#electrical lighting company
electricallightinguae · 4 months
It is essential to choose the right Electrical Components in the UAE for safety and performance reasons. If you are seeking the perfect industrial plugs and sockets, this article is a reliable guide. Continue Reading.....
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rui-drawsbox · 5 months
(almost) first-time
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Based off that one fanfic that i can't really find but it's about how he stops himself everytime things got spicy ("he pulled his hand like he got a burn" or smth like that and it's been living in my head rent free ever since)
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kaythefloppa · 1 year
The holy trinity of PBS Kids Evil Inventors
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r-h-e-t · 8 months
Reeve Tuesti.
Funny cat man. Staunch proponent of improving living standards for people of all backgrounds and economic status. Enthusiast of city planning and publicly funded infrastructure. Expert in robotics, architecture, and civil engineering.
At the end of Final Fantasy VII, he finds himself free of the corrupt warmongering of the Shinra dictatorship, free to follow his heart and conscience, free to enact changes that will help the people of Midgar and restore the injured planet the best ways he knows how.
. . .
Four years later:
(On the Way to a Smile - "Episode: Denzel")
It was Reeve, former Shinra bigwig, now the leader of the WRO . . . folk whispered that the stench of death clung to him. . . . . . . . "You should know first of all that our organization isn't like it used to be. The days of welcoming anyone who was willing to join are long gone. If you want to help in the reconstruction, talk to your local district officer. The WRO is a military institution now."
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reeve i swear to GOD
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paxtonvaldovinos · 1 month
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Smart Home Solutions at Palm Beach Audio Visions
At Palm Beach Audio Visions (PBAV), we are passionate about delivering exceptional audio visual, home automation, lighting, and technology integration solutions for residential and commercial projects. From the initial concept to the final system deployment, we are dedicated to ensuring that projects are completed on time and within budget while exceeding industry standards for quality. Our team of experienced professionals brings a wealth of expertise in the high-end market and a strong focus on building lasting relationships with our clients. Feel free to visit us!
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Got a call from someone at a nearby event saying their Sawbuck got stuck on a lamp post and they need help getting it down. I say, please elaborate. They just repeat themselves. I assume this is a prank but go out to see what's going on because I'm bored and it's a slow day. There is a sawbuck on the lamp post. They will not elaborate on how it got there. I am now staring at a sawbuck chilling on a lamp post without a care in the world. I do not know how to fix this. I need a raise.
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aspoonfulofwitchcraft · 11 months
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Porch in Seattle Small urban concrete back porch idea with a roof extension
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Spiral Pendant Light in Sydney, NSW
Spiral Pendant Light in Sydney, NSW
Light up your dining space with an alluring twist using a spiral pendant light. This eye-catching centerpiece promotes practicality and modern design, casting cozy, diffused light around the room. Its elegant spiral structure gives a sense of movement, adding a stylish and dynamic touch to your dining atmosphere. Enjoy your meals under its warm glow while it smoothly integrates into your décor and elevates your dining experience. A remarkable fusion of light and art!
Marky Sparky Electrical Toongabbie 2146, Sydney, NSW, Australia 0432 209 235 https://www.markysparkyelectrical.com.au/
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scotianostra · 2 years
Rothesay tram No. 3 at Ettrick Bay
Rothesay tram No. 3 at Ettrick Bay by Frederick McLean Via Flickr: An old photograph of Rothesay and Ettrick Bay Light Railway car No. 3 at Ettrick Bay on the Isle of Bute, Scotland. The photo reverse is stamped as it having been taken by (and/or the original neg is owned by) C. Carter. No. 3 was built in 1902 by the Electric Railway and Tramway Carriage Works Ltd. seating 32+18 (32 on its crossbench seats and 9 in each of the two end saloons) and running on Brill 22E reversed maximum traction bogies. From 1901 (electrified in 1902) until 1914 the tramway was owned by British Electric Traction, and from 1914 until the tramway closure in Sep 1936 it was controlled by the Scottish General Transport Co. who from 1932 had a name change to the Western Scottish Motor Traction Co. 📷 Any photograph I post on Flickr is an original in my possession, nothing is ever copied/downloaded from another location. 📷 ------------------------------------------------- If there are any errors in the above description please let me know. Thanks. Any photograph, ephemera, etc I post on Flickr is in my possession, nothing is copied from another location. The original photographer may have taken copies from their original negative and passed them out (sold them?) so there may be other copies out there of your (and my) 'original' transport photo, although occasionally there may be 'holiday snaps' type photos where there are not any other photos exactly the same in existence. If you wish to use this image (bearing in mind it may not be my copyright) or obtain a full size version (most of my uploads are small size) please contact me.
