#edge of the precipice
riewritten · 2 years
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ RIE. she/her. 18+. exploiting dynamics of my favorite characters with you so i could write the stuff i need to write in school. i make fan art sometimes
i am aware that by clicking the post button, my stuff will be for the general public but:
i write SFW and NSFW. i don't have any discretion over your content consumption but please don't interact with my NSFWs if you're a minor. it'll make me uncomfortable.
please inform me if you plan to share my stories to other platform.
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INFO. canon divergent AU, found family trope, tenma saved the twins from the border even before gen. wolff could get them
FEM!READER. 3/5 chapters, 15k words.
INFO. canon divergent AU, obsessive behavior, stalking, manipulation, etc.
INFO. johan liebert crossdressing as anna
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FEM!READER. 3 chapters, 6.7k words.
GENRE. slice of life, modern AU, fluff & smut
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FEM!READER. 11 chapters, 13.5k words.
GENRE. slice of life, fluff & smut.
FEM!READER. 4.2k words.
GENRE. canon AU, porn w/ out plot, confession.
FEM!READER. 4.3k words.
GENRE. canon AU, porn without plot, fluff, yearning.
GENRE. canon AU, slice of life
GENRE. college modern AU, fluff & slice of life.
FEM!READER. 5k words
GENRE. angst, modern AU, age gap.
GENRE. slice of life, parallel universe, cohabitation
GENRE. slice of life romance about people pleasers
GENRE. slice of life, childhood friends
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FEM!READER. 33 chapters, 170k words, finished.
INFO. canon & modern college AU, slowburn! erwin smith being a sneaky man popping out of a nightmare (literally). has explicit content. my first fanfic so expect the low qua writing :')
FEM!READER. 5/? chapters, 25.3k words, on-going.
INFO. modern AU, scouts as armed rebels against the reiss monarch, manipulation and mind control.
FEM!READER. 4/? chapters, 13k words, on-going.
INFO. modern AU, isekai lol, most literal reader-insert i've made so far.
FEM!READER. 1/2 chapters, 4.5k words, on-going.
INFO. modern college AU, reincarnation and introspection of grief.
FEM!READER. 2/10 chapers, 3k words, on-going.
INFO. canon AU, enemies, colossal titan!erwin, anti-marleyan volunteer!reader, manipulation.
FEM!READER. 1/? chapters. 1k words, on-going.
INFO. neighbors modern AU, fluff.
FEM!READER. 2/? chapters, 12k words, discontinued.
INFO. canon AU, my projection of erwin smith lives movement.
GENRE. modern office AU, slice of life, fluff, friendship.
103 notes · View notes
January 11
edge of the precipice
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I wait on the edge
breath held
tight against my chest
I look down at the shore
where the waves attack
the broken rocks
I feel the wind
cut across my skin
as it gets to where it is going
I hear the gulls call
a sour symphony
or crass conversation unknown
I taste salt
from a drop
something familiar
I burrow within
my stung eyes and red cheeks
intrude and obscure
I think back
to the reasons I had
and the hope I didn't
I know deeply
that things are
and will always be
I turn around
back to sea
face to land
I release myself
and enter one world
never to know the other
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athenadione · 8 months
'at the edge of the precipice' Chapter 10
Read on a03 HERE
(Rated E for violence, gore, PTSD, allusions to depression/suicide)
It’s not exactly his memory— at least he’s pretty sure it’s not.
Mostly because a lot of it doesn’t make sense.
There’s splashes of color in his vision that overtake his focus on Raven’s arm, and a ringing in his ear that makes him feel a bit lightheaded but he shakes it off.
Then the feeling of a sharp, burning sensation travels up his arm so quickly he thinks he might’ve imagined it. 
It’s a split second decision to make, but he doesn’t tell her what happened. He’s not sure what to make of it all, especially because it seems to come to him in a million shattered pieces. 
Later in the day flashes of memories streak blood red across his vision— too fast for him to really understand what’s going on.
The only moment that’s really clear is the flashpoint. He remembers that it was so bright it was difficult to look at directly even through his domino mask, but even still he couldn’t bring himself to close his eyes. It had come at them like a tsunami at such a neck-breaking speed that Damian had barely registered what was happening. 
