#dragonshipping fanfic
bastetwastaken · 1 year
Hi ~ will you do “Hey, have you seen the..? Oh.” - Dragonshipping? Tysm.
Hi hi! Thank you for the ask ^.^ I'm so sorry it's taken me ages to get around to it >.<
Oh this is so fun!! I love Dragonshipping. Jou is 100% boyfriend material and I will die on this hill.
ANYWAY. Here you go! Just a little something short and sweet... just like Atem.
Enjoy <3 <3
Atem huffed as he opened the cupboard again. This was the fifth time he’d checked this same place, but he was certain that this is where he’d put his treat when he’d got home earlier. 
He didn’t have many favourites in this world, honestly, he was just glad to have this life in general, but he really liked chocolate and he liked to treat himself to a bar of it every time he had to go buy groceries. 
The issue right now was that his treat which he only bought that morning had gone missing. 
He shut the cupboard a little harder than he should have done, but he didn’t care. He was annoyed. 
“Jou?” He shouted, opening the cupboard one more time, just in case he’d completely missed what he was looking for but nope, there was only an empty space where his snack should be. 
“Yep?” His boyfriend appeared at the door, his smile always caught Atem off guard, always made him feel some kind of way. 
“Um.” He faltered for a moment then turned back to the cupboard. “Have you seen the…Oh.” 
He cut his question short when he looked higher up. There it was. His treat, just peeking over the edge of the top shelf. 
The top shelf which he couldn’t reach. 
“What’s up Tem?” Jou asked.
He turned to glare at him. Jou was the only one of them who could reach that damn shelf and he loved messing with Atem. 
“You know what’s up.” He huffed. 
“I have no idea what you mean.” Jou said, but the smile on his face told Atem otherwise. His boyfriend had tells, and Atem knew every one of them. 
“You put it up there.” He said, rolling his eyes and pointing to the top shelf. “Get it down for me.” 
“Is that an order, your majesty?” Jou teased. 
“You wouldn’t listen to it if it was.” He sighed, crossing his arms over his chest and looking back up at the shelf.
He could climb up on the counter, but he didn’t want to. 
Jou stepped closer, looking up at the shelf which held what Atem wanted. “Maybe if you tried asking nicely I might.”
Atem was trying to be mad at him. He really was, but Jou was just…impossible to be mad at. He had a gift for talking his way out of everything and making Atem laugh even when he was trying really hard not to. 
It was one of the many things Atem adored about him. 
He smiled as he looked back at his boyfriend, he moved to rest a hand on Jous arm, leaning closer to him and looking up into those soft eyes that had first captured his heart. 
“Please can you reach the chocolate on the top shelf for me?” He asked in the sweetest voice he could manage to put on without laughing. 
Jou smiled at him. 
“I’ll need some form of payment.” Jou told him. 
“Of course. You can share the chocolate with me.” He said. 
“Awesome...but,” Jou smiled, a hand moving to his cheek. “A kiss would be better.” 
“Oh, you drive a hard bargain.” He said with a smile, he felt butterflies fill his stomach when Jou brushed his thumb against his cheek slowly. “You can have one after you get the chocolate.”
“One now and then one after?” Jou countered. 
“A small one now, and a longer one after.” He said, moving to slide his arms around Jou’s waist, pulling him closer and biting his lip in an attempt to stop himself smiling like an idiot. 
He might have failed, but he’d never admit that. 
Jou hummed, gentle fingers brushing against his cheek as he looked down at him, then he smiled and nodded. 
“Deal.” Jou said. 
He leaned forward, placing a soft kiss to his boyfriends lips quickly, then he stepped back and waited expectantly. 
Jou laughed then reached up and easily plucked the chocolate off the shelf.
Atem smiled and held his hand out but instead of handing him the bar, Jou grinned at him and kept the treat above his head and well out of Atems reach. 
“You’re forgetting something.” Jou said smugly. 
Atem laughed and stepped forward, reaching up to slide his hands over his boyfriends shoulders and back into his hair then he slowly pulled him into a kiss. He felt Jou sigh happily when he flicked his tongue out to deepen the kiss and leaned into him even more. 
He loved the way Jou kissed him. Always so soft and slow and it never failed to leave Atem melting against him. 
When Jou moved away, Atem tried to follow him but his boyfriend laughed softly, holding up the chocolate in front of him. 
"I thought you wanted this." Jou said. 
Atem laughed and took the bar then tossed it on the counter behind him. 
"Yeah, but later." He said, biting his lip and tugging playfully on Jous hair. "Right now though, I'm kinda in the mood for something else sweet." 
Jou grinned at him then pressed their lips together again, Atem felt his boyfriend sliding his hands down his back and he sighed happily, a surprised squeak left his lips when Jou picked him up easily. 
He laughed as he wrapped his legs around his boyfriend's hips and let him walk them toward their bedroom.
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leechysmile · 10 months
Creators are revealed! I can post my Dragonshipping fic now. This is probably the least fucked up thing I've posted as of yet 😭
Never really written Atem in a fic before so I feel like I could've done better with his part rip. But he loves his Joey 💜💚
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ygodmyy20 · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @toastytoaster22 (finally getting to this I started this and then life happened haha)
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
8 (i just got back into writing in July 2023!)
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 66,608 (it will probably double as I am deep into a long fic right now)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I used to write Puzzleshipping YGO but I’m all in on Mob psycho 100 now.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Just Breathe
Black Sweatshirt (yeaaaaah rising!)
Emotional explosion (surprised this one I thought got the least amount of reads this was my very first mp100 fic)
Float (I love how much this resonated with people)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! It’s something I take very seriously. No judgement if someone doesn’t respond to my comment on fics! But for me it’s important to respond.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ah. Hm. Blackhole I guess? The ending isn’t angst though it’s just a more intense fic.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think Float is very happy. It makes me smile every time I read it. Also the ending of Cobalt makes me so good. I want to rewrite Cobalt though its missing something. I posted it too soon.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Back in my YGO days I got some but I just ignored it. Usually they were just about me not finishing a fic so….yeah I get it heh
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yep. I’m an adult. I can write and enjoy smut.
