party-in-the-front · 11 months
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Dragon Warrior / Dragon Quest private commission, now available as a print
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scifer · 3 months
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Bright and vibrant 'Tech Nouveau' commission for Draque. This style is a lot of fun and their character really suits it!
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plutotides · 9 months
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comms for @/SilverSoulful on Twitter of Jade x Serena and The Luminary x Erik :)
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caterpie · 1 year
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Dragon Quest III (1996)
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sulmere · 3 months
Pre Alpha Conversation Engine
So this is an introduction of the pre-alpha version of the conversation engine! There's a decent amount going on here under the hood that I will get into more in future posts. I want to start off with a basic explanation of what I'm going for with this engine.
Most games with strong roleplay elements depend on the player listening to long, unprompted dialogue from characters. You walk up, hit the interact button, then listen to their spiel. After a while, you might make dialog choices to branch the conversation one way or another.
This engine inverts that. When you interact with characters, you prompt them for responses, and take a much more active role in conversation. Through the game, any person, place, race, faction, or item that you hear about, you can then ask any encountered character about. There is also a Facts mechanic that works similarly. I'll go into more detail about this system as more posts drop here.
The "voice" that I made there is one of the more complete elements that I'm showing off here, but that's for a future post's explanation as well.
All graphics are obviously just stand ins for now, and the cute picture that I animated (poorly) there is by 9Doodles (whose FA account I can no longer find or I would link it).
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unlimited-nobu-works · 6 months
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lunegrimm · 6 months
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Soo the final client piece for for 2023 is complete! Another custom tarot card! For DraqueD on Twitter
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 6 months
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Francis Drake Main Story
This is simply a fan translation and is not intended as a replacement for the game. Expect grammatical errors.
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The roaring sound of swirling waves, accompanied by the scent of blood, hangs in the air.
On the tumultuous sea, the Golden Hind, engaged in battle with enemy ships, tilted heavily.
Swords clashed and bullets flew on the ship's deck, while the faint light of the full moon, peeking through the clouds, illuminated the face of a man named Francis Drake.
Drake: "*pant* *pant* I'm thirsty."
Enemy 1: "Die, El Draque!"
One of the enemies rushed towards Drake as he panted like a man desperate for water in a desert and clawed at his throat.
Without even looking at him, Drake fired his gun into the enemy's abdomen and grabbed him by the collar.
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Drake: "Guh! Aaah!"
He sank his fangs into the man's neck and drank his blood.
Crew Member 1: "C-Captain? What are you doing?"
Enemy 2: "He's drinking his blood! This guy is a real demon!!"
Crew Member 2: "He's a monster! Sir Drake is a monster!"
Not only the enemies but even his allies were shaken by this bizarre sight, and screams and shouts filled the air.
Enemy 2: "England keeps a bloodthirsty demon! Kill it! Kill the demon!"
In an instant, knives flashed, and those who were screaming fell one after another as Drake maneuvered through the enemies, tearing their lives apart.
Drake: "Hahaha! Who's next?"
Drake: "Come on, give me your blood."
The combination of vampirism and violence shattered his sanity, fueling his impulses. His maniacal grin intimidated friends and foes alike, and soon he found himself restrained, out of sight of others.
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Queen: "Poor Drake, being feared and betrayed by your comrades as a demon and a monster."
Drake: "........."
Queen: "However, if we leave this as it is, it's only a matter of time before your true nature becomes known."
Queen: "Your abnormal ferocity on full moon nights, bloodlust, and your ageless appearance can no longer be hidden."
Queen: "Furthermore, some nobles intend to denounce you as a 'filthy monster that has infiltrated the royal family.'"
Queen Elizabeth, peering with pity from behind the iron bars, covered her face with a fan.
Queen: "Before you bring disgrace to yourself, I will bestow upon you an honorable death in recognition of your military achievements."
Queen: "Your execution will take place shortly."
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Drake: "Execution?"
As the Queen walked away without turning back, Drake laughed mockingly.
Drake: "I hunted down enemy ships and vampires over and over again. Yet in the end, both my comrades and the Queen betrayed me."
Drake: "Is this really an honorable death?"
Drake: "Humans and vampires are both just trash! Hahaha!"
His mocking laughter echoed coldly through the prison.
