#esp on my outside adventures
booty-uprooter · 4 months
a pt's (step?) son asked incredulously why we need to know our patient's religious beliefs, then scoffed as i explained it's because some religions have dietary restrictions or restrictions on what sorts of medical treatments they can receive (and also there are things to consider if the pt is dying, but im not going to bring up that one to a family member). the pt in question is muslim
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inf3ct3dd · 8 months
ellie headcanons pt.5!!!
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warnings: nada
content: loser!ellie x reader headcanons
authors note : ellie dug a hole into my skull and moved in
⁃ against bags for no reason. like her pockets are constantly full of things. random receipts, money, headphones, EVERYTHING. she takes her pants of and they jingle cuz they're filled with COINS.
⁃ knows how to do a back bridge and just HAS to let everyone know. you're watching tv and she's just on the floor like "look"
⁃ i feel like shes the type of person to just start fully eating an orange in the middle of class. like ur listening to the teacher talk and you're just hit by the most aggressive wave of CITRUS from behind you
⁃ constantly fighting the air... like she's just in the kitchen punching and kicking at NOTHING just because. she's always coming up to you and like take punching you and doing her own sound effects like “PWAH PWAH WAM WAPOW"
⁃ jar hoarder 😞😞 every time you buy anything that comes in a jar she's keeping it. literally won't let you throw them away!!! you guys don't even have cups anymore, its just jars and mugs.
⁃ speaking of mugs, ellie has just as many stupid mugs as she does stupid tshirts. absolutely has a lot of garfield mugs be she LOVES GARFEILD
- would buy a dry-erase board for your fridge and leave u little notes and drawings
⁃ "Every single time I see you, I become horny like a triceratops" with a little drawing of a triceratops"
⁃ breaks into incoherent ramblings when shes sleepy... like insane hypotheticals
"what if our bed just completely exploded right now"
⁃ whenever ur on facetime and it gets quiet she just breaks out into song. not even like good, trying singing but BAD SINGING.
⁃ she does that whenever it's quiet !!!
⁃ is listening to music CONSTANTLY. her headphones are actually attached to her ears like all DAY she's listening to something.
⁃ HATES THE BIG LIGHT (iykyk) she lives for low/ natural lighting definitely has so many lamps and led lights
⁃ can never sit normal.... like she is not beating the gay ppl sitting weird allegations she sits so ODD
⁃ will spend literal hours in the pool. doing flips, pretending to be a mermaid, 'making up' her own tricks, she lives for it & !!!
⁃ refuses to dress right for the weather. it'll be like 90° outside and shes in a whole hoodie and jeans.
⁃ has the WEIRDEST subway order. probably puts banana peppers on her shit 😭😭 she swears its the best thing ever
⁃ love's campy comedy movies, esp lesbian ones and horror movies (but im a cheerleader, bottoms, scary movie, etc) also def loves coming of age movies
⁃ has a letterbox account and makes extremely thought provoking reviews
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literally her
⁃ always taking candids of you, and they're literally her favorite pictures
⁃ every time she sees two things next to eachother she's like "oh my god it's literally us!!"
⁃ one time she crashed her car and it literally fully flipped over and she just crawled out of the trunk and called you like "you would NOT believe what just happened to me."
- absolutely a waffles girl she needs the texture she likes the CRUNCH
⁃ but like she also loves bacon pancakes. like she's obsessed w adventure time and she makes bacon pancakes ALL THE TIME and she sings the song while she makes them
- eats trail mix like all day....she buys the giant jars and you make fun of her cuz she "likes eating nuts"
⁃ the most secret swifty ever. like she refuses to let it be known but she fully sobbed when she listened to folklore for the first time
⁃ obsessed w those baby sensory videos. like she will literally be entertained for hours
⁃ LOVES the lego movies, esp lego batman
⁃ the MOST honest shit talker ever like you'll be like "yeah she's just a really bad person" and she'd be like "she's also like disgustingly hideous...
⁃ her search history isn’t even weird or gross its just…random. like she’s definitely googled “how do cotton candy machines work” before
⁃ family guy enjoyer.....
⁃ her cf story is like insanely long n its filled w random memes she reposts and insane ramblings
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taglist!!!! if ur name is crossed i can't tag u :((
@syrenada @dinaissoprettyoml, @kingofmylastkiss @as2rid @greencacty @melissabarrerass @bratydoll @lov3lylotus @forelliesposts @echostinn @f3r4Ifr0gg3r @r3wbeef @leatheredhearts @mousymaven @mina-281@princessguardian444 @calystas-morning-tea @horror-whoree @slutshies @bearieio @mag-mfm @bubs-world @paran0id0blivi0n @sawaagyapong @bbygrIshelbs @gayh0rr0r @p|9ys @ellieslilsIvvt @dollietes @elliesmellsbadd @ibloom4u @ddreabea @beestar120 @brunettedolls-blog @girlwonderchloe @elliesgflol @maris-koffin @emonopolyman @iloveeyousblog @fr3sh-tragedies @ilovaffles @certifedcrybunny @elleatethat @baldph0bic @clouded-whispers @4rt3m1ss @saggykneecaps @swtsuna @ellesslutt @minixmel @yuyans-stuff @owmoiralover @thecowardwrites @lunascerebro @elliestrwbrry @iwantsoda @teeveegirl @dinasmoon @urnewghostfriend @k3ym4ra @bratzboydoll @ungodlyvenus @lav3nd3rhaze @scokslvoer @iloveunrealpeople @realwinehouse @nehemiahlicious @onedeaddreamer @teawithnosugar @r4t1ku5 @villainousbear @mentallymarriedtonatasharomanoff @gay4tiddies @uraesthete @lil-elliesgf @neighborhood-houseplant @sagessensationalstuff
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helluvapurf · 12 days
*deep breathes* Sooo, those last couple mins from the latest "Full Moon" ep... lets talk about that🍵🍵
Welp, here it is folks... the ep that finally gave us that hyped up "Asmodeon crystal" exchange teased at in the S2 Pt. 2 trailer. And... hooooo boi, I have formed so. many. thoughts. upon rewatching that scene a few times. Some that are... kiiiinda on the rant-y spectrum the more I lingered on 'em, so how bout I share them here lmao
Fair warning in advance, this maaaaay not be particularly "nice" to Stolas in these rambling thoughts, so if anyone out there's a big Stolas(+itz) fan... yall might wanna skip reading ahead- lol .w.;;
Okay, so to start things off on a (semi?) positive note, the animation & lighting here is quite beautiful to look at. The glittery curtains, the shine in Blitz's eyes throughout his shifting emotions, even the shots of that one broken chandelier (which I thiiink might've been the same one him & Stolas played under as kids?) was a neat bit of symbolism ngl.
