#eating garlic everyday benefits
atikachina · 1 year
10 Crazy Health Benefits of Eating Garlic
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khulkarjiyo · 9 months
Onion soup benefits (All what you need to know)
There aren’t many foods in the world of food that can compare to the love and satisfaction provided by a steaming bowl of onion soup. More than just a meal, onion soup is a soothing embrace for the soul, a reminder of the warmth of home-cooked food, and an example of the magic that can be created from a simple vegetable. How do I make classic onion soup? Onion soup benefits To make classic…
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healthover50 · 19 days
Discover What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Garlic Everyday
Discover What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Garlic Everyday Discover the amazing health benefits of incorporating garlic into your daily diet! In this video, we dive into how garlic boosts your immune system, improves heart health, and may even reduce cancer risk. Learn from personal experiences, expert insights, and simple cooking demonstrations how easy and beneficial it is to include…
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hempproductsonline · 2 months
How to Eat Hemp Seeds for Maximum Nutrition
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Nutritional powerhouse hemp seeds offer a plethora of health advantages. They offer a balanced ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 and are rich in essential fatty acids, which promote heart health and lower inflammation. Hemp seeds are a complete protein source that provide all the essential amino acids, which makes them especially beneficial for vegans and vegetarians. Their high fiber content helps with weight management, digestion, and bowel movement regulation. Hemp seeds are rich in vital vitamins and minerals, such as zinc, magnesium, and vitamin E, which support the immune system and general health.
Nutritional Powerhouse
Hemp seeds are an incredible source of nutrients, providing a wide range of rich nutrients that can dramatically improve your general health. To begin with, they are an excellent source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are necessary for heart health, proper brain function, and the reduction of inflammation.
Hemp seeds are a great source of protein for vegetarians and vegans who are trying to meet their requirements because they are a complete protein that contains all of the essential amino acids.
Hemp seeds are rich in essential minerals like magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc, as well as vitamins like E that support a healthy immune system and other physiological functions.
Including hemp seeds in your diet has the potential to transform your life. Vitamins and minerals are essential for general vitality, fiber encourages satiety and digestive health, protein helps with muscle growth and repair, and omega fatty acids support cardiovascular health.
Simple and Nutrient-Rich Snacking
With their delicious nutty flavor and versatility, hemp seeds make it easier than ever to enjoy their healthful goodness. The shelled seeds of the Cannabis sativa plant are delicious on their own and don’t need much preparation. These are known as hemp hearts.
Hemp hearts are easy to savor, with their small, soft texture allowing you to enjoy the nutty notes with every bite. The convenience of indulging in hemp seeds in their purest form adds a delightful touch to your daily munching routine, whether you’re on the go or craving a quick, satisfying snack at home.
Beyond their ease of use, hemp hearts are appealing because of their deep, nutty flavor. The subtle yet distinct flavor of hemp hearts is reminiscent of pine nuts or sunflower seeds, and it gives your palate a delightful crunch. Hemp hearts, which contain an ideal ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, promote heart health and offer vital nutrients for general well-being. They are the perfect plant-based protein source because of their full protein profile, which includes all essential amino acids.
Hemp hearts are a delightful addition to your everyday culinary repertoire, and there are as many ways to enjoy them as there are benefits.
Culinary Versatility
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Following are some ways through which we can add hemp seeds into our daily life which makes the diet interesting as well as healthy.
Superfood Bowl of Smoothies:
For an added nutritional boost, blend your favorite fruits, greens, and a spoonful of hemp seeds.
For a tasty and invigorating breakfast, top with more hemp seeds, granola, sliced fruits, and a drizzle of honey.
Crunchy Cereal Enhancement:
For an extra crunch, liberally sprinkle hemp seeds over your muesli or cereal in the morning.
Add some chopped nuts, dried fruits, and a little milk or yogurt, and you have a filling and healthy breakfast.
Stir-Fried Veggie Delight:
For an added protein boost, add a handful of hemp seeds to your preferred stir-fried vegetable medley.
Add soy sauce, ginger, and garlic to a stir-fry to make it savory and nutrient-dense.
Smoothie Boosters
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Following are some ways how you can include hemp in your smoothie routine to make it an healthier alternative:
Nut meal Flavor and Creamy Texture: Your smoothies will taste and texture better thanks to the delightful creaminess and nutty undertone that hemp seeds bring. Add one or two tablespoons of hemp seeds to the blender to achieve a velvety, smooth consistency with a hint of nutty flavor.
Powerhouse Packed with Protein: Because they are a complete protein source, hemp seeds are a great addition to the diet of anyone looking to increase their plant-based protein intake. For an additional protein boost that supports muscle repair and general satiety, add two to three tablespoons of hemp seeds to your smoothie.
Mineral and Vitamin Infusion: Zinc, magnesium, and vitamin E are just a few of the vital nutrients that hemp seeds add to your smoothie. Add hemp seeds to your smoothie to improve its nutritional profile and general health.
Baking with Hemp Seeds
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Incorporate hemp seeds into your baked goods to reap their nutritional benefits and nutty flavor. Your favorite baked goods, such as granola bars and muffins, can taste better and be healthier thanks to the addition of hemp seeds.
Muffins Packed with Protein: Mix 1/4 to 1/2 cup hemp seeds into the batter for muffins. For a healthy twist, try making banana hemp seed muffins by mixing mashed bananas, whole wheat flour, hemp seeds, and a little honey.