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The queen sat on the throne, her face devoid of all the pity she had shown Drake in the cell.
Queen: “Drake was too capable. It’s time to prevent this pirate-turned-monster from gaining any more power.”
Queen: “Prepare a lead coffin. After executing him and collecting his body, sink it into the sea.”
Advisor: “Your Majesty, such grand coffins are reserved only for the royal family. Isn’t it a bit too extravagant?”
With a cunning smile, the queen responded.
Queen: “He's a half-vampire. Let’s at least make his last moments presentable.”
Queen: “His being immortal will only complicate things. Besides, he should be able to sleep peacefully if we sink him deep into the sea within a heavy lead coffin.”
On the day when Francis Drake’s execution was planned secretly as a cover-up for his death from illness, a soldier brought urgent news.
Soldier: “He escaped! Lord Drake has taken back his weapons and escaped!”
Having escaped from the cell and retrieved his confiscated gun and knife, Drake reached the cliff after killing the soldiers who were chasing after him.
Below the cliff, the waves roared as if bellowing in fury.
Soldier: “This is as far as you go, Francis Drake. By order of Queen Elizabeth, we will carry out your execution!”
Drake turned to face the soldier with clear, unfathomable eyes.
Drake: “Alright.”
Drake: “It doesn’t matter which side I was on since I never had a place to belong, anyway.”
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Drake: “As far as I’m concerned, humans and vampires are fundamentally the same.”
Drake: “They’re all just a bundle of selfish shit once you strip away their facades.”
Drake: “They’ll hate and destroy each other, eventually heading towards their own ruin. So if that’s the case...”
With a look of resignation in his eyes and the soldiers watching, he soared through the air and jumped off the cliff.
Drake: “I don’t believe in anything anymore.”
Drake: “I’ll wander these endless seas and watch the destruction of the world.”
With a defiant smile, he fell into the dark sea.
Mitsuki: “...........”
I returned to the hallway and fell to my knees, shocked.
(This is his past.)
I continued to wander through various eras and follow his life story, like a spectator in a movie, unable to run towards or comfort him in any painful moment.
(He was persecuted for being born a dhampir by vampires and humans alike.)
(I finally understood the reason behind his occasional freezing coldness.)
While wearing a mask of a smile, he despised both humans and vampires behind it.
He hated this world where he was hunted, used, betrayed, and couldn't trust anything.
Like a sailor forever wandering the seas, cursing and wishing for destruction.
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(This is the real Drake.)
I tightly clenched my hand.
No matter how much he hated vampires and humans, he shouldn't have harmed anyone in the mansion. Having had a tragic past didn't justify what he had done.
(Sympathizing with him would be betraying everyone in the mansion.)
(And besides, he probably doesn't want any sympathy either.)
Drake: "Mitsuki, if I betray you, don't hesitate to pull the trigger."
Drake: "The moment you hesitate, I will take everything from you until your body, heart, and destiny are shattered."
Drake: "Mitsuki."
Drake: "Remember what I told you to do when I betrayed you."
---------Flashback Ends--------
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(As for what I should do about his betrayal...)
I reached for my waist and touched the item tucked into the waistband of my skirt.
The gun entrusted to me by Drake was shining and radiating a heavy presence.
(He said I need to pull the trigger when I find him.)
(I don't know. Shooting him is just...)
(I don't even know if this feeling towards him is anger or something else.)
(What on earth should I do? What do I really want?)
"In my opinion, living in a way that goes against your own wishes is the real betrayal."
Even in a time like this, the words he said echoed in my heart as a response to my internal questioning.
(That's right. How to respond to Drake's betrayal is up to me.)
Whether to pull the trigger to settle the betrayal as he suggested or...
(I want to see him.)
I put strength into my legs and stood up.
(If I don't meet him, nothing will happen.)
Mitsuki: "I want to go to where you are."
I strongly wished as I gazed straight ahead at the end of the dark hallway.
A bright light then enveloped me, the undulation of the waves shaking my eardrums.
I slowly opened my eyes and saw the sea spread out before me.
(I recognize this place.)
This was definitely where he jumped off while being chased by the soldiers.
And then, as if waiting for me, I found him standing at the edge of the cliff, his cape fluttering in the wind.
