#esteri tries to write
esteriivy · 5 years
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Chapters: 1/2 Fandom: Game of Thrones (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen Characters: Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen Additional Tags: Jonerys Halloween AU, Costume Parties & Masquerades, Modern Royalty, R Plus L Equals J, AKA this is modern incest, Not for Catelyn fans, Though to be fair none of my fics are, Eventual Smut, References to Suicide, they're brief but please take note if that's an issue Summary:
Queen Rhaella I cordially invites you to attend her annual masquerade ball on Friday, October 31. A reply is requested to the Lord Hand no later than October 1. Black tie; masks required. // Or: Jon and Dany at a masquerade ball. Modern Royalty. For Jonerys AU month. Smut.
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...THIS MAN IS THE HERO OF ALL OF US.......... What has struck and moved is also the heroism and self-denial of the 34-year-old young doctor, married, with a five-year-old son and his pregnant wife at the eighth month and also infected. Because, despite the obtuseness of the regime, he returned to the hospital where he wanted to take care of the sick to stem the epidemic, well aware that this would have exposed him to a safe infection. As indeed it happened. "Doctor Li Wen" writes a Catholic website "has chosen to donate his life to try to save that of others because he followed the Catholic faith.
THIS IS HIS LAST LETTER... same body lies on the white bed ». Then his poignant questions: "Where are my parents? And my dear wife? » He talks about his new home in Wuhan, "for which I still have to pay my mortgage every month. How can I give up? How sad is it for my parents to lose their child? How can my sweet wife without her husband deal with the vicissitudes of his future? () Goodbye, dear ones. Goodbye, Wuhan, my hometown. I hope that after the disaster, you will remember that someone tried to let you know the truth as soon as possible.
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nemossubmarine · 6 years
DA RP Write-up #15.4
Our heroes’ adventures in time are coming to an end, or a beginning? No definitely an end. Let’s see how it goes!
We pick up where we left of, that is at the large cavern where the heart made out of people was ba-bumping. Our heroes are not sure what to do.
Boshara suggests magic, but Thomas disagrees. He says that our heroes can’t be certain where they’d be sent to, there’s a chance they’d end up in time where there isn’t a cavern and that would be bad.
Elspet would like to take a look at the hearts again, so Randy uses his grappling hook and in a pretty swell move, grapples two undead for inspection.
Elspet takes her first dip into autopsy-doing, and manages to do just fine.
Boshara isn’t doing so fine, she throws up again.
Elspet takes out the heart of one of the undead and takes out the pit inside its heart. As soon as she touches it, the pit starts sprouting small vines, that tangle around Elspet’s hand.
Upon Elspet’s request, Thomas uses his templar powers to de-magic the seed, which then lets go.
Thomas is rather worried about this turn of events, as he had left Konstantine alone to study the seeds. He feels must go back to check on him, Konstantine is his ward after all.
Our heroes are left alone at the ledge. Below them, the undead are suddenly becoming more active, starting to clamper towards them.
Our heroes each try to slow them down, but it’s clear they’ll soon be knee-deep in undead.
Humbert uses his sword’s special power and creates a bubble of magical energy, under which our heroes are safe from the undead.
While some of the undead try to attack the bubble, some simply wander off.
The bubble leaves a clear shot at the heart, and our heroes wonder if Alf’s electric arrow would be enough to clear it off. There’s only one way to find out.
Alf shoots so so good that he manages to shoot two electric arrows instead of one. This causes all the undead on the heart to drop off, all except one.
Elspet turns into a bird and she and Alf’s owl Haukka go to investigate the body.
It is a body of a man, dressed in fancy clothing, pierced through the heart with a stalactite, expect the stalactite is somehow fused into parts of his body. 
Haukka notices the golden necklace around the man’s neck, after all she has been trained to spot such things. That must be the time travel necklace. It looks like it’s half-stoned over as well.
While Elspet investigates, Randy decides to take care of the rest of the undead around them, before they get away. He pulls out his blood-magic weapons, let’s out a battle cry and rushes the group outside the bubble, knocking them back as he swings his weapons, hitting one, two, three! In few moments most of the undead are laid to rest, and though few feebly swing at Randy, they leave no mark. Randy chases some of the undead lumbering away down. In total he finished about 30 to 40 undead in only a handful of minutes.
When Randy returns to others, he and Boshara have a bit of an argument about it, as Boshara thinks Randy is being too much of a goody-two-shoes, which, according to her, the group has never been about. Randy says that he has learned some stuff from Humbert, which Boshara doesn’t buy.
Elspet reports back about the stuck necklace. Our heroes decide that now it’s time to try magic, but perhaps they should try to do it above the ground, not below it.
