#easy Schengen Visa
uglyandtraveling · 1 year
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amitkakkareasyvisa · 2 days
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(via Schengen Visa Fee Hike: What You Need to Know for June 2024)
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torillatavataan · 2 years
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Have to say I hate this “emotional pro-ban” argument, as here in @POLITICOEurope. Ofc people feel strongly, but this is also a very practical challenge for countries like Finland Estonia that currently bear the burden for border controls implementation of sanctions
In Finland, after Russia lifted the Covid restrictions on 15 July just on time for the holiday season, end of July the numbers of Russians crossing the border had already reached ~6k daily. If you take movement in both directions, it’s ~10k crossings per day
Finnish customs have already tightened controls but it’s still a lot given that Finland has the responsibility to confiscate any sanctioned goods Russian tourists are trying to bring back from the EU. Finnish customs says attempts are frequent and a fair number also succeeds
It’s also difficult to exhaustively make sure Russian tourists aren’t breaching the Schengen visa rules (visa has to be issued by the main destination country, which can be easily circumvented with a fake hotel booking in Finland) because it’s based on honesty
Travelling through Finland is way more convenient than the alternative of going through Turkey. You can easily reach Helsinki-Vantaa or Lappeenranta airport by car. The telegram business of car rides (from carshare to luxury services) is booming (Pietari = St. Pete) via @yleuutiset
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End of July, approx 1/3 of the Russian tourists crossing the Finnish border had a visa from Finland, the rest from other EU member states
In contrast to March, when the direction of travel was out of Russia without going back, now it’s mostly holiday travel (back and forth).
So even without considering the security risks of not being able to control these numbers of Russian travellers, it’s simply a practical challenge do deal with tens of thousands of border crossings on a daily basis for a country with a population of 5.5 million (Finland)
For sure, the numbers are not as high now as they used to be in the peak years before the pandemic at the Finland-Russia border. But back then the requirements on border authorities were not as detailed as now, with the new and quite extensive sanctions on luxury and dual-use goods.
It’s easy for Germany and France to want to keep reaching out to Russian citizens while not having to deal with any of this. And while not surprising, it’s still disappointing that Germany - despite the energy hassle - again is not willing to listen to the states closer by Russia
Germany France should also understand that solidarity is a two-way street. If they expect solidarity on energy, which both currently depend on, they should show understanding and solidarity on matters that affect them to a lesser degree.
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harketspetter · 2 years
I have never been to a single concert of a-ha or Morten Harket. I haven't watched any of their theatrical releases or movies related to a-ha due to geographical restrictions.
I haven't met a single a-ha fan outside the internet and it has been 6 years.
I had a sense of comfort while sharing a common interest while interacting to fans on social media. On the other hand, I wa struck with a sense of reality of how isolated I was... from the rest of the a-ha fans - because of where I was born.
It's not easy for me to simply book a flight and come all the way to Europe and watch them. Crowds make me feel sick and nauseous. I'm not privileged enough to afford a flight ticket, a Schengen visa, let alone a concert ticket.
By watching almost many fans vibing in the concert halls and sharing pictures and videos, while I was battling my problems in my messed up country, I realised that I was too poor to be an a-ha fan.
Until I realised that, in the end, whether the world cares or not... their music will always end up in my Spotify wrapped playlist. I always end up playing their sounds and closing my eyes. I always end up playing that one song from Morten's album, that reminded me of why I fell in love with him. No matter how much I overthink, I end up hearing his voice...and forget everything I even said at this moment.
The moment he sings, the moment he speaks those tender words with heart, everything stops.
That's probably why music feels so permanent and everlasting.
I may have never been to a Pink Floyd concert and yet, when we talk about our experience in listening to their records, we become so passionate about the way it was presented to us. It feels complete.
When I looked at a-ha and Morten's records and paud attention more mindfully... I also felt I experienced a feeling of satisfaction. I felt he was recording in front of me, and expressing it... I started understanding what he was talking about... and that was more than enough.
I felt guilty that I gravitated towards materials to feel close to the artist. I failed to realise that I have already met them and understood them more.