Cookies with Nuts and Chocolate Chips: Add 1/4 cup of hemp seeds to the dough for your cookies. Add some crunch and protein to your classic cookie recipe by folding in hemp seeds to make a batch of nutty chocolate chip cookies.
Bars of Granola with Crunch: Add one-third cup of hemp seeds to the granola bar batter. For a filling and healthy snack, try making hemp-infused granola bars with oats, nuts, dried fruits, and hemp seeds held together with honey or nut butter.
Savory Delights
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Hemp seeds can add a delightful nutty flavor and a nutritional boost to your savory meals, from pasta and rice to vegetable-focused dishes. You can add hemp seeds to savory dishes in the following ways:
Pasta with Nuts and Pesto: Add hemp seeds to the pesto sauce of your choice. Toss cooked pasta with the hemp-infused pesto for a nutty, high-protein take on a traditional recipe.
Fried Rice with Hemp Seeds: When your fried rice is cooking, add a sprinkle of hemp seeds. Add hemp seeds, your favorite veggies, and protein to your fried rice to improve its texture and nutritional value.
Quinoa Salad with Hemp Seeds: Mix together the cooked quinoa, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, feta cheese, hemp seeds, and olive oil drizzle. Combine the ingredients to make a quinoa salad that is both refreshing and high in protein.
With many health benefits and a high nutritional content, hemp seeds are a versatile and nutrient-dense addition to food. Beyond their flavor, hemp seeds are a complete protein source that supports heart health and general well-being by having a balanced ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Hemp seeds are a convenient way to support a diet rich in nutrients and balanced, as well as a natural source of protein. They can be added to salads, baked goods, or smoothie bowls in the morning. Accept the adaptability of hemp seeds to improve the nutritional value of food and create a tasty, health-conscious eating experience.
Source:- https://thetrost.com/blogs/blogs/how-to-eat-hemp-seeds-for-maximum-nutrition
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esthercarter · 3 months
What Happens When You Take Raw Garlic
What Happens When You Take Raw Garlic What Happens When You Take Raw Garlic 🔔 Subscribe to the channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDUu... ✔️ Share this video: https://youtu.be/B7twM64Gp2Q Eating raw garlic provides a variety of health benefits due to its medicinal properties, such as the presence of sulfur compounds, including allicin. These compounds give raw garlic antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. By consuming it, one can strengthen the immune system, improve cardiovascular health, fight free radicals, reduce inflammation, fight infections and promote healthy digestion. However, it is important to consume garlic in moderation, as excess can cause unwanted side effects such as gastrointestinal irritation and strong body odor. It is always recommended to consult a health professional before making significant dietary changes, especially for those treating specific medical conditions. garlic,benefits of garlic,garlic benefits,health benefits of garlic,raw garlic,garlic health benefits,raw garlic benefits,eating garlic,garlic benefits for health,uses of garlic,growing garlic,eat garlic everyday,garlic water benefits,black garlic,garlic water,fresh garlic,eat garlic raw,garlic nutrition,garlic supplements What Happens When You Take Raw Garlic What Happens When You Take Raw Garlic 🛑 Disclaimer: The content shared on this channel and its videos is intended for general knowledge and should not be viewed as professional guidance. We strive to offer accurate and detailed information, but it's important to note that we are not licensed professionals. Therefore, it's advisable to consult with a qualified professional for specific needs. All the material presented on our channel is original content created by us.
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healthytips93 · 3 months
"Optimize Your Diabetes Management: Top 10 Natural Foods to Control Blood Sugar Levels"
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Living with diabetes requires cautious administration of diet to keep up with glucose levels inside a sound reach. While medicine and way of life changes assume critical parts, integrating normal food varieties into your eating routine can altogether support controlling diabetes. Here are the best 10 normal food sources that can assist with overseeing diabetes really.
Mixed Greens:
Mixed greens like spinach, kale, and Swiss chard are wealthy in fiber and low in sugars, going with them ideal decisions for diabetics. They additionally contain cell reinforcements and fundamental supplements like magnesium, which can further develop insulin responsiveness and direct glucose levels.
Berries like blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries are loaded with cancer prevention agents, nutrients, and fiber while being low in sugar. They have a low glycemic record, meaning they cause a more slow ascent in glucose levels contrasted with different natural products, making them an extraordinary choice for diabetes the executives.
Greasy Fish:
Greasy fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines are astounding wellsprings of omega-3 unsaturated fats, which have been displayed to lessen irritation and further develop heart wellbeing in individuals with diabetes. Integrating greasy fish into your eating routine can likewise assist with bringing down fatty substance levels and diminish the gamble of cardiovascular intricacies.
Entire Grains:
Entire grains like oats, quinoa, and earthy colored rice are wealthy in fiber and supplements, making them better options in contrast to refined grains. Fiber dials back the assimilation and retention of carbs, forestalling spikes in glucose levels. Remembering entire grains for your dinners can likewise advance satiety and help in weight the executives.
Nuts and Seeds:
Nuts like almonds, pecans, and flaxseeds are amazing wellsprings of solid fats, protein, and fiber. They insignificantly affect glucose levels and can assist with further developing insulin responsiveness. Integrating a small bunch of nuts or seeds into your everyday eating routine can give a fantastic nibble while holding your glucose under tight restraints.
