#eremite desert clearwater
cosplayclans · 4 months
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Genshin Impact Eremite Desert Clearwater Cosplay
Eremite Desert Clearwater Cosplayer@花泽香兔
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luchaxia · 1 year
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She'd found smth interesting...👀
Model: lu_cha_xia
Ph.&Edit: Viktoriia Nagornova (https://vk.com/doctorwho007)
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turtleduck-ddtd · 6 months
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minxeiart · 2 years
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She dropped her blindfold 
Eremite Desert Clearwater fanart from Genshin Impact
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teyvatcompendium · 2 years
Sumeru Adventure Journal Vol. 4: New Creatures and Enemies
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Sumeru Adventure Journal Vol. 4: New Creatures and Enemies
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foxships · 1 year
So uh. Jeht.... >///////>
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primowishes · 6 months
//Well while the brain is on Jeht tho, I believe Azariq brought it up in the Dirge of Bilqis quest, but the elemental power (hydro) behind Jeht's blades (they're katar, finally I found what they're actually called lakfnlew) is borrowed from that of ancient spirits (sealed in the weapons). Which I should note somewhere in the bio but anyway.
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parsapuff · 6 months
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Dr. Ratio Set for The Sims 4! Took a small break but I'm back now <3 Next up is the Eremite Desert Clearwater/Jeht set!
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cosplayclans · 5 months
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Genshin Impact Eremite Desert Clearwater Cosplay Wigs
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luchaxia · 1 year
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Oya-oya! We have a visitor in our oasis... _________________________
Model: lu_cha_xia Ph.&Edit: Viktoriia Nagornova (https://vk.com/doctorwho007)
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pigeonpeach · 2 months
I can’t be without you
Nilou x gn Eremite reader
The final part!
Part 3
Part 2
Part 1
A/n: i may include eremite reader x nilou in other short and compilations but this is the end of the story! I hoped you all enjoyed!
“Letter for Nilou! Letter for Nilou!” A voice sounded as Nilou raised her head into the direction. A man handed her a letter as she curiously took it.
“Who’s it from?” She asked curiously.
“Just some Eremite.” He said uninterested.
She ignored him choosing to read it right then and there.
“This sandstorm is horrible! We won’t be able to make it back for days at this pace!” Clearwater complained. The wind blowed like crazy, one of your clients covered their eyes as you held their hand to guide them. You knew this was dangerous. But your matriarch didn’t falter or order to stop.
“Keep pressing forward! We can’t get stuck in this part of the desert!” She ordered, covering her mouth to stop sand from flying in. You fell to the ground, exhausted. Clearwater noticed your groan as you struggled to get back up. The client in question clutching your leg.
“I knew I should’ve made that dreaded bastard wait! Oh god we’ll never make it alive!” He wined. “My wife! Oh god my wife! Let her know how much I love her!” His cries stood out to you. You found the strength to get up, picking him up with you in a bridal style.
“We’ll make it sir. Wether we persevere or retreat.” You said to him. You thought of Nilou, you couldn’t give up now. You would make this journey. In your mind you felt a rush of determination as you hauled the grown man through the desert.
“There’s a wall ahead! Quick make camp there! It’ll provide cover!” Your matriarch pointed, you spotted it. You knew in your heart this would be your last expedition, so you rushed over to where she pointed.
“They… liked me too…” Nilou shook with excitement as she finished the letter. She beamed as she immediately chased the delivery boy down. “Wait wait!” He turned confused. “I WANT TO SEND ONE BACK I WANT TO SEND ONE BACK TO THEM!”
“Sorry miss, they said they’d be gone for a few weeks at least, they had a big journey all the way across the desert to Fontaine.” He said. “At least that’s what they told me.” Her heart sank. A million worries flooded her mind.
“Oh.. okay then.. you can go then.” She immediately felt frantic, anxious, fearful. Didn’t Dehya say that this time of the year was when sandstorms were most frequent? Oh no.. she knew there was nothing she could do but wait.
