#dynamics: christine & owen.
greencruz · 10 months
006, a swing set in an empty playground at night. owen&christine
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luto a perseguia de mais maneiras do que se permitia assumir. as vezes christine se pegava pensando em quantos meios de não viver ainda teria pela frente antes de que sua existência se tornasse um imenso funeral daquilo que perdeu por culpa própria. porque, bem, o que ela havia se tornado ao menos era prático, real e importante. mas o que jamais havia sido para sempre a perseguiria fim dos tempos adentro. nunca mais teria a infância de ethan. nunca mais poderia tentar ser uma filha melhor para sua mãe. nunca havia dito que amava o próprio pai antes de perdê-lo injustamente. nunca havia sido só uma menina ingênua, também não havia sido uma mãe de primeira viagem aprendendo a cuidar do filho. não havia sido uma boa pessoa. não até ser tarde demais para segundas chances. para ela restava apenas o peso da obrigação afundando os ombros. emblemático, talvez. precisou do fim dos tempos para perceber seus erros.
luto perseguia a todos. pensou adicionalmente, enquanto andavam pelas ruas esburacadas de um bairro suburbano atrás de recursos. o vento veranil deixava o espaço mais assombroso, com os objetos aleatórios fazendo ruídos baixos, daqueles que davam a falsa impressão de que havia mais do que era visto. grande bobagem. fantasmas eram uma ideia muito mais acolhedora do que a carniça fúnebre que enfrentava todos os dias em todo lugar aonde pisava. fantasmas não eram corpóreos, rápidos e letais. na vida real, os mortos eram muito mais brutais do que um bicho papão aparecendo pelo canto dos olhos.
apertou a sacola em volta das mãos, olhando para a figura de owen pela primeira vez desde sua breve divagação. normalmente era sua função tentar conversar, mas parecia estar tão introspectiva quanto ele nos dias mais ordinários. ainda assim, alcançou no fundo da bolsa uma garrafa de água e o ofereceu. quando teve sua atenção, deu de ombros, tentando amenizar a importância do ato cuidadoso. custava admitir a si mesma que fazia isso mais vezes do que devia. sempre tentava parecer menos atenciosa do que realmente era com ele, e evitava racionalizar a razão por trás disso. era um terreno muito mais perigoso do que se atreveria. ainda assim, apontou com a cabeça até um dos parquinhos.
— um parquinho é um bom sinal. — comentou, sentando-se em um dos balanços vazios. e então, novamente, o convidou com um manear da cabeça. — nossa, e em bom estado. deve aguentar seu peso. — parecia impressionada enquanto avaliava a estrutura. começou a balançar de leve, olhando ao redor da rua solitária. luto. essa palavra não saía da sua cabeça desde que entraram ali. mas ela queria lutar contra. — com os recursos certos, aqui seria um lugar bom de se viver, sabia? — começou, tirando os olhos do horizonte para voltar a olhá-lo diretamente, enquanto encostava a cabeça nas correntes do brinquedo. — temos casas e um parque para as crianças. as ruas são largas e tem muito espaço aberto. se fosse possível fechar uma parte desse bairro, viraria um ambiente seguro. — talvez fosse idealismo demais, mas estava se deixando divagar para um lugar mais feliz. — a gente poderia colorir as ruas com tinta, tá muito sem graça. mas definitivamente caberia uma comunidade aqui. — ainda não tinham muitas pessoas, porém, gostava da ideia.
se agitou um pouco mais, e o balanço tomou mais movimento, e então, empurrou-o para o lado para atingir o de owen. — até hoje eu tenho uma cicatriz que foi feita em um desses. — um sorriso apareceu quando se recordou. — tinha acabado de lançar de repente 30, e a cena do mark ruffalo e da jennifer garner se balançando e caindo juntos na areia ficou na minha cabeça. então um dia eu fiz igual: balancei muito, e bem alto. e aí, quando eu caí, foi de cara em uma pedra. fui pro hospital logo depois. — dessa vez o riso saiu um pouco mais alto. — foi a cicatriz mais inofensiva da minha vida, mas ela nunca saiu. — então, parou de se balançar e aproximou seu rosto do dele, sem pensar demais sobre isso. — abaixo do olho. dá pra ver? — depois que perguntou foi que reparou em como essa proximidade era um ímã pra uma proximidade ainda maior.
pensou por meio segundo: talvez não fosse mesmo uma boa pessoa. logo depois, o beijou.
