btaut · 3 months
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Eisern, März 2024
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samsi6 · 1 year
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Was nun den ganzen Dreck angeht, der überall auf Straßen herumliegt, der ist gar nicht auf diesem Bild. Hier sieht man drei Schwäne, den Main, ein Stück vom Eisernen Steg, zwei Schiffe, einen Teil eines weiteren Gebäudes, so'n Kram halt...
Now, as for all the dirt that's strewn all over the streets, it's not in this picture at all. Here you can see three swans, River Main, a piece of the Iron Bridge "Eiserner Steg", two ships, parts of another building, stuff like that...
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frankfurtphoto · 8 months
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Eiserner Steg, Altstadt, 2023
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somuchiwannasaybutnahx · 11 months
„Wer achtet auf mich jetzt, dass ich mich nicht verlauf? Und wenn ich jetzt falle, wer fängt mich dann auf?“
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lupines-slash-recs · 1 year
Rec: Pushing Daisies by Eiserne
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Title: Pushing Daisies Author: Eiserne Canon: Hellsing Pairing: Integra Hellsing/Alucard; side of Seras Victoria/Pip Bernadotte Rating: Teen [PG] Word Count: 4,483 Summary: Alucard, Integra, and a semblance of marriage.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
“Among present-day political parties, the Socialists, and notably the German Social Democratic Party, especially in its early years and around the end of the last century, made extensive use of symbols as a means of recruitment and of encouragement to active membership. The Red Flag, the carnation in the buttonhole, and the term ‘‘comrade” are symbols that have played an important part in the history of the Socialist movement. It is true that as time passed the Social Democratic Party, and especially its leaders, became more and more respectable; it grew ashamed of its earlier sentimental explosions, and considered symbolism a game for children; its leaders no longer let themselves go except in the accumulation of evidence and statistics and in economic theory and history and the like. If ever they returned for a moment to their old emotional propaganda, once used with such skill, they made such tame and ineffective use of it that it was robbed of its appeal. 
The new style was in conformity with the new theory: it was believed that the whole mechanism of the world was simply a series of economic operations, and that men were simply the pieces in a game of chess, identical automata, furnished with digestive apparatus and not much else that mattered, and reacting only to economic agents. It was said that everything followed a natural and inevitable course: the whole world was becoming industrialized; overproduction and unemployment, the inevitable consequences of the capitalist chaos, produced a crisis; the “fuel” for the “automata” ran short; the automata “rebelled”; and every four years, when a button was pressed that sent them to the ballot-box, they voted in increasing numbers for the advanced parties. At last the end so patiently awaited, the 51 per cent, of the total vote, would be attained, the era of Socialism would begin, and then the jugglers with statistics, having completed the necessary democratic formalities, would proceed to give the automata a happy existence.
The practical conclusion to be drawn from this theory was : “Discipline! Keep cool! We shall reply to our opponents with our votes, ten days after they have slapped our faces!” This was the classic reply given by the leaders of the German Social Democratic Party in Berlin on July 20, 1932, the fatal day on which that party signed its own death sentence by tamely submitting to von Papen’s bluff. On that day von Papen, Chancellor of a "national Government” about to go to the polls, forcibly removed the Socialist Government of Prussia.
For this ignorance of modem physiological data concerning the science of life and of man, this habit of considering man as an automaton, reacting only to the agency of economic factors, this persistent failure to take account of the realities of human nature and its nervous mechanisms, this stubborn fidelity to manifestly inadequate dogmas, a bitter price has had to be paid. In spite of all the prophecies concerning the securing of the famous 51 per cent, of the votes, prophecies which were not so far from fulfillment, the Socialist parties of the whole world, in spite of the important trump cards in their hands, have suffered defeat after defeat. Their Fascist opponents, the last descendants of capitalism in its death throes, men without human ideals and without any well-defined economic programme, found means of setting the masses in motion and of administering shocks to the great democracies, frequently even wresting power from them.
How has this sort of thing become possible? The reply is plain: the opponents of the democratic governments were not wedded to mistaken dogmas; they had an intuitive comprehension of the true nature of man, and acted upon it in politics. It is true that their political aims are absurd and actually anti-human; but they met with success because the Socialists were incapable of making use of the only weapon that was of any real use at the time, that of propaganda; or, if they made any use of it, did so unwillingly and half-heartedly.”
- Serge Chakotin, The Rape of the Masses: The Psychology of Totalitarian Political Propaganda. London: George Routledge & Sons, 1940. p. 94-96.
