#ethan ramsey x brooke spiers
writer-ish · 1 year
One year later, describe her in a few words ❤️
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Confident af. Kicking ass personally and professionally. Living that Double-Income-No-Kid life (for now) and spending all that liquid cash on fine dining and elite skincare. Still funny as hell. And completely and utterly adored by her husband.
Life is good. 💛
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liaromancewriter · 3 years
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Presenting Dr. Brooke Spiers and Dr. Ethan Ramsey, with special guest star, Jenner. For the lovely @brooks-eden. 
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lucy-268 · 3 years
Birthday Surprise
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Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x Lilac Allende
Characters: Marchia Bisognin; Natalie Cusack; Jillian Valentine; Genevieve McClure; Casey MacTavish; Cassie Valentine; Charley Valentine; Victoria Clarke; and Brooke Spiers
Ratings: T
Warnings: None
Word Count: 3,160
Author’s Notes: Bree, we love you and want to wish you a Very Happy Birthday. This was a joint effort between: @a-crepusculo​; @bex-la-get​; @danijimenezv​; @genevievemd​; @jerzwriter​; @liaromancewriter​; @lucy-268​; @potionsprefect​; and @writer-ish​
Birthday Surprise
Dr. Ethan Ramsey had many talents; planning a birthday party for his partner, Dr. Lilac Allende wasn’t one of them. As much as it would hurt his ego to ask for help, she was more important. So, he found himself seeking assistance from the unlikeliest of sources: Dr. Casey MacTavish who was a close friend of Lilac’s and his teammate, Dr. Tobias Carrick’s girlfriend.
Casey, of course, took over and the idea of a simple birthday dinner snowballed into a surprise birthday party on the eve of the medical conference that Lilac was speaking at close to home. Before Ethan knew it, Casey and a flock of eight other women, all esteemed doctors from around the country that would be in town for the conference, took over the celebration.
Ethan had certainly heard Lilac mention them all before; apparently, they were all founding members of Future Women Leaders in Medicine, so they couldn’t really be bad, he thought. Right?
The ecstatic expression on Lilac’s face when she saw them after walking into the restaurant where the party was being held had certainly allayed his concerns. But the way they shared secret smiles with each other and spoke in code, told him that it was going to be an interesting night.
Charley Valentine was having a conversation with Casey when she noticed that Genevieve had stopped talking and was smiling towards the doorway. Charley turned her head to see what, or rather, who had caught the other doctor’s attention.
She smiled and grabbed a glass of champagne and headed towards the door. Lilac was standing just in the doorway next to Dr. Ethan Ramsey, who was looking just a little bit satisfied that he had managed to keep this a surprise from Lilac.
Charley hugged her friend. Lilac hugged her back and pulled her to the side. “Except for Casey, you all said that you weren’t able to get away!”
Charley laughed. “We wouldn’t miss the chance to see your speech tomorrow! It was so convenient that it fell right in line with your birthday!”
Charley handed her the champagne and turned to Ethan. “Sorry, I didn’t pass any Scotch on my way over.”
Charley led Lilac away from Ethan and towards the other eight women who were all smiles and laughter.
One of them called out, “You didn’t think we’d miss this, did you?”
Charley tapped her glass.
“Now that we are all here, I’d like to propose a toast to Lilac. Youngest Director of Diagnostics at Edenbrook. First one of us to be asked to present the keynote speech at a major conference. I’ve been in awe of you ever since I read about how you stood up to big pharma in your intern year, and I’ve loved sharing ideas with you for the past few years in FWLM. Thank you for all you do.”
Lilac hugged her and Charley looked around. “Who’s next?”
Silence permeated as the group of intelligent, fearless women, all masters in their field, looked at each other awkwardly and then — horrors — even giggled slightly. Apparently none were immune to the possibility of a little bit of stage fright.
“Oh, for Pete’s—” A tall redhead looked up from her phone and shook her strawberry waves. “Guess it has to be me, then, amiright ladies?”
Lilac caught eyes with Dr. Brooke Spiers, colleague and friend, and bit her lip as she held back a smirk, accompanied by a mock-disparaging headshake.
“Didn’t think you’d ever be one to say no to being the center of attention,” she called out as Brooke strode to the front of the group, wobbling only slightly in her heels.
Ethan, who agreed with his girlfriend’s assessment of the...outspoken Dr. Spiers, only snorted.
“You know me,” Brooke responded with a wink, holding her champagne glass high. “This is to Lilac. My first friend at Edenbrook during that tumultuous intern year—”
“—Yeah, until you ditched me to fast track to your cardiology fellowship—”
“—I said first friend, not last or only; god you’re a needy bitch.” Brooke paused as the room laughed at her snarky candor, Lilac the loudest of them all. “Also, I don’t think the words ‘fast track’ and ‘cardiology fellowship’ have ever been used in the same sentence, but thanks for the vote of confidence, babe.”
“Anyway,” she looked pointedly at Lilac, “what I was saying was, there is no greater gift in my mind than being able to toast this ultimate gem of a woman. The best and brightest in your field, the better half of one of the greatest medical partnerships known to man—”
Ethan rolled his eyes but, as he couldn’t dispute Brooke’s assessment, he simply pulled Dr. Allende closer instead.