Mitsuki: "Drake."
Drake: "........"
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Drake: "I knew you’d come, Mitsuki."
(He can still smile so casually, even at a time like this.)
His smile, which I had grown to love over time, made my heart clench.
Drake: "I have to be honest; I'm surprised you made it this far."
Mitsuki: "I went to that building where you bit me and found the door."
Mitsuki: "It was slightly ajar, so I thought you were waiting for me beyond it."
Mitsuki: "I chased after you because I wanted to see you."
He looked at me with a faintly surprised expression and then burst out laughing.
Drake: "Hahaha! The door to that hideout was open, huh? You really have luck on your side."
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Drake: "You truly are a woman of destiny."
The sea breeze blew between us as we gazed at each other, maintaining our distance.
Mitsuki: "Drake, I saw your past before coming here. From when you were young to the moment you jumped off this cliff."
Mitsuki: "It was all very painful."
Drake: "Heh, I see. But don't always be so kindhearted and sympathetic, lil' fawn."
His words felt like a sharp knife.
We were, after all, in a relationship of betrayal and being betrayed.
Drake: "Since we're at it, let me tell you about what happened after I jumped off this cliff."
With those words, Drake cast his gaze to the sea.
Drake: "After that, I met a man named Galileo."
Mitsuki: "What? Galileo, as in the famous one?"
Drake: "Yeah. He and I were facing similar circumstances."
Drake: "He used the door for his own wishes."
(I can't believe other famous people have traveled through it.)
At that moment, the image of a certain person he was with came to mind.
(Could that person be...?)
Drake: "I met Galileo and also saw the future by going through the door. What I found there was complete devastation."
Drake: "It felt good. I realized that this world, tainted by hatred, would lead to destruction even if left alone."
Drake: "Both humans and vampires will disappear completely, just like I wanted."
Drake: "But then something strange happened. Fate diverged, and multiple futures were born."
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Drake: "There were futures where a war broke out, humans killed each other, and humans and vampires clashed, fighting for the top of the food chain."
Drake: "I even saw a future in which nature was destroyed, leaving everyone with no place to live."
Drake: "All of them were interestingly disastrous outcomes."
Drake: "And what caused this branching future was the 19th century."
Mitsuki: "That was when everyone was revived as vampires."
He smiled deeper before answering.
Drake: "That's right. They willingly became vampires to revive themselves."
Drake: "They lived their second lives without a care in the world, not even realizing they were spreading harm."
Mitsuki: "I don't understand how everyone can be the cause. Maybe you're just convincing yourself of that."
Drake: "Those guys are renowned figures in history. Let a talented person get a taste of immortality and see what happens."
Drake: "The influence they have on humans and the world is immeasurable. In fact, fate is starting to distort around them."
Drake: "Well, I found the aftermath of all that destruction quite amusing."
Despite the serious topic, Drake wore a grin on his face.
Drake: "The existence of vampires gives rise to seeds of persecution, and resurrected vampires bring about destruction."
Drake: "No matter what, all they do is bring harm to the world."
Drake: "It's funny, isn't it? What purpose were vampires even born for?"
Drake's sarcastic remark about vampires was probably filled with irony.
However, considering his harsh life and the betrayals that have shattered his heart, the words "What purpose were vampires even born for?" feel like a blade aimed at himself.
Mitsuki: "No matter what you say, I don't think that way."
(He and I have had our differences before.)
(To him, vampires are evil, but to me they're not.)
Mitsuki: "Everyone, even Vlad and the others, are trying their best to live with their own wishes in their hearts."
Mitsuki: "They're using their talents and way of life to inspire and make those around them happy."
Mitsuki: "You're the same. You've made me smile a lot."
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Drake: "........."
Mitsuki: "I know that there are vampires who have treated you harshly. But that doesn't mean that all vampires are inherently evil."
Not wanting to deny my loved ones and him, I continued with my words.
Mitsuki: "Besides, even if the existence of historical figures can influence destiny, it doesn't necessarily mean that the future will always be one of destruction. If we hold on to hope and believe, the future may change differently."
Drake: "Ahh..."
Drake: "Having you by my side has surely changed my fate."
Seeming somewhat frustrated, he swept his bangs aside and pointed the tip of the knife he had drawn towards me.
