violet-moonstone · 3 months
Some progress on my skuld/drago drawing
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violet-moonstone · 3 months
Started drawing Skuld and Drago
Drago's all grumpy.
As you can see I'm still figuring out the tormentipede arm. I should probably do a separate sketch to plan it out.
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violet-moonstone · 4 months
so i had an absolutely horrible (and by horrible i mean upsetting) idea today for my thw fic in regards to skuld the sorceress and im kinda torn on whether or not to do it because i dont know if i want her to be quite as evil as this would make her
so for context: skuld is a sham sorceress who tricks people into thinking she has powers, etc etc. at the point she's at in my plot, i want her to be very good at making her intelligence look like magic - so her "prophecies" will be very astute observation wrapped up in confusing language with some smoke and a trance like state for pizzazz. her "curses" might be psychological manipulation or a stealthy poisoning disguised behind mystical words. she's very willing to pull out the bells and whistles because it makes people more likely to believe her. ultimately she's an advisor but because she doesnt come from a powerful family or anything like that, she needs an in to get people to listen to her - thus, magic
i was thinking about the idea of having one of her divination practices involving haruspicy (divination through examining the entrails of a sacrificed animal) - although im not sure if her character would get her hands dirty with something like that (need to reread the comics for chracterization)...she might have someone do it for her and then observe (ok actually yes i like this)
BUT i was also thinking it would be particularly dark if the animals she were sacrificing were dragons - probably smaller and more common ones on a more regular basis (sorry, terrible terrors ) and then bigger or rarer ones before important battles
i havent made up my mind yet because i dont know if i want her to be quite this cruel , especially considering that she doesnt even believe in her own powers, so all of it is really just for show, or what she might think is a necessary evil to maintain her position of power
i also dont know how much value drago (who she's advising) would put into magic. he might have been skeptical at first but then got on board when he saw that she was right more often than not? im thinking she's spinning it as doing the will of the the gods (whose gods? uh...good question because idk what religious beliefs drago's culture may have...just...gods in general for now) maybe shes convinced him that some of the more powerful the norse gods support him and he finds some of them to be analogous to his own) abhoring the idea of humans and dragons being equals (uhh something about dragons being forces of chaos that upset order, say theyre the spawn of nidhogg or something and is dragos destiny to subdue them etc etc) and at first he's like yeah i can get behind that as a general idea - and then over time he takes the more mystical elements seriously because she's convincing
alright i think i do want to go with the order vs chaos prophecy angle. still figuring out the dragon sacrifice though
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violet-moonstone · 4 months
thinking about ~them~
drago taking skuld by the waist, pulling her close, and asking her if she bewitched him to fall in love with her. he's not even asking with anger or suspicion, but with curiosity. he's pressed their foreheads together, his eyes half lidded, his voice low and uncharacteristically gentle — if his fate is to be enthralled, he seems resigned to it. skuld laughs in surprise — a bright, musical sound. "whatever would I need to do that for?" she asks him. "it would be a waste of a spell. you wanted me the moment you laid eyes on me." Drago shakes his head, but not because he disagrees. after all, she's right — she's always right
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violet-moonstone · 5 months
Skuld the Sorceress headcanons
shoutout to the httyd comics for giving me a bunch of characters to use in my fanfic. (this is for my thw rewrite)
so my backstory on skuld is that sometime after the events of httyd 2, she joins forces with the northern alliance, and while she's still up to her "sorceress" bullshit (at least thats the plan for now) she also has legitimately useful information about the barbaric archipelago that she's learned from travelling around and duping people. so she is actually useful but probably uses the mysticism to embellish and make herself appear more powerful. I think it would be great if she were like the mellisandre to drago's stannis (as in a mystical advisor blowing smoke up his ass about his destined greatness. i use a lot of asoiaf characters as analogies. except in this case skuld isnt a true believer, she's just a survivor who will say and do anything necessary). I really want to have some scenes of her giving vague-ass prophecies about the outcome of battles that could be interpreted as positive or negative based on the desires of the person listening. i love when shit like that happens.
I imagine she's particularly good friends with griselda the grievous and despite not being particularly fond of children in general, she likes griselda and chaghatai's kids, especially oktai . I'm thinking chaghatai probably sees through the sorceress thing and doesn't trust her. ragnar is probably scared of her.
I want drago and skuld to actually be completely head over heels for each other but extremely hesitant to show anything other than lust because both of them think about love as a weakness. aghhh i cant get them out of my head!
also im using the premise of the fire tides as setup, so drago has that tormpentipede dragon attatched to his shoulder. uh...this is going to make intimacy between them...interesting. i have some ideas but idk how wild i wanna make things
anyway im in love with this villain couple and i need to draw them (especially with skuld in some new outfits i have in mind for her. i put some inspiration photos below)
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got some mellisandre obviously. the second photo is great because wings of war (working title for the wip) is also going to take place in fall/winter and i love the image of skuld surrounded by drago's freezing, exhausted soldiers meanwhile she's all elegant and unscathed
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hildur from norsemen. i love this conniving bitch with my whole heart. she's my favourite character in the show. also definitely using her fur lined cloak as inspiration
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reluctantly adding skade the witch from the last kingdom because i cant stand her but i like her clothes and accesories. I love the concept of her character but idk...maybe it was the acting? something about her felt whiny and juvenile when she should have been intimidating and sultry. anyway. next.