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itsyourstarboy · 2 years
🎃Redacted Couples Dressing Up For Halloween🎃
👻👻Spoopy Time Headcanons👻👻
🥰Couples Costumes🥰🥰
Pt. 1
(Btw, the gender of the costume character is not directly linked to the gender of the redacted character/listener character, Milo and Sweetheart’s is prime example of this)
First up is...
Asher and Baaabe
Ah, yes, the lovely goofball/hot bitch power couple ☺️☺️
These two are the reason I made this list, because I KNOW
Asher would dress as Roger Rabbit
And Babe would dress as Jessica Rabbit
(Who Framed Roger Rabbit 1988 film)
I also just kinda wanna see Babe in that red dress, ngl-
You just can’t tell me this isn’t them 👇👇👇
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Milo and Sweetheart
I’m not making fun of Milo’s accent, I swear-
That being said...
Milo would dress as Harley Quinn
And Sweetheart would dress as The Joker
(The DC Universe comic book series and more)
If you disagree, that’s fine, I get it, it’s probably an overdone joke idk,
And Sweetheart in a suit 👀👀👀👀
I don’t think more needs to be said
Milo calling Sweetheart Puddin
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David and Angel
I wish I could think of something more interesting or elaborate for these two, but let’s be honest...
David would dress as The Big Bad Wolf
And Angel would dress as Little Red Riding Hood
(Little Red Riding Hood 17th century folktale)
Okay, well, that’s a lie, I almost made them Beauty and the Beast
But I have a feeling David would not want to dress up, so Angel just has to work with what he already is-
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Sam and Darlin
Now, I’m not making fun of Sam and calling him a cowboy.
I have his accent too, it’d make me a hypocrite.
Sam would dress as Jedediah
And Darlin would dress as Octavius
(Night at the Museum film franchise)
Darlin rocking that Roman armor 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
Sammy in the cowboy fit 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
I know he wouldn’t want to dress as a cowboy, but I think he’d be fine if he’s dressing as Jedediah
We all know he’s an Owen Wilson kinnie anyway
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Vincent and Lovely
Okay this one might be a bit of a stretch...
I really struggled to pick a dynamic duo for them, but I think this works
Vincent would dress as Erik “The Phantom”
And Lovely would dress as Christine
(The Phantom of the Opera 1986 musical)
No, I didn’t choose this because I think Vincent would look hot in The Phantom’s mask 😅😅😅
I honestly don’t have much else to say about them, it just felt right.
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Geordi and Cutie
This is another one that I struggled with
And I honestly don’t know why I think they’d dress as this duo-
Geordi would dress as Jerry
And Cutie would dress as Tom
(Tom and Jerry animated franchise)
To be completely honest, I think they’d dress as any dynamic duo within Looney Toons/Warner Bros...
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Gavin and Freelancer
Y’know how I said Sam and Darlin’s costume was my favorite?
Well this one is a very close second
Gavin would dress as Tiffany
And Freelancer would dress as Chucky
(Bride of Chucky 1998 film)
God I hope someone draws this, ngl
Do I just want to see him in a leather jacket and fishnets? Maybe.
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Ollie and Mentor
This one was another struggle
I just don’t know much about either of them even though I’ve listened to Ollie’s playlist
Hell, Mentor doesn’t even have a proper pet name...
But, regardless, there was one iconic duo that came to mind for these two and it just kinda stuck...
Ollie would dress as Shaggy
And Mentor would dress as Velma
(Scooby-Doo animated franchise)
I don’t know why, I just feels like they would
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(This is a really cute gif omg)
Elliott and Sunshine
Okay, hear me out-
These two DO NOT PLAY when it comes to Halloween costumes, alright?
They’ve been doing matching outfits for YEARS, even before they were dating
And they will not stop.
Elliott would dress as Wybie
And Sunshine would dress as Coraline
(Coraline 2009 film)
Again, I just feel like they would, okay?
The bestest, mostest, dynamicist, duoist duo in the entire Redactedsphere
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Avior and Starlight
It’s just perfect for them 😭😭
That being said...