Alf manages to perfectly replicate their steps in the cellar and the caverns above the ground, leading them to the exact spot, below which the man and the necklace lay.
This time it is Elspet who uses magic to bring them back, she heals Randy and again time slows down and picks up and the fog raises.
Our heroes are in the fog, holding hands. Alf calls out to the darkness, and soon our heroes (all expect Randy) hear someone approaching.
The fog is suddenly pierced by a beam of light, carried by a figure who speaks to our heroes in a language they can’t understand, but which Boshara recognizes as Ancient Tevene.
The fog fades and our heroes realized that they are surrounded by Tevinter soldiers and in front of them is the man from the cave, the owner of the necklace, dressed in fantastic finery, half of his face a stone mask.
Our heroes are put into chains, and when Randy tries to resist, the man uses blood magic on him.
Chained, our heroes are taken to a Tevinter camp, where they are thrown into a pen with other slaves. Alf is separated from others and is put together with another elf at one corner.
Soon a person comes to ask about their names and Boshara communicates with her through writing. She introduces our heroes, and is very dismayed to find that the people are planning on keeping them as slaves, even when she tells her that she is a mage.
That only earns her some magic-suppressing handcuffs.
Finally she tells that she can speak the local language(s) (she can’t), and the woman tells she’ll go get someone.
Left alone, our heroes can get to know the other slaves, except they don’t speak neither old Nevarran nor old Tevene.
To their surprise they find that the elf speaks elven and dwarven.
She isn’t very fond of speaking with Boshara, her appearing human, but with Randy she chats willingly.
She tells that the magister in charge is name Tilano Amanti, that she was captured and the rest of her group killed.
Randy asks what year it is, and she says it’s 5328, which doesn’t say much.
Randy notes that she doesn’t look like she is well, and she says that she is fading and that “Arlathan burns”.
She also tells that she is basically immortal, but doesn’t know for how long.
Alf notices that the elf is toying with something in her hands, and gets Randy to ask to see it.
It’s a peach pit, and the elf tells that if she dies, she’ll make sure the humans will go down with her. It’s clear that she is behind the undead apparently in the future-past.
Randy asks her not to use it, but she says she can’t help it. It will activate if she dies, unless she can be freed to deactivate it.
The Tevinter people come back and Boshara tells them that she is from the future. Also she counts what the date would be according to the Tevinter count based on what she picked up around the camp and her sick math skills she learned from Fahim the qunari (callback!).
This catches the attention of the Tevene (more the time travel than the math), after all, magister Amanti owns a time travel necklace.
They ask if any of the others are mages, and Boshara tells that Elspet is, so the two of them are taken to meet magister Amanti in his tent.
Once there Boshara manages to convince that she is a descendant of the magister. Amanti is clearly rather self-conceited so Boshara plays to that. 
She tells she came back in time to learn about controlling the necklace from the very best, its creator.
Amanti agrees to teach her, but only if Boshara tells him of his and his family’s great future and Elspet takes a look at his face.
Meanwhile, Alf and Randy have cooked a plan. They ask the elf if Alf were to free her, if she could make the ground below them disappear as there’s a cavern below there. She says that can be arranged.
So Randy causes a distraction, he yells the maybe two words of Nevarran he knows and punches one of the Nevarran prisoners a bit too hard, but hard enough to cause a fight.
While everyone is distracted, Alf picks the lock of the elf’s chains and as she is freed, she starts casting.
In the tent, Elspet is looking at Amanti’s facial disfiguration. She concludes that this must be from an overuse of lyrium, and as far as she knows, there’s no cure.
She still however pretends to totally what she is doing, so she can be freed from her chains, which she is.
While she is healing, there’s angry Nevarran shouting and then rumbling like an avalanche.
Everyone exits the tent, and the outside world is in chaos; the elf has started pulling the earth itself into the cavern. She herself is riding the waves of ground, while everything else is unceremoniously being pulled down.
Boshara starts rushing towards Alf hoping to get her shackles off. Alf starts rushing towards Boshara.
Magister Amanti starts casting something, and with a single flick of his wrist, everyone still wearing chains have their arms sliced open and blood pouring out to fuel his spell.
While Magister Amanti is distracted, Elspet steals the necklace and turns into a bird just long enough to get to Alf and Boshara.
Randy rushes the magister, the two guards chasing Boshara try to slow him down, but he shrugs them off. Randy doesn’t quite manage to tackle the magister to the ground, but he does enough to disrupt the absolutely massive inferno he was casting.
Alf has freed Boshara, who takes the necklace from Elspet. The three of them run to Randy.