“—and the most loyal and amazing person I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing.” Brooke smiled warmly, her eyes sparkling with mirth and affection. “Love you, girl. Thanks for all you’ve taught me and all you continue to do to have my back. To have all our backs.”
She raised her glass up in the air. “To Lilac!”
“To Lilac!” the room echoed, a unanimous affirmation of Brooke’s words, as the toastmaster in question downed her glass of champagne in one gulp, the other arm wrapped around Lilac, who had come in for a quick, grateful embrace.
“Alright!” Brooke turned to the group as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, one arm still around Dr. Allende’s shoulders. “Next?”  
“Eh-hrm,” a young woman with cascading, blonde hair caught everyone’s attention as she got up from her seat and sauntered to the front, taking her place where Brooke had stood previously. “I have a few words for our dear friend Lilac.”
An impish smile on Lilac’s lips grew wider while she gazed affectionately at her fellow friend, Dr. Marchia Bisognin.
“That’s my girl!” the birthday girl exclaimed loudly, hands clapping, unable to contain the tender pride expanding in her chest. Three years ago, Marchia wouldn’t even be able to stand in front of two people, let alone a small crowd. Yet, now, she found confidence, poise in herself—all thanks to Lilac.
“When I met you at that World Health Summit, I knew you were bound to get me into some trouble, babe,” Marchia shrugged, words laced with a hint of amusement, allowing a sheepish grin to spread across her face. “And I bet you’re going to get us into some shenanigans, too, tonight!”
A tide of uproarious laughter escaped the flock of beautiful women once again.
“But all of us wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you, my dear,” she continued, a warm smile trembling to be released. “So, let me raise a toast to one of the most inspiring, brilliant, and thoughtful individuals I have ever known, Lilac Valentina Allende.”
Everyone cheered as Marchia raised her own glass, glittering under the golden light.
“May your life be filled with love, happiness, and of course,” she paused for a moment, a mischievous gleam evident in her eyes. “Lots of incredible, mind-blowing sex, because Lord knows you’re insatiable, babe.”
Lilac laughed out loud, while her handsome companion—the ever-stoic Dr. Ethan Ramsey—tried to hide the flush spreading across his cheeks that threatened to embarrass him.
Marchia approached the brunette doctor, lips curved into a beaming smile. Bodies crashing in an overjoyed hug, she leaned into her and added, “We all love you, babe.”
“Alright, who wants to go next?” Marchia asked, looking back at her friends and associates.
“Now that I’ve had a drink and I’ve loosened up a bit, I will.” Victoria stepped forward as everyone chuckled.
“This could take a while.” Lilac muttered.
“I’ve kept it short and sweet,” she quipped. “The first time I met Lilac, I nearly didn’t make it to the conference as my alarm didn't go off. I was running super late and only made it when someone held the door open for me to get into the lecture hall. It’s fair to say Lilac found it amusing which is why we sat next to each other and since then it’s been nothing but laughter and smiles.”
“You are the funniest and nicest person I’ve ever met and I’m so glad I am able to call you my friend. I can’t wait to move to Boston next year with Ben and I’m so excited that we’ll be in the same city. And Ethan, if you ever hurt her, just know that you’ll have to deal with all of us. Cheers!” Victoria raised her glass smiling.
“Wow, that really was short and sweet.” Lilac laughed.
“I don’t make promises I can’t keep.” Victoria laughed. “Who’s next because I really want to get started on that buffet.”
“I’ll go,” said a young woman with bright red hair.
Natalie stood up, grabbing a nearby glass of champagne as she began her speech.
“First of all, happy birthday, Lilac. I hope this one, followed by every one after, is memorable and full of happiness! I’m so lucky to be surrounded by some of the most incredible women I’ve ever met. And, while I already knew Gen, Casey, and Charley from school, I never would have met everyone else if it hadn’t been for Lilac bringing us all together.”
“Lil, you light up every room you walk into and you’re the most badass bitch to ever walk this earth.” Natalie raised her glass towards the birthday girl. “I’m so proud of you and I’m so grateful to call you my friend. Happy birthday, babe. To Lilac!”
Everyone else followed suit, echoing her sentiments with their glasses raised in Lilac’s direction.
“All right, who’s next?” said Natalie.
“I’ll go!” Another blonde stepped forward, holding her glass high in the air.
“My dear friend, it’s truly been an honor to know you and watch you become the amazing doctor you are. I remember the first day we met, when Patrick introduced us when I went to visit him at UCLA. He said ‘I know you two will get along great’. Which I admit, I wasn’t completely convinced, because you were so outgoing and confident. I was the opposite. But, he was right. A shock, to us both I’m sure. Because when is he ever right?”
Genevieve giggled, causing Lilac to laugh as well. A knowing smile on both their faces.
“And I’m glad he was. Because knowing you has changed my life for the better. You’ve taught me so much, inspired me with your bravery and strength to never give up. And I thank you for that. So today of all days, I am so happy to celebrate you, Lilac Allende. Happy birthday!”
