#email clicks  email targeting
crowcryptid · 8 months
90% of hacking is scanning to see if someone misconfigured their security settings or if they’re using out of date software
9% is social engineering
And the last 1% is actually trying to find an exploit and write your own code (idk how to do this part yet)
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quecksilvereyes · 6 months
oh my god do not click links in emails that tell you to verify your data or your bank account gets locked or click links in messages telling you your safety protocol is ending, like, tomorrow, you will get SCAMMED SO BAD AND YOU WILL LOSE A LOT OF FUCKING MONEY never ever let anyone pressure you into giving away login information especially to your online banking by creating a sense of urgency oh my GOD
some things to look out for
1. spelling mistakes. do you know how many rounds of marketing and sales experts these things go through? if theres a spelling mistake dont click it
2. not using your name. if an email adresses you with "dear customer" or, even worse, a generic "ladies and gentlemen", it is most likely not actually targeted to you
3. verifying or login links. even IF your bank was stupid enough to send these to customers, dont EVER click those. look at me. they can legally argue that youve given your data away and thus they dont have to pay you anything back DONT CLICK THAT FUCKING LINK
4. creating a sense of urgency. do this or we lock your account next week. do this or your ebanking stops working tomorrow. give us all your money in cash or your beloved granddaughter will get HANGED FOR MURDERING BABIES. no serious organisation would ever do something like that over email or sms. ever. hands off.
5. ALWAYS CHECK WHO SENT YOU THE EMAIL. the display name and the email adress can vary a LOT. anyone can check the display name. look at the email adress. does it look weird? call the fucking place it says its from. you will likely hear a very weary sigh.
6. if its in a phonecall, scammers love preventing you from hanging up or talking to other people to have a little bit of a think about whats happening. there should always be a possibility to go hey i wanna think about this ill call back the official number thanks.
7. do not, i repeat, do NOT a) call a phone number flashing on your screen promising to rid your computer of viruses after clicking a dodgy link and b) let them install shit on your computer like. uh. idk. teamviewer.
fun little addendum: did you know a link can just automatically download shit? like. a virus? an app you can't uninstall unless you reset your entire device? dont click links unless youre extremely sure you know where they lead. hover your mouse over it and check the url.
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marketingprofitmedia · 3 months
Transform Your Business With These Profitable And Proven Digital Marketing Ideas
Boost your business success with top digital marketing strategies like SEO optimization and social media engagement. Leverage email marketing and content creation to propel profits and brand awareness.
In today’s digital age, having a robust online presence is vital for business growth. Entrepreneurs and marketers alike must embrace dynamic digital marketing tactics to stay ahead. This involves understanding the nuances of search engine optimization (SEO) to enhance visibility, engaging with customers on various social media platforms to build relationships, utilizing targeted email marketing campaigns to retain customers, and consistently producing quality content to establish authority.
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Embracing The Digital Marketing Revolution
Embracing the Digital Marketing Revolution has become essential for businesses seeking growth and profitability. Today, the digital arena offers a plethora of strategies to reach targeted audiences effectively. Let’s dive into the shift from traditional methods to digital and understand the critical factors for success in this new marketing landscape.
From Traditional To Digital: The Paradigm Shift
The marketing world has undergone a dramatic transformation in recent years. Digital platforms now offer unprecedented opportunities for businesses to connect with consumers. With the power of data analytics and targeted advertising, companies can craft personalized messages and measure their campaign success with precision.
Accessibility: Digital channels are accessible to businesses of all sizes.
Engagement: Real-time interaction with consumers has become a reality.
Analytics: Data-driven insights inform more strategic decisions.
Critical Success Factors In Today’s Digital Landscape
To stand out within the digital marketing revolution, businesses must acknowledge and leverage several key factors.
Success Factor Description User Experience Sites must be fast, mobile-friendly, and easy to navigate.Content QualityContent should be engaging, informative, and tailored to the audience.SEO Practices Employing SEO techniques boosts visibility in search engine rankings. Social Media Presence Active and strategic use of social channels expands audience reach. Adaptability Staying agile allows businesses to pivot strategies as trends evolve.
Leverage The Power Of Social Media
Embrace the dynamic world of social media to skyrocket your business reach. Harnessing social platforms can spell the difference between average growth and extraordinary expansion.
Strategies For Building A Strong Social Presence
Initiate your digital saga with a robust social presence.
Identify the Best Platforms: Choose platforms that align with your brand.
Create Engaging Content: Regularly post content that resonates with your audience.
Interact with Your Community: Respond to comments and messages promptly.
Use Analytics: Track what works and refine your strategy.
Converting Followers Into Customers
Turn your followers into a loyal customer base with these steps:
Offer Exclusive Deals: Provide social media-only discounts to followers.
Showcase Customer Testimonials: Share success stories to build trust.
Enable Easy Purchases: Use social platforms with integrated shopping features.
Run Targeted Ads: Reach potential customers through tailored advertising.
Content Marketing: The Core Of Digital Strategy
Transform your business with the power of content marketing. Attract and engage your audience consistently. Content is not just king; it’s the entire kingdom in today’s digital marketing realm. A strategy centered on creating and sharing valuable, relevant, and consistent content can drive profitable customer action.
Crafting Content That Resonates And Converts
Creating content that connects with your audience is crucial. It must resonate and lead to conversions. Follow these tips:
Understand your audience’s needs.
Create clear, compelling messages.
Use stories to build connections.
Include calls-to-action that stand out.
Develop diverse content forms. These include:
Type Description Blog Posts Detailed articles on relevant topics. Videos Engaging and easy to consume. Infographics Quick facts and figures. E-books Comprehensive guides.
Measuring The Impact Of Your Content
It’s not enough to create content; measure its impact. Key performance indicators (KPIs) help understand content effectiveness. Regularly check these:
Traffic: Number of visitors to your content.
Engagement: Time spent and interaction levels.
Leads: Sign-ups or inquiries generated.
Sales: Direct revenue from content-related campaigns.
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Credit: www.amazon.com
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Seo: Unlocking Organic Growth
Smart businesses know that Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a critical part of their online success. SEO drives free traffic to your website and boosts visibility. Understanding and implementing top-notch SEO strategies can transform your business and lead to remarkable growth.
Keyword Research For Maximum Visibility
The right keywords act like beacons that guide users to your content. Effective keyword research puts your business in the spotlight. It’s about understanding what your audience searches for and optimizing your content to meet those queries.
Use tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush to discover popular search terms.
Analyze the competition to find gaps in the market.
Focus on long-tail keywords to target specific audiences and intents.
Staying Ahead Of The Algorithm Changes
Search engines often change their algorithms, keeping businesses on their toes. To stay ahead:
Keep content fresh and high-quality. Google loves new, relevant content.
Follow SEO news and updates through blogs or online communities.
Ensure your site is mobile-friendly, as mobile-first indexing is a key ranking factor.
Staying informed and adaptable to changes can secure your rank on search engine results pages.
E-mail Marketing: A Direct Line To Customers
Imagine reaching out to your customers with a personalized touch that feels like a one-on-one conversation. E-mail marketing offers this direct line of communication. It allows businesses to convey their message in a way no other digital marketing channel can. The personal inbox is a private space, and with the right strategy, your business can shine here.
Creating Compelling Newsletters
Newsletters breathe life into e-mail marketing. They keep your audience engaged and informed. A well-crafted newsletter can turn readers into customers, and customers into brand advocates.
Start with a catchy subject line. This is your first impression.
Design matters. Use clean, responsive templates that adapt to various devices.
Highlight key content with bold call-to-actions.
Keep your message clear and to the point. Short sentences work best.
Use bullet points to break down information.
Integrate visuals. Images and graphics can tell a story more effectively than text alone.
Segmentation And Personalization Techniques
Not all customers are the same. Segmentation divides your audience into groups with similar characteristics. Personalization speaks to each group differently.
To segment effectively, consider demographics, behavior, and purchase history.
Personalization can skyrocket open rates and conversions. Address recipients by name. Tailor content to their interests and past interactions with your brand.
Segmentation Criteria Personalization Tactics Location Localized offers Purchase history Recommended products User behavior Abandoned cart reminders
Automated tools can help tailor e-mails based on these criteria.
Remember, the goal is a click, and eventually, a conversion. Your e-mail marketing should create a smooth path towards this.
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Data Analytics: Making Informed Decisions
In the digital marketing landscape, data analytics is the compass that guides businesses towards success. By understanding and utilizing data analytics, companies can make strategic decisions that lead to increased profits and optimized marketing efforts.
Interpreting Data To Refine Marketing Efforts
Interpreting data is key to refining your marketing strategies. By looking at the numbers, you can identify what works and what doesn’t. This leads to more targeted campaigns and better allocation of resources. Consider these points for effective data interpretation:
User behavior indicates preferences and pain points.
Conversion rates show the effectiveness of your call-to-actions.
Traffic sources reveal the most fruitful marketing channels.
Tools For Tracking Success And Roi
Many tools exist to track success and calculate ROI. Choosing the right ones can streamline your analysis and improve your marketing ROI. Here’s a list of top tools:
Tool Use Case Google Analytics Website traffic and user behavior analysis Social Media Analytics Social engagement and campaign performance Email Marketing Software Email campaign tracking and subscriber activity
Choose tools that align with your marketing goals. This ensures you’re not only gathering data but also applying it effectively.
Future-proof Your Business With Emerging Technologies
As technologies evolve, businesses must adapt to stay ahead. Emerging technologies provide innovative ways to connect with customers and streamline operations. To remain competitive in a digital world, embracing these advancements is critical. Let’s explore how some of these technologies can future-proof your business and lead to exponential growth.