Props to Brandon Rogers as well for his voice-performance on Blitz here cause... gawd did it hit me in the heart how much hurt you feel from his yelling ;-;💔
Curious to see more of the use of Blitz's new Asmodeon crystal in future adventures (esp from that one shot in the trailer w/ him using the portal effects against the DHORK crew), it looks cool~ ✨👍
....ummmm, ok I think that about covers my positives atm. Onto the problems I have with this exchange:
Stolas... okay, you were this close to actually doing a good job ending the Full Moon deal. Admitting to how "wrong" the transaction part of their dynamic was, allowing Blitz more "freedom" via-the crystal (that could also help avoid any legal issues that the Grimoire gave), even wishing him good luck with his I.M.P. business as the night drew to a close... ...buuuuut then Stolas just had to muddle everything up by his whole "even tho you don't have to be with me, I want you with me if you want it~🥺" ...which honestly came off selfish to me than anything else?? Like, dude... if you really ARE regretful of how long you let this deal go for, and truly DO want to let Blitz go... you CAN'T throw in such sappy, lovey-dovey words on top of that?? Otherwise, how can one blame Blitz for getting as confused & flustered as he was throughout that convo... you've basically just sent even more mixed-messages in the grand scheme of things, my dude-🤦‍♀️
"I have wanted you for SO long, the fact that you couldn't believe that I might have these feelings about you, that your first instinct is that its always about sex..." ...Ummmmm Stolas... did you seriously forget HOW this whole deal of yall's started?? 🤨 Waaaay back in the initial-series pilot, to the first official ep, and pretty much the majority of Season 1:
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As far as I checked, Blitz wasn't the one who kept making everything about sex... that. was all. YOU. 😒Heck, literally one of the first things you told Blitz upon reuniting as adults in "The Circus", was that you expected he wanted to "ravish" you-
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-so like, get outta here with the whole pushing-the-perv-responsibility-bs onto Blitz... you ain't helping your case >>
Finally... like, it was already getting bad enough by the point of Blitz begging & pleading out of fear he'd lose his livelihood without the book, AND not being allowed space to breathe after getting further pushed away (and thus, more pissed off-)... but THEN on top of all this, Stolas just haaaaad to throw in this lil gem: "Blitz... I think so very highly of you. I didn't realize you think so low of me..." ...Stolas, with all due respect... stfu with that lousy, last-minute uwu-ing self-pity party crap😑Just because you TRIED to show more attentive care & concern post-"Ozzie's", outside of the typical bedroom stuff... that ain't gonna prove shit if you're not gonna be consistent with it. Where was that "high opinion" of Blitz during the two of you getting stuck in the sitcom set during "Seeing Stars", when Blitz was having that panic attack performing live, where all you ended up doing was... just hitting on him/praising his bedroom skills again?? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
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Like... couldn't you have just, I dunno... TRY to actually cheer him up/comfort him like an actual friend, would? Encourage him on his jokes, "just be yourself", promising another way out of there on his own merit... literally, anything could've worked fine and it wouldn't have come off so skeezy imho >>;;
...*sighs* so, yeah... thats basically what I had to get off my chest regarding the ending of "Full Moon". Honestly, had the writers actually committed to Stolas cutting off Blitz (even if harsh), giving the crystal with no strings, then going about their separate ways afterwards, I would've been totally fine with the scene tbh. But all this... odd lowkey-blaming of Blitz thrown in, the sappy words, and Stolas not once actually-apologizing during all this (Like, literally I checked and the only utterance of "sorry" seemed to come from Blitz's end before he got kicked out... for what, I dunno- 🤷‍♀️). Sorry for the length btw, but hopefully that about covers my thoughts on the matter-
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infernumequinomin · 2 months
"Kipperlily hates Riz because she's got a crush on him," this, "Kipperlily hates Riz because he somehow snubbed her," that... First of all, this boy imprinted instantly in a bully throwing him in a trash can thinking they could be friends, Riz wouldn't just forget someone he met in any sort of positive or negative way for zero reason. If they met, even if she didn't make a huge impression, Riz was SO desperate for companionship in Freshman year I don't think he'd have forgotten or ignored her.
I think a lot of people are forgetting the complexity of Riz's story as a poor kid who is of a "monster race" going to somewhere like Augefort through sheer working really fucking hard on the part of both him and his mom, and that they have explicitly in canon faced adversity both for their financial class and race. One of Riz's driving forces to do really well this year is so he can even GO to college. Sklonda EXPLICITLY lost her pension from YEARS of sleepless nights working as a detective and working her way up through the ranks this year (and I don't think it's something to overlook that Kipperlily's mom works as a county clerk and may have had some say there). I think Kipperlily may just be a graden variety privileged bigot who thinks some "gutter scum goblin shouldn't be in classes with normal people." And that a lot of her work with Jawbone has probably been unpacking these internalized biases.
Like, from the outside, the Bad Kids were ressurected by the principal the very first day of school, throwing the whole school into chaos and got DETENTION for it. Riz not only killed, but ATE the vice principal, after they defeated Kalvaxis! They were all on the verge of failing if they didn't complete their Sophmore year spring break project (it was 70% of their grade or some insane shit!), and while most of them may still have passed, Fig and Kristen DEFINITELY needed that credit and that is mentioned in the season, Adaine is insanely stressed about them completing their quest for "school credit".
