#eternal loner bernadetta
chorusmusarum · 4 months
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"W-Wait. I won?"
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"I never cared about popularity contests and I still don't."
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winter-sword · 2 months
@museinmultitudes continued from here
It had taken less than five seconds to set her off; wonderful. Great. Exactly what he had come here for. Not. When Bernadetta’s blathering and flailing seemed to take a momentary break — a good thing, since the noise and rapid movements were grating on his nerves — Felix took an unintentionally threatening step closer; he didn’t entirely intend to corner the archer, but if it helped… “Shut up and stop thrashing,” the swordsman snapped, only a little glad his classmate’s nature meant he didn’t have to care about where his gaze ended up.
(Had she been standing still, he would’ve been focused on her left ear.) “Hurting yourself by being stupid is pointless.” A pause, as his gaze swept from Bernadetta to the targets, and then back again. “…Fine. You won’t teach me the damn sword trick? Then show me how good of a shot you really are — I’ve been meaning to do some magic training.” Though he’d only just learned Thunder, the same principle as with sword training applied; he had to train until the sensation of Reason magic was as much an extension of himself as his sword was.
He’d been itching for a fight since joining the Black Eagles.
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vicious-vestra · 1 month
Read to me - from Bernie?
"…I keep thinking that if I could just unlace my skin, step out of this body, then I would see who I really am." Shadows hung in and under green eyes, dulled from their usual lustrous peridot; Helen wasn’t having a good day, it was plain.
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...Well, more like not having a good week, really.
((The quote is from Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson; chapter 27, page 117, line 12-14. Edited because I don't think Fodlan has zippers.))
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armatization · 2 months
❛ i could keep you safe. they’re all afraid of me. ❜
an assortment of dialogue prompts ; accepting
Bernadetta could understand that fear. It wasn't long ago at all that she had fainted at the mere sight of Hubert. These days, he wasn't so scary after all. Some of the most normal people were evil, but sometimes, the evil-looking people were the good guys. Maybe? Well, it was the case for Hubert.
(She willfully forgot that he could be evil, too. She'd be too scared if she remembered. Besides, he was good to her, so that had to count for something, right?!)
"That's true! You're pretty scary to look at." Wrong thing to say, Bernie! "Um, I mean, I know you're not that scary. You're... you." She glanced at the little flower that she'd made for him. Right, scary people didn't pin cute little flowers on them.
"I trust you. I know you're safe. And you'll keep me safe." She frowned. "But I really don't wanna go to the war council meeting."
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feh-alt-battle · 25 days
Poll 212 - Bernadetta
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Please do not criticize any art you may not like or compare one art to another in terms of quality, it's unkind and downplays the amount of work that the feh artists put into them. Please treat the feh artists how you would as any other artist - with kindness and with love.
Artists in order: nekomochi, Tobi, Done Kanda
Notes: Due to a very special request, Bernadetta will be making a return poll when her CYL alt releases
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quietsun5268 · 1 year
Fire Emblem Three Houses: Which Ending is a Happy (or most Fulfilled) Ending(s) for Bernadetta in Fire Emblem Three Houses? (ALL ENDINGS INCLUDED)
Not all character endings are happy ones. Some don't accomplish their goals, there are those who don't completely heal from trauma, or they're overshadowed by someone they're paired with. However, There are also those who accomplish their goals no matter what (Ex: Ignatz being a painter) or seem content with how things went for them.
I'm mostly not going to discuss supports (meaning compatibility between characters or the most romantic) since that's not what this is about. It's about which endings would be the happiest for a specific character or what makes them more fulfilled (you can choose more than one).
Recap: Dedue
So right now, we are going to discuss Bernadetta. Due to the abuse she suffered from her father in attempts to make her a "perfect wife", she developed a fear of people to the point she'd rather stay in her room all day. Some endings she'll heal from her trauma and grow as a person but in other endings she'll still remain a shut-in.
Before you read the endings, I should bring this up. After Edelgard ascended the Adrestian throne, Bernadetta's father was placed under house arrest and was stripped of his title, remaining in this situation during the Crimson Flower. In the Verdant Wind and Silver Snow routes, Count Varley is released from his arrest after Edelgard's death and resumes control of House Varley, though if Byleth talks to Bernadetta, they are given the option to either restore his house arrest or exile him. So he gets screwed either way.
Bernadetta - Eternal Loner
"As soon as Bernadetta inherited House Varley from her father, she withdrew from all political discourse and focused solely on the management of her own territory. Because of this and her penchant for spending long periods of time in "hibernation," she became known throughout the house's history as the "Bear of Varley.""
Is Bernadetta able to recover from her trauma?: I don't think so. I think "long periods of time in "hibernation"" is another way to say that she's still a shut-in.
Is this a happy ending for Bernadetta, no, or so-so?: On one hand, she doesn't grow in confidence but on the other hand, her father gets no benefits if she remains single.
Bernadetta and Byleth (Crimson Flower)
"Almost as soon as Byleth and Bernadetta were finally wed, the battle against those who slither in the dark began in earnest. Many were concerned that the new leader of House Varley would do little more than hide, but she fell in alongside her husband and followed him everywhere, fighting to bring lasting peace to Fódlan. Forced to throw herself into one terrifying battle after another, Bernadetta developed such a tough character, it is said that absolutely nothing could frighten her."
Is Bernadetta able to recover from her trauma?: Yes.
Is it a happy ending for only Bernadetta, only Byleth, both, neither, or ehhh… (like it's too complicated to decide)?: Both, Bernadetta managed to get past her fear and be more courageous thanks to her accompanying Byleth on his many expeditions to stamp out those who slither in the dark. Byleth gets a partner who fights beside him against Those who Slither in the Dark and might have a place to settle After the war.
