacefully,” you shrugged.
“But there’s nothing in it for you.”
I get to sleep next to you. I get to feel your arms around me.
You didn’t say that out loud. You were open with him, but not that open.
Instead, you turned around to face your back towards him. “I like cuddles. I used to cuddle with Dick when I was the one who had nightmares. So just shut up and cuddle me.”
The bed shifted, and you heard rustling, then Jason’s arm snaked around your waist and pulled you closer, flushed against his front.
“Jesus- Jason!” you whined.
“I told you, I can’t help it!” he defended himself.
You squirmed against him, unintentionally grinding your ass against his crotch, boner poking directly into your flesh.
“Hnng. Fuck. Stop moving so much, you’re making it worse.”
The sound he made and the ‘fuck’ he dropped sent shooting heat directly to your core.
Fucking hormones.
“You fucking stop sounding like that,” you shot back at him.
“What? Sounding like what?”
“All moany and breathy and- and swearing and shit.”
“What? Breathy?” he breathed.
“Yes, like you ran a fucking mile,” you said. “You’re panting like crazy, Jason.”
“So are you.”
“Am not.”
“Are too.”
“Am- fuck you,” you groaned, pushing back against him in reflex.
His grip on your waist tightened, but he chuckled. “If only.”
“Shut up,” you panted. “Ugh. This is literally peak horny teen phase.”
“Dry humping? Definitely. Just- just stop for a sec, Jesus.”
Your heavy breaths filled the dark and silent room. But only for a few seconds.
“Okay- I’m sorry- I can’t,” you sat up.
“Where are you going?”
“To the bathroom to… Relieve myself,” you winced at how bad that sounded.
“Like, to pee? Or..?”
“To fucking come, Jesus Christ,” you pressed the top of your nose bridge. “You may be able to hold it in, but I can’t.”
“Stay,” he instructed, catching your wrist.
“I said I can’t hold it in, you piece o-”
“Then don’t. Make yourself come. But do it here.”
You opened your mouth to argue, then closed it back, looking at him perplexed. “Like… The other day?”
He considered it for a second. “No. Not like the other day.”
“Then what?”
Propping himself up on his elbows, he gave you a mischievous grin. “I’ll drag the chair to face the bed and watch you.”
You immediately felt yourself blush, though the heat also went to your belly. “W-what? No way. That’s too embarrassing.”
“Nothing I haven’t seen,” he shrugged.
“You haven’t seen my… That,” you winced.
“That?” he smirked.
“Yes, that,” you repeated, “You haven’t seen it, and it’s embarrassing if you watched.”
“Sure, I haven’t seen yours,” he went on, “But a pussy is still a pussy, sweetheart. Not that I wouldn’t think yours is special- I’m sure it is.”
You pursed your lips, thoughts running quickly through your mind. On one hand, it was the first time you would bare yourself to someone else and you were nervous and shy about it. On the other hand, the thought of Jason watching you get yourself off was hot as fuck.
“Fine,” you conceded, horniness taking over your shyness, “But on one condition.”
“And what’s that?” he whispered, sitting up and leaning in closer to you.
“You gotta take out your dick and show it to me too,” you grinned.
“That,” he got off the bed and walked across the room to pull a chair from your desk, “I can do.”
He switched on the lamp on your desk, illuminating the room dimly with warm light and positioned the chair to face the foot of your bed and sat down, grinning so unbelievably wide for his standards that you were sure his cheeks would start to hurt soon.
Without a moment’s hesitation, he pulled down his sweatpants to his knees, revealing his cock with a small slap on his pubic bone- erect, thick, long, hard, and judging from the way the light from the little light of the desk lamp reflected on it, wet at the tip with precum.
Your jaw dropped at the sight of him smirking away, leaning comfortably back into your chair, legs now slightly parted. Shirtless Jason was something you had trouble getting used to, your imagination running wild whenever you saw him in that state.
But your view of him right now? You made sure to burn it into your mind because that would be your permanent spank bank material.
How you wished you could ask if you could take a picture.
“I know I’m a sight, sweetheart,” he chuckled, “But you’re the one who said that you couldn’t hold it in anymore.”
He was right. Since Jason took off his pants, you were already dizzy with heat that spread from your core.
“Jesus, Jason,” you breathed, hand cupping your own cunt and grinding it to relieve some pressure. “You’re insanely- just- Jesus.
He smiled at you softly, his hands both on each respective arm rest, not touching himself at all. “You don’t have to take off anything if you don’t want to. You can just do it under the sheets if you want.”
“Hell no, you changed my mind,” you shook your head, proceeding to take off your sleeping shorts, “Now I’m just horny as fuck, I don’t care anymore.��
You threw your shorts to the floor and leaned back onto some propped pillows. Spreading your legs slowly, you welcomed the cold air that brushed softly against your folds.
“Holy shit,” you heard him gasp.
And then out of nowhere, you started to get nervous again. Your hands went between your legs and hid your pussy from his view.
Jason must have noticed your change in body language, because he sat up straight and tried to reassure you again. “I know it’s your first time showing yourself to someone- hell, it’s mine too. But you don’t have to worry. You’ve already seen me at my worst. I have way more reason to be embarrassed than you do. And right now you’re showing your best to me. You’re so fucking beautiful.”
Your heart fluttered at his words, and what do you know? You felt yourself easing back into the mood again.
“O-okay,” you nodded, and then slowly spread your legs wider, removing your hands from obstructing his view.