If Kipperlily grew up rich and entitled, with all the biases about poor people that can grow (especially if her dad's real estate office owns Strong Arm Apts and she thinks of it as a slum, because it's kind of described as low income public housing lbr here) and saw that some lower class goblin was EATING PEOPLE after defeating them (you know, like a monster does, clearly not taking any time to understand his motivation OR culture), and getting preffered treatment because the principal just happened to LIKE HIM and his party (because they took the time to become closer to him over the years and Augefort clearly values students who will absolutely kick his teeth in bc adventurers are "insane violent psychopaths" citation: the Seven), and breezing through his classes without doing ANY of the work (because she doesn't SEE the work or the sleepless nights or all the stress he's taking on for others) it absolutely tracks for her to grow this huge chip on her shoulder about it and for it to reinforce these biases she may have already had about goblins and esp abt POOR goblins like Riz.
I don't think Riz did anything wrong. I think Kipperlily just has shit to fucking work thru in regards to how she views the kinds of people she doesn't know or has had no opportunity to associate with. Even among her party, they're all rich to middle class for the ones we know the class of. She's 17 and has a bunch of internalized biases, likely from her upper middle class upbringing, and major anger management issues. Idk it just makes sense to me. I met all kinds of girls like her in college who were type A to all shit who resented me for seeming to "have it easy" despite how hard my life should have been coming from a poorer background than them.
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room-surprise · 4 months
Hi, hope it's ok to ask some stuff about your thoughts on mithrun (not sure if it got asked before). But do you think mithrun and his brother might've had a good relationship the beginning? Like when they were really young, maybe even before mithrun noticed the different treatment his parents did to him and his brother. Also do you think that the former mithrun was really in love with that elf? Cause after reading mithrun's part in the adventure bible I'm starting to have a few doubts, esp since that chibi look a like of the elf in question is being described as untrustworthy. Like maybe former mithrun was only into them cause his older brother also seemed to fancy them?
It's always fine to ask me stuff! Though I might not always have time to answer, I love seeing people's questions!!!
I don't know if you've read any of my fics, but I do go into what I think Mithrun and his brother's relationship was like as children in both "Show Me How to Get Off the Ground" (College AU) in chapter 2, and the short fic "A (Fairy) Phone Call Between Brothers."
In summary: I think when they were very young, Mithrun didn't realize that there was something "wrong" with his brother. He was just his best friend, his playmate, they spent all their time together and so of course they were very close. Just the two of them living on a big country estate, while a plague raged through the population - not a lot of chances for play-dates with children outside of their family.
Once Mithrun was old enough to get sent away to boarding school (so around 50 years old - 10 in human terms) he quickly realized that being like his brother (disabled) meant being cast aside and discarded... So he started to put distance between them, and the older they got the colder Mithrun was towards his brother.
I think that Mithrun felt guilty and ashamed for abandoning his brother (similar to how Laios felt guilty for abandoning Falin)... and the fact that his brother kept acting like they were loving siblings made the guilt even worse, and turned it into anger and resentment.
As for the mysterious elf (gender unknown) that Mithrun and his brother were both interested in... No, I don't think Mithrun ever truly loved them. Like you said, Mithrun thought that the snake spouse elf wasn't trustworthy, so I assume that means he thought they were a gold digger. Somebody that was only interested in Mithrun and his brother because their family is very wealthy.
I think Mithrun ignored his own desires (wanting to date, or have sex with the snake spouse) because he thought they were a bad match, that his parents wouldn't approve, or that they were dangerous to his social status...
So when the magic mirror showed him his brother happy with the snake spouse, Mithrun was overwhelmed with jealousy and regret. He worries about if he misjudged the snake spouse. What if they were actually wonderful, and now Mithrun has missed out on the love of his life because he thought he was too good for them? And now his brother has them instead?
I think Mithrun's story is complicated, and Kui tends to suggest things rather than explicitly tell us what happened, so there's a lot of things to speculate about, and different ways you could read it all.
Thanks for writing to me and asking! It was fun to answer <3
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the-unconquered-queen · 2 months
Currently wondering about the ages of the party members in Blades wrt each other, because with the exception of Aerin and Tyril (with Tyril’s age being an estimate provided outside of the book), we kind of have to rely on context clues and analysis to get them.
So far what I’m able to guess, from youngest to oldest, is:
Aerin -> MC -> Mal -> Tyril -> Valax
Aerin is canonically 20 in b2 and 21 in b2
MC cannot be younger than 22 in b1 but could be a bit older (though I’ve said in the past they messed up MC’s age if they’re an elf) and then 23 or older in b2, though I would actually maybe say 23/24 in b1, but 22 minimum is canon, technically (Edit: MC would actually be the same age in b2 as they were in b1, since they physically wouldn’t have aged more than a day even if a year has passed)
Mal left the Reapers at age 20, so not only is he older than that, but also I figure that it must’ve been several years since that for him to have gotten good at the adventuring job and get “continent-famous” and land gigs. Maybe about 25? 26ish? He certainly doesn’t look the youngest, esp compared to someone like Aerin
Tyril is “25”, so in his 70s
Valax is canonically “centuries old”, so over 200, I suppose. I don’t have specifics
The ones I can’t place exactly are Nia and Imtura. I know it’s said that Nia is the youngest priestess, but no age is given, my best guess would be her being about on par with MC (give or take a year, plus I’m willing to bet that with the doe-eyed personality they gave her they meant for her to be one of the younger ones in the story), but there’s also the chance that she’s closer in age to Aerin, though a smooth 20 in b1 strikes me as a bit too young for her.
Then as for Imtura, I’m not sure if they ever give any markers to deduce her age from, but then again, I don’t have all of her scenes to be able to tell.
And then I guess a slight bonus, I estimate Baldur to be about 25/26, because I interpret some things to imply that his age gap with Aerin is not insignificant (as in, it’s not just one or two years).