Bernadetta and Byleth (Azure Moon)
"After taking on the role of archbishop of the Church of Seiros, Byleth announced his marriage to Bernadetta. Many were concerned that the new leader of House Varley would do little more than hide, but she in fact followed the archbishop wherever he went and provided him with constant counsel. She never did overcome her shyness, however, and it is said that aspiring advisers who frightened her were quickly turned away. Because the ones she liked performed well in their service to the church, Bernadetta was widely believed to have a discerning eye."
Is Bernadetta able to recover from her trauma?: ??? (She's still shy but not a total shut-in.)
Is it a happy ending for only Bernadetta, only Byleth, both, neither, or ehhh… (like it's too complicated to decide)?: Maybe Both. Bernadetta might still be shy but she might have room to grow, especially since her father isn't around. Plus she's able to assist Byleth in a way.
Bernadetta and Byleth (Verdant Wind / Silver Snow)
"After ascending the throne as the first leader of the United Kingdom of Fódlan, Byleth announced his marriage to Bernadetta. Many were concerned that the new leader of House Varley would do little more than hide, but she in fact followed the new king wherever he went and provided him with constant counsel. She never did overcome her shyness, however, and it is said that aspiring advisers who frightened her were quickly turned away. Because the ones she liked performed well in their service to the people, Bernadetta was widely believed to have a discerning eye."
Is Bernadetta able to recover from her trauma?: ??? (She's still shy but not a total shut-in.)
Is it a happy ending for only Bernadetta, only Byleth, both, neither, or ehhh… (like it's too complicated to decide)?: Maybe Both. Bernadetta might still be shy but she might have room to grow, especially since her father isn't around. Plus she's able to assist Byleth in a way.
Bernadetta and Edelgard
"When Bernadetta inherited House Varley from her father, she tried to withdraw from politics and remain within the bounds of her territory, but Edelgard, the new Adrestian emperor, would not allow it. Instead, she demanded that Bernadetta counsel her in governing Fódlan. It is said that the emperor made this choice to keep herself from being too detached, and that Bernadetta was all too happy to provide a more emotional perspective now and again. The people of Enbarr could always tell when the two were meeting by the sound of Bernadetta’s panicked voice ringing out from the palace."
Is Bernadetta able to recover from her trauma?: ??? (It didn't say she grew confident but it also didn't say she's a total shut-in)
Is it a happy ending for only Bernadetta, only Edelgard, both, neither, or ehhh… (like it's too complicated to decide)?: Both. While Bernadetta didn't grow confident and tried to remain secluded, Edelgard instead gave Bernadetta a place within her Empire. Thanks to Bernadetta, Edelgard might not fall back to a too ruthless/detached mindset. Also, remember Edelgard placed Bernadetta's father under house arrest and was stripped of his title. So I'd like to think that there's another motive for Edelgard having Bernadetta give her counsel. Not only to keep Edelgard from getting too detached but to protect Bernadetta from her father, if he's still in house arrest.
Bernadetta and Hubert
"The marriage between Hubert, Minister of the Imperial Household, and Bernadetta, leader of House Varley, was so surprising to the public that it was much talked about even outside of political circles in the capital. Bernadetta took the opportunity to survey the far reaches of the new Adrestian Empire, and in her absence, Hubert took well to the management of Varley territory. They proved to be an astonishingly good match, working together to protect Fódlan from the shadows. It is said that they showed their affection for one another by wearing matching embroidered flowers."
Is Bernadetta able to recover from her trauma?: Maybe Yes (While it didn't say she grew confident, it also didn't say she remained shy nor is she a complete shut-in.) (Read the next paragraph for more info)
Is it a happy ending for only Bernadetta, only Hubert, both, neither, or ehhh… (like it's too complicated to decide)?: Both. Again, while it didn't say she grew confident, she didn't remain a shut-in either. It said that "Bernadetta took the opportunity to survey the far reaches of the new Adrestian Empire, and in her absence, Hubert took well to the management of Varley territory." Which means she's able to get out of the house and grow to have some independence (it might imply growth in confidence and as a person.), while Hubert watches over her territory for her (plus, if Bernadetta's father is still in house arrest, Hubert might scare him to the point he leaves Bernadetta alone. Haha.). Also Hubert might've moved on from his feelings for Edelgard.
Bernadetta and Ferdinand (Crimson Flower)
"After the war, Bernadetta renounced her claim to House Varley. She married Ferdinand, the new Duke Aegir, and the two contributed to relief efforts by instituting reforms across their Dukedom. Due to the success of those policies, Ferdinand was offered the position of Prime Minister by the emperor. He accepted, leaving the management of Aegir territory to his wife, while he worked to apply their ideas to the Empire at large. Since Bernadetta did not like to leave home, Ferdinand's life involved a lot of travel to and from the capital, but it is said he always embarked on his return home with a smile on his face."
Is Bernadetta able to recover from her trauma?: No
Is it a happy ending for only Bernadetta, only Ferdinand, both, neither, or ehhh… (like it's too complicated to decide)?: For Ferdinand, yes. Ferdinand aspires to be the next Imperial Prime Minister as the head of his family is traditionally one. But he also wants to make up for his father being a corrupt one. He succeeds in being a good one here. As for Bernadetta, it depends on the viewpoint. She doesn't like to leave home, which implies that she hasn't healed from her trauma, the only good part in this is that she renounced her claim to House Varley meaning her father doesn't get any benefits from her marriage.
Bernadetta and Ferdinand (Other routes)
"After the war, Bernadetta renounced her claim to House Varley. She married Ferdinand, the new Duke Aegir, and the two contributed to relief efforts by instituting reforms across their Dukedom. Due to the success of those policies, Ferdinand was offered the opportunity to help govern all Fódlan. He accepted, leaving the management of Aegir territory to his wife, while he worked to apply their ideas to the world at large. Since Bernadetta did not like to leave home, Ferdinand's life involved a lot of travel, but it is said he always embarked on his return home with a smile."