You noticed him lean forward, his heavy breaths audible to you in the silence of the room. With much more confidence than before, you started to slowly circle your clit, breathing out a small moan.
“Fuck,” you heard him breathe.
You were wet, wetter than you thought you would be, and Jason cursing while watching you touch yourself did wonders to your body.
Increasing the pace to one you were most used to, you let out another moan, louder than before.
“Shit, sweetheart,” he gasped, “I can see how wet you are from here.”
“It’s your fault,” you whined, “You made me like this.”
“Well, you made me like this,” he groaned, gesturing to his raging erection. It was twitching against his lower stomach, leaving a trail of wetness on his skin as it oozed precum.
“Jason,” you purred, slipping a finger inside of you while you rubbed on your clit.
“Fucking- hnng-”
Glancing back at him, you saw the way he gripped the arm rest, knuckles white, muscles taut. He looked like he was being tortured.
You let out a laugh.
“What?” he angrily bit at you.
“You look like you’re in pain,” you giggled, fingers still working at your cunt.
“I am,” he grit, “My cock wants to be touched so bad, it hurts. You make my cock hurt, sweetheart.”
“Oh,” your eyes fluttered close at the sudden spark. You really did like it when he talked dirty to you.
“I swear I’ve never been so hard in my life,” he groaned, “You make me so hard, baby.”
He had never called you that before, but you didn’t want it to be the first and last time.
It wasn’t like his ‘sweetheart’, where he would call you that even in front of Alfred or Dick or Bruce. It wasn’t an innocent nickname or term of endearment that he threw around just for the sake of it.
It was the way it just naturally came to him as the word rolled off his tongue, the way his voice husky and laced with lust made it sound dirty, a secret that just both of you shared.
It was the way he breathed it out, the way he almost stuttered when he pronounced the consonants, the way it was a mix of a small whine and a groan.
It was enough to drive you to the edge of your climax.
“Jason,” you let out a breathy whisper so soft you didn’t know if he heard it.
“You want to come don’t you, baby?” he coaxed you, “I’m not going to come, so you better come for me in my place, sweetheart.”
“Yeah, that’s it. Come for me hard. Come on, baby. Come for me.”
The finger that you had fucking your own cunt was dripping wet as you fucked yourself harder, as you rubbed yourself faster, as you watched the way Jason bit his lip hard enough to draw blood while he watched you with hooded eyes, cock twitching and begging for attention that he wouldn’t give.
His eyes locked with your own.
“Come for me, baby.”
And you did. Your breaths stuttering, your mouth opened in a silent scream, your toes curling at the white hot sensations that spread from them to the rest of your body as your pussy clenched and fluttered over your single finger.
“Holy fuck-”
“Fuck,” you panted, a wave of fatigue crashed over you as you came down from your high.
You looked over at Jason, and to your surprise, he had his head in his hands, his elbows on his knee. Silent, but obviously filled with tension.
“Jason, are you okay?” you voiced your concern.
“Yeah- just- give me a minute,” he answered with a strained voice.
Watching Jason with worry, you saw the way his hands were also fisting and tugging slightly at his hair.
He got up and pulled up his pants, and then walked to the door.
“Where are you going?”
“To get a glass of ice cold water to stick my dick in,” he snapped, “Fucking hell, sweetheart. You’re going to fucking kill me.”
There were a number of scenarios that you felt were so ridiculous, you didn't think it would actually happen in real life- until it did.
One of them was the fact that you got adopted by billionaire Bruce Wayne, whom you later found out was the Batman himself- accurately confirming the online conspiracy theories you had laughed at on Reddit at four in the morning- and then you becoming Robin. It was so utterly ridiculous, that even then you were questioning whether or not it was all a dream and you were going to wake up in your bed that had springs poking into your back and sheets that were definitely infested with dust mites.
Another scenario was the current president becoming president in the first place- which was a shock to everyone else as much as it was to you at the time.
Which brought you to the current scenario you never thought would happen. In fact, it was so random that the thought itself never even crossed your mind.
Jason Todd sitting across the dining table from you with a murderous glare in his eyes, holding a plate of red velvet cake, wearing a bright pink glittery party hat that only slightly ruffled his gelled hair, a sequined pink tank top that oddly suited his physique and bright pink eyeshadow that brought out the blue in his eyes. His stare was directed to both you, and Alex who was sitting next to you.
How did you get there?
It wasn’t a party party, but more like you inviting your three friends over to the Manor in celebration of your birthday. Natalie had chosen a theme which she demanded everyone follow.
You were just finished setting the table with Dick when you heard a voice from behind you.
“Am I invited?”
Turning around, you saw Jason with his arms crossed and an eyebrow cocked up.
“Well, yes,” you blinked, “Of course. I just didn’t think you’d want to be downstairs with strangers around. I’m sorry, I should have asked anyway. I didn’t want to put you on the spot.”
“It’s fine,” he rolled his eyes, “How many people are coming anyway?”
“Just my three friends.”
“I can handle three people.”
“But can you handle pink?” Dick interrupted, grinning mischievously.
“We have a theme, Jason,” you laughed, “You have to wear pink.”
Dick himself was sporting a tight baby pink t-shirt that had the words MY ASS IS TIGHTER THAN THIS SHIRT in black, bold, capital letters. He paired it with fuschia pink shorts that did in fact make his ass look tighter than the t-shirt.
“I don’t have anything pink,” he frowned.
You looked at Dick just as Dick looked at you.