Boshara pretends to give the necklace to Magister Amanti, but before he can reclaim it, Elspet uses Mind Blast to clear off the people around them.
In the moment of peace they have, Boshara concentrates on home, and casts magic into the necklace.
There’s a lake now, and everyone (except Humbert) is feeling shorter than before. 
It seems that our heroes have not quite reached the right time. Boshara appears to be two years old, Elspet 5, Randy 7 and Alf 10. 
Humbert (~29 and looking mighty fine) fishes the little ones and their equipment out of the lake.
It seems that the hole the elf created has turned into a lake, and the surroundings are far less swampy than before.
This times Elspet tries to work the necklace, but it only takes them few years forward. Finally Elspet and Boshara both try, and they reach the current age.
The town of Meünzenbern has been transformed from a poor berry-picking village to a nice looking beach-village. Unfortunately this means that the deal our heroes made with Esteri in the past hasn’t happened, so they won’t be getting their wine. 
Our heroes go to the local tavern and order some sweet coctails. THE END
That’s it! And since our heroes undid the time they spent with Konstantine by going back farther, the timeline’s not all that wonky too! Yay!
Next campaign, I’m still in charge, we’ll start reaping the seeds send down for sowing with Arkaitz, as our heroes go on a mother hunt! Exciting and scary
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lightsorigins · 3 years
An inefficient world
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03 Marckabeth 2010
3:42 pm, Mysticiën,
Lausya, Estery High School
 Squeezed into an uncomfortable wooden chair, Sarasvatî had her arms folded. She had been staring at Madame Bigot, her biology teacher, for a few minutes. After having finished her tirade on a part of the course, this last one also observed Sara during a few seconds. The setting sun was illuminating her short jet hair and her strong gaze. She was imperturbable, yet everything about her indicated a latent irritation.
- Sarasvatî, do you have something to add?
 She sighed at length before answering.
- You send me sorry, but you can't understand anything in a class where you get lost in so many details.
- These details are in Sara's program. If you work harder, you'll understand more.
 At the agreement of his words, his gaze caught fire.
- That I work more? Me? In this room, I'm sure that no one understood a word of what you've just explained. You start to talk to us about how Anima and Menha work, and then you digress about your theories about the most powerful elements to bring down the Anima of our opponents, even though we are not even atmologists. It had nothing to do with the beginning of the session, and we haven't even been given a lecture on the primary elements yet!
- Sara...
- Don't expect me to believe that your assumptions about how things work are part of the program. Everyone here knows that you were not a high school teacher last year.
 Madame Bigot was a red-headed meïlith with very light blue skin. Her big green eyes opened more and more to Sara's insolence. Discreet and kind, she had indeed shown for some sessions difficulties in giving her course in a sufficiently clear manner. Suddenly, she gave a big blow on her desk with the flat of her hand.
- Enough! You will bring me your notebook at the bell. I cannot accept such behavior in this room. Class representative or good student, I don't care!
- Instead, say that you are unable to accept reality and the criticisms that go against your ineffective methods," Sara replied before taking out her notebook and putting it at the end of the table.
- Pardon? exclaimed the professor.
- Nothing. Nothing that you wouldn't be able to hear.
      She was dying to make him swallow her tongue with an atmos. Something that would have made her feel like making a fool of herself in front of all those students, but Laura Bigot would be in big trouble with the Grand Council of Atmology if she did so. However, she could already see herself joining hands, forming a skillful circle and whispering "Totopo lu hodo". A wooden cocoon would then have formed around Sarasvatî, who would have had no choice but to keep quiet. The pupils would then have said to each other "It is not necessary to joke with Mrs. Bigot! ». She would have earned the respect she had hoped for, continued her course and shared her intelligent theories on the functioning of the elements. Yet, instead...
- What's up? Are you going to take this notebook, yes or no? Instead of standing stupidly in front of me staring at me.
- Leave this room immediately Sara. You will have a report that you will remember for a long time. I would have liked to talk with you calmly, but it is obviously not possible.
- Anyway, it's going to ring. I would have liked to avoid this with you, but it seems to me that we have already talked about this problem. I won't be able to get a higher education with your damn theories. You simply have no right to do that. I'll talk to the director about it tomorrow. I'll see you soon.
       Madame Bigot kept talking, but Sara had already moved on. Then the bell rang. It was an unpleasant, strident, repetitive sound that she had never enjoyed hearing. She grabbed her black leather jacket and put it over her long sky-blue dress. Grabbing her bag, she walked towards the exit, expressionless. Her step was heavy, fast and sure. She didn't greet anyone and stopped at the door. Once in the hallway, Sara stretched out her arm and let her diamond shûmberr skin handbag dangle nimbly from her fingertips. Staring down at the large alley, a long sigh of impatience escaped from between her lips. Suddenly, a young sygreliad with long blond hair rushed towards her and grabbed her bag.
