esteriivy · 10 months
hello, internet. it's me.
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esteriivy · 1 year
str8 counting down the seconds until i’m home at my parents’ and relaxing this weekend so i can finish this damn fic omfg.
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esteriivy · 1 year
how about a sneak peek while we wait for the chapter?
Happily!! I s2g I am almost done with it. I think I’ve mentioned here before, but I work two jobs, and last weekend was my BF’s birthday, so when I didn’t finish the chapter on schedule, things got HECTIC. 
One scene to go, but here’s a snippy for you all (standard disclaimers that it could change apply):
When he arrived back, he let himself back into the room quietly, still lost in his thoughts. The room was dark, but not as still as he expected.
“And just where have you been?” Robb’s voice called from over by his bed. It was roguish.
Jon flushed — he’d expected his brother to be asleep by now.
“Snuck into some closed-off area of the ship with this girl,” he said, deciding on honesty. It sounded ridiculous coming from him rather than his brother, who would have been so much more in-character in that situation.
“Fuck off,” Robb said, not bothering to move from his resting position.
Jon shrugged in the dark as he slid off his shoes and shucked his clothes to the ground. He climbed in bed quickly, pausing only to plug his phone in. “I don’t know what to tell you,” he said. “I was.”
At his tone, Robb sat up straight, hands dropping to his knees. “You’re serious?” he asked. “With who?”
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esteriivy · 1 year
tens accountability post
keeping with my 2023 determination to be transparent: one of my close friends found out mid-to-late in the week that her boyfriend of 3 years was cheating on her, so i got way less done than anticipated owing to trying to be a good friend and spending time with her and all of that.
that said, the chapter is very close to being complete. days 6, 8 and 9 are finished. mainly i’m being held up by a two pesky scenes in day 7 that don’t seem to want to end.
i’m writing right now and going to try to leave myself with only 1 more scene to finish before i go to sleep. keep your fingers crossed for me!
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esteriivy · 1 year
another tens update.
because i’m trying to be very transparent about writing communication in 2023: as it stands, i have 9 more areas of the 2nd chapter of splitting tens that are marked off for additional writing or edits. 
i would say about 5-6 are easy, five-minute tweaks, and the remaining 3-4 are scenes that need more substantive work.
if i get enough of my 2nd-job work done tomorrow AM before my main job starts, i could potentially finish it tomorrow night. if not, then it’ll more likely be on thursday (though it would still need to be beta’d after that).
optimistically, i feel good right now about a weekend post. that’s where i’m at.
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esteriivy · 1 year
(gonna work on tens pt. 2 all day tomorrow; I thought I’d have time today but lolol i’m an idiot — NYE is so busy!!)
((it’s coming along well though.))
(((happy new years, everyone!)))
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esteriivy · 1 year
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I'm in love with the cruise ship au. As someone who just came back from a Christmas vacation you really do nail the family vacation dynamics too lol
Aw, thank you!! Working diligently on Pt. 2! :)
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esteriivy · 1 year
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Chapters: 1/2 Fandom: Game of Thrones (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen Characters: Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen Additional Tags: Modern Era, Alternate Universe, Jon and Dany Meet on a Cruise Ship, And She's Very Good At Blackjack, Brief Mentions of A Past Relationship, But Mostly This is Very Jonerys Centric, Christmas, Holiday Fic In Disguise, Who Are Jon's Parents? Whoever You Want Them To Be. Summary:
All may be fair in love and war, but it's certainly not in blackjack. // OR: Jon and Dany take the same Christmas cruise and meet at a casino table. AU. Modern Era. (Mildly) Holiday Fic. (A very special thank you to @stilesssolo​ for the beta read that I gave her absolutely no time to complete.)
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esteriivy · 1 year
are there any other ff writers who have 2(+) jobs and can explain to me when y’all find the ENERGY? i am so exhausted every time i sit down to try, but i miss having a creative outlet.
for real, how do people pull this stuff off?
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esteriivy · 2 years
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and i wake with your memory over me
When she tells him she loves him (her heart in her throat), she’s not prepared for his reaction.
He grabs her, pulling her close. She can smell the ale on his breath before he kisses her, that harsh, fermented brew she choked down at the feast. But now, it tastes sweet on his tongue, and she wants nothing more than to melt into his embrace, to forget the past two days, all the fighting and the dead, and their last bitter argument in the crypts.
She trembles and sighs against his lips, and his tentative kiss quickly expands into a greedy, demanding exploration of her mouth. It’s easy, so easy, to give in, to claw at the front clasps of his gambeson as he deftly yanks loose the ties of her gown, backing her against a table. Her head spins.
But not even the heat of their kiss can thaw the memory of his icy disregard the past few days.
With some effort, she turns her head to break the kiss. “Stop,” she gasps, crossing her arms over her chest to hold closed her undone gown. “Not like this. Not when you’re drunk.” 
Stunned, Jon releases her. When she meets his stormy gaze, he rakes his hand through his hair and stumbles back a few steps, collapsing on the edge of his bed. With a ragged breath, he drops his face in his hands.
