#episode 7 is about two things and two things only: dads and significant hair moments
Everything Wrong With The Umbrella Academy. Episode 4, Man on the Moon.
We Only See Each Other at Weddings and Funerals
Run Boy Run
Extra Ordinary
Disclaimer: This is all in good fun! I wanted to do a really nitpicky re-watch of the series and found some really cool and interesting things I didn’t notice before. This is meant to have a Cinema Sins-esque tone. However, I did take off a lot more sins than Cinema Sins would have because I do genuinely like the series and the people that made it possible. So all of the good things got one sin off and all the bad things got one sin added. This is a really long post, so grab some popcorn. If there’s anything that I missed, feel free to add it!
I would also like to add, that normally you wouldn’t watch a show this way. I am purposefully looking for mistakes, easter eggs, and other things that we’re not supposed to notice. To be honest, I am seeing a lot of the things I’m pointing out for the first time because I am watching not with the goal of entertainment, but for analysis. 
Man on the Moon
Tom Hopper’s workout routine. -1
What was Luther holding in his hand? A lighter? A toy? I can’t tell. It’s weird that they put something there at all. +1
Klaus knocked down the wall between his and Vanya’s rooms. That was the one thing in the house that said Vanya ever lived there and he destroyed it. +2
However, Klaus’s room looks really, really cool. Set designers, you win this one. -1
The bike. I have questions about that bike. When did Luther get it? Or did it belong to all the children? Sinning because no way Reggie would buy Luther a bike. Or give one to the children. +1
The shot following Luther directly gave me a bit of motion sickness. +1
Netflix subtitles have Reginald saying “Attention, Master Luther” when it is clearly Pogo. +1
“Mission alert” +1
Everyone else is gone! Luther has no backup. Reggie is a dick to Luther. +1
I know I should have mentioned this in the last episode, but Reggie put five young children in leather catsuits. Potentially six, but we never see Five in one. And he still makes Luther wear it as an adult! +6
Luther never leaves the house and keeps going on missions for Reggie because of a sense of responsibility. I can understand that. -1
However, Reggie was the one who fostered that in Luther. He made Luther think that he was responsible for saving the city, when in reality that’s up to law enforcement officers. +3
Why didn’t Luther go to a real hospital? Did Reggie take him home? How did Luther end up back in the Academy after that mission? +1
Was Luther dead? Reggie feels for his pulse and says “dammit”. Did the ape serum bring him back to life? +1
How long was Luther on that table? We see him with a beard in episode one, but it isn’t as crazy as this one. Also, does Luther bleach his hair now, or what? I am confused by Luther now being a brunette with impressive facial hair. +1
Tom Hopper nails ‘dawning horror and shock at now being an ape’. -1
Pop goes the weasel. +1
Who wound that box and placed it there? And why? The only other people there are Reggie, Grace, and Pogo. No way they did something so cruel and juvenile after permanently disfiguring him. +1
The umbrella the monkey-in-the-box suddenly has the title when it didn’t earlier. +1
“There’s something you have to see”. Yes Allison, continue to be vague. I’m sure Luther will appreciate it. Why not “I think the assassins killed Mom. Come take a look.” Is it because that would have been too logical? +1
Luther is still calling her “Grace”. +1
“Poor Diego. I mean this is gonna be so hard on him”. Choke on that irony, everyone. +1
 “I don’t wanna discuss it”. This family. Allison said the same thing about Claire moments before telling Luther everything. Parallels. +1
Vanya spent the night at Leonard’s house. Sigh. +1
“For one day I’ll think you’ll be fine”. What makes you think that, Leonard? +1
Vanya takes one sip of her coffee and never touches it again. Leonard doesn’t even drink his. What is the point of the damn coffee? +1
“When I was a kid I felt like I had to apologize for even breathing.” Reggie is a dick. +7
“I don’t think my Dad ever forgave me for being born” foreshadowing patricide. +1
Vanya and Leonard talk in front of the Icarus Theatre. Comics fans, you know why that’s significant. +1
Helen doesn’t acknowledge Vanya’s greeting like a normal human being. +1
People are already tuning, Vanya! Get your ass in the theatre so you can do the same! +1
Leonard is stupidly charming. I hate that he’s sort of likable, but it makes sense for what they’re using him for. +1
The kidnapping of Klaus Hargreeves. +4
Klaus is too kinky to tourture. -1
Where is that blood on his chest coming from? +1
Ten hours of tourture! Fuck you show for making Klaus go though that. +10
 “He’s a freak like his brother”. Which one? You met Luther and Diego. And they presumably know Five through the Commission. But which one is the freak into kinky shit? Diego? +1
“Remember Trinidad”. Noodle incident. (if you don’t know what that is google Noodle incident TV Tropes)+1
This motel has a surprising amount of towels in the bathroom. Some of the nicer places I’ve stayed don’t have that many. +1
Patch lives in house 204. “2” and “4”. Hmmm. +1
Does Diego show up on Patch’s doorstep being emo often? +1
Why is she still thinking about the 1938 fingerprint? We know that it’s plausible because of Five, but the police department should have thrown that out. It doesn’t make any sense and fingerprints can be alike. +1
She mentions the 30s cold case and Diego starts to look up in recognition. Even if he doesn’t know about the Commission or the Apocalypse, he does know about Five’s ability to time travel. He even mentions “The Boy”. Diego thinks that it was Five based on the fingerprint and his examination of the two crime scenes. -1
“For once, just try things my way”. Foreshadowing. +1
Diego hasn’t bothered to clean up the blood on his face from last night. Weirdo. +1
Allison is already forming a plan to kick Leonard’s ass the moment she sees his silhouette. Good. -1
Also, not the first time the audience has seen Leonard creeping around. Remember when he stole the journal? +1
Allison takes him down easy. Character moment showing that her superhero training hasn’t left her. Also, Allison is a badass. -1
Allison sees right through Leonard. This scene is excellent. -1
Lance has a really cute dog. -1
After seeing the shady deal while tailing Meritech, Five decides to tail Lance instead of just watching the building. Good job, Five. -1
How do you bill insurance companies for fake things? You need an insurance ID or SSN to have a patient. Where does Lance get these fake numbers from? +1
Why are eyeballs such a hot commodity? +1
“Names and numbers and I need it NOW” Five is scary. -1
Five jumped into the seatbelt. Did his powers secure it for him? +1
Five has a really organized desk. I wish I could read what he labeled the binders. +1
Luther decided to search Five’s room for clues. Pogo would be excellent at cinema sins. +1
For all we make fun of Diego’s stupid outfit, just remember, comics Diego has an even stupider one. This is the stupidity turned down. +1
The labels are now upside down on the binders when they were right side up in the last shot. +1
Either Five was a really good artist, or Reggie let Five have a poster above his bed that didn’t feature the academy. No explanation is given. +1
Five’s wallpaper depicts a boy pulling a mannequin in a wagon. -1
Luther punches a hole in Five’s wardrobe. This is never mentioned again. +1 
“When you watch those nature shows does it turn you on?” Diego is a dick. +1
If you look really closely, you can see something that looks suspiciously like the ending to Apocalypse suite in Five’s room as a piece of art taped to the wall. I checked with the comics. It looks very, very similar. -1
There are two cylindrical things on the wall. One on Five’s wall and one we can see through the doorway on the wall across from Five’s room. What is it? Nightlight? Loudspeaker? Alarm? +1
Ben Hargreeves enters the chat. -1
“Stay calm, Klaus” stay calm. +1
Hazel and Cha Cha spent over 10 hours beating the crap out of Klaus but they didn’t think of the training manual, something Cha Cha clearly has memorized, until now. +1
When did they grab his coat? Klaus was wearing nothing but a towel. Did Hazel decide to grab it on a whim? +1
“Asthma medication”. Klaus is still coherent enough to come up with an okay lie after 10 hours of tourture. +1
“Amputee hookers”. Nice call back to the comics. -1
Hazel and Cha Cha don’t hear Klaus say “not until they're high as kites” when responding to Ben. +1
“Klaus, be strong”. Ben’s facial expression was really weird with this line. +1
Klaus cracks after 10 hours of tourture while going through withdrawal. Impressive. -1
The multi-screen effects look really cool. -1
Watching Hazel and Cha Cha burn down Meritech while high as kites amuses me. -1
Watching this later while knowing that Meritech doesn’t really matter means that I don’t really care about this building. I wish there was something to make this more interesting instead of just making the eye a red herring. Leonard hasn’t lost an eye yet, so it doesn’t matter. +1
What were Hazel and Cha Cha dancing to in universe? Was this song playing on the radio or something?? +1
Luther goes through the door that’s too small for him because he’s Number One and Diego goes through the door that would actually accommodate Luther’s size. +1
Vanya’s book should be way more beat up than that if it survived the literal apocalypse with Five for 45 years. The ink looks too fresh, too. Unless this is another, newer copy of Extra Ordinary? Sin for confusion. +1
Five got way too close to that explosion. Five survives this without injury. +1
We see him lying amongst the shrapnel for crying out loud! +1
Gossip magazines. “We’re doing fine!” +1
Tween Hit is still a popular magazine seventeen years later. -1
“Vanya, she’s gone” is the vaguest wording ever. +1