In the end, art feels permanent and everlasting. And that's how I've been able to meet them, even though I can't go to Europe.
Maybe this is a stupid excuse or me confessing that I'm too broke to witness their work live. Honestly , I don't have that privilege. I probably have bigger problems like... having to deal with a sad excuse of our government. It's pretty sad.
But whatever may be the reason, music will continue to play. It will endure the testament of time. Let us cherish artists in our way.
When an artist picks up their guitar and starts playing, every note recorded... will become relevant in the future.
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keenregine · 11 months
Just to keep the boat sailing.. Oh wow seven months ago, how can I ever top that amount of time. Seven months?! Geez. Anyways, let's just do this and move along. It has been almost a year since I moved from the hospital accommodation to the other house, can't say current because after eight months of staying there, I moved. . again. We'll get to that later. For now, we will just call the first house 'Audax', nothing special there, it's just the street name. I was together with three of my other cohort, it was a four bedroom, two tier house. I'm trying to search what type of house it is Google is not on my side today. But it looks very similar to a terraced house, only less fancy, less decorated, laced with pale bricks without those Victorian era chimneys, very industrial looking. The rent was at a decent price of, . . I'd rather not say, but it includes all the bills and internet. Good deal if you ask me, especially after the number of rejections we've been through. I chose the double bedroom on the second floor with shared bathroom, two person each floor. We don't have a designated receiving area because we converted that into a bedroom. The kitchen also became our common area, big enough for the four of us to fit in. There's also a beautiful garden at the back with a small shed or cottage whatever, great for hanging out or just to hide away. I'm not a fan of Taylor Swift, but I'd like to say that maybe, just maybe 'It's me, Hi! I'm the problem, it's me.' See what I did there, just to put a spin on my boring old narrative. Before moving in, an issue came about between me and my other cohort who immediately became my friend arriving here in UK. I will not go into further details since I won't forget that moment anyway. To summarize, we stopped talking from the first day we moved until this today. And I believe, it will not be fixed in the nearest future because we don't live in the same house anymore. We made it so easy avoiding each other while in the same roof, imagine how much easier it is now that were completely apart. In the recent years, I always found myself caught in these situations (for different reasons). It dawned on me that maybe I'm the problem. Well, life has to go on. First ever Christmas in the UK, yay 'twas great. Also, my first snow experience ever. I don't mean to sound pretentious or anything (which I think I am, but not on this matter) the snow didn't really excite me or maybe because I'm sick during these times and had to work taking out all the fun feeling within me. Lol. Felt like it was just snowflakes falling from the sky, the aftermath aesthetics though really hit hard. The best thing out of all the tragedy was Alex had a month-long vacation here with me, I'm just so glad that he took care of me, cook proper food for us, maintained my sanity and sustain my diva and baby like attitude. But ofcourse, I took him to all the major attractions that London has to offer which was loadsss by the way. And I realized how big this city is, there are over thirty-two boroughs and from each borough is a center, like an 'unofficially' declared center. Now, before I go any further and leave the most exciting 'parts' of my journey, after being in the UK for several months (I'm pertaining to myself), I managed to get a Schengen visa. Yay! it's way more convenient to travel to Europe (geographically) now that I'm here. Like, whenever I have long rest days, I could quickly go and fly across the channel. No drama, no bullshit. Went for his birthday on October, went again for my birthday on November. What a joy! The Spanish consul was generous enough to give me six months valid visa, which is already expired at this time. Getting an appointment is seriously like finding a lost treasure at sea, ridiculously difficult. The first time here in the UK (I feel the strong need to clear this, may I remind you about the time where I cried in the Spanish embassy in Saudi? yeah, that. good times) was fairly easy but with moderate effort, I was just lucky to get it at first try. Back in Saudi, everything was done for me by an agent, all I need to do was to pay and attend. But now, I need to do everything myself which is okay, but dude the appointment these days as I've said was close to none. I go online almost everyday at different times, trying to see if I could catch the fish. For a few weeks I was not very lucky, so I decided to take the convenient way, the 'what-would-Regine-do' way. I caved and paid for an appointment, ONLY for the appointment, getting the whole package would cost nearly £400-600. A great idea for business, seem like a scam because people aren't actually supposed to pay for an appointment alone. But since I don't want the hassle anymore, I end up here and believe me, I tried my best.