Gen tilted her glass towards her friend, smiling brightly.
“Okay who wants to go next? Because if I keep talking I’ll start crying.”
Dr. Cassie Valentine was too busy flirting with her fiance, Jackson, to notice her friends looking at her with amusement. If it hadn't been for Brooke loudly clearing her throat behind her and Casey tapping her feet to capture her attention, Cassie would have missed the entire point of the evening.
Glancing sheepishly at everyone, she stepped up to join her friends near the front of the room, grabbing a glass of champagne on the way.
"When my fellow Hopkins alum Vic first told me about Lilac and how she'd make a great co-chair for the Future Women Leaders in Medicine initiative, I was skeptical," she said, shrugging her shoulders.
"Sure, I'd heard about her exploits as an intern and her appointment to lead the famous Edenbrook Diagnostics team. But internal medicine always thinks they understand the human body better than psychiatry does the mind, so I kept my counsel. However, one meeting was all it took for me to realize that she is everything that people said she was, and a whole lot more than they can even fathom."
"She would be perfect," said Cassie with a laugh, "if only she'd realize that running actually is good for you rather than complaining endlessly about it. I love her anyway and couldn't ask for a better co-chair. To Lilac and defying expectations, one giant step at a time. Happy birthday, babe!"
With that, Cassie raised her glass in a salute and smiled at the woman whose lifelong friendship she’d treasure forever.
“Jill, Casey?” she asked, glancing at the two women left. “Which one of you wants to go next?”
“I’ll go.” Jill grinned radiantly and walked confidently to the front.
“Jesus Christ,” Ethan muttered under his breath. Jill was like the little sister he never wanted, so he could only dread the kind of speech she had prepared.
Jillian ran a hand through her ginger bronze hair as she joined the group of women, took a deep breath and faced the crowd with grace.
“When I came to visit Ethan all those years ago, the last thing I expected was to see him completely enraptured by an intern. I had known Ethan for years, and the Dr. Ramsey I saw was nothing like the one I knew. It was like I was staring at the best version of his grumpy self. Because that’s what Lilac did to him, she brought out his best. They weren’t together then, but I clearly remember thinking, ‘I have to get to know her’. Of course, Ethan being Ethan tried to prevent it, but he should’ve known most of the time I get away with what I want.”
That earned a few half-hearted laughs among the crowd. Even Ethan’s lips were slightly curled upwards, “I hate you.”
Jill smirked, but refrained herself from teasing Ethan further. This was for Lilac. She shook her head softly and focused once again on her speech for her friend.
“The moment I met Lilac, everything just clicked in my mind, it all made sense; I understood why my brother’s best friend was so floored by her, and honestly, so was I. With her quick wit and undenying charm, Lilac has a warm aura that just pulls you in, whether you’re a patient, a colleague, or a stranger; she has a way to make everyone feel cared for. Along with her brilliant mind, she has a heart of gold.”
“It’s been an honor getting to know her professionally, but even more personally, and I feel so grateful for her,” the ginger-haired doctor sent her a dazzling smile, “Lil, my darling, you’re one of the best things to ever happen to all of us. You made us a family, one that I would never change for anything in this world. Without you, I wouldn’t have met these wonderful ladies, and none of us would be the women we are today. You’re an inspiration to all of us.”
“So, on this day, I want to toast to you, to celebrate all that you are, in all your wonderful glory. Here’s to Lilac Allende, the most brilliant and promising doctor her age, and the best friend a girl could ask for. I hope we get to celebrate by your side many years to come. I love you, Lil. Happy birthday,” Jill raised her flute and took a demure sip.
“Jill, amiga!” Lilac pushed through and gave her a huge hug, the gesture speaking enough for both of them.
“That wasn’t so bad,” Ethan looked relieved.
“Figured I would save the humiliation for your birthday,” Jill winked at him, causing him to scoff. “Besides, this is for Lilac, not for you. Wait for your turn, old man.”
“Hilarious,” he rolled his eyes.
“Don’t call victory yet,” Jill whispered, pointing covertly to the last blonde. “Casey still can. And you know she’s the… wildest of us.”
Liliac stretched her neck to survey the room, she raised an eyebrow and smirked when she caught Casey, giggling at something (likely inappropriate) her boyfriend Tobias was whispering in her ear.  
“OK, MacTavish, can you save that mierda for later and get on with honoring me?” Liliac winked, “Some of us want to get to drinking and dancing, girl.”
Embarrassed, Casey jumped up from her seat, straightening her dress as she made her way to the front of the room.
“Hey, they were just saving the best for last,” Tobias heckled.
“Oh, Jesus, she’s not going to let him speak, is she?” Ethan grumbled.
Both women looked at their partners and all laughed when they playfully chided “Shut up!” at the same time.
Casey looked at Lilac and smiled, “We’ve gotta keep them in line!”
Lilac raised her glass and smiled, “You know it!” she said before downing her glass.
“Hey, wait! We didn’t finish the toast yet!” Gen called out, a half-filled champagne glass in her hand.
“She’s the birthday girl, she can do whatever she pleases,” Casey winked, “but, uhm, waiter, can we get a refill over here… for her? Thanks.”