He remembers Raven, her warmth pressing at his side, and her small-hitched breath just before the flashpoint overcame them. 
His fingers dig into her waist, holding her close to him and the hold she has on him is just as unbreakable. She shakes, nearly imperceptible, in his arms, and she takes his face in her hands while the weight of what’s happening lays so heavy on his chest. They both seem to realize at the same time that they only have seconds left of this life together. 
He remembers wondering if he held onto Raven tight enough that maybe she’d come with him to wherever he went next. 
When their lips meet for their first kiss it’s so perfect, and Damian wants it to last forever. 
Because that’s what they deserve after all this time.
They had been through so much, she’d been through much more, and this just isn’t fair. He knows that wishing is futile but for once in his life he wishes that this didn’t have to happen. As selfish as it is, he’s not ready to let her go. He kisses her again with fervor. I can’t do this, I won’t. She is— everything to me. 
It’s all over in the briefest second, and Damian feels both strangely empty and like he might combust at the same time. 
Then suddenly Raven is looking at him with blatant concern as the wind is whipping her hair and it’s so long. He can see the ocean just beyond her, waves crashing languidly as her mouth opens to express her concern. 
When she says his name, it sounds so haunted and worried, and he has to swallow back the sudden emotions threatening to spill over. 
Awareness slams into him all at once as Raven’s fingers close around his wrist in the barest of touches. 
She’s here, with him now, and he remembers dying. He remembers her bringing him back to life, and he remembers that hill at Titan’s Tower— everyone still broken beyond repair.
And Barry, making one last attempt to set things back— a chance that he knows they all had no choice but to take. 
It all blurs and circles together in a downward spiral. All until he reaches a point that he’s not sure what’s real and what’s not. The realization that this is exactly what Raven must have felt for months nearly sends him careening over the edge. Over into something so dark and deep that he’s not sure he’ll be able to climb out if he falls.  
So when Raven searches his eyes for the smallest sign of reassurance, he gives it to her— if only to try and ground himself in this reality, because she needs him to be. 
He picks up all the shattered pieces and shoves it in the back of his mind to save for a later time. He stands next to Raven and helps her through the hand toss without shaking. If he notices a faint scream in the distance, and the acrid smell of burnt flesh, he doesn’t show it. He sits through lunch and dinner, and does not fidget. He even makes it through their night walk on the beach. 
Only after walking up each creaky step to the guest bedroom, and helping Raven slide off his back and into bed, does he let himself fall apart. 
He walks right back downstairs and outside, taking great care to slide the door shut without sound. He doesn’t stop until he reaches the sand. He wordlessly unties his shoes, setting them aside. He stands and walks out to where the sand is harder—just a foot or two away from the low tide. 
Then he breaks out into a run, and doesn’t stop until dawn. 
Raven knows that there’s something off about Damian. His lips linger on her forehead when he leans down to tell her good night. She can feel the undercurrent of his emotions—too many, each spiraling while they fight for the attention of his consciousness. When she looks up at his face it’s a mask. His brows are just barely drawn together, like it takes a great effort to keep something hidden. She knows he doesn’t get shaken often. 
She doesn’t want to think about why he is. 
She also doesn’t want him to face whatever it is he’s dealing with alone. She considers holding onto his wrist and asking him to stay with her, but she can see the tension in all of his muscles. He needs to let something go, and from her past experience it’s by training. 
There’d been many nights she’d been woken up by the angry streak pulsating in his aura— traveling all the way up to her from the training room. It had always seemed to seek her out, maybe searching for refuge in someone who understood it. She and anger had always been well acquainted. 
Tonight though his aura is drawn taught against his skin with a hazardous warning to stay away. 
So she bids him good night and watches him walk out, closing her door softly. As much as she wants to run after him she doesn’t. If he wanted to be around her, he would have stayed. And even though that thought stings through her chest, she shakes it off. This isn’t about her. She’s already spent too much time feeling sorry for herself. Besides, how many times did she regress back into herself the past few weeks when all Damian asked of her was to talk to him? She had no right to ask him to do the same. 