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riyahanda · 2 years
Dominica citizenship by investment: An Ultimate Guide to Know
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Dominica citizenship by investment is an attractive option for those seeking a second passport. The island nation offers visa-free travel to over 100 countries, including the UK, Canada, and the Schengen area. Furthermore, Dominica's passport ranks 5th in the world in terms of purchasing power.
There are two ways to obtain citizenship in Dominica: through investment or by descent. Investment options include making a charitable donation to the government's economic citizenship program or investing in real estate. Descent citizenship can be obtained if you are a citizen of Dominica by birth or have at least one parent who is a citizen of Dominica.
The process of applying for Dominica citizenship by investment is relatively straightforward. After making your investment, you will need to submit an application form along with supporting documentation to the government's citizenship by investment unit. Once your application is approved, you will be invited to attend a ceremony in Dominica to take your oath of allegiance and receive your certificate of naturalization.
Dominica citizenship by investment is a great way to obtain a second passport and enjoy the many benefits that come with it. If you are interested in obtaining citizenship in Dominica, contact us today to see how we can help you.
What are the Benefits of Dominica Citizenship by Investment?
As a holder of a Dominica passport visa free countries, you are visa-free to travel to over 100 countries and territories around the world. This includes popular tourist destinations such as the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and much of Europe. With your Dominica passport, you can also enjoy visa-free travel to other Caribbean nations, making it easy to explore the region.
In addition to being a powerful travel document, your Dominica passport also entitles you to a number of other benefits. For example, you can access free or discounted medical care in many countries around the world. You may also be eligible for preferential treatment when it comes to employment or education opportunities abroad.
So if you're looking for a country where you can enjoy visa-free travel and a host of other benefits, Dominica is the perfect choice.
There are 15 benefits of Dominica citizenship by investment, including:
1. Visa-free travel to over 100 countries
If you are a citizen of Dominica, you will be able to travel visa-free or with a visa on arrival to over 100 countries around the world. This includes popular destinations such as the UK, Canada, and the Schengen area.
2. Tax incentives
As a citizen of Dominica, you will be eligible for certain tax incentives. For example, you will not have to pay taxes on foreign income earned outside of Dominica.
3. Stable political environment
Dominica is a stable democracy with a long history of peaceful transitions of power. The island nation has been independent since 1978 and is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations.
4. Good quality of life
Dominica is ranked as one of the best places to live in the Caribbean. The island nation has a low crime rate and is home to some of the most beautiful beaches in the world.
5. Strong economy
Dominica has a strong economy with a GDP per capita of US$11,000. The island nation's main industries are tourism, agriculture, and offshore banking.
6. Fast processing time
The process of applying for Dominica passport visa free countries citizenship by investment is relatively fast. Once you have made your investment, you can expect to receive your citizenship within 4-6 months.
7. No residency requirements
Unlike other countries, Dominica does not require you to live on the island in order to obtain citizenship. You can maintain your current residence and still become a citizen of Dominica.
8. Dual citizenship allowed
Dominica allows dual citizenship, so you will not have to give up your current citizenship in order to become a citizen of Dominica.
9. Bearer shares allowed
Dominica allows bearer shares, which means that the ownership of a company can be transferred without being registered with the government. This makes it easier to transfer ownership of a company and can help to keep your business affairs private.
10. Citizenship can be passed on to future generations
Dominica citizenship is hereditary, which means that it can be passed down to your children and grandchildren. This makes it an excellent way to secure your family's future.
11. No language requirements
There are no language requirements for Dominica passport visa free countries citizenship. This means that you do not have to learn English or Creole in order to become a citizen.
12. No military service required
As a citizen of Dominica, you will not be required to perform military service.
13. E-2 visa treaty with the United States
Dominica has an E-2 visa treaty with the United States, which allows citizens of Dominica to live and work in the US.