“I can’t—I can’t go on like this, Dany,” he rasps. She’s perplexed until he lifts his head to look at her. “We could’ve died. You—” He cuts himself off and shakes his head. “If you’re angry with me—because of what I told you before—”
Now she’s the one who’s stunned. “Angry? Me? You’re the one who’s all but shunned me since the moment we got here! Who can barely look at me, ever since you found out—” Her lips tremble, emotion clotting her throat, choking off her words.
He stands again and swiftly closes the distance between them. She sucks in a breath when he cups her jaw with both hands, lifting her face to his. “I’m looking at you now,” he husks out, nostrils flaring in defiance. His dark eyes bore into hers, searching. The hunger in his voice holds an edge of desperation.
“Let me see you,” he pleads.
Keep reading
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esteriivy · 2 years
one of my favorite fics updated just after my birthday and this is a GIFT yasssss 💃🏻
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For the Cameras | Chaprer 9: Committing to the Part
a collaboration with @muttpeeta
To her surprise, Jon picked up on the second ring.
“You’re absolutely insane, do you know that?” Dany playfully scolded him as she looked around the living room, grinning like an idiot at the ridiculous amount of flowers that filled her flat. “Couldn’t you just send a bouquet like a normal bloke?”
Jon chuckled. “You should know by now I’m not a normal bloke, Princess.”
“You didn’t have to do all this.”
He hummed in disagreement. “And risk our fans thinking that I’m a shite boyfriend for not showing up at your show? Even though I can’t make it tonight, at least everyone will know how much I wish that I could be there.”
Oh. Right. The flowers weren’t actually for her. Dany tried to push down the prick of disappointment she felt at the reminder, embarrassed for her earlier excitement. “You realise you’ve just made the lives of all men on Planetos insanely difficult?” she said instead. “You’re setting a very high bar, Mr. Snow.”
“Good. I’d love to see any of them try to keep up.” Dany could hear his smug smirk in his voice.
“So,” she cleared her throat, moving closer to one of the arrangements to play with a rose. “You’re really not coming tonight.”
“It doesn't seem like it.”
“Of course. I completely understand.” Truth was, part of her had hoped that between Sunday and now, his schedule would have cleared, and he would be able to attend her silly show.
Jon sighed on the other end. “I know you're very eager for the real Jon Snow kiss. But don’t worry, Princess. I'll make it worth the wait.”
Read it on Ao3. Thank you!
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esteriivy · 2 years
“Ao3 needs an algorithm” no it doesn’t, part of the ao3 experience is scrolling through pages of cursed content looking for the one fic you want to read until you get distracted by a summary so cursed that it completely derails your entire search
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esteriivy · 2 years
i need to write. i need to write. i need to write. i need to write. i need to write. i need to write. i need to write. i need to write. i need to write. i need to write. i need to write. i need to write. i need to write. i need to write. i need to write. i need to write. i need to write. i need to write. i need to write. i need to write. i need to write. i need to write. i need to w
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esteriivy · 2 years
Maybe if he was a little less fuckable we wouldn’t be in this mess
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esteriivy · 2 years
when i tell you the emotions i felt seeing that shit.
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esteriivy · 2 years
What scene have you written that draws the most emotion from you? Did this translate to your readers? Would you change anything?
I'll say off the bat that I don't think the scene I've written that pulls the most emotion from me is necessarily one that would resonate as strongly with my readers. I can't speak for them, though, and I could easily be wrong.
That said, it comes from "Embedded," which has always felt personal to me because it's set in a world I worked in for years. I tried hard to speak to the feeling of ephemerality and loneliness that comes from giving up parts of your life for a job that doesn't love you, even if you love it. I hope I succeeded.
The scene in question:
“I didn’t think it would bother me this much, being on the road,” she whispered into his shirt. “Sometimes you’re the only thing that feels real.”
He knew what she meant. Only other embeds could, really.
City after city. Night after night. Plane after plane. Story after story. Diner after diner. Rally after rally.
A different inn. A different bus.
Lunch just a bag of chips — unless you had to skip that to go recharge your camera’s battery.
Missing your friends’ birthdays. Your sister’s graduation.
Outside the bus window, fields flew by. There wasn’t a light for miles.
Jon tucked his head on top of Dany’s and pressed a featherlight kiss to her hair. In the dark, it shone like it was his own personal moon.
“You are for me, too.”
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esteriivy · 2 years
Do you feel your interpretation of the characters in your fic is true to canon? Is there a certain canon personality trait that you try to maintain? Or do you have a certain trait that you use in your fics that you think the character should have but is not canon?
(I’ve been on vacation, so sorry about the delay in getting to this question, Anon.) I'm definitely not always in line with canon, but I try to at least make them recognizable. I would say that I'm more concerned with keeping characters consistent with who they are in the fic than I am with canon, particularly since I wrote a lot of AUs. That said, there are some canon traits I turn to often. Daenerys is intelligent, headstrong and an overall optimist; I think many of my Daenerys interpretations go in that direction. Jon is fiercely loyal and has a deep-rooted yearning to succeed; I think that appears in a lot of my interpretations of his character.
One day I do want to try to write a very canon-consistent story (sans S8), but I'm not sure when.
Thanks for the thoughtful question (and pluralize that if the others are also you)!
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