#ducktales 17 oc
queeniesretrozone · 6 months
(idk if I've made a post about this already lol)
I have finally decided what to do with Eleanor!
DuckTales '17 OC! (might design a version of her for either '87 DT or Quack Pack idk)
Elenor Crackshell Cabrera is Fenton's 16 year old younger sister!
facts about Ellie:
she's VERY interested in cryptozoology (the study of cryptids) and mythical creatures
very outgoing (although not as much as Webby is)
keeps the secret of Fenton's life as Gizmoduck even though she doesn't have to (when she found out she was very excited)
her and Fenton have several nicknames for each other
loves hanging out with the triplets, Webby and Lena (I'd add Violet too but I haven't gotten a chance to watch her episodes yet so idk what she's like personality-wise)
similar to Dewey she wants to find out what happened to her and Fenton's dad
has misophonia (like me! I think I have it? idk lol)
enjoyer of vintage and older music (especially the possible calisota/duckberg-verse equivalent of The Beatles)
dislikes Mark as much as Scrooge and Glomgold do
kinda sassy but mostly only around The Mcduck residents, Fenton & Gyro
(ill make a sequel post soon with more facts and her design!)
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mr-cactis · 2 years
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Willow Mallard being introduced to the Mallard Family
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I wanna do more with her in the future!!
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smidgeofcinnamon · 8 months
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sherbetlemonss · 1 year
Here’s a silly thing that I was worried abt posting
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Family shopping trip
Doodle as usual:::
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soy-s4uce · 1 year
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Collection of art trades I did on Instagram
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backgroundshipper · 10 months
Incorrect Ducktales Quote featuring my OC,Emilie, and inspired by The Looney Tunes Show.
Emilie knocks on Gladstone’s door.
Gladstone when he opens it, and sees Emilie holding a fake head:You killed your boss?!
Gladstone: I knew you were angry at your boss but I didn’t think you’d take it this far! Where’s the body?I’ll help you hide the body.
Emilie:Nobody’s been murdered!
Gladstone:So nobody’s dead?
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secret-tester · 7 months
Happy Birthday!!!
I know that it might be late but can you draw your oc giving you a birthday cake/cupcake???
Your ask my command and you are not late at all....
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My OC Astro!!!
I hope ya like it Anon!!
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thelostexperiment · 7 months
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I worked too long on this...
This is Susan's concept art for her "henchperson" outfit so she can go on capers with her boss, Black Buzzard. She dubs this persona Black Lotus after the very rare and so-powerful-it-was-banned black lotus card in her favorite magic card game, 'Mystic the collecting'.
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duckapus · 9 months
Episode idea: the kids decide to invite Welony to a sleepover, because even though they don't fully trust her yet they've seen that she is taking responsibility for her past self's actions and is trying to be a better person, and anyway they were willing to give Root a chance after All That and are friends with Sage despite her being a currently active supervillain so they don't really have a convenient excuse to not extend a figurative olive branch. Unfortunately, Lil Coding's programming has been acting up a little ever since he recovered from getting Reset(those little bug viruses can do a number on ya), and he accidentally pulls them into a shared dream.
Initially they just use this as an excuse to goof off in a world with no rules and check out everyone's favorite dreams, but things slowly start going awry as little bits and pieces of everyone's nightmares start seeping in.
And then they eventually end up in Welony's dream, a dark, twisted forest made entirely with Majora's Mask assets where a bunch of Skull Kids with watermelon masks start hunting them down. At first some of them think she's doing this on purpose, revealing that she's just as bad as before...until they find the current version of her getting tormented by a nightmarishly exaggerated version of her past self, both verbally and physically attacking her in an...uncomfortably well-acted scene. Thankfully the kids manage to help her fight off her demons by using Dream Logic to their advantage and also having a Big Emotional Honesty Moment, and when they win they all wake up.
The reactions afterward are a bit of a mixed bag. On one hand this is a big step towards the group fully accepting the new Welony. On the other hand, nobody's getting back to sleep tonight.
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uncaaj · 9 months
Fanfic: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Starring Donald Duck Chapter 1 - Dontaro Duckjo in the Clink (DuckTales x JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
chapter 1 | CHAPTER 2 | MORE COMING SOON...
The electronic warble of the ringing phone chirped throughout the kitchen, breaking one Holly Duckjo’s concentration. She daintily set her wooden spoon down next to the pot of simmering dashi stock and walked across the room to answer the phone on the wall.
“Hello? Duckjo residence, this is Holly,” she greeted, returning to the stove, receiver in hand. “May I ask who this is? …yes…yes, he is my son. 
