wait whys M9 not a found family
Because they fucking suck at caring about each other in a genuine way when it calls for it
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spohkh · 1 year
“ive been so focused on never returning to my world i never realized how lucky i was to have found you”
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i’ve got a cool monster prom s/i that i’m gonna draw soon!! very excited!!
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patorucho · 11 months
ignore me just making tags for us when we'll talk ^_^ /
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mytrainline · 2 years
critrole dota2 collab when? hear me out.
theyre already going nuts with the personas anyway, so why not?
Fjord Kunkka
Beauregard Marci
Yasha Sven (of course. Gods' strength makes her wings pop out)
was honestly thinking about Caleb Lina, but caleb doesnt go zoom when casting fire spells, so Caleb Invoker would be better. You could think his summoned fire spawns are spirits of his parents! 🙂🙃
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rightpastnowhere · 2 years
my impressions of the mighty nein as a critter who hasn’t watched campaign 2
fjord: hot cowboy orc man who’s british sometimes??? also he is haunted by some eye bitch under the water
molly: hot. everyone thinks he’s hot. bisexual, and doesn’t know what a gender is. really sweet but hides it by being horny on main. also dead
caleb: arson trauma man who really likes cats and is secretly hot under 4 months of dirt
jester: chaos incarnate. draws dicks on everything. loves her mom very much. has the power to start a cult and is very aware of it
yasha: tall. buff but also soft. no social skills, really likes flowers for what’s probably a heartbreaking reason. she misses her wife, tails
beau: daddy issues lesbian who likes to punch her problems instead of confronting them. a monk, pop pop bitch
caduceus: graveyard man, makes dead people tea. gets trapped?? places??? he is stupid. i love him. he is my favorite
nott: a goblin girl who is the equivalent of a mom trying to be hip and cool with her kid’s friends. also a klepto. also sometimes british????
veth: nott but she’s embracing her uncool mom side now. has so many buttons
essek: he’s a floating war criminal apparently???? also hot boi?????? who is this lost grad student
lucien: mollymauk?? but again???? but more eldritch this time
kiri: the best creature to ever exist but who let the m9 raise a (bird) child
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motts-erella · 26 days
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Hazbin Hotel Murder Drones AU: Master Post
I love both shows so much and someone on twitter suggested that my Alastor w/ mic-tail looked like a Murder Drone and I just was compelled to draw it.
It's very indulgent and I'm sure some characters would fit better with others, but this is what I came up with and I'm running with it! (If anyone wants to take their own spin on it, please lemme know I wanna see)
It's a Radioapple AU, with minor Adamsapple
It's also got flavors thrown in from a few popular theories
Character sheets, art and more below
Alastor is the Uzi Character, I vibe a lot with the idea of Alastor in the Eldritch!Form
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A normal worker drone infected with Absolute Solver (which is Roo in this au!) Yes I gave the microphone teeth. I am so sorry. I imagine these versions of the characters are adults, instead of high schoolers to more vibe with Hazbin's character pool.
Here's a fully rendered art I did inspired from Episode 7. I really wanted to draw the lantern in the mic-tail's mouth
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Lucifer is in N's position
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An outcast among the Disassembly Drones. He has the biggest crush on Adam at the beginning of the story, but eventually develops feelings for Alastor
I like to think the Cyn in this au which is Eve/Roo gave him more wings then everyone else because he was nice to her.
Also look at him, he's baby, I wanna million of him
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Adam takes V's position
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He fucking LOVES being a disassembly drone, but after Al and Lu drag him into things he very quickly adapts and eventually becomes a part of the team. He ends up becoming the cool guy at the Worker Drone Colony
I went though a few incarnations before I found my final design for Adam:
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Lastly for characters whom have art that I have finished here's Lute in the 'J' position.
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She's sent down with Adam and Lucifer, and later is helping the Tessa character (who is Lilith). She's definitely the least fleshed out at the moment, and I might branch away from MD canon with her, but I do like her coming back with Lilith.