But in all seriousness I do and I encourage anyone who is hesitant to write about sex, to just do it for yourself if you ever want to. You never have to post it, you can just write what you want and delete it, or keep it for yourself. Or never write about sex at all. I'll just say, getting back into this part of myself after not writing it for years has been so beneficial for my mental health. It helps me process and work through things. And writing gives me the opportunity to do that.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Well not right now, but I do know a lot about a certain mp100xOPM AU by @sodasexual and may or may not write something in that verse one day. Already drawing fanart for it so.... fanfics are likely gonna happen one day!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Uhhhh not that I….know of? (gosh I hope none have...)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Sorta co-wrote something recently that was just for fun. Also @emeraldoodles and I def co-wrote a dragonshipping fic I think when we were in high school? Dunno if I ever posted it tho I can't remember
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Hm. Puzzleshipping is my origin story. But something about Terumob really hits me in a place that I can’t describe. I just adore them.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Hmmm I have a couple one-shots I wanna write and I may not write them all.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I love writing POV descriptions of emotions. And I like to hope I’m good at it. Blackhole is this. It’s a mess of words and descriptions that I can just chew on and I love writing it. I think my recent Terumob oneshots kinda get into that space too. I like to hope that is a strength. But yeah it seems to resonate with people so I think it’s a strength?
I also think dialogue has always come easy to me. I feel like it’s the easiest thing for me to write and I hope it is realistic.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Ah.... I am terrible with consistency. I forget things and sometimes run off down paths. I also repeat myself a lot and like to describe every movement a character makes which can bog down scenes.
I have so written myself into a corner and had to weasel my way out of it hahaha This is why I am trying to talk about my stories more to friends so I DON'T do that again.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I did this a bit but I don’t anymore. It’s just too much mental work for me.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I think Black Sweatshirt, my current ageswap fic, will be my fav. It’s the most expansive writing I have done probably ever in my life. There are multiple plot lines, scenes that have already made me cry, and an ending that I just cannot wait to share with the world. I hope others enjoy it as much as I do, and I can deliver on this story.
The other one is a series called Safe Space which is a series of one-off stories touching on different emotions Shigeo has to process post-canon. Exploring the gray areas of forgiveness, confessions, grudges, anger, and love. I think I will be writing that on the side as I do other things but I love it to pieces. It means a lot to me and i hope to one day share it.
I'm always nervous to tag others so if you see this, feel free to do it!!
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girl-of-ink · 2 years
For the ask game: Yugioh, Komaeda x Hajime, and L Death Note! Feel free to do more also, I think you should do bakugo also for the character one just 4 fun ❤️❤️
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character:
Yugi!!! he's my blorbo i love him so much i'd kill 4 him
Least Favorite character:
umm yami marik scares me. his duel against mai in the manga is utterly terrifying
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
PUZZLESHIPPING! the ship ever. soulmates. they ARE canon to me i'm sorry
wishshipping! nothing like some good old yuujou <3
dragonshipping, very underrated in my opinion, atem loves jou so fucking much
would it be cheating so say feathershipping here? puzzle + wish + dragon, what's not 2 like?
heartshipping. they're cute :)
Character I find most attractive:
mai <3
Character I would marry:
Character I would be best friends with:
i wanna hang out with yugi so bad, yuugi mutou are you free this friday let me know if u want to hang out this friday when i am free
a random thought:
nobody understands atem actually. there are like 3 fic authors who Get Him and everyone else is wrong i'm sorry
An unpopular opinion:
yugi IS a better duelist than atem. some of you know this and are correct, but many people out there are blind to the truth.
My Canon OTP:
very funny to me that there are literally no canon ships in yugioh. takahashi was like "ok i'm gonna set up the barebones for some ships" and then he just. never came back to them ever. the peachshipping scene in duelist kingdom is so cute and then it just never happens again. iconic. in my mind puzzle is canon tho so i'll go w/ that <3
My Non-canon OTP:
it's still puzzle! they're everything 2 me. in theory i like lots of other ygo ships but i only ever actually read or care about puzzle sorry
Most Badass Character:
i guess it's atem? but that's not the side of him that i like the most, i prefer him when he's just a guy
Most Epic Villain:
thief king bakura is kinda sick not gonna lie. his intro when he breaks into the castle w/ atem's dad's mummy is so cool and sexy of him
Pairing I am not a fan of:
prideshipping can never work tbh i'm sorry. the only acceptable prideshipping is insane pining kaiba and atem just being like. okay. can i go home now i want to see my partner. dude just literally does not care
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
kisara girl in another world i KNOW you would have fucked so hard
Favourite Friendship:
...it's still puzzle. am i boring you yet?
Character I most identify with:
this is kind of a hard question. i don't think i'm that similar to any of them actually. but i guess atem is my uwu sadboy that i can project on sometimes
Character I wish I could be:
tbh i want yugi's life where's MY magic jewelry that has my soulmate inside it
002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you:
When I started shipping them:
tbh immediately upon starting the game. during their first conversation i was like. yeah i'm not gonna be normal about this
My thoughts:
they're in love and they're really so very bad at it <3
What makes me happy about them:
island mode is so funny actually, komaeda is a horrible guy to date. anywhere you take him there's like a 50/50 chance of him being like. god this sucks i thought you liked me but i guess you hate me goodbye forever. and then hinata shakes it off and goes out with him again. over and over. obsessed with the unpredictability of this man. he is SO bitchy and high maintenance and yet we cannot stay away
What makes me sad about them:
komaeda's attitude change post-final dead room is really both funny and very sad to play. one day he's your insane bestie who loves you so much and the next day he's like actually i hate you, you are a worthless little worm with no talent and i can't fucking stand being in the same room with you. :((((((((( bestie don't say that
Things done in fanfic that annoys me:
you can't make komaeda normal. please god you cannot do that to him. i'm so utterly obsessed with everything that's wrong with him that if you try to fix him, i will simply not read it
Things I look for in fanfic:
i really like it when fic writers are able to turn the funny repeated voice lines like "THAT'S WRONG!!!!" or "I AGREE WITH THAT!" into plot-relevant and emotionally affecting moments
My wishlist:
i want them to make out and be weird and fucked up together idk
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
tbh i don't think komaeda could be with anyone else. hinata theoretically could go out w/ other characters, esp chiaki, but i wouldn't really care. hinanami is far too normal for me, it's the insanity of komaeda that really draws me in, so hinata could definitely go out w/ nanami, i simply would not read it or care about it
My happily ever after for them:
i guess they cure komaeda's cancer and get him to a more functional but still insane mental state and then they hang out and bother each other forever. they get married someday and komaeda still says the usual komaeda shit about "wow i'm so happy right now, i wonder who's going to die because of this :)"
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you:
How I feel about this character:
he's SO cool and awesome and i like him so much.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character:
yeah it's just light.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character:
we barely see this, but i do like to imagine L's relationship w/ the other wammy kids.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
DO NOT, i repeat, DO NOT make him normal or nice or sane. you cannot sadboy woobify this man into being a sympathetic romantic lead. he is absolutely just as insane and unethical as light and this fact must be acknowledged
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
i wish he & light had angrily made out at least once before L died. they really both needed it so bad
Favorite friendship for this character:
i guess maybe naomi?