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sapphicseasapphire · 3 months
Hi! I hope you don't mind me asking a question about your CAC AU no longer being LU. Will you be changing anything about the characters that have been compressed? Ex: Four being both Minish Cap, Four Swords, and Four Swords Adventures Link. I'd also like to know if anything else significant is changing with the story, but that's a pretty broad ask 😅
Actually, second question that's only sorta related and that you may have answered in the past but I don't remember (sorry if that's the case ;-;) is the FSA manga canon? Specifically Shadow Link being like, an actual character.
Looking forward to seeing more of our favorite cryptids, esp now that you have more creative freedom <3
Thank you for asking! I think I’m gonna keep the Links that I have, simply because I have so much already written for them and unmerging them would wreak havoc on my storylines. I JUST figured out Four, I don’t want to change them haha!
As far as story changes, I don’t think there’s much I can tell you because I haven’t really said a lot about what the actual story is. I have my little comics, but they’re honestly just little oneshots to explore the characters’ interactions. Salt and Sea, for example, my comic focused on Wind and Legend, isn’t necessarily canon and doesn’t take place within any specific plot. My Sky and Time comic is more plot-relevant but… Okay so I got a little impatient with that one. The Sky and Time comic is the God Reveal comic, and the God Reveal should take place in a story line that I’ve been calling “Grounded.” But this version happens outside of Grounded, for the sake of not spoiling it. But like… the interaction will be mostly the same. It’s hard to explain.
Some of the big arcs that I have planned are: I am Sky (which functions as a prologue to the Cryptid au), Grounded (which is my largest storyline BY FAR, containing the God Reveal, Ravio, Four Splits Reveal, and MUCH MORE), one that just the title of is a spoiler, but it contains the curse reveal (among other things. Shadow. Legend of the Godkiller. Exciting stuff, I think). Some more miscellaneous ideas that I have yet to give names to, nor organize. And then the au actually has an epilogue that’s centered around Time, which… has made me cry when I planned it. But. You know. Spoilers.
I don’t think I can properly express just how BIG this story is. I feel overwhelmed by it, sometimes. I can’t quite put it into words yet, but there will be fics at some point. More comics. And more lore dumps!
I actually have answered a question about the FSA manga and Shadow, but that was a long time ago and I don’t expect you to read through my millions of posts. But yes! Shadow is a real character in the Cryptid au! I’ve been pretty tight lipped about it since it’s kind of… later on in the story. I’m trying SO HARD not to spoil anything haha!
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the-trinket-witch · 1 month
Gonna ask for my buddies Tidus and Laz - The Main Character, I/Me/Myself, and Against the Kitchen Floor, pleeeeeease! <3
(Ask Meme Here)
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The Main Character: What does your OC excel at? How much do they tout their ability?
Outside of his strength (that he tries to hide most of the time), he's actually quite a sketch artist! He won't flaunt it, but he likes to think he's doing decent with natural settings and scenes!
I/Me/Myself: Is your OC LGBTQ+? Regardless, how did they figure our their gender/sexual orientation?
Cis/Het, but is a little bi-curious. So technically, he doesn't have a lot of experience in romance to have a definite preference yet.
Against the Kitchen Floor: Describe a flaw in your OC that they understand can be a dealbreaker, as well as what your OC would consider one in an S/O
He is still under the impression that his size can be intimidating to more land species, but something he would consider a dealbreaker in a S/O would be someone who's non-adventurous. If they're an exclusive Homebody, that wouldn't work because he's gonna wanna go out, see the world~
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The Main Character: What does your OC excel at? How much do they tout their ability?
He likes to think himself a pretty descent musician, one who can play most any instrument, but excels the most in the guitar. He's honestly the guy you likely will see at most house parties in the corner ready to play Fantasy-Wonderwall.
I/Me/Myself: Is your OC LGBTQ+? Regardless, how did they figure our their gender/sexual orientation?
Cis, but in a Prince sort of way. (Confident in his skin to the point he isn't bothered by wearing fashion not conventionally considered 'masc'.) Also he's probably the only 'straight' character I have here. He just likes the way women look, feel and carry themselves (esp ones that will reel him in with some practicality)
Against the Kitchen Floor: Describe a flaw in your OC that they understand can be a dealbreaker, as well as what your OC would consider one in an S/O
He would need someone with confidence in a relationship, cause he understands that the life of a musician is very busy and in constant motion. It's something he realizes might be a turn off for most, but he would need someone who isn't going to insist on setting roots before he's ready.
@ceruleancattail @squidwen @thecosmicjackalope @vaporvipermedia@writing-heiress
@oya-oya-okay @k-looking-glass-house@thehollowwriter@rainesol @cyn-write
@heartscrypt@honey-milk-depresso @br3adtoasty @jackiecronefield @ruggiethethuggie
@demonichikikomori @hoboyherewego @achy-boo @oreoskys@oseathepebble
@tunabesimpin @hamstergal @fumikomiyasaki@valse-a-mille-temps
@hallowed-delights @kimikitti @plutos-hell @thetwstwildcard @atwstedstory
@comingyourlugubriousness @ice-cweam-sod4 @twst-the-night-away @nammanarin
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soldier-poet-king · 8 months
My pf 0 rizz wizard acquired a surprise gf and it's just??? Girlfriend???? Gorlfriend?????
The we are not friends I'm using you for political connections at this prestigious wizard university because you're nobility and also a Magus (wizard jock) and I think you're an easy target and a little dull -> wow you've considered me a friend this whole time and I've been an ass and also in hindsight you WERE the closest thing I had to a friend in wizard academia -> I only realize this after I break your trust by lying to your face about using you for political gain -> spending time with good hearted adventurers and not my asshole wizard master makes me realize that people normally have emotions beyond just blind ambition??? And maybe guilt is a thing and I need to learn how to be apologetic and not just a neutral selfish wizard post grad??? -> fumbles every single apology because she has had no connections outside of elf politics in a decade -> this pitiful attempt at being honest for once is apparently endearing, esp in contrast to all the machinations and manipulations -> leads to masquerade dancing even with two left feet and a dropped pair of glasses and every other cliche
There's another date??? Squeezed in amongst the political intrigue??? I'm????
