solemnpancake · 1 year
While the idea of Xenk in Honour Among Thieves being a DMPC or an NPC is funny, I’m much more a fan of the idea that he’s actually a PC controlled by somebody else who played a full campaign with the same DM. Because meta textually, I can clearly imagine the conversation between the DM and Xenk’s player:
DM: “…So yeah I kinda fucked up the CR’s of the Underdark encounters but my current group is super excited and determined to head down there and since Xenk was already down there before…dude please help me, one session.”
Xenk’s Player: “I dunno, Xenk’s character arc felt pretty complete to me…”
DM: “Wait…The Red Wizards are the bad guys of this campaign too! You can finally settle the score with that asshole Dralas!”
Xenk’s Player: “…You sonnuvabitch, I’m in.”
DM: “YES! Oh also, Edgin’s-the Bard’s-backstory has him being a former Harper, so I have some ideas on how you could drive him nuts…”
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void-of-chill · 1 year
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Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
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by-ag-mn · 1 year
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find my old ship arts xD
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Dralas vs Xenk, trash talk edition.
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gidankuroki · 2 years
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Happy boy is happy ____ Total Drama ( Jennifer Pertsch, Tom McGillis)
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Sheridan: you don’t fight fair.
Delenn: well, I could fight fair, or I could fight to win.
Sheridan: who taught you to think like that?
Delenn: go ask the Drala' Fi, John.
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sheirukitriesfandom · 3 months
Rashkan realising he's gay was a gradual process that eventually got cut short.
He knew he sometimes felt a bit funny around boys his age but chalked it up to being shy and generally nervous around others. Rashkan's first exposure to sex & romance came in the form of another kid's older brother claiming he'd had his first time already and that he totally knew all about it. Those descriptions got Rashkan thinking that he might have been crushing on other boys his age but everyone does that, right? Besides, what if he just hadn't met the right girl yet?
At some point he asked his dad about it but he basically brushed it off like "I never got crushes on boys when I was your age but I guess some people do" *shrugs*. It didn't lead anywhere.
The time it really hit Rashkan like a truck was when Dralas brought a girl home and Rashkan realised "well, now I know what I don't want". He and said girl got along fine but to him it was incomprehensible how Dralas could be attracted to her.
And no, he never asked Dralas about his crushes because the teasing never would've ended.
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illusionstravels · 2 years
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great stupa of dharmakaya, drala mountain center, colorado
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draladharma · 1 year
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eyeoftheheart · 23 days
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“We always have a choice: we can limit our perceptions so that we close off vastness, or we can allow vastness to touch us...When we draw down the power and depth of vastness into a single perception, then we are discovering and invoking magic. By magic we do not mean unnatural power over the phenomenal world, but rather the discovery of innate or primordial wisdom in the world as it is. In Tibetan this magical quality of existence, or natural wisdom, is called drala...
One of the key points in discovering drala principle is realizing that your own wisdom as a human being is not separate from the power of things as they are. They are both reflections of the unconditional wisdom of the cosmic mirror...The discovery of drala may come as an extraordinary smell, a fantastic sound, a vivid color, an unusual taste. Any perception can connect us to reality properly and fully. what we see doesn't have to be pretty, particularly; we can appreciate anything that exists. There is some principle of magic in everything, some living quality. Something living, something real is taking place in everything.
When we see things as they are, they make sense to us: the way leaves move when they are blown by the wind, the way rocks get wet when there are snowflakes sitting on them. We see how things display their harmony and their chaos at the same time. So we are never limited by beauty alone, but we appreciate all sides of reality properly.”
― Chögyam Trungpa, Shambala: The Sacred Path of the Warrior (from his chapter on Discovering Magic)
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scamvictimshelp · 2 years
Be careful from Drala-Capital broker
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Drala-Capital is an offshore or unreliable broker which is not regulated by any reputed regulation authority in its region. Drala-Capital has got many negative reviews and traders who traded with this broker have raised many complaints against it. Scam Victims Help does not recommend traders to trade with this broker as your funds may not be safe with this broker. If you want to know more about this broker, read this Drala-Capital review.