My crossover ship:
tbh i simply do not have any crossover ships for anything. ships stay in their canon for me
How I feel about this character:
i literally cannot stand him. he may be one of my least favorite fictional characters ever written. he sucks so bad that he drives me completely insane every second he's on screen. i would kill him if i saw him irl
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character:
kirishima, i guess? but i don't like care about it bc that would involve caring about bakugo.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character:
like. bakugo & going to therapy? bakugo & staying dead this time ???
My unpopular opinion about this character:
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
i wish he would die❤️ or at the very least he should go to therapy, apologize to izuku, and then never show up onscreen again
Favorite friendship for this character:
i don't care
My crossover ship:
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an-aura-about-you · 1 year
you ever have a fanfic you know you're not gonna write but the ideas keep bouncing around in your head so you gotta do an infodump somewhere?
that's what we're doing today so here we go: TMA fic I'll never write in which Somewhere Else is Lunar (during the events of Lunar 2)
(or "gee Leo, how come you get to hunt down two destroyers?")
-ngl I've been thinking about this ever since I started reading clutching a map of dreams, which is a fantastic Final Fantasy X fusion au and y'all should go read it even if you don't know a thing about ffx because the characterization and action is superb
-I likewise have some cherished RPGs from my youth and one in particular clicks with this like no other
-I'd start it out some time before canon gets going, but not too far out. just far enough that we've got a little bit of time for the boys to acclimate to the world they've found themselves in before the action starts.
-start with Jon, who wakes up and is surprised to do so. holy shit, he made it! they made it! wait where's Martin? wait is he in some kind of carriage?
-turns out Jon was found by the caravan that sets up the carnival in the Madoria Plains. This Causes Some Concern, at least until he realizes he's not restrained in any way and nobody's setting off Stranger Vibes.
-also Jon feels???? way better than he probably should have considering he just got stabbed???? and that's how he learns that magic (aka RPG mechanics) are in play
-(debating on whether he grows his ribs back or not. I'm inclined to say they did just because That Shit's Funny.)
-first big hurdle actually comes from learning Lunar is Lunar and not Earth. first time he goes outside and sees the Blue Star he nearly has a breakdown then and there. (that is the Earth that is the Earth in the sky I am looking at the Earth which means I'm NOT on Earth what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck)
-eventually he does manage to adjust and make friends with the musicians. operating on The Mechanisms were Jon's Band in Uni rules, he's able to contribute that way.
-he and Jean become sibling-like friends. (she's like, "Hey, I'm not the newest member anymore!") neither learns the full scope of the other's past until considerably later, though. (Once they do, they're like, "Hey, both of us were orphans that found our family later!")
-he discovers that he's retained some of his powers as an avatar of Beholding but under Lunar's magic system rules, as well as develop some new abilities such as making himself invisible. he's relieved that he has more control over whether he compels information out of others.
-(he's not entirely sure how he feels about Althena, but he would rather choose her over the Ceaseless Watcher as far as sources of power go.)
-so Jon's there with the caravan when our intrepid party of heroes show up having adjusted as well as one can over the course of, say, a few months.
-holy shit Lucia has the Lonely coming off of her in waves. Jon is seriously concerned that she might become a catalyst for some Forsaken ritual.
-Jon finds that baby dragons are utterly adorable and is grateful that he's not prone to baby-talk around cats and things that look like cats, thus earning Ruby's respect.
-after Jean leaves with the party, Jon decides to take his leave on his own, now confident enough in his abilities on Lunar to try to find Martin.
-except when everyone goes to town, they find some wanted posters. one for Lucia and her party, and one for Jon.
-"wtf why is Leo calling Jon a destroyer????" vs "how tf did he know I'm a destroyer?????"
-Jon gets captured by Leo and jailed in the Dragonship Destiny a couple of times as well as an attempt at Lemina's Magic Mansion and an encounter with Ghaleon, the last of these setting off all kinds of alarm bells because Ghaleon Very Much Should Be Dead. ("Is he connected to Terminus?")
-the last time Jon's captured by Leo, he breaks out of his cell and tries to escape at Azado, but That Doesn't Work Out What With The City Being On Fire. (fuck this reeks of Desolation)
-but also oh hey Jean, Lemina, and Lucia are tied up on the deck of the Dragonship Destiny what's up guys? oh cool, Leo went with Hiro, Ronfar, and Ruby to take care of the fire, that will give us time to escape.
-This doesn't get very far because it's not long after that when Mauri shows up for her confrontation. Then Leo and the rest of the party join in. AND THEY HAVE MARTIN WITH THEM!
-Jon is ecstatic! Whatever fight they have with Obvious Desolation Avatar Mauri, they can manage it now that he's found Martin! Except that Martin seems to know Leo? AND Mauri???? And HE was the one who told Althena's Guard that Jon is a destroyer???????