Incorporating Ai For Personalized Experiences
Artificial Intelligence (AI) takes your marketing to new heights. AI analyzes data quickly and accurately. This enables custom-tailored content for your audience. Using AI, businesses deliver personalized recommendations, enhance customer service, and increase engagement. AI tools like chatbots provide 24/7 interaction, ensuring users receive instant assistance. AI-driven insights help in creating marketing strategies that resonate well with your target market.
The Role Of Ar And Vr In Modern Marketing
Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are reshaping customer experiences. These technologies offer interactive ways for consumers to engage with your brand. AR adds digital elements to a live view, often by using the camera on a smartphone. Examples include virtual try-ons and interactive ads. VR creates a fully immersive experience, transporting users to different worlds. It’s used in virtual tours and product demonstrations. By integrating AR and VR, businesses offer unique experiences that captivate and convert customers.
Personalized Shopping: Customers try on clothes virtually using AR mirrors.
Immersive Product Demos: VR allows customers to test products in a virtual environment.
Interactive Ad Campaigns: AR campaigns encourage user engagement and sharing.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What Are Top Digital Marketing Strategies?
Digital marketing strategies that yield profitability include content marketing, SEO optimization, social media engagement, email campaigns, and PPC advertising.
Q. How Does Digital Marketing Boost Business?
Effective digital marketing enhances brand visibility, generates leads, improves customer engagement, and increases conversions, thereby boosting business profitability.
Q. Which Digital Channels Offer The Best Roi?
Email marketing often boasts the highest ROI, followed closely by SEO, content marketing, and social media when executed with a strategic approach.
Q. Can Digital Marketing Reduce Business Costs?
Yes, digital marketing can significantly reduce costs by targeting specific audiences and measuring campaigns for continual optimization and reduced ad spend waste.
Q. Why Is Social Media Vital For Marketing?
Social media platforms offer vast outreach potential, direct customer engagement, and valuable insights into consumer behavior, making them essential in digital marketing strategies.
Embracing digital marketing isn’t just an option; it’s a necessity for profitability and growth. Implement the strategies we’ve covered, from leveraging social media to harnessing SEO, and watch your business thrive in the digital arena. Remember, consistent effort and adaptability are key.
Start now and transform your brand’s future.
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Thanks for reading my article on Transform Your Business With These Profitable And Proven Digital Marketing Ideas, hope it will help!
Affiliate Disclaimer :
This article Contain may be affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission at NO ADDITIONAL cost to you if you decide to purchase something. While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this article, we always offer honest opinions, users experiences and real views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help readers make the best purchasing decisions, however, the testimonies and opinions expressed are ours only. As always you should do your own thoughts to verify any claims, results and stats before making any kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended in this article may generate income for this product from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you make. We review products and services you might find interesting. If you purchase them, we might get a share of the commission from the sale from our partners. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product is featured or recommended.
Source : Boost Your Website Traffic With Instagram’s Best-Kept Secret Method
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joyandella-123 · 6 months
How an SEO Agency in San Diego Can Transform Your Online Presence
In today's digital landscape, establishing a strong online presence is no longer an option; it's a necessity. Whether you're a local business or a global brand, the digital arena offers a multitude of opportunities to connect with your target audience. However, navigating the complexities of web design, SEO, and digital marketing can be challenging. This is where a specialized agency like Mystic Web Design, based in San Diego, steps in as your one-stop-shop for all your online needs. Learn how partnering with Mystic Web Design can revolutionize your online presence and drive success.
Web Design that Captivates
A well-designed website is your virtual storefront and often the first point of contact between your business and potential customers. Mystic Web Design boasts a team of skilled web designers who create stunning, user-friendly websites tailored to your unique brand. These websites are not just visually appealing but also optimized for mobile devices, ensuring a seamless user experience.
SEO Expertise for Visibility
Achieving top rankings in search engine results is a fundamental component of online success. Mystic Web Design's SEO specialists employ industry best practices to optimize your website for search engines. This includes keyword research, on-page and off-page SEO, and technical SEO enhancements that boost your website's visibility, attracting organic traffic from users actively seeking your products or services.
Digital Marketing Strategies that Convert
An effective digital marketing strategy is key to turning website visitors into loyal customers. Mystic Web Design employs a comprehensive array of digital marketing techniques, including content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. These strategies are crafted to engage your target audience, generate leads, and drive conversions.
Local Focus for San Diego Businesses
For local businesses in the San Diego area, Mystic Web Design's localized SEO and digital marketing services can be a game-changer. They understand the unique dynamics of the local market and can optimize your online presence to capture the attention of your local audience.
Content that Connects
Compelling content is at the heart of any successful online strategy. Mystic Web Design's content creators are skilled at producing high-quality, relevant content that resonates with your audience. Whether it's blog posts, articles, or multimedia content, they ensure your message is clear and engaging.
Responsive and Client-Centric
What sets Mystic Web Design apart is their commitment to delivering results while prioritizing client satisfaction. Their responsive approach means they collaborate closely with you, listening to your goals and providing solutions tailored to your specific needs.
In the bustling digital landscape, partnering with a seasoned SEO agency like Mystic Web Design, based in San Diego, offers a multitude of benefits. From crafting visually captivating websites to optimizing for search engines and executing targeted digital marketing campaigns, Mystic Web Design truly is a one-stop-shop for all your online needs. With their expertise, you can confidently navigate the digital realm, enhance your online presence, and achieve the success your business deserves. Don't just compete; thrive in the online world with Mystic Web Design by your side. Contact us today!
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digitalmarketingbizz · 10 months
The Power of Email Marketing: Why It's Essential for Your Business's Success
In today's fast-paced digital landscape, where social media, search engine optimization (SEO), and influencer marketing often take center stage, it's easy to overlook the tried-and-true method of email marketing. However, don't be too quick to dismiss this powerful tool – email marketing remains a cornerstone of successful business promotion. In this blog, we'll delve into the reasons why you should market your business with email, and we'll also explore some trending keywords to keep your content in tune with the latest industry developments.
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Unlocking the Potential of Email Marketing
In an era dominated by instant messaging and social networking, you might wonder whether email marketing is still relevant. The answer is a resounding yes! Email marketing remains a crucial strategy for businesses of all sizes, and here's why:
Direct Communication: Email marketing offers a direct line of communication to your audience. Unlike social media posts that might get lost in a sea of content, emails are delivered straight to your subscribers' inboxes, ensuring that your message is seen.
Personalization: With advanced data analytics, you can tailor your email campaigns to specific segments of your audience. Personalized content resonates more with recipients, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates.
Cost-Effective: Compared to other marketing methods, email marketing is incredibly cost-effective. There are minimal expenses involved, and the potential return on investment (ROI) is substantial.
Drive Conversions: Email campaigns allow you to guide your subscribers through the buyer's journey, from awareness to conversion. Well-crafted emails with compelling calls-to-action can drive sales and boost your bottom line.
Analytics and Insights: Email marketing platforms provide detailed analytics that allow you to track open rates, click-through rates, and conversion metrics. These insights help you refine your strategies and optimize future campaigns.
Building Relationships: Email marketing enables you to nurture relationships with your audience. By consistently delivering valuable content, you can establish trust and loyalty over time.
Trending Keywords in Email Marketing
To ensure your email marketing content remains current and relevant, consider incorporating these trending keywords into your campaigns:
Personalization: Tailoring content to individual preferences is a hot topic in email marketing. Mention how your business utilizes personalization to enhance user experience and drive engagement.
Automation: Marketing automation streamlines your email campaigns, saving time and increasing efficiency. Highlight how automation can help deliver timely and relevant content to subscribers.
Segmentation: Segmented email lists improve targeting by sending the right messages to the right people. Explain how your business categorizes subscribers to provide them with content that aligns with their interests.
AI and Machine Learning: These technologies enhance email marketing by analyzing data and optimizing campaigns. Discuss how AI and machine learning contribute to your email marketing strategy.
Interactive Content: Interactive emails, such as polls, quizzes, and GIFs, are gaining traction. Describe how your business employs interactive elements to make emails more engaging.
Mobile Optimization: As mobile device usage continues to rise, optimizing emails for mobile screens is vital. Emphasize your commitment to delivering a seamless mobile experience.
In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, email marketing stands as a stalwart strategy that continues to deliver impressive results. Its direct communication, personalization options, and cost-effectiveness make it a must-have in your marketing toolkit. By incorporating trending keywords and staying up-to-date with industry innovations, you can harness the power of email marketing to drive conversions, build relationships, and propel your business towards greater success.
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babu-2022 · 1 year
Udimi: Targeted Advertising & Lead Generation Powerhouse
Udimi is a marketplace that connects businesses and marketers with solo ad providers. Solo ads are a form of email marketing where businesses can pay to have their message or offer sent to a targeted list of email subscribers. Udimi allows businesses and marketers to find and purchase solo ad services from a variety of solo ad providers, making it easy to reach a targeted audience and drive traffic to their website.
One of the key features of Udimi is its large selection of solo ad providers. The platform has a wide range of solo ad providers, each with their own list of email subscribers, which means that businesses and marketers can find providers that have a targeted audience that aligns with their niche or market. Additionally, it offers a review system, which allows users to see the performance of the different providers and helps them make an informed decision when purchasing solo ad services.
Another great feature of Udimi is its fraud protection system, which helps to protect businesses and marketers from solo ad providers who may not deliver on their promises. The platform has strict guidelines and a system in place to detect and prevent fraudulent activity, which means that businesses and marketers can trust that the solo ad services they purchase will be delivered as promised.