Is Bernadetta able to recover from her trauma?: No 
Is it a happy ending for only Bernadetta, only Ferdinand, both, neither, or ehhh… (like it's too complicated to decide)?: For Ferdinand, yes. Ferdinand's belief is that it's nobles' duty to protect and elevate the commoners they are supposed to be shepherding. While he doesn't get to be the Imperial Prime Minister in this, he gets to be in a position where he can help. As for Bernadetta, it depends on the viewpoint. She doesn't like to leave home, which implies that she hasn't healed from her trauma, the only good part in this is that she renounced her claim to House Varley meaning her father doesn't get any benefits from her marriage.
Bernadetta and Linhardt (Crimson Flower)
"Linhardt and Bernadetta caused quite the stir after the war when they abandoned their inherited titles and eloped to Garreg Mach. Returning to the monastery, where they were always most comfortable, the couple lived peaceful lives away from the hassle of politics. When the Empire's efforts to restore the church were complete, the officers Academy reopened, and two eccentric individuals took up professorships there. One was perpetually asleep, or absorbed in absentminded study; the other refused to show herself at all unless it was time to give a lecture."
Is Bernadetta able to recover from her trauma?: No
Is it a happy ending for only Bernadetta, only Linhardt, both, neither, or ehhh… (like it's too complicated to decide)?: For Linhardt, yes. One of the things about him is that he loves freedom, another is that he has an interest in researching crests. Without the pressure of being an heir/lord and him being able to have access to special artifacts in Garreg Mach if he's a professor, he might study crests as long as he wants. For Bernadetta, it depends on how you look at it. On one hand she is far away from her father, but on the other hand she still hides away. (I wonder if the future students will learn anything with those two has professors)
Bernadetta and Linhardt (Other routes)
"Linhardt and Bernadetta caused quite the stir after the war when they abandoned their inherited titles and eloped to Garreg Mach. Returning to the monastery, where they were always most comfortable, the couple lived peaceful lives away from the hassle of politics. When the church was fully restored, the officers Academy reopened, and two eccentric individuals took up professorships there. One was perpetually asleep, or absorbed in absentminded study; the other refused to show herself at all unless it was time to give a lecture."
Is Bernadetta able to recover from her trauma?: No
Is it a happy ending for only Bernadetta, only Linhardt, both, neither, or ehhh… (like it's too complicated to decide)?: (same thing as their Crimson Flower route)
Bernadetta and Caspar
"After some uncertainty about the details, it was decided that Caspar would marry into Bernadetta's family, seeing as she had claim to House Varley. The two had a chaotic reign and a marriage to match. Each time Caspar caused some incident, Bernadetta would demand promises as recompense. Over time, their oaths accumulated to such a great number that it became necessary to compile them, and the resulting document came to be known as the "47 Articles of Bernie." Among these Articles was the provision that, when counting their large quantity of children, Caspar was not to accidentally count his wife among them."
Is Bernadetta able to recover from her trauma?: ???
Is it a happy ending for only Bernadetta, only Casper, both, neither, or ehhh… (like it's too complicated to decide)?: Ehhh… it's a little complicated. For Bernadetta, it makes no mention of her being recluse or growing confident. For Casper, it depends. As a crestless second son, he's often overshadowed by his older brother and a little ignored by the rest of his family but at the same time he is grateful that he is not the one to succeed House Bergliez as he can live a life he desires unbound from the trappings of nobility. Because of the circumstances he decided to make a name for himself through martial ability. In some Crimson Flower routes he becomes Minister of Military Affairs, while in some non-Crimson Flower he travels the world. In here, it makes no mention he does either of them (The Crimson Flower, part you can only assume), but he doesn't seem to mind.
Bernadetta and Felix (Azure Moon)
"After the war, Felix inherited the title of Duke Fraldarius from his late father, Rodrigue. He married Bernadetta, who abandoned claim to House Varley in order to start a life with him. After they had finished restoring Fraldarius territory, Felix traveled across Fódlan as the king's right hand. While he was away, Bernadetta handled local affairs while holed up in her room in the castle. The frigid air of northern Faerghus caused her to hide away even more than usual, but whenever her beloved husband returned, she would rush out to greet him."
Is Bernadetta able to recover from her trauma?: ??? (Read the next paragraph)
Is it a happy ending for only Bernadetta, only Felix, both, neither, or ehhh… (like it's too complicated to decide)?:  It depends. While this ending doesn't say she grew confident and it says she holed up in her room, it can be excused due to her not being adapted to Faerghus's cold land. Plus, It's says that she always rushes out to greet Felix when he returns home, which can be taken as she's somewhat healed if you want. Bonus points is that even when she married a high ranking noble like her father wanted, he gets no benefits since she cuts ties with him. Felix wants to become the best swordsman, but it often leads him to neglect other things. In this ending, he grew up a bit. There doesn't seem to be a problem for Felix in this ending.
Bernadetta and Felix (Other routes)
"After the war, Felix attempted to set out on his own, but was waylaid by Bernadetta, who begged him not to go. Persuaded to stay, Felix ended up marrying into House Varley, the title of which Bernadetta had inherited. The couple got along smoothly, although it was rumored that in the early years of their marriage, she once had to restrain him physically to prevent him taking a trip to the Oghma Mountains to train. As the years wore on, Bernadetta became more reclusive, and Felix took over many of the day-to-day duties of running the house. Documents from their later years were increasingly signed with the name Felix, Count Varley."
Is Bernadetta able to recover from her trauma?: No
Is it a happy ending for only Bernadetta, only Felix, both, neither, or ehhh… (like it's too complicated to decide)?: It depends on how you see it. Bernadetta becomes more reclusive in this. But Felix doesn't end up wandering  mercenary, throwing himself in battle with a death wish. He ends up having a place to stay with a new family. Plus, he didn't "vanish from recorded history" meaning he might still have ties with his friends/classmates
Bernadetta and Raphael
"When Bernadetta first inherited control of House Varley, she hid away and would not involve herself in political or administrative affairs. During this time, it was Raphael who came to her aid, encouraging her to work through her fear of people. The training period was difficult-"humiliating," according to the journals Bernadetta left behind—but in the end, it had its desired effect. The leader of House Varley became an outgoing and authoritative individual, taking part in public policy. She even took on a very muscular husband."