Avior would dress as Jack
And Starlight would dress as Sally
(The Nightmare Before Christmas 1993 film)
I might just want to see Avior in a black and white striped suit, but I swear there’s more to this-
Halloweentown is basically hell.
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Here's part two!
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hargrove-mayfields · 11 months
tag game, stranger things edition!
i was tagged by @thatgirlwithasquid and @intothedysphoria, thanks y’all, I really appreciate it! 💕
1. ride or die ship/otp : Hellcheergroveton! every combination in this ship is adorable and it has all my favs too ☺️
2. most annoying ship : m*leven. I am beyond tired of watching a young disabled girl be taken advantage of and have it be treated as romantic. El deserves to live partner free, and M*ke deserves to go in the whole garbage can.
3. second favorite ship : Hollogrove. Since it’s not part of the core hellcheergroveton relationship, I’ll branch out a little and bring in my girl Heather. I love her and Billy I’m a relationship and can totally see them spending the rest of their lives together ♥️
4. favorite platonic dynamic : Billy and Max, or Dustin and Steve. Or Steve and Gareth. Cause I headcanon Gareth as becoming Steve’s caregiver after the events of the show leave him with cognitive and physical disabilities
5. underrated ship : Hollogrove, Cunningway, Pompompineapple, Stonathan, Cheerscoops, Calicheer, Rockie, Stargyle, Cammy, Kegboys, Steather, Argilly, and so many more but I’ll stop there.
6. overrated ship : Any of the fruity four (it makes me wanna gag just typing it) ships. I haven’t looked in the fandom tags for a year because it’s oversaturated with passionless, factory produced, carbon-copy fanworks that look like Harringrove fics put through ai to be rewritten as St*ddie, or Buckleway into r*nance. I’m sick of it. It’s boring. I’ll come up with my own steddie content, thanks.
7. one thing to change in canon : Everything. Not even joking. I’m going blorbo shopping and bringing all my favs back to my dollie house to play fix-it.
8. something canon did right : Um. I guess letting actors put in feedback and details of their own. Like Millie choosing for El to touch Billy’s cheek, Dacre giving us backstory on Billy’s mom and also on Billy’s disability (BPD), both he and Joe Keery refusing the original scripts, Joe Quinn improvising Eddie’s crush on Chrissy, and so on. All of the actor choices are the only good things about the show at this point.
9. a thing I’m proud of creating for the fandom : @disabledbillyandsteveweek! There's more information about the event over on the blog, but basically it’s an event starting in about two weeks meant to highlight Billy and Steve as disabled characters, through all kinds of fan works and different ships!
10. a character who is perfect to me : Christine Renée-Beth Cunningham. Nobody compares to my cheer girl.
11. the most relatable character and why : Also Chrissy. She reminds me a lot of myself, especially how I was when I was still in highschool, being timid and struggling a lot with my mental health. I wish she could have grown and gotten help and felt better since I’m on my journey to doing so right now, but I’m forever grateful to have seen a character with an eating disorder and an abusive family on screen, portrayed in a heartfelt and generous way- all thanks to miss Grace Van Dien
12. character I hate most and why : Neil, Karen (actually just the Wheelers in general except little Holly), Brenner, Owens, the lady that shot Benny, literally so many of them. Anyone who intentionally and unabashedly hurts other characters without remorse.
13. something I’ve learned from the fandom : To be patient, because even when things seem tough or impossible, we can make it. Together, with friends who understand us, and who share our pain, we can fight and keep going! Especially because this community will always have folks who understand and have our backs, we just have to find them ❤️❤️
14. three tags I seek out on ao3 : I actually don’t read fic on ao3. The extreme amounts of severely triggering content hosted on that site is just too much for me and I can never seem to avoid it. I only post to ao3 because I know people find it easily accessible, but I had one too many mix-ups that led to me being in a terrible state of mind, so I discontinued using the site.
15. a song I strongly associate with otp and/or favorite character : I’ll never shut up about “Time in a Bottle” by Jim Croce. Conveniently off the same record as Hop has on Vinyl and Cassette, it’s my favorite song ever because it’s so tender and loving and even though it’s old people music yall should give it a listen. It applies to any ship, but especially packs a punch with Harringrove. Also “Magic” by Olivia Newton-John.