“Anyway, I met Lilac poolside, during a conference in Key Biscayne our last year of med school,” continued Casey. “I remember thinking, who is this woman trying to one up me in that hot red bathing suit she had going on? But I didn’t actually meet her until we both made our way up to the bar to get one of the Penicillin cocktails they had lined up…”
She shrugged. “Hey neither of us named it… we thought it was tacky too.”
“Back to the story, some obnoxious man saw us approaching and he ran over and grabbed one of the two remaining drinks just before we arrived. We stared at each other, torn between our good-girl sides that were telling us to be polite, and our ‘I’m a broke med school student here for the free booze’ sides that really wanted to fight the other for the drink. Fortunately, a very handsome bartender named…”
“Miguel!” Lilac yelled.
“That’s right!” Casey laughed. “Miguel came up and said ‘Don’t worry ladies, there’s more where that came from.’ He placed a tray before us and walked off. Lilac and I looked at each other and, at the exact same time, said, ‘You take the drink, I’m going to get him’.”
All the women hollered at the punch line.
“That’s right!” Lilac laughed.
“Well, who won?” yelled Tobias as Ethan covered his face with a groan.  
“That’s not the point,” Casey smiled.
“Ah, that means Lilac won,” Tobias winked.
“Oh, Jesus, Christ…” Ethan sighed.
“It’s OK, babe, it was a long time ago,” said Lilac, patting his knee.
“Be that as it may,” interrupted Casey, “That was the day I knew I met an exceptional woman. Someone who knew when to be serious, knew when to have fun, someone who knew right from wrong and was going to fight like hell to make this world of medicine, the world itself, a better place.”
Casey raised her glass.
“Since then I have been proud to call her a colleague, but it is an even bigger honor to call her a friend. So, ladies and gentlemen, if you would please raise your glasses to the woman, the doctor, the legend… Lilac.”
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We want to wish you a very happy birthday, Bree!! @jamespotterthefirst​ @messrprongs​
@choicesficwriterscreations​; @openheartfanfics​
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monsoonblooms12 · 3 years
Moodboard Masterlist
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Currently making content for: Mostly Choices with a bit of Harry Potter, Interactive Fiction and Random Aesthetics
Links: My Fanfic Masterlist I My sideblog exclusively for aesthetics: @noctilucentclouds​
Last Updated: 24th October, 2021
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Day 11 of an edit a day - Luna Pagonis
Day 2 of an edit a day - Teal (Pooja, Lydia, Sienna & Margita)
Green is the colour of nature's heart : Margita Viblemo (For CMC 2021, Day 17)
Soulmates aren't just lovers: Vintage Ethan x Pooja Moodboard (For CFC 2021 Day 23 - Vintage)
A little bit of sweetness can draw out a whole lot of bitterness (Ethan x Pooja): Ver 1 I Ver 2 (For COC 2020 Day 22 - Chocolate)
Autumn is the Second Spring: Ethan x Pooja (For COC 2020 Day 7 - Nature)
Two Dolphins in a sea of sharks: Sienna & Pooja (For Day 6 of Sienna Trinh Appreciation Week)
Double Oh Tiny: Sienna (For Day 5 of Sienna Trinh Appreciation Week)
The Bestest Best Friend: Sienna (For Day 4 of Sienna Trinh Appreciation Week)
Baking Magic: Sienna (For Day 3 of Sienna Trinh Appreciation Week)
Open Heart f!MC Moodboards, Part 1 I Part 2
Pooja Sharma: Dark Academia
Character Posters
Dr Pooja Sharma
Dr Ethan Ramsey
Dr Bryce Lahela
Dr Jackie Varma
Pantone Colour Palette Series
Dr Ethan Ramsey - Snow Blue
GIF Edits
Pooja x Ethan: Their Story
Bryce x Lydia: Nothing Less than Forever
Jackie x Margita: You & Me
Alex x Mark: You’re my person
Song Edits, Polaroids & Others
Gimme the Pose (Ethan, Pooja, Alex and Mark) - Day 10 of an edit a day
Beyond the Horizon: Bryce x Lydia - Day 8 of an edit a day
Detectives by Chance, Book Cover-ish
Black & White Part 1: Ethan x Pooja (For CFC 2021 Day 26 - Lyric)
Black & White Part 2: Alex x Mark (For CFC 2021 Day 26 - Lyric)
A look inside Pooja's Phone (As a part of the TPL series)
A look inside Alekhya's Phone (As a part of the TPL series)
OPH LI Headers
When Always became Forever: Ethan x Pooja, Wedding at a glance (For the Newlywed Games)
Pooja x Ethan: Relationship at a glance
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For Others
Birthdays and other celebrations
He loved her with all his five senses: Ethan x Marchia
Dr Rebecca Lao & Dr Odette Hall
Moodboard for OHFFs 1st anniversary celebrations
Bryce Lahela x Casey Valentine
Dr Kaavya Elina Valentine