-Jon's got a lot to think about on the way to Pentagulia.
-But also they've got some time on a boat so it's time for stories to come out. (including Ronfar and Jon both being puzzled about how their SOs know each other and other members of the party thinking they have to explain homosexuality to Lucia but she's just confused about why they're bothering to explain this when no one's thought to explain heterosexuality to her.)
-this also means Jon's finally up to speed with what the player would know at this point: entity called Zophar trying to destroy Lunar, Lucia's here to stop him, the campaign Zophar engineered against Lucia, what's the deal with Althena's Chosen (with the additional sting of them informing Jon that Martin was wearing the garb of one of their priests)
-at some point there's a talk between Jon and Lucia and he ends up understanding what's at stake far better than Lucia anticipated he would. it's a nice little friendship moment.
-They arrive at Pentagulia and it's time to split up the party for everyone to make their appointments with their plot threads, which means Jon's semi-tagging along with Ronfar as they go to the Red Tower to confront Martin and Mauri respectively. It goes about as well as people who know the game expect it to, with Martin speaking to Jon as if everything is normal, that this is the way things have always been for them, and that nothing has changed between them. (but there was one moment with a break when Jon, as a last resort, compels Martin to tell him what's happening. In lieu of any actual answers, Martin gives him a horrified look and begs him to leave while he still can.)
-once that plot matter is wrapped up in the canon way (with Jon being courteous enough to not comment on how Mystere is obviously Leo), it's time to regroup and try a different approach. in this time, Jon receives a letter from Martin.
-let's back up to before the story begins one more time
-Martin wakes up in Raculi. only the problem is he was already up and moving when he comes to.
-turns out he was found by the Chosen and cleansed (that is, made to drink Zophar's blood) before he came to. and now he's working as an assistant to Lady Mauri
-he wakes up in time to hear himself tell Mauri about Jon and how he's already destroyed one world, fighting to stop himself but physically unable to.
-from this point on, Martin's been a prisoner in his own body, watching as he helps Mauri "cleanse" the sinful with fire and blood, struggling to get his body back under his own control. but it's no use. he's a vessel for Zophar.
-he writes down as much of this as he can in the letter to Jon in the brief moments he can actually control his hands, finishing it by telling Jon that he's sorry, he loves him, but should they meet again Jon should mercy kill him because otherwise he might not be able to stop his body from killing Jon.
-(the reason Martin's able to write and send it at all is because Zophar delights in that kind of torment)
-there would also be a scene with Jon discussing these things with Leo, who is more certain about taking fatal action if need be, and through compulsion Leo admits he is terrified at the idea of striking down Mauri because, even though they aren't as close as they were and she's done horrible things, she's still his sister and he still loves her.
-Jon goes to Raculi with Leo because Leo was ready to kill both Mauri and Martin, and Jon isn't sure if he can actually go through with it but tells Leo that if Martin must die then Jon should honor Martin's implied wish that it be by his hand.
-in a one-on-one fight that proves challenging since Martin is armed with a flail, Jon ends up non-fatally incapacitating Martin while the party fights Mauri's Id. by the time the fight is over, the effects of Zophar's blood wear off and Martin is back in control of himself. cue proper tearful reunion.
-with Mauri also free from the influence of Zophar's blood, she apologizes to Martin for what she did to him. having been in the same situation, Martin understands and forgives her.
-the three of them, Jon, Martin, and Mauri, all stay in Raculi as the party moves on to mount their attack against Zophar. when Zophar starts getting the upper hand, Jon is reasonably concerned it will become another Fear Apocalypse because everything about what he's told indicates that Zophar and the Fears are one and the same.
-in a fit of impulsiveness, Jon proposes to Martin in this time. ("I've already seen one apocalypse with you! I don't want to go through another with the regret of leaving that undone!") Mauri finds a couple of old bracelets of hers to stand in as wedding bands and marries them then and there.
-when the world is inevitably saved with the power of humanity, Jon and Martin get a nice little house in Dalton so they can be close to both where the carnival likes to set up and Raculi where Mauri and Ronfar live. (also there's a hot spring nearby, which, yeah, when you hit the age Jon and Martin are, you want to live by something like that)
-they go out on the occasional adventure, a much more peaceful prospect now that they no longer have the threat of Zophar or the Fears looming over them.
-Jon eventually brings Martin to meet everyone in the carnival, who properly give Jon shit for running off and getting married without telling them and tell Martin about all the pining Jon did for him.
-when they catch wind of Hiro wanting to go to the Blue Star to reunite with Lucia, they're like, "That's crazy but in good conscience we should encourage you because she's Lonely AF and her being the only person on the Blue Star isn't helping with that."
-and they all live happily ever after the end!
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xauroraxborealisx · 3 years
What is this? New content? From Hivemind Productions? Well, yes it is!
We’re a bit late in posting this, but better late than never right? We’ve decided on putting a little bit of a rarer pairing out there, Dragonshipping! We will post a chapter a day for the next six days, so be on the lookout for them ❤
Things in life always happen for a reason.
So when Jou is forced to accept a new player on his team without him even so much as trying out, he thinks someone out there must be pranking them hard.
As for Atem, all he wants is to play his favourite sport and enjoy it to the fullest without having to deal with the assistant captain who seems to already dislike him.
But after all, all things are difficult before they become easier, whether in ball or in life.
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draconicmaw · 4 years
@writelovetomeempress tagged me in this. Thanks! 😂
Tag game:
Rules: Tag nine people you want to get to know better.
Top 3 Ships:
(Why y'all making me pick favorites, that's just not fair. Okay, Imma pick ones that even if I don't write them, I ship the shit out of them and turn into a frothing fangirl over)
Hak and Yona from Akatsuki no Yona. This ship is my OTP and I would die for either of these characters, don't even question me. (And Hak is my dream man but I would never dare take him away from Yona. They're just meant to be)
(Okay the rest are YGO DM ships because I've fallen back into the fandom and I can't get up) Prideshipping. It's the ship I get the most fanfic ideas for.
Uhhhhh, shit man, Idk, I've really been into Dragonshipping lately, I guess.