She’ll go check on him in the morning instead. 
Raven pulls the covers up close to her face and huddles underneath them. Then on second thought she pulls them up and over her head. To keep everything else out. She pulls her feet up to her chest and wraps her arms around them, forcing herself to focus on her own shallow breathing. Until they become more even and measured. She counts to four, holds her breath for another count of four, and then finally releases it. 
Again, and again. Until she’s slipping in and out of consciousness. Her mind wanders, taking her far beyond where she’s explored. It dips into memories that don't feel like hers. 
She’s standing in the library at the manor, huffing with a hand on one hip as Titus positions himself between her and Damian with a growl. His hackles raise even farther when she takes another step. 
“Down boy,” Damian kneels to scratch him behind one of his ears, “What has gotten into you?” 
Frustration flushes through her, anger rising at the display, but she stomps it down. Refuses to show it. She’s come too far to let a dog ruin everything. 
“It’s okay beloved,” she says, bringing Damian’s attention back to her, “I was gone for months, it makes sense that Titus wouldn’t immediately recognize me.” 
“Hm, maybe.”
It’s not lost on her that Damian stays rooted in place—despite the fact that this is the first time they’ve seen each other since her mission.Titus hasn’t stopped growling. 
“You know Star’s been waiting for you to debrief back at the tower, why did you come here first?” 
Anger licks back up her spine, flushing red at her neck. 
“I wanted to see you silly. I’ve missed you.” She takes a step forward, then back again when Titus barks a loud warning. 
“I’ve missed you too, Raven. More than you know,” Damian’s eyes narrow in just the slightest movement, “but you’ve always debriefed at the tower first after a mission. Are you sure you’re okay? It’s not like you to break protocol.” he asks her. 
“Of course I’m okay Damian. I’m so happy to see you. I just—” she reigns her anger back in and tries again— “I just wanted to hug you. Please, just let me touch you. One hug, then I’ll go straight to the tower. I promise.” 
She waits as he stands there, staring at her with an inscrutable look. A long minute of silence goes by while Titus lets out another high-pitched whine. Damian shushes him with a snap of his fingers. Then he relents, “Okay, one hug, but then you have to go straight to Starfire. She was really worried when you didn’t check in.” 
Raven lets out a sigh of relief, “I will. Thank you habibi,” she says, stepping towards them once more. 
This time Titus sits at Damian’s command, but his growl gets louder. And louder, and louder. Until it’s the only thing she can hear besides the sound of her own heartbeat against her eardrums. Then Damian stops short of her, just out of arm's reach, when his eyes harden.  
“I know who you are.” 
Raven jolts awake under her comforter. Her head is pounding and her limbs ache while her heart races as if she had just ran for miles. Her magic pulsates at her fingertips with each heartbeat. It sparks under the blanket before fizzling out. She fists her hands together to stop them from shaking. 
A million thoughts are racing through her mind, but one becomes glaringly clear above them all. She had felt that anger before. She knew that anger all too well, because she had trapped it inside of herself, and lived with it for years. She had fought it back time and time again until the point of exhaustion. She had nearly let it destroy her mind, her body, and her soul. And she had known that it would eventually kill her. It scares her, because it’s not her anger. Not at all. 
It’s Trigon’s. 
Even as his calves start to burn and his feet blister from the sand he keeps running. 
It gives him something to focus on. Each harsh breath is a reminder that he’s not from that reality. He’s in this one, right now. And he’s never fought Darkseid. 
Except the memories he holds now tell him otherwise. 
Damian took Darkseid’s beam intended for his father. It killed him. He was irrefutably dead. Gone forever. Even now his muscles twinge from the phantom pain of burning alive. 
Raven had brought him back. 
She was a halo of light above him as he was resurrected. She was angelic, and holy, and she was…crying. Over his body, over his death. The way she held him to her chest was so gentle, so full of love, and admiration. 
He’d do anything for her to hold him like that again. 
A blast of wind brings him back to himself again, if just for a moment. Is this what it’s been like for her? Slipping in and out of memories, some of them on a constant loop. How long had she fought them before she succumbed to them? Sitting in the library for hours at a time, curled up in the chair with that far-away stare. Refusing to eat, to do anything but just sit there. Maybe it was because she physically couldn’t do anything else. Maybe she had been trapped the entire time—forced to relive it all, over and over. 