Dr Alessia Rossi
Ethan x Aparna: Like the Shoreline & the Sea
Grand Mentor Naveen Banerji
Bryce Lahela: The Golden Boy
Pairing edit asks/requests
I told the sunsets about you: Ethan x Olivia
My heart writes letters to yours in blue ink: Ethan x Jill
Memories etched in Black & White: Ethan x Josie
A love as serene as the pastel blue sky: Ethan x Anna
I love the glimmer of pink glitter in your eyes: Ethan x Meera
Paint us in honey gold: Ethan x Lilac
You give me butterflies: Ethan x Victoria
Love me like you do: Ethan x Anj
Us is beautiful: Ethan x Natalie
Pour Toujours: Tobias x Camila
Togetherness: Tobias x Aria
Milestones of a life together: Ethan x MC
Yeh Dooriyan: Ethan x Meera (Lockscreens)
Character Edit asks/requests
Chase Kallenberg: OPH m!MC
Pairing moodboard asks/requests
Worlds change when eyes meet: Ethan x Ellie
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE: Ethan x Evelyn
The warmest light is your body: Ethan x Noelle
Everything carries me to you: Ethan x Anastasia
Perfect: Ethan x Alishka
Life as Parents: Ethan x Anj
My love is yours if you are willing to take it: Ethan x Olivia
Their Wedding: Ethan x Anj
The start of something new: Bryce x Alessia (based on this)
I think you are the moon: Adrian x Evelyn
Ethan x Anj in Sage Green
Love slap raid chain asks
Eve Valentine
Lilac Allende
Alessia Rossi
Kaavya Valentine
Anna Grace
Arielle Valentine
Casey Valentine
Arundhati Kulkarni
Character posters
Ethan x Alessia
Arundhati x Ethan
Alessia x Bryce
Leah Garcia
Lily Grey
Serena Harlow
Lana Brooks
Brooke Spiers
Ethan x MC
Meredith Grey
Victoria Clarke
Alishka Roy
Cassie Valentine
Meera Bose
Marchia Bisognin
Chiara Ray
Liam Rys
Ellie Shepherd
Diana Ramirez
Genevieve McClure
Anna Valentine
Olivia Valentine
Eiselee Blake
Evelyn Long
Anj Valentine
Abigail Chacko
Natalie Cusack
Lilac Allende
Fanfic writers appreciation
Alishka x Ethan
Lilac x Ethan
Diana x Ethan
Meera x Ethan
Meredith x Ethan
Genevieve x Ethan
Brooke x Ethan
Chiara x Ethan
Evelyn x Ethan
Marchia x Ethan
Natalie x Ethan
Olivia x Ethan
Anj x Ethan
Alessia x Bryce
Abigail x Ethan
Evelyn x Adrian
Lana x Ethan
Leah x Ethan
Anna x Ethan
Josie x Ethan
Celia x Ethan
Alyssa x Ethan
Ellie x Ethan
Serena x Ethan
Victoria x Ethan
Cassie x Ethan
Arundhati x Ethan
Christmas 2020
Ethan Ramsey x Casey Valentine
Ethan Ramsey x Alessia Rossi
Ethan Ramsey x Eve Valentine
Ethan Ramsey x Maeve Harlow
Ethan Ramsey x Arielle Valentine
Ethan Ramsey x Denise Hogan
Ethan Ramsey x Kaavya Valentine
Bryce Lahela x Casey Valentine
Ethan Ramsey x Leah Garcia
Ethan Ramsey x Abigail Chacko
Ethan Ramsey x Lana Brooks
Ethan Ramsey x Lilac Allende
Ethan Ramsey x Valerie Valentine
Ethan Ramsey x f!MC
Gift Exchange 2020
Bryce Lahela x Iros Valentine
Ethan Ramsey x Arundhati Kulkarni: Part 1 I Part 2
Unquenched, Unquenchable (Teaser to @/nikki-2406's OPH x Vampires crossover fic)
Valerie Valentine X Ethan Ramsey (a.k.a my OTP#2)
By Others
Pooja Sharma GIF by @a-crepusculo
Pooja Sharma Wallpaper by @happiness21
Pooja x Ethan Moodboard by @adiehardfan
You're my favourite person: Ethan x Pooja by @parkbarks
Dr Pooja Sharma for Fanfic Writers Appreciation Day by @aestheticartsx
Ethan x Pooja moodboard by @aestheticartsx
Pooja Sharma Moodboard by @mysticaurathings
Ethan x Pooja Moodboard by @udishaman
Ethan x Pooja Moodboard by @aestheticartsx
Ethan x Pooja Moodboard by @jamespotterthefirst
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TRR MC (My 1st moodboard ever hshksa)
If you can stand, you can fight: Olivia Nevrakis
The time is always right to do what is right: King Liam
But first, Whiskey: Drake Walker
Dance like nobody's watching: Maxwell Beaumont
Why walk, when you can dance: Maxwell Beaumont
Modesty is the highest elegance: Hana Lee
A cup of tea solves everything: Hana Lee
The pets of TRR
Happiness is not in money, but in shopping: Liam x Odette (For COC 2020 Day 27 - Shopping)
How sweet it is to be love by you: Liam x Odette (For CFC 2021 Day 23 - Vintage)
Day 2 of an edit a day - Teal (Odette)
Day 5 of an edit a day - Cuteness-An aesthetic (TRR Pets)
Social Media Edits
Day 6: Sparkle - Odette x Liam (Picta Edit)
Chapter wise moodboard series (Liam x MC)
TRR Book 1
Adventure Awaits: Chapter 1
Royalty has a magic of its own: Chapter 2
And so it begins: Chapter 3
The future is an ever-shifting maze of possibilities until it becomes the present: Chapter 4
Song Edits
Love Story: Liam x Odette - Day 18 of an edit a day
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Christmas 2020:
Royal Soul: Liam Rys x Odette Dawson
You're like really pretty: Liam Rys x Odette Dawson
Fanfic writers appreciation:
Liam x Riley