Last Song:
Revel In Your Time -- Gunship. Man, I love Gunship. 10/10 would recommend if you are into '80s music, because their stuff sounds like it jumped right out of an '80s sci-fi film. (Dropped a link so I can attempt to convert you)
Last Movie:
Swiss Family Robinson. Not my favorite film, but it was good for a family movie night. (Except every night is family movie night in quarantine)
What food are you craving right now:
Don't even get me started. There's a whole list but at the top is this venison stir-fry one of my friends makes and she marinates the meat in this lime concoction and then served with rice, it's just... Drool worthy. Oh-ho-ho! It'd be great served as onigiri, too....
I don't even know 9 people on tumblr and one of the few people I even interact with was the one that tagged me in this, so, here is my truncated list of people who I don't think would be too bothered by my tagging them: @dattebay-ho , @andromedomaii , and so far that's it. If you follow me and/or you just happen to stumble across this and feel left out, feel free to play anyways!
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luckyredeyes · 5 years
I want to write a bit tonight but idk what my mental state will be like after I get done with church and housework. Just throwing one thing out there: I kind of want to write Dragonshipping but like a sad one-sided “It is but a shadow and a thought that you love” version.
Is that basically Revolutionshipping but with Joey instead of Téa? Yes.
Do I still want to do it? Yes.
Do I have time to do a fanfic? Oendnfnfjdkawkdnfjfdnsdb no.
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krazys-ass-emporium · 5 years
I had no idea, until I saw your artblog that you co-wrote Time Roulette Go!. It's one of my favorite Dragonshipping fanfics. ^_^
Yes, I did XD Thank you so much!
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Tagged by: @starcrossedking
Name: Alexa Age: 23 Pronouns: She/her Sexuality: Ain't no lie, I'm bi bi bi Zodiac sign: Aries Taken or single: Single pringle
Four Things About This Blog:
This doofus was a complete accident that came from a 4 AM hype conversation with @letsescapefromreality when I was struggling to finish a huge project and had accidentally thrown myself back into the fandom, originally we were just doing some Dragonshipping IM RPs but then she was just  "LET'S MAKE BLOGS" and, I the queen of no self-control and questionable decision making, went "YES"
Additionally, I never intended to go public, I was originally just going to RP with Tiffany as exclusives but when her muses died I really, REALLY didn't want to give up Atem so I started looking for one or two people to RP with because I had 0.0% confidence in my YGO writing and, at the time, was only looking to do D/S RPing (I've done that for years, it's a long story) and then somehow @begrudgingbabygoth found me and thanks to Bee I was able to venture out a little and weeeee here I am
If you go aaaaall the way back to the beginning of history you can actually see that I used to RP with gifs instead of icons, because that's generally what you do with live-action RPs and it's been YEARS since I've RP'd anime so I didn't really realize that people don't... tend to do that in anime fandoms xD I thought I'd hate going back to icons but I actually like it just as much as gifs, it's a little easier to find the right expression when the expression isn't moving/changing, it’s not as fancy but it’s easier
For a little wile I was actually doing well with keeping up with my replies but then that went down the drain, I promise though that I 1000000000000000% intend to get to everything I owe, I just really suck and had some issues lately with time stuff because of crunching for work
Three Mun Facts:
I write books for a living!
I'm a horror junkie and a fantasy junkie and I will rip out an organ and give it to you if you bring me some horror and/or supernatural/fantasy AUs, or hell, even canonverse! I'd freaking LOVE a canonverse supernatural thing, canonverse Bigfoot encounter YES!!
The first fanfics I ever wrote were for Yugioh (they were so bad *sobs* I was eight) and the fics I'm currently writing are.... also for Yugioh!! It's hilarious to me how age and being out of fandom vs being in fandom has changed my ideas, desires, beleifs, plots, etc about the series, I actually would have done more YGO fics by now probably if I wasn't trying to work on my Sterek Week fics because that's next month and hnnn I've finished NOTHING.... I run this event, I should be better than this xD I also have written/am planning to write more Teen Wolf, Supergirl, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Yuri!!! On Ice, and a few other things... if I ever get my shit together with getting the Sterek Week fics done
How’d you start: RPing in notes on DeviantART
Platforms you’ve used: DeviantART, Livejournal, Tumblr, Chatzy, Groupme, and whatever IM device I use with my freind Nicole at any given time
Best experience: So far, nock on wood, my YGO blogs here on Tumblr are by far my best experience
Worst experience: Some various other experiences I've had RPing on Tumblr, those are some LONG stories though
Original or canon: Canon
Favourite face: Tyler Hoechlin, almost all of my OCs have his faceclaim, including the main blog this one is attached to, my favorite face to play against is Dylan O'Brien (any Teen Wolf fans will understand exactly what's going on here)
Least favorite face: I don't think I have any to be honest? I'm not the biggest fan of RPing with non-actors and musicians (so porn stars, social media stars, models, etc) because it's a little uncomfortable, that aside, I can't think of any specific FCs I have anything against
Multi or single: Both
Plots or memes: I love both honestly!
Best time to write: At night
Do you like your muse(s): I love all of my muses, especially Atem, to be honest, I've never loved him more <3
How long (months/years?): RP in general, about ten years, on Tumblr, around... sevenish? I took a three or so year long break after my first RP blog flopped andd then got into it again with groups, before finally going back to indie
Fluff, angst or smut: Believe it or not I've actually done smut blogs for years (again, it's a long story) so smut and fluff, I'm really not a big fan of angst
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silverwindsblog · 7 years
Some of my favorite ygo fanfics
To celebrate my 10,000 posts in tumblr, here are some fanfics I personally enjoy reading but am too lazy to review them.
Summary: “The hardest part of being in a relationship is meeting the in-laws.” One-shot Manipulashipping. Romance comedy.
Summary: “Malik dies. Ishizu grieves. Shaadi comforts. The tomb is their refuge. Ishizu/Shaadi for contest.”