Our himbo paladin is also flirting with a murderess ron swanson-esque dwarf and it is. So good.
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carbonbasedmatter · 6 months
ig i've had tumblr long enough so here's my intro yay
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★ABOUT ME: you can call me trey or tris :) he/they, minor, audhd, istp, south asian, trans guy, demiromantic(?) bisexual
★BYF: this should go without saying but dni if you're racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, xenophobic, exclusionist or just discriminatory in general
I made this blog so I could have somewhere to be myself I mainly post about fandom stuff, fictional characters, music, my art, rants and random personal stuff (I also vent here sometimes if you're uncomfortable with that please block the tag)
i'm a multishipper I guess...I don't know I just like analyzing different dynamics between characters and seriously cannot tell the difference between romantic and platonic stuff sometimes
english isn't my native language so sorry if I make mistakes/don't make sense sometimes
other than that im just a teenager so also naturally a bit cringe and annoying (that's what I tell myself anyway😞)
send me asks about me or my interests pls pls pls
I love talking to people and making friends idc if we have like one thing in common feel free to message me
reading, art, sleeping, music, alt subcultures, chess, plants, fall, queer history, global history, the middle ages, chemistry(love hate relationship with the subject) crocheting, mbti, skating, philosophy ( esp existentialism), ranting, crystals, sea animals, bats<3
★FANDOMS(idk if i'll post abt all of these lol):
heartbreak high
osemanverse(mainly solitaire)
bojack horesman
the magnus archives
total drama island
south park
the good place
brooklyn nine nine
young sheldon(NOT tbbt)
breaking bad
umbrella academy
star trek
death note
blue period
the promised neverland
the disastrous life of saiki k
gilmore girls
carmen sandiego 2019
the owl house
adventure time
alexa and katie
the worst witch
just add magic
gortimer gibbon’s life on normal street
the perks of being a wallflower
stand by me
a series of unfortunate events
fear street
dead poets society
the outsiders
pixies, mcr, mitski, radiohead, mbv, car seat headrest, the front bottoms, system of a down, dazey and the scouts, florence and the machine, asleep at last, teen suicide, queen, neutral milk hotel, nirvana, the cure, the brobecks, paramore, ajj, brockhampton, tyler the creator, childish gambino
(music is my special interest so there's a lot more hehe but I kinda tried to include a few from each genre)
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diorgirl444 · 5 months
hi flo!! 💗 could i get a matchup for newsies please? thank you <333
neige, female • she/her, straight.
i have long brown hair, i usually wear it down or in a high ponytail. i have brown eyes, freckles hmm and i’m also like 5’4. my aesthetic is pretty casual? i like wearing flare jeans and simple tops and lots of jewellery. like feminine, casual + ‘90s-2000s. i wear lots of brown but i love bright colours (esp red, pink & blue). sundresses in the summer >>
i’m really shy, quiet, and reserved. it takes me a while to open up to people, but once i do i’m definitely more talkative and expressive. i love to read. i’d say my love language is physical touch and words of affirmation! i can be pretty stubborn and pessimistic sometimes, but i always try my best to be kind and have an open heart. i’m normally really anxious or nervous. i love to bake, listen to music, watch films and learn about mythology and folklore! i rlly like researching about random stuff, i love information lol.
i love the arts, even thought i’m not the best at them. i’m a homebody 100%, but i do enjoy going on small adventures, especially with someone i’m close too. i love nature!!
likes: baby pink. nature. jazz. animals. poetry. paintings. obscure history. science. museums. chocolate cheesecake. laying in bed all day. jellycats. cooking. adventure parks. quiet libraries. dusty blue skies. old hollywood films. collaging.
dislikes: people with no manners. people who are arrogant and talk down to others. bigots. anyone who hates on someone else for their interests. lasagna. melted cheese. white chocolate.
hi neige i’m so happy that your one of my first requests! and newsies no less!!! i hope i can make this as lovely and historically accurate as you deserve it to be.
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your perfect matchup is 𝐚𝐥𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐝𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐯𝐚 💌
𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐥𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 <3
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𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝟐 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭 <3
so i literally had to show your my request to my irl friend who also likes newsies in order to choose your newsies bf because you literally could of had so many of them. but the minute she mentioned albert it dawned on me. like he would literally be so perfect for you.
i’m obsessed with the “she fell first but he fell harder” trope and i cannot explain it but i just know it’d be how your relationship would develop. i think you’d probably be working in a bakery and come rain or shine he’d always be outside hawking his newspapers so naturally you start to develop a little crush on him. nothing serious you just think he’s cute that’s all.
but that all changes on one day when it’s bitterly cold and you see him outside shivering, his pretty cheeks flushed from the cold and even his voice as he hollers out lacks it’s normal confident charamisa. because of the weather your business is slow too so you are sure your mother won’t mind if you hand out one simple steaming hot bagel fresh from the oven just to warm him up. and when he sees you he’s drawling out in that thick manhattan accent of his “you’re real sweet miss but i couldn’t take that from you” though he’s eyeing the bagel hungrily and you know full well he survives on a diet of very little so you shake your head and gently force it into his hand. your fingers brushing as you do, making your face smile shyly at him your cheeks turning pink and are you imaging it or his cold cheeks suddenly more red then they were a minute ago? but then your disappointment your mother calls you in before you can say anything else and the moment’s over. :(
the next time you see him out there you’re a bit more confident. the sun’s shining and though your palms are sweating from nerves you smile brightly at him and pass him another bagel this time filled with cream cheese and wrapped in brown parchment as maybe you prepared it with the hope that he’d come back not that you’d ever admit that. either way it’s worth it because his whole face lights up as he takes it and he calls you “his angel”. not just “an” angel but “his” which sends an immediate excited stream of butterflies in your tummy that you do your best to repress.