“Fuck, I know that look,” Jason started to shake his his head, “No. No way.”
“I was in between outfits, so I brought them both,” Dick started to chat excitedly, “Let me go and grab it.”
“I don’t want to wear anything you think is nice, Grayson!” Jason yelled at him when he rushed to his room.
“Oh, his style isn’t that bad,” you defended Dick.
“Sweetheart, you weren’t around to see that God awful Nightwing suit with the frills,” Jason shot back at you.
“Hey, I was just discovering myself then,” Dick came back, “Here.”
He threw something at Jason.
“No way in hell.”
“Jason, you have to!” you whined and pouted at him, “Please? It’s my birthday.”
“Fucking- fine!”
And that was how you convinced Jason to put on Dick’s pink sequined tank top. The party hat and eyeshadow came next. You learned something pivotal that night.
Jason couldn’t resist it when you pouted and batted your eyelashes at him.
The doorbell rang, saving you from the argument Dick and Jason were having.
“I think the pink eyeshadow brings out the blue in your eyes-”
“Your eyes are blue, too, dumbfuck!” Jason was yelling, “Why aren’t you wearing any?”
“I’m already too pink! You’re wearing black pants- you can handle a little more.”
“I swear to God, I’m gonna-”
“We need to take a picture-”
“I will fucking murder-”
“Hey guys!” you opened the door to reveal your three pink and sparkly friends.
“Babe, you look so amazing!” Natalie squealed, “See, I knew pink was your color!”
“Pink is everyone’s color, Nat,” Sarah interjected, “But I agree, you do look good in that.”
“You guys didn’t compliment me that much when you saw me,” Alex grumbled, nudging you aside to enter without waiting for an invitation.
“Because she slays, and you don’t, Alex!” Natalie followed suit.
“I worked hard on this outfit!” Alex argued back.
You closed the door behind Sarah as your friends made their way into your home towards the living room. They have been there countless times, already familiar with your family.
“Hello there, Dick,” you heard Natalie purr.
Sarah, Alex and you rolled your eyes.
“Nice to see you again, kid,” Dick chuckled.
“Oh come on, Dick!” Natalie whined, “Stop calling me that. I’m not a-”
“Good evening Mr. Wayne,” Alex cleared his throat at Bruce’s arrival, going in for a handshake.
“It’s Bruce, lad,” Bruce smiled warmly.
You didn’t have any inappropriate thoughts for your adoptive father, but he looked good in pink.
“Thanks for having us, Bruce,” Sarah shook his hand as well.
“Yes, Bruce, thank you for- oh, hello there.”
Jason had just walked in from the kitchen, pouting and blushing over how he looked, but was caught unaware at Natalie’s greeting.
“And who are you?” she grinned, throwing a knowing look at you.
“Ah, this is my cousin’s son,” Bruce said, “He’s been staying with us for a while.”
“Jason,” Jason fucking smiled charmingly at Natalie.
Expecting the worst, you were impressed by how relaxed and at ease he looked. Shaking your head to yourself, you thought about how truly skilled and trained Jason was to be able to blend in when he tried.
“Oh,” Alex gave a sound of recognition, “So you’re Jason.”
You were also expecting Jason to throw punches the moment his name left Alex’s lips, but he only narrowed his eyes at Alex. “You.”
“Am I missing something?” Sarah asked.
Alex was grinning, and you recognized that grin. It was the grin he made whenever he was up to no good.
Oh, god.
And surely enough, he threw his arms around your shoulders and brought you closer to his side.
“You’re the one I sent that selfie to,” Alex chuckled, “You should thank me. She would never have sent you a picture of herself half naked otherwise.”
“I don’t need a picture of her half naked when I’ve seen everything in real life.”
In the distance, you heard Dick spat out a drink you didn’t realise he had.
“Okay, I think dinner is ready,” you quickly interjected, prying yourself from Alex’s grip, paying close attention to the way Jason clenched his jaw.
You settled to sit down at the dining table, Sarah taking a seat next to you, Natalie taking a seat next to Dick. The other seat beside you was empty- until Alex rushed to sit down, beating Jason by a beat, who ended up sitting across from you in between Natalie and Bruce.
“What are you doing?” you hissed at Alex.
“You’ll thank me later,” he whispered back with a wink, leaning in a little closer than he usually did.
Sarah had gotten into a conversation with Bruce regarding New York, Natalie was flirting with Dick who seemed to enjoy the attention, which left you, Jason and Alex.
“So, Jason,” Alex spoke up.
Again, you winced internally when he said Jason’s name, but Jason merely looked up from his food and raised an eyebrow. Was this it? Did he not care for it anymore?
“How old are you?”
“Oh,” Alex blinked, “I thought you were older.”
“The scars make me look older,” Jason’s mouth twisted into a grin, “Want to know how I got ‘em?”
“Jason,” you warned.
“I don’t want to pry,” Alex said.
“I was in a gang,” Jason smirked, “I got caught by a rival gang one time, and they shoved a knife in my mouth. That’s how I got this one.”
He pointed to the scar on his lips that twisted his smirk upwards even more. You frowned to yourself, asking the silent question. Was that what Joker did to him?
“How about the one on your nose?” Alex asked excitedly.
“Alex!” you smacked his arm.
“It’s fine,” Jason shrugged, “Someone hit me with a crowbar, broke my nose too.”
“The one near your eye?”
“Slammed my face against a wall.”
“Stop it,” you whispered.