14. Access to quality healthcare
As a citizen of Dominica, you will have access to quality healthcare. The island nation has several hospitals and clinics which offer excellent medical care.
15. Citizenship can be revoked for serious crimes
Citizenship in Dominica can be revoked if you are convicted of a serious crime. This helps to keep the country's citizenship program clean and credible.
If you are interested in Dominica passport visa free countries citizenship, contact us today to see how we can help you. We offer a wide range of services to our clients, including investment consultancy, immigration advice, and citizenship application assistance.
Wrapping Up
Citizenship Bay is a global citizenship and residency advisory firm with over 15 years of experience in helping clients obtain second citizenship and residency. We have a team of highly experienced professionals who are experts in their field and can provide you with tailored advice to suit your individual needs.
Get in touch with us today to see how we can help you obtain Dominica passport visa free countries citizenship by investment.
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dmi001 · 8 days
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Urgent Schengen Visa Appointment
Securing a visa appointment, especially for urgent Schengen visa needs can be a daunting task. VisaAlert is here to transform that experience with our efficient and reliable service. Operating tirelessly, VisaAlert monitors visa center websites 24/7, ensuring you get the most up-to-date information on appointment availability. This feature significantly increases your chances of obtaining appointments, even in highly competitive situations. 
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Why Choose VisaAlert for Your Urgent Schengen Visa Appointment?
Compared to other visa bot services, VisaAlert provides much faster monitoring and scanning of visa center websites. This ensures the most up-to-date information on appointment availability. We support 20 countries across all visa centers in the UK, offering our services at a cost ten times cheaper than traditional travel agencies, providing exceptional value for our users.
Our Service Coverage
VisaAlert supports visa appointment services for the following countries:
Schengen Visa Countries:
France 🇫🇷
Germany 🇩🇪
Italy 🇮🇹
Netherlands 🇳🇱
Spain 🇪🇸
Portugal 🇵🇹
Austria 🇦🇹
Finland 🇫🇮
Denmark 🇩🇰
Switzerland 🇨🇭
Croatia 🇭🇷
Norway 🇳🇴
Hungary 🇭🇺
Cyprus 🇨🇾
Czech Republic 🇨🇿
Estonia 🇪🇪
Lithuania 🇱🇹
Ireland 🇮🇪
Belgium 🇧🇪
Non-Schengen Countries:
USA 🇺🇸
Key Features
Real-Time Alerts: VisaAlert provides real-time notifications for available urgent Schengen visa appointment slots.
Automatic Booking: Our service can automatically secure appointments for you, enhancing your chances of getting a slot.
Comprehensive Coverage: We support visa centers in London, Manchester, and Edinburgh for all the countries listed above.
Affordable Pricing: VisaAlert offers services at a fraction of the cost of traditional travel agencies.
Secure Transactions: We use Stripe for secure payment processing, ensuring your financial data is protected with industry-standard encryption and security measures.
User-Friendly Interface: Our platform is designed to be intuitive and easy to navigate, making the process of booking a urgent Schengen visa appointment straightforward.
Flexible Notifications: Get notified via email or Telegram, according to your preference.
Subscription Model
VisaAlert operates on a 30-day, no-recurring subscription model. You can start the service by filling out the form and completing the payment on our website. Once the payment is confirmed, our service will automatically commence for a 30-day period. If you option for VisaAlert Pro, you will need to upload your account information or personal details onto our online system. This allows us to book appointments on your behalf.
Performance and Limitations
VisaAlert’s detection interval is less than 10 seconds for most countries, ensuring our service works around the clock. However, we cannot guarantee that VisaAlert will secure appointments on the requested date 100% of the time, as this can be influenced by various factors, such as whether the official website releases any availabilities or during peak seasons when slots can be booked within seconds. Refunds are not available once the service has started, but users can discontinue the service at any point within the 30-day period.
Get Started Today
If you need an urgent Schengen visa appointment, VisaAlert is your ultimate solution. Don't let the stress of securing a visa appointment hold you back. Sign up with VisaAlert today and experience the ease and efficiency of our top-notch service.
