meirimerens · 29 days
hi meiri!
it's sure to be a banger of some kind
sure it! you get 5 Marionnettes sur ton Théâtre - L'escargot
their lyrics are unfindable on genius or spotify but they're on they website so:
Je soufflerai dedans, elle qui prend si bien le vent
Cette voile de liberté, la sagesse est au large
Sur des routes d'ailleurs, ronronne mon moteur,
Je vole les grandes surfaces qui gâchent mon paysage
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deviltriad97 · 4 years
The short melody you can hear in my previous post is now on SoundCloud! #music #soundcloud #lounge #jazz #evening #journey #wurlitzer #electric #piano #fender #vibraphone #funk #edorian https://www.instagram.com/p/B9ALyLvC2T7/?igshid=yh9qgw8cjdbx
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shepardcommander · 5 years
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When your cat looks at your husband the same way you do.
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butterflydm · 2 years
wot reread: the fires of heaven (chap 29-chap 30)
spoilers for the fires of heaven
1. This is a chapter with ravens, and it’s about Darkfriends, so maybe the raven tattoo for Carlinya is about her being Black Ajah (pls don’t tell me. I’m kinda enjoying the mystery at this point lol, since it is a plot point from the books where I have no memory of the resolution). Except that Darkfriends don’t do raven TATTOOS. The tattoo/sketch part is definitely what makes it feel Seanchan (as evidenced by the fact that I literally just straight-up assumed it HAD to be about the Seanchan when I first read the viewing lol). So if it’s because she’s Black Ajah, I am calling mild shenanigans on Min’s Talent.
2. Ah, well Kadere noticed that Keille went missing, at least, lol. And he has no idea about the true identity of either Keille or Natael. But after Kellie ‘disappeared’, Lanfear visited him with instructions. In his dreams, leaving him a nasty burn scar while he was with her (in TAR, I assume).
3. I wonder if the ‘Aiel woman’s hand’ who left the note for him is who I suspect it is. If so, we might get the identity confirmed later on.
4. Isendre has been sleeping with Asmodean, which the Maidens are thrilled about because it keeps her away from trying to sneak to Rand. Spying on him for Lanfear, though she says he never does anything interesting (’play[s] music I’ve never heard before).
5. Kadere here talks about the philosophy of ‘breaking’ people, and the psychology of it matches what we see when we see it get played out with the damane and how they are ‘broken’ to the leash.
6. Ah, Isendre tells Kadere here (the fake news) that Rand and Aviendha have been sleeping together since Rhuidean.
7. The revelation (as Kadere kills Isendre) that he also killed the sister that he had such fond, nostalgic thoughts of, is very well done. Very effective tiny horror story.
8. Ooo, Rand has an LTT memory that Semirhage is terrible at handling the weather. imo, it’s all the hanging out with Asmodean that’s making his memories come back so strongly, that plus the fact that he’s channeling a bunch of saidin every night to create the wards for the Aiel encampment.
9. We’re reminded again that just being around Rand has a tendency to make random events warp in odd ways. And Rand, of course, thinks that this is another thing that would make people hate being around him.
10. Rand accidentally tells Sulin the right thing about trying to get Adelin and Enaila to stop fussing over their ‘failure’ to protect him by just saying they’re grown women and should act like it. And then Sulin fusses about him not eating yet. I am so here for this part of their relationship. I feel like we might lose some of this in the later books? But that might be a bad memory thing. We’ll find out. But I love the ‘biggest found family in the world’ vibes of Rand with the Maidens in this book so far.
11. Edorian and Estean -- I think those might be two of the lordings that Mat was dicing with at the beginning of TSR! Much the worse for wear now. They’re surprised to find Rand with the Aiel and worried that he’s been taken captive and much relieved to find out that the Shaido attacking Cairhien weren’t sent by him. They must have been some of the ones that he sent up north to give grain to the Cairhienin. ...redemption arc for Edorian and Estean? Because if they were the lordlings dicing with Mat at the start of TSR, they were pretty terrible people at that point, but they’ve obviously been through a lot. Potential for character growth? Let’s find out!
12. Oh, wait, they do kinda treat the Cairhienin with them like shit. So maybe they still have a ways to go, lol. And, yes, these lordlings’ fathers were among the people Rand ordered north, it looks like.
13. One of the things that Moiraine taught Rand and that he thought was sensible (even if it was tough) was to allow people to honor him in their way rather than insisting on his own.
14. The Maidens telling a baffled Rand that he’s actually incredibly rich, because every tenth of the fifth that the Aiel took belongs to him by custom. So amusing.
15. Aw, when he thinks about politics, he thinks about Elayne.
16. “Egwene told him little more than a constant string of well-wishing.” I hate the information diet that the Aes Sedai and Wise Ones put Rand on, even as they share all of his info that they are able to get out of him with everyone in their network. COMMUNICATION SAVES LIVES. That’s all.
17. And Min is his friend who is a girl who is also his bro who speaks his language, according to him. I have to admit, I’m not certain why he assumes Min would ‘run a hundred miles’ to get away from the Dragon Reborn. Like, you were... she already knew you were the Dragon Reborn when y’all were camping with the group between TGH and TDR. I guess his denial back then was really just That Strong. Despite the battle in Falme.