- Sorry Sara, I hadn't finished writing everything down. Damn, your bag is heavy today, what did you put in it?
- It's the weight of Madame Bigot's bullshit, did you see how it weighs?
  Annabelle smiled an embarrassed smile at him. Sara mimicked her expression by mimicking a despicable nonsense before continuing.
- Where's Marvin? Is he going to suck up to miss bullshit, or is he going to show up?
  A large wazardin with a tousled coat ran out of the room, jostling Sara and Annabelle as they passed by. He stumbled a few seconds later, knocking over all of his comrade's things in the hallway. His ruby eyes were lost in Sara's, who stared at him without blinking.
- Ah shit, I thought you two had left," he said, laughing and nervously scratching his head.
- Marvin, I think I'm going to destroy you and your whole family," Sara said dryly.
- But you still intend to continue to help me with the merçembuth history presentation?
- Maybe, if you pick up everything you just spilled in less than thirty seconds. After that time, I might purposely insert errors in your homework and insult the teachers to get you kicked out of school.
  Marvin swallowed his saliva and picked it all up, helped by Annabelle, who then picked up Sara's purse. They continued on their way out of the school. Snow was falling in large flakes on Lausya. It was a venckelbuth of the month of jalestar. This year's system was particularly cold. Every day, Sarasvatî, Annabelle and Marvin came home from school together because their homes were on the same road. Since middle school, the three teenagers had spent a lot of time together working on subjects in which they were struggling. Despite her bullying attitude, Sara knew she needed Annabelle's help in math. In return, she would help them out when they had arguments with other students, but also in other subjects where Annabelle and Marvin were not performing as well as she did.
- It took exactly twenty-four seconds to pick up everything," says Annabelle. That's it, you're saved for your homework Marvin!
- No, because you helped him so it doesn't count. So I'm not going to help you, too," Sara replied.
  Annabelle's face decomposed. The young sygreliad gradually slowed down her walk, when Sara suddenly ripped her purse from her hands.
- Oh, but we can't even laugh anymore? It's not possible that! I'll help you anyway, I'm not a monster ! We've known each other for a long time, seriously. You're the only two people I accept to talk to, stop being afraid like that for a little bit, otherwise I won't hang out with you anymore. 
- You'll have to excuse me Sara, but considering how mad you were at Madame Bigot earlier, it doesn't make you want to be more upset than that.
- You have nothing to do with it, I wouldn't be stupid enough to make you pay for miss bigou's incompetence. And what do you think of what I said to her? Did you understand what she was talking about?
- I don't know," Annabelle hesitated. I was interested in her ideas, but she did talk fast. Anyway, it wasn't going to last long. Do you really think that letting her talk a little bit about it from time to time is so bad?
- The problem is there, and you both need to think about it too. Like me, you would like to become good atmologists later on, wouldn't you? Imagine letting all of our teachers knock us out with their unproven hypotheses for five to ten minutes per hour-long class. Imagine, in total, how much time we will have wasted! That would mean that...
  Marvin grabs her by the arm and pulls her onto the road. Sara was so carried away by his explanation that she hadn't seen that it was time to cross.
- That would mean a lot of time would be lost," he added calmly. I know, it's okay. But only Madame Bigot does that. She is new, you said it yourself, and despite that she is still a good teacher!
  Sara stared at him before raising her eyes to the sky.
- How much did you get at his last checkup, Marvin? Honestly?
- I got 8 out of 20, and you know very well that I usually get half in organic classes!
- Marvin, you got 8 and I got 10, whereas in bio I normally go out with at least 16. She's not a good teacher. And I need a record that is relevant to my entry into the top universities in Mysticiën. I have tried to be patient, I have already talked to her about the situation but the very next day she does the same thing to me. I wish she had at least been honest and told me clearly that she would continue to do as she pleased.
- And if she had said that, are you sure you wouldn't have done something, like spilling all her stuff on the floor or yelling at her that she's just incompetent?
  Sara slowed down her walk slightly and began to contemplate the sky for a few seconds as a sign of reflection. Suddenly, her gaze returned to Annabelle.
- Yeah, you have a point. Are we still on for math tomorrow at 4:00?
- Yes, I have notified my parents. I leave you here, see you tomorrow!
  She walked away discreetly. Sara and Marvin watched the silhouette in the small white coat disappear in the distance towards the east of the city, rubbing her arms against herself to warm up before she could go home. Marvin patted Sara on the back before bursting into laughter.
- Hey, Marvin. Really, I'm going to end up killing you if you touch me a third time.
