#eisel mazard
zoggerg · 2 months
este primer capítulo duele como la p*ta madre
"Veganismo: el futuro de una ilusión."
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askdurianrider · 7 years
hannk just wants admiration. to say that she loved fucking you would not guarantee her the admiration and respect of her bf. so she lies and plays poor little princess. so she can get his admiration. man how does she sleep at night? I would be feeling so shitty if I cheated on my bf with someone loved it and then told my bf that he raped me to get his love and guaranteed relationship because i dont know if I can find another sugar daddy...
Hannah Hebo has aged rapidly in the last year after all the drama she created destroyed her reputation amongst her good friends. So many people dumped her and it really made her feel guilty. She lied straight up to their face about something very serious and over the last year 99% of them found out the truth. Just ask Johny and Michelle who knew the entire story. They are a good example.
Sugar daddys like Hebo are hard to find! Most are really old and out of shape. He is just young and out of shape but he is minted with his families money just like eisel mazard (who took down his video supporting hannah after he realized she lied about the entire thing..).
Hannah has hit the wall. A quick google search of her name doesnt bring good things. She destroyed her reputation trying to get money and destroy others.
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cnbnews · 4 years
作者: 马大影(Eisel Mazard)
马云曝2019大家都过不去 中国掀企业银行违约倒闭潮 美国智库揭亚投行变纸老虎
10年后 中国人会穷得只剩下房子
英国教授休妻中国女富豪 背后原因令国人深思
AD:搬瓦工官方翻墙服务Just My Socks,不怕被墙
原文链接:在中国“天行者”不太流行:有理由 - 新闻评论
本文标签:中国, 中国人, 共和国, 参议院, 古罗马, 星球大战, 流行, 电影, 西方文化
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zoggerg · 2 months
Yo también pensaba como la chica del video 😬.
He cambiado de opinión gracias a Eisel (aunque desde antes ya lo había considerado y me mantenía abierta a la posibilidad, pero más como algo que no muchos podrían aplicar en sus propias vidas y sus relaciones amorosas debido a los celos).
Realmente parece ser una alternativa que vale la pena probar por lo menos (sabiendo que tendrá sus propios retos y rompidas de corazón).
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askdurianrider · 7 years
what do you think of that Dom Bower destroying your daughter Tori
That dude is a legit stalker. He should put effort into his fat wife and anaemic looking child before he creeps around Tori's vids. What guy does critique videos of young girls who have never even mentioned his name before? Is he related to Eisel Mazard?Bower must fucking hate his life. It's one thing to be a response troll trying to get attention from hot fit things like Tori BUT to make insisting vids whilst your wife and child sleep you have to be next level creeper. Welcome to the internet! 😆
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askdurianrider · 7 years
Why does everyone complain about the age difference between you and Tori.... But no one calls out ((("Eisel Mazard"))). His GF looks about the same age.
Easy. People are jealous of us and not him. Look how fit and free we are. Look how funded by his mummy he is. No man is inspired or jealous of a mummy's boy. Why do my haters still rely on their mummy for money or a place to live? Why do none ever have fit gf's?
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askdurianrider · 7 years
Is Freelee's brother even vegan? All his nasty comments make them both come across like dog shit. It's a shames because she looks like she is back to making half decent content.
FL bro is a weirdo. Not vegan, makes anti vegan jokes and sides with Eisel Mazard who has more hate videos about his sister than anyone else in history.FL hardly talks to him because of what he did to her when she was younger.
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askdurianrider · 7 years
Eisel mazard filming the beach from a skyscraper hotel somewhere in Thailand.. not rich..
Where is vegan gains now to back track his statements that ‘eisel is just a poor student living in china doing his best to make ends meet’.
Sadly richard showed his true colors when he made those videos supporting eisel aka benjamin dexter lord who never tells us why he changed his name back in 2002...
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askdurianrider · 7 years
it looks like you survived fromthe war. Joe is asking people pay him to coach them and lose weight and has a goal of $5000 a month. Norvgan says in a comment that the remindar of the Narcissist series will be on patreon. Can you do a video on this? Why do all the haters in the end always come down to $$$$?
100% of them just use my name to make a bit of money.
They ALL end up ebegging on patreon BUT they all come from money!
Norvegan has rich parents. 
Jobese is an ex goldman sachs banker who still owns property in UK.
Josi is a rich brat funded by her parents but lies to everyone saying she is ‘dead broke’ yet travels the world when ever and where ever she wants. 
Eisel Mazard’s mother owns Lord Cultural resources and she is a multi multi millionaire.
It is a funny but sad situation but the reality is they have all started to die off now people in the community have worked out they only doing this drama shit for money/free laptop etc.
I do feel pretty famous though that people would PAY to watch hate videos about me behind a patreon paywall! xD
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risingphoenix87 · 7 years
I do like some of Eisel Mazard's videos, but a big problem I have is that he rarely offers anything beyond platitudes. It's easy to wax philosophical about the perceived inherent immorality of keeping domesticated dogs and cats as pets or homing rescued farm animals who can't survive on their own at sanctuaries, but I never hear him offer any alternatives. It's not like I could just release Skylar and Loki into the wild; they'd never survive on their own and they'd be terrified that they'd been abandoned by their family. Poplar Spring or VINE Sanctuary can't just release all of the animals in their care into the wild; they'll never survive, either. Is that really compassion? That's not to say I agree with Unnatural Vegan/Swayze; eggs/milk are not food and we have no need for them, and I can understand feeling conflicted over feeding one's pets meat-based food. But I think offering real solutions is better than waxing philosophical or offering meaningless platitudes.
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askdurianrider · 7 years
How to fall asleep at 8pm: lay down, eyemask, listen to an Eisel mazard video about his academic achievements. Early nights 😴👌🏻
Haha so true. The guy smacks of university epic failure and that is so funny becsuse he pretends to be this epic academic.He should study the feminisation of poverty because he creates single mothers really well.
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askdurianrider · 7 years
Eisel Mazard posted anti-monarchy vids? Sounds just like him. Now he supposedly wants charge you in thailand? Now he that stupid fat fuck is fucked. Pardon my french.
I was with thai police for about 8 hours yesterday. Some interesting things are going to come to light over the next few months here in CM for sure.
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