Summary: “ Malik thinks his friends are crazy, wanting to go play basketball in the bitter cold. Anzu stays with him, though her cold fears are slightly different.“
Summary: “Forever lived in light, and His spirit would never die. There is light in my heart because of you.” Scandalshipping
Summary: “ Atemu is going to have some fun with Seto. Even if he has to order the stubborn High Priest to have some fun with him.“
Summary: “ Yami meets and befriends a boy called Jou. Every day he sits on the Angel hill, when Yami comes to him, and every day he asks: ‘Do you want to fly a kite with me?’ “ Dragonshipping friendship oneshot.
Summary: “ Atemu has never seen clouds before. Mana cannot let that stand. This is not going to end well at all.“ Oneshot humor. Some Vaseshipping
Summary: “He holds a sweet place in her memories. And she always remembers him.” Mana/Atem, Vaseshipping.
Summary: “ Ten days. You have that long to run from me. If you can evade me for ten days, you get to keep the Ring and your life." / Kashipping  Diabound x Blue Eyes, Outcastshipping  Kisara x TKB “
Summary: "A gift confers no rights, Mazaki." Excuse me? Anzu frowned as Seto point-blank denied expressing his opinions. No longer spread out under him, she created a distance, and wrapped a sheet around herself. It was a fragile barrier. But his attitude deserved it. "Says who?" "Friedrich Nietzsche, who I'm sure you've never heard of."  Azureshipping.
Summary: “ They both dreamed of each other, longed for each other, until the night when they were finally able to forget the world in each other's arms” Revolutionshipping
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riyuyami · 7 years
Wait! Fuck! I just noticed the caption on that one drawing of Atemu in the hat!
Okay, yes, I need this in the fanfic, oh my god, I dunno what he’s doing, but this is a must. (Also, his hair, I love it, such a good boy)
Darn it, Grandpa, your doodles just made my morning (cause also there needs to be more dragonshipping)
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Trust Me
I illustrated a scene from my friend's Dragonshipping fanfic. You should totally check it out: HERE
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duelistkingdom · 3 years
12 days of christmas: day 2
day two is dragonshipping! and if you’re thinking “hey, that’s the same concept as what you did yesterday”... you’re right <3 but it’s a different ship so it’s a different fic <3
you can read it on ao3 here!
the 12 days series will be here!
if you like my work, consider buying me a ko-fi!
Jonouchi had been nervous around Atem since Atem got to stay. He knew that he had interacted with Atem before without nerves but that was back when Atem and Yugi were sharing a body. It was much harder to ignore that Atem had this presence about him that made it easy to get a crush on him. In fact, Atem was attractive too. This presented a problem because Jonouchi had been trying so hard to convince himself that all his feelings were simply just really intense feelings of friendship. He’d been surprised to discover just how close Atem already considered them. He supposed that tracked since as far Atem was concerned, he and Jonouchi had known each for four years now.
The real problem this presented was that Atem... was a very touchy feely friend. Atem would constantly give hugs or even just hold hands simply because he could. And this made Jonouchi hyper aware of his feelings for Atem rather quickly. In fact, all Jonouchi could focus on most days is how badly he wanted to kiss his friend. This was bad, Jonouchi decided rather quickly and had gone out of his way to avoid Atem simply because he didn’t know how Atem would react to Jonouchi having... well, feelings for him. He needed some time alone to figure out how to deal with his feelings without making things complicated between them. This, of course, didn’t work out as planned since it seemed like Atem was going out of his way to hang out with Jonouchi. Not only that, Atem was always around Yugi and Yugi was the one that Jonouchi wanted to talk about his feelings towards Atem. Except because Atem and Yugi were rarely separate, he never got a chance to. There was only one person left that Jonouchi could turn to in moment’s like this: Mai.
“You must got it real bad if you’re comin to me for advice,” Mai said before taking a long sip of her coffee with a teasing grin. Of course, she was right about one thing: he did have it bad for Atem. The missing point, however, was that Jonouchi probably would’ve turned to Mai for dating advice at some point. If anything, he knew Mai wouldn’t go blabbing like Anzu might and he knew that Mai would try her best to help out. That made her the obvious choice to confide into. “So. Let me get the right. You thought the crush was on Yugi at first but now that Atem’s around as himself, you realized it was on him?”
Jonouchi nodded, well aware it was fairly hard to explain. That was another reason Mai was the obvious choice: because she was dating Isis, she was in the loop of what exactly was up with Atem and Yugi. Even Jonouchi was a little confused by it. “Yeah,” he said, slumping back in his chair before sitting back up when Mai raised an eyebrow at him. “Atem seems to think we’re best friends too. I guess that makes sense cause –“
“Cause he was helping you this whole time too,” Mai finished for him with a slight nod and a knowing grin on her face. “Seems that you two were also dueling with each other and growing together too, even if the finer details were a bit muddy.” She sighed as she set her coffee down, leaning forward across the table. “Have you considered that maybe he might like you back?”
He’d considered it, of course. He never stopped thinking about how nice it might be if Atem liked in that way right back. But for every fantasy scenario Jonouchi drummed up where Atem liked him back, there was also the nightmare scenario that Atem didn’t. Some of them weren’t as bad as others but there was the chance it might make thing awkward between them. Or that it might mean he was overstepping some invisible boundary that he didn’t know existed. Either way, it was a risk and Jonouchi was never good at making calculations for risks. He was good at charging ahead blindly. He was good at making mistakes. “It’d be nice if he did,” Jonouchi said, staring at his untouched coffee. “But what if I take that risk and it ruins everything?”
“Jonouchi, do you think I would be dating Isis if I didn’t take a risk,” Mai said softly and Jonouchi looked away from her gentle gaze. “In fact, we’re friends because I decided to take a risk too. Everything that can make you happy requires taking that risk. You have to take that leap of faith if you want happiness. Ask him out.”
Easier said than done. The Kame Game Shop was the usual hang out spot for all their friends and Jonouchi was running out of excuses. At some point, Jonouchi just needed to take that risk. He couldn’t keep it in and at some point, he managed to corner Atem while Yugi wasn’t around. Just take that leap of faith, Jonouchi thought to himself as he reached for Atem’s hand. Atem turned and grinned. “Hey, Jonouchi,” he said rather brightly with the relaxed smile that pulled at Jonouchi’s heart strings. “What’s up?”