- You're not cool to make Annabelle carry your bag like that! Look how tiny and cute she is in her coat, she still looks like a little girl.
  They went the other way before Sara continued.
- I took advantage of this before she became a school principal. She will eat us all if we don't dominate her first. Look at her, with her little feet and her nice attitudes. She's hiding an evil genius, that's for sure.
- Aren't you projecting your own attitudes onto her?
- No. And you want to carry my bag instead maybe?
- I can't promise I'll never drop it if you let me do it, but we can always try, I guess.
  At the agreement of her words, she jumped up and down to try to slap him on the back of the head. Marvin ducked, and the two teenagers began to chase each other around town. The discussion turned into a brief snowball fight, won by Sarasvatî. In their bickering, they had reached Marvin's family home, which was still lying on the ground. Before he got up, Sara approached him with a huge amount of snow in her arms.
- What do you have to say for yourself, Mr. Notorious Criminal? she asked comically.
      Marvin concentrated with all his strength and a pink glow covered him. Sara frowned, wondering what idiocy he was up to. A few seconds later, he had taken on the appearance of Sara herself.
- Nothing. Nothing that you wouldn't be able to hear. "He replied seriously and solemnly, to imitate Sara's phrase when she had argued with their teacher.
  When she understood, she covered her face with snow and started kicking him. Marvin laughed and laughed for a good five minutes before getting up and returning to his original shape.
- Wazardins, you are really dangerous people. I hope you don't take my appearance to do anything in front of others.
- Given the sanctions that await me if I do that, it's better that I avoid. Well, I'm out of here. Get home safe, and don't kill your brother if he's done something stupid, okay?
- Yeah, yeah. See you tomorrow.
      Sara's home was a few dozen meters from here. All she had to do was cross a few roads, turn a couple of blocks, and she would find the park and then the building where she lived with her brother and mother. As she continued on her way silently, Sara got lost in her thoughts. She was still organizing her future, already imagining herself in a prestigious university, studying atmology as a Creator. The Creators combine the energies of Fire and Plants to fight and explore the world. What seduced Sara in this atmological discipline was the possibility of giving life to living creatures to fight at her side. Federating a team that she would have made entirely with her own hands... nothing could make her dream stronger.
    Suddenly, as she was walking at a brisk pace, her foot stumbled on a thick piece of carjaline, in the middle of a park that she travels home through every day. Intrigued, she stopped to observe it more closely. The thick black debris reflected an intense glow. She recognized the fragments of black tourmaline, through which the last rays of the sun were seeping, then she sighed at length. It was a mechanical arm, and Sara knew exactly where it came from.
- I guess it's not ironic to have one intervention a year since high school by the Guild of Renovators, while the mayor himself leaves his pieces of inventions lying around anywhere...
      She gave a huge kick to the robot arm. The noise resonated through the entire alloy. Sara looked a little further and recognized a hand also made of carjaline. Ecology was a cause that was close to her heart, also because she had become aware early on of the harmful effects that occur when no one pays attention to it. As she walked along the road again, she plunged into her memories. Many alloys and castings like these were not so easily recycled, and ended up impacting not only the fauna and flora, but also the people of Lausanne. As
    far back as she can remember, Oscar Fanghël, the mayor of Lausya, has always considered the town as an experimental field of choice to test his prototypes. No one ever really knew what he was creating so many of them for. No one ever knew why he did not stop despite the numerous requests of the people of Lausya, and even worse: no one ever knew why the GCA (Great Council of Atmosphology), or even the GCM (Great Council of Martial Arts), had never acted in the face of this problem. Still, some members of the Guilde des Rénovateurs came to the aid of the lausois, but with great discretion.
      Sara suspected well-disguised political shenanigans. She and other lausois knew that the ancestry of the Fanghël family was highly respected, had a long arm and could quickly come to grips with any opponent. This disturbing prospect probably kept many people silent. She swore to herself, however, that when she became powerful enough, Sara would make Oscar eat all his prototypes one after the other. She hoped that Annabelle, Marvin and her other friends would join her cause and that one day this city, and others suffering similar injustices, would become more effectively managed.
    She finally reached the square in her neighbourhood: a poorly maintained place, decorated with a few benches and children's games, half of which had been seriously damaged. Buildings rose up around her, as if they were contemplating her with all the coldness of the system. A cold draught suddenly woke her up, awakening a wave of shivers that ran down her spine. She clenched her teeth, cursed and started looking for her keys in her bag before reaching the entrance hall. Then a strange smell tickled her nostrils. She knew that smell well.
- Nanthilia? Seriously, some guys start smoking this early in the day?