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iowacitypast · 2 years
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Softball game, The University of Iowa, 1930s
Creator: unknown
University Hospital Gothic Tower visible in background.
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gurrillero-aa · 2 years
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capitalelectrical · 10 days
Brighten Your Space: Harnessing the Power of LED Lighting in Interior Decor
Introduction: Enlightening the Interior
In the domain of inside plan, lighting fills in as a groundbreaking component, molding the climate and temperament of a space. With the coming of Driven lighting, inside style has entered another time of imagination and usefulness. This blog investigates the bunch manners by which Drove lighting can lift inside spaces, enlightening the two feel and common sense.
Understanding LED Lighting in Interior Decor:
LED Lighting has changed the universe of inside style, offering a flexible and energy-effective lighting arrangement. Not at all like conventional radiant bulbs, Drove lights emanate a splendid, clear light that improves perceivability and complements design highlights. From task lighting in kitchens and restrooms to encompassing lighting in parlors and rooms, Drove apparatuses can be custom-made to suit any plan tasteful.
The Versatility of LED Lighting:
One of the vital benefits of Driven lighting in inside style is its flexibility. Driven apparatuses arrive in many shapes, sizes, and varieties, permitting creators to make custom lighting answers for any space. Whether it's recessed lights, pendant lights, or under-bureau strips, Drove apparatuses can be flawlessly incorporated into different plan styles, from current and moderate to provincial and conventional.
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LED Lighting
Enhancing Aesthetics and Functionality:
LED Lighting not just upgrades the tasteful allure of inside spaces yet in addition further develops usefulness. With their long life expectancy and low energy utilization, Drove bulbs are practical as well as harmless to the ecosystem. Moreover, Drove lights discharge negligible intensity, making them ideal for enlightening sensitive craftsmanship, materials, and goods without causing harm.
Creating Ambiance with Interior Decor Lighting:
Interior decor lighting into inside style permits architects to establish vivid and dynamic conditions. By decisively putting Drove installations and using darkening controls, fashioners can control light levels to inspire various temperaments over the course of the day. Whether it's delicate, warm light for private social events or brilliant, cool light for centered work, Drove lighting can be custom fitted to suit the necessities of any space.
Conclusion: Illuminating Possibilities
In conclusion, LED Lighting has arisen as a distinct advantage in inside stylistic theme, offering unmatched flexibility, productivity, and stylish allure. By tackling the force of Driven innovation, fashioners can light up any space, establishing outwardly shocking conditions that improve the two feel and usefulness. Whether it's enlightening engineering highlights, featuring craftsmanship, or setting the temperament for unwinding, Interior decor lighting offers vast opportunities for changing inside spaces into enlightened masterpieces.
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lakshmirani778899 · 24 days
Electricians in Bangalore are available in large quantities, but it is always smart to choose the best Electrical Service in Bangalore for homes and offices. Electrical services must be done by professionals so that the connections in the home stay fine. Electricity is present in every house and building, and in a city like Bangalore, people consume a huge amount of electricity.
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paxtonvaldovinos · 23 days
Enhance Your Home with Lutron Smart Window Electric Shades
In the era of smart homes, window treatments have evolved far beyond traditional curtains and blinds. Lutron, a leader in smart home technology, offers a revolutionary solution with its Smart Window Electric Shades. These innovative shades combine advanced technology, elegant design, and user-friendly features to provide unparalleled convenience and comfort. In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits of Lutron Smart Window Electric Shades, how they work, and why they are a perfect addition to any modern home.