Udimi also offers a range of tools and features that make it easy for businesses and marketers to manage and track their solo ad campaigns. For example, the platform offers a click tracker, which allows businesses and marketers to track the number of clicks their solo ad received, and a split-testing feature, which allows them to test different versions of their solo ad to see which one performs the best.
In addition, Udimi offers a user-friendly interface and a variety of pricing plans to suit different needs and budgets. The platform offers a free account, which allows users to access basic features, while paid plans offer more advanced features and tools. This means that users can choose a plan that fits their needs and budget.
In conclusion, Udimi is a valuable tool for businesses and marketers looking to reach a targeted audience through solo ads. The platform offers a wide range of solo ad providers, fraud protection system, and a variety of tools and features that make it easy for businesses and marketers to manage and track their campaigns. Additionally, its user-friendly interface and customizable pricing plans make it accessible for businesses of all sizes. With Udimi, businesses and marketers can easily reach their target audience and drive traffic to their website, making it a powerful tool for online marketing.
Discover the power of Udimi and unleash your marketing potential!
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rockabswing · 7 months
making a separate thread for help links 💖 i will add more links as i find them !!
post w/ part two can be found here
decolonize palestine
one click goes a long way !
petition signatures
post with various petitions and campaigns
who are the israeli settlers ?
USA - contact your representatives through this google doc
USA - contact
USA - contact
text resist to 50409 to send a letter to your representatives to pass HR3103-- a bill that prohibits tax dollars from going to israel !
UK - call for a ceasefire
UK - email your MP
UK - email to call for a ceasefire
australia - contact your rep !
twitter thread of donation links
protest preparation
companies to boycott
longer list of companies to boycott*
news source for updates
another news source
palestinian news source
palestinian journalist to follow
palestinian journalist #2
palestinian who posts updates about his living conditions
palestinian journalist
news from gaza
gaza news source
palestinian tiktoker who shares updates on palestine
free resources - includes 6 textbooks
israel's plan to ethically cleanse gaza
various subtwt charities for palestine
canadian based donation website #1
canadian based donation site #2
canadian based donation site #3 with information
USA based donation site #1
USA based donation site #2
USA based donation site #3
USA based donation site #4
UK donation site #1
UK donation site #2
UK donation site #3
australian donation site #1
australian donation site #2
australian donation site #3
buy an e-sim for a palestinian !
buy hygiene products for afab palestinians
games for gaza
purchase a keffiyeh !
note: it is not guaranteed that donations will get to palestinians due to the blockade. it is still noble to donate, but keep that in mind.
*another note: it is important to focus on the companies that the bds movement has listed. although important to know about, having a more targeted approach will have better results.
2022 & 2023 global report of DRC
genocide watch - DRC
video about congo
congo infographic
another video about congo
canada based donation website
another canadian donation website
3rd canadian donation site
USA donation site #1
USA donation site #2
USA donation site #3
USA donation site #4
USA donation site #5
USA donation site #6
UK donation site #1
UK donation site #2
UK donation site #3
UK donation site #4
UK donation site #5
UK donation site #6
UK donation site #7
UK donation site #8
UK donation site #9
australian donation site #1
australian donation site #2
australian donation site #3
congolese donation site
youtube film about congo
another infographic
thread about congo
this site lets you choose which country you're donating from !
canadian donation site #1
canadian donation site #2
canadian donation site #3
USA donation site #1
USA donation site #2
USA donation site #3
USA donation site #4
USA donation site #5
UK donation site #1
UK donation site #2
UK donation site #3
australian donation site #1
australian donation site #2
australian donation site #3
sudanese donation site, but also has USA and canadian sites near the bottom
video about sudan
quick summary about sudan
list of other sudanese charities to donate to
information about sudan
important information about sudan
sudanese journalist
if there is anything that needs to be added, please feel free to add them onto this post !! I HIGHLY ENCOURAGE IT !!!! i made this thread for basic level information about these genocides; this is not to make you an expert in these topics. if anything is inaccurate, please feel free to tell me and i will correct it !
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jaykumar702388 · 1 year
#Digital marketing refers to the use of digital internet#To promote products or services and reach a target costumers. Internet marketing involves various components#Including search engine optimization (SEO)#Pay-per-click advertising (PPC)#Social media marketing#email marketing#Content marketing#And influencer marketing. Digital marketing has become crucial for businesses of all sizes#As more consumers rely on the internet to research and purchase products. By effectively utilizing digital channels#Businesses can increase brand awareness#Reach their target audience#And drive more revenue And reach#All type of business have a need of digital marketing because this is the best way to reach everywhere easily and low costly#Future of every business is digital marketing.#Importance of Digital Marketing Course#Digital marketing course in Jaipur#First#Digital marketing is rapidly growing in every field#And it is becoming increasingly important for businesses to have a strong online presence. By taking a digital marketing course#Individuals can gain the skills and knowledge needed to create effective digital marketing campaigns.#Second#A digital marketing training can help individuals stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in the industry. Digital marketin#And staying current with the latest strategies and tools is crucial for success#Digital marketing helps to promote oven business.#Third#A digital marketing course can provide individuals with the credentials and certification they need to stand out in a competitive job marke#And having a certification from a reputable course can help individuals demonstrate their expertise and competency#Also anyone can run our oven coaching centers.#Overall#a digital marketing course can provide individuals with the skills
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rivkae-winters · 1 month
Edit: the app launched and Is down- I have the initial apology video in a post here and I’m working on getting a full archive of their TikTok up ASAP. I’m letting the rest of this post remain since I do still stand by most of it and also don’t like altering things already in circulation.
Warning for criticism and what I’d consider some harsh to outright mean words:
So I’ve just been made aware of the project known of as ‘lore.fm’ and I’m not a fan for multiple reasons. For one this ‘accessibility’ tool complicates the process of essentially just using a screen reader (something native to all I phones specifically because this is a proposed IOS app) in utterly needless and inaccessible ways. From what I have been seeing on Reddit they have been shielding themselves (or fans of the project have been defending them) with this claim of being an accessibility tool as well to which is infuriating for so many reasons.
I plan to make a longer post explaining why this is a terrible idea later but I’ll keep it short for tonight with my main three criticisms and a few extras:
1. Your service requires people to copy a url for a fic then open your app then paste it into your app and click a button then wait for your audio to be prepared to use. This is needlessly complicating a process that exists on IOS already and can be done IN BROWSER using an overlay that you can fully control the placement of.
2. This is potentially killing your own fandom if it catches on with the proposed target market of xreader smut enjoyers because of only needing the link as mentioned above. You don’t have to open a fic to get a link this the author may potentially not even get any hits much less any other feedback. At least when you download a pdf you leave a hit: the download button is on the page with the fic for a reason. Fandom is a self sustaining eco system and many authors get discouraged and post less/even stop writing all together if they get low interaction.
3. Maybe we shouldn’t put something marketed as turning smut fanfic into audio books on the IOS App Store right now. Maybe with KOSA that’s a bad idea? Just maybe? Sarcasm aside we could see fan fiction be under even more legal threat if minors use this to listen to the content we know they all consume via sites like ao3 (even if we ask them not to) and are caught with it. Auditory content has historically been considered much more obscene/inappropriate than written content: this is a recipe for a disaster and more internet regulations we are trying to avoid.
I also have many issues with the fact that this is obviously redistributing fanfiction (thus violating the copyright we hold over our words and our plots) and removing control the author should have over their content and digital footprint. Then there is the fact that even though the creator on TikTok SAYS you can email to have your fic ‘excluded’ based on the way the demo works (pasting a link) I’m gonna assume that’s just to cover her ass/is utter bullshit. I know that’s harsh but if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it’s probably a duck.
I am all for women in stem- I’ve BEEN a woman in Stem- but this is not a cool girl boss moment. This is someone naive enough to think this will go over well at best or many other things (security risks especially) at worst.
In conclusion for tonight: I hope this person is a troll but there is enough hype and enough paid for web domains that I don’t think that’s the case. There are a litany of reasons every fanfic reader and writer should be against something like this existing and I’ll outline them all in several other posts later.
Do not email their opt out email address there is no saying what is actually happening with that data and it is simply not worth the risks it could bring up. I hate treating seemingly well meaning people like potential cyber criminals but I’ve seen enough shit by now that it’s better to be safe than sorry. You’re much safer just locking all your fics to account only. I haven’t yet but I may in the future if that is the only option.
If anyone wants a screen reader tutorial and a walk through of my free favorites as well as the native IOS screen reader I can post that later as well. Sorry for the heavy content I know it’s not my normal fare.
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ponydoodles · 3 months
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!
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Out of respect for the protest today, instead of a normally queued request, today's post will be dedicated to resources regarding Palestine! We are firmly of the stance that a complete ceasefire should be called, and that everyone should do whatever they can. Even a little bit helps!
For those in the US, this site includes scripts you can use to call your senators and representatives! Emails are also heavily encouraged!
As for a list of resources regarding donations and information! The following list will mostly be based around e-sims and organizations, but we do encourage people to look for verified independent fundraisers as well for those in need!
Arab.org is a place where you can simply click on a button daily and the revenue will be donated directly to the cause! Using different devices and browsers to click multiple times also works!
Gazaesims.com is a place where you can donate money for e-sims! This helps Palestinians access the internet so their voices can be heard, especially journalists who are being heavily targeted by Israel during this time.
This gofundme sends funds to displaced families in Palestine!
This campaign surrounds providing hygiene kits for people who have periods, although many other hygienic products are provided as well!
Finally, decolonizepalestine.com is its own collection of resources that we heavily recommend reading in order to educate yourself about Palestine and what has been going on for decades.
Please remember to keep yourself educated and compassionate for those that are suffering, and to please remember to watch out for propaganda. Colonization is never okay. Ethnostates should not exist. Genocide is never okay. And of course, remember that every little bit, even if it's just a dollar, counts. No one's contributions are worthless.