“Er, I was wondering if Yugi would mind if I stole you away for Christmas,” Jonouchi said, not really thinking about what he was saying anymore. If he thought, he’d overthink and he couldn’t have that. No, better to say whatever flew into his head. “Cause I thought you might like to see some Christmas traditions and well, I mean...”
Atem titled his head, a confused look on his face. “Christmas? What’s that?”
“It’s a holiday,” Jonouchi said, realizing that if Atem was sharing memories with Yugi then Atem wouldn’t have any memories of Christmas. “Uh, it’s a secular holiday with religious roots. Some people just celebrate for an excuse to exchange presents.”
“Oh,” Atem said, still looking rather mystified. “If it’s a holiday, then wouldn’t my partner and his parents want me to stick around? Isn’t that what people do on holidays?”
“Yuge and his family don’t celebrate Christmas,” Jonouchi said with a shrug. “They’re Jewish, ergo Christmas isn’t exactly their thing. Look, just... think about it, okay? As I said. Like to show you some Christmas traditions.”
“But why would being Jewish mean they don’t celebrate Christmas?”
Jonouchi didn’t know how to explain the long history in regards the Judaism and Christianity and the various reasons that a Jewish family might consider celebrating Christmas a pointless act. He was certain that Yugi could probably explain it better than he could ergo he shrugged. “You’d have to ask Yuge that,” he said simply. “I just figured it might be nice for us to hang out one on one, dude.”
“Oh,” Atem said and Jonouchi thought maybe it was starting to click together in his head. “Alright. That sounds nice.”
And for the first time in literal years, Jonouchi was actually looking forward to Christmas. He was counting down the days to Christmas again. He’d gone out of his way to secure tickets to Disneyland Tokyo and sure, it was a bit much for a first date. But he wanted to do this right and he didn’t care if it was a little bit expensive. Besides, from what he’d seen... Atem liked nice things. Surely he could appreciate a day trip. He stressed about if he should go casual or dress down. He stressed about making sure his car was clean if Atem was going to be in it. Everything had to be just right, after all. And then it arrived: Christmas day. He felt very awkward about picking up Atem up, especially when Grandpa Mutou was already at the counter. Especially when Grandpa Mutou seemed well aware of what was going on. Yui was insisting on putting another jacket on Atem while Atem was protesting he was fine. “Hey, Atem,” Jonouchi called, waving up the stairs. “Ready to go?”
Atem looked over at Jonouchi with a grin, waving a gloved hand at him. Jonouchi had to assume that Yui had made Atem wear the gloves. He was certain Atem would be grateful for being bundled up when they stepped outside but he always had to be a bit dramatic. “Yeah,” he said, bounding down the stairs two at a time as Yui protested that Atem was going to break his neck if he kept being that reckless. “Mo – Yui! I’m fine!”
Jonouchi laughed. “I dunno, man, aren’t you from Egypt,” Jonouchi said as he clapped Atem’s back, causing Atem to light lurch forward. “It’s a bit colder out there than you’re probably used to. You might want to listen to Mrs. Mutou on this one.”
“How many times do I have to tell you kids to call me Yui,” Yui said as she followed after, wrapping a scarf around Atem with a look of concern. “You two kids have fun, okay? Atem, make sure to call when you’re on your way home. And before you ask again, yes,  Yugi will be fine.”
“Are you sure,” Atem asked, frowning. “He and I haven’t really been apart in four years...”
Jonouchi didn’t know how to address that. He didn’t want to overstep since Atem and Yugi’s relationship was special. They shared everything for the past four years and it was still an adjustment for the both of them. “As Yugi told you and as I keep saying, it’s okay for you to have your own life,” Yui assured, smoothing over his hair. “Go! Have your own life!”
Atem didn’t look entirely convinced but nodded anyway as he turned to Jonouchi, reaching out to grab his hand. Jonouchi wasn’t really surprised that Atem did that but he was surprised at how willing he was to do so in front of others. “Alright, Atem,” Jonouchi said, rather awkwardly leading him out into the snowy day to his truck. “We’re taking a little bit of a trip. Won’t take long but it’ll be fun!”
Jonouchi had opened the door for Atem and Atem climbed in. “Where are we going, anyway?”
“It’s a surprise,” Jonouchi said with a grin as he started up the truck. He had debated telling Atem up front but he figured Atem might not have the context. “So... uh, does it feel weird adjusting to the modern world?”
Atem had shucked off the scarf with an annoyed look on his face before pausing. He shrugged. “Somewhat,” he said. “For a while, all I remembered was nothing but what my partner remembered. All I knew was the modern world. Getting my memories means I remember two different versions of the world. Sometimes it feels like I don’t belong in either...”
“Hey, don’t say that,” Jonouchi said, slightly alarmed. “Course you belong here. With your friends. Isn’t that why those old Gods let you stick around? Surely they wouldn’t have done that if you didn’t belong here.”
Atem seemed to consider this before slightly perking up. “I suppose you’re right,” he said with a bright grin that made Jonouchi’s heart flutter. “I suppose I just feel weird not having a next threat to worry about.”
Of course. That big golden lady’s statement that there was no next threat. Jonouchi personally found it hard to believe himself. From spending every single moment worrying about the looming threat over their heads to just being able to just be. It seemed a little too good to be true at times. “You know, if it’s the future you’re worried about, the one thing you should is know is no one’s got anything figured out,” Jonouchi said, not entirely sure if he was hitting the mark. “Sure, Anzu knows what she’s going to do but she’s the exception to the rule.”
This actually seemed to hit the mark as Atem looked a little bit relieved. “I suppose that means it’s okay that I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do next?”
“Nah,” Jonouchi said with a grin. “That’s normal. Most of us don’t know what we’re going to do next. I know I wanna try being a pro Duelist but that doesn’t mean it’s going to work out. Everyone’s a little bit lost. It’s okay if you don’t know what to do next immediately after savin the world.”