“…what?! In jail?!” she shouted, nearly dropping the receiver. “No, i-it can’t be!” Her heart began to race. “Yes?” She listened intently to every word the officer relayed. “Yes, I’ll be right over!” She switched the stove off and ran out of the kitchen. Holly Duckjo’s normal, idyllic day had just taken a sharp turn.
The warden hung up the phone and returned to his newspaper.
“Well?” asked the jail officer.
“She’s on her way,” said the warden, turning the page.
“Thank goodness! I hope she can straighten him out.” The officer dug some pretzels out of the baggie and chomped them down to a fine paste. “That kid’s not right upstairs if you know what I’m saying.”
The warden glanced at his computer monitor, where a dossier was displayed in cold green letters. “Dontaro Duckjo, age 17, father’s a touring jazz musician, his mother’s from the USA.”
“American? How was her Japanese?”
The warden nodded. “Pretty darn good. Couldn’t mistake her for a foreigner.”
“That’s good to hear,” chuckled the officer. “If anyone can convince this loon to drop his act, his mother can!”
The warden tossed his newspaper aside and scratched his chin. “Duckjo’s got no criminal record to speak of. This may not be as cut and dry as you think…”
Memories played in her head during the drive, combatting the news she had just received concerning her son. He can’t be in jail, she reasoned. He was always such a good boy, all the way back to childhood. When he was a tyke, we’d play catch together in the yard. He was always a well-rounded and courteous athlete, even with all his track meet wins. And after every celebration, he’d say “I wanna go home and eat your cooking, mom!”
Where on earth did I go wrong? My precious baby…a hoodlum?!
Her mind was swimming with emotion. Oh, my dear Dontaro…Dontaro…
“SHUT UP! You’re tickin’ me off, lady!”
Holly had not realized where she was. It felt like she blacked out from the time she received the call until she was standing in front of this holding cell. When she heard the strong, commanding voice of her son, she snapped back to reality.
“Yes! I’m so sorry!” she wailed, bowing low.
Dontaro Duckjo sat up slowly, squinting his eyes to make out his visitor in the low light. His intense stare made the officer jump and back away slowly. “Wait…mom, is that you?”
“Yes! My baby, I’m here!” she said, rushing to the cell door and gripping the bars desperately.
Dontaro grunted, adjusting the brim of his school-issued cap. “So they sent you to get me?”
“Yeah, so you can quit the act!” said the officer. “You’re free to go so get outta here already!”
“No way!” said Dontaro. “Mom, I’m sorry. Go home. I’ll be staying here for a while.”
“Whatever for? What did you do? You didn’t kill anyone, did you?!” Holly began to weep. “Oh, don’t break your mother’s heart like this!”
“Mom, it’s not like that, okay? It was just a fight I had after school.”
“A fight?” asked Holly, sniffing.
“Yeah,” said the officer. “Four punks, one of ‘em a former boxer. And they had nunchucks and knives, and everything. Somehow, your son sent all four to the hospital with 15 broken bones all between ‘em.”
“What?” Holly stuttered. “B-but my son’s not violent. I’m sure there’s been a misunderstanding here-”
“Ma, stop,” said Dontaro. “It’s the truth. And…something happened to me. There’s…an evil spirit possessing me, and it’s the one that thrashed those bad guys when they wouldn’t let me by on my way home.”
All the color left Holly’s face. “An…evil spirit?”
“That’s what he says, anyway,” said the officer, rolling his eyes.
“I’m telling the truth!” Dontaro asserted. “I don’t know what he’ll make me do. It took all of me to keep this spirit from beating those punks to a pulp. I can’t be allowed outta here. It’s the only way to keep you safe.” Dontaro laid back down on the bed and sighed.
“I…I don’t understand,” said Holly. It was all she could say at this wild story.
A clang resounded and Holly shrieked. A crowd of inmates in the cell next door had just converged against the bars and began shouting at Holly and the officer.
“Please move us to another cell! He’s ain’t lyin’!” begged one.
“There’s somethin’ dangerous inside him, man!” pleaded another.
“Alright, alright, back it up, all o’ ya!” yelled the officer, waving his baton at them.
“I-I can’t be with him!” another inmate yelled. “He’s…he’s gonna-”
“SHUT IT!” Dontaro bellowed.
Everyone turned to look at him. He was holding a can of Pep in his hand. Dontaro kept his gaze on his audience as he cracked the can open and drained it in front of them. Finished, he crushed the can and tossed it to the ground, letting it clank across the ground before it came to rest near the cell bars.
“Hey, where’d you get that Pep?!” said the officer, pointing at the discarded soda.
“I told you, it’s my spirit! It brings things to me. See?” Dontaro reached under his bed and pulled out a boombox and a copy of “Weekly Comics Blast!” and set them down at his feet. He turned on the boombox and the latest smash hit started to play.