      The fragrance was far too close for Sara to resist knowing who, in this neighborhood she knew on the tip of her fingers, was having fun rolling nanthilia joints. The local youth - and the youth from elsewhere - loved it for the fun and soothing psychic effects it provides. Sara then discreetly walked around the large building to the right, surreptitiously walked along the wall and bent down to see if there were people further away. She heard laughter, including one she could recognize from among a thousand. A group of four young boys sat on a bench at the back of the building and laughed loudly. She approached them discreetly. From then on, only a few centimeters separated her from the boys.
      One of them turned around and fell face to face with Sara. With a hiccup of surprise, he jumped up and tripped his butt first on the field of grass. She still had her arms folded and that imperturbable expression that described her so well.
- Oh damn it! cried the young man who had just fallen. Why didn't you say you were there, Sara?
      She didn't answer, then looked at another boy in the group. He was shorter than the others, had a black hair in a battle, big black eyes, and wore a red flannel shirt with white checks. He was the one with the nanthilia joint in his hands. His eyes were red with fatigue. When Sara saw the joint between her fingers, she raised her eyebrows without taking her eyes off it. The young man did not blink.
- Name of a kannidus, Sara. Do you want to become a cop for the GCs now or what's it like? You can shove your witchy eyes up your ass.
- Are you kidding me, Kieran? she replied.
      Sara moved towards him to rip the joint out of his hands, but in response, he backed away. She grabbed him by the arm and eventually ripped it off, threw it to the ground, and crushed it vigorously with the tip of her foot.
- We had an agreement between the two of us. You had to behave better and make an effort because I warned you about the consequences of this thing, and I find you three days later smoking with three idiots from the neighbourhood?
- Oh eh, that's good," replied one of them, ready to defend his cause.
      Feeling the anger rising, Sara turned to them as if to forbid them to dare to speak again. The boys preferred to stay there and walk away, stunned by the effects of the nanthilia. Sara began to feel tired and disappointed. She didn't take her eyes off Kieran, who, on the other hand, was very angry.
- You're really annoying when you get into it. I've already told you that this situation is my business! Why don't you want to get off my back, don't you have classes to study or whatever else you need to do in your corner with your nerdy friends?
      For the umpteenth time today, she sighed.
- We're talking about your future Kieran, I'm not doing this just to annoy you. I'm your sister, it's my job to warn you about the effects of these things! Do you realize that mercenaries and explorers use this to cause psychic disturbances on their opponents? Do you think it's normal to blow your head off with it?
- Yes! because it's my skull and I do what I want with it! I don't want to do mega-studies like you, me.
      She remained silent as Kieran assailed her with all her favorite phrases to express her desire for independence and freedom. Her tirades continued for minutes on end. In the hall, in the elevator, and until they entered the apartment. He slammed the front door with all his might.
- If you're going to sneak up on me like that all the time, I'm just going to end up breaking into someone else's house without telling anyone! I'm tired of having you on my ass, you understand that? You're pissing me off!
- You're not doing what you want here Kieran," she shouted back. You're fourteen years old, you're a minor, you don't have to make these kinds of decisions, let alone talk to me like that! And if you want to run away, I'm going to find you whether you like it or not!
      This time it was the door to Kieran's room that slammed. A few seconds later, he launched a hard rock song at maximum volume. Sara was about to tell him to turn it down, but when she put her hand on the latch, she heard him turn the key in the lock. She put her hands to her hair and growled in irritation before going into the kitchen. The room was dirty, dimly lit with a light that Sara often described as "too white. Tired from work, her mother Naska didn't always have time to clean the apartment. Kieran would never get down to it, and Sara was far too busy working on her lessons.Putting her purse on the floor, she abruptly pulled out one of the chairs and dropped herself on it, taking her head in her hands and closing her eyes. A warm smell of boiled yone permeated the room. Naska, was cooking. Sara hated boiled food. It was the worst day she could have hoped for.
- Then my dear, why did your brother go to his room? Why are you still arguing? she asked softly.
- I've already come out of a class given by a poor incompetent and when I get downstairs, I find him smoking nanthilia with a bunch of jerks from the neighborhood. I had spoken with him not even a week ago, he told me that he understood and that he was going to make an effort, and look what he's doing!
- Don't be hard on your brother, honey.
- But how can I not be hard on him when he literally doesn't care about the world?
- You know that the situation is not easy for Kié. He needs time to act, and he's a young boy. Give him some time.
- If I'm the only one trying to be a little firmer with him, frankly, it's not going to help him. At some point you're going to have to do something serious. Let me remind you that I'm the one who pays for the private lessons that Amaëlle gives him! I work two days a week to help with homework for those in difficulty, but also to pay for her lessons! It's not by getting high on nanthilia every night that he's likely to learn things and use his memory well. I don't want to do that for nothing, it also impacts me, you understand?
