#especially the necromancers
homeofwyrm · 3 months
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1.) First time doing any comic style post here, so apologies if it's not very optimal lol
2.) Also mostly exploring what style i wanna do, so this is a little test. I forgor how hard this is
3.) Everyone was so nice on the band au poster here we are.
This is pre-band coming together (part 1)
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the-nothing-maker · 8 months
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"I have heard these dreamers talking in their sleep And I stand waiting for them As at the top of a darkened flight of stairs They know nothing of me And none of the secrets of my special plan While I know every crooked creaking step of theirs"
(Gilligan is an NPC from @luposlipaphobya's D&D campaign, Chair et Charme !)
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violetgarlends · 6 months
i love fxmq so much but also like. god. fenglian. they’re not even a ship to me they’re like a concept. a state of mind. a constant of the universe
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rairolin · 3 months
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im just a frog how can i not love the king of worms, huh?
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it's been a while since i've talked about any of my aus, huh
let's do that real quick! first a very simple au where the main point is the stans twins being physical manifestations of the concept of life and death, and then a much more in-depth au involving mystery trio kind of (don't get attached)
warnings for death (of course) and emotional suffering for the first au
warnings for cosmic horror, violence/blood/near death experience, both physical and emotional suffering, and in general Significantly Bad Times™ for the second one
au the first!
the first au is exactly what it sounds like. i've thought about this one for a while but never mentioned it because i don't want people going 'well obviously the reason ford is death and stan is life is because ford is evil incarnate and stan is perfect and can do no wrong' because that's not why i gave them their specific roles
i just felt it fit their personalities better? also cause stan's (somewhat unhealthy) 'family is everything' mindset fits a personification of life better and ford's 'if it sucks, hit the bricks' mindset fits a personification of death better
(also ford gets to hang out with extinct species and stan has to mourn when he realizes he hasn't interacted with any in a long time, so who gets the better deal really)
really though, this ford is essentially always in a state of mourning for. obvious reasons. stan spends most of his time watching various organisms live, and ford spends most of his time sitting with them when they die. and the two don't interact very often because of how busy they always are (i did give ford an emotional support ghost thylacine though, so he's not always alone)
the mystery twins, through means i do not wish to think about nor go into, end up in a state of limbo. the stan twins take them in, alternating between who spends time with who so everyone gets a fair amount of bonding time
it does help ford a bit, but it also puts him on edge because the last thing he wants is for them to have to watch things die. instead, he introduces them to various (more friendly) ghost creatures and teaches them about decomposers
stan's time with them is somewhat easier, what with his job essentially being to make sure things are still ticking, which includes a lot of looking at baby organisms for long periods of time. he does make sure not to show the twins any species that are. uh. low on members, so to speak
the stan twins got into a lot of fights when they were younger. stan's not exactly a fan of mass extinctions and ford couldn't seem to get him to understand that he does not, in fact, kill them, he just shows up when they die, and yes, stanley, there is a difference
they had. a pretty long time to work it out. that's all there really is for this au (at least for now)
au the second!
in this au, ford focuses on astronomical anomalies. one such anomaly he notices is an increasingly unnerving lack of stars. some that were there before seem to have just. disappeared. he figures, 'well, a lot of stars that were documented in the past just don't exist anymore, and we stop seeing their light after a while. even if these examples are unusually recent all things considered, it's not enough to be worrisome yet'
so he starts keeping track of asterisms. he gets his hands on some star charts, makes a few maps of specific ones himself, and starts observing. every time something changes, he marks it off on the corresponding chart. after a little while, he decides that something is definitely wrong here (he's starting to space out more and more often, for longer periods of time) and he calls up fiddleford for help
fiddleford gets to work on building some machines so they can more easily observe this anomaly and, more importantly, properly record its happenings. he finally gets to computer his majigs. and things go well for a while, except for stanford's newfound problems, but it starts to have an effect on fiddleford after a while. he sees something in the void that ford doesn't. and he's starting to trust it more than he trusts his friend
fiddleford keeps this to himself, of course. ford doesn't seem to really notice. what ford does notice is that the gemini constellation has started to go
somewhat reluctantly (though with his hallucinations and absence seizures and bleeding from the eyes and fiddleford's unusual coldness, it's getting hard to care) he calls up his ma, finds out where stan's currently staying, and sends him a postcard. because, sure, maybe stan can't help, but at this point he's starting to feel like his brother should know and also he's getting a little desperate
stan pretty quickly notices that there's something off about the handwriting and language and the stains of the postcard and gets on his way because something has obviously gone wrong here
he expects to have to talk to ford down from doing something, or maybe have to help him get out of dodge because people want to hurt him or something. he does not expect to walk into the house and see his brother bleeding on the floor because his assistant tried to murder him (is this why ford sent for his help? what in the hell is going on?)
stan is confused, to say the least. he pretty easily overpowers fiddleford (how weak was ford? what happened?) and manages to get his brother to a hospital
needless to say, he's a bit surprised when ford wants to return there upon recovery. he's even more surprised when he's shown the anomaly and hey where the fuck are castor and pollux. where are a lot of the stars around gemini actually?