Greek Yogurt:
Greek yogurt is high in protein and low in carbs, settling on it a fantastic decision for individuals with diabetes. It additionally contains probiotics, which can further develop stomach wellbeing and diminish the gamble of insulin opposition. Select plain, unsweetened Greek yogurt to stay away from added sugars.
Beans, lentils, and chickpeas are wealthy in protein, fiber, and complex carbs, making them ideal food sources for diabetes the executives. They have a low glycemic file and can assist with balancing out glucose levels when consumed consistently. Adding vegetables to soups, mixed greens, or principal dishes can improve their dietary benefit and advance better glucose control.
Avocado is a supplement thick natural product that is wealthy in solid fats, fiber, and cell reinforcements. It insignificantly affects glucose levels and can assist with further developing cholesterol levels and heart wellbeing. Adding avocado to plates of mixed greens, sandwiches, or smoothies can give a velvety surface and improve the healthy benefit of your dinners.
Cinnamon is a delightful flavor that has been displayed to further develop insulin responsiveness and lower glucose levels in individuals with diabetes. Sprinkling cinnamon on cereal, yogurt, or natural product can add a delightful flavor while giving potential medical advantages to diabetes the executives.
Garlic contains intensifies that have been found to further develop insulin responsiveness and lower glucose levels. Integrating new garlic into your feasts can add flavor and potential medical advantages for diabetes the board. Moreover, garlic has antibacterial and mitigating properties that can advance generally speaking wellbeing and prosperity.
Integrating these regular food varieties into your eating regimen can assume a critical part in overseeing diabetes really. Nonetheless, it's crucial for screen your glucose levels consistently and work with a medical care proficient to foster a customized diet plan that meets your wholesome necessities and wellbeing objectives. By pursuing informed food decisions and focusing on entire, supplement rich food sources, you can assume command over your diabetes and work on your general personal satisfaction.
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axelaustteam · 3 months
Embracing Holistic Health: Harnessing the Power of Herbs and Spices
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In the quest for overall well-being, holistic health has gained popularity as individuals seek comprehensive approaches to address physical, mental, and emotional aspects of their lives. One avenue that has been explored for centuries is the integration of herbs and spices into daily routines. Beyond adding flavor to our meals, these natural wonders have been revered for their potential to promote holistic health. Let's delve into the world of holistic health with herbs and spices and uncover the myriad benefits they offer.
Nutrient-Rich Powerhouses: Herbs and spices are not just culinary delights; they are also rich in essential nutrients. From vitamins and minerals to antioxidants, these natural ingredients contribute to the body's overall nutritional profile. For instance, turmeric, with its active compound curcumin, has potent anti-inflammatory properties, while garlic is celebrated for its immune-boosting abilities.
Balancing the Mind and Body: Holistic health emphasizes the interconnectedness of the mind and body. Many herbs and spices have adaptogenic properties, helping the body adapt to stressors and promoting balance. Adaptogens like ashwagandha and holy basil are renowned for their ability to support the body's response to stress, potentially reducing the risk of stress-related ailments.
Digestive Harmony: A key element of holistic health is a well-functioning digestive system. Certain herbs and spices have been traditionally used to aid digestion. Ginger, for example, can alleviate nausea and promote digestion, while peppermint has been shown to soothe an upset stomach. Integrating these into your diet can contribute to digestive harmony.
Mindful Eating and Flavorful Living: Herbs and spices elevate the sensory experience of eating, promoting mindful consumption. The flavors and aromas they bring to dishes not only make meals more enjoyable but can also encourage a more conscious and intentional approach to eating. This mindfulness fosters a deeper connection between individuals and their food, promoting a healthier relationship with nutrition.
Herbal Teas and Infusions: A soothing cup of herbal tea can be a holistic remedy for various ailments. Chamomile, lavender, and peppermint teas are well-known for their calming effects, aiding in stress reduction and promoting better sleep. Harnessing the power of herbal infusions can be a simple yet effective way to incorporate holistic health practices into daily life.
Natural Immune Support: Building a robust immune system is a cornerstone of holistic health. Many herbs and spices possess immune-boosting properties. Echinacea, elderberry, and astragalus are just a few examples of botanicals that have been traditionally used to support the body's defenses against infections.
Holistic Health Practices in Everyday Life: Embracing holistic health with herbs and spices involves more than just occasional use. It's about integrating these natural wonders into your daily routines. Whether through cooking, herbal teas, or supplements, the consistent incorporation of herbs and spices can contribute to a holistic lifestyle.
In the journey towards Holistic Health with Herbs and Spices emerge as versatile allies. Their nutritional richness, adaptogenic properties, and diverse health benefits make them valuable additions to a balanced and mindful lifestyle. By embracing the power of herbs and spices, individuals can nurture a holistic approach to health that addresses the interconnected well-being of the body, mind, and spirit.
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lasiith · 9 months
Top 10 Health Benefits Of Garlic, Eat Garlic Everyday.
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egpenrose · 9 months
Hardest exercise yet
I am going through the writing exercises in Steering the Craft by Ursula K. Le Guin. This exercise was about NOT using adjectives or adverbs because if you can get the same description with fewer words that's better (Really Le Guin explains the reasoning for these exercises so well, go read the book).