I’ll tag: @eddie-munsons-guitar86 @honey-tongued-devil @martianclown @hephaestn @jaylikesrainbowtigers @denkiddo1 @enchanted-day-dreams @stranger-themes-blog @ratbastardbilly @thinger-strang But there’s no pressure to do it! You absolutely don’t have to if you already have or if you just don’t feel like it! <3
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You know many problems with loki x Sylvie. And no, some story not care even look incest or super weird, the main problem is that they not had chemistry at all, it's just look like loki in love with her. Strong Chemistry will make good couple even incest one or weird one, I meant some fans will forget that they silbling or weird couples just because strong chemistry, I think that what happens to loki x mobius, because Owen and Tom have good chemistry. Different with Tom and sophia
I think Sophia ever said that Sylvie may have little care for loki but she not sure that she in love with him (probably not), and Sylvie will choose her revenge.
Now back to chemistry, they didn't have at all for make romance, friend maybe but look like toxic one.
Afterall romance need make from interest to each other and respect and well Sylvie look like not interested and respect loki at all. So they didn't even have one thing make romance. I just realize that they look very forced
That's one of the issues with the framing. Ep4 shows Loki falling in love with her but it's not reciprocated, and it's so obvious it isn't!
A lot of fans claim they both love each other because Waldron kept insisting in interviews that the feeling was mutual even though we literally see on-screen Loki showing love for her and Sylvie enjoying that. Is that what Mikey thinks romance is supposed to look like? The man completely infatuated with the woman and the woman taking a passive role in the dynamic? Because that sounds like hell. Although now that I think about it he did the same with Stephen and Christine... 🤦‍♀️
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christinescarf · 2 years
Ho ho ho! It is Santa back here. I just saw the last answer right now and I am here to reply to you. :) Aw you are a foster mom of cats and dogs. Awww they must be sweet :) I send them hugs. I love animals a lot. My animals are Lucky, my black labrador, he is 8 years old today (10th December) and Martin, the orange cat :) For now, I have some interesting questins. Do you have a special Christmas ornament you have some good memories linked to? If so, where do you place it on the tree or in your house? What was the gift you received and loved the most? And of course, an important phandom question- who do you ship Christine with? Erik or Raoul? Take care and enjoy the holiday season :) Hope you get everything done you have planned soon :) Until next time- Santa :)
Your animals sound adorable! A black lab and an orange cat sound like quite the duo. Are they friendly with each other? :)
As for answers to your questions:
1. I do not have a special Christmas ornament per say, but I do have a beautiful pair of Christmas ornamets in the shape of silver skates, adorned with pearls. They are absolutely gorgeous and were gifted to me by a family friend. They lack any sentimental value, apart from the fact that I really admire the person who gifted them to me, and I don't remember the last time I decorated a Christmas tree, but I suppose they count!
2. A gift that I loved the most...this is a tough one. I have received a multitude of sweet gifts throughout the years. So I shall share a recent response I got to a gift that I gave someone that really stuck with me.
Due to the specifics of what I study, I get to know a lot of young actors. A recent drama school graduate I've worked with before got the principal part in a big theatre production, so I brought flowers to a performance of hers. She pulled me onto the stage to hug me, and then sent me the loveliest voice message. I have now resolved to bring more actors flowers.
3. And as to who I ship Christine with...
The simple answer would be Raoul. I adore them both in the Lloyd Webber musical and Leroux, and those are the versions that matter most to me. I'm usually not a "childhood friends to lovers" fan, but something about their dynamic gets to me (maybe it's "All I Ask of You" and its stunning lyricism paralleling most of the show's major themes) and has caused Raoulstine to be my OTP.
But I love Eristine in a different way. I love to study their relationship and its intricacies. The musical, depending on the actors, offers a variety of different interpretations of them, and the ones that I latch onto (like Panaro/Patterson, Christensson/Joback, Jones/Owen-Jones, Mathieson/Thaxton, Mathieson/Piterman, or Gant/St.Louis just to name a few) make me go absolutely feral.
So I ship Christine with both of them, but in different ways.
And I also really enjoy Megstine, if we're talking musical-verse.
