#dr. Vannacutt
babbling-idiot · 11 months
Dr. Vannacutt x reader
Requested: Yes
Warning: None
(I am so sorry for the long wait. I am trying my best to get back into writing and stuff. And it doesn't help with my hectic schedule. I hope you like this and it was worth the wait.)
After the artifact was destroyed. You were immediately out of there. You had no business staying any longer than intended. Driving home was usually something calm and something you did after work. But now it was just a relief to be behind the wheel. It didn't matter if you made it home, but being out of that building and away from the horrors inside was a blessing beyond all things. At one point, while you were driving, you could have sworn you could see someone in the rear-view mirror. But of course, after everything you had seen. You chalked it off as just seeing things. I mean, it was traumatizing, to say the least. You'd be having nightmares for weeks because of this.
Getting home was something you had only fantasized about while you were in the building, but being in it now was a dream come true. You put all your things away and went to your room. You begin to undress. Your clothes smelt like something awful. Death? Evil? You had no clue you just needed to wash them. As you were putting some clean clothes, you could feel someone watching you. Turning around just as you though, you actually see someone walking past your doorway. You didn't get a clear view, but you knew it was a person. You throw on a jacket instead of the shirt. You quickly grabbed the bat that you had tucked away in your closet. Walking into the hallway, you can see what looks to be a man in your living room, sitting down on your couch. You walk toward him slowly and carefully. By the time you reach the farthest side away from the man, you remembered him immediately. Dr. Vannacutt. You saw him once and prayed to every higher being you could that you would never see him again. You had witnessed him killing someone you had arrived in the building with. It was awful, and you hoped to forget it. You were shaking by this point, and you had no clue if he could feel your fear or what, but he looked at you just as your fear took over your senses.
Though instead of you immediately dying like you had witnessed everyone else do, you stood there for what felt like forever. He looked at you with this softness. Like he had absolutely no intention of hurting you. He just seemed at peace where he was now. Maybe this was his way of passing over? Suddenly, he stood up and walked over to you. He was still in his doctor's uniform. Though he looked at you as if he's known you for forever. He brings his hand up and brushes his thumb over your cheekbone. You felt that part of you should be afraid, but you couldn't be. Something in you felt as though this was familiar.
"I know this is odd. I know you have no clue why I'm here, but if you are willing to hear what I need to say, you will understand."
Nodding, you look around and place the bat down and sit down on the couch. God, this felt so weird and wrong. A ghost who killed loads of people is in your home and wants to explain why he is here. It felt wrong, but something unknown felt perfectly fine with this idea.
"Before the evil of that place took over my mind and soul, I wanted to help people. I wanted to be a doctor and help those who needed people like me. I had a perfect life before. I had the love of my life. She was perfect. She was everything good and saw the good in me. She supported me even when I felt like a failure. She helped me see a way through a problem and helped me in every way to attack it head-on. She was beautiful. But when I began to lose myself, she could see it. She could see me slipping away gradually through the weeks. When I finally slipped and began killing the patients, she couldn't be around me anymore. I understood that. Any sane person would. But it hurt me. It ate at me that the one person who supported me in life was gone and hated me for the person I became. I became worse after that. She later on found a new person to make her happy and to give her a family that she had wanted. She moved on. Not long later after, that was when the system failed and the patients escaped, and we were all killed."
I nodded in understanding.
"The reason I came here to you. The reason I am here with you, even after what happened. Before they destroyed the artifact, I decided to attach myself to you."
Your eyes widened, pissed off was an understatement. You had to live with this man for the rest of your life? What the hell!
"What is wrong with you, man? Why did you do that. Why couldn't you just move on, like go to heaven or wherever ghosts go after?"
He sighs, thinking of words to explain his reasoning.
"Y/n, this is the reason I am here with you."
He says as he pulls a picture out of his pocket and shows it to you. There standing next to him, hand in hand, is a woman who looks identical to you. Your eyes widen in shock. How could that be possible.
"I know it makes no sense, but why do you think I never killed you. You looked so much like her that I thought it was. And that she was coming back to me after all these years. When you looked at me and had no idea who I was. I realized that you weren't her at all. So, I thought that instead of being trapped in that building for the rest of my existence, I would come here with you. I know I'm invading your life, but I'm begging you to let me stay."
You looked at him for a moment. You were mainly just trying to take in all this information. He didn't seem to have any evil intent now that he was here in your home. I mean, what harm could he do now if he had no intent on harming you. So, you just nod your head.
"You can stay."
Weeks later, coming home after work was the same as always. Walk in, take your shoes off. Get dressed in something comfortable and then greet Dr. Vannacutt. It was odd at first. But you got used to it after a while. You showed him a lot of new things like music, movies and books. You even showed him some new fashion trends that were going around.
Besides having to show him everything that he's missed. It was good having him in your home. Though he would look at you sometimes like he loved you, adored you, and even sometimes longed. You understood why. But you had no idea what to do about it. Confronting him about it would probably embarrass him. He wasn't doing any harm. But you could understand his dilemma. On a few occasions, you and sometimes with the company of him would actually do a deep dive into the internet to try and find any information on this woman. But you supposed that after Dr. Vannacutt's death and all the reporters and such bothering her she finally just disappeared with her new family. This upset, Dr. Vannacutt quite a bit. He didn't want to see her or anything but not knowing if she's alive or dead, or if she got the family she always wanted, or just anything about her would be great. But of course, some things were just meant to be unknown. And perhaps it was for the best.