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riftrustuae · 12 days
Unveiling Paradise: Cayman Islands Residency Through LatitudeWorld's Residency by Investment Program
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Ever dreamt of residing in a tropical haven blessed with pristine beaches, turquoise waters, and a year-round balmy climate? Look no further than the Cayman Islands, a British Overseas Territory nestled in the heart of the Caribbean. Beyond its undeniable allure as a vacation destination, the Cayman Islands offers a unique opportunity – residency through investment.
This blog delves into the Cayman Islands Residency by Investment program, facilitated by the expertise of LatitudeWorld. We'll explore the program's intricacies, the benefits of becoming a Cayman resident, and the seamless guidance LatitudeWorld provides throughout the process.
Why Choose the Cayman Islands?
The Cayman Islands are more than just a picture-perfect paradise. Here's what makes them an exceptional choice for residence:
Thriving Economy: The Cayman Islands boast a robust, tax-neutral economy, making them a haven for investors and entrepreneurs.
Political and Social Stability: Renowned for its political stability and low crime rates, the Cayman Islands offer a secure and peaceful environment.
World-Class Infrastructure: From excellent healthcare facilities to top-notch educational institutions, the Cayman Islands provide a high standard of living.
Multicultural Hub: A melting pot of cultures, the Cayman Islands offer a welcoming and diverse community.
Strategic Location: Ideally situated for travel to North and South America, the Cayman Islands provide easy access to global destinations.
Cayman Islands Residency by Investment with LatitudeWorld
LatitudeWorld, a leading global residency and citizenship solutions provider, streamlines your journey to Cayman residency through their Residency by Investment (RBI) program. Here's what the program entails:
Investment Options: LatitudeWorld guides you through various investment pathways, including:
Real Estate Investment: Invest a minimum of CI$1.2 million (approx. US$1.4 million) in approved real estate projects.
Business Investment: Establish a business in the Cayman Islands, generating employment opportunities.
Financial Investment: Invest a minimum of CI$2 million (approx. US$2.4 million) in certain government-approved funds.
Residency Benefits: Upon successful application, you'll enjoy:
Residency Certificate: A 25-year residency certificate, renewable upon fulfillment of minimal residency requirements.
Tax Advantages: Benefit from the Cayman Islands' tax-neutral environment.
Visa-Free Travel: Enjoy visa-free travel to numerous countries, including the UK and Schengen Area (depending on chosen investment route).
Path to Citizenship: While not a direct route, residency paves the way for potential future citizenship applications.
LatitudeWorld's Expertise: LatitudeWorld's team of experienced professionals will:
Assess your eligibility and recommend the most suitable investment path.
Compile and meticulously review your application package.
Liaise with the Cayman Islands Immigration Department on your behalf.
Offer ongoing support throughout the entire process.
Eligibility Criteria
To qualify for the Cayman Islands Residency by Investment program, you must meet the following criteria:
Be at least 18 years old.
Possess a clean criminal record.
Demonstrate good health.
Have a secure and legitimate source of income.
Meet the minimum investment requirement based on your chosen pathway.
The Application Process
The application process for Cayman Islands residency is streamlined with LatitudeWorld's guidance. Here's a simplified overview:
Initial Consultation: Discuss your goals and aspirations with a LatitudeWorld advisor.
Eligibility Assessment: LatitudeWorld will assess your eligibility for the program.
Investment Selection: Choose the most suitable investment pathway based on your preferences.
Application Preparation: LatitudeWorld will assist you in gathering and compiling all required documentation.
Application Submission: LatitudeWorld will submit your application to the Cayman Islands Immigration Department.
Processing and Approval: The application will be reviewed by the Immigration Department. This stage typically takes 3-6 months.
Residency Granted: Upon successful approval, you'll receive your residency certificate.
Embrace Your Caymanian Dream with LatitudeWorld
The Cayman Islands Residency by Investment program, expertly facilitated by LatitudeWorld, unlocks a world of possibilities. From basking on pristine beaches to enjoying a secure and prosperous lifestyle, residency in the Cayman Islands offers a truly transformative experience.