That thought alone adds to the silent tears already falling down his cheeks, unbidden. 
Dark red streaks across his vision at the sound of a Paradoom tearing off a limb, and then another. 
Then Richard’s scream, so hauntingly loud in the distance, catches him by surprise, and Damian stumbles over his own feet. His brother, one of the best things he had inherited through his father, laughing and ruffling his hair over something he had said at the dinner table. His brother, standing tall and confident, and always in between him and every threat they’ve faced out on patrol together. His brother, pierced straight through his chest and into his heart. His brother, revived but irrevocably broken, and forever locked away for his own safety. 
This isn’t real. These aren’t my memories, they're his. Does that really matter though? He remembers them now as if they always were. And it’s real to Raven. 
He shakes his head free of his thoughts, then looks ahead. The next pier is about a half mile away. I just have to make it to that pier. Then the next one. His feet pound the sand beneath him. I can do this. I can work through this. He’s not going insane, he just needs to adjust. Sort through it all. File them into categories. Make some kind of sense of what happened to them. 
I can do this. Another step, another sharp cry of pain in his ears. 
I can do this. Raven, falling into his arms at Nanda Parbat as she pushes herself beyond her limits. 
I can do this. The long, dark walk to the Lazarus pit, with the weight of Richard’s body in his arms. It was nothing compared to the heaviness of his broken heart. There was no time to mourn. Only to prepare for another fight. 
He pushes onward, wading through the waves of madness in his mind, trying not to break as he continues his run. 
I can do this. 
Raven spends the rest of the night meditating, cross-legged and hovering above her bed, trying to follow the source of that memory. Her father’s presence had been unmistakable, but whatever realm it came from she has no idea. She has to make sure it’s not this one. Damian had told her that Raven had defeated Trigon in this reality. At the time she didn’t think to ask how she had done it, but maybe she should now. 
Then again, if it is from this reality it’s in the past right? All of her other memories she’d gained had been from here too. From the Raven that’d originally been here. The Raven that deserved to be here. 
Maybe it’s nothing.
Or maybe… 
No, she’s not going to think about the what-ifs anymore. She can’t go back down that rabbit hole right now. With a heavy sigh Raven looks out towards the balcony. The curtains are still open, and the sun’s just beginning to peek out over the ocean. Damian hadn’t made it back to the beach house yet, at least not to her room. 
She decides to get up and get dressed. Maybe he slept on the couch downstairs. It’d be good to stretch her legs anyway. 
She finds a purple t-shirt in her suitcase that isn’t too bright (thanks again Kori), and some jean shorts. After pulling them on she slips into a pair of slides and makes the journey downstairs. Each step seems to creak, making her cringe inwardly. When she makes it to the living room and sees that the couch is unoccupied she tries not to feel too disappointed. 
Thankfully she doesn’t find anyone else either, because she doesn’t feel up to casual conversation. From the sun she guesses it’s probably around 6am so most likely everyone else is still asleep. Which is good because another argument between Jason and Stephanie this early is bound to make anyone crazy. 
The sun leads her outside. The chill of the night is still in the air, and goosebumps rise on her arms and legs. She ignores it in favor of walking further out on the beach. She’s almost certain that she’ll find Damian out here. 
It doesn’t take her long before she does. 
His red-rimmed eyes meet hers immediately, and she barely contains her gasp. Her eyes trail further down his body. Damian’s shirtless, soaked in sweat, and she has to admit that he looks completely wrecked. 
The sight of him makes her heart jump in her chest. She picks up her pace, intent on reaching him first, but stops short at the way her name sounds on his lips. 
Damian had every intention of continuing on as if nothing happened. When he’d run to the point of exhaustion, after his body threatened to give out from under his feet, he had finally decided to walk back to the beach house. On the way he makes plans to walk straight upstairs to take a shower, wash his feverish skin until it’s nearly raw, and then promptly shut out everything from last night. 
It’s already done, already decided, until he sees her. 