“Thanks,” Atem said and for once, he seemed genuinely relaxed. “It feels weird to not have the pressure of saving the world on my shoulders. Like I’m doing something wrong by not looking for the next threat.”
“You’re not doing anything wrong by simply being, dude,” Jonouchi said, more reflexive than anything. At this point, he knew what it was like to grow up a little bit too fast. He suppose some part of him always knew it wasn’t normal that if he didn’t cook dinner, he wouldn’t get to eat that night. It wasn’t normal that he felt the crushing weight to save his sister’s vision and it wasn’t okay that he felt the need to pay off his father’s gambling debts because he knew his father would never pay them off himself. And he knew that Yugi had been right that one night that Jonouchi had confessed his fears and Yugi had told him that he was nothing like his father. It still weighed in the back of his mind. “We’re both eighteen. We shouldn’t be carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders.”
The conversation lightened from that point and Jonouchi was enchanted by Atem’s smile. During the drive, Atem tried to teach Jonouchi how to say the big golden lady’s name but he just never could get it right. Eventually, Jonouchi gave up and joked he’ll never get it right. But the one thing he did seem to get right was the choice of location for a first date. Atem’s eyes were full of wonder as the Disneyland Tokyo castle came into view and he seemed excited by it. “Is it really a Christmas tradition to go here,” Atem asked as he looked out the window. “Seems a bit excessive.”
“Well, it’s not exactly an every year tradition,” Jonouchi said with a grin as he found a parking spot, “but I figured your first Christmas should be somethin special.”
There was something almost magical about seeing Atem’s wonder as they wandered the park, checking out rides and various games offered at the Penny Arcade and Jungle Carnival. Atem, as per usual, was absolutely unbeatable. Not only that, Atem seemed to win every prize he set his sights on. Atem shoved another prize into Jonouchi’s arms with a beaming grin. “I won this for you,” he said, rather proud of himself.
“Hey, thanks, man,” Jonouchi said, almost melting at the grin on Atem’s face. “I’ll consider it a Christmas gift. How about I get us lunch? Seems only fair.”
“But you paid for the tickets and drove us here,” Atem protested. “I feel like I should get lunch.”
“Nah, it’s tradition. You gotta give out Christmas gifts,” Jonouchi said, refusing to let Atem pay for lunch. Sure, it wasn’t going to be great on his wallet but at this point, every single yen spent was worth it to see Atem’s smile and relax. “Consider this a Christmas gift from me.”
Atem leaned in, his hand grasping Jonouchi’s and his fingers intertwining with his. Jonouchi tried to ignore how his heart skipped a beat. “You’re being way too nice,” Atem said teasingly. “Is that part of Christmas tradition?”
“Nah, I think that’s part of the tradition of being on a date,” Jonouchi said with a light shrug, trying to be rather casual about it. “You gotta be nice on a date.”
“A date,” Atem said, sounding rather mystified and questioning. “People come to Disneyland for dates?”
“Yeah,” Jonouchi said as they stopped in front of the nearest restaurant and came face to face. “That’s what we’re doing, right?”
“We are?”
It was then that Jonouchi realized he never actually asked Atem on a date. He asked Atem if he wanted to hang out and now Jonouchi feared that he might have ruined everything. “I,” Jonouchi said, his brain scrambling to come up with something to say. Unfortunately, Atem was just a little too pretty for his own good and it simply made it harder to think. “Er, yeah. I guess I never actually said the word until now, huh?” Atem shook his head. “Is it okay if it is a date?”
The moment felt like it lasted forever but maybe not. Maybe it was only a second. Maybe Jonouchi was overthinking yet again. Either way, it was agonizing as the question hung in the air and all Jonouchi wanted was for it to be over with. However, when Atem’s questioning look turned into a bright smile, Jonouchi knew the answer before Atem even said it. “Yeah,” Atem said with a light nod, “it’s okay with me if this is a date. But you know... I don’t know a lot about dating traditions.”
Mai was right, as it turned out. Happiness did require a risk and boy, did it feel great when it paid off. Jonouchi laughed as he pulled Atem towards the mistletoe. “Man, have I got so many other traditions to teach you about, then,” Jonouchi said, feeling just a little bit lighter. He pointed up towards the mistletoe and Atem’s eyes looked up at the plant. “You see that plant up there? It’s called mistletoe. Whenever you stand under it, you gotta kiss whoever you’re next to. And what do you know, there just happens to be a cool guy right next to you!”
Atem smirked as he stood up on his tip toes, his hands moving to Jonouchi’s hips. “That sounds like an excellent tradition,” Atem said, his lips rather close to Jonouchi’s. “Mind if I try it out?” And when Jonouchi nodded, Atem’s lips met his. Yeah, this was easily the best Christmas Jonouchi’s ever had.
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xauroraxborealisx · 3 years
Sometimes, things aren’t that easy to realise.
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princessdragon96 · 7 years
You did Yugi, now I want Atem. :P
XD Of course!
Here’s the thing.  I really don’t like Prideshipping, but I don’t outright hate it enough for me to call it a NOTP.  It’s my least favorite ship involving Atem, and that’s pretty much it.
Dragonshipping.  My reason why is the same as Yugi’s.  Joey and Atem have a very close relationship, one that as mentioned in the movie, transcends dimensions.
Once again, Puzzleshipping… er, since it’s with Atem, does that make it Blindshipping?
Second choice pairing.
This one’s a little tricky, since 99% of the time I ship him with Yugi.  I guess Revolutionshipping thanks to episode 53.  The Atem/Tea moments in that episode were cute.
My fluffy pairing
If I had a dollar for every time I read super cute puzzleshipping fluff, I’d have enough to buy the rights to Yu-Gi-Oh and make it canon.
My angsty ship
Same as Yugi… no, no!  Do not remind me! Do not remind me!
Favorite poly ship
Once again, Mobiumshipping (and I forgot to mention this with Yugi, but also platonic feathershipping).
Weird pairing
Once again, not really a weird ship, but I’ve read some fanfics that ship Atem with Serenity, and they’re pretty sweet.
Send me a character and I’ll tell you each of the following.
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