Mitsuki: "Drake?"
Drake: "Vampires distort destiny. They lead towards the destruction I desire."
Drake: "That's why I wanted to watch over their messed-up destiny. And yet Mitsuki..."
Drake: "Somehow, when you're involved, all the messes that lead to destruction seem to disappear."
His eyes, piercing through me, were sharper than the knife.
Drake: "I have no use for vampires and people who bring no ruin. I thought about getting rid of all of them at once."
Drake: "Especially you, Mitsuki."
(His eyes are cold.)
His eyes were like a clear water surface, yet deep within them lurked a pitch-black abyss.
So deep and dark that it seemed no light could ever reach it.
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Drake: "I want this world to end—a world filled with hatred, killing, and not worth believing in."
Drake: "But you're the woman of destiny. You're the woman who stands in the way of the destruction I desire."
Drake: "That's why I'm going to kill you."
Mitsuki: "........."
I felt like I couldn't breathe. The feelings directed at me pierced my heart sharply and deeply.
(This can't be happening.)
I'm just a human; I can't believe I'm influencing fate.
Moreover, deceiving everyone for a purpose and attempting to harm them simply because they don't fit your desires is just too much.
(But why? Why do I feel sad instead of angry after he said he'd kill me?)
(Why do I still love him?)
Like the shore of a calm sea, he nestled in my heart, making me fall in love. Yet, like a raging storm, he began to destroy my precious feelings.
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I love him deeply, even though he's a terrible person.
The once-vibrant love swirls uncontrollably, tormenting me beyond measure.
(Drake betrayed me.)
(He tried to hurt my loved ones.)
(If he wants to kill me, then I...)
In my hand was a gun loaded with a single bullet.
Clutching the entrusted destiny, I aimed the muzzle at him.
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danneroni · 1 year
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💗🦇 DRAQUE 🦇💗
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askaceattorney · 1 month
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Dear El Draque,
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Ooooooooooh! This gives me the same feeling I get whenever I hear Swashbuckler Spectacular!
- Athena Cykes
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jayday-art · 9 days
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I drew my current D&D party but with our classes swapped!
Ianzu | Swashbuckling Rogue [originally a Warlock]
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Emilio Draque | Sunsoul Monk (originally a Swashbuckling Rogue)
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Kai Nen | Warlock (originally a Twilight Cleric)
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Aranae Za'Hira | Twilght Cleric (originally a Sunsoul Monk)
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waheelawhisperer · 6 months
What are some "Horny on main" F/GO Servant designs that don't really bother you, and why?
This is actually kind of a difficult question to answer for a couple of reasons: first, I don't really pay attention to FGO anymore, and second because there are just so many FGO Servant designs and so many of them are so horny that it's kind of hard to narrow it down. For the purposes of this question, I'll be ignoring stuff like Scathach/Medusa/the majority of the swimsuit Servants that are just "attractive woman (or occasionally man) in clothes sexier than a burlap sack" and focusing on the designs that are horny horny.
Barghest: The guy drawing Barghest knew exactly what he wanted and set out to make it happen and it rules, except for the part where he forgot to give her the arms she deserves
Queen Medb (more in terms of personality): It's relatively true to her legend (and if anything somewhat understated)
Kiara: It's kind of her thing
Artoria Pendragon Maid Alter: Her design is hella horny but also so ridiculous it wraps back around to being funny, and the fact that it's Saber Alter just makes it infinitely better.
Francis Drake: They didn't have to give El Draque huge boobs and a titty window, but they did, and it rules.
Summer Suzuka Gozen: She's, like... damn.
Queen of Sheba: she is very fluffy and I want to touch her ears.
Irisviel: I will never not laugh at her final Ascension.
Both Koyanskayas: This woman idolizes Hugh Hefner it's so fucking funny she's such a goon
Mata Hari: I mean... she's a stripper.