Take the first step towards your Caymanian dream. Contact LatitudeWorld today for a no-obligation consultation and explore how their Residency by Investment program can make your dream a reality!
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aaron-wilkinson · 13 days
France Visa Cost for Indian: Easy Guide
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Planning a trip from India to Paris needs careful thought, especially understanding how much the France visa cost for Indian citizens. This guide makes it easier, so your journey to the City of Light goes smoothly. Whether you want to see the Eiffel Tower or try French food, we've got all the information you need. Knowing the costs upfront helps you plan your budget well for your dream trip to Paris.
The cost of a France visa for Indian citizens depends on the type of visa and how quickly you need it. For short-stay Schengen visas (Type C), Indian passport holders pay ₹9150. This visa lets you stay in France and other Schengen countries for up to 90 days in a 180-day period for tourism, business, or visiting family. If you apply through visa centers like VFS Global, you might have to pay extra for their services and any optional add-ons.
In conclusion, when you're planning a trip to France, it's important to know about visa fees and how to apply. Understanding how much the France visa costs for Indian travelers and following the tips given here can make your journey easier. Whether you're enjoying croissants in Paris or relaxing on the French Riviera, being well-prepared ensures a fun and stress-free trip. So, get ready carefully, stay informed, and travel to France confidently. Have a safe and enjoyable trip!
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eujobsng · 18 days
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At eujobsng we help Africans and Asian access employment opportunities across EU/Schengen cities between 5days and 6months.
If you are interested and serious about accessing job opportunities, see below for some details and contact for general inquiries on;
💻 https://bit.ly/m/eujobsng 💬 https://wa.me/2347056961303 ☎️ 02017003108 📞 2347056961303
Kindly note that these are subject to change based on availability.
— Package: ° Employer Invitation ° Employment Contract ° Accommodation ° Work Permit ° Employee Confirmation
Transportation, medical insurance, feeding, residence permit, flight, etc may be included, depending on the job offer.
— Requirements: ° Passport ID ° WBG Photo ° CV / Resume ° Credentials ° 2 Referees  ° 50% Deposit
— Countries: 🇦🇹 Austria 🇦🇱 Albania 🇧🇪 Belgium 🇧🇬 Bulgaria  🇭🇷 Croatia 🇨🇾 Cyprus  🇨🇿 Czech Republic 🇩🇰 Denmark 🇪🇪 Estonia 🇫🇮 Finland 🇫🇷 France 🇩🇪 Germany 🇬🇷 Greece 🇭🇺 Hungary 🇮🇸 Iceland 🇮🇪 Ireland 🇮🇹 Italy 🇱🇻 Latvia 🇱🇮 Liechtenstein 🇱🇹 Lithuania 🇱🇺 Luxembourg 🇲🇹 Malta 🇳🇱 Netherlands 🇳🇴 Norway 🇳🇱 Netherland 🇵🇱 Poland 🇵🇹 Portugal 🇷🇴 Romania  🇸🇰 Slovakia 🇸🇮 Slovenia 🇪🇸 Spain 🇸🇪 Sweden 🇨🇭 Switzerland 🇷🇸 Serbia  🇹🇷 Türkiye  🇬🇧 United Kingdom 🇪🇺 EU/Schengen
— Eligibility: ° Nationalities: Africans & Asians ° Gender: Men & Women or Couples. ° Age: 18yrs - 60yrs. ° English Proficiency: Intermediate. ° Minimal Education: High School or Diploma. ° Candidates without work experience must be able to learn fast. ° Salary Range: €600 – €4300+ monthly (plus extra hours pay) depending on the job offer.
— PV Edge: •⁠ ⁠IT'S FASTER: you can get your job offer from as early as 5 days.  •⁠ ⁠EASIER: the work package requirements are very easy to get.  •⁠ ⁠SIMPLER: No work experience is needed if you can learn new skills.  •⁠ ⁠NO IELTS: only basic English communication is required for jobs.  •⁠ ⁠It's CHEAPER: PV work packages are from as low as €900.  •⁠ ⁠OPTIONS: There are over 150+ vacancies across EU / Schengen cities.  •⁠ ⁠SUPPORT: PV Package updates are sent weekly on Mon or Fri.  •⁠ ⁠FLEXIBLE: Get Job only or work visa only, or both options. 