and after he’s long left and you’re packing up shop he returns with a beautiful posy of little flowers as a gift for you. he tells you that he can’t afford to pay you for the food but he hopes to repay you in pretty trinkets and items that he finds on his walks. you of course insist that he doesn’t have to but he tells you that it’s the least he can do - that he only wishes he could bring you more expensive things. this quickly becomes your pattern - you bring him treats, strawberry tarts, lavender cream puffs and lemon meringues, various sweet experiments that you’ve tested and he in turn gifts posies of flowers, pretty ribbons and shiny pebbles. you teasingly call him a magpie and he just retorts with calling you his angel again.
albert is easy to love - he’s kind and charming and funny and a bit of troublmaker so it doesn’t surprise you when you realise that silly little crush has blossomed into a deep rooted affection for him. it hurts though, feeling so deeply for him and convinced he doesn’t feel the same, hurts so much that sometimes you think it would be better to push him away but you know you couldn’t one glance at that lopsided grin and you’re stuck like glue. so you suppose it’ll be this way forever, this endless dance of hopeless adoration - you can live with that you tell yourself. it pains you but you can live with that. if only you knew it hurts him even more.
he tells you when the two of you are out at coney island, the two of you had saved up your wages, you had packed lunches, he had paid for the train tickets - just like a real couple would of done. and you spend the day eating so much candy floss that you feel queasy, childish laughter spilling from your lips on daring rides and eagerly trying to beat each other in western themed shooting games. it’s so close to be a perfect day and honestly you feel horribly selfish for wanting more. you ought to be satisfied but oh god you’re not.
it’s dark when he tells you, the two of you sat in the compact third class carriage of the train, not the most romantic setting but you hardly mind. nor particularly do you mind the undignified way that he tells you, there’s no fancy words or flowery gestures, just good honest affection when he turns to you and quietly asks “you don’t know i love you do you neige?” tearfully you shake your head. you can’t manage anything more and matter of factly he says “well i do. i ain’t never loved anybody in my whole life the way i love you. won’t you be my girl, angel?” and god you’re a mess after that. sobbing as you feverishly nod and he’s gently kissing your tears away before kissing you softly on the lips. and the rest as they say is history.
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𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 <3
ok i actually think it’s not that different from when your friends because both of you were just friends with repressed feelings anyways so like it’s a very similar vibe as how you two got together just now you have the added bonus of being able to kiss or hug each other whenever you want.
he loves watching you bake, not in a creepy way he just thinks you look so cute when your eyebrows furrow and your lips part in concentration - god how he loves you. tried to do it with you once but the pair of you just ended up covered in flour and the cookies got burn so it’s better for you to bake and him to watch. sometimes as you wait for the desserts to cool, he’ll slow dance with you to sweet love songs on the gramophone.
he also knows how to braid your hair. this is because i feel that he taught himself how so that originally he could look after the little girl newsies but now he has you he uses them to learn complex braids and then does them on you which of course you adore.
i feel like albert, because he grew up with only brothers and his father, he’s incredibly touchstarved so he’s constantly lavishing you with physical affection but the minute you give him any he’s absolutely melting at your touch it’s so sweet.:( the first time you kiss him i bet he literally tears up a little bit.
he’s soo nervous for you to meet the other newsies at first as he’s convinced when you do they’ll tell you all the stupid things he’s done in the past and you won’t wanna be with him anymore but actually it’s the opposite. of course racetrack regales you with a few embarrassing stories but mainly they just tell you how happy they are that you walked into albert’s life they also want to know if you’ll bake them anything as they’ve heard a lot about your baking.
also don’t worry the little gifts that he used to bring you don’t stop it’s just that now their more clearly romantic like oh it’s not just a pretty stone- it’s now a pretty stone thats heart shaped because you’re his heart or something sweet like that.
and now his wages are going towards saving up to buy an apartment for the two of you. he hopes that one day the pair of you can live together with the laughter of children, smells of sweet treats and filled to the very brim with love. whenever he’s feeling down working on his feet all day he just has to remind himself of this and then he’s fine. all he has to find now is a ring!
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𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐚𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 <3
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hope you like it! xoxo, flo <3
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So I was talking to my bf the other night and made this rec eps list for fun. The idea pretty much was like to challenge myself to see if I had to recc someone who was hesitant to watch the entire show due to length and wanted to get a general gist, which eps would I recc for them to get a good feel, esp if they've maybe onIy had prior experience fics/art or want to delve on that but wanted to have an idea of canon first. I llimited myself to 15 eps with 5 extra "reccomended ", my focus being character dev eps and plot stuff like the lead up to reign storm, valerie's plotline, danielle, etc.
To be honest it was kinda hard at points lol, esp since DP is episodic moreso than plot heavy so it's not really like making a list for like a long running battle shonen or something, but hey this was fun to do fndnd.
Also again this is not a "you must follow this or else" type thing, I only did this for fun, I'll even link the tiermaker I used in case someone has their own version and opinions they wanna post as well which I'd honestly love to see.
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To explain my reasonings
Req. Tier
Mystery Meat - First ep of the show, get introduced to main cast, set up yada yada
Parental Bonding - Introductuon to Paulina, first ep we get an idea for Sam and Danny's relationship.
What You Want - Tucker only really has two episodes during the show, so at the very least the first one focusing on him would be good to have to delve a bit into him.
Bitter Reunions - First Vlad ep, esp since he's Danny's arch-nemesis would be weird not to get introduced for later on.
My Brother's Keeper - Jazz finding out about Danny's secret, plus I really feel this is a great episode showing their dynanic and getting to learn more of how Jazz is.
Shades of Grey - best character Valerie gets introduced here, so felt it was pretty important to include esp for later on.
Public Enemies - This is the first episode where the status quo is changed and now Amity Park is just generally aware of Danny. Thinking he's an enemy yeah, buttttt still aware of Inviso-Bill i nearly typed in buffalo bill
Maternal Instincts - Danny and Maddie getting screentime together, Vlad's second appearance, and the start of Maddie straight up hating his ass lol.
Memory Blank - Mainly chose this one since it's where we learn how Danny first had the accident, so hey backstory stuff.