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What Are Lutron Smart Window Electric Shades?
Automated window coverings, Lutron Smart Window Electric Shades, can be operated from a distance via voice commands, a tablet, or a smartphone. Thanks to the quiet and effective motors that drive these shades, smooth and accurate adjustments are possible. Lutron shades, which come in various designs, materials, and hues, may blend in with any interior design while offering practical advantages like light control, privacy, and energy efficiency.
Benefits of Lutron Smart Window Electric Shades
Convenience and Control: With Lutron Smart Window Electric Shades, you can easily control the amount of natural light entering your home. Using the Lutron app, you can raise, lower, or adjust your shades with a simple tap on your smartphone or tablet. Additionally, these shades can be integrated with voice assistants like Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Apple HomeKit, allowing you to control them using voice commands.
Energy Efficiency: Lutron shades can significantly enhance your home’s energy efficiency. They automatically adjust based on the time of day and help regulate indoor temperatures. During the summer, the shades can be lowered to block out heat, reducing the need for air conditioning. In the winter, they can let in natural sunlight, helping warm your home and reduce heating costs.
Enhanced Privacy and Security: Lutron Smart Window Electric Shades offer increased privacy and security. You can schedule the shades to close at specific times, ensuring your home remains private, especially during the evening. Additionally, while you’re away, you can program your shades to open and close at different times to give the appearance that someone is home, deterring potential intruders.
Aesthetic Appeal: With many different materials, colors, and patterns, you may personalize these shades to complement your interior decor perfectly. Lutron offers solutions that can improve the visual appeal of any room, whether you prefer the sleek appearance of roller shades or the elegance of draperies.
Smart Integration: Lutron Smart Window Electric Shades integrate seamlessly with other smart home systems. This means you can create custom scenes that involve multiple smart devices. For example, you can create a “Movie Night” scene where the shades are lower, the lights dim, and your home theater system is turned on, all with a single command.
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How Lutron Smart Window Electric Shades Work
Lutron shades operate using advanced motorized technology that ensures smooth and quiet operation. Here’s a brief overview of how they work:
Installation: Professional installation is recommended for Lutron Smart Window Electric Shades to ensure they are correctly fitted and integrated with your home’s electrical system. A certified installer will measure your windows, help you choose the right shades, and set up the system.
Control: Once installed, you can control the shades using the Lutron app, a wall-mounted keypad, or voice commands. The app allows you to set schedules, create scenes, and easily adjust individual shades or groups of shades.
Automation: Lutron shades can be programmed to operate automatically based on your preferences. You can set them to open in the morning to let in natural light and close in the evening for privacy. To maximize energy efficiency, sensors can also change the shades according to how much sunshine enters the space.
Why Choose Lutron Smart Window Electric Shades?
Lutron has pioneered smart home technology for decades and is known for its high-quality products and innovative solutions. Choosing Lutron Smart Window Electric Shades means investing in a reliable, durable, and stylish solution for your home. These shades enhance your comfort and convenience and add value to your property.
Lutron Smart Window Electric Shades are a fantastic addition to any home, offering a blend of modern technology and elegant design. With benefits ranging from improved energy efficiency to enhanced privacy and seamless integration with other smart devices, these shades provide a comprehensive solution for today’s smart home needs. Transform your home with Lutron Smart Window Electric Shades from Palm Beach Audio Visions! Experience unmatched convenience, energy efficiency, and elegant design. Control your shades with ease using your smartphone or voice commands. Schedule your consultation today and elevate your living space with cutting-edge bright window solutions!
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cosmicgesture · 4 months
Our equipment may have failed, causing your bill to become too expensive for you to pay. If you believe this is the case, you are required to pay $130 to have us test our equipment. We cannot do anything else for you. If the meter tests fine, you still have to pay the $140 electric bill on top of the testing cost.
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