Like Adam figuring the exact style took a few tries:
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Other cast members I have worked out include:
Tessa - Lilith
Cyn/Absolute Solver - Eve/Roo
Alice - Pentious (my beloved snake boi I'm so sorry maybe I'll save you in the au somehow)
Beau - Frank
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Quarterfinals, bracket A, poll 1
Propaganda for Beauyasha: "They’re literally so cool, they could both snap someone’s neck in a second, but then they’d settle down for some nice tea {:"
"their first date involved fighting ninja dogs <;3"
"They spent 500 hours of irl time and uncountable hours in game time pining, and then more being simultaneously cottagecore wives, badass rich-jerk-beating librarians, revenge against all who wronged them, world savers, bar owners, cult starters, cult enders, talking down an eldritch horror, Being eldritch horrors. Then have a canonical "who's touched more tits." argument Yasha flies beau in her wings and catches her, her rage sustaining her love. They're both incredibly silly and got matching tattoos from both their friend/former crush, AND a turtle pirate navigator. Yasha is 6'8" and flys & Beau is 5'4". Yasha surfed on a fucking greatsword into a pit of mad science monsters. Beau has so many moments of badass I genuinely cant pick which one is most awesome to post here for propaganda. Beau is simultaneously one of the head investigators of a group elite librarian ninjas, and also a complete dumbass. She is so cool, and so Not cool at the same time. Yasha is edgy and goth, and plays a Bone Harp! and also collects flowers for her dead wife and is too awkward to look beau in the eyes and once tried to compose a love poem that started "Oh beau beau beau, eyes so blue and hair so shorn on the sides." Their friend set up a "three people, but only 2 beds for them, and then they each, Individually decided they were more comfortable on the floor so as not to share a bed. So they did. Next to eachother. On the floor. Next to an Empty bed."
Propaganda for Harlivy: "Vote Harlivy for one of the oldest wlw ships! Harley Quinn hits things with a baseball bat and Poison Ivy is an ecoterrorist who uses plants to kill oil executives. They've been subtext for a very long time, but recently (last decade or so) they've been canon, and the Harley Quinn animated show focuses on their relationship a lot."
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utilitycaster · 30 days
Hi there,
You said in the answer you just gave that, "the Nein mechanically played really well to the casts strength." Could you talk more about that? I'm someone who hasn't actually played D&D before, and everything I've learned has been through osmosis with CR, and your more crunchy posts have been really interesting to read, too.
Hi anon,
Thank you! I can answer but this is definitely pretty subjective in terms of how I see the classes they played and my view of the cast's mechanical strengths so know that you're getting one very specific perspective here. You will notice as a theme that I am not one for indecision.
Anyway: I think Liam and Travis are both notable within the cast for being decisive, in and out of combat, and both played characters with a huge array of options, as arcane utility spellcasters (plus Fjord's melee and, later, paladin abilities) and so having people who can make a quick, confident decision and stick to it with their spellcasting was crucial. Travis also has, as I once put it, court sense, and so having a character with options at basically any range in combat (from melee to eldritch blast range) was extremely good for him. I also just think they like utility casting, which, as my url indicates, I obviously think is awesome; but not all people like it and that's okay! I also just think they like it - both have mentioned on 4SD that Orym and Chetney are much more limited in what they can do.
I think Sam can get really hung up on the optimal and ideal thing to do at times. Really, the best way to put it - and FCG's death is a great example actually - is that Sam is not precious at all with his own characters but is worried about letting other people down. So I think the fact that Veth had a limited but interesting number of choices was actually quite good for him - he could make creative decisions (and even think outside the box, as with fluffernutter) but didn't have an endless list. It also still provided spellcasting, which is important to him.
I think Marisha is one of the strongest players on adding flavor to combat which is purely non-mechanical but is important in actual play if you are playing a character who does mostly the same thing. For what it's worth a lot of the things Beau played to her strengths were on the RP side (give the notetaker a character who has a reason to know a lot of lore) and also, I like monks but they are very straightforward characters to play in battle for the most part so there's not a ton to say, but I think she had a good sense of melee combat and would love to see her play more melee characters; Keyleth was obviously incredibly versatile, but this meant she did spend a lot of time in melee! Marisha also has decent instincts for tanking (Keyleth as regular tank thanks to wildshape and Beau as a dodge tank) so Beau allowed her to exercise that.
Taliesin is also a generally strong player in terms of mechanics and I think, honestly, his strength is that he doesn't seem to have a strong preference on what sort of class he plays and therefore was able to lean into a character who was almost purely support without any resentment over not getting the kill. In general I think Taliesin is very good at just...doing what his character is built to do, which seems damning with faint praise but honestly I think people who get really obsessive about Subverting Their D&D Class are annoying so this is praise and respect.