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disneyprincemuke · 2 months
build me up * ls2
two hit men, one target: each other. the problem? you're soulmates.
pairings: logan sargeant x fem!reader
trope: soulmates destined to kill each other
wc: 1.2k
(f1 masterlist) | (falling in reverse)
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logan’s not a murderer per se. well, he kinda is. but with a purpose; he’s not just going around killing people for no reason.
there’s always a reason.
but when he’d been assigned to take down an assassin of some sort, he almost hesitated. because it was you and well, the bias is very simply explainable: you’re very beautiful.
he’s a hitman — not a robot. he can still find people attractive.
he’d been contracted to take out the person sneaking up on the big people he’s working for. naturally, they’d want you taken out.
he’s followed you around for a couple of hours now, trying to find a perfect time to lunge at you and make it quick. there wouldn’t be much to admire seeing when the world is still very much monochrome in his eyes.
he wondered, watching you devour your dinner just an hour ago, if there was somebody that would mourn your death. not in a psychopathic manner, just in a sense that he’s also all alone.
ever since he’d taken the genius career path to be a hitman of some sorts, it’d been easier to be by himself. nobody to look after, and nobody in danger from the things he’s gotten himself into.
his want to eventually meet his soulmate and see the world in colour would have to wait. it might even need to be scratched off from his list completely.
when he comes home to an empty apartment, nobody in it but his dog happily wagging its tail up at him, he gets the urge to drop everything to pursue the life he wanted. a nice home somewhere discreet with his soulmate and maybe kids.
his picture perfect future gets the best of him sometimes. he’s got his letter of resignation collecting dust in the bottom of his email drafts but whenever he comes close to hitting send, there’s hesitation.
because what if he doesn’t actually ever find his soulmate? does that mean that he would have to go about life in black and white all by himself?
so logan doesn’t ever send the email out. he will just have to eventually find the time to deal with the inevitable loneliness looming over him.
it’s not an easy lifestyle: trying to be a hitman for a big corporation and desire for normalcy.
logan follows behind you, slowly and quite a distance, into an alleyway. he keeps a hand against the cold material of the gun stowed away underneath his jacket — for comfort — and to finish you off fast.
your sigh echoes in the empty alleyway as your footsteps come to a slow halt. you kick the ground slightly and drop your head, starting to dig for something in your bag.
and that’s his cue.
but just as he launches to get you, he finds himself frozen when he hears a click. there’s a barrel of a gun pointed right at him with your back still turned to him.
instinctively, he draws his gun out, pointed right back at you. and he finds himself in a situation.
“do you think i’m stupid?” you mutter with sarcasm. “i know when i’m being followed.”
you whirl around and logan almost drops to his knees. he finds the boring black and white motif that he once thought he would never get rid of, slowly fading away. he can decipher the warm glow of the orange lights in the alleyway and the colour of your skin and the colour of your hair.
you don’t mask your shock very well. you flinch and your hand falters when the bright green of logan’s eyes greet you when you turned and locked eyes with him.
your gaze softens as you try to figure out what’s happening. only then it hits you that this man who has a gun pointed right at you is your soulmate.
you steady your arm immediately and tighten your grip on the gun. “i noticed you the minute i stepped out of the restaurant,” you say lowly, “why are you following me?”
logan lifts both of his hands in surrender, his gun pointed into the air. “are you just going to ignore what happened?”
the colour of your eyes mesmerises logan. to hell with his task, there’s a more pressing matter: he can see colours.
colours that seemed like a mere myth, growing up with parents who would describe it to him all the time with the biggest smiles. he wonders now if his eyes are as beautiful as his mother would tell him when he was growing up.
if he cared to ask you, you would say they’re the best thing to be greeted with. but that’s not important.
just like every other kid, growing up, he always thought what it would be like to meet his soulmate and watch the world transition to something he’s only ever heard his friends talk about growing up.
it wasn’t until the reality of losing a soulmate struck him when he was 19, when he lost his mother. and eventually watched his father grieve, and then lost him too.
and friends of friends bear stories of losing their soulmates, describing it as the most devastating feeling. he decided at 20 that he wouldn’t be on the receiving end of that pain.
so logan distracted himself training at some shooting range down the street. some burly man liked what he saw and recruited him.
and now here he is.
“i’m not fucking around with you.” you keep your guard up walking towards him and logan doesn’t move another inch. “i know you’re not here to mug me, so what gives?”
logan’s eyes trail down to the gun barrel now pressed against his chest. he lifts his eyes with a small smile. “would it help if i said i think you’re pretty?”
you dig the barrel into his chest. logan stumbles a step back. “i will kill you without thinking twice.”
“okay!” logan whines. “i was… i’m being paid to kill you.” he watches the annoyance on your face grow. “but please, acknowledge what just happened.”
you look up at him, trying to figure out if he’d just make an attempt for your life either way. you snap your head at the item still in his hand and he follows your stare. “i’ll unarm it,” he offers. “please, let’s just talk.”
“one wrong move, i’ll shoot you in the leg,” you threaten, gesturing your head towards the ground.
you weren’t shy of falling victim to great love stories of meeting your soulmate. you watched your best friend and her soulmate tear each other to the brink of insanity trying to make it work, evidently throwing in your face how it’s all just an illusion, and gave up on it.
the story of how you landed a job as an assassin is a long story, deriving from your childhood and your parents’ businesses growing up. all there is to know is that you’ve been here almost your entire life, courtesy of your parents.
given the brutality of all of your lines of businesses, you often think about how they managed to make their marriage work.
seeing colour has always been emphasised in yout society. it’s a magical moment, you’ve heard people say. but nobody ever tells you what to do when you’re meant to kill the other.
and you’re curious… you’re thinking, what now?
frankly, logan is thinking the same thing.
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gen taglist: @33-81 @darleneslane @nikfigueiredo @happy-nico @localwhoore @namgification
series taglist: @vicurious28 @c-losur3 @lozzamez3 @haikyuu-carat @bicchaan @ @cinnamongirlontv
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unityrain24 · 15 days
email i got today not sure if this is news??:
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Breaking news: a top Democrat in the House has highlighted the problem with the “duty of care” model in the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA).1
During the markup last week, Rep. Frank Pallone said, “adopting the duty of care could cause social media companies to over-filter content out of an abundance of caution about legal risk, and as a result some young people could lose access to helpful and even life-saving content.”2
This is exactly what dozens of human rights, civil liberties, racial justice, and LGBTQ+ groups have been saying for years about why KOSA’s duty of care is so dangerous.3
Our grassroots campaign is working and it's getting the attention of top lawmakers. Can you help us continue the fight to ensure that KOSA is only passed if it gets fixed?
Pallone rightly went on to say that he doesn’t trust Big Tech companies to make determinations about what types of content recommendations cause mental health disorders, noting that our understanding of the science in this area is still evolving.
Here’s what this means:
It’s working. Your phone calls, emails, the videos you’ve made and shared, the small $5 and $10 donations that enable us to run online campaigns, display your comments on billboards in DC4, and keep the media and lawmakers staff as informed as possible about our concerns have made KOSA less likely to pass, at least not without major changes. The top Democrat on the House committee is speaking out against it,  and that wouldn’t have happened without all of our work together.
We still have a ton of work to do. Rep. Pallone’s alternative proposal is to try to address the harms of Big Tech by going after Section 2305, which would lead to many of the same harms he’s worried about with KOSA’s duty of care. So we still have to work to educate his staff and other members on and off the committee, and drive emails and phone calls urging Congress to adopt strong privacy and antitrust protections instead of stalling out again and again with bills like KOSA and EARN IT that raise serious human rights concerns. APRA, the privacy bill that also advanced at the hearing, has some positive features, but there’s a lot of work needed to make it strong enough to actually protect the most vulnerable people.
KOSA could still pass, and we need to keep up the pressure. Despite the surprise blowback KOSA faced at last week’s hearing, the subcommittee still voted to advance it to a full committee vote. That means it’s one step closer to passing, and there is still a very real possibility that it could be snuck into a “must-pass” funding bill like the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). There is a big push from backers of KOSA including full page ads, op-eds in major papers, and several large tech companies have already come out in support of it. We have to take it seriously as an ongoing threat.
There is also still a chance that KOSA could be amended to address our concerns. Senator Wyden has proposed some helpful amendments. One of the good parts of KOSA is its ban on targeted advertising to kids. That could be imported into a strengthened version of APRA, for example, while leaving the harmful duty of care model behind. There are lots of ways Congress can address the harms of Big Tech and protect kids without enabling censorship and surveillance.
So, we gained some ground, but the fight is far from over. If you’ve read this far, you must understand how important this is. If you’re in a position to donate, please click here.
Help stop KOSA
If not, seriously don’t worry about it. We’ve all been there. Thank you so much for being part of this movement demanding Internet policies that don’t throw marginalized people under the bus. We can fight for an Internet where kids aren’t just safe, but have basic human rights, and the ability to speak out and shape the world around them. 
Let’s do it,
Evan at ❤️ Fight for the Future
Fight for the Future, PO Box 55071 #95005, Boston, MA 02205  Don't like these emails? Unsubscribe.
Sent via ActionNetwork.org. To update your email address, change your name or address, or to stop receiving emails from Fight for the Future, please click here.
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dr-spencer-reids-queen · 10 months
There's Beauty in Tragedy
Pairing: Jennifer Jareau x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.9k
Warnings: home invasion, robbers, being tied up and gagged but not injured, mostly fluff
Summary: You own a multi-billion dollar company, and that means you're a target for a specific group of people who robs very rich. The whole experience is very scary but you meet the woman of your dreams because of it, so you can't be too mad at the situation.