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morgana pendragon my actual wife. i. love. her. free my girl, she did all of that but like...can you blame her???
anyway, i think my ideas for skuld's clothes will look a lot like morgana's winter outfits but with the colour schemes of her gowns pre-villain arc.
i think skuld's outfits were a lot more similar to skade's before she joined the northern alliance, but the more she gained influence, the more they (specifically griselda and drago) were willing to indulge her finer tastes
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violet-moonstone · 4 months
love being obsessed with an extremely obscure character and appreciating her mostly for headcanons that ive come up with
like shes not an OC but for my purposes, she kinda funtions as one considering how little content she's in
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violet-moonstone · 14 days
writing my first (and probably only) explicit dagcup scene in the wings of war soon. this fic is going to have a lot of dagcup in general, but not that much erotic dagcup (unfortunately not enough space -- at least not for my liking -- because of how many character arcs and pov chapters theres going to be) - but i am planning to have at least one erotic scene for each: dagcup, hiccstrid, heathstrid, rufflegs, eretlout, and skuld/drago (the last one, im pretty sure no one wants or cares about but but idc, theyre special to me)
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violet-moonstone · 4 months
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My redesign of skuld for a fic
For context i used a panel from the endless night as reference (when shes walking up stars to the deck of a ship?) But i wasnt really focusing on the background
Ill probably do more with her and drago (currently shipping them), maybe in colour
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violet-moonstone · 2 months
1, 6, 11, 16 for the HTTYD asks! Thank you for making them! 🫶
Thanks for asking!
Which part of the series was your introduction to HTTYD? How old were you when you first became a fan?
HTTYD 1! My social studies teacher showed it to my class instead of teaching us the Vikings unit, lol. I learned nothing about actual Vikings but gained a lifelong obsession. I was 10 when the movie came out, so I've been into this franchise for over half of my life. I find it kind of funny because I remember thinking the movie would be absolutely terrible when I saw the trailers (I thought it was a "boy movie"....yeah I was like that as a kid) and then I never shut up about it for 14 years, lol.
6. What are your favourite ships in the fandom and why?
Ok IMMEDIATELY Dagcup comes to mind. I LOVE ship dynamics that basically resemble the dynamic between a chaotic dog and an exasperated cat. (Although Hiccup is pretty chaotic too to be fair. He just seems so rational in comparison to Dagur) I've also got a huge crush on both Dagur and Hiccup so that helps, lol. Vigcup is probably a close second.
Honestly though, I'm a fan of most of the popular non-canon ships in the fandom and most of the canon ones -- and even rare or crack ships I can eventually get behind.
My current favourite rarepair (that I'm pretty sure only I ship...for the time being) is Drago Bludvist and Skuld the Sorceress. I also ship Chaghatai Khan and Griselda the Grievous (and I came up with some OCs to be their kids).
11. What are your favourite locations in the Barbaric Archipelago?
This is gonna sound like a cop out but...pretty much all Berk in movie 1 - the first film has my absolute favourite set designs, textures, and colour schemes. The forests, the houses, the great hall, the sea stacks...all of it is breathtaking. This photo in particular makes me wish I could visit movie 1 Berk in real life:
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The vibrant colours in the following movies are wonderful, but to me, they don't quite say Berk the way the first movie does. I understand that the art direction was probably trying to reflect how allying with the dragons brightened the lives of the characters...but I still think cold, dark Berk can still be a happy place.
I also very much enjoy Caldera Cay/Defenders of the Wing Island in RTTE. I like seeing how the architectural style of the Defenders of the Wing differs from that of other groups in the Archipelago. Their style is so utilitarian, it makes Berk look luxurious! And it makes the dragon-related decorative elements of their ceremonial architecture stand out even more.
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16. What is your favourite plot arc?
Ooooh that's a tough one. I don't have *one* specific one in mind, but I think I have to go with any epsiodes in RTTE that feature the rivalry between the riders and the Hunters. Watching Viggo and Hiccup constantly try to outsmart each other is so fun.
Thanks again for asking! You'll probably see some questions in your inbox from me soon!
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violet-moonstone · 3 months
ok my goal for this weekend is to get enough chores and work/school stuff done (bleh im so tired) that i have time to either work on my vampire au or draw some fanart for my thw rewrite...hopefully a bit of both
im thinking i either want to draw drago/skuld or the kids of the northern alliance warlords
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violet-moonstone · 6 months
im thinking of making skuld the sorceress and drago bludvist a villain power couple in my httyd 3 fic...but i dont think drago will know that skuld is a charlatan...either that or she's changed her angle and acts as more of an advisor with less focus on the "sorceress" part...idk yet
i do really want to redesign her outfit though cause im not feeling it
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