However, Vanya understands this. Sin on the writers. +1
“It was those psychopaths last night” weird delivery. Allison’s tone is off. +1
Does Vanya not have any students other than Leonard? She’s perfectly free on some random afternoon so she can have a drink with Allison. +1
Hazel and Cha Cha coming down from their high. -1
Cha Cha hates doughnuts. +1
Reginald Hargreeves put his eight year old son in what amounted to a tourture chamber so he would stop being afraid. Reggie is a dick. +8
Why is Ben stuck in the closet with Klaus? +1
The cleaning lady (her name is Claudia, according to a card she leaves) has one of her ears uncovered. She totally would have been able to hear him. +1
Callback to the screw Hazel threw away to remind the audience that it’s important. -1
Ben’s whiny bullshit. Now is not the time, asshole. +2
We know why the dog ear is important, but why would Patch? At this point it’s a random piece of fabric that might look like something she saw on surveillance footage (Cha Cha’s mask). Point is, that could be something from Meritech and not necessarily urgent. +1
Patch gets the message intended for Five about Klaus. When Diego thinks that the missing brother is Five and that’s who he meant when he was talking to her. Choke on that irony and miscommunication. +1
This show is shot like a comic book and I love it. -1
“That’s what you do when you’re 17” in this specific circumstance, yes. In others, not so much. You don’t have to leave when you’re 17. +1
Luther calls out Diego for not being a real grown up while also not being a real grown up himself. +1
Diego asks “You ever even been with a girl”. Diego is a dick. +1
“We’re orphans again, dude”. When were you ever orphans? Sin for the writers for writing this or to Reggie for making them believe that they were regular orphans he adopted legitimately instead of buying. +1
“Do you ever stop talking. Wow that was easy.” I wheezed.-1
Five is drunk in the library with Dolores with equations scribbled all over the place. No one stopped him when he started writing on the walls in sharpie. +1
Five has two bottles of hard liquor with him. +2
 “Drunk as a skunk” +1
The comedic timing of Five’s hand letting go of the bottle. -1
“Jerk off on your Mr. Snuggles teddy bear”. First of all, eww. Second of all, yeah, Vanya these are all valid points she’s making. You just met this dude! +1
“But sometimes men are unredeemable shits” yeah. Sin for men and for the fact that Vanya doesn’t know this. +1
“Yay sisters” -1
What are Allison and Vanya drinking? Seriously, what are their drinks of choice? It looks like Vanya has something like a gin and tonic or a vodka soda and Allison has a rum and coke, but I can’t really tell. This is a sin until I know for sure. +1
That is a lot of extra blood on Klaus with no explanation. +1
Draw Ben like one of your French girls, Klaus. -1
“Is your brother here now.” “You’re gonna have to be a little more specific on that” -1
Ben’s wink. -1
Reggie is a dick to his adopted children. +7
Torturing a literal child and calling it training. +4
Reggie, you dramatic bitch. +1
Warrants exist for a reason, Patch. +1
Also, Patch decides to follow Diego’s shitty advice without any backup. +1
Drunk Five being carried bridal style by Luther. Aidan Gallagher being carried bridal style by Tom Hopper. -1
“I’m going through puberty. Twice.” Sucks to be you. +2
You had two bottles, Five. And you somehow didn’t die of alcohol poisoning. +2
Diego’s face. -1
Aidan Gallagher doesn’t play drunk very well. To be fair, he’s never been drunk (or at least I hope he hasn’t), but it’s still a sin. +1
“You know I hate code names”, okay Spaceboy. +1
“I’m the four frickin horsemen” or Gabriel’s horn. -1
“You haven’t been this sober since you were a teenager, since you decided to keep the ghosts at bay”. I hate the delivery on this last line, but to be fair to Justin Min, it was a shitty line in the first place. Sin for delivery and for the writers. Also, gee Ben, I thought he was just doing drugs to be contrary. +2
Zoya Popova is so underrated. I love her. -1
Ben’s lil smile. -1
Vanya’s apartment is so warm and nice with all the lights on, but this is the only time we get to see it that way. When she is on good terms with Allison. Lighting cues. -1
Allison, you’re too tall to fit in Vanya’s sweatpants. They’d be sweat capris. +1
Have I mentioned how much I love Allison’s jacket in this episode yet? Because I really like it. -1
Creepy flowers are creepy. +1
“She knows it was a misunderstanding”  Allison’s face all but says. “Do I?”. Emmy Raver-Lampman rules. -1
Also, Vanya speaks for Allison. +1
This is where they decide to show just how much of a creep Leonard is. Well done, show. -1
Leonard is a creepy, manipulative little bastard. +1
Sin off for the gory sfx makeup in this episode. The ghosts look brutal! -1
Syd the tow truck driver is back. Too bad he’s dead. +1
The dead cheerleader is disturbing. +1
This episode sort of confirms the headcanon that Klaus can speak/understand many languages. -1
The gore on Klaus keeps changing. +1
The switch in camera angles shows the shift in point of views, hence why the ghosts disappear. Clever. -1
Ben voice: Nicely done. -1
Patch waited a pretty long time. How long was the walk from the library to thy gym? +1
Chair scoot. Klaus is smart. -1
Klaus gives himself a concussion. Sinning because he had to give himself more trauma to escape from touture. +1
Claudia gives Patch the key to the room without question and then runs.+1
Klaus is coherent enough to think to hide in the vent. Klaus is a smart cookie. -1
The death of Detective Eudora Patch. +1
The Klaus theme -1
Kenny’s mom appearance! Her hat and jacket have matching flowers that also match her pants. Cute. -1
Klaus’s wink. -1
Kenny’s mom definitely saw a lot more of Klaus than what was already on display. +1
Time traveling briefcase! -1
Kenny’s mom looks for Klaus under the seat. What??? +1
Diego gives Dolores a chair. How nice of him. -1
Diego’s Prime 8s poster. If you know, you know. -1
Aidan Gallager sucks at pretending to sleep. +1
“You throw another one of those goddamn knives at me, I’m pressing charges”. I love Al. -1
It was a half hour walk from the library to the gym. Patch waited a really long time. +1
Now you remember Klaus after you found Five, who wasn’t really in any danger. +1
The little pat Luther gives Dolores. -1
Diego takes his gloves off. It’s like he wants to get framed. +1
This scene is really emotional and made me cry the first time I saw it. +1
David Castaneda is a really good actor. -1
The fridging of Detective Eudora Patch. +100
Overall Review:
This episode starts off on a really high note. I follow Tom Hopper on Instagram. He’s really fit. There is no denying that. I also appreciated the way he played Luther this episode. The scene where Luther realizes what his body looks like was heartbreaking to watch and really well acted. 
Speaking of heartbreaking to watch, the fridging of Detective Patch pisses me off. For those who don’t know, “Fridging” is when a female character is hurt or killed in some way in order to move a man’s story/emotional development forward. Considering that Patch’s death is what starts Diego’s character development, I would say that this applies. I am genuinely disappointed in the writers for doing this to Patch. I think it’s been established that I respect Patch. She doesn’t take any shit and she follows her moral compass. That is her real character. She only screws up when it comes to Diego and this is no different. She decided to be reckless like him and paid the ultimate price. However, this is completely out of character. Based on what we’re shown, Patch should have brought up her suspicions to Beeman (the other detective) and went from there. But instead, she had to die. That injustice done to her character is what deserves 100 sins. The show really dropped the ball with this one. 
Moving on, Vanya and Allison have some really good interaction in this episode. I think it’s a little weird how quickly Vanya forgave Allison after the shit she said last episode. Diego and Allison treated Vanya like a fragile object, which is what led her to Leonard. To be fair, Vanya was pretty stupid that last episode when she didn’t run away, but that doesn’t excuse what Diego said and Allison agreed with. Overall, the yay sisters thing was a good, but sus moment. 
Next, Klaus and Ben. Almost everything Ben said in this episode pissed me off. The “that’s the real tourture” speech was awful. For all the fandom loves him, Ben is a prick. However, Ben was also able to keep Klaus calm and encouraged him to control his power over the many, many ghosts in the room. So it’s kind of a wash for me this episode. I hope season 2 explores more of his character and why he would choose to say something so awful while his brother is being literally tortured. 
As for the main plot, Five’s only lead, not that it really matters yet, has been destroyed. Hazel and Cha Cha realize that they’re going to end the world if they complete their mission. And Leonard has finally been revealed to be a creep who wants something to do with Vanya’s pills. On a rewatch, we know why that’s significant, but a first time viewer would be confused in a good way. The show wants the audience to ask: Why? Vanya’s pills have been there for important moments up until this point. And now there are being forcibly taken out of the equation. Why?
Total: 193
Sentence: Getting drunk in the library with your mannequin wife while trying to do math. 
52 notes · View notes
lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
Did 2015 just fly by to you? I probably did feel that way. I usually do when looking back on each year. The only things I really remember about 2015 is graduating UC and hanging out with Ty.
Do you like platform shoes? No. I couldn’t wear them anyway.
How much black is in your wardrobe? Most of my wardrobe is black. 
Are you supposed to be doing something else? Nah, this is what I like doing at this time of night as part of my nighttime routine.