“You really pulled through there.” Your matriarch complimented you. You nodded.
“I uh.. really didn’t want to get stuck out here.” You said. The wind howled but it was less loud now. Your clients seemed grateful to be alive. But you heard something in the distance. Your tribe did. You saw Clear water drag her blades closers, mounting them to her hands, the sumpter beasts seemed more nervous. You swung your claymore, ready for the worst.
“I’m just so worried! Dehya you’re a eremite right?! How dangerous is it this time of month!” Nilou asked. Dehya looked at her confused and concerned.
“Well they should be able to handle it. But i won’t lie to you Nilou, it can be a deadly job. That’s why I’m not going out for awhile actually. I’m surprised they’d set off at this time, must’ve been a big wage to motivate anyone to cross the desert at this time. But don’t worry, once they reach the last stretch they’ll be safe as can be.” She said. Nilou fidgeted with her hands, obviously not convinced. “Look Nilou I’m sure they can handle it. Just relax.”
“Holy fucking shit!” You watched as the tail of a wenut popped up from the ground, breaking up rock and sending some poor creature flying. “Oh god we really are going to die!” Your client whined. Your matriarch was pondering heavily. You knew the wenut would make its way to your camp, there was no time to safely get everyone across. You looked at Clear Water who tried to keep the sumpter beasts from running and drawing more attention. You took a deep breath and darted out.
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING GET BACK!” Clear water shouted. You ran and ran, you felt the ground rumble as it pursued. You kept a fast pace as the others watched fearfully. You jumped right before the tail would peak out, dodging its attack successfully. You immediately scrambled as it sunk back down, running around to keep it away from the camp. Your tribe watched in awe. In your head you prayed, to gods dead and alive ‘if i live through this expedition I’ll retire completely’ you dodged another attack, this time swinging your claymore at its tail causing it to sink quickly back down. You ran around, sand getting in your lungs, your muscles on fire. This wasn’t what you wanted in life but you knew you had to get back home, to the only place that truly felt like home, to your new friends, a peaceful life, and more importantly Nilou. That determination was all you needed as you raised your claymore plunging it into the god forsaken tail causing a shriek as it dived back down, blood stained the sand as you climbed up a small cliffside, watching the ground. You waited until the sounds of rumbling died down, and then a little longer. You cautiously stepped foot on the sand, making sure to slowly make your way back. Your tribe stood their in awe.
“You actually did it. You’re alive!” Clearwater hugged you suddenly, the others quickly pulling you into the safety of the tents.
“I am. I’m alive.” You knew what to do then. Your mind had been made. Wether or not Nilou accepted your feelings you were going to change your life.
“Actually Nilou does have reason to worry, now is breeding season for the Wenuts, they can be more active than ever at this time period.” Faruzan clarified.
“That’s not helping.” Dehya groaned.
“Well what I mean is that they’re more focused on other matters than hunting!” She added.
“B- but there’s that chance.. oh dear.. oh dear lord Kusanali please keep them safe.” Nilou prayed, surrounded by friends.
“The storms down! We can move again!” Another member pointed out. Your matriarch contemplated before giving the signal. Immediately all tents were packed and stuff readied as you prepared to leave once more. You recognize the area now. You were farther along than you had thought. You might be able to get home quickly at this rate.
“Oh thank lord Kusanali! I’m ALIVE!” Your client exclaimed. You smiled as you spotted a nice thick scorpion.
“Scorpion ahead, I’ll deal with it!” You said smiling as you rushed ahead to kill it. Dinner would be good tonight.
Nilou sat amongst her friends, food a plenty as they fussed over what way to comfort her. She felt a strange feeling of serenity, like a high pitched voice telling her all was well and everything would be okay. She smiled eating more pudding. She smiled seeing how much her friends cared about her. Now she was thinking of when would be the best time to go to the Ribat to meet them.