Reign Storm - The whole plotline with Vlad and Pariah Dark's ring and crown, more Valerie development, it's a fun episode imo. Too bad this didn't get followed in S3 but-
The Ultimate Enemy - Do I really gotta explain lol, Dan and Clockwork, Danny finding out Jazz knows his secret, etc etc like it's pretty much the episode every reccomends.
Flirting With Disaster - Big development for Valerie showing how she's developed imo, continues the Danny and Valerie stuff from Reign Storm, also again I'm biased towards Valerie lol
Reality Trip - Look I'll just be blunt I fucking love this episode, like it's genuinely my favorite of the three specials. It's a fun adventure, I love the Danny being revealed plot line, it's an exciting watch, could not leave it out.
Kindred Spirits - Danielle introduction plus more Vlad development as well, plus depending on your watch order I think this is counted as the S2 finale?
D-Stabilized - More on Danielle and Valerie's plotlines, and for a general bias honestly find it to be a pretty good episode and if any I'd say are "required" from S3 it would def be this one.
Recc. Tier
These were the most difficult cause there's still a bunch of episodes I'd rec.
Life Lessons - First ep where we see Danny and Valerie learn about each other outside of a negative context, plus pretty funny episode.
King Tuck - Again, Tucker barely gets any episodes so I do think his should be watched. Similar reasons to what I put for "What You Want".
Secret Weapons - First ep post-TUE where we see how Jazz and Danny are now that they're both aware she knows his secret. Get more development between them and more Vlad screentime too.
Eye for an Eye - This was such a hard one to choose between D-Stabilized and it, but I felt the former was more important in the end. Sets up the Vlad becoming mayor plotline that gies throughout S3 and also it's just funny like Vlad really rigged an election over a prank war with a 14 yr old.
Urban Jungle - I'm personally not the biggest fan of this episode, plus it's not really a special despite being advertised as such, but it does introduce the ice powers Danny gets that stays with him till the end so I felt it would be a good one to have listed as well.
Fun fact I actually had an earlier ver that incl. Million Dollar Ghost over Public Enemies, but when I thought about it I felt the latter had more bigger impact than the former simply setting up a plot line that Reign Storm goes more into anyway. Plus I really wanted to include Control Freaks cause it introduces Freak Show but again was limited 😭😭
Also it's very hilarious that for all the villains who's episodes I couldn't include, Desiree got BOTH her episodes in, like damn her impact 🤣
Anyways here's the Tiermaker I used in case someone wants to do their own!
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littleladylav · 6 months
Htyepc mctyrd
T nly'e epww hsle T'x oztyr zfedtop xj szfdp le estd szfc. L dtxawp nfctzfdtej, zc awlty defatotej? Cprlcowpdd, lww ozzcd hpcp wznvpo, lyo esp dyzh wlj estnv. Esp hstep hldepwlyo wlj lsplo, dzcczhqfw. Wtqpwpdd, te dppxpo, espcp hld yzestyr mfe oplo ecppd lczfyo. Htyepc mczfrse xzcp eplcd ez ted zhy hlvp, wplgtyr eszdp wzde, hppatyr ezz. Zq nzfcdp, T ecforpo zy. Yz zyp hzfwo slgp nlcpo le estd szfc.  Htyepc mczfrse esle fynlctyr fazy pgpcjzyp, qzc yz zyp nlcpo qzc espx, Esptc eplcd mwlyvpepo estnv zy esp rczfyo. Dzxpetxpd lww htyepc yppod td l sfr. Xljmp T dszfwo lnnpae opqple zfe spcp.  T'x esp zywj estyr lwtgp. Esp htyepc sld cpupnepo lww mfe tedpwq, espj decfrrwp htes esptc zhy dpydp zq topyetej. Esp lrzytktyr logpyefcp td lmzfe ez pyo qzc xp. Esp nzwo td lww zgpc xj mzoj. htyepc mczfrse xp ez wtqp, dz te nly elvp xp ez oples. Dz T aclj esp Wzco xj dzfw ez elvp.
I can't tell what I'm doing outside my house at this hour.
A simple curiousity, or plain stupidity?
Regardless, all doors were locked, and the snow lay thick.
The white wasteland lay ahead, sorrowful.
Lifeless, it seemed, there was nothing but dead trees around.
Winter brought more tears to its own wake, leaving those lost, weeping too.
Of course, I trudged on. No one would have cared at this hour. 
Winter brought that uncaring upon everyone, for no one cared for them,
Their tears blanketed thick on the ground.
Sometimes all winter needs is a hug.
Maybe I should accept defeat out here. 
I'm the only thing alive.
The winter has rejected all but itself,
they struggle with their own sense of identity.
The agonizing adventure is about to end for me.
The cold is all over my body.
winter brought me to life, so it can take me to death.
So I pray the Lord my soul to take.