If you were with your favorite person right now, what would you be doing? I’d like finish watching this show my mom and I have been watching and check out the first two episodes of the new season of another show. 
Did you have a good holiday season? I did.
Anything special planned for today? Nope.
Who do you really trust in your life? My family.
What do you think about Justin Bieber? I like some of his music.
Do you wish you could change the past? Not entirely, but there’s a lot I wish I could change.
What is your hot drink of choice? Coffeeee.
Do you own a gun? No.
Have you ever cracked your cell phone screen? Not my current phone, but in the past I have. I haven’t had that happen in years, though.
Have your pants ever fallen down in public? No.
If you had to delete one year of your life, which year would it be? I wouldn’t want to delete an entire year. I’d like to change things that happened in various years, though.
What is your favorite article of clothing you own? All of them, which is why I have them.
How late do you usually stay up? Until like 7 or 8AM. :X
What is your favorite Christmas song? I love all the classics.
What all have you had to eat today? It’s only 4AM and so far I’ve just had ramen. 
If your entire life was a movie, what would it be called? I don’t know.
Blue or green? I like various shades of both.
What's your current least favorite song? *shrug* I haven’t been listening to music lately.
Do you know how to play chess? Nope.
What is something the world needs less and more of in your opinion? We need more unity and less stupidity and hatred.
Do you know someone who is just so breathtakingly attractive? Alexander Skarsgard.
How hard is it for you to open up to others? I have a really hard time with that. Even with people I am close to.
What is something that has really impacted your life? My physical disability for sure as well as health issues.
Quick! Chinese or Mexican? Hm. It honestly depends what food I’m in the mood for. I do have Mexican more often. I enjoyed both a lot more when I could eat spicy stuff, but I can’t anymore. :(
How many significant others have you had in your WHOLE life? I’ve only had one, technically. We had the relationship title, anyway. It didn’t feel like one, though. What I had with Joseph felt closer to one in a lot of ways, but we never officially dated. 
I have to ask: What does the last text you received say? My dad asked me to do something.
How about the last text you sent? I asked my mom if she could grab me something while she was at the store.
Have you shared any kisses today? No.
Did the last person you kissed have soft lips, or were they kind of crusty? They were soft.
Do you think your life will be any different a year from now? For the past few years nothing seems to change each passing year, but that’s largely my own doing. Not in a good way, anyway. There have been bad changes.
What is in your wallet? Credit cards.
Have you ever been in a fist fight? Nope.
When was the last time you went to the doctor? This past Tuesday. 
Are you going out of town anytime soon? Nope.
Do you hate your ex? No.
When are you going to get a haircut? I have no idea.
Can you fit your hand around your wrist? Yes. 
Have you ever hurt yourself on purpose? Yes.
When was the last time you applied chapstick? I don’t remember.
Are you a coffee person or a tea person? Coffee all the way.
Do you have a weird laugh? *shrug*
Do you have videos on YouTube? I do, but they’re all private and will never see the light of day again.
When’s the last time you had a phone conversation for more than ten minutes? I don’t remember. I rarely talk on the phone and when I do they’re very brief conversations.
Do you laugh at inappropriate times? No.
What’s your fast food restaurant of choice? The ones I go to are Chick-fil-A, Carl’s Jr, Jack in the Box, and McDonald’s. I haven’t been eating fast food much lately, though.
All the people you’ve kissed, what did their names start with? D, G, and J.
Are you in any kind of pain right now? Yes.
Are you the jealous type? I can be, but I haven’t felt that way in years.
What did you and your ex fight about most? Our issue was definitely lack of/poor communication. 
Do you have a foot phobia? I’m not afraid of feet, but I hate them lol. No one should even think about trying to put their feet on me or near me. I hate mine, too.
Well, are you a germaphobe? I don’t share drinks or eat off someone’s food or utensil or anything like that or want them to do that to mine. I’ll gladly cut off a piece and share or pour some out for ya. 
Don’t you love long hugs? From certain people.
And long kisses? Yes.
Have you ever purchased condoms? No.
Do you have a dirty mind? Sometimes.
What’s your favorite soda? I don’t drink soda anymore, but Coke and Dr. Pepper were my favorites.
Do you check the mail everyday, or somebody else? I personally don’t, but someone in my family does.
Did you think braces were cool when you were little? No.
Do you ever go without makeup or doing your hair? I haven’t worn makeup in almost 4 years and I just throw my hair up in a messy bun all the time. I also admittedly don’t brush it everyday.
Put your iTunes on shuffle RIGHT NOW and tell me the first song it plays. I don’t use iTunes and I don’t feel like opening Spotify right now.
What was the last song you added to your iTunes library? I forget the last song I added to my Spotify.
Are you embarrassed by any of the songs in your iTunes? I’m not embarrassed by any of the songs on my Spotify.
When was the last time you were sick? Back in October.
Did you get anybody else sick? No, it wasn’t contagious.
What brand is your camera? I just use my phone, which is an iPhone 12 Pro Max.
Do you like raisins? Yeah. Chocolate covered raisins, especially. ha. Who was your Valentine this year? I won’t have one.
When did you first kiss the last person you kissed? March 2011.
And when did you last kiss the last person you kissed? Sometime in 2013.
Did you borrow that shirt from somebody? Nope, it’s mine.
What was the last thing you put in your mouth? My medicine.
Do you like to swim? No.
How many vacations have you been on in the past year? My last vacay was last February a month before COVID hit and everything shut down. It’s crazy how fast everything changed and everything that has happened since then. We had no idea what was coming. I’m glad we happened to take a nice vacation when we did cause who knows when the next one will be. 
Have you ever gone on vacation with your boyfriend/girlfriend? I’m single, but no I never have in the past.
Are you supposed to be doing homework, young man/lady? Nopeee, I’m done with school.
Do you have to wake up early tomorrow? Nope.
Do you have any prescriptions currently? Yes.
Are you upset about anything? Bleh.
Where was the last place you went that you hadn't been to before? The OC.
Who was the last member of the opposite sex to make you smile? My brother.
Who was the last attractive person you saw? I see Alexander Skarsgard on my dash all the time. 
Do you have a friend whose name begins with "C"?
Is there anything happening in the next week that you're looking forward to? New episodes of some shows I’m watching to come out.
How many people have you kissed whose name starts with "R"? Zero.
When was the last time you ate a bar of chocolate? It’s been a few years. 
When was the last time you were invited to go somewhere and you declined? The other day my mom asked me if I wanted to tag along for the ride with her while she ran some errands, but I declined.
The last time you saw your best friend, what were they wearing? She was wearing a black shirt with Maleficent on it that I got her for Christmas.
How did you meet the person you're currently interested in? I’m not interested in anyone romantically right now.
What was the last gift you received and who gave it to you? Various Christmas presents from my family.
When was the last time you drank alcohol and what was the occasion? My birthday back in 2013.
You've got an unread message on Facebook; who do you want it to be from? There isn’t anyone in particular. 
What if the person you miss walked into the room right now? The people I miss have passed away, so...
Are you still with the person you fell the hardest for and if not, do you still speak to them? Nope.
What was the last song that made you cry and what does the song talk about? I don’t remember.
If you're in a relationship, how long have you been together? I’m single.
If you're single, are you looking for a relationship? No.
Look around the room; what's the closest blue object? My back pillow.
Are you attracted to the last person you Facebook messaged? No.
How old were your parents when they met? They were in their early and mid 20s.
Who was the last person you added to your phone's contacts? I don’t recall.
What's a song that reminds you of someone you miss? Everlong (the acoustic version) by Foo Fighters.
What's the most expensive item you've bought recently? It was an accumulation of things when I was doing my Christmas shopping.
Who're the last three people you hugged? My mom, dad, and doggo. 
What's the third song on your iTunes "most played" list?
What exactly is on your mind at this moment? I’m tired.
What is it that makes you awesome? Nothing.
What is today’s date? January 16, 2021.
What time is it? 4:55AM.
At this moment in time, is there anything worrying you, that no one else knows about? Yes.
Have you ever cried in front of the last person you texted? Countless times.
What was the last thing you watched on YouTube? I’m watching an ASMR video.
Have you ever voluntarily read the Bible? Yes. I read and study the Bible. I participate in Bible studies. Have you ever thought that your life was so bad you wanted to give up? I’ve felt that way a lot.
How old are you? 31.
When do you start school? I’m done with school.
Do thunder and storms scare you? I love ‘em. We have had a thunderstorm here in so long it feels like.
How often would you say you take naps? Not that often since I usually sleep in until like 5PM. And not to say I couldn’t still take a nap cause I could (I’m always tired), but I wouldn’t want to so late in the day.
How many times in your life have you held a baby? Many times. I have a younger brother and I also have held several of my cousins when they were babies.
Do you like country music? Yeah.
What were you doing at 7:45 this morning? It’s only 5AM, but I’ll most likely be asleep or attempting to.
When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought? I haven’t done so yet today, but I’m always like “ew.” I avoid looking in the mirror as much as possible.
Do you look decent when you wake up? No. Or ever.
Do you like to cuddle? I don’t have much cuddling experience to be honest, but sure.
Were you single on your last birthday? Yes.