“This is nuts!” said the officer. “There ain’t no way you got that in here under my nose!”
“Hmph, you still don’t believe me? Fine!” Dontaro rose up to his full height and straightened the jacket of his school uniform. “I’ll show you just how scary this spirit really is.” The officer looked baffled and Holly could hardly say a word. “I’ll show you why you can’t let me outta here ever again.”
Holly gasped. While both of Dontaro’s hands were on his hips, another rogue arm rose from his body and stretched itself toward the officer. Holly broke out in a cold sweat. She never believed in ghosts before now, but this was compelling evidence to the contrary. She followed the muscular arm with her gaze as it reached past the steel bars and toward the officer’s holster. It grasped the gun and deftly lifted it out and merged with Dontaro’s arm, leaving the gun firmly grasped in his hand.
“Oh my goodness…” Holly breathed.
The officer looked down. “Ack! My gun!” He looked at Dontaro, red in the face. “What are you tryin’ to pull, boy?!”
Dontaro pointed the gun at the officer. “Did you see it?! The arm that grabbed your gun?! That’s my spirit!”
“Dontaro…” said Holly.
“If you’re still not convinced…” Dontaro frowned and pointed the gun at his temple.
“Dontaro, please no!” Tears flowed freshly from Holly’s eyes.
“Kid, don’t do anything rash!” said the officer.
“...lemme show you this.”
The inmates next door all dove to the deck.
The sound of the gun gave way to Holly’s devastated wail. She didn’t even see the moment her dear son fired the officer’s pistol on himself.
When she opened her eyes, Dontaro was still standing, breathing slowly. He gently lowered the gun from his head. The bullet, only inches away from his temple, was held in place by the muscular arm she saw earlier. 
Holly trembled. Whatever this spirit was, she could see it and she was in awe of its immense power.
“That bullet’s floatin’!” screeched the officer.
“You see it, don’t you, mom?” asked Dontaro, his hard exterior giving way to softness as he walked toward Holly. “The spirit’s behind me. He bound himself to me not long ago.” The spirit towered over Dontaro, built strong with muscles, long flowing hair tied back with a headband, and three heads, each with a stern expression.
Holly didn’t know what to feel. She simply felt too much. But the worst feeling of all was that she didn’t know how to take this away from her son.
She embraced him through the cell bars and cried anew. “Oh, my darling boy, what’s happened to you?”
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mr-cactis · 2 years
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Joining the party are my two OCs! The strong and stunning lady on the left is Willow Mallard, the mother of Drake Mallard. And the duck who looks a lot like an older Fenton on the right is actually his long lost father Dr. Santiago Cabrera!
This is Willow's first time meeting Scrooge, but Santiago has known Scrooge for the longest time even before he was stranded in Tokyolk! M'ma Cabrera was able to attend the party with Drake and Fenton, but Willow didn't have a significant other to bring along (She was divorced from her significant other Silas Mallard). So Santiago stepped in and helped her out! And no worries.... M'ma was understanding!!
Part of #scrooge158thparty hosted by the lovely @inklyqueen &  @georgiarose on instagram!!
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happyfoxx-art · 1 year
I am Happy (She/Her) and this is a multifandom account that will probably lean heavily on whatever hyperfixation is making my brain buzz at the time. My page is strictly SFW! I’m a new mom! I’m an artist who LOVES making comics!
Currently we are hyperfixated on Trolls and Turtles :3c
Some of my other fandoms include TMNT, Star Wars, Sonic, LMK, Danny Phantom, Furry, Ducktales 2017, Gravity Falls, DnD, MLP: FiM, FMAB, Naruto and the list goes on and on tbh.
My Ao3 | Twitter | Carrd | Instagram | Sticker Shop 
Comic and OC masterpost under the cut :)
 In the aftermath of the Krang invasion, the Hamato family is picking up the pieces. Everyone's a little shaken up to say the least. But they're together, so they'll get through it all, even with the bumps along the road. 
This comic depicts blood and injuries, seizures, trauma, medical treatment and angst. Very much a hurt/comfort fic :) 
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 -  21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25
Second arc of the Aftermath comic.
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 -  7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
Dragon knight character concept - Trial oneshot
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inklyqueen · 13 days
On May 25th, 2018, the episode "McMystery at McDuck Manor!" aired on Disney Channel for the first time. As such, six years later, today would be Scrooge McDuck's 158th birthday in the DuckTales'17 Universe.
So the OCs celebrated!
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Myself and @georgiarose hosted a special black-tie event for OCs to celebrate everyone's favourite gazillionaire, and the party was a smashing success! I'm so grateful to everyone that joined in for the fun on Instagram and how loving the fandom was with all the OCs 😭💕💕💕
Who knows, same time next year?? 👀👀
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