18. I’m assuming that time period was also the one where she ‘laughed at him’ but at least ‘didn’t talk a strange language’ because he definitely thought she was weird and said weird things when he met her back in EotW. It was a whole thing where she creeped him out a bit.
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harryzayn · 5 years
me @ edorians
dont talk to me or my son Edward ever again
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ericklainuz · 4 years
Impro in 7/8 Funk Groove... Checando la nueva cámara/ángulo, el nuevo preset , el clima, el aceite... . . . . . @ibanez_mx @guitarristas_mx @guittarplayers @talentedplayerz @riffwars . . . #mexican #mexicanstyle #ibanezguitars #ibanez #guitar #guitarsolo #guitarrista #guitarplayer #bend #guitarlife #madeinmexico #stayathome #hybridpicking #ampero #funk #gitarzysta #impro #edorian #music #guitardaily #daddariostrings #presonus #focusrite #mackiegear (en Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCrM-95JX51/?igshid=v5x3nv7n6ule
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two-chords · 4 years
Good Times/Rappers Delight
Good Times (1979) Chic Disco, USA
Rapper’s Delight (1979) Sugar Hill Gang Early Hip-Hop/Rap, USA key: E dorian
Euroclassical function names:   tonic   subdominantTagg: tonic   counterpoiseRiemann: t Sscale degrees: i IVchord names: Em A
  Em                A |:/ / / / |/ / / / |/ / / / |/ / / /:| loop
mode: E dorian — E F# G A B C# D E melody: Drmfsl form: chorus-verse-chorus-verse-chorus chorus — AA’A’A’ verse — BB’BB’ BBCB meter: duple suggested time signature: 4|4
Is this a two-chord song? Well, just listening to the bassline, yes. The bass lays down E very clearly and walks on up to A. But then there’s the funky guitar part. And from a guitar point of view, there are four different fingerings to use, which would be thought of as four separate chords. From a classical music perspective — which isn’t the end-all-be-all and may not be entirely appropriate, but is not entirely inappropriate (oh, the conundrum!) — we have a lot of notes that serve more of a “color” function than a harmonic movement function. And that makes sense, because, let’s face it: two chords do not make for much harmonic movement anyway! We have two places to be and let’s bring some color in while we are at it.
Another way to think about it (again, still from a classical perspective) is that we are prolonging the voice leading. Every chord has multiple notes and they all want to move in the easiest way to the next chord — except for the bass, which is allowed to be the leapiest (yup, that’s the most leapy), although we love it when our bass walks places, like it does in this song. Here are the notes of the basic chords we have in root position:
B E G C# E A
What we like to hear is something more like this:
E E B C# G A E A
The lowest note leaps and everyone else moves a step or holds. Now, we add a color note:
D E B C# G A E A
The D in the E minor chord is there for color or flavor or whatever your favorite cross-sensory analogy is. (Isn’t it funny how we so rarely talk about sounds as sounds, but via other senses? Color, shape, line, texture… But I suppose we talk about loud colors, too, so there’s just a lot of crossover. I digress…) Next, we are going to slow down the movement from one chord to the next, by not moving all the voices at once. First, we are going to move the G up to A:
D D E B B C# G A A E E A
This happens right as the bass starts walking, so it’s actually an interesting situation: it’s like the chord tries to move, but gets a little stuck because wait-a-minute-what’s-going-on-in-the-bass?! Once the bass lands on A, the root of the chord changes, but one of the other voices is stuck.
D D D E B B A C# G A A A E E A A
Now this is a bit simplified. You may be asking, what happened to the E in the A chord? And chances are if you are playing this on guitar or ukulele there is an E in there. It’s just that the fifth of the chord is not essential to hearing its function; we really only need the root and the third. So I'm leaving it out to show the primary voice leading movement. Well, fine, but where’s the third? Well, it should be what the D moved down to, but it’s stuck, and the B could have gone there, but it didn’t. Then yet another interesting thing happens. So far I’ve written down a simple A chord as the goal, but that’s not what we actually get. Here’s the voicing as it comes out on my D-tuned uke, plus the bass:
D D D C# B B A A G A A F# E E E E E E A A
In jazz and popular parlance, that last chord is an A6, meaning we have an A major triad with the sixth note above A (within the scale of E dorian), which is F#. You may also notice that it’s the same pitch set as F#m7. This is important. In A6, the F# is a note for color and does not affect the function of the chord. In F#m7, the F# is the root of the chord and, therefore, determines the function. As someone who has studied classical music extensively, I do kind of hear this as an F# minor chord in first inversion (that is, with the 3rd in the bass)! And therefore, I do kind of hear this as a change in function. However, from a jazz and popular perspective, an A6 chord is not the same as an F#m7, even though they have the same pitches in them. Now, I’ve also been hearing this song since 1979 — I grew up listening to as much AM radio as I did classical music in cartoons. So I can also hear this very much as staying in the other harmonic pole, to speak in Taggian terms.