Do you have any candles in your room? I do. I never light candles, so I’m not really sure why I have one any, but *shrug*
How long does it take you in the shower? Like 30-45 minutes.
Relationship between you and the last person you texted? She’s my mom.
When was the last time you felt unbearably guilty? I feel guilty about a few things.
Are you currently looking forward to anything? Just new episodes of some of the shows I watch like I mentioned before and new shows in general. There’s a lot coming out this year.
What are two foods you think only taste good with whipped cream? Uhh. I can’t think of any that I think only taste good with whipped cream. 
If you eat it, what is your favorite way to eat beef? When it’s in the form of meatballs (mixed with sausage, garlic, onion, and herbs).
What foods go good with radishes? Don’t they commonly go in salads?
Are you insecure about your height? What made you think this way? No. I do wish I was taller, though.
Did your last significant other have a huge temper? No.
Do you usually close the door with your feet or with your hands? My hands.
Are you a fussy eater? I am a picky eater and due to appetite and other issues I’m very particular about what I eat and how it’s prepared and all that. I honestly only eat the same few foods.
Do you enjoy visiting your grandparents? Yes.
Is your hair hard to manage? For me it is. I don’t have the energy or motivation for it.
Have you ever shopped online? I do a lot of online shopping, especially the past few years. Even more so this past year alone due to COVID.
Do you prefer gold or silver? I like both.
What about diamonds or pearls? Both.
Have you ever had surgery? I’ve had several.
Have you ever eaten at Chik-fil-a? Yeah, many times.
Do you spray tan? Nope.
How many hours of sleep would you say you got last night? About 5ish. 
How many aunts and uncles do you have? 3 aunts, 8 uncles. 
Would you say your life is hard? It is for me.
Are your fingernails, and toenails painted, if so, what color? Nope, neither of them are.
Would you ever think about doing porn? No.
What did your last text message you received on your cell say? My dad asked me to do something.
What is something you need to go shopping for? Nothing at the moment.
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i-am-fran · 5 years
My thoughts after ep 9.09
My thoughts on season 9 of #Suits ahead of the series finale:
So today I saw 9.09 and I think now is the right time to write a little piece about my thoughts and wishes and expectations. Why now? During the past 2 or 3 episode I have realized that I have very mixed feelings about this season. Before I start I’d like to remind you that this is how I feel about this seasons. There may be things you you agree with, other’S you don’t. I’d like to hear about them, but please be polite - it’s just an opinion. Also: While many things might sound negative, I still took the time to think and write about them. That’ how invested I am in this show. I wouldn’t bother doing that for a show I don’t enjoy watching. The thing is: The more I like a character, the harder I judge how they are developed. No hard feelings.
First, I have to admit that I had very high expectations after 8.16. I did not particularly like season 8, not because Mike and Rachel left and not because of the introduction of Alex and Samantha (who I think were both very refreshing additions to the cast), but because I felt that Harvey and Donna in particular seemed to be stuck in some kind of limbo in regards to character development for the first 14 episodes. The Kessler romance that somewhat triggered the “Darvey” romance felt rushed in the end of season 8, even though I had wanted for this to happen for so long.
9.01 started so promising and I really enjoyed the introduction of Faye. I loved the fun moments with Louis being Louis, just the way they happened in the early seasons. All in all, Louis is the one character I am most pleased with in regards to character and storyline. Everything seems seamlessly consistent with him.
Harvey I also really can’t complain about. His character development has stretched over the entirety of nine seasons and it is natural that now things are slowly winding down.
The character development I am most unhappy about is Donna. It seems to me that all season her sole purpose was to serve Harvey coffee. There were some sweet moments with Louis and some confrontations with Faye and the other partners, but let’s face it: The only storyline that she really had next to being Harvey’s sidekick was her Dad and Faye being unhappy about her relationship with Harvey, which was one of the subplots of “Cairo”. It reminded me a little of the early seasons when Donna barely had any other purpose than being Harvey’s know-it-all secretary, but not in a good way. It felt like Alex, Katrina and even Esther had more significant plots this season, though they were similar in their length regarding screen time.
However this isn’t the first time I am unhappy with Donna’s character development. Despite Donna being my favorite Suits character -hands down-  I’m still super irked about her unrealistic leap from secretary to COO. As a woman in a business where most my co-workers are men I hate to see when TV gets women’s hopes up in how this could happen. To me, it feels like Donna slept her way to her position without actually sleeping with her boss. The circumstances are -in my eyes- the same, which is why I hate it. This isn’t gender equality, because no secretary, be it male or female does get promoted to COO without taking a few more steps in between. This only happens in fairytales.  Donna has no qualification to be COO at all and I would have felt much differently about the situation if the plot would have been Donna taking her seed money to go to business school. Or some twist in the story with Donna revealing her MBA certificate saying “Actually, those Pilates classes I allegedly take every Friday afternoon were college courses. Here’s my degree. Promote me.” And the worst of it all: Donna changed. The way she spoke to people changed, the way she dressed changed and in the end she was a Jessica/Donna hybrid I could hardy recognize as the quirky secretary she used to be. For me part of her charm was the amount of power she had by just “working from Harvey’s desk”. But I’m rambling- this ship sailed long ago.
Back to season 9. I had hope, now that she was in a relationship with Harvey, we would get a more domestic side of her, get a glimpse of her private life. What’s with that reveal of an older sister that was neither here or there or in any way relevant to the plot? I don’t know about you, but Donna always gave me this ‘only-child’ vibe. Which is probably why her sister was explained away as “much older”. However, why did they cast a woman who is only 11 years older than Sarah Rafferty as her mom? While I think season 9 Donna is probably several years younger than Sarah because the seasons only appear to be spanning around 6 months or so (considering how long Sheila was pregnant, the time it took Rachel to get her postgraduate degree and so on) and one could argue that Donna’s mom is therefore some years older than the actress who portrays her it would still be the case that Donna’s mom had her in her early twenties at the latest. When would she have had a much older sister? At 16? Unnecessary plot hole/irregularity. Kudos however for explaining away how Donna’s parents seemed to be married when Harvey let them stay at his condo once, then were seemingly separated during the “god-awful dinner party” (some people argue it must have been Donna’s “loser” boyfriend, but why would have Harvey been there in that case?). Clarification finally came: They were separated but got back together. Brownie points for plot consistency.
Some casual outfits made an appearance, which was an important first step, but they still felt a little forced. I mean, what’s the thing in American TV shows to have the woman wearing PJs with perfectly coiffed hair, fake lashes and full make-up? In the season 2 scenes where Harvey and Mike visited Donna after she was fired she was not only dressed casually, her face and hair were noticeably dressed down as well. I would have liked that a lot to make it more realistic. And the jammies disappeared after episode 1. There are several morning scenes with Harvey and Donna were both are already fully dressed for work (apart from Donna being barefoot at some times (jeez, if I wore those heels I’d be barefoot the second I’d enter the apartment). I think it made those scenes more sterile and less domestic despite the sweet dialogues. I think I would have liked it better, if there was a little more slouching, touching, maybe a TV running, or one of them sitting on the crumpled bed. Less superhero, more normal, that’s what I would have liked. And what’s with the no-touching anyways? I would have understood if it was only the office scenes, because I do believe neither of the character’s to be big on PDA, especially at work. But at home? Politely sitting next to each other, no leaning in, no touching, no hugging. Just talking. Like old times. I would have liked to see more of them being a couple. Sure, there were some pretty intense romantic scenes like in Mike’s apartment and with Lily and the painting, but the small moments that surrounded those big Darvey scenes were pretty underwhelming. Well, at least Harvey’s bathrobe made an appearance in 9.09 so there is still hopes for some normalcy in 9.10. It’s not an issue of screen time. Even as a Darvey shipper I was aware s9 would not turn into the “Darvey show”, it’s the content of some of the small scenes that disappointed me. Okay, no more Donna or Darvey bashing. Did I mention I’m actually a Darvey shipper?
One more thing: Why is everyone in this show dying of heart attacks. I understand why Lily had to die in terms of the storyline. But a heart attack? What are the odds of both slim and fit parents dying untimely of a heart attack? Could the writers not think of other sudden causes of deaths? She could have an aneurysm, get hit by a car, been diagnosed with a fatal cancer without Harvey knowing and so on and so on. Also: In the very same episode Sutter also died: Cause: Heart attack! If that’s where the writer’s creativity is heading it’s probably best we are nearing the end. If this unfortunate accumulation of heart attack was created on purpose, I do not get the reason why. 
Another hope I had for s9: A Jessica cameo. My hope was for a small storyline that would be addressed in both Pearson and Suits in order to gain more attraction for the new show. Plus I love Jessica. With so many loose ends to tie up in 9.10 I doubt there will be time for a proper Jessica Pearson appearance other than being a guest to Louis wedding, if she appears at all. Can we please talk about the wedding? Why does Louis get a baby AND a wedding in one season? He was engaged twice before. Even Mike and Rachel technically had two wedding scenes (one in s5 and one in 7). At least it looks like we still get a Darvey proposal. While I agree with Sarah Rafferty that a big white wedding shouldn’t be the conclusion of her character, I had –albeit a small- hope that there would be unconventional quick nuptials somewhere around episode 6 or 7 instead of that almost proposal. Taking Harvey’s character development into context I would find that Harvey creating a family on his own more important than a Darvey wedding. We already know those two are endgame. And while I think another pregnancy would be cheesy and far too rushed in this short span of episodes I still hold out a little hope that there will be a moment shared between Harvey and Donna that alludes to the idea that they’ll go into the baby-making business soon. Maybe when Sheila goes into labour? Not sure that will als still happen in 9.10.