Is Bernadetta able to recover from her trauma?: Yes
Is it a happy ending for only Bernadetta, only Raphael, both, neither, or ehhh… (like it's too complicated to decide)?: Is it a happy ending for Bernadetta? Yes, because thanks to Raphael she didn't become more recluse, got over her fears, and became active as a leader of her house. Plus, her father wants her to marry another noble, so marrying a commoner Is like giving him a middle finger. Is it a happy ending for Raphael? It depends. He wants to become a knight, but this ending makes no mention if he did. However, this ending also didn't mention his life before he arrived in Varley territory, so we can only assume if he became a knight during that time or if he became a knight in service of House Varley instead.
Bernadetta and Seteth
"After the war, Seteth remained at the monastery and dedicated himself to the restoration of the church. He was soon joined by Bernadetta, who abandoned her inheritance to House Varley and took up residence at Garreg Mach to commit to a life as a recluse. As the years wore on, Seteth wrote many fables, first in his spare time, and then later as his main preoccupation. His stories became famous among children throughout Fódlan. As he gained renown, many began to inquire about the wonderful illustrations that accompanied the writing. In response to these questions, Seteth was known to shrug and say, "Ask my wife... if you can find her.""
Is Bernadetta able to recover from her trauma?: No
Is it a happy ending for only Bernadetta, only Seteth, both, neither, or ehhh… (like it's too complicated to decide)?: I think Only Seteth, because while the only positive thing about this for Bernadetta is her cutting ties with her father, she still hides away from everyone. Seteth does seem content write stories and restoring the church, plus he moves on from his first wife.
Bernadetta and Jeritza
"After the war for Fódlan, Jeritza threw himself fully into the struggle against those who slither in the dark. Visage masked by the likeness of death itself, he laid waste to his enemies with a scythe that terrified friend and foe alike. When it was all over, he stole away in secret and vanished. At the same time, a mysterious guest arrived in Varley territory, which Bernadetta had inherited from her father. On that day, the reclusive noble and her guest were seen walking the grounds pleasantly together. A rendition of that scene, said to be painted by Bernadetta herself, remains at the estate to this day."
Is Bernadetta able to recover from her trauma?: ???
Is it a happy ending for only Bernadetta, only Jeritza, both, neither, or ehhh… (like it's too complicated to decide)?: Bernadetta's case is ambiguous since it makes no mention whether she's a recluse or grew confident. But she does gain a partner in Jeritza (I say partner because it's unknown if they have a platonic or romantic relationship. I'm also imagining him scaring Bernadetta's father if he's still in house arrest and not in exile). In Jeritza's case, yes it's a happy ending for him because it seems like he manages to control his Death Knight persona and move beyond his blood-soaked past.
Bernadetta and Yuri
"Bernadetta’s struggle with anxiety made it difficult for her to take over as the head of House Varley. She became so overwhelmed that when Yuri chanced to visit her domain, she literally grabbed hold of his arm and refused to let go. Baffling as it was for Yuri at the time, this peculiar state of affairs eventually led to marriage. The commonfolk were initially perplexed, but over the years they became grateful for Count Varley’s surprising husband. His presence kept her calm and allowed her to deal with her people more frequently and easily. As a result, her talent for governance blossomed and her rule was widely celebrated."
Is Bernadetta able to recover from her trauma?: Yes (Read next paragraph)
Is it a happy ending for only Bernadetta, only Yuri, both, neither, or ehhh… (like it's too complicated to decide)?: It's a happy ending for Bernadetta since Yuri also helps her out of her shell in this. Plus, her father wants her to marry another noble, so marrying a commoner Is like giving him a middle finger. As for Yuri it depends, he wants to help the less fortunate and he's a fairly dedicated follower of the Church of Seiros. First Adrestian Empire history, 120 years before the start of the game The Southern Church instigated an insurrection that spread throughout the empire and was subsequently quelled. Following this incident, the Adrestian Emperor exiled the Bishop of the Southern Church and forced the Southern Church itself to shutter. A Ministry of Religious Affairs was established to replace it with command under House Varley; they're primarily tasked with maintaining relations with the Church of Seiros. Take it for what you will, thought I'd bring related info up, it really depends on the route they're on (like if they can keep the Religious Affairs position or not.). Although, some might say it is not good since she basically forced him to stay. But I guess Yuri is able to help the commonfolk in Varley by helping their lord. I'm also imagining him scaring Bernadetta's father if he's still in house arrest and not in exile (The only complaint I have is their A-Support where Yuri mentions that Bernadetta is lucky to have a father that cares enough to save her, which gives an impression that he doesn't know about the abuse she suffered from her father.)
Which of these endings is her most happy endings (you can choose more than one)? What do you rank these endings? You can even discuss Bernadetta's supports as a reason in comment.
Voting is optional - Fire Emblem Three Houses: Which Ending(s) is a Happy Ending (or most Fulfilled Ending) For Bernadetta?: https://strawpoll.com/polls/e6Z285NXwnN
Reddit (you can click here if you want to see what other people think in the comments but know that the polls aren't in Reddit)
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fe-aesthetics · 1 year
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Bernadetta, Eternal Loner
Daughter of Count Varley, Minister of Religion to the Adrestian Empire. Anxious, she staunchly avoids social interaction.
Textless version below the cut!
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ajentmm · 10 months
Harmony amid Chaos Theorycraft
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Finally, the highly anticipated third Three Houses banner, here to mark the end of March 2020, the start of the dystopian nightmare we called the pandemic. It even has such a fitting title, Harmony amid Chaos. Did you know “amid” isn't capitalized because it’s preposition with four letters? Now you do.  