“Huh, I don’t remember. I have so many. I think it was-”
“Stop it,” you said louder, glaring at Jason.
You didn’t want to hear how he got his injuries, you didn’t like the way he took it so easy.
“Sorry, sweetheart,” Jason’s eyes turned soft, “Didn’t mean to upset you.”
You felt Alex’s stare on you, probably trying to read your emotions. He was always good at that.
“Anyway,” Alex changed the subject, “You got a girlfriend?”
You groaned internally. You didn’t know why Alex thought you would thank him later.
“Badass guy like you, I’m sure you have a few lining up,” he coaxed.
“Hmm. Maybe just the one,” Jason smirked, looking at you.
“Oh, God,” you groaned out loud this time, feeling your ears burn with embarrassment.
“What, her?” Alex scoffed, “Nah. She doesn’t usually go for guys like you.”
“Shut the fuck up, Alex.”
“Then what kind of guy does she usually go for?” Jason grit, clenching his fists around his knife a little bit too tight.
Alex snaked his arm around your waist and looked at Jason straight in the eyes before answering, “Guys like me. We used to date.”
You were going to fucking murder your best friend- if Jason didn’t murder him first.
Ever since finding Jason in that cell, you had seen many sides to him. The white hot rage that borderline insanity in his eyes for the first few weeks, the empty glassy look he had whenever he stared into space, the panic when you brought him out the first time, the lust he showed only a few nights ago, the laugh and comfort and ease that was slowly brought out which he showed not only with you anymore, but with Alfred and Dick too.
So this was the first time you got to see another expression on him.
Calm, cold and focused anger. A look that sent shivers down your spine, much scarier than when he lashed out at you and choked you a year ago when he was still unstable.
You looked over at Alex, thinking that he would start cowering as well and finally put an end to whatever he was planning.
But Alex, the stupid dumbfuck, was still smirking at Jason with a challenging look on his face.
You were going to say something to correct him, but Alfred brought out the cake.
And that’s how you found yourself in that unbelievably dumb scenario.
The rest of the night, Jason was relatively quiet, only answering questions coming from anyone except Alex. Not like Alex was trying to talk to Jason anymore. No, he opted for a more physical approach that even raised eyebrows from Sarah and Natalie.
He started touching you, squeezing next to you on the sofa, leaning in closely to your ear to whisper unintelligible words.
And whenever you pushed him away and tried to scold him, he simply answered with a “You’ll thank me later.” or “Trust me.”
Finally the night came to an end, and with lots of tears from you, Sarah and Natalie- as it was going to be the last time you saw each other for a while. It wasn’t really a separation issue, it was just symbolic.
The four of you had been friends since elementary, and now you were finally going your own way.
You felt Jason and Dick watch your teary goodbyes from afar.
It was Alex’s turn to say his goodbye, but instead of opening his mouth, he just went in for a bone crushing hug. The two of you stayed that way for a minute, and then Alex released you.
“You’ll thank me later,” he said again, and then leaned in unexpectedly to give you a light kiss right at the corner of your mouth.
In the background, you heard Dick chuckle.
You felt yourself flush. He stepped back, winked at you, and then left.
“I had a lot of fun tonight,” you smiled at your reflection while combing your hair at the dresser. Jason was sitting on your bed behind you- cleaned and changed. “I’m going to miss them a lot.”
You frowned. Jason had been grouchy all night.
At first you thought it was the choice of outfit for him, but he seemed to not mind it in the end. And then you reckoned it was the fact that he had to be around strangers the whole night, but even now he was sour with just the both of you in your room.
Alex must have gotten to him real bad. You were definitely going to give him a piece of your mind later.
You set down your comb and walked to stand in front of him. “You okay there, buddy?”
His frown was deep when he looked up at you, and his lips were in a pout. “No.”
“What’s wrong?” you coaxed.
Suddenly, he stood up, towering above you. “You told me that there was nothing going on between you and Alex.”
“There isn’t,” you reassured, “He was just messing with you. He likes to do that when... “
“When he thinks I like someone,” you carefully said, “He tries to make them jealous. It’s not the first time he’s done this.”
“The two of you used to go out?”
“In middle school, Jason!” you sighed exasperatedly, “For like two months before we realised we were better off as friends. He still brings it up to mess with people.”
He narrowed his eyes at you. “I’m still frustrated.”
“Because it worked,” he stated. “Because I get jealous whenever he touched you. Because I wanted to murder him when he kissed you.”
“It wasn’t even on the mouth,” you rolled your eyes, “It was just for show.”
“Well, it fucking worked, didn’t it,” he growled, his hands flying to your hips. “That smug little bastard. Am I really not the type of guy you’d go for?”
“I haven’t met anyone like you, Jason,” you smiled, resting your hands on his chest.
His eyes softened, and he leaned in closer to you, a breath away from touching his lips to yours. “Are you going to bite my tongue off if I kiss you?”
“I’m not a fucking savage like-”
And then he did it, finally, after months of sexual tension, he finally kissed you. Soft and gentle at first as if testing the waters. And then as both of you got the hang of it, his kiss turned into one that was heavy and hard and desperate, as though you were going to run away from him if he didn’t make you stay with his mouth.
He pushed you against the wall, his hands roaming all over you, gripping and squeezing and massaging, while he forced his tongue inside your mouth to explore.
“I want you,” he gasped, going down to your neck to leave love bites, “I’ve wanted you for so long.”