In order not to have to finish this little article on a  negative note: There are things I really really liked. Samantha’s storylines, Mike’s cameo in 9.09 (though he was such a douche in 9.05), the phone calls with Lily, the mock trial and Sheila’s change of heart about her career. Been glad we did not spend more than one ep on the Katrina/Brian romance. Thank you.
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snkpolls · 5 years
SnK S3E19 Poll Results (Anime Only Viewer Version)
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The poll closed with 141 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Please note this is the anime only viewer version of the poll. Manga readers, please click here for the results of the manga reader poll!
RATE THE EPISODE 121 Responses
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As has been the trend this season, the episode received high ratings, although the number of lower ratings did increase this episode.
I just love this show
Felt very bloated, and could have been cut down to ~12 minutes
I thought it had really poor animation relative to other episodes.
Mind blowing
its great
awesomely emotional
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26% of respondents most enjoyed the basement reveal, finally seeing the goal the characters have been fighting to achieve since the beginning! Followed closely behind that at 18.7% was getting to see young Grisha and his little sister in their childhood beyond the walls. 10.6% most enjoyed the sequence of Eren and Mikasa walking through Shiganshina.
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40.7% of viewers believe that this scene highlights the way the transferring of memories works when a titan is passed onto another individual. 23.6% believe he’s simply tuning into Bertolt’s emotional pain from everything that’s happened. 14.6% believe this is a hint at how passing on the titan power works.
A combo of a few of these options. I feel like he’s reviving Berdolt’s last thoughts and current thoughts due to the Titan power transfer.
His subconscious was just combining the Colossal Titan with what Sasha was saying right next to him.
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Overall viewers were neutral to Carla’s random hairstyle change, with the varying reactions toward it leaning in the negative more than the positive.
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Over half of the fandom, at 56.6% believe that Levi doesn’t have any hard feelings toward Eren and Mikasa for their behavior against him in the previous episode. 35.2% thinks he probably does, but only just a little. A smaller percentage feel that he probably resents them a lot now.
He may not admit it but he probably feels gratitude towards them for making him realize how much pain Erwin felt in life, and the reason Erwin was so thankful to Levi for resigning him to a heroic death.
He seemed pretty damn mad last episode, but looks to have gotten over it by now, so I doubt it.
Maybe a little, but he understands why they acted like that
Yes and no. He does because they disobeyed his orders but he knows deep down if he was in Eren and Mikasa’s shoes he’d do the exact same thing.
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45.1% of viewers feel that Armin and Hange shouldn’t pressure themselves into being more like Erwin, but that they should instead find a way to lead that works best for both of them. 30.3% of respondents believe that they should do their best to live up to Erwin’s legacy. 23% believe that Armin should not be expected to hold up to Erwin’s standards, but that it is Hange’s duty to do so as the new commander of the Survey Corps.
Dot Pyxis
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32.2% of viewers felt nostalgia as Eren and Mikasa took their first journey through Shiganshina for the first time after 5 years. 30.6% simply felt sad for everything that the two lost during the fall, and 25.6% felt that the flashes between the past and present were pretty cool.
I was almost in awe of how well-done it was in general. It was almost like an out-of-body experience.
I was glad to see Hannes again
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38.8% of respondents had suspected that there were only a few people who lived beyond the walls, but not an entire society. 35.5% suspected that humanity beyond the walls was just fine after they learned about the other titan shifters. 9.3% of viewers were genuinely surprised by the reveal in the basement!
Expected since Ymir origin
I assumed there would be a bunch of small, tribal-esque settlements struggling to survive amongst the titans. I wonder how they got so advanced despite all the titans wandering about. How do they control them with no Coordinate? What is their purpose?
I knew there was an outside civilization since Ymir’s flashback in season two, just didn’t expect it to be so advanced
I thought the hometown was some kind of camp, with some hobos trying to ruin everyones life... boy was I wrong...
I was a little spoiled
When they found erens dad outside of the wall
Zeke kinda gave it away in episode 26
The basement reveal did not disappoint. After the sheer amount of buildup, the reveal needed to be a true WTF that changed EVERYTHING, and it was. I have never been so goddamn torqued in my entire life.
Although we have had a lot of great reveals over the past few arcs, this is the first one that recaptured how I felt when I saw Eren emerge from his Titan for the first time: the feeling that everything I thought I knew was wrong and that there are still so many things I don't know about this world. It's one of the things that made me fall in love with the show. It seems like anything is possible going forward. I'm nervous, but also curious and excited.
It drastically has changed my perspective on the whole entire show now.
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70% of viewers are feeling very excited to learn more about the outside world, while 16.7% are most excited to learn more about Grisha. 8.3% of viewers are looking forward to learning about the outside, although perhaps less thrilled about seeing it through Grisha’s eyes.
Heard it goes to shit with the genre change. I hope I'm thrilled with it, but the general vibe of my manga-only peers doesn't give me much hope.
I have a feeling this is gonna explain a lot about the outside world, but not the titans themselves. Frankly, I’m so hyped to see where this goes!
I’m very excited to learn more about the outside and Grisha
Hyped for Grisha's story!
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The overwhelming majority of viewers are feeling very pleased with the direction of the story, agreeing that it gets better and better as it progresses. 12.6% feel that it didn’t meet their expectations, but that it’s not a bad thing at all. A smaller percentage didn’t have their expectations met, but are still curious about where the story goes from here.
There’s no other way to put it then season 3 part 2 has been the best thing I’ve watched in years, maybe ever. The character development, the hints about the outside, HUGE changes to the show when it comes to characters getting Killeen off, everything about this show makes me genuinely excited for each new episode. These past 7 episodes have all truly been masterpieces.
Amazing music
I feel like we just finished the world’s longest tutorial and the real gameplay is about to begin.
I wish we spent more time with the books that Eren had the key for before seeing our teaser for the next EP. I feel like we got just a tiny bit of info and I wanted more but I’m sure it’s coming eventually.
Boring filler with a redeeming after credits scene
I waited so long for the reveal I can’t wait for the rest of the season.
I loved the music in this episode, especially the track that played when Grisha took Faye's hand and started running. The OST for this season can't come out soon enough!
Also, Faye was pretty cute, though that just makes me think something bad's gonna happen to her.
Where do titans factor into all this? Are there as many titans as we think? Are they tools of war? Do civilians know about titans? Are shifters basically their militia? How do they get such crazy powers? How many questions are gonna stack up in my mind by the end of the season?!
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Thanks again to everyone who participated. See you again in a few days!
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comicteaparty · 5 years
January 14th-January 20th, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from January 13th, 2019 to January 20th, 2019.  The chat focused on Sunstrike and Bluemist: An Origin Story by ShaRose49.
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Featured Comment:
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Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Week Long Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on Sunstrike and Bluemist: An Origin Story by ShaRose49~! (http://sunstrikeandbluemist.thecomicseries.com/)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Remember, though, that while we allow constructive criticism, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic. Below you will find four questions to get you started on the discussion. However, a new question will be posted and pinned everyday (between 12:01AM and 6AM PST), so keep checking back for more! You have until January 20th to tell us all your wonderful thoughts! With that established, let’s get going on the reading and the chatting!
QUESTION 1. What has been your favorite scene in the comic so far? What specifically did you like about it?
QUESTION 2. At the moment, who is your favorite character? What about that character earns them this favor?
QUESTION 3. Who do you think Kairo being a double agent for and for what reason? What are the organization’s goals? How does Kat and Evan’s training factor into the organization’s goals to the point it’s an advantage?
QUESTION 4. Do you feel the secret police are a force for good or a force for evil? How might Kat’s dad’s return to investigations play a role in the story, especially considering he’s investigating super-human traffickers?
Kat is definitely my favourite character. Hey what's not to love? She's fiery, driven, sweet, and wild. And she has green hair... I love that she doesn't let anything stop her. Not the prosthetic leg, not the challenges of being a mutant, not anyone else's fears. She courageously stands up for what she believes is right.
QUESTION 5. Why do you think Evan wants to keep his true self hidden, even from Kat? Do you think Evan will open up more as time goes on? How might his work for the secret police help or hurt him where this is concerned?
I’m encouraged that some people really like Kat. She’s a real outlet for me
These are really interesting questions, some of them I haven’t really thought of
Idk if I’m allowed to answer a question since I’m the author, but I think my favourite scene so far is the scene in the bedroom
I think Evan has a lot of pain and scars and he's afraid to open up and create attachments because he might lose them. To me he seems equally scared of getting hurt and hurting others. That's a theory anyhow.
And I think he will open up more, especially with someone like Kat around.