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cheshiregengarart · 1 year
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Tira - Soul Calibur 3
I have always, always loved Tira, especially this original version of her! Ever since I saw her in a gaming magazine as a teenager, and it's been a key part of my aesthetic ever since!
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bembelbande · 7 months
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Eiserner Steg.
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1915 Demmin, Anklamer Straße. Kriegspostkarte aus dem 1. Weltkrieg. Hotel zur Reichspost.
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btaut · 7 months
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Eisern, November 2023
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samsi6 · 2 years
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Is there any sense in this? And if there is, why isn't it obvious?
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frankfurtphoto · 8 months
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Eiserner Steg, Altstadt, 2023
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lknapp · 1 year
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Bild des Tages: Frankfurter Dom und Eiserner Steg
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Adam Mention 🥹
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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Aufmarsch der Eisernen Front zu einer Wahlkampfveranstaltung [Demonstration of the Iron Front at an election campaign event]
Keystone View Co. Berlin, July 14, 1932 German Historical Museum, Berlin Inventory no.: BA 95/1068
Der Dreipfeil, Drei Pfeile, or the Three Arrows was the symbol adopted by the Iron Front, organized by the Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands and widely used from February 1932 on. In this photo it as carried by members of the SPD youth wing and the Reichsbanner’s ‘Jungbanner’ in a July 14 1932 rally during the federal election. As a symbol, it had multiple meanings: the three arrows embodied the SPD, trade unions and Reichsbanner Schwarz-Rot-Gold, the three main segments of the labor movement associated with the Iron Front, who represented the political, economic and physical aspects of social democracy. The Dreipfeil stood for “Aktivität, Disziplin und Einigkeit [activity, discipline and unity]” as well as for the "highest ideals" of the democratic socialists: Freiheit, Gleichheit, Brüderlichkeit [freedom, equality, fraternity.] It also stood for the struggle against the triple threat to the republic from National Socialism, Communism and Monarchism - ads often featured the three symbols of these groups struck out by the three arrows. Indeed, it had been adopted thanks to the inspiration of exiled Russian Sergei Tschachotin, who saw graffiti on a Nazi swastika in December 1931 and felt it symbolized working class resistance and would be easy to use to deface pro-Nazi graffiti, billboards, and posters. 
Tschachotin and a Hessian SPD member of the Reichstag, Carlo Mierendorff, were also largely responsible for the reorientation of Social Democratic propaganda, and most of the symbolism and uses of the Three Arrows were due to them. They had recognized that the "age of the masses" required completely different forms of communication. In doing so, however, they had to overcome considerable resistance in the SPD bureaucracy. The dominance of the emotional over the rational, Tschachotin noted, had been fully grasped by the Nazi leaders, while the pro-republican SPD leaders still assumed that “the masses can be won over by pure conviction” and that loyalty to republican symbols and the Weimar constitution was sufficient. The Iron Front developed an extensive canon of symbols that was largely related to the three arrows, such as songs and the flag. This was red and showed the arrows in the lower left corner. Many SPD newspapers adopted the symbol at the top of their front page. According to Tschachotin and Mierendorff, it had to be “hammered into the readers a thousandfold, with and without a pierced swastika”. Countless songs and poems addressed the three arrows, and a book was published Dreipfeil gegen Hakenkreuz outling the meaning of the symbol and helping to launch the campaign. It was adopted at all levels by November 1932, just in time for the SPD’s crushing losses in that election, though of course it quickly took on a life of its own (and continues to be used) as a symbol of anti-fascism, shorn of the context of the final crisis of the Weimar Republic.  Some information from here.
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lorenzlund · 1 month
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das amerik.Playhouse oder 'Spiel (mit den) H(intern einfach, schlicht wieder von ihnen) alle(n)' als 'Spielhalle' (dt.)
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die Antwort auf dann erneute Po-Idealisten nur (unter den weltweiten Maennern) mit vielleicht sogar Mehrfach-Jobs. Andere erteilen sie uns dann erneut:
'Kei(n) nacktes Halten oder Festhalten - Ganz egal fuer wen! selbst an gelegentlichen vielleicht sogar dann auch erneuten 'dicks'!!
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W.O.K. so lautete einst selbst schon auch das Kuerzel oder die Abkuerzung fuer: (Deutsches) Wehrmachtsoberkomnando - waehrend des 2. Weltkrieges!
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Ein erneut stark wackelig und unsicher laufender Mann von schaetzungsweise erst Mitte 40 benoetigt vorher noch die Hilfe anderer beim Verlassen dieses Lokals in der Innenstadt!
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... neue Brillentraeger!
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