For general inquiries, please feel free to ask us questions, and get clarity, before proceeding. Service Terms & Conditions Applies.
Thank you for sharing this post.
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emdadvocates · 18 days
Long Term Residence in Malta: A Comprehensive Guide by EMD
Malta, an enchanting Mediterranean archipelago, offers a unique blend of historical charm, cultural richness, and modern amenities. For those considering a long-term residence in Malta, the island nation presents a myriad of opportunities and a high quality of life. EMD, a leading advisory firm, provides expert guidance on navigating the long-term residence process in Malta. This blog delves into the benefits, requirements, and procedures for securing a long-term residence in Malta.
Why Choose Malta for Long-Term Residence?
Malta's allure as a long-term residence destination is multifaceted. The country boasts a pleasant Mediterranean climate, picturesque landscapes, and a rich cultural heritage. Additionally, Malta is known for its robust healthcare system, high standard of education, and a vibrant expatriate community. The strategic location within the European Union also makes it an attractive option for business professionals and retirees alike.
Benefits of Long-Term Residence in Malta
Quality of Life: Malta offers a serene environment, excellent healthcare services, and a relatively low crime rate, making it an ideal place for families and retirees.
Economic Opportunities: With a thriving economy and a business-friendly environment, Malta provides ample opportunities for entrepreneurs and professionals.
Travel Freedom: Long-term residents in Malta can enjoy visa-free travel within the Schengen Area, facilitating easy movement across Europe.
Cultural Richness: Living in Malta means being immersed in a rich cultural tapestry, with numerous festivals, historical sites, and vibrant local traditions.
Eligibility and Requirements for Long-Term Residence
Securing a long-term residence in Malta involves meeting specific eligibility criteria and fulfilling various requirements. EMD assists clients in understanding and meeting these prerequisites, which typically include:
Financial Stability: Applicants must demonstrate sufficient financial resources to support themselves and any dependents without relying on social assistance.
Health Insurance: Comprehensive health insurance coverage is required to ensure access to medical services.
Clean Criminal Record: A certificate of good conduct from the applicant's home country and Malta is mandatory.
Accommodation: Proof of suitable accommodation in Malta is necessary, whether through property ownership or a rental agreement.
Integration: Depending on the type of residence permit, applicants may need to demonstrate efforts towards integration, such as knowledge of Maltese culture and language.
Types of Long-Term Residence Permits
Malta offers various types of long-term residence permits catering to different needs and circumstances. EMD provides tailored advice to help clients choose the most suitable option:
Permanent Residence: Ideal for individuals looking to make Malta their home for the foreseeable future, with benefits such as work rights and access to public services.
Retirement Schemes: Specially designed for retirees, these schemes offer tax benefits and a relaxed lifestyle in Malta's beautiful environment.
Investment Programs: Malta's investment programs, including the Malta Permanent Residence Programme (MPRP), require significant investment in real estate or government bonds.
Employment-Based Permits: Professionals employed by Maltese companies can apply for long-term residence through work permits, facilitated by their employers.
Application Process
The application process for long-term residence in Malta involves several steps, and EMD ensures a smooth and efficient journey:
Initial Consultation: EMD assesses the client's eligibility and recommends the most appropriate residence option.
Document Preparation: Assistance with gathering and preparing all necessary documents, including financial statements, health insurance policies, and accommodation proof.
Submission and Follow-Up: EMD handles the submission of the application to the relevant authorities and provides regular updates throughout the process.
Finalization: Once approved, EMD guides clients through the final steps, including residence card issuance and any additional requirements.
Choosing Malta for long-term residence opens doors to a vibrant lifestyle, economic opportunities, and a welcoming community. With EMD's expert guidance, navigating the complexities of the long-term residence process becomes straightforward and stress-free. Whether you're a retiree seeking tranquility, professional exploring new horizons, or an investor looking for a strategic location, Malta offers a promising future. Contact EMD today to embark on your journey to long-term residence in Malta and experience the best that this Mediterranean gem has to offer.
