somestorythoughts · 1 year
Nothing to see here just a group of clones playing tug-a-war with a jackass cyborg.
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And for additional amusement since I don’t feel like making them separate posts see here: Grevious doing his evil crab walk:
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And a tactical droid discovering the trials of the T-Rex.
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Also serious question. Grevious crash landed in an escape pod in the next episode. He did not have the cloak when he got in. So where did he get this cloak??
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And did he take it off in an attempt to imitate Kenobi’s dramatic cloak drops?
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archerxue · 2 years
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Lola andriod is ready for @fanexpoboston hope to see you there. #starwars #loladriod #driods #obiwankenobi https://www.instagram.com/p/ChKUbMKrGL4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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clonewarsarchives · 2 years
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Star Wars: The Clone Wars - a Pandemic System Game
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spacedilflvr · 9 months
guys if anything bad happens to huyang i fear i’ll never be ok ever again.
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dokoni-mo · 2 years
bestie medic! s/o losing it with a damaged droid and they're like "I fix people, not droids and this stUPID FUCK is not even close" and Vader appears outta nowhere (as he does) and is like 'move' and goes to town and,,,, boom. Medic is flabbergasted they're all 'how'd you do that' and he just ✨trauma dumps✨ emotionally available Vader is a guilty pleasure
BEST FRIEND IDK WHAT IT IS BUT THE WAY YOU WORDED THIS MADE ME LAUGH REALLY HARD 💀💀💀 i got like a mental image of that one SpongeBob meme where he's like "hold up i got this" YKNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT??? ITS FUNNY LOL
You had always prided yourself on being able to take a lot of shit. Being somewhat of a prerequisite for your job, it was only natural that your tolerance of it would only build up over time. Being a medic for the Imperial fleet, and even his medic from time to time, your shit tolerance only grew with time. You had learned quickly how to pick your battles, and just how much effort you were willing to give any task at any given time.
But, despite all this, there was just some shit that you just couldn't tolerate. No matter how much you tried.
One example of that is when people pawned off work to you that was nowhere even close to your department of expertise.
"Will you just be still for a moment?!" You nearly shouted on the probe droid that was messily sprawled across your station, your brow furrowed and your cheeked heated in frustration. The droid either didn't understand what you were saying or didn't care, seeing as it continued to flail its long, spindly legs from under its restraints. No matter what angle you tried to go in at the damn thing, it always just started to beep way too loudly, doing everything possible to keep you from trying to fix the damned thing. It was frustrating beyond belief. What kind of driod doesn't want to be fully operational? That one, apparently. Or it just didn't like you.
That was fair. You didn't like it much either.
"Come on! It's just gonna take a moment!" You tried bargaining with the driod, but to no avail. As soon as you even tried to unscrew its damaged frame, it started lashing out on you again, making you pull away with a jolt.
Growing even more frustrated, you let out an exasperated sigh as you rubbed the bridge of your nose.
"I tell people all the damn time! I fix people, not driods! And they still don't listen! Ugh, whatever. Come on bud, I'm taking you down to maitenance."
As you stepped over to the robot again, you weren't able to hear over the sounds of its flurry of beeps and mechanical cries the doors to your station open and shut. You weren't able to hear the sound of the rhythmic, mechanical breathing of your lover come in behind you, nor the sound of his heavy boots against the ground. Watching from behind you trying to battle the driod, he had to admit, was rather amusing. It was like watching someone who hated cats trying to heard cats. He would have continued to watch the scene unfold before him, if it weren't for the fact he was only here in the first place because he sensed your frustration from the other side of the Death Star.
"Move." He rumbled out, pushing past you, "Allow me, (YN)."
The sudden sound of his deep voice paired with his sudden, large presence nearly made you jump out of your skin. You were unable to keep the yelp of surprise from escaping your lips as you saw your sith lover begin to tinker with the driod.
"Good God, Vader!" You exclaimed, clutching a hand to your chest, "You promised to stop sneaking up on me like that!"
The dark lord said nothing in response as he continued to fiddle with the driod, pressing the odd button or two every few moments. Surprisingly enough, the driod didn't seem to mind this. It actually looked like it was enjoying what the sith was doing to it. Now knowing any possible way to help him, you watched as Lord Vader worked with the driod. It was probably the most focused you had ever seen him. Even though you didn't know shit about driod repair or mechanics, you could tell he knew what he was doing. You would've been lying if you said it wasn't impressive. You didn't take Vader to be much of a handyman.
"Damn, love." you spoke eventually, crossing your arms over your chest, "Since when have you been so good at driod repair?"
You watched as the sith paused his movements briefly before he responded to you. Even through his respirator, you were able to pick up a far away tone in his deep voice.
"When I was a boy," he responded eventually, "I was quite skilled in the matter. I even built one of my own, for my mother before she... passed. His intention was to help her when I was unable to."
You felt your face soften as you heard your lover speak, a small smile appearing on your lips. He never really talked about his childhood, or anyone he knew from his past. You could understand this. Every time he did, you could tell just how painful it was for him. How many regrets he had. But, you could also tell: not everything was bad.
And this seemed to be a part of it.
Stepping closer to the sith lord, your smile grew as you wrapped your arms around his middle, hugging him from behind. You pressed your face against his cape as you listened to him work, giving him a tight squeeze of reassurance. The way he softened under your touch told you that he appreciated it.
"Well, if that's the case," you said to him, "I know who to call the next time someone gives me a driod instead of a person to fix."
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knopartt · 2 months
actually killing myself for yet another time i had a typo on my emily axford PCs poster fanarts. got two nickels now. humiliating.
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infinitysgrace · 11 months
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your honor, I love her
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netroids · 1 year
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Our Hero and his lil Sidekick!
BD1 pdf at ko-fi site!
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alilauraartistry · 1 year
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Cassian and Bee from Andor digital illustration, because Bee is precious droid 😍
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cafffine · 2 years
idc idc I hate midichlorians and I love force sensitive droids there were other ways to make force sensitivity heritable but also it never needed to be explained.
Luke and Leia have their fathers power because they are his children and that’s enough
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greenjeweledforest · 2 years
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I got these guys as a pair from a thrift shop. They're in love now
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toshidou · 1 year
i love this dumbass game so much
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grogusmum · 1 year
Droid pals ❤️🧡
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Lookit them 🥺
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*whispers* I love them
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clonewarsarchives · 1 year
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Clone Wars Magazine Comics #6.26 “The Only Good Clanker” (Oct 2011) [reprinted in U.S. #9, Jan/Feb 2012]
story by Robin Etherington, art by Will Sliney
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dokoni-mo · 2 years
About Vader and pets… y’all been sleeping on that comic -i think it’s called Dark Visions or something- where he rides a horselike creature and he looks so fucking badass cuz it has horns and it’s black too. Tbh i think he would keep it just to ride around and be intimidating <3
Okay but can we talk abt how good he looked on that horse tho?? Like 🚶🚶🚶🚶 sir i can neigh and whinny too if you want me to-
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punkriod · 3 months
only the staff running at P.L.A.S.T.I.Q.U.E. Corps know her as 01 so it's rare if someone knows her identity as an actual fully automated android. To everyone else she's just Alaska.
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