      Naska marked a time of silence. Busy with her dish, she grabbed a bowl of spices and poured a tiny part of it into the broth she was preparing. She then drained the fragrant rice before continuing.
- You should relax a little bit Sara. I know you do a lot, but you could ask Amaelle for an advance for the classes.
- No. I'm not going to do that. I just want Kieran to get to work.
- Be patient, there is no reason to get into all these states. You must not push him to leave the house. I will be sad if something happens to him.
- I am already patient. All the time. And so am I...
      Sara felt that no matter what she might say, her mother would remain relaxed, or at least pretend to. Between the loud music played in her brother's room, the smell of boiled yone that was going to make her nauseous, and that incarnation with Madame Bigot earlier, she began to think that spending the evening here would be a bad idea. So she went to her room and made a call to Marvin.
- Hello Mrs. Solenelle?" he answered.
- Marvin, can I come to your house tonight?
- It depends on what for. Like, if it's for the presentation, I'm okay with it.
- Do you have fresh choums? Do you still have your two controllers to play with? Do you have an interesting topic of discussion in mind?
- Wow, we have a real program here, don't we?
- Yes or no?
- Yeah, yeah, it's quiet. Are you sure you're okay, Sara?
- I'll be there in five minutes. I'm sleeping at your place.
- Well, okay. I'll see you in a minute.
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esteriivy · 5 years
fic preview: “spinning reds”
my halloween / AU month fic is 95% finished and should be online by wednesday or thursday latest. in the meantime... a preview:
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and a baby snippet:
“Please,” he whispered — half-begged, really. “Please let me take your mask off. I want to see you.”
If he didn’t know better, he’d say she looked a bit frightened. 
“Yours first,” she breathed. The full moon gleamed through the window, shining on the two of them.
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esteriivy · 5 years
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just me doin’ my thang.
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esteriivy · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Game of Thrones (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen Characters: Daenerys Targaryen, Jon Snow, Tyene Sand, Ramsay Bolton, Robert Baratheon, Cersei Lannister, Barristan Selmy, Arthur Dayne, Robb Stark Additional Tags: Modern AU, Enemies to Lovers, Jon And Dany Are Rival Campaign Embeds, Seriously They're Just Politics Reporters, Fluff and Smut Summary:
Her eye twitched. Daenerys Targaryen had beaten out more than a hundred applicants to become Dragonstone News’s presidential campaign embed, and Jon Snow had literally gotten his job by mistake. / OR: Jon and Dany are rival politics reporters. Modern AU. Smut.
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esteriivy · 5 years
The Delphinium-Jon POV that was promised.
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Chapters: 1/1
 Fandom: Game of Thrones (TV)
 Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
 Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
 Relationships: Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen
Characters: Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, Arya Stark, Sansa Stark, Robb Stark, Melisandre of Asshai
 Additional Tags: AU, Modern Era, Dany Runs A Flower Shop, Jon’s Worse At Flirting Than He Thinks He Is, Fluff and Humor, But This Time From Jon’s POV, parallel fic, Alternate Universe - Flower Shop
Series: Part 2 of At The Florist
Summary: He probably should’ve come up with a better excuse for why he keeps returning, every single Friday, to Daenerys Targaryen’s flower shop. Modern AU. (Jon’s POV for Delphinium.)
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esteriivy · 5 years
Chapters: 6/25 Fandom: Game of Thrones (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen Characters: Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, Rhaegar Targaryen, Viserys Targaryen, Tyrion Lannister, Jaime Lannister, Varys (ASoIaF), Lyanna Stark, Sansa Stark Additional Tags: Minor Sansa Stark/Viserys Targaryen, Minor Lyanna Stark/Rhaegar Targaryen, Alternate Universe - Rhaegar Won, N plus A equals J, Elia Was Killed By Aerys, Jon Teaches Dany To Fight, Mystery, Slow Burn, Eventual Smut, Explicit Sexual Content Summary:
After she narrowly escapes an abduction, Daenerys's brother, King Rhaegar, summons one of the Seven Kingdoms' finest swordsmen to train her in self-defense. But as the threats against her escalate, it becomes clear that there is a traitor among them and the danger is far from over. Slow burn. AU.
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esteriivy · 5 years
AKA THE EMBEDDED UNIVERSE’S VERSION OF AN EMMYS DRABBLE. Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Game of Thrones (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen Characters: Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen Additional Tags: AU, Fluff, Drabble Collection, Embedded Universe, Just Drabbles After Jon & Dany Come Home From The Trail Series: Part 2 of Embedded & After Summary:
Drabbles set in the universe of my one-shot "Embedded." / AU. Jonerys. Fluff.