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egg-emperor · 10 months
I actually have a ton of Sonic hot takes and rare opinions outside of Eggman related stuff btw
a few examples-
Jason Griffith is my least fav Eng Sonic voice of all three main game VAs
Vandalize is one of my least fav vocal tracks in the series for the vocals, instrumental, lyrics, everything
the Cyberspace stages aren’t any better and are actually far inferior to like every single Forces level so I don’t get why Forces haters are pretending they are
I don’t like the Frontiers soundtrack much at all outside of the boss vocal songs tbh. esp don’t understand the hype for most of the Cyberspace music
Frontiers is an okay game but isn’t miles better than any of the games in the past 13 years (I like pretty much all of those more than Frontiers actually lol). and Sonic isn’t suddenly “back” or “good again” with it, he didn’t go anywhere and didn’t stop being good. y’all just haven’t even revisited them in a while if at all and let YouTubers decide for you
Sonic Forces is far from the worst Sonic game. not one of the best in my eyes but it’s overhated af for a decent game
I love Colors in every area with some level design aspects aside and don’t understand the deep violent burning hatred fans have suddenly gotten for it in recent years
Pontaff’s writing was never that bad at any point and the humor and dialogue isn’t anything drastically different or worse to the type that has already been in the games to some extent both before and after they wrote for them
I love Sonic 4 ep 1 and 2
Shadow 2005 is one of the best games and stories in the series
Secret Rings is an epic game in every way and fun to play and there’s a lot about it that I like more than Black Knight
the Werehog is epic and his gameplay is a blast
Sonic Heroes is the best gameplay style on par with the Adventure games for the team gameplay dynamic and abilities when utilized properly which a lot of people don’t do
and way more. I’m not a contrarian on purpose but I’m never beating the allegations. I’m just cursed to always have the most unpopular opinions and feel like the odd one out lol
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diarygirls · 1 year
do u have any suggestions on how to . meet people? ive never been approached by anyone/never even gone on a date but im 22 and so lonely and scared of dating apps:(( any suggestions on how i can Put Myself Out There
<3 sending love & a sympathetic ear because i was in a similar situation myself in my early 20s and it felt so lonely even though from talking to others i know it’s actually not so unusual. sometimes i feel like the prevalence of dating apps has made dating this activity that’s entirely separate from the rest of your life / your social circle and it’s actually reduced the amount of casual dating we do in early adulthood. hmm anyway some suggestions:
for making friends in general: in my experience the easiest way to make friends is to pick an interest or activity + regularly show up where people do it. work or university are two obvious examples but there’s also rec sports leagues, online meetup groups for hobbies, trivia or open mic nights at local bars, bouldering/climbing gym or another specialized sports studio, martial arts studio, group art class, knitting circles, book clubs, volunteering … all good ways to expand your social circle + also valuable in themselves! it can feel intimidating to do things solo but people are pretty receptive to chatting especially if they’re also by themselves or maybe just 2 or 3 people. additionally bumble has a BFF mode that’s specifically for platonic connections & i have a very wonderful friend who i met from there so it might be worth a try.
and all of these ^^ situations (except bumble BFF) are good ways to meet people to date too! the only thing is for some reason in my experience, you rarely meet people to date when that’s your only goal from the interaction. like, i’ve been in social situations (outside of like bars/clubs where it’s the norm) where you can just tell that someone is only looking at new people as potential romantic interests or hookups and it just puts more pressure on every interaction. so like get out and do things and meet people, allow yourself to be open to them, if they’re cute + available feel free to flirt but don’t discount the interaction if it doesn’t turn romantic yknow?
oh also tell your friends you want to start dating! you might not want to date your close friends but they probably know someone who knows someone who you’d like to date. i’ve even been on a blind date that a friend set up for me and while it didn’t go anywhere it was still nice + less nerve-wracking than app dates because we at least had a common interest and a single shared connection. tbh in my experience NO ONE will support your dating adventures as much as your friends who have been happily partnered and in love for years, because they want everyone else to be in love, and they need the gossip.
finally ik you said you’re scared of dating apps but they’re not all bad! i think dating apps can be a good option for adults not in a university setting esp if you just want to meet a lot of people with low stakes. i think a lot of people (myself included) considering meeting someone on an app as less “real” than a cute meeting irl but the reality is a lot of single people you meet irl will also be on apps. i had a thing w this guy from an app and we ran into each a year later at a party and realized we had mutual friends and it was this nice realization like oh we would’ve met anyway. and i know a lot of people who are in relationships that started on apps! do what you’re comfy with of course but they’re always an option.
and of course goes without saying that there is so much love and romance to be had in life without a partner, that you can find so much joy and care and growth through friends family passions etc, that timelines are not real and that all experiences will come in time but you’ve probably heard that a lot, i know i did and do. but saying it again in case u need to hear it 🤍
hope some of these ideas resonate w u - ik it’s been a couple months since you asked so maybe it’ll just help someone else in a similar situation. good luck! <3
finally i know you said scared of dating apps but they’re actually not all bad and i think for adults who aren’t in university it’s a great way to just kind of dip your foot in the dating pool. plus i think a lot of us (me included) tend to romanticize irl meetings when the reality is a lot of people you’d meet in a cute way irl will also be on dating apps, i had a thing w someone from an app and a year later we ran into each other at a party and realized we had mutual friends and it was a nice reminder like ok well we would’ve met anyway, just on a later timeline. i know lots of people who are in relationships that started on them too. dating apps are also real life!!!
maybe some these ideas will resonate with you, ik it’s been a couple months since you sent it so maybe it’ll just help someone else in a similar situation. good luck out there 💗
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purplebass · 7 months
So 👀 I saw you mention Kellila smut possibly in the works. I love them, best ship around imo (because I am in love with both of them). Super curious if you can give any more information on this idea you've had? I am begging for crumbs.
Me too, I love them both to bits 😍 and they are the reason for my current writing inspiration atm, esp. when it comes to smut 👀 and I need more people to scream about them because tumblr doesn't have a big Adsom fandom 😭
And shameless self-promotion, I have a collection of Kellila one shots on my A03 page, and some of them are M/E (only the last one has Threads spoilers)
I wrote two pages already, so it's almost done. The basic idea is that Kell can't find Lila anywhere in the palace, and he finds her somewhere he doesn't expect. It will probably be E-rated but there is going to be a loose plot and conversations about a topic that I introduce in the beginning. Let's say it's set post Shades canon, with no Threads spoilers.
I'll leave a tiny (not explicit) sneak peak under the cut 👀
He sighed at the mess in their room. Lila wasn’t just good at the art of disappearing without saying where she went, she was also a master at leaving all of her things around whenever they came back to the palace to check with his brother. And her room on the ship didn’t look any better.  He rolled his eyes at the thought. Was he considering his bachelor room their room, now? Yes, he definitely was. But he could not lie, that was their room. Something had shifted once she decided to stay in his life, in his London, but also in his bed. They had christened the bed like a ship on its maiden journey. He had never taken anyone in his private chambers; she had been the one and only. Likewise, there had been champagne, which Lila liked even though it got too fast into her head and made her giggly and unpredictable. There had also been fireworks both inside and outside of the room, because their return had coincided with Rhy’s birthday celebrations. 
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