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gtgbabie0 · 11 months
HI, i love your work about the marauders and hotd and i was wondering if u would write cregan stark fluff with jealous reader but if u don't want to its okay. HAVE A GREAT DAY
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-Cregan Stark x reader
{House Ryswell seeks an audience with Cregan Stark, and their daughter seems to take quite a liking to him}
I got extremely carried away with this, I hope you enjoy lovelies! 💕
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It's strange how time can seem so slow when your mood has been soured by something so silly, something that you're sure you have made up in your own mind, to defend the feeling of this unadulterated jealousy that slithers its way at your heart tugging on it every so often.
Foolish, you think, although you're not quite sure what exactly it is about this whole situation you find, foolish. Is it the way, Cregan smiles at the ever-beautiful Lady Darla of house Rsywell? or is it because your mind has convinced you that Cregan would break your trust like that? maybe, it's her ever thinking she stood a chance with your husband. Whatever it might be it's sure is foolish.
But it's real nonetheless, horrible and very real. The jealousy that bubbles deep within you only fuels the doubts that plague your mind, and those same thoughts conjure another dreadful feeling, something that pinches at your heart as you watch Lady Ryswell place a dainty hand on Cregan's arm, insecurity it finds an unwelcome home within your chest.
Despite sitting so close to Cregan, you still feel miles away, watching him converse, lost, within his own world with the Lady next to him. You feel ignored and as you glance around the room you're sure that everyone else sees it too, you've been pushed aside like some sickly wife that's nearing her time.
It's only when you hear Cregan's warm chuckle do you look over to the pair once again, her hand sits higher up on his arm, there's something about the sight that breaks you. As if it couldn't get any worse Drala turns to you with a smile that makes you sick to your stomach, warm and inviting.
"Your Husband is so charming Lady Stark" she giggles, her hand still against his arm, and you swear she squeezes it ever so softly.
Slamming your cup down against the wooden table, with more vigour than you had meant, you clear your throat, "Yes he is- charmed me right into marriage" It gets a laugh or two from the others is House Ryswell.
Drala's mother even leans to you whispering a humoured, "My husband could learn a thing or two" You watch as she glances over at him with a teary smile, he seemed quite caught up with gawking at the maids, "That man knows nothing of charm" she spits before leaning back into her chair.
Cregan's hand rests against your thigh, and for a second, your racing mind seems to calm down, it's as if you can finally breathe, and then he pulls away going back to what must be a riveting conversation with Darla. You've had enough of this torture, no longer being able to bare it you call for Lyra, keeping a hushed tone as she bends down to you slightly.
"I think I am ready to retire for tonight," you tell her through gritted teeth, trying to keep the barrage of emotions at bay, she gives you an understanding nod.
"Of course M'lady " She smiles softly as she hurries off to your bedchambers preparing a change of clothes for your arrival.
You stand keeping a strict posture, it's only now do you feel as if you finally have caught Cregan's attention. "Forgive me, but I think I shall call it a night" You bite back the tears that collect along your lash line nibbling your cheek.
"Aw already? Just when I thought our conversation was bearing good fruit" she whines, her voice going straight through you just like nails on a chalkboard, she pouts, a spoiled brat who knows no discipline.
"Oh please, don't feel inclined to stop on my behalf" You smile with a curt bow before turning your heel and leaving, ignoring the way Cregan calls for you, an advance he must've given up on quite quickly as Darla calls for more drinks practically begging your husband to stay, you don't hear the rest of the conversation too focused on trying to calm your breathing.
"Lady Stark" Lyra bows softly as you walk into your bedchambers, shutting the heavy wooden door behind you with an exasperated sigh. "I have prepared you some tea m'lady," she says with a gentle tone as you sit down in front of your vanity. She makes starts to unclasp your necklace.
"Thank you Lyra, you're far to-" and before you can finish your sentence the door opens with a low groan. You don't bother turning around already knowing who it is.