I chose to edit a 500 word passage to remove adjectives and adverbs AND THIS WAS HARD. I know I didn't 100% succeed, but I definitely spent a lot of time thinking about alternative wordings so I think I got the benefit of the exercise (also sorry this post is a book in itself)
The cacophony of clinks, clangs, and chatter soothes the rough edges off of Alexander's existential crisis. A whole real world exists outside of the network. The cafeteria is set up like a buffet, hand-lettered signs directing patrons. Bright silver chaffers are set up on crisp white linen with little flames underneath keeping the food warm. Each dish is accompanied by a folded-tent notecard with hand written ingredients. A mix of professional and country charm.
He sets his very full tray down at an empty table, but that doesn't last long. He's an oddity and these people have no sense of privacy.
"Got an appetite, do ya, young man?" asks an older masc-individual with hair like wispy white clouds floating unkempt around a wrinkled face. They are wearing a dark blue button down that looks like what they might've worn everyday during their working years. Alexander supposes he is young in comparison.
"I wanted to try everything," he explains. Two lasagna choices, four vegetable sides, and garlic bread quickly overwhelmed a plate even when taking small portions.
"I never liked broccoli," they comment, seemingly just for want of something to say. "but the girl Philipa's got cooking does an alright job of it."
Alexander nods, mouth full, waiting until he could add, "Yeah everything is good. I never thought I would like turnips." He stabs a baked white wedge onto his fork.
"You all have turnips in Huriya? I always thought you lot ate paste out of squeezies."
Alexander has heard this one before. "Haha, no. I think most people in the southern provinces do eat more pre-packaged food, but there's still sit-down restaurants like this." He gestures around them to indicate the hotel's cafeteria, though he meant more like ordering from a menu. "And the pre-packaged food is still normal food. Like I've gotten heat and eat lasagna before."
"Huh," they don't seem particularly pleased to learn that the stereotype isn't true. "But this is better, right?" they insist. "This is real food."
"It's different," Alexander hedges.
The older local is right, the food is more 'real' if real means less processing and fewer additives. He wants to like it more than he does. He doesn't not like it. But there are so many strong unusual flavors that come across as dirt, grass, blood, or medicine to Alexander's palette. Stringy plant bits are hard to chew through, and grisly fatty meat gobs feel gross and seem to upset his stomach. Surely, he'll adjust.
"Everything is scaled up," Alexander continues, "So companies tend to only keep the most popular items." RIP Mx. Coffee Mix, original flavor. "Like I've never seen nettles or dandelion greens before."
The stranger seems pleased with this praise, though Alexander is essentially saying the food is more varied here because people continue using less savory ingredients.
The cacophony of clinks, clangs, and chatter cracks the shell of Alexander's existential crisis. Existance persists outside of the network. The cafeteria is set up like a buffet; Someone handpainted directions on planks to help patrons navigate down the line of chaffers. Handwriting on notecards, which have been folded into tents, list out ingredients.
Alexander finds a table to himself and sets his tray down causing the plates of food to clatter. Alexander has gotten in one bite before he's joined. These people have no sense of privacy.
"Got an appetite, do ya, young man?" asks the pensioner with wisps like clouds floating around a face of wrinkles. They are wearing a button down that looks like what they might've worn everyday during their working years. Alexander supposes he is young in comparison.
"I wanted to try everything," he explains. The buffet offered lasagna with and without meat, turnips, broccoli, asparagus, beets, and garlic bread. Taking everything, even in moderation, has overwhelmed Alexander's plate.
"I never liked broccoli," they comment, poking the broccoli on their plate with a fork. "but the girl Philipa's got cooking manages."
Alexander nods, chewing, waiting until he could add, "Yeah everything is good. I never thought I would like turnips." He stabs another wedge onto his fork.
"You all have turnips in Huriya? I always thought you lot ate paste out of squeezies."
Alexander has heard this one before. "Haha, no. I think most people do eat more grab-n-gos, but we also have restaurants like this." He gestures around them to indicate the hotel's cafeteria, though he meant more like ordering from a menu. "And they pack normal food in the grab-n-gos. Like I've gotten heat and eat lasagna before."
"Huh." They chafe at the idea that the stereotype isn't true. "But this is better, right?" they insist. "This is real food."
"It's different," Alexander hedges.
The local is right, if 'real' means no additives and no processing in a factory.
Alexander wants to like it; he doesn't not like it. He likes the sauce and noodles, but there's also flavors that come across as dirt, grass, blood, or medicine to Alexander's palette. Fibers from one of the vegetables accumulate in his mouth as they refuse to be chewed, and the gristle and fat from the meat upset his stomach. Everyone else seems to enjoy the food; Alexander will adjust.
"Everything is scaled up," Alexander continues, "So companies tend to discontinue lemons. You know: flops, duds." RIP Mx. Coffee Mix, original flavor. "Like I've never seen nettles or dandelion greens before."
The stranger nods at this praise, though Alexander's opinion boils down to Noegrad chooses to suffer for the sake of variety.
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valgasnewsthings · 10 months
Where are to find vitamins on spring?
At summer, we are eating fresh fruits, berries, vegetables and receiving lots of vitamins.But on spring   we are  eating citric lots of, cabbage, apples, green onion, and porridges eat of cereals whole, bean, meat, liver.
Everyday drink glass of fresh pressed juices, and useful mix of carrot, apple and orange, beet,  celery, potato, cranberry.
