#eddie diaz you sassy human being
parva-noctua · 1 month
Why is "But his wedding is about YoU?" an even bitchier line than "Didn’t know you could bring a date to a bachelor party..." ?! 😂
Still love the way Tommy strolls in
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tawaifeddiediaz · 2 years
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EDDIE DIAZ & CHIMNEY HAN + being taken hostage (without losing their sassiness)
(for @captain-hen​​ ♥)
[Image ID: ten gifs of Eddie Diaz and Chimney Han from 9-1-1 episodes 5.06, "Brawl in Cell Block 9-1-1" and 6.04, "Animal Instincts", both having been taken hostage by someone from a call they were responding to:
GIF 1: Eddie rubbing his hands together as he eyes Mitchell. The text reads, "[How did they find us so fast?] Guess this wasn’t part of your twenty-seven step breakout plan."
GIF 2: A closeup of Eddie as he says, "Might want to think on the fact that there's only one way out of this ambulance." sounding very self-sure and confident
GIF 3: Eddie looking annoyed as he pinches the sides of his temples with his fingers while Mitchell rattles around in the ambulance. The text reads, "Stop moving around. Police see the ambulance moving, they're gonna think something's wrong, and they'll breach."
GIF 4: A closeup of Eddie's irate expression as he answers Mitchell's careless comment. The text reads, "[I’m the one they’re gonna shoot.] Space this small, not a lot of room for error. Rather not get caught in crossfire."
GIF 5: Eddie gesturing passionately as he goes off on Mitchell, saying, "He tell you this is what he wants? To get your heart and live the rest of his life knowing how much blood you shed so he could have it? You think that's a feel-good ending for him?"
GIF 6: Chim clinging to the Jesus handle as he tries to get the drunk driver to pull over. The text reads, "Listen...the rap for a DUI is much better than the laundry list of charges you are about to be arrested for."
GIF 7: Chim clinging to the handle as the car races down the street, police cars chasing after it. The text reads, "Look. All human beings are driven by four basic animal instincts, right? Fight, flight, feed and fornicate."
GIF 8: Chim turning to look at the driver as he tells him, "You woke up behind the wheel with someone poking at you, you panicked, hit the gas, and here we are."
GIF 9: A closeup of Chim looking at the driver, then a side profile of both of them together. The text reads, "You have been in an accident and, clearly, you have experienced head trauma. Look for yourself!"
GIF 10: The driver asking, "So, what happens now" while Chim lets out a loose sigh of relief, shaking his head in contempt as he says. "First we get you to a hospital. Then, jail. Definitely jail."
/end ID]
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kitkatpancakestack · 3 years
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