You wanted him too, more than just his body, more than what you had, but you stopped yourself. Because you weren’t supposed to.
“Jason,” you panted, “St-stop.”
And just like that, he did. He wrenched his hands away from you as if he was shocked by electricity and looked down at you with worry in his eyes. “What’s wrong?”
“You don’t… You don’t want me,” you said solemnly, “Not in the way I want you.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m just… I’m just the first person you opened yourself up to after a traumatizing event,” you explained, “It’s natural for you to develop a dependency, and I don’t blame you for it, but-”
“You think that’s what this is?” he hissed, “Dependency?”
“It’s like when a patient falls in love with their therapist. It happens and it’s normal and-”
“Fuck you,” he seethed. “You think I can’t tell the difference between wanting you and- and needing you?”
You pursed your lips and simply looked at him, unsure of what to say.
“I don’t fucking need you,” he sneered, “And I’ll fucking prove it.”
In a blink, he left the room.
“What? Wait- Jason!” you followed after him.
He was in his room, throwing his things into a duffel bag.
Your heart sank at the realisation.
“What are you doing?” you whispered.
“I’m leaving,” he said.
“You think I’m so fucking helpless?” he aggressively shoved his clothes into the bag, “You think that I can’t fucking be like a normal person? Well, I’ll just show you how fucking independent I can be.”
“You don’t have to do this, Jason,” you tried, “It’s not about trying to prove your point! This is about your mental health and wellbeing and-”
“STOP FUCKING DOING THAT!” he yelled, causing you to jump. “Stop fucking babying me. I’m not a patient and you’re definitely not my therapist. You’re just a stupid girl who thinks she knows me better than I know myself!”
“Jason, I-”
“How can I be normal again when you’re scared of being normal with me!” he continued, “You didn’t even tell me that you had people coming over to celebrate your birthday because you were worried that I couldn’t handle it! Did you think I was going to strangle anyone who said my name tonight? Did you think I was going to suddenly flip a switch and break down because they were strangers?”
“That’s because I actually care for-”
“I know!” he shouted, before taking a deep breath. “I know you do. And I know you mean well. But this was bound to happen sooner or later. I need to get back on my own fucking feet without you offering your fucking hand whenever I fall down.”
“But, you’re not-”
A warm but firm hand on your shoulder stopped you in your tracks. You turned to see Bruce looking at Jason with his eyebrows knitted together, his lips downturned- he was the Bruce underneath the mask.
Jason stood up straight and looked at him in defiance.
A moment’s silence. And then-
“Do what you need to do. But don’t forget that you are always welcomed here. Call me if you need anything. And I mean anything.”
You gaped silently at Bruce.
Jason nodded at him, giving a small smile.
“Bruce, you can’t just let him leave! This is irrational, and spontaneous, and uncalculated-”
“He’s his own man,” Bruce stated, “He knows what he needs. And I trust him enough to know he will be okay. You should too.”
And with that, Bruce left.
You couldn’t do anything but silently watch Jason resume his packing, and when he was done, you watched him carry his bag to the Manor door.
“I’ll see you again. Whenever.”
And you were left there alone, on the night you turned eighteen, heartbroken over a man who deserved more than what the world gave him.
“He hasn’t slept for more than four hours ever since… Ever since he escaped,” you told Dick who had just arrived.
It had been two months after Jason left. He never contacted you once, and if he did contact Bruce, you wouldn’t have known about it.
“And you? How are you doing?” Dick sat down on the sofa next to you.
“The usual,” you shrugged, “Tired. I’d worry more about Bruce.”
“It’s not like it’s the first time Joker’s escaped from Arkham,” Dick stated, “Bruce knows what he needs to do.”
“But it’s the first time he’s escaped with zero evidence,” you explained, “No evidence, no witnesses, nothing. Even Harley doesn’t know what happened. And we have no idea where he is now. I think that’s what’s bothering Bruce the most.”
“Well, it’s only been two weeks since the escape,” Dick sighed, “He’s bound to appear sooner or later.”
“Isn’t that why you’re here? To help?”
“Yeah,” he hummed, “Hey, have you seen the news lately? About that guy who’s running around beating up criminals?”
“The vigilante wannabe?” you snorted, “Sure. He’s a joke. Zero class whatsoever.”
“Do you think it could be..?”
“No,” you shook your head, “I’ve thought about it, but no. He’s just another thug.”
“What makes you so sure?”
“Jason wouldn’t rub me off the wrong way like this Red Hood does,” you crinkled your nose, “There’s just something I don’t like about this guy. I think it’s the way he thinks he’s so good. Challenging us like that.”
“Challenging us?”
“Dick, he’s got a blood red bat-symbol on his chest!” you threw your arms up, “It’s insulting- and obviously a mockery.”
“He’s clearing the streets though,” Dick gave you an amused expression, “He’s doing good.”
“He’s an asshole who uses guns to threaten people.”
“He hasn’t actually killed anyone.”
“Yet,” you grumbled, “When you’re that armed, you probably mean business. People are afraid of him. They don’t respect him. Not the way Batman earned his respect.”
“What does Bruce think of him?”
“Nothing. I’m telling you, Dick, he’s just another thug. Besides, Bruce has bigger problems to worry about. Like a lunatic clown that kidnapped his son and tortured him for years being on the loose.”
Another two months passed since Joker broke out of Arkham, and Bruce was still obsessing over him.