Square Filled: crime scene (2023) for @cmbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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This big mansion is all to yourself. A dozen bedrooms and bathrooms, a big movie theater, a gorgeous indoor pool, a luxurious spa next to it, and that’s barely scratching the surface. Why do you need all this? Well, you don’t. You’re more than happy with living in a two-bedroom house that you can craft to your liking instead of a big place like this.
You make so much money that you had no other choice but to put it toward your dream house. Your heels click on the clean tiled floor as you walk into your sleek office where you know a hoard of emails are waiting for your response. For someone who is the CEO of the best jewelry company this country has ever seen, you have a shit ton of work you need to do.
Your passion in life is to make jewelry for people to feel beautiful in. It all started in the basement of your parent’s house like every other great company has. The first people you ever made jewelry for were your parents with jewels you found while camping one summer. They were so impressed that they told their immediate family who were interested in you doing this for them.
They told their friends who told their kids who told their friends and soon, everyone in town was lining at your door for your jewelry. That’s when you started taking commissions only for people who are willing to pay which is how you were able to buy your first car with your own money. Yes, you got a job when you turned seventeen so you can get experience under your belt even though you could live off what you were making on your jewelry sales.
Once the business got big enough to work out of your parent’s basement, you used your money to buy a small space in the local mall where you could extend your services to more people. You hired a few of your friends to help you with the business for a few years, and the company was only getting bigger.
It got to the point where you bought yourself your own building, and hired a call center team, IT services, mailroom workers, and a whole fleet of teams who could do the work you were doing back in high school. You named yourself the CEO of Shining Star Jewelry and retired at an early age.
You’re doing pretty well for yourself and you don’t like to hide it. You sit down at your desk and work on answering emails for a couple of hours. Afterward, you’ll make yourself some dinner and take a hot bath while watching your favorite TV show. The first hour goes by quicker than you thought it would, and you look at the time with a yawn. Maybe you can get away with cutting it an hour early.
You’re about to log out of your account when your security cameras pick up something in your backyard. Two men are in your backyard with a big black duffel bag slung over their shoulders with the intention of breaking in and stealing shit. They smash the back door and walk inside your home.
You’re not sure what to do in this situation. Do you hide? Do you run? Do you call someone? Your security alarm is set up to send a silent alarm to the local police if you don’t turn it off, so the police are coming either way. The only problem is, you’re not sure how long it will take them to get here.
Your fight or flight response kicks in and you choose to run in hopes they don’t find you. However, luck isn’t on your side because as soon as you step foot out of your office, both men stand in your way.
“Lookie lookie what we got here,” one of the men says.
They’re both wearing skull bandanas that they have tied over their face so that the only thing showing is their eyes.
“Take anything you want. Please don’t hurt me,” you beg.
“Tie her up,” one of them says.
The bigger man grabs your arm harshly and yanks you into your office. He takes out some rope, duct tape, and zip ties that will be used to subdue you. You have no clue if you’re going to lose your life, get raped, get injured, or whatever they have planned. Instead of fleeing like your body is telling you to do, you allow the man to do whatever he wants to do to you in hopes that he doesn’t hurt or kill you. He ties your ankles together with zip ties, your wrists are tied with rope very tightly, the zip ties your ankles to your wrists so you can’t use your hands, and duct tape is wrapped around your eyes and mouth so you’re forced to breathe through your nose.
“Are you done?”
“Let’s go. A place as nice as this must have good security alarms. The police will be here any minute.”
Both men leave you alone in your office to wonder what they’re taking and where they are. You have a lot of nice expensive shit everywhere that they can make a lot of money off of, but there is so much of it that they can’t possibly take it all before the police come.
Twenty agonizing minutes later, you hear police sirens outside your house. You’re not sure if the two men are gone, and if they are, you hope your cameras caught which way they went. Two officers knock on your front door to check if you’re alright. You try screaming as loud as you can but the duct tape is preventing you from making a lot of noise.
“Check around back,” one of the officers say.
Both of them split up to see if there is any disturbances only to meet at the back door which is shattered with glass all over the ground.
“NYPD! We’re coming inside!”
Both of them train their guns in front of them as they walk inside. They stick together and sweep each room one by one until they get to your office. They walk in and aim their guns at you thinking you’re one of the intruders.
“Shit,” the first officer curses and holsters his gun. He kneels next to you and takes the duct tape off first. “You’re okay, Miss. We’re here to help.”
“I couldn’t fight back,” you cry. “I am so scared.”
“I understand. Robles, help me with the zip ties.”
Both officers remove you from your ties. They didn’t kill you. Why? Paramedics come so they can check you out while more officers come to gather intel on what items the burglars stole, where they went, and who they could be. After the paramedics clear you, a female officer sits down with you in your living room.
“I know you must be scared out of your mind, but do you mind if I ask you some questions?”
“Okay. Do you remember what the intruders looked like?”
“They had masks covering their face. I could only see their eyes. They were wearing skull bandanas around their faces. One was really big. He’s the one who shoved me into my office. The other one was really skinny. I probably weigh more than him,” you scoff. A look of realization comes over the officer’s face. “What?”
“Excuse me.”
She gets up and walks over to another officer. She whispers to him but the sound carries over to you so you’re able to hear her.
“Call the FBI. They’ve struck again.”
You’re not sure what’s going on or why the FBI needs to come here for two people stealing shit but you have no choice but to wait for them to arrive. They’re coming from Quantico, Virginia which is only an hour by plane. Three agents go to your house while the rest are set up in the NYPD station.
“Agents, thank you for coming.” You look to the left and see the most gorgeous woman you’ve ever seen. Blonde hair, slim, and from what you can tell blue eyes. “I’m Detective Faulkner.”
“I’m Agent Hotchner. These are Agents Jareau and Morgan.”
“You told me over the phone that this matches the other crime scenes?”
“Yes. My men found Miss Y/N in her office with duct tape over her mouth and eyes with rope and zip ties. The intruders wore skull bandanas. I read through the files that they’ve been hitting houses up and down the coastline, right?”
Two men have been hitting rich houses and stealing billions of dollars worth of things. They don’t kill their victims, but it’s suspected that they sell the items and use the money for their trafficking business.
“Yes.” JJ’s eyes look over at you and you look away to prevent her from seeing your blush. “Is this her?”
“Yes. She’s pretty shaken up.”
���I got it,” JJ says to her team and walks to you alone. “May I sit?”
“My name is Jennifer Jareau. I’m with the FBI.”
You’re still scared and traumatized at what happened to you, but you’re not going to let her know. She is too gorgeous to worry about you crying. Her eyes are bluer up close and her cheeks are rosy which comes from a natural tint rather than makeup blush.
“Jennifer? That’s a beautiful name. It’s suiting,” you flirt.
“Thank you,” she blushes deeper. “Can you walk me through what happened?”
You tell her exactly what you told the female officer earlier.
“After they tied me up, all I kept thinking was this is it. This is when I’m gonna die. I haven’t had time to look through my things but I had some pretty valuable items, most of which can be replaced. Is it true?”
“Is what true?”
“That these men have been doing this to a lot of other people?”
“Yes. They only hit victims who have millions to billions of dollars to their name, and they just so happen to strike in the richest city in America.”
“Yeah, I try to have the best security defenses but sometimes that doesn't even stop people.”
“We’re going to work hard in catching these guys and returning your items back to you,” she promises.
“Well, I appreciate that.” She moves her long hair out of the way to reveal she has a sparking diamond necklace on. That twinkle can only be found in one place, and you smile flirtatiously. “That necklace is beautiful.”
“Thank you. I got it for my birthday last year.”
“I knew I recognized it. I designed it. It makes your eyes sparkle.”
“You have good taste, then,” she blushes.
“Beautiful jewelry for a beautiful woman.”
JJ can’t help but smile at your compliment. She has to admit, she was taken aback by your beauty when she first saw you. You’re a victim on a case she’s working so she can’t pursue you but after the case… you never know.
JJ and her team work tirelessly to capture the two unsubs before they move on to the next state. They’ve been hitting one or two big houses in each city, only choosing two cities in each state, and they’re moving across state lines which is why the FBI is involved. They normally deal with serial killers and psychopaths, never really touching on serial burglars. You’re the first person in this city to have been hit, so they’re going to hit one more person before moving to the next big city in New York.
After the police left, you tried to go back to your everyday life without possession of your things, but you tried. The press got hold of the story pretty quickly so your PR team is working endlessly to try and get behind the story before your name is dragged through the mud. You’re on your way out the door when you get a call from an unknown number.
“This is Y/N,” you answer.
“Hi, it’s Jennifer from the FBI.”
“Oh, to what do I owe the pleasure?” you smile.
“Do you mind coming down to the station right now? It’s about the robbery.”
You don’t have to look at the time to know you always have time for her.
“Of course. I’m on my way.” You drive straight to the police station which is only a ten-minute drive. You walk inside and greet one of the officers. “I’m here to see Agent Jareau.”
“Y/N, I’m glad you could make it,” JJ smiles.
“I wasn’t busy. What did you need me for?”
“We realize the burglars are going to be hitting another house soon, and we need your help locating some people.”
“Do I get to work with you?”
“If you’d like.”
“No offense to the others, but they’re not as pretty as you are,” you wink. JJ blushes once again at your compliment and leads you to an empty conference room. “So, when you mean ‘some people’ do you mean ‘rich people’? As in, do I keep in touch with any other rich folk in the city?”
“Yeah,” she says sheepishly.
“Don’t be embarrassed. I actually like to keep a record of all of my competitors in the area including who has enough money to overthrow my company.”