Laura is an interesting one in that I think she really likes to do Big Damage but she actually is quite skilled at utility casting. Having Caduceus definitely allowed Jester to shine in that she didn't have to serve as dedicated healer, but she also was a strong healer. Laura can be somewhat precious about her characters and I think being a healer is a good antidote for that in that you have the power to heal yourself if you get worried (honestly, this is why I started off as someone who played healers until I allowed myself to accept that dying on graph paper, as Taliesin once said, is fine). Being a prepared caster is also good for someone who, like Laura, can be competitive - it's interesting because she and Sam have a lot of similarities but I think respond in different ways, and Laura having a lot of options and knowing she can change them works well for her approach.
Ashley is also quite strong at flavor descriptors but I also think she likes doing damage, and I think Yasha was very much a "right character at the right time" for her in that barbarians are complicated in the sense of maneuvering, but not in the sense of options - it's a much easier character to jump back into after being away because she is, for the most part, going to be hitting things with a sword. I think she's doing a great job with Fearne too, but wildfire druid is MUCH harder to put down and pick up.
Really, in short, I think the cast members who thrive on having a ton of decisions had them; the cast members who at times have trouble picking what to do had a much more limited list which helped them; and those who don't really have a strong preference had other stylistic elements that were a good fit.
(I also happen to think, as I alluded to especially for Marisha's portrayal of Beau, that the Nein played to the cast's RP strengths as well and/or were given the time and space for the cast to grow into things they were less confident doing, eg: Travis and romance; and I think that does bleed into combat in that it helps you take actions that feel right for the character which in turn helps the other people around you predict what you'll do. It's the drift compatibility.)
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stardustedknuckles · 1 year
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Lay it on me, I wanna hear every Bi Fjord moment you're in the mood to list
This took me WAY longer than I intended because I kept forgetting to answer, but here's a listing of Bisexual Fjord Moments, incomplete because it is off the top of my head, ymmv:
owns a sword
felt that Shakäste calling everyone "baby" was charming - 2.09
winks at Molly, then slices through and kills a merrow that was lunging at Molly - 2.22
makes eye contact with Molly, then blows imaginary smoke off one of his Eldritch Blast finger guns - 2.22, since it's hard to find in the transcript by keyword: "As Molly looks over, I'm like (blows)"
the Eldritch Blast finger guns, multiple times
when asked in non-gendered terms about his sexual history, he answers in a way that remains unspecific about the genders of his previous sexual partners - 2.24
apparently finds Ophelia Mardoon hot: "What in the hot fuck is going on with her?" "[Beau:] I think hot fuck is actually very appropriate on a few levels." "[nods, 'fair']" - 2.30 (this is a Top Table Solidarity moment)
derailed a conversation to ask Jester (with sincere curiosity) about how many dicks she's seen, seconded Beau asking what the best dick she's seen was, then when she said Molly's dick, asked for details: "Was it tattooed?" - 2.32
finding Avantika hot is for the queers
when he suggests that he and Jester seduce Ludinus and Vess, he is unspecific which of them he imagines himself to be seducing (this is also a Bi Jester Moment, since she is also unspecific about who she agrees to seduce, they are bi4bi) - 2.49
incubus (male) appears in extremely attractive form to him - 2.54
apparently assumes that Caleb is hitting on him, is not not into it: "I appreciate you." "You what?" "Sometimes you have to get a little bit crazy." "What do you mean, right now?" - 2.57
unable to focus on anything other than how fantastic Jester's muscular arms look after she freshly gets her tattoo, while he's lying on the deck no less, favorite: "There's a lot of definition where your bicep meets your deltoid, it's—" - 2.84
jokes that Jester's longer horns giving her an intimidating look is why he finds her attractive - 2.118
propositions Lucien, attempting to get through to Molly - 2.139
whatever the FUCK was going on with Eadwulf - 2.141
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demigoddessqueens · 5 months
Beauty and the Beast centric VM and Mighty Nein? S/O is cursed to take the form of a beast and the VM/MN S/O helps to break the curse?
Eeekk yes! I dig this!!