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amitkakkareasyvisa · 1 month
Effective Ways to Avoid Schengen Visa Rejection and Save Money
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Easy Ways to Relocate to the Richest Countries! (2024) | Nomad Capitalist
Are you interested in working in Italy in 2024? This step-by-step guide will walk you through the easy process of applying for an Italy work permit, including all you need to know about obtaining a Schengen Visa for 2024. Stay informed and prepared for your exciting work opportunity in Italy!
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korea-07-blog · 1 month
    How can I obtain a Schengen  visa easily?
Obtaining a Schengen visa involves several steps, and while there's no guaranteed easy way, there are strategies to increase your chances of success: Read more
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riseconsultancy · 1 month
Portugal Investor Visa
One of Europe’s oldest countries, Portugal boasts a rich historical and architectural heritage. Luminosity, radiance and culture beam through the whitewashed villages and lush vineyards of this country positioned on the blissfully elegant shores of the Atlantic ocean.
2.6+ CR
Portugal boasts a rich and diverse culture, Mediterranean climate, and a safe and stable setting ideal for raising families, conducting business or travelling. Investors find many opportunities in Portugal’s secure and fast-developing market, including the following:
Residence visa waiver for entering Portugal.
Live and work in Portugal.
Visa-free travel within the Schengen member states.
Permanent residency or citizenship of Portugal after five years as a temporary resident.
Inclusion of family members, such as spouse or partner, dependent children and dependent parents.
Portugal’s Golden Resident Permit Program is offered in accordance with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the Department of Consular Affairs and the Portuguese Trade and Investment Agency (AICEP).
Aimed at attracting foreign direct investments to the country, the program yields a residency permit in Portugal to non-EU investors who fulfill one of the investment options below and meet the following requirements:
Provide proof that investment funds originate from abroad.
Hold no criminal record.
The main applicant’s property is not frozen within the boundaries of the EU.
Pay application and processing fees where applicable.
Enter Portugal for the first time on a valid Schengen visa.
Meet or exceed the minimum stay requirements. (Seven days for the first year, 14 days for subsequent two-year periods.)
1. Property Investment Options — In July 2015, through Act 63/2015 and Regulatory Decree 15-A/2015, the required investment options were revised and new ones added. Investors can now choose from the following:
Applicants may acquire property valued at €500,000 or more, or
Applicants may acquire property valued at €350,000 or more for properties more than 30 years old or located in urban regeneration areas designated for refurbishing, or
Acquisition of property fitting any of the above requirements with 20% reduction on the minimum amount of investment, if purchased on a low density population area (€400,000.00 or €280,000.00).
Property Selection
Arton handpicks prestigious projects to meet our clients’ expectations. By investing in fractions of pre-qualified projects applicants become co-owners of the entire project and qualify for Portugal’s Golden Visa. Our selected projects share some key benefits:
Guaranteed annual rental return, starting from the first year of operation;
Easy and flexible exit strategy;
100% funds return guarantee after obtaining permanent residency or citizenship;
7 days accommodation per year.
Sé Catedral Hotel (sold out)
Located in the heart of Porto, close to the Douro River, this 50-room hotel rehabilitation consists of 38 fractions at €350,000 each. Request our project brochure.
Caldas de Canavezes Luxury Hotel and Spa (sold out)
Located in a low-density area of the country, facing the Tâmega River, this luxury hotel and spa transformation consists of 45 fractions at €280,000 each. Request our project brochure.
Located in the center of Cascais, facing the ocean and Cidadela, this palatial house rehabilitation of a 20-suite boutique hotel consists of 22 fractions at €350,000 each. Request our project brochure.
2. Capital Investment
Applicants may invest a minimum of €350,000 in research activities.
Applicants may invest a minimum of €250,000 in the arts or in the reconstruction or refurbishment of national heritage projects.
Applicants may invest a minimum of €500,000 for shares in investment funds or venture capital.
Applicants must create 10 or more jobs.
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