hellfirehope · 2 years
𝑀𝑢𝑠𝑖𝑐 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑢𝑛𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠- 𝐸.𝑀
♪𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐼𝐼 - 𝐼 ℎ𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑚𝑦𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑓 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑦𝑜𝑢♪
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Eddie Munson x Reader
Minors dni! By reading you are agreeing that you are 18 years or older. ⚠︎︎
Warnings: heavily suggestive material, swearing, driving recklessly (pls don’t do that🥺) best friends/fools in love, sexual tension, dash of angst, suggested masterbation
Idk, I’m still new at posting my fics and not really sure what all warnings to use, I’m sorry😭
Ok, so quick A/N- Murray is going to be Y/N’s stepdad. I know this sounds a little different but I haven’t seen this before and I think it will be hilarious for love-doctor (and regular little housewife) Murray to knock some sense into these fools. I’m going to go into the backstory for Y/N’s mother in the upcoming chapters, but all you need to know right now is that she passed away from substance abuse. I really hope that doesn’t trigger anyone- I just really wanted to write about the effects a parent like that can have on a child. You’re totally free to imagine she poofed into thin air lol! Also, let’s also pretend the spectacular Joan Jett and the Blackhearts released I hate myself for loving you in 1985 (when this takes place) instead of 1988. Just couldn’t resist using this awesome song. Ok, I’m done rambling- hope y’all enjoy 🫣
Eddie ruffled his young friend’s hair (much to Dustin’s fake dismay) and rushed out the building. He could still hear Dustin protesting (that kid was like a soapbox sometimes) but he wasn’t focused on anything but Y/N.
She seemed really upset. They had just been together, did something happen in the few minutes after he left?? God, why did he leave. He just had to relieve himself, had to close his eyes and imagine her breathtaking figure, breathy laugh, and mesmerizing (y/e/c) eyes. She might as well have been tattooed underneath his eyelids or ingrained in his brain.
His insecurity couldn’t help but take advantage of him in his worried state. No one upset her, she’s just realized her best friend is a disgusting horndog who can’t be in the same room with her without being a pervert. A little voice taunted him.
He wondered if she hadn’t realized yet-how? He had been able to keep it under wraps for a while. But as they got older, started changing…He couldn’t help but notice how she somehow got more breathtaking every time he saw her. He was constantly embarrassed and guilty about his feelings towards her, but still couldn’t bring his attention away from her eyes, her neck, her lips, her tits….Fuck. He was so screwed.
Despite his doubts, Eddie was nothing short of an gentleman. You rarely caught him staring. He had learned how to be subtle, after 4 years. If you did catch him, you chalked it up to hormones or his personality. Your naivety kept you from actually considering any other reason for him to gawk at you.
After searching the parking lot for an embarrassing amount of time, Eddie came to the realization you had left. Worried and confused, he hated the idea of having to wait until tonight to talk to you.
Eddie kept a brisk pace as he made his way to his trusted van, turning the keys in the ignition, and recklessly speeding out of the parking lot. A sane person may have falsely assumed he was just driving like that because he was worried about you, but that’s just Eddie .
As soon as he has started the van, loud music flooded his ears.
Eddie considers music best experienced loud. Blasting his music after school was great, but he always wished you were there to headbang with him.
As you drove your black Jeep (1980 CJ-Laredo) home, you admired the surrounding scenery. It was fall, your favorite season. Orange and red leaves littered the streets and sidewalks, adding life and color to a normally boring suburb. Pumpkins and scarecrows were thoughtfully placed in almost every yard. The weather was perfect- you had to roll your windows down. Your right hand was gripping the wheel, your left was dangling outside the window, relishing in the crisp autumn air. Though you were confused about your earlier interaction with Eddie, you tried to focus on other things. It was a fruitless attempt. Does he know you’re embarrassingly obsessed with him? Did he still want to go to the concert? God you felt so pathetic, pining for him like an obsessive freak.
I hate myself for loving you began playing, and you turned the volume up.
I’m not getting jealous, don’t like looking like a clown
I think of you every night and day
You took my heart, and you took my pride away
I hate myself for loving you
Can’t break free from the things that you do
I wanna walk but I run back to you
That’s why I hate myself for loving you.
Rather fitting, you thought. More angry tears spilled down your face as you pulled into your driveway.
“Hey, kid, how was school?” Your step dad greeted you as you walked through the door.
“S’fine,” you unintentionally sniffled, “just tired. Going to get ready for a concert with Eds tonight. Is that ok?” You asked, already knowing his response. He adopted a pretty laid back parenting style, trusting you to make good decisions.