If you ever felt insecure about your beast form, the Druidess is so sweet and good to you, shifting in form to help you feel more comfortable around her
You and him bond over what has always been a shadowy part of your lives, and even to the mage, he thinks you’re a true vision in beast form
To the tiefling, it feels like something out of one her romance novels, but the reality of it with you has all the highs and lows that she would never trade for anything else
He’s naturally curious about your condition and wants to learn more about it, learn more about you. Scouring over every book to read up on what can help you
The ax wielding barbarian just thinks you look awesome, are awesome, and your beast and/or human form always looks perfect in his eyes
She feels safe with you, always makes you feel good about yourself, and looks up to you
He feels less “alone” with you, your form and his raven wings are the parts of each other you find comfort in
The monk will admit she was bit scared when she saw your beast form
Another soul you find solace with, and it doesn’t hurt that her soft voice equally matches the
The half orc has traveled the seas and seen all sights, and you are an eldritch oddity and beauty to him.
As an individual who dealt with a demon, he knows what it’s like to be taken to that edge but even you in your state are not like that and knowing your vulnerabilities urges him to protect you
As someone who has gone through her own transformation, she relates to you so much and you bond fast over time.
He had seen all walks of life, big and small, in the circus with Yasha so your beast form does not scare him. Rather you feel flattered by his sweet compliments of “darling you’re fabulous”
She was hesitant to let you join the party at first, but seeing as how protective you are to the party in beast form, it just becomes some unspoken thing for you to stay. Over time, she begins to trust you, talk to you more, and wants to learn more about you
He is ever the calm and collected individual who keeps you grounded during transformations, and he promises you that he’ll find a way, whatever he can to help you.
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wayward-delver · 9 months
There are Drones, then there are Monster Drones: (Monster Hunter x Murder Drones)
Tessa is a Hunter/Rider btw.
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Uzi Doorman is Yian Garuga, the Lone Wolf Wyvern. A toxic fire unmatched for someone her size.
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N is a Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax, a dragon that can hellfire across the world he simply doesn't want to.
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V is a Seregios, she's an angry pinecone that will cut you.
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J is a Shrieking Legiana and Eldritch J is Narkarkos, an Ice Cold Tyrant Angel and Mountain of Stolen Corpses respectively.
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Khan Doorman is an Azure Yian Kut Ku, he gets on his daughter's nerves a lot.
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Nori Doorman was a Dreadqueen Rathian, the name says it all.
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The Sentinels are Tzitzi Ya Ku, it's about what you'd expect.
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Lizzy is the ever-pompous Crimson Qurupeco, she's vain and calls some really scary people.
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Thad is a Great Maccao, the cool Chad everyone likes, punching well above his weight class, and always paying for it.
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Briaden was the Kulu Ya Ku, who has since gone the way of the dodo.
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Rebecca was the Purple Gypceros, she was gone in a flash.
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Doll is the Malzeno, a fallen angel damned to a dreaded existence by an ancient evil.
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Alice was the Kecha Wacha, the knife-swinging lunatic of the jungle ruins.
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Beau was Testucabara, he was a good boy but bit off more than he could chew.
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Cyn the Risen Shagaru Gore Magala, the Golden Demise, the start of all the suffering and strife, a living plague.
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The Absolute Solver is Gaismagorm, The Archdemon of the Abyss, corrupter of souls, devourer of worlds.
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idolysa · 2 months
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†⃨⃰‧̍̊ ◟ ͜ ͜ ͜ ◞ @rwuffles Inspired SNPTs。 ♡
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🍪 、System Names ; The love-driven Pups, Valentines’s demise, Sweet hearts, Hounds of Love, Puppy Love collective, Street Mutts, Adorable Villains, Maidish puppies, The sweetest mutts, Kindness’ Doggy/Doggies, Stray Cuties, Devilish ‘n Adorable, Sweet Saviors, Baby Lambs, Sacrificial Puppies, Cutest little Doggy/Doggies, (The) Eldritch Frankenpups, Demonic sweethearts, Oceanic pups.