Drink infusions of vitamins as of hibiscus, he is rich beats record by vitamins B, C,E, PP, AND BENEFIT DRINK TEA of mixed herb oregano, hypericum, mint, leafs of fragaria vesca, buds or leafs of black currant, inflorescences of raspberry, ash berry red berries, and chop mixed mass, add hot water, drink ,like a tea.
At home on your window grow fresh greens as  petroselinum, dill, onion, seeds of sprouts millet, natural are better, than from market.
Minimal warm manufacturing   vegetables and fruits, raw, are benefit more. Remember about dandelion, as a rich he is with phosphorus, in salad his bitterness as of leafs masking with garlic or onion. Not opening buttons using, like capers, as marinading. Infusion cure skin, low acidity gastritis, hypertension, insomnia , as 2 tea.sp. of roots add in 250 ml. of cold water, boil minute, in ten min filter, use on glass for 2 times/day for 4 weeks.
At home, am preparing remedies against migraine.
After stress, migraine attacked me with strong headaches and rings. And knowing about remedies,  am cooked and cured at home.
Sweeten water 1/3 of glass add 30 drops of horse chestnut tincture, am used her, in half hours felt better, and on the next day again repeated and ache stopped.
50 gr of grinded with brown peel add in 0.5 l. of vodka, infuse 2 weeks, at dark place, use on 30-40  drops with sweeten water before meal.
Sophora Japan mix with white mistletoe, leafs of hazelnut, fruits of horse chestnut, add 0.5 l. of vodka, in dark place infuse for 21 days, use dessert spoon one with water for 3 times/day before meal.
In hypertension, headaches, trombophlebitis, varicouse veins widening, rheumatism, adenoma prostate, stenocardia, against thrombus and for strengthening  walls of blood vessels use this balsam as on ten gr chopped chestnut horse add in glass of vegetable oil, infuse for 7 days in dark place, after on water bath lead till boiling, remove from a fire. Cool, and add in bottle of dark glass, and rub ache parts as before sleep.
from Valga s health news,gardening,and cooking ,and beauty . https://valgasnews.blogspot.com/2023/07/where-are-to-find-vitamins-on-spring.html via https://valgasnews.blogspot.com/
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40sandfabulousaf · 1 year
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大家好! Mention 'brunch' and avocado toast or rosti with sausage, bacon, smoked salmon or eggs come to mind. Traditionally, it refers to breakfast and lunch eaten as 1 meal in the late morning or early afternoon. My Sunday brunch comprised xiao long bao (soup dumplings) and tomato egg noodle soup, pure comfort food on a rainy late morning. Unsurprisingly, there was a steady stream of customers at the food stall whilst I was eating; their dishes are delicious!
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I had a craving for yim guk gai (Cantonese - salt baked chicken) and the stall which sells hua dan xia ren fan (scrambled egg shrimp rice) serves it so I ordered the dish. After removing both the skin and fat, I bit into 1 of the best versions of chicken, ever (chicken rice also comes with the smoothest meat). The meat was tender and firm at the same time, very juicy and extremely flavourful. As for the blanched baby bak choy, crispy garlic added extra crunch. Although I left the bottom layer of rice soaked in greasy gravy behind, it was a very satisfying, tasty and filling meal.
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SW craved dim sum, so we visited a cha chaan teng (Cantonese - tea house). I chose yu juk (Cantonese - fish congee), kailan in oyster sauce and truffle-flavoured har gow (Cantonese - steamed prawn dumplings). The congee was smooth, as decent congee is, and the crunchy kailan was not too salty. As for the har gow, it was delicious; the truffle taste was strong, yet it didn't overpower the prawn filling. SW enjoyed what she ordered too, so we'll probably return to try the other dim sum items.
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Most days I cook breakfast at home; many local food stalls tend to sell breakfast foods that lean towards being oily or contain lower nutrition. Once in awhile, especially on cold rainy days, I give myself a break from cooking. It poured on Thursday and I craved comfort foods - zhou (congee) and tang (soup). A cafe near the office sold zhou, which came with crispy anchovies, crunchy peanuts, minced chicken and an egg - in other words, YUM! This was followed by Thai fish cakes, seafood tom yum goong and rice for lunch and, when I got home, I had more veggies for dinner to balance out the lack of it during breakfast.
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I saw the following video on YouTube, showing what a Japanese breakfast looks like. What I found interesting is the emphasis on nutritional balance because this is very important to many Asians who eat moderately healthy (not clean eating - it's a happy medium between eating super healthy and not so healthy). Why not eat super healthy - the short answer is, I still wanna enjoy my meals everyday 😅 What I have when I buy meals at cai fan (mixed veggie rice) stalls are similar to grain bowls - just yummier and cost around or less than half the price! Why pay such a high premium for marginally 'healthier' foods that are the same day in and out, i.e. boring?
After all, our hypertension, heart attack and diabetes statistics are comparatively lower than countries pushing much more expensive 'healthier options'. 下次见!
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What Are The HEALTH BENEFITS Of Eating DATES? Is Dates Good For Health?
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dokter-cuann · 1 year
A Book About Home Doctor
Home Doctor: Natural Healing with Herbs, Condiments, and Health Secrets is a comprehensive guide to natural health remedies that can be easily implemented in the comfort of one's own home. Authored by Dr. Pooja Chauhan, a renowned naturopath, this book is a must-have for anyone who wants to take charge of their health and wellbeing without relying on chemical-laden pharmaceuticals.