These heroes would go on to be well used by their fans, but I bet they were dumped and replaced with their later competition or their future alts once they came around, with one exception. I’ll go through each of these students from the Officers Academy at Garreg Mach Monastery, and predict a fitting refine for each. 
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Bernadetta: Eternal Loner 
Lvl 40 5 ☆ 38/32/38/22/26 Max Invest* 47/41/47/30/34 
Persecution Bow: Effective against flying foes. Grants Atk+3. At start of combat, if [Penalty] is active on unit or if unit's HP < 100%, grants Atk/Spd+5 during combat, and if unit initiates combat, unit can make a follow-up attack before foe can counterattack. 
Ardent Sacrifice - Atk/Spd Push 4 - Lull Spd/Def 3 - Close Guard 3 
It’s Bernie’s time to shine! Persecution bow plays off Bernadette’s personal skill, which grants bonus effects with she has at least 1 damage, in this case, it’s Atk/Spd+5 and Desperation. Bernie comes with a Push skill and Ardent Sacrifice, so she can hurt herself, but that not as easy as just being above 25% Hp, like Arcane Darkbow. 
Bernie also had two alts. One is her winter alt that fixed the above issue by hurting herself, and her allies, at the start of the turn. She then swapped Desperation with 30% damage reduction. This helped as a counter to many “If foe is at 100% Hp,” conditions, in perf weapons which faded out with refines, but is skill used in Catch skills. The second advantage came from using new positional healing assists from healers to make the Ai move the injured ally closer to the enemy for devilish Aether Raid defense teams. Spring Bernie had this same effect, but added Accelerate Special Trigger, NFU, Null-Guard, and Spd/Def penalties based on how many spaces moved, which was helped by the new Escape Route 4. So, enough talk, what’s the upgrade. 
Effective against flying foes. Grants Atk+3. At start of turn, if unit’s HP = 100% and unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, deals 1 damage to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit. At start of combat, if [Penalty] is active on unit or if unit's HP <= 99%, grants Atk/Spd+5 during combat, and if unit initiates combat, unit can make a follow-up attack before foe can counterattack. 
Enable [Canto (1)] Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). If unit initiates combat or within a 2 tile radius of an ally, grants Atk/Spd+5 during combat and neutralizes effects that prevent unit’s follow-up attacks during combat, and also, if unit’s Spd > foe’s Spd, neutralizes effects that inflict “Special cooldown charge -X” on unit during combat. 
The first part of the weapon matches the new perfs she has, while leaving the [Penalty] condition. The second gives her Canto 1, AS, Null-Follow-Up, and Null-Guard for a weapon that’s better than Arcane Darkbow. The one thing left out was its Penalty negation, which doesn’t fix Bernie’s style anyway. Plus, Grand Strategy is meta. 
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Annette: Overachiever 
Lvl 40 5 ☆ 40/39/36/28/30 Max Invest* 49/48/45/36/38 
Crusher: Grants Atk+3. Calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res. If a Rally Assist skill is used by unit, target can move 1 extra space. (That turn only. Does not stack. No effect on cavalry allies with Range = 2.) 
Rally Atk/Spd+ - Def/Res Ruse 3 - Atk/Def Gap 3 
Ta da! A net! This might be the one a fore mention exemption to the power creep. Annette’s ability to Rally movement is incredible, so she provides utility without investing in stats. As a bonus, she gets adaptive damage with no condition. Well, these were unique, we now have two inheritable skills that can do her job. S/D Rein Snap can provide Movement to the unit, melee infantry allies, and armored allies, without needing to Rally at all. Atk/Spd Hexblade grants adaptive damage if the unit is near a magic unit at the start of turn, much better than the original. So, what do I do? 
Crusher: Grants Atk+3. Calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res. If a Rally Assist skill is used by unit, grant target “if unit initiate combat, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack”, “Special Cooldown Charge +1 per attack,” and unit can move 1 extra space (That turn only. Does not stack.) At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit during combat. 
Ta da again! I decided, if you are rallying a unit to have 1 additional movement, you would be rallying a Galeforce ally if you had one. So here are two things a Galeforce unit needs (instead of Triangle Adapt or Dual Strike), two hits that grant two cooldown. You also need AS but everybody got that, and if you don’t, the foe might counterattack you for two cooldown, then just one more hit does it. This is best for units that have all the Atk and true damage, and none of the Spd. I also removed the restriction of movement buff to mage and bow cavs. We may not have a readily available extra movement skill for them yet, but there is one way they can get the buff, and that’s with L!Sigurd and the brand new Tea Time! Sigurd, who is himself a mage cav. And like, you have to use up Annette’s turn to rally, compared to Sigurd needs to attack a foe (the new version doesn’t even need to live the combat). 
If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res +X to unit (X = 4 + highest bonus on each stat between unit and allies within 3 spaces of unit; calculates each stat bonus independently), reduces damage from foe's first attack by 30%, and grant damage equal to X% of foe's Atk (if foe uses breath or beast, X = 20; otherwise, X = 10; including when dealing damage with a Special triggered before combat), and after combat, inflict inflicts Def/Res-5 and [Guard] on target and nearest foes within a 3 tile radius. 
And now for the “combat” part of the refine. If you didn’t know, Crusher is a relic weapon, and crest barriers like Annette can use their relic weapons for unique combat art, in this case, Dust. This increases the damage, is effective against dragons, and inflicts Def-5 on foe. In my case, Annette is getting true damage based on foe’s Atk, with an increase if they are a dragon or beast, just like Ruptured Sky. This then inflicts Def/Res-5 and [Guard] to all targets, just so other allies can clean up. She also has 30% damage reduction on first hit to keep her alive.  
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Ferdinand: Noblest of Nobles 
Lvl 40 5 ☆ 41/32/35/30/24 Max Invest* 50/41/44/38/32 
Vanguard+: If foe initiates combat, grants Def+7 during combat. 