As for secret police..I think it will force him out of his comfort zone, and that's probably in and of itself going to be very good for him...can't wait to see where it all goes.(edited)
Favorite scene was the fight with the mugger. It was a great showcase of the two's powers, and also the mugger was kind of funny.
my favorite is dad. he's not perfect, but he tries his hardest, and i love him for it
Awwwwww! That is so cool @snuffysam!
Usually people like the teens best so it’s refreshing to hear a different perspective but you’re totally right
@DeNay well you’re not wrong, but hiding your true self is probably more fear of what others will think if they knew his true self
@DeNay And yeah, his comfort zone is like a cage
QUESTION 6. Do you think working for the secret police will be everything Kat dreamed of? What unfortunate obstacles do you think might interrupt Kat’s dreams of living openly as herself?
1) my favorite scene is probably the bedroom scenes. if only cause shallow-ly, i really loved evan just walking through the damn wall. hes so dang casual about it that i can help but admire how normalized the powers are to them in comparison to other ppls reactions. 2) the dad because he walks that fine line between looking out for the kids' safety and acknowledging that they are ppl who need room to grow and become their own ppl. that honestly a really rare depiction that i feel we dont get to see enough of in comics. 3) i want to assume its for an agency that is trying to disstablize the use of things like secret police. and the advantage comes in that if they can show the secret police are dangerous and have super powered ppl working for them, they can convince others to shut it down. 4) i have mixed feelings on the secret police. i assume its a bit of both. the little guys just want to do good things for the world. but the larger entity has probably slowly corrupted or something. become riddled with office politics. something like that. i feel the dad returning to investigations is significant to the story since hes probably gonna find leads the kiddos are gonna follow. 5) i think evan wants to keep his true self hidden cause he doesnt trust anyone and kind of hates everyone secretly cause he hates himself. i actually think working for the secret police is gonna hurt with him opening up. cause i feel hes always gonna get into trouble doing with kat wants instead of developing as his own person and its gonna get overwhelming. 6) i dont think the secret police will be everything kat dreamed of XD cause i think kat is gonna find when an organization doesnt have huge oversight, bad things tend to happen. not to mention, i feel like she has this delusion shell suddenly be accepted with open arms by the world when more likely theres gonna be some levels of discrimination.
I love how in thought out these answers are
Thought out I meant
yeah i think the secret police aren't going to be as rosy as kat expects. there's levels of bureaucracy, or she isn't allowed to be open the way she wants, or something...
Well I guess we’ll see. I do think @RebelVampire is the most accurate when describing Evan’s internal struggle so far. And I love how many people favour the dad, Derek. And it sounds kind of like you guys think the Secret Police is like S.H.I.E.L.D. or something lol
And yes, while Kat is a beautiful gem she is too accepting to the point where she is naive and even clueless. But what else would you expect from someone who’s grown up kind of in hiding with no or few friends? It’s actually amazing that Evan is more cautious and less trusting, but to be fair he’s had some traumatic experiences with people, much more so than Kat, but I won’t spoil it
I didn’t expect people to think so highly of Derek I thought I was better at writing younger characters so thanks you guys🥳
QUESTION 7. In general, what tasks do you think Kat and Evan will be doing for the secret police? Do you think Kat and Evan will run into other people with abilities? Do you believe the two will be able to handle it, or will they be outmatched?
Hmm that's an interesting question...
I'm not really sure what they'll all be up to, but I'm definitely curious to see. I'm guessing they will run into some other mutants down the road...although I can't really see them fighting one of their "kind."
Oh reaaaally?
You can’t imagine the, fighting, say, a mutant SUPERVILLAIN??
I’m not saying that’s gonna happen this episode, but keep in mind this story has superhero themes
As for other mutants showing up this episode...let’s just say there may be a cameo
Well, maybe I could imagine that... Sounds pretty awesome.
I'm not sure what the secret police will be willing to let Kat & Evan do at first. Because even though they are supermutants, they're also children. Maybe they'll be sent to deal with parking violations at first?
Whoo, finally caught up with work, so I can read comics again! I'm really enjoying the family dynamic in this one and probably like Kat the most. She's very earnest and energetic about her goals, and I'm looking forward to seeing if the secret police will encourage that or just add layers of moral grey.
I'm assuming Evan's parents died in a tragic mutant-power-related accident that he blames himself for and he was trying to attempt suicide back there before Kat called out to help with her prosthetic leg. I would hope he learns how to overcome his feelings of guilt and shame, but that seems like a long road and I could also see him giving in to those dark feelings and becoming an antagonist. Too early in the story to really tell!
(The banner at the top with Kairo and Kat in the foreground and Evan's eyes menacingly in the background indicates the latter from a design choice standpoint though. )(edited)
@snuffysam Parking violations XD I’m dying
@Delphina wow you are perceptive. Not 100% right but you’ve noticed a lot of subtle details
You’re really good at examining Evan
@Delphina and yeah, work’s been a little nuts for me too recently
lol parking violations. XD somehow i dont think being children will make them go easy on them. cause they already didnt care about the children fact when they hired them. and if them being kids bugged them all that much thats probably when they wouldve decided it wasnt a good idea.
I think you’re sorta right
But technically they’re not hired yet they’re just in training
QUESTION 8. How exactly do you believe Kairo ends up working with Kat and Evan, and what is the mess he supposedly gets them into? Do you believe they’ll manage to get out of it?
(the archive for the chat on MoonSlayer is now available~! https://comicteaparty.com/post/182104413735/january-7th-january-13th-2019-ctp-archive)
7) i assume theyre going to be handling super powered ppl and perhaps other situations where the situation is easily solved with their powers. like evan's walk through wall ability could come in really handy for doing the sneaky sneaks. but i assume super villains cause this is why you get ppl with superpowers, to fight the super villains that regular civilians cant. as for their ability to handle it, they are 1000% going to be outmatched i think for a while. mostly because youth breeds arrogance and cavalier attitudes while their inexperience breeds clumsiness for lack of a better word. not the best combo. 8) i assume kairo specifically requested it, and im going to guess that the situation is them having to fight a super powered bad guy or something. cause for kids just starting out in the secret police, thats not a situation youd want to be involved in right off the bat. i assume theyll manage to get out of it though. just cause if they dont the comic ends cause everybody be dead.
Yeah everyone dies XD
People who weren’t familiar with anime kept asking me why Kairo had no eyes on that one panel. It was a little hard to explain lol
QUESTION 9. Overall, how do you think being “superheroes” will change Kat and Evan, both in regards to their own personalities and their views of the world?
Kat's been strong-willed and taking risks and doing things she's not supposed to because she feels it's right, so I expect that'll get her into a fair bit of trouble when going after bad guys is her job. Evan is less risk-averse, but also prone to being pulled into trouble by Kat. I expect their problems are going to get a little more complex working with double agents and sides may become more difficult to choose, but I'm curious where becoming less sheltered and open to the world about their powers will take them, since we haven't seen many other examples of how people with powers are treated in society. Is it an X-Men "everyone knows they're around and hates them" thing or a Superman "superpowers are rare and letting people know my secret will be a huge hassle for me"?
It’s probably more like X-Men
And yeah, Kay and Evan have a lot to learn, but I think they really balance each other out, or they will eventually
Kat stupid autocorrect
i think both good things and bad things will happen to kat & evan due to be more open with their powers. but it'll end up with kat seeing the good side of people being helped by them, and evan will focus on all the people who look at them funny.
Haha!! That’s so sweet
@Delphina Were you the one who came up with the Evan turning evil theory? I spent a few seconds scribbling doodles based on this. I think I scared myself
I think it’s the last day, so I just wanted to thank everyone who took the time to read this comic and for chatting about it (and listening to me geek out). I also wanna thank Comic Tea Party for hosting this!
'bout 26 hours left, yeah. Thanks for offering your comic up! Discussing stuff has been really fun so far!
@snuffysam Aw, thanks!! Yeah I’ve had so much fun too
Also, as for whether or not Evan turns evil...that depends on what you define as evil
welp i showed up to this discussion late but nevertheless i have things to say that are pretty similar to what others have said
first off my favorite character is kat. i decided this when she was like "by the way, you disgust me :)" to that criminal in the beginning of the story. great moment! i also like her design a lot, and the comic's use of bright colors in general
kat and evan view their role in the world v differently and i don't think they'll change easily. maybe evan will come around to accepting that it's okay to be in the spotlight, but i think it's more likely he'll keep wanting to hide away and that'll interfere with their work. even if he doesn't become a full on villain i think he'll at least want to do his own thing
as for kat, i'm worried for her, because i always worry about upbeat characters lol. what if being a Hero isn't what she expected huh, what if it sucks at first? i think evan would handle a reality shock better than kat since he isn't that enthusiastic about it to begin with. but kat might end up being really disappointed until she can adjust.
i really hope evan doesn't turn evil (or, like... evil adjacent?). then turn into a sibling vs sibling fight and ahhh oh no ;_;
Beef Liver
I hope being super heroes won't change Kat and Evan TO much... I really love who they are!
@ShaRose49 Thanks for writing the comic so we could discuss it!
QUESTION 10. What are you most looking forward to in the comic? Also, do you have any final thoughts to share overall?