"Lyra, could you give us a minute" Cregan huffs, sounding very unamused as he walks into the candle-lit room.
"Of course m'lord," she says, bowing as she rushes out of the room, and it's then the silence hits, smothering the room with its thick presence that you're sure it could snuff out the flames of the various candles.
You look at him through the reflection of the mirror as he sits down on the fur-covered sofa, running a hand through his hair before finally glancing over at you, there's something in his eyes that makes you feel... small, you have always said you would hate to be on the receiving end of Cregan's anger, that any man to challenge him would be a fool.
"Would you like to explain to me what exactly just happened?" he asks, frustration seeping into his tone and your answer or rather lack thereof only fuels it further. "Do you find pleasure in ignoring me?" he huffs, giving you a rather annoyed look.
And as childish as it might seem, you were. "Yes, well now you know how it feels, don't you?" you mumble, untying the pins in your hair before taking off your rings.
"What?" he questions watching in slight shock as you stand up, the chair behind you drags along the floor with a shriek.
"Tell me, Cregan, do you think our marriage is a farce?" you ask turning to face him with tears in your eyes, tears that you try so hard to hold back, "Do you take enjoyment out of making a mockery of our marriage?" your hands shake with the sudden adrenaline as you point at him, your finger nudging his should as rage pinches at your skin, he looks up at you with hurt in his eyes and for a minute you feel inclined to apologise.
He stands up, trying to reach for your hands but you don't let him as you pull away from his touch, he accepts defeat with a heavy heart, the sight of your tearful face makes his stomach drop.
"A farce? What in the seven hells are you on about women?" the hurt that sits in his chest slowly churns into something much more as it wraps around his heart squeezing it with force.
"Do not play ignorant with me Cregan" You speak through gritted teeth as he inches closer to you, "You sat there the entire night ignoring me whilst you entertained that naive girl" You feel your knees buckle under the stress of it all as you fall back onto the bed with a soft bounce.
"I was merely trying to be a good host" his voice is so gentle, calm that it makes you angrier.
"Being a good host does not substitute you pushing me aside like some sick dog as you fool around with her!- the entire night." you huff biting the inside of your lip.
"You're jealous?" he asks in almost disbelief.
"What?- Jealous I'm-" You can't deny it, you were, you were jealous of the pretty Ryswell girl and how she seemed to have captured Cregan's attention.
"You are missing my point entirely," you whisper leaning into him as he sits down on the bed next to you.
"I'm sorry- you're right, I should've paid more attention to you," he says, wiping away the tears that fall from your eyes, "I meant no harm by it, I swear." he presses a gentle kiss to your hairline.
"It was embarrassing Cregan, the way they all looked at me with pity in their eyes. I am your wife." you sigh, the events of tonight wearing down on you more than you thought, and now the fabric of your dress felt all too tight and itchy.
"Forgive me my love- my beautiful wife" he says pressing another kiss to your shoulder as he helps you up from the bed.
"You can get Lyra to help me if you want to go back to entertaining our guests" you whisper, testing him a little as you sneak a glance his way.
"There are no guests to entertain sweetheart, I called it off as soon as you left," he mumbles against your neck as he continues to peppers soft kisses to your warming skin.
He undoes the lace of your dress, pulling at the fabric as it loosens around your shoulders, coming undone to reveal your back, his gentle fingers trailing along your spine as his soft lips traverse to your neck.
"I never meant to hurt you or make you doubt your place within my heart" he whispers as he tugs your dress completely off, letting it hit the floor with a soft thud before going to get your nightdress, slipping the soft fabric over your body before wrapping his strong arms around your middle, nuzzling his nose in the juncture of your neck and shoulder as he breathes in deeply.
"I swear, by the old gods and new that my heart belongs to you, all of it." Cregan turns you around to face him and it's only then he sees your tear-stained face, the way your bottom lip juts out at his loving words.
"I love you," he says as you push your face against his chest, letting all the built-up emotions go as they leave you in the form of tears. His big hand soothes the expanse of your back as he sways you in his arms ever so gently. He swears to never make you feel as you did tonight, ever again.