“I don’t think that can happen. Your jewelry is one-of-a-kind.”
“That’s very sweet of you, Jennifer, but there are a lot of people who seem to think they can outshine me.”
“Right. Who’s on your list?”
“This list is gonna cost you. Would it be too much if I asked you to go grab coffee with me? You know, like a date?” JJ’s mouth opens and closes as she tries to search for an answer. Her pale skin darkens deliciously, making you think if the rest of her skin is the same way. “I’m sorry but you’re gorgeous. When I see something I like, I grab it before someone else does.”
“Look, I’m flattered you asked me on a date, but I don’t think it would be very professional since I am working on your case. It would raise suspicions to my boss, and I don’t want to ruin anything for anyone.”
“Completely understandable. What about after?”
“We’ll talk then,” she smiles.
You give her the list of every known millionaire and billionaire in the area that you have numbers for. If someone has money, you make it your business to know who they are. The list is handed to their technical analyst, Penelope Garcia, to see if she can narrow down the very long list. The list you have in New York City alone is over seven hundred residents who are targets for this duo-team.
With Penelope’s help, that number is drastically decreased to less than fifty using the parameters they are searching for. The FBI and NYPD work on calling every person on that short list to make sure they know what’s going on and how they’re a potential target. All of them answer but one, and that’s the one that the FBI is going after thinking the two unsubs are going there.
From what you gathered, they were in the middle of a heist with bags of jewels, cash, and other expensive items when the FBI and NYPD showed up. They’re not killers but they don’t like to be cornered. If they really do work for a trafficking ring, being caught is worse than being dead, so they decided to shoot their way out.
One of them died and the other was apprehended and arrested.
They haven’t had time to sell any of the possessions they stole while in New York, so all of your items were returned back to you. Your PR team used this to your advantage to make this seem like a happy ending for you in the eyes of society. If the public can sympathize with you, then you won’t face backlash for something that wasn’t your fault to begin with.
It isn’t fair but that’s the way the world is.
JJ escorted you back home when you told her you didn’t feel safe going back there alone. She took this as an opportunity to be alone with you knowing it’s why you asked her to take you home in the first place.
“I appreciate you taking me home,” you say when she walks you up the stairs to your front door.
“I didn’t want you to feel unsafe.”
“I want you to know I will be working with my team to increase security here so we don’t have this issue again. Though, it’s such a shame to see you go. I thought we were having fun.”
“We were,” she smiles.
“Here, take this.” You reach into your purse and grab one of your business cards and a pen. You scribble your personal phone number on it since your cards only have your business phone number. “I can work remotely anywhere in the world or not at all. It’d be a real tragedy if I never got to see you again. I hear Virginia is nice this time of year. I’d love to take you out.”
“I’d like that, too.”
“Call me.” You open your front door and step inside. “Or if you have some time right now, would you like to come in for some coffee?”
She looks at her watch and shrugs.
“I got some time,” she smiles and steps inside.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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tarousbaby · 8 months
work colleagues trope !
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kinktober day five!
squirting, public sex, verbal degredation, rough sex, very uncleanly sex, daddy kink, he spits in your mouth
masterlist <3
in your line of work, you'd only heard bad things about the sorcerer killer but after a particular boss had hired you both, you quickly found out all the secret pleasures he kept hidden.
word count: 2531
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working with fushiguro toji, the sorcerer killer, was nothing like you had expected it to be. he was big, you knew he would be, but he wasn't aggressive which was the biggest surprise.
his larger than life body would loom behind you as the two of you walked, his thick palms brushing yours, and presence of his cursed energy hanging over you like a thick blanket. it was almost comforting in a way, to be protected so fiercely and casually at the same time.
your ability to track was impeccable, which made working with toji unbelievably easy for him. you found the target, he killed the target. the mutual exchange was easy, and you found yourself going from being a tag-a-long to being toji's partner in crime in a way.
business men soon realized, toji worked better with you, and you worked better with toji. they bought your servitude was a package, and the two of you would pool the money together.
but you weren't a fool. you knew just how dangerous he was, you witnessed it first hand regularly. the massive amounts of raw power he held in just his pinky finger was incredible. not even a level one jujutsu sorcerer could hold their own against him, maybe not even a special grade.
it was rare, considering he had no cursed energy, but not impossible. so, you were wary and did your research. you knew he was a zenin, you knew just the mention of his family name had targets trembling. and yet, he acted nothing like the zenins you'd met. nothing like naoya, at least.
he wasn't nice by any means, or respectful but he was better. he understood your cursed technique, respected it, and trusted you enough to get the job done. he let you get close, familiar, and in the rare occasion he managed to get hurt he'd come to you.
working with toji was amazing. large bounties, harder targets, the thrill of it all. so, when you get the email that you have a new target, you hop onto it immediately.
"there you are," toji drawls, slumped in a chair. his smirk is small, but you still catch it, sending one of your own smiles back. "thought you were about to back down on me."
the man, whatever pig that had hired you both, looks between you. he looks a little lost, but his lips are pressed tight. you hum, pulling out your chair. "wouldn't miss it for the world."
toji clicks his tongue, and leans back. "couldn't miss my face, right?"
you scoff. "you wish."
the man blinks, finger crossed in front of his mouth. he opens his mouth, beginning to speak when toji pushes up. "just give us a name, we don't need a debrief if we got her."
he stutters, looking over to you, brows furrowed. clearly, he hadn't done his research. you tilt your head, expression patient but expecting. he licks his lips, a drop of sweat clinging to his forehead. gross.
the man stutters through some name that toji jots down with a pen on the inside of his arm. then, he points to the door and you know it's your cue to go.
"i already have the rooms set up," you say, pulling out the keys to the hotel you'd just checked into. "only one room. wanted to save some money."
"fine with me," he says, and takes them from you.
he, in turn, offers, "wanna get something to eat?"
you grin. "definitely. i'm starving."
you sit in the damp hotel room, windows pulled open to try and air out the scent of mildew. your legs are crossed as you sit in the center of the bed, your laptops pushed in front of you, and multiple city hall files surrounding you. toji had oh so kindly stolen them before you'd returned.
you thumb through the man's criminal record, trying to see if there was a way you could frame the crime scene. most times, these people had a long extensive record which made it easy to blame their deaths on some petty revenge of some rival.
toji dropped a bag of greasy fast food into your lap, and you looked up, mouthing a quiet 'thank you'.
he hums, and rounds the bed, sitting on your side. his hand dips into the bag in your lap, and pulls out a few fries. "anything good?"
you shrug. "mostly small gang violence, nothing big. i still have another page though. there was some charges of assault and battery last year though."
toji rolls his eyes. "that ain't shit."
you nod, dog-earing a page and typing a few notes onto your file on your laptop. information was important to keep on hand. you bite your lip.
"get me a fry, will you?" you ask.
toji does, reaching into the bag again and pulling one out. he answers your silent command when you open your mouth, placing it between your teeth.
you bite down, but some salt spreads across your lips. toji's reaction is immediate, his thumb swiping away at the glistening dots, before flicking them off into the back. you ignore the way your gut burns.
toji heaves a little, flinging a severed limb back to the mangled mess that was your targets corpse. his black hair sticks to his forehead, a little bit of sweat accumulated on his brow.
"didn't know he'd have bodyguards," he muttered, lips twisted into a frown. "probably got a tip about us."
except you aren't really focusing on what he's saying. instead, you're focusing on the splashes of blood soaking into your shirt.
"ewww," you groan, waving your hands, "you got his blood everywhere!"
toji raises one unimpressed eyebrow, arms crossed. "is that seriously what you're going to complain about right now?"
"yes," you stress with a huff, "this was one of my favorites."
toji rolls his eyes, leaning against one of the walls. he looks back to the pile of corpses, and wonders, "should we keep the head? he didn't say whether we should or not."
"i don't know, and i don't care. you owe me a new shirt."
toji groans, running a hand through his hair. "get over it, you have plenty of money to buy a new one now."
"as if," you mumble, "i'm relying on the paychecks i get from you killing people."
he pushes himself off the wall, takes a few slow steps up to you, and takes your shirt by the ends. he inspects the blood, dabs at it with his thumb, before letting it go.
"just take it off," he says, "i'll get you the money for a new one."
"i can't just take it off," you say, "i'll get arrested for public nudity!"
toji looks around the dingey alley the two of you are in. there's no sounds, not even the faint sounds of music from the nearby club. there's one flickering streetlight a few blocks down. not a single soul in sight, or curse.
"there ain't no public to see."
"that's not the point," you grumble.
toji's patience is clearly wearing thinner, and you aren't quite sure what he's gonne do until he's pulling off his skintight black shirt and handing it to you.
you stand there, frozen. your eyes are glued to his body, unable to look away from his sculpture. his abs are hard, but you knew that through his outline. his muscles are even more chiseled up close, his pecs large and strong.
your mouth watered a little.
"are you going to change or not?" his rasp draws you out of your stupor, and you blink slowly before reaching for the shirt. you then look back to him, expecting him to turn around but he doesn't.
you swallow, long and hard. you take your shirt off, careful to not let the blood-splashed fabric touch your face. your skin prickles with goosebumps against the cold air. you did have a bra on, but it didn't do much to cover your skin.
as quickly as you could, you slip the shirt on. it wasn't nearly as tight on you. toji's eyes lift to your face, and he wipes the blood off his palm onto his sweatpants. then he reaches forward, and his hand comes to cup your hip.
you arch into his grip instinctively, pressing your chest to his without thinking. toji lets out a low chuckle, and his hand slips down and gives your ass a firm squeeze.
without thinking, you let out a startled gasp.
the smell of irony blood, and toji's natural musk fills your nose. toji's scent isn't bad by any means, just strong. your head buries into his chest as his other hand comes to the small of your back, pressing in and forcing your arch a little more.