9) i think for kat she's going to learn that doing the right thing is less black & white than she wants to believe. and that sometimes ppl do bad things with good intentions. so playing superhero is complicated and not just this 100% awesome thing. and i think shes really going to have to come to terms with the fact powers dont make her invincible and that ppl can get hurt as bystanders. as for her personality, i think overall itll mature her and make her more conscious of how her actions affect others at the end of the day. as for evan, i think hes gonna have an internal conflict about his personal feelings on his powers vs. the world showing him he can make a positive impact. and so while not evil, i think its gonna make him super angst for a while until eventually he chills out and learns to care about himself. i also think hell learn some independence and that he doesnt just have to follow kat everywhere. 10) im actually most looking forward to more world-building. seeing things like how the secret police are generally regarded, how powers are regarded, who kairo might be working for, etc. i think these are some elements thatll really set the stage for the future for kat and evan.
@Beef Liver My pleasure!
@khkddn I’m so glad you like the bright colours!:
@RebelVampire You’ll See more world building soon! Kim looking forward to it as well. And as for Kat and Evan changing, @Beef Liver don’t worry, they won’t change drastically right away. However I think they both need to change, perhaps especially Evan. We’ll see why later on
Evan is my favorite. I'm sorry I'm not very good at elaborating (I did terrible in high school english class xl )
One thing I'm really looking forward to is Kat & Evan's first day at the secret police. Just seeing how various people there react to their powers and stuff.
@EhNeli no worries mate.
I guess I’m looking forward to drawing more of the awesome sibling relationship and going into depth with Kairo. If he doesn’t seem like an important character yet get ready...
@snuffysam I’m really looking forward to that too. I don’t think it will be too long from now (I less it takes me ages to draw cause of work or something)
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about Sunstrike and Bluemist: An Origin Story this week! Please also give a special thank you to ShaRose49 for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked Sunstrike and Bluemist: An Origin Story, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: http://sunstrikeandbluemist.thecomicseries.com/
ShaRose49’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/KadachSharon
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samtheflamingomain · 6 years
hello wisconsin!
Okay, I'm garbage and have been putting this off for ages. I finished binging That 70's Show like a month ago and have been building this post for just as long.
I started this post at the beginning of season 6. Read it as such. I'll let you know when the part I wrote at season 6 ends and where I pick it back up in the present. If that makes sense.
I'm starting at season 6 mostly because I'm pretty sure the shark is going to be jumped at some point soon. Just like MASH, which lasted longer than the Korean war, 70's stretches 2 years of high school into 5 seasons. Plus another 3 for some reason.
And that's my first point. New rule: if your TV show appreciates in time and the events in the show don't line up with that, you've fucked up. I just watched 5 seasons of the kids in high school. You're telling me this shit goes on for another 75 fucking episodes?
Look, MASH I can give a pass to because they don't mark specific points in the war to give the watcher any time reference. MASH gives no dates - it's feasible that a 5-year war could span 10+ seasons, if we guess that each season is 6 months long. (That's not how it really works, but you get the point).
70's STARTS THE SHOW at the end of grade 11, and we know this. To a rational person, that means "One season of grade 11, 2 for grade 12, maybe another for summers." Then. They. Graduate. And. Leave.
But that's... not happening. For ANY of the main characters. They just decided to extend a show about high schoolers into their *supposed* college years. Which I wouldn't even have minded much - if ANY of them ACTUALLY WENT TO COLLEGE.
If they hadn't made things so cut-and-dry regarding timeframes, They could've kept being 12th graders for 10 seasons for all I care. But they CHOSE to follow defined timespans. And I think that's what's got me feeling that season 5 might've been the last "good season".
So everything you've read, I wrote before I finished the show. And, well, turns out I was right. This is also from before I finished the show (with a few things I’ve thrown in now):
There's a lot to disect from 70s, but there's one I want to focus on: Red Forman.
Why? Well, these characters are static and uninteresting: Donna, Fes* and Bob. They're pretty useless in terms of character development. These ones have simple character arcs: Hyde, Eric and Kitty. They change and grow, but in pretty predictible ways. In terms of change, Jackie obviously takes the cake, with Kelso at a close second.
*It is actually spelled Fes, because that's not his name. It's an acronym for Foreign Exchange Student.
But there's only one character that never seems to change or grow at all: Red. I said "seems" because he does change and grow, but it's instantaneous and doesn’t come for a looooong time.
It takes place immediately after returning from fishing, after Eric tells him he and Donna are engaged. He reaches a very sound, strong position: he made Eric run the gauntlet on everything he shit his way, but Eric never gave up. So he gives Eric the blessing to marry Donna. (There's another very pivotal change in his character, but that's later.)
I would've called that a nice wrap-up to the series.
But then they had to give him a damn heart attack to keep all the kids here. Why? Fuck if I know. (Jackie's still in high school and Hyde has a job he likes at home, but there is literally no reason for any of these other kids to still be here.)
The stupid heart-attack got Eric to push back college. I was fine with that. Then the whole Casablanca shit with Donna not getting on the bus, well, it kinda pissed me off (like, girl, don't let a fuckin weak ass ferret man determine your future) but it was a pretty sweet, moving moment. Another one that would've been great to end the show on.
But they didn't. So now we have Kelso, future cop; Fes, unemployed illegal immigrant with ZERO CHARACTER TRAITS THAT PEOPLE CARE ABOUT; and Eric “Dog Food” Forman.
Anyway, back to Red. It was that one heartwarming moment when he came back from fishing that made me realize that, while this is obviously fiction, Red is the epitome of a psychologically abusive parent. And THAT'S when I realized that literally not one of the characters HASN'T gone through significant trauma. Red's a vet; Kitty's an alcoholic who lost her father; Eric has an abusive father and alcoholic mother; Donna has a mentally retarded ball of pubic hair as a father and her mother ran out; Hyde's parents split; Jackie's dad's in jail and mom fucked off. I refuse to talk about Fes anymore cuz he's just the stupidest, most irritating "character" on the show, Randy notwithstanding. "He's brown! And has a funny accent! Hahaha" - nobody, ever.
It's when I realized that we NEVER see ANY of Kelso's home life did I realize that he was likely the sanest of the group. And, like him outscoring both Hyde and Eric on the SATs, that's very, very sad.
Back to Red. We know he became traumatized and hardened by serving in two wars. We know he's treated Eric like garbage his entire life... yet Eric is pretty well-adjusted. And that is where, 5000 words in, we get to my point: abuse is played for laughs and it's fine because Eric has a snappy comeback to Red most of the time.
Eric Foreman's a sarcastic wit with great comedic timing. So that, according to the show, cancels out of all the times Red's told Eric he was stupid and degraded him in front of his friends.
Of course, conflict has to come from somewhere, and one's parents is that major source for most teens. But to an extent.
"Red's a hardass," as the kids say regularly. But no, being a hardass is refusing a kid candy till he finishes his broccoli. Not telling him he's worthless over and over and over for 17 years
And I don't care what anyone says: that amount of abuse over a child's life does not a snappy, well-adjusted Eric Forman make.
It makes me. A crumbling, shattered, fragmented person with no sense of self-worth or accomplishment.
And now, we’re caught up. Back in the present, having finished the show.
My point ended up being made.
If the show had ended at season 5 with Donna missing her bus, we would've missed a lot.
Look, I still firmly believe the show itself would've been better if it had ended earlier, but my complaints about the effect of Red's abuse of Eric would've gone unanswered.
I spent the next 3 seasons mildly annoyed that they existed - first, Eric doesn't go to college. Then neither does Donna. Why are they still around? Why do we still care? The whole point of the show was to show us high schoolers graduating and going off to college. To me, it felt like how it would feel if MASH continued after the war ended.
I was absolutely irrate when Eric announced the theme of season 7 would be "I'm taking a year off to eat and watch TV and sleep!" There was a great scene that's often seen on tumblr in gif form: at breakfast, Red asks Eric what he's going to do about: moving out, Donna, his job, and his future. He replies "I 'unno" to each question. Red tells him to have a plan by the end of the day if he wants to eat. And I said "Finally, some good fucking Red Forman." Then, at the end of the day, Eric announces: "Donna? Hanging out. Job? Quit. Future? None. When am I moving out? Make. Me."
To which I said, "THAT'S WHAT YOU DID LAST SEASON BITCH!" Only apparently I was wrong; Eric Forman could and did become even more useless than before.
But at least it gets us to my absolute favorite point in the entire series. Season 7, episode 9, 18 minutes in. (Thanks to Reddit for helping me locate this scene). Red is bitching at Eric for not knowing what to do with his life. Let's go straight to the transcript (with side jokes edited out):
E: Did it ever occur to you guys that I don't know what I'm doing? I'm scared, okay? Look. My whole life, I've been trying to please other people. So I feel like I don't know who I am. Or know what I want to do with my life. I just don't want to wake up in five years and hate my life.
R: That's unavoidable.
E: Okay, I just need more time to think.
R: You know what I got for my 18th birthday? A draft notice and a Malaria vaccine. I never had time to *think.*
E: Yeah, but Dad, don't you think it would've been helpful if you did?
Then the camera zooms in on Red, and no laugh track, no jokes, he thinks for a good 20 seconds. Then he says, "Okay. I'll give you six months."