In today's fast-paced world, people often overlook the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Poor diet, lack of exercise, and exposure to environmental toxins can lead to various health issues, including chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. While conventional medicine has its place in treating these ailments, it often comes with side effects and can be expensive. That's where Home Doctor comes in.
The book is divided into three sections, each of which covers a different aspect of natural healing. The first section deals with herbs and spices and their healing properties. Dr. Chauhan explains how various herbs and spices can be used to treat common ailments such as headaches, colds, and digestive problems. She also provides recipes for herbal remedies that can be easily prepared at home.
The second section of the book focuses on condiments and their health benefits. Dr. Chauhan explains how everyday condiments such as turmeric, ginger, and garlic can be used to boost immunity, improve digestion, and reduce inflammation. She also provides recipes for condiment-based remedies such as garlic-infused honey and turmeric milk.
The third section of the book covers general health tips and secrets that can be easily incorporated into daily life. Dr. Chauhan discusses the importance of staying hydrated, getting enough sleep, and managing stress. She also provides advice on healthy eating, exercise, and skincare.
What sets Home Doctor apart from other natural health guides is Dr. Chauhan's expertise and attention to detail. She provides clear and concise explanations of each remedy and backs up her claims with scientific research. She also provides cautions and contraindications where necessary, ensuring that readers use the remedies safely and effectively.
Overall, Home Doctor is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to take control of their health and wellbeing. Whether you're looking for natural remedies for a specific ailment or simply want to improve your overall health, this book has something for everyone. Dr. Chauhan's practical advice and easy-to-follow recipes make natural healing accessible to everyone, regardless of their level of experience. Highly recommended!
If you're looking for a comprehensive guide to natural healing remedies that can be easily implemented at home, then Home Doctor is the book for you. Authored by Dr. Pooja Chauhan, a renowned naturopath, this book provides valuable information on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle without relying on chemical-laden pharmaceuticals.
With sections on herbs, condiments, and general health tips, Home Doctor provides practical advice and easy-to-follow recipes that make natural healing accessible to everyone. Whether you're dealing with a specific ailment or simply looking to improve your overall health, this book has something for everyone.
So if you're ready to take control of your health and wellbeing, don't hesitate to buy Home Doctor today. With its expert advice and scientifically backed remedies, you'll have everything you need to live a healthy, natural lifestyle.
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Wellness Wednesday:
My Mouth Is Watering!
Waves of cravings coming in. I just think about All You Can Eat Pizza Buffets and I am having Dreams about Massive Plates of Nachos. My salivary glands are working over time.
Luckily, I did go shopping and bought some meals/snack to compensate my cravings. It doesn't bury the thoughts/dreams but it quells the mouth watering.
Beyond that - I feel like I hit a groove with my at home workouts. Push-Ups are easier everyday - I'm adding in newer workouts to complement others.
I do need to devise better workout time that does not eat into my sleep. On average I complete my workout by 10:30 pm, shower, and then I try to rest. I seem to get hit with a surge of anti-sleep exuberance after each workout and typically takes me an hour to two hours to come down from my "workout high".
Lastly, feeling/seeing benefits with my body. Clothes fit better - My pecs have little more lift.
Current Goals:
Lose 52 lbs
Avoid "Junk Food"
Minimize Take-Out / Fast Food Consumption
Meal Tracker:
Turkey Sandwich
(1) Bag of Orville Redenbacher Butter Lover Popcorn
Can of Progresso Chicken Cheese Enchilada Flavor Soup
- (10) Saltine Crackers
Turkey Sandwich
Can of Progresso Spicy Chicken Tortilla Soup
- (10) Saltine Crackers
(1) Glass of Chocolate Milk
(2) Scoops of Cottage Cheese
(1) Bag of Orville Redenbacher Butter Lover Popcorn
(2) Beef Sticks
Handful of Wonderful's Salt & Vinegar Pistachios
Can of Progresso Tomato Basil Soup
- (10) Saltine Crackers
(1) Glass of Milk
Annie Chun's Sweet Chili Noodle Bowl
- Cashews
- Salt & Vinegar Pistachios
(1) Beef Stick
(1) Medium Orange
An Entire Bag of Birds Eye Oven Roaster Parmesan Peppercorn Cauliflower
(1) Medium Orange
(1) Glass of Chocolate Milk
Annie Chun's Pad Thai Noodle Bowl
- Cashews
- Salt & Vinegar Pistachios
Small Plate of Spaghetti
- Dusting of Parmesan Cheese
(3) Scoops of Cottage Cheese
(1) Garlic Breadstick
Chef Salad
(1) Beef Stick
(5) Ritz Crackers