"you're so desperate," he laughs, "pushing against me like a bitch in heat."
you glare up at him, but it quickly melts away upon seeing his smirk.
you knew very well how attractive toji was. beautiful had to be a genetic thing when it came to zenin's. his deep green eyes, his inky black hair, his pale cream skin.
there was always this push pull thing. you’d dip your toes into the water, see how far you could push him. you’d never thought you’d get this far, feel his hands dip down your back.
toji takes your jaw in one hand, and pulls you up for a searing kiss that makes your mouth ache. it’s messy, and wet, and you can smell the iron wafting off the blood on his hands.
it’s not what you’d imagined, and yet it still manages to be better to every daydream you’d ever had. nights spent, hands clamped between your thighs, coated in slick, imaging it was his thick muscle instead.
“fuck,” you murmur against his chest, breath hot.
“if you wish,” you can hear the amusement in his voice, but it’s nothing compared to the pure desperation in yours. you want him—no—you need him.
his thumb slips into your mouth, pulling your jaw open. you only have a moment to realize what he’s doing before he spits in your mouth and says, “swallow.”
you do, not really tasting it but wrinkling your nose anyway. his hand then shifts to your shoulder and forces you to your knees as he leans up against the stone of the wall behind you. you understand immediately.
you fumble with the strings of his sweatpants before looping your fingers under them and tugging them down along with his boxers.
he’s big, you’d be a fool to think he wasn’t, and your cunt gives a pathetic pulse. you’re soaking through your panties just thinking about it.
you spit into your hand, tojis saliva still on your tongue and use it to lube up your hand. slowly, you work your way up his shaft, your other hand reaching back to grip his thighs.
you give a small lick to his tip, feeling his muscle shudder and flex under your touch. you take his tip into your mouth, sucking softly before letting it go with a pop.
peppering kisses down his length, you reach the base, before licking one long stripe up and taking him into your mouth. he’s already unbearably hard.
you can feel him in the back of your throat, and his groans fill your ears. you begin to work your way up and down him, shifting your head and unlocking your jaw in order to take him fully. his hand comes to your hair, pulling at your hair, nails digging into your scalp.
he’s so big, it makes your head spin.
unsurprisingly, he takes your hand and begins to thrust into your throat. you try your hardest not to gag, tears pricking in your eyes and clinging to your lashes.
after a few minutes, he pulls off, a thin trail of spit connecting your puffy lips to his cock. he taps it on your lips with a chuckle, before aiming down and cumming with a moan over your neck and collarbone.
“need you,” you whine, “please, toji.”
he helps you up, but in a moments notice he’s picking you up, hands underneath your thighs. he pushes your back against the stone, and the cold prickly wall cuts into your back through the thin shirt.
he rubs at your pussy with his duck through your leggings, watching as the dark spot on your grey leggings grows and grows.
“such a filthy girl,” he mutters against the shell of your ear, pulling at the band of your legging and letting it snap back against your stomach. you whimper, biting down on your lip.
“want you in me.”
toji grins against your neck, and sucks a big bruise into your flesh. he licks up your neck, up to your jaw. then, he finally pulls down your leggings and pantie.
the cold air bites against your skin, raising goosebumps but the warmth of toji quickly envelopes you. his dick pushes between your lips, rubbing against your clit and eliciting small hiccups of moans from your throat.
“please!” you sob, cheeks flushing red. “i need to cum!”
he clicks his tongue. then, he shoves two thick fingers into your pussy, making you scream. your shriek echoes throughout the alley, but you regard for other people dissapears.
his fingers curl inside you quickly, trying to stretch you out as quickly as possible to give you what you want. his thumb rubs at your clit at the same time, his dick leaking precum over your thigh.
“c’mon, daddy, wanna feel you!”
you can see the switch happen in toji, watch as his eyes darken and his posture tenses.
toji rips his fingers out, drawing a whine from you. his face buries into your breasts, forehead resting against your collarbone.
his cock pushes into you, hitting your g-spot immediately. he was skilled, he’d fucked before. he knew how to make you cum and make you cum quick.
he fucks into you rapidly, and you’re practically bouncing onto his lap. your arms wrap around his neck, your head falling back as he lifts his head to suck more bruises into your skin.
you cum, in one short scream that has your entire body shaking with the aftershocks. “haah—oh fuck, toji, ‘m cumming, ‘m cumming!”
he groans, long and loud against your jaw. he presses a kiss to your lips to shut you up. you squirt, for the first time in what felt like forever, all over his abdomen.
tojis only fucking you for a few more seconds before you feel his cum spilling up inside you. you slump, body limp and struggling to keep locked around his body.
“fuck, you’re such a slut, you know that right?” toji laughs, wiping at the sweat on your neck.
“only for you,” you pant, as he lets you down. your legs wobble, like a baby deer first learning how to walk, but you manage to pull your clothes back up.
toji stares you down, then stares at his bloody clothes, then at the corpses. “we’re fucking disgusting.”
you grin, and pull him out of the alley. “yeah, but we knew that already.”
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paradisedixon · 1 year
ᴛʜᴇ ᴏꜰꜰɪᴄᴇ, ᴘᴛ 1
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leon kennedy x fem!reader
summary: au where no outbreaks have occurred. chris, jill, leon, and you all work for the RPD, you working as the STARS secretary. you’ve had a crush on a certain blue eyed officer for nearly a year, and chris and jill are getting impatient.
warning(s): swearing, chris redfield being a little shit
Something something Raccoon City something something Officer Valentine, the voice in your head proof reads on the bright screen for what seemed to be the tenth time in the last five minutes. Something pulses behind your forehead as you squeeze your eyes shut, leaning back in your squeaky office chair. Glancing at the little numbers at the bottom corner of the monitor, 10:16 am, you hold back an irritated sigh. Damn, not even close to lunch yet.
“Hey, did you get that status report filed? Irons said he hasn’t gotten the email.” A deep voice fills your ears, enhancing your forehead pulse. You clear your throat and raise your eyes to see Chris Redfield standing in front of your desk with a cup of coffee in hand. Mmm caffeine sounds so good right now, especially with that hazelnut creamer Barry brought in last week- oh shit he’s waiting for an answer-
“Uh, I’m pretty sure I did, give me a sec,” you click on the reports tab you know you left open to reveal a completely blank document, “aand I totally didn’t.” Chris’ lips quirked up in amusement, observing as your shoulders shrunk and you threw your head back like a teenager who just got grounded. His deep chuckle filled your ears as he sat on top of your desk in the space behind your monitor.
“I’m surprised. You’re usually on top of this stuff.” The ‘seriously?’ look you gave him earned you another bout of laughter, and you roll your eyes at his antics.
“I couldn’t sleep, my asshole neighbors won’t stop screwing each other’s brains out.” You rest your forehead on your hand, and sigh.
“Sounds like someone’s jealous.” Your gaze snapped up to the man, a look of disbelief on your face. Chris had a shit eating grin on his face, knowing your crush was an easy target.
You were walking to Chief Irons’ office to hand him the late reports your predecessor had failed to file, which prompted their firing. It was your second day as the secretary for the STARS unit and you liked the job so far, you got along well with the force. You also didn’t mind picking up the pieces of the previous secretary, which you were warned about before accepting the job.
You were walking across the main hall’s catwalk, glancing down at the front desk, attention taken by a commotion caused by a peeved civilian. Neglecting your surroundings, you found yourself smacking right into a wall. You stumbled backwards as a hand gripped your bicep to catch your fall. Wait walls don’t have hands-
“Woah! I am so sorry, ma’am, I wasn’t watching where I was going.” A sweet, boy-ish voice filled your ears, and your eyes flashed up to your victim. You observed the face in front of you; a strong jaw, straight nose, pretty blues, and sleek, blonde fringe. He was half a foot taller than yourself, and pretty muscular for his age, he couldn’t have been any younger than you. The scent of eucalyptus and peppermint filled your nostrils, and you felt butterflies flutter in your stomach and chest. You were definitely paying attention now.
“Uh- don’t worry about it. Totally my fault.” You nervously laughed, regaining your footing. The man let his gentle grip release from your arm and he flashed you a shy smile. Hot guy smiling at me hot guy smiling at me RED ALERT-
“I’m Leon Kennedy, i-it’s my first day.” He held out a hand for you to shake, and you grasped it in your own, noting how small your hand was compared to his. Imagine these babies cupping my a-
“It’s nice to put a face to the name strewn across the ceiling,” you shared a quick laugh as you referenced the small welcome party the police department held for him downstairs, which you had seen during your tour of the station the day before, “it’s actually my second day.”
“Good to know I’m not the only rookie around here.” One side of his mouth quirked up charmingly, and you felt your knees momentarily go weak. You giggled uncharacteristically, and something in your hand suddenly became heavy. You cleared your throat in realization that you were still holding his hand, so you pulled your hand back and tried to casually to smooth down your black pencil skirt, not seeing the flash of disappointment in Leon’s eyes.
“Right. Well, I guess I’ll see you around, Rookie.” The words left your lips in surprising confidence, and Leon stared at you with a small smile and a look you couldn’t quite decipher.
“See you around.”
Later that day, you sat at your desk with a pitifully dreamy expression, unable to stop thinking about the rookie who was currently downstairs actually working, unlike yourself.
Those eyes, that face, that HAIR. God I could run my fingers through it all day long. He smelled so good, I thought I was going lightheaded- AND HIS HANDS! His grip was so firm, I wonder what else he could grip firmly-
“Hello?? You good?” You jumped at the face suddenly in front of yours, pushing out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. Jill Valentine, the gorgeous yet intimidating STARS officer, was staring at you in amusement.