“Of course-go- have fun, you lovebirds!” Murray gushed.
You rolled your eyes and spun to face him. “Murray. You know me and Eds aren’t dating. We’re. Just. Friends! Do I need to learn a new language to get through to you??”
“Well you could always try Russian…” he offered jokingly.
“MURRAY. Seriously, are you trying to pimp me out or something?” you joked, lightheadedly.
Murray looked at you with mock horror, gasping dramatically.
“Listen- you are lucky enough to live under the same roof as a love genius-“
You bursted out laughing at this. “You are not a love genius!”
He chose to ignore your interruption and continue teasing you.
“If you don’t want to take advantage of my sage and WISE advice- that’s your loss! And poor Eddie’s.” He tutted.
You groaned, falling back to sit across from him on the couch.
“Eddie doesn’t like me like that.” you sighed matter-of-factly.
“And how do you know? Hmm?” He demanded.
“Uhhh…we’ve been friends for 4 years! I just know, Murray. And if he likes me so much why hasn’t he ever made a move?” You asked, embarrassed that you couldn’t help the last part coming out as more of a whine.
“Well…maybe he’s just as foolish as you, and thinks you would reject him.”
You grabbed a pillow to your left, and hit Murray with it.
“Hey!!! There’s nothing wrong with it- everyone’s a fool when they’re in love.”
“I’m not…in love.”
“Yeah, sure,” he raised his eyebrows skeptically.
“Listen, I know it’s hard. You don’t want to risk a good friendship. But think about it. You could tell him and if he feels the same -WHICH HE DOES- think about how much you have to gain.” He smiled, raising his glass of vodka.
It was 6:59 and you still weren’t ready for the concert. You had a terrible habit of doing this, retreating into your own mind while working or getting ready, leaving you with no concept of time.
You were wearing black jeans and a dark red shirt, one Eddie had made for you. It was “pre-released Corroded Coffin merchandise”, according to him. There was a sick illustration of a guitar on the front. It was obviously Eddie’s guitar- it was just too metal to mistake.
Underneath the crop top, you had a black and white striped long sleeve shirt, hoping it would help with the chill.
Precisely one minute later, Eddie was knocking on your door.
Shit, you thought.
You applied the last bit of makeup you had left, and hurried down the stairs to let him in.
When you reached the bottom of the stairs, you realized Murray had already let Eddie in. He almost always let you greet Eddie, trying not to embarrass you with his hyper-aware personality and lack of filter.
Ugh what is his game, you wondered.
You quickened your pace, joining Eddie and Murray by the door.
Eddie was mid-conversation with your step-dad as he took you in, quite literally forgetting how to speak for a moment. He was never rude to your step-dad, always trying to make sure he liked him. It was annoying, but cute.
But that damn shirt. Good behavior could no longer be promised when you wore that.
Eddie had made it for your birthday and was so thrilled to give it to you (he actually gave it to you a week before your birthday because he couldn’t wait to see your reaction).
Now that he’s seen it on you a few times, he’s regretted ever thinking to give you something that would give you so much power over him. Not that you needed any help with that.
His most prized possession was his guitar, and seeing you, the love of his life and the (non-living) other love of his life….he just melted.
“Ok, Murray. Stop bothering Eddie and let us get to our concert.”
“Oh you can’t stay for dinner?”Murray smirked and squinted at you.
Eddie took slight notice of the dynamic going on between you and your step-dad and (of course) had to play along. He smiled innocently and met your eyes. “Actually, Y/N, I’m sorry, but I got the time messed up. We actually have another hour before we have to be there…” Eddie admitted. Although he didn’t seem to upset. The wink and smirk didn’t help.
“Dinner it is!” Murray practically squealed. He headed into the kitchen, not waiting to hear your response.
You gritted your teeth. “Dinner it is.”
Sorry this was a bit of a filler. Also, the random spaces between paragraphs, no idea what’s going on there 🥲
Anyway, hope you enjoyed? Have a safe and lovely night, babes, and remember it’s ok to imagine Eddie railing you in a cemetery, that’s totally normal and I’m definitely not projecting ❦
Blessed be.
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hellfirehope · 2 years
Eddie: Today, my son Dustin asked, “Can I have a bookmark?” I burst into tears—14 years old and he still doesn’t know my name is Eddie.
Eddie: y’know, book…mark-
Steve: explaining it won’t make it any funnier
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