Tumblr Hug asks:
Odette Dawson
Meet Jessica Garcia
Love of Eternities: Jessica x Liam
King Liam in Dark Academia
You're such a perfect little arrangement of atoms: Liam x Odette
The colours of King Liam
Liam x Riley: Valtoria
Liam x Riley: Proposal
Pairing edit asks/requests:
King Liam Rys x MC
Best Buds? Mayhaps, Mayhaps Not: Maxwell & Drake
Moodboard asks/requests:
King Liam as a Dad
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Kate O' Malley
Gife Exchange 2020:
Veil of Secrets: The Story
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Character Posters & Book Aesthetics:
Ride or Die: The Story (For RoDAW 2021 Day 7 - Wild Card)
How strange to dream of you, even when I am wide awake: Mona (For RoDAW 2021 Day 3 - Mona)
You have a place in my heart no one else ever could have: Colt Kaneko (For RoDAW 2021 Day 2 - Colt)
Perhaps we’re wishing for each other upon the same star: Logan (For RoDAW 2021 Day 1 - Logan)
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Character Posters:
Rhosyn Day I Luz Mendez
Eiko Matsunaga | Thomas Mendez
Levi Schuler | Alma Velasco
Lelia Day
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Giveaway Prizes:
Thomas Hunt (RCD)
Samuel Dalton (TNA)
Love Slap Raid Chain Moodboards:
Green Aesthetics
Teal Aesthetics
Birthdays & Other Celebrations:
Maia Wiseman
Alex Spencer x Thomas Hunt
Gift Exchange 2020
Harry Potter: The Books
House Slytherin
House Ravenclaw
House Hufflepuff
House Gryffindor
Christmas 2020
Taylor Swift: Evermore
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writer-ish · 2 years
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Pretty in White 😍
You know it was about 3.5 seconds before she got some type of sauce on this gorgeous dress, but luckily was able to capture the singular moment in which she went "ETHAN ETHAN TAKE MY PICTURE QUICK BEFORE I STAIN THIS DRESS" and Ethan, letting out a long-suffering sigh while also acknowledging the inevitability of her claim, obliged, and then Brooke went: "Watch me do a sexy pose" and made the above pose for the photo and then said, "Was that sexy?" and Ethan sighed again, this time unable to hide his smirk, before responding, "Yes, love, very sexy" and then Brooke said "Okay, let's find the hors d'oeuvres" and Ethan wrapped his arm around her waist and guided her through the crowd to do just that.
Oh, those two. Thanks for the pic, friend.
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writer-ish · 3 years
General 6,8
Domestic 1,2
Both for Brooke x Ethan please!! :):)
Hi anon! Sorry for the delayed response on this. I compleeeetely forgot it existed until I saw it in my drafts today!! In conclusion, I suck.
General: What’s their relationship with each other’s families? 
Brooke and Alan are homies. Ethan chose not to pursue a relationship with Louise and Brooke supports him, though they tolerate semi-regular updates from Alan, mostly because it makes him feel better to share them.
Brooke is an only child with two parents who are older (in their early to mid 70s now), so everyone just sort of does their own thing, but they're all fond of one another (lol) and she'll usually make the trip down for major holidays, etc. When Ethan starts coming with her, he quickly adapts to their style and pace of living. He helps her mother in the kitchen (something Brooke has never done, ever) and golfs with her dad (ditto) and generally gets along as well as Brooke could have expected her geriatric boyfriend to get along with her geriatric parents.
(Brooke does worry about the inevitable, aka when her parents get too old to be self-sufficient, but for now they're healthy and spry and all is well.)
General: Who gets jealous easier?
Brooke gets jealous easier. Way easier. It's one of her biggest flaws, probably, but she can't help but side-eye the nurses who openly fawn over Ethan whenever he walks by, and that whole Harper situation threw her for a major loop.
Obviously jealousy stems from insecurity and Brooke is smart enough to realize that, without actually being able to address it properly. Maybe if a certain emotionally stunted attending was more open with his feelings and able to let her in unconditionally, openly declaring his love for her, things would be different???? MAYBE??
Domestic: If they get married, who proposes? 
Ethan proposes. His plan is to take her to the Boston Opera House and do it during intermission. He arranges for champagne to be brought to their private box and a dozen chocolate-covered strawberries. And he makes reservations at Menton for after the show, with more champagne and a special dessert. It's absolutely perfect.