You couldn’t blame Bruce, obviously. The way he spoke about Joker had never been the same ever since Jason came back. You suspected that he pieced together what that sick bastard had done to Jason, not that Bruce ever said anything about it.
The last time it had rained that heavily while you were on patrol, you had gotten shot. Since then, the bullet wound scar on your back tingled slightly every time you were out in the rain. You knew it was all in your head.
Separated from Batman, you were patrolling downtown, looking down at the alleyways from the rooftops of run down shopping lots. Bruce had made your cape lighter and waterproof after your accident and complaints, so at least you weren’t completely drenched.
But it was still cold.
It was a slow night- as slow as any rainy night would be. A shiver ran down your spine violently. Anyone who was out that night were either crazy, or desperate. The wind was howling, the rain left thunderous pelts as it hit the ground.
And then you heard it, a loud BANG of a gun being fired.
Your head snapped to the direction of the sound, and you grappled- only a few blocks over before you saw the source.
It was the man they called Red Hood, big and bulky, wearing all black except for a leather vest that had a red hood attached to it, pulled up. The red bat symbol on his chest looked as if it was glowing angrily at the whimpering man on the floor.
“Get out of here before I shoot your other knee, you fucking sick pervert,” you heard him growl.
The man scrambled up and limped away.
You saw it as an opportunity to finally confront the asshole, so you dropped down to the alley, right behind him.
That close, you could see how big he was. Broad shoulders, massive biceps, tight fucking ass-
“And who gave you permission to wear that symbol on your chest?” you sneered.
You had expected him to jump in surprise at your voice, but he didn’t. He just stayed there, his back towards you, his smoking gun in his right hand.
You frowned angrily. You made sure to be quiet, and with the rain, it was almost impossible for a stupid thug like him to hear you.
“I’m talking to you, asshole!” you yelled heatedly. “Who the fuck do you think you are?”
He slowly turned to face you, revealing an odd red metal mask that covered his whole face except his forehead.
“They call me Red Hood,” he answered, voice muffled. “Haven’t you been reading the news?”
You clenched your jaw at his teasing, arrogant tone.
“That symbol is reserved only for people who deserve it,” you scowled.
“Is that why you don’t wear the symbol, then?”
“I- you-” you gaped furiously, “I’ll fucking rip it off you.”
He chuckled. “If you wanted me to see me shirtless, you could have just asked, sweetheart.”
You were going to throw another round of insults at him, until you recognized his words.
No. No fucking way.
Dick was right?!
“Jason?” you whispered.
He pulled down his hood, and took off his mask to reveal a grinning Jason. “Miss me?”
“But- you- no- but-” you stuttered, “You’re huge! What the fuck?”
“Let’s get out of the rain, and I can show you how huge I really am,” he winked at you.
You felt your face burn despite the cold. So he was extra flirtatious now, too?
“Where?” you asked.
“My safe house.”
“I need to tell Batman.”
“So tell him.”
You pressed onto the gadget in your ear. “Batman. I found Red Hood. He’s… Him. I’m going with him. Is that okay?”
“Affirmative. I’ll see you back at the Cave.”
You looked at Jason. “Lead the way.”
“This isn’t your safehouse, this is Batman’s!” you gasped when you walked down the small staircase that led you underground.
“Yep,” Jason replied, taking off his glove to key in a passcode and scan his thumbprint. “I found out he added my print to all his safehouses in Gotham.”
“So he knew where you were the whole time?”
“Yeah. He didn’t tell you?”
“No,” you grumbled, walking into the familiar looking space.
All of Bruce’s safehouses looked the same. The small emergency ones, at least. It was a small room with nothing but a bed, a first aid station, a toilet with a shower, and a small armoury. He had bigger ones for bigger emergencies, but this was more like a safe stop for when he needed to quickly recover.
“This was the only favor I accepted from him,” he suddenly said defensively, “I’ve been getting by without his help for everything else. Even my weapons are my own.”
“That’s good,” you smiled, “I’m glad you’re doing okay.”
You took off your mask and clipped off your cape, but your vision was suddenly gone. Jason had threw a towel on top of your head.
“Dry yourself off, you’ll get everything wet,” he grunted.
You scruffled your wet hair with the towel and then proceeded to take off your boots and gloves.
“So when were you planning on coming back?” you sat on his bed and watched him take off his weapons and the vest.
“I don’t know,” he simply shrugged.
“So you just didn’t really have a plan?”
“I did. And I went through with it. Now I’m not sure.”
“Not sure about- Jesus, do you really have to do that here?” you asked.
Jason was peeling off his skin tight black undershirt. “My safehouse, my rules.”
“But you have a bathroom, don’t you?” you desperately asked. He was unbuckling his belt, and you forced yourself to look away.
“So go change there. I’ll wait here.”
“Are you blushing?”
“No, just go!”
“Look at me.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw him moving closer to you to stand right in front of you. You felt his grip on your chin, forcing you to turn your head up towards him. There, you met his eyes, intense and bright- brighter than they were before.
“Is it distracting for you?” he smirked, “I worked hard, you know.”
You gulped at the sudden closeness. It had been months since you last spoke to him, and the unexpectedly close contact didn’t help with your nervousness.
He bent down and took your hand in his free one, bringing it up to place it flat against his bare chest, his hot skin burning into yours.
“Can’t you feel the difference?” he muttered, bringing your hand down his chest to his stomach, now sporting a fucking defined eight pack. You refused to look anywhere else but his eyes. “No? Well, how about here, then.”
He pushed your hand down to his crotch, and you definitely could feel how hard he was already.