Summer Musashi's design is so ridiculous I love it
Artoria Ruler was made specifically for me
Santa Samba Quetzalcoatl is so silly I can't help but love it
I love Avenger Kama and her burning bush
They did not need to go as hard as they did with Gorgon but I love them for it please choke me with your tail mommy
I will begrudgingly add Minamoto no Raikou to this list because I like her as a character and as a unit and I think the fundamental idea of her design is solid, I just wish Raita ever bothered drawing women that looked like actual people instead of blowup dolls
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originalleftist · 3 months
Wheel of Time Theory/Headcannon (Spoilers):
So, if you know The Wheel of Time series, a big part of the premise is basically that time is cyclical (hence the title), with ages and events recurring, and people being reincarnated, in slightly different forms each time around. And the setting has a chosen one, known by the title of the Dragon, who's role is to be reborn again and again to fight against the Shadow, but who also ends up causing the apocalypse. Save the world and break it, etc. And while the series is mostly epic fantasy, it's also heavily implied that it is the far, far future of our modern world (or the past, I suppose, given the aforementioned cycle).
Accordingly, the series draws on (or, less charitably, appropriates) quite a lot of different inspirations from both different mythologies and actual history, but there's one connection, as someone who's done a fair amount of amateur research on this part of history, that caught my attention. I honestly don't know if Robert Jordan ever intended it, but it fits, at least to me. Probably someone has come up with this before, but if they have I don't recall seeing it, so here goes:
Sir Francis Drake was an incarnation of the Dragon.
If you've been living under a rock for the last five centuries or so and don't know who Sir Francis Drake is, he was an English sailor and slave trader (yeah, not exactly a heroic figure, but the Dragon isn't always either) who made a career shift to pirate/privateer (basically a state-sponsored pirate). But the thing is, he was basically THE pirate. The one who pirated on such a scale that he basically changed the course of global history, and set the standard for every pirate (or at least every Anglo pirate) afterward. He led the first English expedition to circumnavigate the world (and the first commander ever to survive the voyager). The treasure he plundered on the way basically single-handedly paid off England's debt, with treasure to spare. Then he went on to help lead the fight against the Spanish Armada, and basically save England from invasion. He is, arguably, one of the people most responsible for the existence of the British Empire, and the shape of the modern world as we know it.
He came at the transition from one age to another (Middle Ages to modern), and he remade the world- though whether for the better or worse is debatable.
But the real kicker? His name, Drake, refers to a mythical creature much like a dragon. And the name the Spanish gave him? El Draque- literally, "The Dragon".
(Side note: He was even red-haired like Rand Al Thor).
So yeah, within the Wheel of Time universe, it makes considerable sense for Drake to have been exactly what his name suggests.
Edit: I can't believe I left this out, but there is actually a legend that Drake' will return whenever England is in danger's drum will sound whenever England is in danger, and that Drake will rise from the dead to save England.
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Here's a set of limited sketch commissions I did last week on twitter! Characters belong to @DraqueD, @Nikkibuh2, @sirhc_x, and @winnebagorat respectively.
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rabbitcruiser · 11 months
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National Mojito Day
National Mojito Day on July 11 deserves a drink, so let’s toast. What more do you need on a hot summer’s day than to cool off with this classic minty cocktail? The mojito ranks among the nation’s favorite cocktails and is traditionally made with white rum, lime juice, sugar, mint, and sparkling water. It’s a cocktail that is enjoyed for its fresh and unique taste and although the recipe has been revamped many times over with herbs and fruits the classic is still the most adored. So, there’s only one thing left to do. Fill up your glass, put your feet up, and enjoy a mojito or two (we won’t judge) in the sun.
History of National Mojito Day
The mojito is a Cuban creation dating back to 1586. An old tale claims that Sir Francs Drake was seeking out a cure for scurvy and dysentery after his invasion of Cartagena de Indias on his way to Cuba. He returned with a solution – the mojito. It included aguardiente (a distilled South American liquor), mint, and sugarcane. The unusual concoction went down a treat with his crew and many reported reduced symptoms. That mojito was said to be created on La Bodeguita del Medio, an island in Cuba with a bar that the owners still to this day claim was the birthplace of the mojito.
In 1931, a ‘‘Sloppy Joes Havana Bar’’ gave away a cocktail menu and listed on it was a pair of mojito’s – one with gin, one with rum. The recipe was then published in the ‘‘El Floridita Cocktail Book’’ in 1939. Since then, the drink has grown in popularity.