Except, the morning that all of this is supposed to happen, Brooke wakes up with the flu.
She spends three days in bed, literally unable to move until halfway through Day 3, with plain broth the only thing she can stomach. Ethan keeps her with him at his place and takes the week off to help care for her. On the fourth day, she sheepishly offers to go back home. He takes one look at her wan, drawn face, those lovely green eyes big and bright over the dark circles shadowing them underneath, and he pulls the ring out and tells her that she is home.
The strawberries are only a bit soggy after four-and-a-half days in his fridge and orange juice is a good enough substitute for champagne.
The ring:
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Domestic: What’s the wedding like? Who attends?
I actually wrote a little bit about the wedding here and I maintain that hc. 🥰
>> ship questions
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writer-ish · 3 years
The second I saw you had a FC for my girl Brooke, I knew I had to make you a thing so....
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An EthanBrooke moodboard for our text edit queen 💕
omgomgomg Saraaaaa 😭😭😭 the colours, the vibes, the pictures… I love this soooo much. 
Thank you my lovely friend, I am so happy and humbled to see my two beautiful babes in such a stunning piece of art. 
You’re the best 😘😘😘
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writer-ish · 3 years
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ANOTHER Brooke x Ethan moodboard, this one by the lovely, exceptional @udishaman ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
I had no idea how much my day would be improved by posting the fc for Brooke on tumblr but I am honestly so overjoyed and overwhelmed with gratitude.
And Udisha 😭😭😭 when I saw the quote from my story, I literally got choked up. This is so gorgeous and SO "Ethan & Brooke"!
Thank you sooooooo much. I'm positive I don't deserve this much loveliness but I will take it anyway because it's too beautiful not to!
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writer-ish · 3 years
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Wow wow WOW I am actually speechless - this is so beautiful and so perfectly encompasses Ethan and Brooke! The colours, the OPERA TICKET, the quotes… 😭 impeccable. 
Thank you soooo much for this masterpiece @starryeyedrookie, I am truly in awe! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
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writer-ish · 3 years
Just popping in the ask from EthanBrooke questions because I love them, and you. All wedding related tho, because I'm working on the au and have weddings on the brain.
When do you think they get engaged? How does Ethan propose? How did Brooke react?
How long between the engagement and the wedding?
Who was the most excited and most involved in wedding planning?
How much PDA is there at the wedding? Super touchy, can't keep their hands off each other? Or more laid back and minimal?
And on the subject of PDA at the wedding, do they sneak away to hook up during the reception? (E and G do, and I need to know my babies aren't alone)
Okay, that's it. Hope you have a good week <3
Saraaaaa my darling, my love!!! Thank you SO MUCH for all these questions. You know I love talking about my two bbs. 🥰
Since there’s a LOT to talk about (👀) we’ll leave it all below the cut.
When do you think they get engaged? How does Ethan propose? How did Brooke react?
I actually covered the EthanBrooke engagement here but I’ll just put it in this post, too, because why not.
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(the ring 👆)
How long between the engagement and the wedding?
The engagement lasts about a year and a half. It’s not a huge wedding (I’ve written about their wedding here - as you know, since it was your ask that got me thinking of it!! 🥰) but they take the time to get things properly organized, make sure they book wherever/whatever/whoever they want to book, and also take some time to enjoy being engaged. 💍
Who was the most excited and most involved in wedding planning?
Brooke was the most excited, Ethan was the most involved. 😂
He’s totally the type who thinks he’ll have absolutely 0% to do with his wedding and all it takes is one instance of “They want how much for flowers??” and all of a sudden, he’s at all the appointments to negotiate fair prices for premium choices.
It’s actually for the best, because Brooke would never go with the more expensive options if left to her own devices and would likely cheap out in ways that would ultimately be to their detriment (Example: choosing a photographer who was the cousin of an old high school friend, who then disappears with all their photos after the wedding? More likely than you think.)
Ethan’s presence ensures that she gets what she wants without getting ripped off, but also without settling for less than she deserves.
Some venue, colour, and dress pics:
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How much PDA is there at the wedding? Super touchy, can't keep their hands off each other? Or more laid back and minimal?
The wedding ends up being the most PDA these two have ever shown in public. They can't help it! As soon as the officiant says "you may kiss the bride", Ethan finds himself physically unable to stop kissing Brooke. Every time she's within arms reach, he pulls her in.
There's something so special, so meaningful to him about it - meaningful in a way he never anticipated. Every time he sees her face, the word my wife ring in his head. Every time he kisses her: my wife's lips. He can't help but want to taste it, those lips, that feeling, over and over again.
Brooke, for her part, doesn't know what's really gotten into Ethan but she'll be damned if she puts a stop to it.
The wedding isn't huge, so it's really just their closest friends and family who are witness to the love (and PDA) on this one, special occasion. Next time they're together again at the hospital, it's business as usual.
(But everyone who was at the wedding has the sweet, private memory of Dr. Ramsey absolutely enraptured by his new wife.)