Night fell and your tribe had made surprising progress. You could see the giant tree in the distance, supposedly the transformed remains of either the goddess of flowers or Egeria. You didn’t know which one but you heard of their tales. Normally you would be forced to go another way but thanks to some ‘traveler’ things were different. Which is good because that area had a large and plentiful oasis you could freshen up at. Maybe you could find something to bring back for Nilou. You felt hopeful and excited for once.
“You know it might be unnecessary to wait the whole two weeks here?” Dehya said. Nilou had decided to stay at the Ribat just incase they came back early.
“I know but I can’t risk not meeting them on time! What if I come too late and they’re already back out again! I can’t miss my opportunity no matter what. Thank you for coming with though.” Nilou said.
“No problem, but you owe me.” She said.
You stood by waiting to talk to your matriarch. A smile on your face as she collected the payment, observing it was as promised and letting the clients leave on a boat for Fontaine.
“You’re leaving once we get back aren’t you.” She said. You nodded.
“Well.. its just.. I’ve found someone.. and I can’t bare to live without them. I need to know if they like me back. But also I’ve found I prefer the life in the city more and well um..”
“Its fine. When we return to the Ribat will be your final day. You’ve done good. I’m very impressed with you. I can see how that woman has changed you, I don’t wish to keep you here where you have been miserable.”
“Mi-miserable. I wouldnt say-“
“I could tell. You became a eremite because you were made to believe that’s all you could ever be. This job isn’t worth dying for unless you really love it, so if you’ve found better employment and opportunities then I won’t hold you back.” She said. You smiled.
“I-.. thank you.” You bowed. You felt the urge to hug her. Although you two weren’t close sure, it meant alot to see she supported your decision.
Nilou stared at the open desert, her heart fluttering everytime she saw another eremite come in, her heart however sank upon realizing it wasn’t you. Dehya sat by, leaning against a stone wall.
“I want to go find them.” She said breaking the silence. Dehya was appalled.
“Now? Nilou you have never traversed the desert! We don’t know where they could be right now. If anything it’s better to wait here where we know they’ll return.” Dehya said. Nilou seemed torn. Logic and emotion were conflicting.
“I’m worried though. So worried.” She pouted. “Maybe just.. to get a bit closer.”
“You’re willing to go out into the desert at this time of year despite having no experience and no real plan all for a crush?” Dehya asked, desperately trying to knock some sense into her.
“Well they said they liked me back in that letter you know. I can’t wait any longer. I miss them so dearly, I need to see them again!” Nilou looked off into the distance. There was a group moving closer, with sumpter beasts, but there was no way to confirm it was them or their group. At this point however she grew tired of getting her hopes up. The group seemed to set up camp and stop moving. She sighed. It must not be them if they weren’t heading back quickly.
“Lets go wait at the Rivat. I’m sure they wouldn’t like it for you to risk your life now of all times.” Dehya said. That seemed to convince her.
“Alright. But we should get up super early tomorrow! That way we won’t miss them!” Nilou spoke, her mind had been made clearly
“That’s all we’ve been doing but okay.” Dehya sighed.
“We’re going to miss you chef!” Your fellow eremites hugged you in a massive pile. You smiled.
“Promise you’ll visit us in the Rivat! Oh and leave behind a recipe or two! I’ll miss your cooking!” Clear water said.
“I know I know. I promise I’ll leave you guys with my recipes.” You chuckled. The fire was lit as they dispersed, all looking to find stuff for you to cook with. You took out the scorpion meat that had been marinaded in bird fat and lots of salt to keep it from rotting. Putting it into the pot released a wonderful smell as you added more spices. Your matriach sat behind you getting out some good ol booze to celebrate your retirement from this life.
“If you get married I expect a invite.” She said pouring you a cup. You smiled.
“Absolutely. Might even make you my maid of honor/best man.” You said, the usual tension or nervousness you felt around her had faced. You felt more confident, a-shame that it meant now you had actually started to build bonds with them, meaning you would miss them more once they left without you. But you felt excitement for your new life ahead.