It's my favourite scene. Even more than the one we get after fishing or the one before leaving for Africa. Because unlike those few heartfelt scenes, this one relies on Red. Being. Wrong. And admitting it.
There's a reason Eric's spent his whole life trying to please others: Red. There's a reason Eric doesn't know who he is: Red.
Throughout the entire series, Red's been a Conservative Republican veteran who, as Kitty puts it, "Thinks the only way to become a man is to DIE." Just 500 words ago, I called him abusive. And, let's be real, he is.
But I also had an abusive father. That's why I picked this direction for this post to go. I saw Scott in Red Forman. But they are NOT the same.
Red Forman will admit to being wrong. And that makes up for a whole goddamn lot. Going through abuse is not something I'd wish on my worst enemy. But if they did and their abuser ADMITTED HE WAS WRONG, that is NOT nothing to the abused. If my dad had admitted he was a dick, my life would be a LOT different.
And Eric is the epitome of that feeling. His eyes light up when Red says he'll give him six months. Because Red knows he's done Eric wrong. He knows he owes him at least this much. At various points throughout the series it's been pointed out that Eric is who he is because of Red. It was inevitable that Red, too, would eventually reach this conclusion.
Anyway. That's that.
I do want to talk about other things than Eric and Red Forman, so let's play all the hits: fuck Jackie and Fes, fuck Randy with a chainsaw, the moment the show jumped the shark was when Eric bailed on the wedding, fuck Randy with a hot curling iron, Fes is the most annoying and useless character on the show, LOVED the episode where they finally Green Out™ and Kelso calls the White House, and FUCK RANDY WITH A CEREMONIAL JAPANESE KATANA.
Look. I can't in good conscience indulge in a 70's review without talking Randy.
But I hate him so much I don't want to waste energy on him so let's get this over with: useless, Gary Stu, want to put his hair through a blender, fuck him for being in the cirle in the theme song.
Okay, but let's play one last one: Tommy Chong.
I was curious as to why he was absent for 3 seasons so I Googled it. Dude was in prison for selling bongs. He said, upon getting out and returning to the show, "I thought they would've made that a part of the show!" I think that says it all about Leo and why he's my favorite character, with Hyde as a close second. But FUCK Danny Masterson and FUCK Scientology. Look it up.
Well, to finish off, an interesting tidbit: at the end of the theme song, it is Hyde who shouts "Hello Wisconsin!". The entire time, for 200 episodes, I would've sworn on my life that it was Kelso.
Stay Greater.
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lovemesomesurveys · 7 years
[Pause: Currently]
What style is your hair in? It’s up in a bun.
What’re you wearing? A turquoise sweater and jeans.
What’s the weather like outside? Coldddd.
What time is it? 7:13PM.
What day of the week is it? It’s Saturday.
What’re you sitting on? My bed.
Who, if anyone, is in the room with you? No one.
What’s on your mind? Everything that is always on my mind. It’s always racing and thinking about everything all at once all the time.
What make-up, if any, are you wearing? I actually wore makeup today, which I haven’t done in weeks. When I do wear it I just throw on some eyeliner and mascara, but today I went for the eye shadow as well. 
What month is it? January.
[Fast Forward: Future]
What career do you want? Good question. Too bad I don’t have an answer.
What age do you think you’ll get married by? I don’t know if I want to get married, or if the opportunity will ever come along anyway. I can’t even picture it.
What about having kids? I don’t know if I want kids, either. Both of these things are something I just can’t imagine happening for me. It’s also not something I’m thinking about or focusing on right now. They’re not something that I’ve often thought about and want to happen like a lot of people do, especially at my age.
What age do you plan on moving out? I don’t have a certain age. For now, living at home with my family is what works for me. I couldn’t live alone, and my family helps me with a lot of things. Particularly my mom, who is also my caregiver.
Can you see yourself moving away from here and if so, to where? Yes. We plan to someday, when we’re able to. I wish it were sooner rather later, but it’s just not something we can do right now. We’re just completely over the city we live in.
Do you think you’ll marry your current significant other? I’m single, probably always will be.
Do you know what the weather is supposed to be like for the rest of the week? Cold with a side of rain.
What tattoos and/or piercings do you want in the future? I’ve been wanting to get ‘free bird’ tattooed somewhere for years, but I’m too scared to get it done.
Do you want any cosmetic surgery sometime down the line, if you had money for it? No.
In ten years, how old will you be and where do you see yourself? I’ll be thirty-seven. It’s scary to think about where I might be by then because with how things are going right now, I don’t see anything happening for me. In ten years I’ll be almost forty doing nothing with my life from how it looks where I’m standing. I’m also afraid of what my health will be like by then. 
[Rewind: Past]
When’s the last time you took a shower? Last night.
What was the last text message you sent? I don’t feel like checking.
What did you do yesterday? Rested all day, Tumblr-ed, watched a few episodes of this show on Netflix with my brother, ate, slept.
How old were you when you first started dating? I had my first boyfriend when I was sixteen.
When was the last time you saw your best friend? I just answered this in another survey. I haven’t seen either one of them since last September.
What was your first word? I have no idea.
What’s your earliest memory? I have some splotchy memories of preschool.
Do you remember what you were doing twelve hours ago? I was getting ready to go have breakfast with my mom and dad.
Three years ago, did you dress the same way you do now? Yeah, I think so. My style has been pretty consistent now for years. I went through my phases in high school.
How old were you when your first younger sibling was born, assuming you’re not the youngest or an only child? I was nine.
[Eject: Stuff You Wish Didn’t Happen]
How did your first serious breakup go? Guess it wasn’t really a breakup since we were never actually together, but it sure did feel like one. The heartbreak was real. We had whatever it was we had for three years, and it felt like the closest thing to a relationship that I had. Pretty sad looking back, but it was all I had. We had ups and downs throughout. He played me and he used me. Things would good then they weren’t and then they were, etc. Like it would be months in between the ups and downs, and I put up with it. He decided he was done with me one day, and that was the end of it. I never got any explanation whatsoever. I’d often bring up the topic of us and my feelings for him, but he never wanted to talk about any of that. He’d dodge questions, make jokes, and change the subject completely. I’d want to know why we couldn’t be in a relationship and make it official, and he could never answer that. Why I put up with it for so long I’ll never know. I was stupid and blind because he was giving me the attention I wanted and made me feel liked and special when things were good. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I really fell for him, though, and that’s why it hurt so bad. To feel so disposable after all that time... :/ I kept thinking overtime he would feel the same and realize we should be together, but that time never came. I shouldn’t have waited so long for something I knew deep down was never going to come.
Have you ever had an eating disorder? No.
Have you ever cut yourself? Yes.
Have you ever thought about or attempted suicide? I’ve thought about it, but never attempted it.
What was the last thing you cried about? Lifeeeee.
What’s one thing that’s stressing you out like crazy right now? My life and my health and the fact I’m wasting away doing absolutely nothing, which in turn makes me feel like a complete failure to myself and everyone else.
Have you ever had a horrible teacher and/or boss? I had two pretty shitty professors in college.
The first time you dumped someone, was it hard? I broke things off with my only actual boyfriend, and yes it was hard. I felt horrible about it, but it was something I had to do. It wouldn’t be fair to him nor myself if I kept things going when my heart wasn’t in it. I wasn’t ready. At least I didn’t continue to lead him on and keep him around because it was convenient for me, and never offer him any explanation at all like the person I previously described.
Do you regret who you lost your virginity to? I haven’t lost my virginity.
[Record: Awesomeness That Deserves to be Recorded on Video Forever]
When was the last time you laughed really hard and what was it about? Hmm. I don’t remember.
What was the last funny movie you saw? I don’t remember at the moment.
What’s one of you and your best friend’s weirdest but funniest inside jokes? We don’t have any.
The last time you ate something really delicious, what was it? This morning my parents and I went out for breakfast and omg this place makes fresh muffins that were amazing. I got a blueberry one, and it was big and warm and fresh and delightful. I put some butter on the inside and ate it with my coffee. It was a great combo.
The last time you got your paycheck, how much was it and were you satisfied with it? I don’t have a job.
How exactly did you and your best friend meet? I went to elementary school with one, and the other I had a class with at community college. We both attended the study sessions as well with the TA for the class, so we just got to know each other and became friends.
What was the last compliment you received? It was about my hair.
What’s one thing you wish you could relive just for one day? Hmm. I don’t know.
[Play: From This Moment On]
Now that you’re done, what will you do? Scroll through Tumblr, maybe find another survey.
What’s on your agenda for today? It’s going to be 9pm, so not a whole lot. I plan on having my nighttime, after dinner cup of coffee with a donut, continue watching the movie I’m watching, scroll through Tumblr, and rest.
What’s your next meal going to be? That cup of coffee and donut I mentioned.
Will you change your clothes later in the day? I’ll be changing into my pjs.
Who do you plan on seeing today? I see my parents, my brother, and my uncle just stopped by a bit ago.
Are you going to take another survey afterwards? Possibly.
Is the weather supposed to stay this way all day or will it change? It’ll get colder during the night.
Do you have any chores you need to do? Yeah, but I won’t be doing anything tonight.
Do you have work later in the day? I don’t have a job as I’ve mentioned.
What about any homework to do? Nope, I am finished with school.
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