And on the subject of PDA at the wedding, do they sneak away to hook up during the reception? (love G & E, the ultimate inspiration! 😆)
Oh, they absolutely do. Does Ethan really think he can get away with all those sweet kisses and it won't "backfire" on him (in the most spectacular way)??
Right at the tail end of dinner, Brooke drags Ethan off to the empty courtyard where things get - ahem - slightly out of hand (or into hand, really—many hands, all over), and they manage to come back just in time to cut the cake with barely a hair out of place.
(Bryce may have stepped outside to take a call and caught a glimpse of something he shouldn't have, but that's just between him and the moonlight now.)
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writer-ish · 3 years
Do you have a face claim for your open heart MC?? I think you have the redhead one if I’m not mistaken so do you have a person in mind for Brooke in real life?? 🥰🥰🥰
Hiiii. I’ve been thinking of this Q for a few days because I hadn’t really considered any faceclaims for my OPH mc up till this point. I wanted someone who was pretty, obviously, but also kind of normal looking? And Brooke has a pretty strong personality (sassy, sarcastic, stubborn, funny) so I wanted to choose someone whose face could possibly reflect that.
Anyway, after much consideration...
Meet my MC, Dr. Brooke Spiers:
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face claim: the lovely Karen Gillan
Okay, now someone who’s good with photoshop, stick David Gandy in there too. Brooke + Ethan 4eva! 😂😂😂
Thanks for the question anon! I had fun thinking this one over. 🥰
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writer-ish · 3 years
Hello! How are you doing? Just here to tell you that you and your works are absolutely amazing, and they never fail to make my day a lot lot brighter and better. Also, I made something for you, and I really, really hope you like it. I hope you have a great day, and sending loads of love your way❤��❤️
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Oh my goodness!!!! 🥺🥺🥺
First of all, thank you so so so much for the kind message. I swear that would’ve been enough to make my day—but!!! to see these ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL edits…. My gosh. I am seriously in tears!!! 😭😭🥰🥰
Thank you soooo much for this stunning artwork, I love every single piece and have saved them all individually so I can look at them again and again. I can’t tell you how grateful I am that you took the time to make something so beautiful for me. ❤️❤️❤️
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writer-ish · 3 years
Hello again, Kat!
I am creeping up in your ask box to present you with a little gift 👀
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Yes I'm supposed to be writing but here I am making shitty edits lol
Also, I imagined them being like
B: Take a selfie with me, but don't smile. I want a fierce, Tyra Banks smile-with-your-eyes pose instead.
E: The smile what?
B: ..... never mind.
*Ethan smiles anyway because he couldn't help it*
Adjkdbsldjblshsh my weirdness is showing huh 🥴 Anyways, I hope you liked this, my dearest Kat! Thank you for being an awesome person 🤍
Ohhhhhh my godddddd
MIA!!!! 😭😭😭😭
I love this sooooo much. This is SO Brooke x Ethan, like I can't even. She's totally trying to get him to take a fierce Tyra "smizing" selfie and he's like "…you're speaking gibberish, just take the damn picture." And of course the little smirk because he secretly finds her adorable. Ahhhh!!! I love it.
Thank you sooo much for sending me something so wonderful. You are truly THE BEST! ♥️♥️♥️
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writer-ish · 2 years
I am now starting a movement
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Made a small edit for my spirit animal one of my favorite MCs ❤️
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Thank you my darling!!!! Eeeeek I absolutely love her! Yes, justice for Brooke for not receiving some well-deserved slander 😂😂😂
Thank you to everyone who looked out for my girl ♥️
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writer-ish · 3 years
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writer-ish · 3 years
What kind of parents are E&B? Which one is the strict one? Which one is more likely to get into trouble with them? How does Ethan find the role of father during the first year or so?
Hiiii 💖💖
I’ve answered a bit about Brooke and Ethan and their future as parents HERE, but I'll answer your Qs and also give a short version of what I've already written below the cut!
Which one is the strict one?
I feel like Ethan is definitely stricter than Brooke, but is also is kind of forced to fall into that discliplinarian role, because he spends more time with the kids overall, especially when they're young - I headcanon that the Chief of Medicine role doesn't last long with Ethan or he somehow divides his responsibilities amongst other members on staff, like Harper for example, or maybe takes on a different supervisory role (I don't know how this shit actually works lol I'll let Ethan figure it out).
Which one is more likely to get into trouble with them?
Brooke gets into more trouble with them, because she has guilt for being away so often. So: flour fight in the kitchen? Let's do it! Playing hooky from school to get ice cream? Absolutely. Taking the occasional day off to spend it at the Boston Common and endlessly ride the carousel? You bet.
At first, Ethan begrudges her these moments - the messes that fall on him to clean up, the fact that Brooke gets to be the "fun" one while he's the rule enforcer - but then she breaks down one day, confiding in him about how she feels she's missing out on everything and wonders if she'll ever regret giving her career priority. From that moment on, Ethan allows the mess and the moments of unruliness to give Brooke the time she needs with them.
How does Ethan find the role of father during the first year or so?
The first year is a steep, steep, STEEP learning curve. 😂 But it's also when he realizes that there may, in fact, be more to life than the hospital.
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