Reposition - Fortress Def 3 - Rouse Spd/Def 3 
He is Ferdinand von Aegir, and he just so happens to get a new alt in the Teatime Banner. It’s a green mage flier with an inheritable tome, but there is still one little thing to this kit that stands out to be uniquely Ferdinand. As for this normal version, it’s a balanced lance caviler with skills and an inheritable weapon that grants more Def, to resist the enemy. This was before Canto was introduced, so he needed this to stay alive when in enemy range. The Rouse Spd/Def was also nice. Alright, enough stalling.  
Ferdinand von Lance: If foe initiates combat or foe's HP ≥ 75%, Grant Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit during combat, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack, foe cannot make a follow-up attack, and also, if unit’s Spd > foe’s Spd, neutralizes effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks.  
This is the Ferdinand von Lance. Continuing with the defensive theme, he has the enemy phase standard condition for the usual +4, omni breaker, and a Spd check to get null follow-up on both phases. This would be a good combination with Windsweep, which Teatime! Ferdinand has. But what if we go further. 
At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 75% or if [Bonus] is active on unit, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit during combat, increase damage by 15% of unit's Spd, and reduce damage by 15% of unit's Def, and also, if unit’s Spd > foe’s Spd, and foe cannot counterattack. 
Ferddie's personal skill happens to trigger when he is full health, so I gave him a condition similar to the ideal skills, which he can’t inherit. Additionally, he comes with Rouse, so he can get bonuses on his own. With this, he gets +8 in total, true damage base on Spd (about 7), true damage reduction based on Def (about 7), and a Spd check to get the foe to not counterattack. This effect mirrors his crest power, that prevents foe from counterattack when performing a combat art. Well, that will do. Shout out to Ricco Fajardo for taking the mantel of Billy Kametz. They are big shoes to fill.  
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Lysithea: Child Prodigy 
Lvl 40 5 ☆ 38/42/40/19/23 Max Invest* 46/50/46/29/32 
Hades Ω: Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). If unit initiates combat, grants Atk/Spd+4 during combat, and if unit's Special is ready, grants an additional Atk+6 during combat. 
Moonbow – Death Blow 4 – Lull Spd/Res 3 – Time's Pulse 3 
Now, Lysithea is the final hero of the banner. Lysithea was in a very lucky predicament where she was very popular, not in heroes for the first two banner, and CYL voting happened, and well, she won CYL4 alongside the three house leaders, before getting in normally. It was the same Feh channel that announced the winners that we got a teaser of Lyithea, as her banner was coming that following month. So we had two Lysitheas in a year. Brave Lyithea, as you know, was the horse slaying, two tapping, desperation nuke, while this Lysithea was just the one tap nuke. She does this with Death Blow 4, Lull Spd/Res, and Time’s Pulse, to precharge her special and get the additional Atk. Well, here’s how we make her nuke in one hit. 
Hades Ω: Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). If unit initiates combat or is within 2 tile radius of an ally, grants Atk/Spd+6 during combat, neutralizes effects that inflict “Special Cooldown -X” on unit, and also, if unit's Special is ready or unit's Special triggered before or during this combat, deals +7 damage during combat. (Except when dealing damage with area-of-effect Specials.)  
We are giving her the Null-Guard and change the pre-charge special to that of the Finish skills, so that she can use higher cost Specials to nuke with the follow-up skill, if the player desires. The next part, I’m not to sure about. Like Ferddie, Lysithia was on the Teatime banner. Unlike Ferddie thou, she came with a perf weapon and brand-new perf skill, Mastermaid . . . uh - Mastermind. So I can add that to second part of the refine. But what else? NFU would be good, but Magic NFU is a great skill to inherit, and some may have already done that. Specials that Nullify DR would be great, but how many people inherited Special Spiral 4. And Warp? The Oath 4 skills have that. No, if I’m just copying and pasting Mastermind, she needs to apply bonuses and penalties. 
At start of turn, deals 1 damage to unit. At start of turn, if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally or a foe, inflicts Atk/Spd-6 on nearest foes within 4 spaces of unit and foes within 2 spaces of those foes through their next actions, and grants Atk/Spd+6 to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn. If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd+4 to unit during combat and deals damage = X + Y (X = 80% of highest total bonuses among unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit; Y = 80% of highest total penalties among target and foes within 2 spaces of target; excluding area-of-effect Specials). 
And this is what we are doing. Lysithea is going to have a modified Atk/Spd Menace that grants bonuses to her allies, to ensure the 9 true damage she gets from the highest total bonuses among her team. She gets another 9 from foe’s penalties. The difference between her and the new alt is the Res bonuses are swapped with Atk bonuses, and no [Sabotage]. This means she and her allies can take reduced damage from physical or magical foes, while still dealing more damage herself. The other way worked better on mage teams.   
And with the end of the banner, we are not ending this blog.  
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Flame Emperor: Bringer of War 
Lvl 40 5 ☆ 50/40/25/37/26 Max Invest* 59/49/33/46/34 
Guard Axe+: Inflicts Special cooldown charge -1 on foe per attack during combat. (Only highest value applied. Does not stack.) 
Ignis – Bracing Stance 2 – Wary Fighter 3 
Fun time is over. It’s Flame Emperor time. This mid-game boss is here as an easy axe armor unit for new players to invest in but doesn’t give much in personality or uniqueness. They have an inheritable axe, that provides an unconditional Guard effect, but with Protection Pike, you get extra Atk/Def and Guard just by being near an ally, and that’s all tanks are good for. Also, Murdok is in the game as the newest Axe armor GHB unit, and he comes with a perf weapon, with distant counter no less. Well, here we go. 
Flame Axe: Unit can counterattack regardless of foe's range. If foe initiates combat or foe's HP ≥ 75% at start of combat, inflicts Atk/Def-X on foe (X = 12 - current penalty on foe's Atk; min 6) and Special cooldown charge -1 on foe per attack. Inflicts Atk/Def-6 on foe through its next action after combat. 