“I’m honored, although I doubt id be any good at wedding planning. I’m better at navigating deserts but not with decorations.” She joked. You chuckled, the thought of this tough and burly woman you had seen snap a man’s neck, launch a snake into the atmosphere with a kick, and wrangle a consecrated beast with little injuries, fussing over the table cloth not matching the curtains was a funny image.
“What do you think you’ll do when you get too old? You going to keep doing this till you kick the bucket or?”
“I’ll retire, just like your folks. I’ll become the village grandmother with a plethora of stories and such to tell.” She poured you another glass. You took it eagerly.
“You certainly would have earned it. I’m going to miss seeing you”. You flipped the scorpion meat, adding more seasonings. She smiled.
“Just don’t go dancing with Wenuts again, I’d call you stupid but I wonder if you got that from me.” She chuckled. “That was a stupid but brilliant move. I’m glad you’re alive but never do that again okay?”
You nodded. “Course not. I’ll just play chicken with the tigers for my thrills now.” You joked. She laughed.
The day came. Your tribe walked, hungover and tired from the journey, the destination being the Rivat. You could see the gates in sight. The sun glaring above, searing you one last time. As you made your way through the gates you turned to them one last time.
“We’ve already said our goodbyes now. Don’t waste anymore time or you might get stuck in a rainstorm on the way to the city.” Clearwater said. You smiled.
“I know. Its just a little.. scary I guess.” You took off your mask, you would be keeping it, this time for you to keep.
“You played chicken with a wenut and you’re scared of this?��� Your fellow eremites chuckled. In reality you were preparing yourself for rejection or acceptance, rejection was what was on your mind the most. You stepped forward and immediately heard your name coming from afar. You looked to see Nilou running straight to you, the look in her eyes,her movements were your confirmation. You couldn’t help but race to her as well.
“you’re BACK! You’re back!” She exclaimed, embracing you with a strength you would expect from the tail of a scorpion, not a small dainty dancer, but you had come to know her well.
“I am.. i am.. you can relax now you know.. um.. so.. you got my letter right?” You said, she nodded.
“I did, I wish you hadn’t just left! I was so worried for you! I took a few weeks off just to wait for you!” She said. You felt a bit shocked. Weeks? It had been approximately a three week journey to and back, she really waited?
“You did. But that doesn’t really answer my question-“
“Of course I like you back!” She said pulling you into another hug, tighter than ever. You hugged her back feeling relief. “It’ll be hard to work out given your circumstances and job but I’m sure we could make it work.”
“I actually quit. I realized I preferred the city life to the life of a mercenary.” You explained. “One of your friends mentioned that the theatre is hiring and I figured I’d get a job there.” Saying that out loud you felt silly.
“Of course! Oh god even the manager has been missing you! I-i.. i just.. I’m so happy you’re here now. I worried so much about you. I was so worried that you would die or get lost or something out there.” She said. You figured your dance with the wenut should go unmentioned then.
“I missed you too…” after sometime you two pulled away as you contemplated what to say next. “So.. are we dating now? Exclusive, going steady?”
“Yeah i guess that’s what happens next. Why don’t we spend the rest of the day here so you can spend some last few mintues with your tribe. It can’t be easy just leaving them behind.” She said sympathetically. You looked back and smiled.
“Its not no. But we have already had a little going away party.”
“Oh i know! I’ll give them tickets to my next performance!” She said excitedly. You felt a bit excited at that idea.
“I mean… we could ask if they’d like to come? No guarantees though.” You said. Hand in hand you two walked over to your now former tribe.
Years had passed since you and Nilou met that fateful day in the desert, 5 to be exact. You had been hired by the Theatre to work behind the scenes, but you also grew your culinary skills more and more, making more friends. Your tribe would sometimes visit the city just to see the performances and catch up with you. Life was good, it was perfect, you wanted it to last forever. Which is why you bought that ring. Having saved up money by taking a second job temporarily, you bought a beautiful diamond ring, shaped like a lotus. You had held onto it for a few weeks now. Struggling to find the moment, the right time to use it.