That’s when he realizes that he can’t keep it in, that it’s not fair for him to, and that he needs her to know. 
He needs her to know that they’ve done it. That after everything, they’ve managed to find their way to each other again, and that it’s all going to be okay. He’s here, and she’s here, and that’s all that matters. 
So he calls out to her, letting her see every emotion in the contours of his face, and doesn’t mind when she stops walking—shocked by the sound of his voice. Raw and torn and vulnerable. 
He finishes the walk to her. His Raven, his everything. 
“Raven,” a choked sob works its way up into this throat, “I remember.” 
His hands reach up to cup her face, around her neck, and he forces her to look at him. To see him. She shakes her head in disbelief, tears threatening to spill over her cheeks when he draws his face down to hers. 
“I remember everything.” 
He doesn’t wait for her response before he pulls her face up to his, and captures her lips in a heated kiss for the first time. 
His lips slide over hers while his thumb strokes her cheek, and Raven gasps into the kiss. Damian swallows it, and then pours everything into it, into her, and into them. He speaks with his lips by nibbling hers, and with his hands—one traveling up to entangle itself in her hair, because words can no longer explain this feeling. 
Raven’s hands reach up to grip his arms tightly, shaking, but not pushing him away. She whimpers against his mouth, whispering his name as tears slip down her face. Damian kisses them away, savoring the salty taste as her arms reach up to wrap around his neck. The move draws them even closer, and her chest bumps against his. He breathes in deep, wanting to commit the smell of her to memory. Never wanting to forget this moment of her lavender and vanilla scented hair blowing in the wind. Or her eyes, filled with something that looks like desperation, but also hope and something more. He never wants to forget the way that her body against his feels like a final puzzle piece dropping into place. That she feels like coming home. 
He deepens their kiss, relishing in her soft moan when she opens her mouth to him, letting his tongue delve inside to explore slowly, sensually. He holds her closer to him when he feels her knees threatening to give out right there on the beach. He takes his time, gently coaxing little noises from her. Pleasure spikes through him at the sounds, and it doesn’t feel like he can get enough of her. He reluctantly breaks their kiss and rests his forehead against hers, listening to her breathing, and the sound of waves crashing beyond them. 
“I love you Raven, so much. Dimensions can’t even separate me from you. I will always find you.” 
Raven laughs and sobs at the time in his arms, “Damian…”
“You don’t have to say anything. I just wanted you to know—that I know now. I can help you through this. You won’t ever be alone with this Raven, ever again.”
“It might take time but we can get back to a new normal. We’ll visit Constantine again and see if there’s anything else he can do now that I remember—”
“Damian,” Raven cuts him off by pressing her lips against his for the briefest moment. When he opens his eyes again, she’s smiling through her tears. A true smile, for the first time in a long time, and it takes his breath away. 
“I love you too,” she says. 
He smiles just as wide, picks her up, and twirls her around while she lets out a small squeak of surprise. He keeps hold of her when her legs wrap around his waist for support. Then he cups the back of her head with one hand while the other holds her to him, and he drowns himself in another kiss. After all, he has at least three years to make up for.
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imminent-danger-came · 8 months
My Attempt at Compiling Every Relevant Time The Monkeys Sit Next to Each Other
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(1x09 Macaque)
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(2x00 Revenge of the Spider Queen)
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(2x07 Shadow Play)
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(3x14 Destiny Fulfilled)
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(4x07 Pitiful Creatures)
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(4x10 The Jade Emperor)
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(4x11 A Lifetime of Mistakes)
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(4x12 The Plan Man) (Now are they both sitting? No. But they are at a cliff-side which is a common thing between MK & SWK)
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(4x14 Better Than We Found It)
Your heart's in the right place bud, we can work on the rest.
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maretriarch · 9 days
less of the birthday blues and more of a blurple
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I'm home alone. I could.
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marblesarelost · 1 year
I have to brag somewhere and FB is not possible due to reasons.
Y'all, this man.
I do not have any idea how this happened, but he's magic.
(Yes babe I know you don't believe in magic, but you're magic.)