Above, I simplified the bass, but it’s also a bit more complex in the chorus (the verse contrasts this with something a lot closer to just two notes)  — and why we love that bass line. It adds a little more information to how we analyze and think about our harmonies. First, during the first chord we lay down E:
Then, during the second chord we walk up the scale:
E F# G A B C# D
During the third chord, we lay down A:
And lastly, we emphasize the flavor notes:
A F# G F# A (still simplified, but here’s a transcription.)
Oh, look at that. There’s a seventh in there along with the sixth. Hmmm. But here’s the thing: play along to the song with just Em and A and it will sound fine. Not particularly funky, but definitely not off. So is it two chords or not? Again, Taggian thinking helps us out a bit. We definitely have two harmonic poles around E and A. Tagg also writes extensively about one-chord songs that aren’t really just one chord, because, although the bass might stay the same, the voices above it keep moving around and implying different harmonies. I think here we have a combination of both. Using anticipation (moving one voice to the next chord tone before the rest of the voices get there) and suspension (holding a voice over from the previous chord while the other voices move on), two static poles become far more dynamic and interesting. So on a chord chart you might read (as you do here): Em7 Em7sus4 A7sus4 A13 (like A6, but also with the minor seventh), but you can also hear that they are just very fancy versions of two basic chords. On the other hand, by putting these intermediary voice-leading steps on the beat and making them last an entire measure, they become new harmonic places-to-be in their own right. Is it two chords? Yes! Is it four chords? Yes!
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Photos of me sitting on a trash bin as that's where I belong. Taken by the amazing Katia Edorian Egiziano
also links to twitter, FB page and insta: https://www.facebook.com/Sharksarecoolcosplay/
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catteries · 9 years
@edorian replied to your photoset “It’s getting worse.”
That..looks ridiculous. Long term haze can’t possibly be good for anyone’s respiratory health.
Yep. It’s an annual affair, honestly, but this year is one of the worst.
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meirimerens · 7 months
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@edorian HI REPLYING LIKE THIS WITH THE CROP BECAUSE I'M NOT SURE WHAT'S THE #legality OF PUBLICLY POSTING A BAND'S SHEET MUSIC [I'M NOT WELL VERSED IN THE MUSICAL WOILD] BUT HOLY SHIT THANK YOU. I GOT LIKE 2 PEOPLE WHO HOPPED IN GIVING ME THESE SHEETS I AM IN SHOCK AND ALSO AWE. my ass cannot distinguish two notes from the other on paper so i am. genuinely like on my ass at you people's abilities to pull that stuff out of the ear. that's so crazy to me. THANK YOU SO MUCH..... still in pure awe & shock. i'm looking at it i'm looking at it with my eyerballs
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madnessrox · 11 years
hmmmm decisions decisions...OK Injury, Money, and Blue!
Injury: Have you ever walked into a glass door?
not a glass door but I have walk into a door
Money: What would you do with 1 million dollars?
gosh, I wouldn’t know what to do with all that money, would probably pay off all these loans, and help out my family and friends out if they need anything, and travel too
Blue: What song do you listen to when you’re feeling down?
I don’t really listen to music when I’m down, I just sit there, in a corner, and just sob
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amu.se/artist/edorian-guidry https://www.instagram.com/p/BqXj7HqBkoq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1b2qwc60sr1o
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catteries · 9 years
1,9, and 27 for either your original work or fanfics?
The questions are pretty generic, so I can answer for both original and fanfics!
1. Are there any themes you tend to explore?
I tend to explore worldbuilding bits-- food, architecture, geopolitics, culture. I also explore relationships, but not the conventional romance that most have in mind.
9. Are there certain types of characters you tend to create? What is it about this character type that appeals to you?
At this moment, I appreciate all kinds of characters being made-- but I think my style is more in sensible people with solid motivations. That said, I can appreciate the less-than-bright characters being good plot movers, because sometimes shit has to happen to progress with exciting plot.
Oh, do characters with #sensible clothes count? :D
27. What’s your favorite line that you’ve written so far?
“The steps were loud, echoing in Dullahan’s head; and it carried the most peculiar quality of shuffling and dragging.” 
I should write animated corpses more often.
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catteries · 9 years
fairyring replied to your photo:i haven’t drawn something RH related in so long...
edorian replied to your photo: i haven’t drawn something RH related in so long...
A+ for warrior ladies in sensible clothing, also, that pole arm
Ayeeee. The poor lady is not sensibly dressed in her original source, so the fandom loves it when she's sensibly dressed. Me too, of course.
Also yeah, I know they mentioned it as a "spear" in-game, but goddamnit she's using a halberd/poleaxe mix.
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catteries · 9 years
edorian replied to your post: I’ve always fancied artificial lightin...
Woah, the intense contrast in this really makes it work! And I don’t know if it was intentional but the beams of light look like they’re passing through some atmospheric stuff like wind and rain, which is pretty cool.
Wow, thanks for leaving such a lovely reply! I originally intended it to be a mild, realistic contrast, but my love for glowy stuff took it for a spin on their own, haha. 
As for the atmospheric effect, I hadn't intended for that! That's rather rad! I might try to recreate that in the future! ^_^ Thanks!
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