It had been on a trip to visit your parents in Aaru village, your parents ended up adoring her, surprised by your career change but not as disappointed as you had worried. You took Nilou to a nearby Oasis that had formed nearby. You had previously scoured the environment and cleared any encampments of hilicurls and those floaty mushrooms. She looked in awe.
“This spot is so.. beautiful! I can’t believe these spots just appear!” Nilou smiled excitedly, she observed the water before stepping in it cautiously, then seeing nothing stirred she cupped it in her hands, pouring it on herself to relieve the heat. You stood behind her anxiously trying to find the words. “Oh, my love! Look!” She pulled out a small box you hadn’t spotted in the sand before, a ring box. You certainly would’ve spotted it, was this a popular spot to propose?
“Oh did someone lose their ring?” You asked distracted. She opened it, you saw the ruby and were reminded of your eremite mask, the detailing was similar as well.
“Well.. i uh.. didn’t really plan a response to that.. no actually I got this for you.” She smiled nervously, getting on one knee. You gasped. Hurriedly getting out your ring box. She was confused at first until she noticed the box you held.
“I can’t believe you beat me to it, but I’m glad you did.” You smiled as she got up to look closer, you watched her swell with joy.
“You.. you got me a ring? I love you so much.” She closed the distance between you two with a passionate kiss. In the light of the sunset you two exchanged the rings and danced in the remaining light. This time hand in hand, never to part again.
The end
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hermitussy · 1 year
Kaveh headcanons
Originally from the desert.
Argues often because it’s what he had to do in order to prove himself.
Has to work extra hard due to being an architect.
Doesn’t accept commissions in the desert most of the time.
Is close with the eremites, clearwater and galehunter.
He gets cold very often so he’ll steal Alhaitham’s blankets.
Constantly pulls all nighters in order to finish blueprints.
He’ll nitpick his appearance because he got insults on how he continued to wear desert styled clothing.
Has gotten his coffee privileges revoked multiple times by Alhaitham when he goes too long without sleep.
He dislikes using canned knowledge, only using it on 1-2 occasions.
Learned to cook in his free time whenever he got stuck on blueprints.
Daythunder taught him how to wield a claymore.
He constantly doesn’t feel good enough for both the desert and the akedemiya.
He dislikes asking for help from others because he wants to be the reason he succeeds in anything.
Faruzan will tidy his space in the library up whenever he falls asleep.
He’s trying to come up with better camps for the eremites to setup so it’s safer during sandstorms.
Never liked the sages, he felt they were too restrictive and didn’t truly care for the people.
Clearwater has had to help him on multiple occasions when he’s gotten heat exhaustion.
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RGB Eremite Desert Clearwater?
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jun-residence · 1 year
The Madman's partner
Pairing; Zandikk x Jun
[Prologue] | Next part
CW; Author suck at fighting scenes, OOC? Zandikk, Spoilers for Sohreh's notes, blood, gore, killing, mentions of class division, Jun's lore spoiler
It was clear the division of those that hail from the sands with those born in Greater Lord Rukhadevatta's domain. Of those who managed to pass through the Akademiya's strict standards, there were only two that hailed from the desert.
There was an individual known as Zandikk. He was an enigma among his peers, too focused on busying himself with his "research". Jun meanwhile, was slightly more social. However, he doesn't take too kindly to others judgment of his personality at first notice of his origins. The brunette hailed from King Deshret's land, having been accepted to the akademiya courtesy of his godfather, a leading scholar in advanced technology.
Zandikk wanted to do a research expedition in the jungle. Jun was unfortunately roped into this courtesy of Sohreh. The lady was familiar with him, and are aware of his skills as a marksman so she asked him to tag along.