Thank you for stopping by, Santa!
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arrowverse-next-gen · 3 years
Canon v Next Gen
Hi, welcome to family dynamics 101. There are a lot of kids so I’m going to explain where they came from
*note, this is for the merlyns & queens & that straight bloodline specifically. There are adopted kids & half siblings but that would require even more complicated explanations than what is already written inside of this
OG Queen siblings:
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Oliver, Eo, Emiko, Thea
OG Merlyn siblings
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Donovan, Tommy, Rose
Oliver & Felicity:
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William, Thomas(alt), Elizabeth, Adaline, Mia, Miriam, Owen, Clara(alt), Rosemary(alt)
In addition to his own family, due to science, the Lance girls did need a male counterpart in order to be alive so
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Shiloh, Dinah & Nadia
Eo & Rose
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AJ & Emmett
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Thea & Roy
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Olivia, Theo, & Robbie
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Tommy & Natalia
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Tommy & Dinah
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Rose & Adrian
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again, lots of half siblings & adopted siblings. but here is your queen & merlyn specific families
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feministfocus · 4 years
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By Neha Shetty
Harvey Weinstein now settles for the persona of a frail man, beaten down by society and the so-called “feminazis”, who hurl at him with insults.  From “MeToo” hashtags, to op-ed articles, and swear-word filled rants (as actress Zoe Stuckless did when she saw him at a rising actors event). While #MeToo has allowed millions of victims of sexual abuse to stand together and connect in a place of solidarity, others believe that the #MeToo movement has given rise to some imaginary larger-than-life mob of feminists, now loose from patriarchal shackles and preying on undeserving men. In fact, it is this idea that Weinstein, and many other rapists before him, such as Bill Cosby and Jeffrey Epstein, use to pander sympathy from those who don’t care to have an opinion, don’t want to be associated with the word “feminism”, or are skeptical about rape accusations.
This is exactly where our culture has gone wrong. 
A close look into our country’s history and its patriarchal values reveals the truth of our system. Even as early as the 17th century, Lord Matthew Hale, a judge in England, warned jurors that rape charges are “accusations easily made and hard to prove and harder to be defended by the party accused”. He also advised that the victim’s testimony should be cautiously examined. In the past few years, it has become clear that this same sentiment has been passed through the legislative branch, cementing in our culture as time passes. Harvey Weinstein, after being accused by over 80 women,  is still on trial and may not even go to prison. Bill Cosby was finally imprisoned after more than 60 women came forward with allegations of abuse and harassment. Christine Blasey Ford continually faces death threats while her rapist, Brett Kavanaugh, is now a judge in the highest court in the land. The case of Jeffrey Epstein, which describes allegations against a man who sexually assaulted more than a hundred underage girls through a network of abuse and power-dynamics, was dropped after Epstein’s supposed suicide while in jail. Brock Turner, who raped his unconscious victim during a party, was released after serving half of his six-month sentence. If anything, these instances blare the message “Don’t report your rape!”. 
Throughout our country’s history, rape has rarely been deeply investigated, prosecuted or punished. Sexual assault is joked about. It is a crime thrown to the side when many voters make decisions on what candidate to vote for. It is almost easy to get away with. Out of every 1000 instances of rape, 13 get referred to a prosecutor and only 7 cases lead to a felony conviction. Last year, more than 20,000 women decided not to proceed with a rape investigation. 
The way that rape is treated in this country, and in most other countries, is despicable. If a victim wants to get a rape kit done, they must not wash, eat, drink, change clothes, or clean up any mess. They must provide every possible piece of evidence proving that the rape wasn’t consensual. In most cases, the victim is thrown questions like “What were you wearing?” “Were you drinking?” “What is your relationship with your accuser?” “How often do you have sex?” and other questions. Victims are forced to relive their nightmares and share intimate details of their sexual and personal lives, as well as removing their veil of privacy. Not to mention, the trauma that comes with speaking out, places an almost unbearable mental load on the accuser. One of Cristine Blasey Ford's most powerful quotes echoes this sentiment exactly: “Apart from the assault itself, these last couple of weeks have been the hardest of my life. I have had to relive my trauma in front of the entire world.” 