“What? Oh, yeah, sorry.” You spoke nervously. Jill raised a brow and chuckled, leaning one hand against your desk and placing the other on her hip.
“Thinking about your boyfriend?” You felt your ears go hot at the implication, and you stuttered as her smirk grew.
“What? N-No! I-I don’t.. have a boyfriend.” Your eyes diverted away from hers.
“So the kid downstairs isn’t your boyfriend? I saw you two earlier. I thought I was gonna have to bend over a toilet.” You guffawed, and Jill couldn’t help the barking laugh that bubbled from her chest.
“I’m totally joking! But you should go for it. Word around the water cooler is he’s single~” Jill sang, giving you a wink and leaving you to your embarrassment. Unfortunately for you, she was on her way to tell her own boyfriend the gossip about the new girl.
And now, almost a year later and staring in the face of Satan himself, you were kicking yourself for being so doe eyed back then.
“Who’s jealous?” Jill enters the office with a manila folder in hand, a blue STARS logo stamped to the back. Her short, brown hair was pulled back into a low ponytail, a few pieces framing her face in a charming way. Her blue eyes glistened in the fluorescents as they switched back and forth between you and her boyfriend, unsurprisingly excited about some potential workplace gossip.
You see the shit eating grin form on Chris’ face at the opportunity to tease you about Him, and you quickly take the opportunity to intercept.
“I am! Chris has coffee and I don’t. Come with me to the break room?” You put on a puppy dog face for dramatic effect, and Jill raises a suspicious brow. You lace your fingers together with a small pout, and she rolls her eyes playfully with a smirk.
“Sure, let me drop this off at my desk.” Jill turns and walks away, leaving you and Chris alone. His grin was now replaced with an impressed expression, slowly nodding his head.
“Not bad, but this isn’t over.” He gives you a wink and walks back to his desk, and you release a breath. Stupid Chris and his stupid words-
Standing from your chair, you meet Jill at the door of the STARS office and walk side by side to the break room.
“So.. what was that about?” Jill asked, and you groan. She always knew when you were full of shit, it came with the price of being best friends.
“What do you think it was about?” Jill laughed and shook her head.
“God, when are you gonna make a move on that kid? You guys have been pining after each other for, what, a year? I’m surprised it’s been this long.” You scoff and cross your arms as you round the corner of the hallway.
“I am not pining. And neither is he, because if he liked me back he would’ve done something about it by now.” Jill rolled her eyes and huffed.
“I swear you guys are blind. I knew from the second I had to witness that first flirt fest that you guys liked each other. It was love at first sight.” Jill let out a dramatic, whimsical sigh, and wrapped her toned arm around your shoulders. You shook your head, about to push her arm off when she unexpectedly pulled it back down to her side.
“Actually, I’m not feeling coffee. I have to pee. I think I hear my name- yes Chief?” Jill abruptly turned on her heel and you watched in surprise as she dipped back around the corner like a ninja. Why am I even friends with her?
You turn back around and enter the break room, stuttering on your next step when you spotted Leon standing at the counter in his uniform, stirring sugar into his coffee. He was the only one in room besides you, so you took the opportunity to observe him.
Leon had certainly kept up with training, his shoulders were a little bigger and legs a little thicker than when you first met. His hair was shorter though, the regulations the RPD had for their officers prohibiting him from growing it any longer than the tops of his ears, but it still shined in the fluorescent lighting.
“Leon?” You watched Leon’s shoulders jerk upwards and the spoon he previously held clanged to the counter unceremoniously. His head whipped around and spotted you, a small huff of air leaving his lungs in relief.
“God, you scared me.” He laughed, and you laughed with him.
“Sorry, I just wasn’t expecting you up here. You know you have a break room downstairs, right?” For some reason your teasing question caught him off guard, and a faint red tinged his cheeks.
“Uh y-yeah, but the um—coffee’s better up here.” He replied, a cheeky grin gracing his lips. You chuckled and moved next to him, grabbing a mug from the open cabinet, pouring yourself a cup.
“How’s your day going?” Leon spoke after a few seconds, and you smiled giddily down into your coffee at the mere fact that you were having a conversation with him. But then the conversation from seconds ago with Jill came back to mind and your smile dropped as you suddenly became nervous.
“Gine.” You look at Leon and he has an amused smile on his face, a perfect eyebrow raised. Why is he looking at me like that? Is there something on my face??! Wait—GINE??
“FINE! I meant fine. I was gonna say good but then I said fine for some reason,” you felt your face get hot as you babbled in your flustered state, “um. A-Anyways, how are you?”
“Gine.” His smile widened into a cheshire grin and you smacked his shoulder, eliciting a giggle from the officer in front of you.
“Shut up, Kennedy! I’m going back to my desk.” Your face got hotter as you grabbed your mug from the counter beside you.
“No, stay! Have a cup of coffee with me.” You looked back up at him and his cheshire grin was now a soft smile. You narrowed your eyes in suspicion, and he turned towards one of the small tables in the corner of the room, motioning for you over his shoulder.
“Come on, it won’t hurt to take a little break.” Leon sat in one of the chairs and you felt yourself moving to the opposite chair before you could even make up your mind. Only Leon could have this effect on me.
“Only because I like doing charity.” You sighed, and he raised his brows in mock surprise.
“Excuse me, but weren’t you the one begging me to take an extra hour for lunch last week?” Leon crossed his arms on the table, leaning towards you, and you glanced at his muscles bulging in his shirt before you quickly rolled your eyes.
“That taco truck only comes once a month, y’know!” You pointed a finger at him in playful anger, and Leon chuckled, a smile gracing his luscious lips.
“You just don’t wanna admit you like spending time with me.” His smile suddenly turned into a playful pout, and Jill’s words suddenly filled your mind again. ‘I knew from the second I had to witness that first flirt fest that you guys liked each other.’
Jill is the most observant person I know. She couldn’t be wrong. Unless she was teasing me, but she knows how much I like him.. Does he like me? Nobody else jokes around with me like this. Except maybe Chris, but he’s an idiot and Leon definitely isn’t an idiot, and oh god he’s staring at me I forgot to talk he’s so hot-
“Hey, you okay? I was just kidding.” Leon had concern written all over his face and you cleared your throat.
“Yeah, I was just thinking about something.” You said, and Leon raised a suspicious brow.
“And what would that be?” That you like me which is impossible because you’re you and I’m me and Jill has to be wrong!
“Just something Jill said, her and Chris have been teasing me about this crush I have.” Something in Leon’s expression fell suddenly. Oh god why did I say that-
“Oh.. Well, what did she say?” It was silent for a beat, then you decided to test her theory out.
“She’s convinced that my crush likes me back, but I don’t know..” you bite your lip and you watch his eyes glance down at the action, but quickly glance back up at your eyes.
“Well,” Leon clears his throat, “I think any guy would be lucky to say that you have a crush on them.” You feel a blush fill your cheeks and you smile softly at him.
“Thanks, Leon.” You notice his cheeks get red as well, and he gives a shaky chuckle before looking at you with an eyebrow raised.
“Well, are you gonna tell me who it is or are you gonna leave me hangin’?” Leon asked, and you swear your heart stopped. Your mouth open and closed like a fish out of water, and Leon’s eyebrows furrowed.
“U-Uh… I um- well you see-” Before you could embarrass yourself any further, Chris barged into the break room with Jill following, looking up at her boyfriend with an expression of frustration.
“I just wanna see if I can catch them making ou-” Chris stops in the doorway at the sight of you and Leon sitting innocently across from one another, “oh,” his excited expression dropping quickly into disappointment. Jill’s hands were wrapped around his arm as she bumped into his side at his abrupt stop, frustrated eyes turning sympathetic as she shifted them from Chris to you.
“Excuse us.” Jill says, yanking on Chris’ arm and they were gone just as fast as they appeared. Thankfully that little stunt, which you were totally gonna kill Chris for, cured your nervousness.
“I swear he was dropped on his head or something.” You deadpanned, and Leon laughed, taking a sip of his coffee.
“I tell myself the same thing every day.” You laughed together, and after the laughter died down you sat in a comfortable silence. You were tapping your coffee mug with your finger gently, staring into the tan liquid in thought.
“You don’t have to tell me who it is,” Leon spoke quietly, and your eyes shot up to his, only he wasn’t looking at you anymore—“if you like him I can bet anything he’s a good man, and I’m happy for you.” And in that moment, witnessing Leon’s failure to hide his sadness in his smile, you knew.
Leon Kennedy liked you.
[A/N] hey guys! let me know if i should write a pt 2?? maybe?? potentially???? i really liked writing this one !!
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violottie · 3 months
please read full caption before signing
"Human Rights Watch (HRW) has urged the international community to impose sanctions on Israel for its failure to comply with the International Court of Justice's order to take provisional measures in Gaza to prevent genocide of the Palestinian people." from Call 2 Action Now, 18/Mar/2024:
caption cont. under image.
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In a statement on X, the organization stated that countries should impose targeted sanctions and an arms embargo on Israel to comply with the relevant order issued by the International Court of Justice in January.
HRW pointed out that Tel Aviv has not complied with the court's orders and has failed to deliver aid and basic services to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.
The link to the letter, European Union Sanctions, is above. Read the letter and at the end of the letter, sign it! Please note: do not add your employer's name as this cannot be removed later.
The final step after you signed and sent the letter, you will receive a link in your email (make sure to check spam and junk) click this link to verify your signature.👍
If you do not complete the final step then the signature is invalid.
We want 10,000 signatures, so make sure to share the link as far wide as possible.
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