Somehow, on a federal holiday (which of course it should be, don't get me wrong at all), I received a very large box in the mail from my Treasure. Inside was...the purest happiness I could have without him being here.
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I love lilacs. Lilacs and honeysuckle are my favorite flowers in the world. Well, he couldn't find lilacs in the dead of winter, but somehow, somehow, because I do not remember telling him so, he sent me a collection of amethysts.
Which are my favorite stone, jade coming in a very close second and smoky quartz third.
An amethyst tree, the big circular stone is a huge chunk of amethyst, the Zodiac Stones bag have an amethyst in them, and of course the bracelet is amethyst.
And an origami crane on the card, which I also do not remember telling him that I think are awesome.
As well as a lovely little picture of lilacs with a bee on them -- and I love bees, too. Bees are great. And I know, I absolutely KNOW, I did not tell you that.
You're magic, my darling. Absolutely magic.
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howifeltabouthim · 1 year
. . . I began to feel perilously close to acting on some insane wish.
Siri Hustvedt, from The Blindfold
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hearts-hunger · 1 year
girl help i'm getting that “sense of impending doom” symptom again
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uh oh sisters! the pit inside myself is desperately, violently begging to be filled, despite nothing on earth being strong enough to fill it!
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creaturecumforts · 2 years
I am too impatient for this shit
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riewritten · 2 months
Man… this episode was so gripping and breathtaking with all kinds of mysteries. I read it in one breath. As usual, it was a great fic and chapter like the other fic you write.
:') tysm love!! this is my first time writing a mystery-themed fanfic so i cant help but wonder what might be coming up to the readers' mind as the story progresses, so feel free to tell me your guesses 😚
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noxtivagus · 2 years
#🌙.rambles#[ ffxiv. ]#spoilers#particularly amaurot brainrot rn#with emet-selch. n full fathom five. neath dark waters. ykyk#THE TEMPEST#'The waters recede. The Tempest's floor is laid bare. In defiance of the blinding sky/ this place holds fast to its gloom.'#'The last refuge of he who denies the light with every fiber of his being.'#'You stand at the precipice/ hero. Journey unto the Heart of Darkness. Finish it.'#i remember that so well!!!!#the parts w amaurot n all are still among my fav parts of the whole ffxiv story#even the song.#i love water. the sea. ocean. n then yk with to the edge as well. the lyrics w angels n light n dark#remembrance as a core theme with emet. and they faced their end. while here we 'heroes' are to stop our end#hermes similarly is actually tied w emet now for my fav chara. but in a way that def i'd still choose emet always#bcs hermes w the. wings. bird. freedom. understanding. his loneliness. the stars. flowers. blue#emet w azem tho is smth that's really special to me#emet-selch always told the truth. he wanted us to understand. and remember. slave to sentiment; captive to love#n then the nier quests sob i'm still not over that. 'vestiges of paradise' n everything there is still stuck in my head#'Some days ago/ a light appeared in that endlesss darknesss.' :') opening lights like he's back home#n then w hyth. just a moment of weakness. how painful remembrance is. how painful it is to be alone for thousands of years#how it twisted him. n then w endwalker pls pls pls 😭#he's such a fool for holding unto hopeless remembrance. but i would've done the same. i would have done the same#'And yet...I fancy I hear his words to us echoing throughout this ocean trench. He would have his story known.' my beloved ;;;;;#his heavy burdens. & 'Surely Emet-Selch has recognized the hint of “her” in you...?' PAIN#'The decision to press on lies with you. Just as it lies with each and every one of us...' HDFJELKDFJLKFJD#ffxiv shb hurt so much oh god i rmb crying so bad. the story-telling is so good....#You wage a titanic battle not only against Hades/ but the hopes and dreams of Ascian-kind/ of which he is the keeper.'#'In the end however your own unwavering conviction brings the ancient being low. You have done a great & terrible thing.' ow
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athenadione · 8 months
Do you have a time range for this update like in a month or something no disrespect I honestly just can’t wait for the next chapter for ur fic edge of precipice 🤭
Hi, sorry this took so long to answer but the update is out now! You can read Chapter 10 HERE :)
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distantwave · 2 years