Rape culture, in essence, tells people to not be raped instead of teaching people to not rape. It manifests in victim-blaming, normalizing sexual violence, glossing over sexual assault with terms like “sexual misconduct” and through the hyper sexualizing of women and girls. If we are to truly revolutionize our system, we must start by believing and supporting victims, standing in solidarity with those who speak out and those who are shouldering their burden alone, calling out rape culture, and protesting fervently against a legal system that doesn’t do justice to survivors of rape and sexual assault.
“What Is Rape Culture? | WAVAW Rape Crisis Centre.” WAVAW Rape Crisis Centre, 19 Mar. 2019, www.wavaw.ca/what-is-rape-culture/.
Bowcott, Owen, and Caelainn Barr. “Half of Rape Victims Drop out of Cases Even after Suspect Is Identified.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 10 Nov. 2019, www.theguardian.com/society/2019/nov/10/half-of-victims-drop-out-of-cases-even-after-suspect-is-identified.
Hagerty, Barbara Bradley. “American Law Does Not Take Rape Seriously.” The Atlantic, Atlantic Media Company, 29 Jan. 2020, www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/01/american-law-rape/605620/.
Hesse, Monica. “Perspective | #MeToo Voices Aren't Too Biased for the Harvey Weinstein Jury. They're Necessary.” The Washington Post, WP Company, 14 Jan. 2020, www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/metoo-voices-arent-too-biased-for-the-harvey-weinstein-jury-theyre-necessary/2020/01/13/ef642496-32f5-11ea-9313-6cba89b1b9fb_story.html.
Moore, Suzanne. “Rape: Why Isn’t Justice Being Done?” The Guardian, The Guardian, 22 Oct. 2018, www.theguardian.com/society/2018/oct/22/rape-why-isnt-justice-being-done. Accessed 5 Feb. 2020.
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ukfinearts · 5 years
UK Music takes over The Met
by Nathan Williams
The Metropolitan Opera is a vibrant home for the most creative and talented singers, conductors, composers, musicians, dancers, and…Wildcats?! Last week, 8 University of Kentucky College of Fine Arts alumni took over the stage and orchestra pit during the return of George Gershwin’s “Porgy and Bess.”  
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“One of America’s favorite operas returns to the Met for the first time in nearly 30 years. James Robinson’s stylish production transports audiences to Catfish Row on the Charleston waterfront, vibrant with the music, dancing, emotion, and heartbreak of its inhabitants. “If you’re going to stage Gershwin’s opera, this is how,” raved the Guardian when the new production premiered in London in 2018. David Robertson conducts a dynamic cast, featuring the sympathetic duo of Eric Owens and Angel Blue in the title roles and an all-star ensemble.”
Seth Morris (Principal Flute, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra) was recently seen at the Singletary Center for the Arts back in September 2018 where he performed Mozart’s Flute Concert with the UK Symphony Orchestra.  
This production of Porgy and Bess will run from September 23, 2019 through February 1, 2020. Tickets can be purchased here.
School of Music Alumni in The Met’s Porgy and Bess:
Reginald Smith, Jr. - 2012 and 2013 (Bachelor of Music in Music Education and Music Performance)
Christine Mabel Jobson – 2012 (Master of Music Performance)
Karmesha K. Peake – 2007 and 2009 (Master of Music Performance)
Denisha Leshai Ballew – 2008 (Bachelor of Music Performance)
Andrea Jones-Sojola – 2001 (Master of Music Performance)
Markel Deshaun Reed
Makeda Danielle Hampton
La’shelle Quinette Allen
Seth Morris – 2007 (Bachelor of Music in Music Education)
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boulevardlitmag · 7 years
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Announcing the fall 2017 issue of Boulevard!
In Boulevard No. 97, Joyce Carol Oates illustrates the struggles of abortions in 1987; Albert Goldbarth on Claude Monet, death, breath, and much more; Colin Fleming dives into the fates of grown-up maverick child detectives; B. J. Hollars examines the psychology of Oppenheimer; and Christine Spillson discusses the last public hanging in America and struggles with her family connection.
And our fall symposium on campus protests with essays by Jim Craig, Megan Giddings, Ena Selimovic, Andrew Weinstein, and Robert Zaller. Plus, the 2016 Short Fiction Contest for Emerging Writers winning entry, Anastasia Selby’s “Certain Fires,” on fighting wildfires in California and the sexual tensions of mixed-gender crews.