Wow, what do you know, the Flame Emperor had the Distant counter skill in three houses, along with Seal Str and Seal Mag. Might as well put those skills in here weapon, along with in combat penalties for when those skills aren’t there, and Guard for extra measures.  
At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25% or the number of foes within 2 spaces of unit (excluding target) ≥ the number of allies within 2 spaces of unit (excluding unit), inflicts Atk/Def-6 on foe, deals damage = 10% of unit's Atk (including when dealing damage with a Special triggered before combat), and restores 7 HP to unit when unit deals damage to foe during combat (triggers even if 0 damage is dealt) 
And now, here’s some more Atk/Def-6, some extra damage based on Atk, and 7 healing per hit, just for spice. That condition looks familiar and so does the effect. Did the Flame Emperor have a crest like these other units or-oh yep, Crest of Flame. Huh, I wonder who could be under that mask.  
*The max investment was calculated with +10 Merges and all levels of dragonflowers using my own personal spreadsheet. As the dragonflowers count is rising with CYL7, I checked my formulas and found the last handful was 5 levels short, no doubt since all units since CYL3. For now, these units have 20 Dragonflowers, but as of posting this blog, and for future blogs going further, it will be 25. Sorry for the inconvenience. 
Alright, time to write for CYL7 cuz OH GOD! Like and subscribe.
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legendsoffodlan · 3 years
The Unwritten Supports: Bernadetta and Ignatz
Anonymous requested:  Bernadetta should have had supports with the other house archers Ashe and Ignatz change my mind (C-A) and hopefully paired ending
So, here’s Bernie and Ignatz
C - Support
Location: Outskirt Ruins
OST: Funny Footsteps
*Bernadetta is tucked away in a little corner of the ruins with her paints and canvas.*
Bernadetta: Ah, alone at last! Just Bernie, her paints, and the sun.
*Bernadetta hears something moving around*
Bernadetta: Huh?! What? W-who’s there.
*She hears a familiar voice murmuring to themself*
Bernadetta: Huh? Is that... Ignatz?
*Bernadetta moves through the brush to see Ignatz at his own canvas*
Ignatz, to himself: Hmm, I think blue would create a better contrast... but the again green would create a better overal tone...
Bernadetta: Is he painting? Wow, that’s gorgeous!
Ignatz: But Aquamarine might overshadow the foreground by making the background pop too much...
Bernadetta: No! Use Saphire! It would be perfect.
Ignatz: Of course! Saphi- BERNADETTA!?
Bernadetta: WAAGH! *she falls out of her hiding place*
Ignatz: B-Bernadetta?! What are you doing out here?1
Ignatz: Bernadetta, calm down. Take deep breaths
Bernadetta: *deep inhale* *deep exhale*
Ignatz: Look, Bernadetta, you can’t tell anyone about this, I’m beginning you!
Bernadetta: Y-you’re th-threa-threatening me?!
Ignatz: N-no! I’m not-
Bernadetta: AAGH! I KNEW IT! AWAY FROM ME FIED! AAAAAHH! *she runs off*
Ignatz: ... ... ...I think I handled that poorly.
B - Support
Location: Bernadetta’s Room
OST: A Gentle Breeze 
*Ignatz knocks on Bernadetta’s door*
Ignatz: Bernadetta? Are you in there?
Bernadetta, hiding under the bed: Oh Goddess, he’s here! He’s going to kill me and use my blood to make the perfect shade of red!
Ignatz: Look, Bernadetta, I wanted to apologize for scaring you earlier.
Bernadetta: Pretending to apologize to lure me out?! A tactic worthy of a demon!
Ignatz: N-no! Bernadetta- I-I’m not very good at this. I- sigh* I’m sorry I shouted at you. It’s just, I was- you kind of scared me.
Bernadetta: ... *pokes her head out from under the bed* Scared... of me?
Ignatz: I’m not supposed to be painting, and I thought you’d come to tell on me.
Bernadetta: Not supposed to be painting? But he’s so good at it!
Ignatz: I know I scared you in turn. I didn’t want to. I-I’ll leave you alone from now on.
Bernadetta, fully emerging from under the bed but not opening the door: W-wait!
Ignatz: Huh?
Bernadetta: I- I’m sorry I was spying on you too. A-andIthinkyou’repaintingisreallygood!
Ignatz: Oh. Uh, thank you Bernadetta. I- I’d like to see one of your one day! *he walks away*
Bernadetta: He- he wants to see one of mine?! One of Bernie’s?! Oh no. OH NOOOOOO! *dives back under the bed*
 B+ - Support
Location: Outskirt Ruins
OST: Respite and Sunlight
*Ignatz is at his sketchbook, murmuring to himself as he goes*
Ignatz: No no... too much on the eyes... her hair is wilder than that...
*Bernadetta pokes her head out from behind a rock*
Bernadetta: Okay Bernie, there he is! Just go over and say hi! Easy as can be!
Ignatz: Hmm, is someone there?
Ignatz: Bernadetta? Oh, I’m sorry. Did I scare you again?!
Bernadetta, falling out from behind the rock: NO! *stands up and brushes herself off* I- I’m n-n-not scared. I- I just came t-to say hi!
Ignatz: Oh, well, hello Bernadetta.
Bernadetta: A-and u-u-uh- w-what are you.... *gasp* drawing?
Ignatz, suddenly self-concious: N-nothing. just sketches of ideas right now.
Bernadetta: Oh, um, well, I-I j-just wanted to say Th-that... you’re really good at painting. You- you should do it!
Ignatz: Oh, uh, well thank you Bernadetta, but painting is only a hobby for me. I have to focus on being a knight. It’s what’s best for my family. My father says so.
Bernadetta: Oh... well getting married rich is what my father says is best for my family.
Ignatz: Wha- but you should get married because you love someone!