“Jason!” you gasped, widening your eyes.
He let out a chuckle before crashing his lips against yours, his weight causing you to fall backwards onto the bed. Climbing over you, he started licking at your lips, gently prodding his tongue into your mouth. All the while, your hand didn’t leave his crotch, even though he had released you from his grip.
And you felt him get harder and larger by the second.
“Jason,” you moaned, heat tingling at your core.
You had missed him. Missed his laughs, his glares and insults, his arms around you at night, even his boner poking you annoyingly in the ass.
And there it was, his baby.
You started to palm his length through his pants, earning a gasp from him that you swallowed.
“Have I proven myself to you?” he panted, going to nibble your earlobe. “I don’t need you. I want you. Fuck, I want you so bad.”
“Okay, holy shit, fine!” you conceded, your hands travelling up his body to caress him, to feel him. “I… I want you to. I’ve wanted you for so long, but…”
“But you didn’t want to take advantage of my emotional instability,” he scoffed. “I know. And I appreciate it. But how about right now?”
“Right now I just really want you to fuck me,” you breathed.
“Fucking hell,” he chuckled, “Okay, sweetheart.”
He started kissing you again, nipping at your lips while he tried to take off your uniform- but failed.
“Why the fuck is this more complicated than mine was?” he complained.
“Because I’m the new and improved Robin,” you winked at him, helping him find all the hidden zips and clasps and buttons. Soon enough, you were in your underwear.
“Fuck, you look better without some fucking guy’s arm around you,” he started kissing your chest, squeezing your breasts through your bra.
“Are you still not over that?” you laughed.
“I get pissed every time I think of it,” he grumbled. His hands went to your back and unhooked your bra, which he pulled away. “Fuck, you’re beautiful.”
And then he attacked your nipples. Biting and sucking on one side with his mouth, and squeezing and twisting and tugging the other with his fingers.
“Jason, please,” you whined, raising your hips to meet his for any kind of friction. You could feel his heavy length on your inner thigh.
“So impatient,” he chuckled, a hand snaking down your body and underneath the band of your underwear. “It took me so long before I could even come, baby. Remember?”
“Hnngh,” you groaned when he started to run his finger up and down your wet folds, “And you still haven’t?”
He paused and looked at you with a grin.
“Oh my god, you have?” you exclaimed.
“Yeah,” he smiled, giving you another peck on the lips. “It was about a month ago. Slow night. Excess energy. I was lying in bed.”
He slid off your panties with little trouble, and now you were completely exposed to him. You thought you would have gotten shy at one point, but you were so excited to have him there, to have him do things to you, that you didn’t care.
“And I was thinking of you,” he whispered in your ear, his warm breath tickling, “I was thinking about what you were up to. Whether you went out for patrol, because it was raining that night.”
He started circling on your clit slowly with a consistent pressure, causing you to squirm in his arms.
“And I never told you this, but one of the reasons why I waited for you to come back after patrol is because I fucking love seeing you in your uniform,” he continued, “Sweaty, disheveled, flushed with adrenaline, blood pumping. And wet when it rains.”
He stopped working on your clit, but then gently inserted a finger into your hole, making you groan as he went in knuckle deep and then started to slide it out and in and out and in.
“And I just imagined you in your room taking off your uniform. Piece by fucking piece, I could see it in my head, you sighing and frowning because you’re so tired, and just want to shower. And then my cock started to get hard, because I’m thinking of you naked with water running down your skin.”
He curled his finger upwards, pressing against that spot inside you that made you breathless.
“And before I know it, my pants are off and I’m fisting my cock,” he went on, his voice husky, “For the first time, I was actually touching myself and I wanted to come. And all I could think about was you, baby. I thought about how you looked like when you presented your pussy to me that night. I thought about how wet you would be if you were touching yourself at the same time I was.”
With his thumb, he circled on your clit while he fucked your pussy with his finger. It was a little uncoordinated, but it felt amazing all the same.
“And that just opened a lot of doors for me,” he chuckled, “Not that I never thought about it before then, but I was really focused on how you would look like underneath me while I fucked you. I thought about how you would look like with your lips around my cock. I thought about how you would taste.”
He increased his pace, and your eyes were closed then, rolling to the back of your head.
“And then I just knew it, baby. I had to come. Then and there. So I did.”
Fuck, you were on the edge already.
“I fucking came all over myself, moaning your name.”
“That’s it, sweetheart. Come.”
And you did. You felt your pussy clench around his fingers, your breath stuttering as he made you come.
“Holy shit,” you laughed, “Where the fuck did you learn how to do that?”
“Let’s just hope I’m as good at fucking as I am at fingering you,” he grinned, taking off his pants finally to reveal his hard and leaking cock.
“Fuck, Jason, I want you inside me. Right fucking now,” you whined, spreading your legs for him.
“Patience, sweetheart,” he tapped your clit with his dick, “We gotta take it slow. It’s- it’s my first time too so I’m not sure- I just- fuck, just let me know if it hurts, okay?”
“Okay, I’m gonna-”
“What’s wrong?” he panicked, “I haven’t even put it in yet!”
“Yeah, I know, I was just joking,” you giggled.
“Sunnova- fuck you,” he growled, “It’s not funny. I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Don’t worry, Jason,” you reassured, “Just take it slow. I’ll let you know if it hurts.”
He nodded, and fuck, you could see him gulp in nervousness. It was fucking adorable.