ford gives him a basic rundown and explains that he thinks something about the anomaly caused fiddleford's murder attempt, though he's not sure why it only affected him. stan asks why he hasn't heard about this considering that this is kind of a big deal. ford doesn't know
they're about to hear a lot about it
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dreamcrow · 2 months
skraelroc but sci-fi au
(give me an au and i'll give you five headcanons; thank you for the ask!)
i'm so sorry babbs all i saw is 'sci' and my brain filled in the rest before immediately blacking out. i am not sorry, however, for the person i am about to become
the third time you see skrael bonk his head against the doorframe of your flat—the first time you were sure you weren't mistaking things; he swears just like the schoolteachers do, dry and vicious, just under his breath—you laugh. you can't help it. his eyes go wide for all of a moment, a sharp, lovely blue against the red of his hair, before you see his shoulders set, and he ducks his head, and without turning round to you, he just says: "breathe not a word of this to them, and i'll take us by the dairy you like on the way home."
it isn't that she's keeping secrets. she is a secret, a big one, from how little bells and skrael have talked about it. they're a secret too. just one secret, just like her; but one just as dangerous, too.
green thing, salt thing, green-and-dreaming thing. the voice in her dreams is huge and mournful, a memory without memory. a jolt of pure animal terror shooting down her spine fit to pierce her heart. whither did they take you from us? what did they do to you?
the next time bellroc wakes up, small and cool and the perfect size to hug, right at her side, she asks, unprompted: "what's a lyctor, bells?"
the blood drains from their face so quickly, and they swear so sharply, so bitterly, even in that dry still voice, for a moment she thinks the two of them finally figured it out—that they've gotten their bodies back, that they've figured out what went wrong, that they've figured out who she is, at last. but when she glances over to them, and sees only the familiar jewel-brown eyes in the familiar boy-round face she's always known—well. her heart does fall, only a little.
i just think nari and nona would be friends,
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zestyderg · 29 days
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(The brigade itself doesn't exist in this au, but these three are still out here being menaces)
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nympippi · 1 year
Headcanon: Griffen steals the other boys’ clothes. They thought he looked cute in them, so they bought him some in his own size. He was thrilled and wears them as often as possible
Griffin stealing clothes is so cute, because he’s the youngest and thinks just about everyone in his friend group is so cool. And looking like them makes him feel cool is so cute oml
Tried to keep it simple, but he’s wearing Bruce’s big sweatshirt, one of Robins bandannas, and he found a jacket similar to Vance’s old one <3<3
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waitineedaname · 2 months
things in mdzs fanart that make me insane no matter how many times I see it
Yiling Laozu art where he looks like he might as well already be dead
literally any depiction of the golden core transfer
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malach-te · 10 months
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im very normal about my tav, willow, and her relationship with astarion
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foreverrhapsody · 7 months
as you've probably noticed
I've fallen into the lesbian necromancer books
and i cannot get up
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rozex21 · 3 months
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beddhead-red · 19 days
I want to go balls out horny on main but I feel like I'd kill someone with that
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All my Lances have some flavor of gender fuckery/non binary going on with them however it's only sr!Lance who has sat down, thought about it hard and realized that "hmmm actually? To be completely honest? I kinda like being not a boy. It's nice, this is nice😊" Rest of them are too far gone for the Realization™, too deep in the shithole they have dug themselves in
#empty thoughts#stolen identity au#C&ai au#post s8 au#post s8 posting#stolen identity posting#C&ai posting#I am so sorry for being crazy about my own aus but this is my blog so pbbt- anyway (mentions of gore and murder up ahead)#This is especially insane cause again sr!Lance is victim of a violent murder who is forgotten and can not be perceived by anyone#dude was straight up skinned alive#You'll think he'll have much more issues than the amateur necromancer and garbage bin depressed cowboy dad#But no that is not what going on#Died and came back normal (ignoring the being eldritch horror part)#Them not being remembered and being alone does make her sad :(#But he doesn't mind her eldritch nature though. Cause that's just who they are. That's just what he is now#Sr!Allura struggles with what she is currently (human) while sr!Shiro struggles with what he isn't currently (Champion+BP+Captain)#They both consider the 'reality' and the 'history' they are struggling with to be fake#Sr!Lance just doesn't care because he neither has the history nor the identity#Neither of being a paladin nor of whoever they were before her death. Instead just focusing on present#Looking for her murderer. Understanding this world. Trying to know about the other one#Solving other murder cases. Doing things to help out people because the world is a bit supernatural. Inconveniencing the cops#Yknow stuff#Ps8!Lance and c&ai!Lance meanwhile are too busy dealing with consequences of their own actions to like evaluate their own gender
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bloodrock-lobster · 10 months
its soooooo GOOD and its sooOOOO FREE
you (reading this) want to download it so bADLY
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jewishsuperfam · 2 years
i simply think that kiriona and ianthe were sent to the front lines together and they homoerotically bonded thru the Trauma of War
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