Bernadetta: And you- you should keep painting!
*There’s an awkward silence before Ignatz speaks again*
Ignatz: You know what, Bernadetta? Okay. but, on one condition.
Ignatz: Wha- NO! N-no. Nothing like that.
Bernadetta: Oh. Uh, then what is it?
Ignatz: I- uh- I want you to use these. *he hands her her paints and canvas back*
Bernadetta: O-oh! I dropped these on my run away from here.
Ignatz: Y-yeah. I wanted to return them, but you never left your room. So- uh... I want you to use these to paint something. Something you want to. And then, at the end of the year, we’ll show each other our paintings.
Bernadetta: Y- really? O-okay! Let’s do it!
A - Support (Only available Post-Timeskip)
Location: Chapel
OST: Somewhere to Belong
*Ignatz is standing before the ruined front of the chapel when Bernadetta comes up behind him*
Bernadetta: Ignatz?
Ignatz, turning to face her: Oh, hey Bernie!
Bernadetta: We- uh haven’t had a whole lot of chances to chat. What with the war and everything.
Ignatz, laughing: Yeah, that does tend to put a damper on one’s social life.
Bernadetta: And, uh, since we didn’t get the chance at graduation, we oughta exchange paintings now!
Ignatz: You... you remebered?
Bernadetta: Y-yup! A-and we’ve had five years to work on it!
Ignatz: Heh, I hope you like mine... I’m not sure how good it is.
*he hands it to her*
Bernadetta: ...Ignatz... is- is this me?
Ignatz: I’m sorry! It’s awful. I wanted to show you what I saw when I looked at you- and I’ve overdone it and-
Bernadetta, crying: It’s... it’s beautiful Ignatz...
Ignatz: I- you think so?
Bernadetta: This- this is how you see me? All- all bright and happy?!
Ignatz: I- I see a flower, blooming against all odds. I see someone who’s brave even when they’re terrified. I- I wanted to show you that.
Bernadetta: Oh, Ignatz. H-here’s mine. It’s a little embarrasing now and I
Ignatz: You- you painted me?!
Bernadetta: I’M SORRY! I just- I just wanted to thank you for being my friend. And- and this was the only way I could think of doing it!
Ignatz: Bernadetta, this is the best painting I’ve ever seen.
Bernadetta: Oh. Oh... Ignatz...
Paired Ending: The Eternal Loner and the Worldly Artist
Ignatz and Bernadetta, together, created a new renaissance of artistic innovation in Fodlan, a movement that grew even greater after their marriage. Together, they converted Varley Manor into an art school where they could nurture young minds and ease them gently into the world. Bernadetta came, bit by bit, out of her shell and by the time she bore her first child she had little fear of the outside world any longer. Ignatz, for his part, started a new order of Knight, the Order of the Stained Brush, who went into the world to learn new art forms and spread beauty to the masses. But besides all that, they were happy together, until their dying days.
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mairinsgale · 4 years
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Eternal Loner + Princess of Brigid
Bernadetta and Petra icons!
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rainbowdonkee · 4 years
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Full art for Bernadetta - Eternal Loner!
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winter-sword · 2 years
💋 felix for bernie? <3
Summer in Fraldarius could, when weather permitted, be relatively warm and clear. At least, for someone who had grown up there. For someone acclimated to the cold, for someone who could withstand even winter in Faerghus. And while Felix wasn't as cold-resistant as, say Sylvain or Dimitri, he was still far more able to tolerate it than his wife (or his older sister, when Gwenn visited). Which meant that all the cold proofing that had been done to Castle Fraldarius to accommodate his foreign so-called "mother" had needed to stay, at least in their bedchambers, as well as in hallways and common areas. It had unsettled the young Duke a bit at first, after he had gotten used to the idea of removing all the thick carpets and heavy drapes, but the change in colors to Fraldarius teal had helped ease him into acceptance.
All of which meant that the balcony doors that otherwise would've been open to let in the cooler night air were, instead, shut tight; unsurprisingly, the heavy drapes followed suit. Which meant he slept in a thin shirt and soft breeches, while allowing Bernadetta to burrow under as many furs and blankets as she needed to be comfortable. Always an early riser -- his internal clock got him up him at five in the morning -- Felix woke to find his wife slightly less tangled up in her many blankets than usual; her serene expression made the swordsman smile softly in reply. He knew she wasn't awake, but his morning routine always started with kissing her softly, followed by tucking her in more securely before getting out of bed himself. "Sweet dreams," he murmured, still smiling, before getting up.
He had work to do, but her contentment made it easier.
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vicious-vestra · 2 months
@museinmultitudes continued from here
Somehow, Helen managed not to laugh; it made Bernadetta uncomfortable, and would’ve been unkind, besides. That said, the green-eyed dark mage still smirked at the anxious archer, red-painted lips curling in otherwise unexpressed mirth. “No need for that, Bernadetta,” the taller woman chided, probably gentler than her companion had ever heard her. “I have no intention of telling our Lady — nor would she exile you, even if I were to tell her. It’s just a cup of coffee.” Pointedly, the marchioness sipped her own, before continuing. “I told you that you likely wouldn’t enjoy it, but you did want to know how I function on so little sleep.” Helen kept her voice calm and her expression as nonjudgmental possible, hoping she wouldn’t set her friend off again.
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Of course, with Bernadetta, one never knew how she would react…
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demifiendrsa · 4 years
Fire Emblem Heroes - New Heroes (Harmony amid Chaos)
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Bernadetta: Eternal Loner character artwork set illustrated by nekomochi
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Annette: Overachiever character artwork set illustrated by Tsukito.
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Ferdinand: Noblest of Nobles character artwork set illustrated by Sainosuke.
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Lysithea: Child Prodigy character artwork set illustrated by Enkyo Yuichiro.
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codes-of-fun · 4 years
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Official artwork for Bernadetta: Eternal Loner
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