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🐶 、Names ; 貴 (quý), 娟 (quyên), 慧 (huệ), 紅 (hồng), 志 (chí), 安 (an), 嬌 (kiều), 光 (quang), 艷 or 琰 (diễm), 緣 (duyên), 麗 (lệ), 愛 (ái), 真 (chân), 瑾 (cẩn), 恭 (cung), 嘉 (gia), 好 (hảo), 侯 (hậu), Huyên, 康 (khang), 謙 (khiêm), 敬 (kính), 亮 (lượng), 日 (nhật), 寧 (ninh), 昌 (xương), 王 (vương), 偉 (vĩ), 慧 (tuệ), Lãng, Loi, Ngoan, Nhạc.
These names are Vietnamese and are sourced from behindthename.com, please tell me if there are any mistakes.
🐾 、More Names, but Exclusive to bửu’s use ; Amitai, Ammiel, Armon, Asher, Azrael, Baruch, Dror, El/Eli, Elazar, Elihu, Elior, Elishua, Habakkuk, Hallel, Ira, Ishmerai, Jaasiel, Jadon, Yafe, Mehamem, Nathaniel, Lev, Liron, Eitan.
These are Hebrew names from my own Culture, do not use these if you aren’t Jewish. Xuân has exclusive Permission from me to use These.
🦴 、More Names, but I Pulled them out My Ass ; Pupangel, Sweetmilk, Pupysia, Pupdoll, Sweetener, Sacrifysa, Bitez, Kyutie, Wolfymp, Oceanari, Loserpup, Sweetooth, Mupup, Dogmu, Murian, Mumin, Sharum, Divimu, Lovimu, Mulentine.
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🐑 、Pronouns ; H♡/H♡m, H☆/H☆m, He/Heart, Heart/Heartbeat, Ki/Kind, Ki/Kiss, Lo/Love, Pu/Puppy, Mu/Mutt, Wu/Wuff, Ar/Arff, Swe/Sweet, Beau/Beauty, La/Lamb, Cu/Cute, Kyu/Kyute, Dem/Demise, Ocea/Ocean, Sea/Sea’s, Aqu/Aqua, Shar/Shark, Dea/Dear, Cha/Charm, Exci/Excite, Wag/Wag’s, He/Hero, Sacri/Sacrificial, Swo/Swoon, Lo/Loser, Boy/Boyfie, Pat/Pats, Paw/Paw’s, Oup/Ouppy, Li/Little, Ange/Angel, Ble/Bless, Gi/Gift.
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💌 、Titles ; The Heartbeat of My Heart, The Genius sweet tooth, Prn who’s Tail Wags Excitedly/Happily, The Sweet-toothed Hero, My Beautiful puppyboy, Prn’s sacrificial Demise, The Oceanic mutt, Prn who’s just the Sweetest, The oh-so Charming Boy/Pup/Hero, Prn who has Swooned (Prn’s Villain), The kind-hearted Hero, Prn’s beyond-adorable Obliviousness/Excitement, The cutest Mutt, Prn who’s full of Love, The Prettiest Boy ☆.
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haastera · 3 days
I can't be the only one who sees a tentacle tip in the shot showing Ep6's aftermath in the Ep7 trailer.
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Grayish wood, curved black tentacle tip, and more grayish wood below.
Whatever it is, it is curved and raised above the floor.
No body, no parts of a body, new rubble on the floor, a (presumably) dead Sentinel, no Alice & Beau to contain V's core, UZI reminding Alice (and the viewer) what will happen if V dies, and now a tentacle that looks to be leading out of the opening to the left.
We're getting Eldritch V next episode. If not, V is at least returning as a core like Nori or after being rescued by re-animated Murder Drones.
They could have easily added a few Murder Drone body parts and a crushed looking core in this scene to show that this V is truly dead if there are no further plans for her.
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the-simple-creature · 3 months
Something I noticed about MD's villains.
None of them are... monsters, beasts.
Like, they're all witty, they (almost) all talk... I wouldn't even count the sentinels as villains.
The DD's may have looked like monsters at first, but deep down they're still people. Eldritch J (The AS) while big and scary, spoke and hell, The AS might be one of the smartest characters in the show. Doll is more cool than scary and has been SHOWN to be smart as hell. Solver(?) Uzi is a gremlin to be sure but also has a sense of humor. I already talked about The AS (I don't count Solver V as separate from The AS). The sentinels are just doing their jobs, Beau and co. are just trying to survive.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm kinda tired of evil robot women.
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