The drink’s rise in popularity in the early 20th century is partly attributed to the author Ernest Hemmingway. It was rumored to be his favorite drink. The mojito is a drink that has become synonymous with summer. It’s fresh taste and cool temperature mixes perfectly with a hot summer’s day. A survey in 2016 found that the mojito was the most popular cocktail in both France and Britain.
National Mojito Day timeline
1500s The Draque Remix
Francis Drake mixes lime, sugar, and mint and calls it ‘‘El Draque’’ as a medicinal mixture.
1800s Havana Ooh Na Na
The mojito is popular in Cuba and the drink becomes refined over the next hundred years.
1930s Boisson
The likes of Brigitte Bardot, as well as other celebrities, admit their love for the drink.
2002 The Name’s Bond
Pierce Brosnan drinks a mojito in ‘‘Die Another Day’’ popularizing the drink.
National Mojito Day Activities
Make your own mojito
Create your own mojito ice cream
Try Mojito cupcakes
Follow the original recipe or be creative and add other ingredients according to your mood. For the classic, put together lime juice, rum, sugar, syrup, soda, and mint. Add some crushed ice and stir. Put it in a pitcher and share it with your guests.
Blend some condensed milk and whipped cream and voila! These two ingredients will freeze without needing an ice cream maker. Then later add 150ml of rum, four limes, and fresh mint leaves.
Try making mojito cupcakes using recipes online. A popular approach is to create a lime-flavored cupcake with a mint-lime syrup covered in rum and lime buttercream. This will impress even the most skeptical guests.
5 Facts About National Mojito Day
Seven, twenty-four seven
Cuban in London
Birth Tattoo
Prime of Lime
Hemingway’s Havana
National Mojito Day also falls on 7 Eleven Day too.
Cubana in Waterloo, London, is the home of highly recommended Mojitos and Cuban food.
“My Mojito in La Bodeguita, My daiquiri in El Floridita” is engraved at the drink’s birthplace in Cuba.
It was discovered that lime juice by itself would have cured the scurvy, but people believed that it was the cocktail that did the trick.
Ernest Hemingway lived in a villa in Havana for years which is where the rumor of his love for a mojito comes from.
Why We Love National Mojito Day
Mojitos mean celebrate
Mojitos mean summer
Rich recipes
In the summer months, mojito’s mean celebration. Whether that be celebrating the summer, a family occasion, a birthday, or just a barbecue, it’s the perfect drink for an outdoor party or gathering.
Mojitos are so synonymous with the summer that if you’re drinking one then you know the weather is good and it’s time to relax and enjoy yourself
The recipes are endless. From pineapple ginger mojitos to lychee basil and peach, the choice is never-ending. Create your own concoction and share it with your friends.
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roseyjustice · 1 year
Hello tell me more about the self-insert oc with wings and what appears to be a mermaid tail? They're very cute and I'm very curious about them and Luigi
I am so glad you asked about them cause I've been wanting to talk about him more but haven't had the energy 😭
But I'm happy to ramble about them !
Their full name is Prince Jeepers but they prefer Jeep for short, and go by he/they/it pronouns. He doesn't mind if you stick to one set or switch out which ones you use.
He's the prince of all cheep cheeps but its domain is technically all the water levels and all the water type creatures are their citizens. They take care of all beings in his waters and listen to any concerns his people have. Jeep tends to over work himself and put his citizens problems above his own, which is why his dragoneel advisor, Draque, is there to help !
Draque is not only his advisor but a pseudo adoptive father, he raised Jeep since he was very young and helped the young cheep cheep with running the kingdom when Jeep was too young to do it by themselves.
Draque is also the one to introduce Jeep to the transforming mushrooms that he uses for his mermaid + human form ! In his mermaid form, his tail is very chunky and resembles his cheep cheep form, but he also has a very extra feature like sharp teeth and winged fins on his back.
His relationship with l.uigi is still a work in progress but Jeep does have a big interest in the green plumber! Maybe a tiny crush too, whose to say ? 👀
I know for sure tho they meet cause Jeep has a treaty with B.owser and he tends to help the ko.opa kingdom here and there. They're actually pretty friendly, but Jeep is working on a treaty with Prin.cess Pe.ach as well. So I think L.uigi and him meet casually while he's on a meeting trip with the princess. The brothers don't know he's a prince at that point so they're all very chill with one another. ^^
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