Much more! Fiction and essays by Bipin Aurora, Gonzalo Baeza, Daniel M. Mendoza, and Robert Zaller. Poetry by Dilruba Ahmed, Howard Altmann, Angela Ball, Benjamin S. Grossberg, James Lineberger, Owen McLeod, Jenny Molberg, Mary Morris, Richard Newman, Hannah Louis Poston, Katherine Robinson, Natalie Scenters-Zapico, Joanna Solfrian, Mark Wagenaar, and Jane O. Wayne. And, finally, dynamic cover art by Tony Philippou.
Get your very own copy! Or a digital subscription!
Check out the table of contents.
We’re about to open for submissions on Oct. 1, so you might want to peruse the guidelines.
But we’re open for the fiction contest right now.
Thanks for reading and following!
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What Is Pattern Photography?
New Post has been published on https://photographyguideto.com/trending/what-is-pattern-photography/
What Is Pattern Photography?
Jared Sluyter
Creating dynamic and visually captivating photographs is often done through examining and utilizing your surroundings. While technical aspects such as exposure and depth of field are neccessary to understand, a truly talented photographer masters the principles of composition.
Composition in photography simply refers to how you frame your subject, object or scene to be photographed. While composition can be the way a photographer places themselves or their subject within a scene, it can also include utilizing additional visual elements that are present within your foreground or background.
Pattern photography uses the combination of visual elements and design to create and compose an image. This can be done in various ways such as combining colors, shapes or objects to transform a scene into a captivating array. If you’re wondering how you can create strong visual aesthetics in your images, then you need to consider utilizing pattern photography.
What is Pattern Photography?
Pattern photography is the concept of integrating a repetition of elements into your photographs.
Our daily lives are filled with repetitive patterns. Whether with shapes, colors or textures, perfect examples of repetition exist all around us.
In order to create photography that captures and emphasizes these elements, you can choose to create up-close or wide angle compositions for your images.
An up-close perspective allows you to use repetition to highlight a pattern’s details. An example can be the leaves on a flower or the feathers on a bird.
While a zoomed out, wide angle perspective allows you to see the pattern as it exists as a whole. Instead of one object with repetitive textures, this may be a group of objects that align together to form an intriguing pattern. An example could be stacked bricks or the tiles on a ceiling.
Pattern photography is not only created by using repetition. In fact, a large element of pattern photography is about breaking the repetition of an object.
Such examples usually occur in nature and showcase the distinct difference between two objects. For example, pattern photography can occur with the breaking of repetition between a large body of water and a bridge that runs over it. The patterns found in the water may be repetitive, but will be broken once you add the element of the architectural structure.
In all, pattern photography is created by recognizing both the repetitive and contrasting elements in life through visuals of nature, portraiture and architecture.
Examples of Pattern Photography
Patterns in your photographic images can be found in every day life through architecture, portrait, and nature. Here are some visually captivating examples of pattern photography.
Guillaume Bolduc
Jakob Owens
Steve Harvey
Nuno Silva
Beto Gal
Alan Weiner
Katie Montgomery
Bady GB
Create Your Own Unique Patterns
In addition to finding the elements that create both streamlined and juxtaposed compositions for your pattern photography, you can also create your own creative examples through the use of external tools.
Prisms are a great way to create visually dynamic images. The technique of prisming, allows you utilize a prism-shaped, clear object in front of your lens to create various artistic compositions.
You can use a standard rounded prism or fractal filters that can be placed up against your lens to create repetitive patterns of your subject. These types of filters essentially give your photographs the kaleidoscope effect. If you’re interested in these types of tools for your photography, you can purchase the filters from Get Fractals here. 
Here are some examples of pattern photography created with the use of prisms:
Christin Hume
Aiony Haust
Max Bender
Whether you utilize the design of nature or create your own creative repetitions, pattern photography can be achieved through an attention to detail and composition.
Next time you are shooting, look for the elements within your scene that create a comparative or contrasting viewpoint in color, shape or texture to create your own examples of pattern photography.
The post What Is Pattern Photography? appeared first on The H Hub.
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