Small Plate of Chicken Cordon Bleu Casserole
(1) Garlic Breadstick
(1) Glass of Milk
Small Plate of Leftover Chicken Cordon Bleu Casserole
(1) Garlic Breadstick
(1) Glass of Milk
(1) Beef Stick
Handful of Wonderful's Salt & Vinegar Pistachios
Small Plate of Leftover Chicken Cordon Bleu Casserole
Sargento Balanced Breaks (White Cheddar Cheese, Almonds, Dried Cranberries)
(1) Glass of Milk
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(200) Jumping Jacks [4 sets of 50]
(100) Squats [4 sets of 25]
(50) Push-Ups [5 sets of 10]
(50) Assisted Push-Ups [1 Set]
(200) Jumping Jacks [4 sets of 50]
(100) Squats [4 sets of 25]
(50) Push-Ups [5 sets of 10]
(100) Assisted Push-Ups [2 Sets of 50]
(1) Minute Plank
(200) Jumping Jacks [4 sets of 50]
(50) Squats [5 sets of 10]
(50) Push-Ups [5 sets of 10]
(100) Assisted Push-Ups [2 sets of 50]
(50) Reverse Leg Lifts [5 sets of 10]
(50) Leg Kickbacks [5 sets of 10]
(200) Jumping Jacks [4 sets of 50]
(100) Squats [4 sets of 25]
(50) Push-Ups [5 sets of 10]
(100) Assisted Push-Ups [2 sets of 50]
(50) Reverse Leg Lifts [5 sets of 10]
(50) Leg Kickbacks [5 sets of 10]
(200) Jumping Jacks [4 sets of 50]
(100) Squats [4 sets of 25]
(50) Push-Ups [5 sets of 10]
(100) Assisted Push-Ups [2 Sets of 50]
(50) Reverse Leg Lifts [5 sets of 10]
(50) Leg Kickbacks [5 sets of 10]
(200) Jumping Jacks [4 sets of 50]
(100) Squats [4 sets of 25]
(50) Push-Ups [5 sets of 10]
(100) Assisted Push-Ups [1 Set]
(50) Reverse Leg Lifts [5 sets of 10]
(50) Leg Kickbacks [5 sets of 10]
(200) Jumping Jacks [4 sets of 50]
(100) Squats [4 sets of 25]
(50) Push-Ups [5 sets of 10]
(100) Assisted Push-Ups [2 Sets of 50]
(50) Reverse Leg Lifts [5 sets of 10]
(50) Leg Kickbacks [5 sets of 10]
Starting Weight (Noon, 1/01/2023): XXX.X lbs
Weight at Last Check-In, 1/11/2023: -5.8 lbs
Weight As of Noon, 1/18/2023: -3.2 lbs
Total Weight Loss: -15 lbs
Closing Thoughts:
The Good:
15 pounds in 18 days - not too shabby.
The Bad:
Still haven't getting much sleep, but slowly adapting.
The Ugly:
I could murder a plate of Nachos.
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Easy and Flavor-packed Pickles That Will Spice Up Your Life
If you’re looking for easy and delicious pickles that will spice up your life, then look no further. We have a wide variety of pickles to choose from, all with their own unique flavor
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If you’re looking for easy and delicious pickles that will spice up your life, then look no further. We have a wide variety of pickles to choose from, all with their own unique flavor. Whether you’re looking for a cucumber pickle to add some zing to your sandwich or an apple sauce bowl to give your food a little more flavor, we’ve got you covered. Plus, our hot pickles are always fresh and flavorful, so you can be sure that they’ll add a touch of zip to your everyday meals.
What are pickles?
Pickles are cucumbers that have been soaked in brine (water, vinegar, and salt) mixed with spices. They can be made from a variety of vegetables, such as cucumbers, carrots,Radishes, and peas. There are many different specialty pickles recipes out there, so it’s important to find one that’s easy to make and flavor-packed.
Section 2. How to Make a Pickle?Section 2. How to Make a Pickle?
In order to make a pickle, you will need:
1. Your cucumber
2. A pot or container large enough to hold the cucumber submerged in the water
3. Some vinegar or brine (water, vinegar, and salt)
4. Spices such as ginger or onion
5. Water or olive oil
6. A knife or a pair of scissors
7. A pot or pan to place the cucumber in
8. A bowl or platter for serving
How to Make Pickles.
Pickles are cucumbers that have been soaked in vinegar, salt, and spices. The spicy hot pickles can be enjoyed as is, or they can be cooked into a variety of flavors.
To make a pickle, you will need:
1 cucumber
1 cup of water
1 tablespoon of salt
3 tablespoons of vinegar
2 tablespoons of sugar
1 teaspoon of pepper
1. Cut the cucumber in half and remove the seeds and membranes.
2. Add the cucumber halves to the water and bring to a boil.
3. Reduce the heat to low and simmer for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.
4. Remove from heat and let cool slightly beforeathering it in a jar or bowl with your favorite toppings (salt, vinegar, sugar).
How to Use Pickles.
To use pickles as a condiment, start by boiling them for about 10 minutes. then draining and pressing them to remove any water. Once they’re dry, add them to your food or drink. You can also use pickles as an appetizer by enjoyment them with some fresh vegetables or fruit. For side dishes, try adding them to yogurt, soup, or salad.
Tips for Making Pickles.
avoids bacteria and other contaminants from growing in the jar.
Add some Veggies.
Add your favorite vegetables to your pickles, such as cucumbers, carrots, bell peppers, and tomatoes.
For added flavor, add flavorings like vinegar or chili sauce to your pickles.
Some tips for making sure your pickles are healthy include using a clean container and adding only high-quality ingredients. You can also try adding some fresh herbs like dill or parsley to make your picks more flavorful.