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esteriivy · 5 years
Here you go, Sabrina. 
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Game of Thrones (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen Characters: Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen Additional Tags: AU, Fluff, Drabble Collection, Embedded Universe, Just Drabbles After Jon & Dany Come Home From The Trail Series: Part 2 of Embedded & After Summary: Drabbles set in the universe of my one-shot "Embedded." / AU. Jonerys. Fluff.
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esteriivy · 5 years
‘Aster’ Preview
Also known as Delphinium’s Jon POV.
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A lovely anon requested I put out a small snippet from Aster, and I figured why not. So here we go:
He dried his hands on the gray towel in the bathroom and padded back out into his living room only to abruptly halt. 
In retrospect, the mistake he’d made was obvious.
Arya was sitting on his couch, waiting for him, with his open laptop in her hands. His Besteros review page was pulled up.
“Why,” she asked pointedly, “is Dany’s Floral Designs the only florist in King’s Landing worth visiting?”
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esteriivy · 5 years
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Chapters: 2/25 Fandom: Game of Thrones (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen Characters: Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, Rhaegar Targaryen, Viserys Targaryen, Tyrion Lannister, Jaime Lannister, Varys (ASoIaF), Lyanna Stark, Sansa Stark Additional Tags: Minor Sansa Stark/Viserys Targaryen, Minor Lyanna Stark/Rhaegar Targaryen, Alternate Universe - Rhaegar Won, N plus A equals J, Elia Was Killed By Aerys, Jon Teaches Dany To Fight, Mystery, Slow Burn, Eventual Smut, Explicit Sexual Content Summary:
After she narrowly escapes an abduction, Daenerys's brother, King Rhaegar, summons one of the Seven Kingdoms' finest swordsmen to train her in self-defense. But as the threats against her escalate, it becomes clear that there is a traitor among them and the danger is far from over. Slow burn. AU.
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esteriivy · 5 years
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Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Game of Thrones (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen Characters: Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, Rhaegar Targaryen, Viserys Targaryen, Tyrion Lannister, Jaime Lannister, Varys (ASoIaF), Lyanna Stark, Sansa Stark Additional Tags: Minor Sansa Stark/Viserys Targaryen, Minor Lyanna Stark/Rhaegar Targaryen, Alternate Universe - Rhaegar Won, N plus A equals J, Elia Was Killed By Aerys, Jon Teaches Dany To Fight, Mystery, Slow Burn, Eventual Smut, Explicit Sexual Content Summary:
After she narrowly escapes an abduction, Daenerys's brother, King Rhaegar, summons one of the Seven Kingdoms' finest swordsmen to train her in self-defense. But as the threats against her escalate, it becomes clear that there is a traitor among them and the danger is far from over. Slow burn. AU.
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esteriivy · 5 years
Chapters: 4/25 Fandom: Game of Thrones (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen Characters: Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, Rhaegar Targaryen, Viserys Targaryen, Tyrion Lannister, Jaime Lannister, Varys (ASoIaF), Lyanna Stark, Sansa Stark Additional Tags: Minor Sansa Stark/Viserys Targaryen, Minor Lyanna Stark/Rhaegar Targaryen, Alternate Universe - Rhaegar Won, N plus A equals J, Elia Was Killed By Aerys, Jon Teaches Dany To Fight, Mystery, Slow Burn, Eventual Smut, Explicit Sexual Content Summary:
After she narrowly escapes an abduction, Daenerys's brother, King Rhaegar, summons one of the Seven Kingdoms' finest swordsmen to train her in self-defense. But as the threats against her escalate, it becomes clear that there is a traitor among them and the danger is far from over. Slow burn. AU.
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esteriivy · 5 years
Chapters: 5/25 Fandom: Game of Thrones (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen Characters: Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, Rhaegar Targaryen, Viserys Targaryen, Tyrion Lannister, Jaime Lannister, Varys (ASoIaF), Lyanna Stark, Sansa Stark Additional Tags: Minor Sansa Stark/Viserys Targaryen, Minor Lyanna Stark/Rhaegar Targaryen, Alternate Universe - Rhaegar Won, N plus A equals J, Elia Was Killed By Aerys, Jon Teaches Dany To Fight, Mystery, Slow Burn, Eventual Smut, Explicit Sexual Content Summary:
After she narrowly escapes an abduction, Daenerys's brother, King Rhaegar, summons one of the Seven Kingdoms' finest swordsmen to train her in self-defense. But as the threats against her escalate, it becomes clear that there is a traitor among them and the danger is far from over. Slow burn. AU.
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