He begrudgingly agreed after the payment of 60.000 mora was given by Sohreh. She was older than the two males, but things weren't awkward. Her and Jun got along surprisingly enough, and out of the corner of his eye he can see the slightest pout on Zandikk's face.
The brunette leaned against the tent pole, observing the shallow waters surrounding them. Sohreh marvelled about finding a sub species of micro scarabs, but he just tuned her out.
Zandikk sat down beside him, crossing his legs in an X mark, and without warning layed his head on Jun's shoulder. The other ignored it, rather he seemed so unbothered by Zandikk's casual display of closeness. "Have you found anything interesting?" Jun strikes up a conversation with him, hands busy cleaning his blades, one that his mother used before she succumbed to the deserts song of destruction.
"Not yet, unfortunately." Zandikk replied, taking off the preserved kalatpala lotus flower placed in Jun's hair. The bluenette studied the petals, while Jun finished cleaning his blades.
Sohreh suddenly returned with a few stalks of the surrounding flora, and placed them all infront of the two males before sitting down herself. The two researchers talked about the native species and it's characteristics, while Jun was on the lookout, though he can't exactly see anything because it was quite foggy after it rained the previous night.
Suddenly, Jun's ear picked up the sound of a thrown blade. He pulled Sohreh to his chest, getting the female into safety as a blade pierced through the ground Sohreh sat just a moment ago.
"Well, Well, Well. Look who's here. Little old Jun." An Eremite gleefully chuckled. Jun held onto his blades and placed himself infront of Sohreh. "Zandikk. Get Sohreh out of here, now."
"You're not going anywhere pretty boy!" The Clearwater Eremite charged forward, trying to slash at the trio. Her blades were blocked by Jun's, who quickly pushed her away. "Now!" He yelled, using the discarded sword on the ground to block the Daythunder's claymore(?) Attack.
Zandikk nodded, and got Sohreh and himself far away from the campsite. Jun turned towards the four eremites standing in front of him. "Now that my acquaintances are safe, I won't need to hold back." He said, unleashing the spirits trapped within his blade who clinged onto him.
The man was gifted a Pyro vision from the gods, as such he infused his blades with elemental energy, and begin to charge at them from above.
"Judgement day has come!"
Meanwhile, with Zandikk and Sohreh, they were deeper in the forest. She panted, as her hand was dragged by Zandikk who ran. "What about Jun?! We can't just leave him alone to deal with it! He's outnumbered!" She yelled out, concerned for her friends safety. Zandikk who already shared a house with the brunette showed no sympathy. He was well aware the eremites were outmatched by Jun, so he had no worries.
"I'll inform him through the Akasha terminal where we are. So when he's done with having fun, he'll know where to find us." The bluenette coldly state, hand reaching out to touch his Akasha. Jun was dodging the arrows shot at his direction along with the volts of electricity seeping through the ground. The injuries a Clearwater and sword dancer sustained was life threatening.
"You'll turn your back on your own people and even injure them? I thought Malik raised you better!" The Daythunder yelled out, getting ready to smack him with his claymore. Jun felt his veins pop up across his face. Gritting his teeth, he unleashed a wave of both water and fire attacks at the man. "I'LL KILL YOU!"
His last attack rendered the Daythunder armless. Turning around, he threw his blade towards the others back, impaling him. The brunette panted out, wiping away the blood on his face and closing his blade opening, trapping the spirit within it again.
"See you in hell, bastard."
Suddenly, he heard a sound coming from his discarded earpiece. Picking the thing up, he saw a message from Zandikk. "We're near the gigantic tree south of your location. After you're done, come here to bring us home. We'll continue this another day." The message read. Jun turned the earpiece off and placed it in his pants pocket. His shirt was torn to shreds, and there were many wounds on him. He stole the Clearwater's shirt, and placed it on himself. It was somehow a perfect fit. Grabbing one of their scarf and blindfold, he wore it and left to find his "friends", though not before retrieving his blade from the man's back.
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anny-dee · 1 year
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The new eremite desert Clearwater 👀
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