The best hot pickles for a healthy diet
Hot pickles are a great way to add flavor and healthy nutrition to your diet. Here are five of the best hot pickles for a healthy diet:
1. Dill pickles: These pickles are loaded with dill, cucumber, red pepper, and other vegetables. They are perfect for adding flavor to any dish and can help you eat more healthily.
2. Garlic pickles: Made with garlic, kohlrabi, and other vegetables, garlic pickles are also a great option for a healthy diet. They have a slightly sweet taste that is perfect for adding extra salt or vinegar to your food.
3. Tomatoes asparagus hot pickle: This recipe features diced tomatoes and asparagus topped with fresh parsley and chives. It’s an easy way to add delicious flavor to your food without having to resort to canned goods or processed foods like MSG.
4. Goji berry hot pickle: These little berries offer sweetness and health benefits in equal measure. They’re perfect for adding crunchy contrast to your meals or snacks and can be used in place of sugar in many recipes.
5. Kale hot pickle: This delicious green vegetable is perfect for adding crunchy texture and health benefits to your meals or snacks. It can also be used as part of a healthy diet plan by cooking it alongside other vegetables or fruits.
Gourmet pickle gift baskets
There are many pickles that can be enjoyed as standalone snacks or additions to meals. Here are four delicious and easy pickles that will add a bit of flavor to your life!
1. Roasted beet, apple, and bok choy pickles: These delicious little gems have a roasted beet, apple, and bok choy mixture in each jar. They make a great snack or side dish, and they're perfect for adding some extra flavor to your meals.
2. Dill pickle spears: These Spears are made from diced dill plants and cucumbers, and they come in various colors and flavors. They're perfect for adding a little bit of flavor to any meal or snack.
3. Garlic Pickles: This recipe is made with garlic cloves, cucumbers, tomatoes, ginger (or turmeric), salt, black pepper, and yogurt instead of vinegar or EE PlusPickles ingredients. It's a popular way to add some garlic flavor to your food without having to go too crazy with it.
4. Herbed Dill Pickle Spears: These spears are made from chopped herbs such as dill weed, parsley leaves, mint leaves, thyme leaves, rosemary leaves—all of which add their own unique flavors to the pickles themselves. If you love all things herbaceous (like me), then these spears are definitely for you!
Why should I eat pickles?
Pickles are a type of cucumber that is typically preserved in vinegar or brine. They are often eaten as a snack, in place of other snacks, or as an appetizer before a meal. Pickles can be enjoyed as either mild or spicy varieties.
One of the main benefits to eating pickles is that they are easy to make and have a great flavor. And because they’re so easy to make, you can enjoy them any time of the day or week. In fact, pickles can even be enjoyed during summertime when there’s nothing else on hand!
Best maid beer pickles
1 liter of maid beer
1 tablespoon of sugar
2 tablespoons of onion powder
1 teaspoon of garlic powder
2 teaspoons of salt
1. Combine all ingredients in a jar and mix well.
2. Apply to the inside of your pickles jars.
3. Let them sit for at least 2 weeks before serving.
Hot and spicy gourmet pickles
There’s nothing quite like a hot and spicy pickled food. And there’s nothing better than eating gourmet pickles that are both easy to make and taste amazing!
In this section, you’ll learn about some of the best hot and spicy pickles that will spice up your life. Whether you want to put them on your sandwich or eat them as part of a meal, these picks will have your taste buds singing “wow!”
Here are three recipes for the hottest and most flavorful pickles:
1. Spicy Thai Pickled Beets
2. Indo-Chinese Pickled Vegetables
3. Zesty Japanese Sweet and Sour Pickles
Bread and butter pickles
Bread and butter pickles are a popular way to add flavor and texture to your life. They can be served as an appetizer or side dish, or they can be used as the main course of your meal.
Here are some recipes for bread and butter pickles that will give you a taste of the world without leaving home:
1. Israeli couscous with cucumber, tomato, and olive oil dressing
2. Grilled cheese sandwich with roasted cherry tomatoes
3. Roasted beet and bok choy salad with crispy bacon
4. Spicy pear and honey pickled cucumbers
5. Pickled gingerbread house
6. Pear and olive oil tart with crispy walnut crust
7. Spicy cucumber and apple salad
8. Roasted beet and bolk Choy salad with crispy bacon
9. Spicy pear and honey pickled cucumbers
10. Pear and olive oil tart with crispy walnut crust
Old fashioned hot pickles
Ingredients for old fashioned hot pickles are cucumbers, vinegar, salt and pepper. You can make these pickles at home, but they're also delicious served in a bowl with some bread or as part of a snack. They're perfect for adding flavor to any dish!
How to store your pickles
To store your pickles, it is important to keep them in a cool and dark place. You can either use a jar or an airtight container. Make sure that the pickles are stored in a dry, dark place where they will not be affected by light or moisture. When you are ready to eat your pickles, put them in a serving bowl and enjoy!
Making pickles is a great way to enjoy healthy and delicious food. However, it's important to take some time to prepare your product listing and promotional strategy before you get started. By using a clean container, add some veggies, herbs, and salt, you can make your pickles go from good to great. Additionally, by eating pickles as part of a healthy diet, they can be a convenient and affordable way to enjoy your favorite food. Finally, gift baskets made with gourmet pickles are an excellent way to show your guests how much you appreciate their visit.
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leaarong · 1 year
What Happens When You Eat Raw Garlic Everyday | Health Benefits of Garlic
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