"I love you too" you whisper against the leather he is wearing. He cups your face within his hands, the warmth of his palms bleeding with affection as his thumb soothes against the apples of your cheeks.
"Come on my love, let's go to bed eh?" you nod as he tucks your hair behind your ears. You fall asleep wrapped up with him, a mess of limbs underneath the furs as he holds you gently and in the morning and every morning after that Cregan sings your praises, never letting you doubt your place beside him, ever.
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ksjanes · 14 days
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Inside the Great Stupa of Dharmakaya
Drala Mountain Center, home to the Great Stupa of Dharmakaya, one of the most significant examples of sacred architecture in the world. Throughout history, stupas have promoted harmony, health, prosperity, peace and freedom, bestowing blessings upon the surrounding environment, and upon those who visit and venerate them.
Established in 1971 by Tibetan meditation master and teacher Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, Drala Mountain Center welcomes all people with inspiration, interest and curiosity about the nature of self and society. We offer an oasis for relaxing into our basic goodness, rediscovering a sense of balance and appreciating the sacredness of our world.
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by-ag-mn · 1 year
I dont like my last skin, i think thats better... and i hope i finish this art...
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bugbbear · 1 year
i tracked every spell cast in the dnd movie
(yes i am autistic how could you tell)
so first off let's get this straight: i am by no means an expert. i did, however, spend like four hours combing through spells to see which ones fit. these are the best fits i could find.
why did i do this? well because screenrant did and they did a shitty fucking job. they cited spells that dont fucking exist! shame on you! do your fucking homework! also, see previously mentioned autism.
ANYWAY! spell list (in order of appearance) under the cut!
ENCHANTMENTS: (magic items, artifacts, etc)
greater invisibility (kira's amulet)
true resurrection (tablet of awakening)
speak with dead (simon's cleric token)
dimension door (hither thither staff)
antimagic field (helm of disjunction)
SPELLS: (cast by a character)
fog cloud (simon)
chain lightning (sofina)
time stop (sofina)
counterspell (simon)
prestidigitation (sofina)
mold earth (sofina)
prestidigitation [x2] (simon)
blur (simon)
telekinesis (simon)
reverse gravity [x2] (simon)
polymorph (doric)
witch bolt (sofina)
fire bolt [a couple times] (sofina)
misty step (sofina)
fire bolt [a couple more times] (sofina)
green-flame blade (dralas)
command (xenk)
green-flame blade (dralas)
holy weapon (xenk)
prestidigitation (simon)
major image (simon)
evard's black tentacles (sofina)
tidal wave (simon)
meteor swarm (sofina)
shield (simon)
polymorph (doric)
animate objects (sofina)
misty step (sofina)
magic missile (simon)
misty step (sofina)
resilient sphere (sofina)
arcane hand (sofina)
maximilian's earthen grasp (simon)
ill be real. the fight scene that starts at 1:57:22 is fuckin hard. i cannot tell a lot of what sofina casts, i have no idea what spell she uses to disarm holga or what she does to push edgin away (twice). here is what i do know:
SIMON: magic missile, shocking grasp, scorching ray (edited)
SOFINA: gust (getting back up), shield, the spell to push edgin back twice (red curtin like thing), the spell to disarm holga
anyway back to your regularly scheduled program
gust of wind (sofina)
time stop (sofina)
counterspell (simon)
polymorph (doric)
druids can only wildshape twice per short rest. im choosing to believe that doric is just Like That, maybe she's 20th level or something
IN ADDITION, druids can only wildshape into beasts. an owlbear is a monstrosity, hence why i marked that she uses polymorph to be an owlbear.
sorcerers dont get produce flame, so im choosing to believe that when he does the finger flame thing its just prestidigitation
when xenk pulls the cat outta the fish, he could be using dominate beast if he was oath of conquest. since we dont know his subclass imma just say its command and he speaks this fish's language
FINAL THOUGHTS: completely inaccurate. no one used fireball. /j
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