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#really think I actually need to find a psychiatrist one of these days#not to quote my shitty roomie but I really don’t have to live like this#I am. doing not as bad as I have at other points. but I am definitely not doing great I would say#like I mean things are fine at the moment. but there’s definitely the edge of a precipice kinda feeling to it#like I do really enjoy my job that’s a really good thing for me actually and I finally found a place to live so that’s excellent but#I do REALLY think I need to get help before I move out. which realistically isn’t going to happen bc it’s less than a month away#but uh. I am. not going to do well on my own admittedly. sure I was practically living on my own the last few months in the last place#just bc no one would speak to me. but there were still other people in the house. I think my potential for getting really bad again is#perhaps going to be alarmingly high if I’m on my own without a roommate or a therapist/physiatrist to figure shit out#I don’t want it to take away how excited I am to live at my new place but I genuinely should not be on my own. like practically I’m fine#it’s mentally I won’t do well with it I think#on a totally different note tho if I did ever end up getting diagnosed with what I think I’ve got going on it opens up a ton of#diners drive ins and dives jokes for me lmaoo#so that’s something I guess lol. but yea anyways idk what to do really. am bad at bridging what I can bring up to people and what I can’t#as that is literally one of the defining reasons my relationship with her fucking crashed and burned. so idk when/what/how much I can#talk about things anymore. went from telling no one anything and it completely ruining my closest friendship. to telling her everything and#it ALSO ruining our friendship. so my grasp of what’s appropriate is evidently nonexistent ya know. but I do need to talk to someone bc#I am perhaps doing less than optimal ya know? and I don’t really want to go back to my last therapist I feel like it’s been too long#don’t know what my plan of action is here but this was slightly cathartic at least
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dnangelic · 1 day
A cold can of peach soda presses against Daisuke's cheek, followed by a giggle from behind him. "I've always wanted to try doing that! They do it in movies all the time, it looks sooooo cute!" With that, Shi Qingxuan plops down beside him with a little 'oof!'
and he gasps loudly at first --- feels himself springing up and jumping out of his skin as he sucks in a breath , leaping far , stiffly upwards while shi qingxuan happily seats herself down beside him . ' h-hey ... ! ' cheeks go red , smoldering at the spot once kissed by the cold can . his voice , what could have been a frantic shout and yell , the sort reserved for the far more belligerent , overbearing likes such as takeshi , ( stop doing that all the time , you jerk ! ) catches on something in his throat and comes out soft as a strangled wheeze .
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' shi qingxuan ! you --- you scared me ... ! ' but it was his own fault too for not paying attention , wasn't it ? distracted by the summer sunset as he sat on a small hill ; its radiant colors , the muggy , nigh-unbearable heat clinging to his shirt , which clung to his skin , the sensation like an extra pair of arms wrapped around and smothering him . there's no way to confess that at first , he had somehow imagined it was dark who had somehow found another form and stroked him . ( who , what else , was ever so cold , even in the midst of summer ? )
--- and so with all of his possible grievances more or less admitted , his shoulders still raised high , he listens , while his face twists into something somewhat troubled ; a little fatigued .
' i'm glad i got to help you , i guess ... ' the mumble of it borders a grumble , but he moves past , beyond any unpleasant emotion quickly --- meeting his company's eyes with his own until a warm , greeting smile properly blossoms on his face . after all , this was still shi qingxuan , and these sorts of things , carefree impulses , zephyrical whimsies , the sorts of playful indulgences that daisuke would never have allowed himself unless he was confident he could bear being made out to be a fool , came naturally to his company .
' was me looking dumb part of the movies , too ? ' he laughs --- at himself , scratching his cheek , hoping the other would laugh too . ' um , and you should have let me help you ... ' he imagines setting the other down gently after being made to stand , but he shakes his head and sits back down .
' nevermind . i'll just help you stand back up , okay ? ' when the time came , he'd try to offer her a reliable hand . in the meantime --- his gaze casts off towards the sea of colors again , and he indulges in the sight of it , thinking about everything ( work , school , himself , his friends , ) and nothing ( how pretty , how peaceful , how nervewracking , but how nice to see this all beside a friend , ) all at once again .
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