“I’m going to put it in now.”
You nodded, bracing yourself.
Feeling the tip of his dick press into your entrance, you moaned in pleasure at the slight stretch. It felt rubbery, and you didn’t even notice when he put the condom on.
He pushed in slowly, checking to see if he was hurting you.
“Ah!” you gasped out loud, “Wait, just stay there for a bit.”
“Shit, okay, I’m sorry,” he replied.
“It’s fine, it just stings a bit,” you breathed in deeply. “Need to get used to it. Your cock is huge.”
“And your pussy is tight,” he groaned, “Fuck, I could just come right now.”
You waited for a few more seconds, and then nodded at him. He pushed in a bit again, and you could see how hard he was holding back.
“Pause, pause,” you gasped, “Sorry.”
“Don’t apologize,” he leaned forward, burying his face in your neck, “You feel so good. So fucking good.”
“And your cock is massive, Jason, Jesus,” you laughed, “Okay, you can put the rest in now.”
And finally, Jason bottomed out, leaving you feeling full and stretched, and fuck. It still hurt a bit, but for some reason, it wasn’t enough. You wanted more. You wanted him to move.
“You can move now, but slowly please,” you requested.
You felt him nod against your neck, and then he started moving his hips extremely slow, sliding his cock almost all the way out until just the tip, and then pushing it back in.
Jason’s cock filled you up in a way that your walls were already clenching around him. He was already hitting every fucking spot inside of you, which was what made it feel so good in the first place despite the stretch.
“Baby,” he choked. You never heard him like that before. He almost sounded like he was in pain.
“You can go a little faster now, Jay,” you told him.
“I- I can’t,” he said.
“Why not?” you breathed.
“Shut up,” he groaned, continuing the slow and steady pace that already had you nearly spilling over again.
“Jason, fuck,” you moaned. “Please. Faster.”
“Jason,” you almost sobbed, “Please.”
“If I go any faster, I’m gonna come,” he growled in your ear.
“Then come, Jason, please,” you cried, “Please fuck me faster and come with me, please.”
“Fucking- fine!” he gave up, and then increased his pace, knocking the breath out of you.
You didn’t feel it approaching like all your previous orgasms. There wasn’t a build of heat that shot sparks to your toes.
No. It came in suddenly, like an attack of sensations that made you writhe and scream while being fucked steadily for the first time by Jason Todd.
“Fuck, baby,” Jason groaned into your neck, burying his face in your skin while he moved his hips, “Fuck. Fuck. Baby.”
And with a long moan of your name, you felt his dick twitch inside of you, his breath stuttering, a hand that was supporting his weight went to grip your hips tightly.
“Fuck,” he sighed, and he collapsed on top of you, cock still inside.
“Jason, you’re heavy,” you giggled, trying to push him off.
“Lemme get myself outta you.”
“Ah!” you moaned when he slid himself out slowly, still sensitive.
“Fuck, sweetheart, don’t go making those sounds or you’re gonna get me hard again.”
“I can’t help it,” you sighed, watching him tie the condom and tossing it. “Your cock feels good.”
“Don’t,” he groaned, landing on the bed next to you, wrapping an arm around your waist, his face close to yours. “Don’t say anything dirty.”
“Okay,” you giggled, snuggling in close to him. “Jason?”
“Can you come back now? Please?”
He hesitated before he answered. “I don’t know if Bruce would take me back.”
“What do you mean?” you frowned.
“You guys never found Joker, did you?”
You stiffened. “What did you do?” you whispered.
“I gave him what he deserved,” Jason answered, “And more.”
You stared at him in shock. “You broke him out of Arkham. That’s why there was zero evidence.”
“Yeah,” he sighed, “It wasn’t easy, but I did. And I made him pay for everything.”
You reached out your hand to caress his cheek. “Are you okay?”
“I am,” he smiled at you, “They all say that revenge wouldn’t make you feel better. That you’d still feel empty inside. But not for me. It- it gave me closure. It healed me because… Because I know that he can’t get his hands on you and do to you what he did to me.”
After you got over the shock, you genuinely felt happy for him. You would have killed the fucker yourself eventually, but Jason deserved to do it. He deserved to end the life of the person who made his a living hell.
“Bruce doesn’t have to know,” you said quietly.
“He will eventually,” Jason sighed. “It’s Bruce. I’d be surprised if he hasn’t figured it out already.”
“He wouldn’t blame you, Jason,” you told him, “Not- not if he knew. Not if he knew what Joker did to you.”
“He would throw me out,” Jason denied.
“He loves you,” you said, “He loves you, and he will forgive you. Maybe he’d get angry at first, and even then I think he’d be directing his anger towards himself rather than you. He’s changed, Jay. More than you know.”
Jason frowned, mulling over your words. “Fine. I’ll give it a try. But if he kicks me out, I get to say I told you so.”
“He won’t,” you smiled, “I won’t let him. If he does, I’ll go with you.”
Jason blinked at you, surprise etched on his face. “You would do that?”
“Of course. How could I not? I don’t know how obvious it is, but I kinda like you.”
He laughed out loud, “I like you, too.”
“So come back, okay?”
“Fine,” he rolled his eyes, “Besides, now that I’m functioning sexually, it’d be pretty hard to stay away from you.”
“I knew you were a perv,” you laughed, “You have to show me that video. Girl gets-”
“Don’t even. Ever.”
“Jason Kinky Todd has a nice ring to it.”
“Don’t fucking call me that.”
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