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jeff-grzebienie · 1 year
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milton-dammers · 2 years
Screenshot to select your hubby!
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succubussally · 7 months
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60zcowboy · 2 years
damn bro u got the whole squad laughing
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dontcxckitup · 8 months
// There are literally only two movies that manage to scare the shit out of me, and my dad pulled one of those out of the Spooktober film marathon bowl. All I'm saying is "Dr Vannacutt", for those of you who know.
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I forgot the captain in spoiler for “cops”.
Divorced: John Reilly <castle freak>, Berman Livingston <pandora>, office manager <Gotham>, Carpenter <suburban gothic>, John Nichols <criminal minds>, tad Harrison <favor>, Tovar <Night of the Loving dead>, Buddy <Abominable>, Clerk <edmond>, Dale Sterling <CSi>, Harry Raditch <twilight zone>, Hotel Owner <I still know what you did last summer>, Klein <single guy>, Montgomery Clift <norma Jean and Marilyn>
Dad: Frank <witches of oz>, Mr Simms <attackmen>, Thomas White <All Souls Day>
Deadbeat: Sky Borden <Cold Case>, Edgar Allan Poe <Black Cat / Nevermore>, Andy Coburn <Digital Prophet>, Derek Cots <sisters>, Alan Shuba <Jake and the Fatman>, Python <beauty and the beast>
Insane Doctor: Dr King <hammer head>, Scarecrow <batman>, Vannacutt <House on Haunted Hill>, Brown <contagion>, coroner <freaky links>, Dr Ek <Attic Expeditions>, Max Copernicus <The Net>, Dr Carrington <time tracers>, Ralph <freddys nightmares>, Dr Haggis <Lurking Fear>, Roger Schector <ultraman>, Dr Pyle <Trancers>, Dr Jones <man with two brains>
Nazi: 50557 <perversions of science>, Meissner <Snide and Prejudice>,
you guys are something else
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gothsonparade · 8 months
Horror Confession
The only horror movie that I ever found Jeffrey Combs scary in was House on Haunted Hill. I think that’s probably because it was a silent role and he couldn’t infuse his over-the-top campy amazing acting. I didn’t even know he was Dr. Vannacutt the first time I saw it. But who else could he be but someone with a name that sounds like wanna cut? (Shout out to Jeffrey Rush for filling in the hammy void)
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from-beyond · 2 years
Hi i am a huge Jeffrey combs horror fanatic and I love horror! Have you seen house on haunted hill 1999 remake and then the 2007 return to house on haunted hill where he played dr. Vannacutt
Hey there!
I actually haven’t watched either one yet, but they are on my list. I will definitely check them out soon!
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babbling-idiot · 8 months
Hi I've been binging your Milton fics BUT I also saw you write for Dr. Vannacutt?!?!??! Please I beg for some sfw headcanons about him
He is so old fashioned
He is the definition of old fashion
He loves to take you out to dinner but most of all he loves cooking for you
Loves to pull your chair out
Loves opening your door for you
Loves to surprise you with flowers
Will go out of his way to get your favorite
Loves the idea of watching a movie with you
He's a big fan of romantic films
But he does love a good horror film ever now and then
You have to get the popcorn though, a horror movie is incomplete without the pop corn
He also likes going to the store with you
He won't even grab anything off the shelf he just likes being in your presence
He says you make his world spin and his sky light up
That when he is away from you his world stops and the light go out
Also he can't stand the idea of losing you
Also if you have friends that come over often expect Richard to staright up make drinks and food for all of you
Also if you want space and just wanna hang out with your friends he will do what you ask but little do you know he will sneak around a bit making sure you're alright
Also, if you accidentally hurt yourself, be it a paper cut or a bad slice to your thumb, he is on you like white on rice
After he doctors you up, he is immediately telling you how clumsy you are and how you should be way more careful
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jeff-grzebienie · 1 year
Combsverse (2)
Part 68
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milton-dammers · 2 years
Jeffrey Combs
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elder-schraderham · 6 years
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“Next patient...”
List of favorite Jeffrey Combs characters. [11/??] Dr. Richard Benjamin Vannacutt {House on Haunted Hill}
Suggested by @autisticabbey
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artmusicchannel · 4 years
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Sinema: Lanetli Tepe 2 - Return to House on Haunted Hill - Baphomet Heykelinin Etkisi ile Psikopat Bir Hayalete Dönüşen Dr. Vannacutt'un Hikayesi... / Konusu, Özeti, Afişler
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the0verboss · 2 years
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“Hi, I’m Dick.”
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karolinevassalor · 2 years
Dbd random idea
There was a random tought about a potential survivor (Danny Torrance), but here one for a killer:
Dr  Richard B.Vannacutt from House on Haunted Hill (1999)
I know i know we already have one doctor, but he also interesting, especially his connection with the demon Baphomet.
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Weapon: scalpel
Special ability: Blessing of Baphomet 
Vannacutt enters the phase of a mad doctor who is always hunting for a new specimen. In this phase he needed to take 3 hits to down a survivor, but with the 3th hit and downed the survivor became broken for 60 seconds. The survivor's agony empowers Vannacutt madness and lessens the cooldown of his special ability. 
Hex: Revenge on the remnants
Vannacutt and the Shade overall was still vengeful after the people managed to survive the lockdown. Each successful unhook creates a token. Vannacutt movement speed increases and decreases the recovery time from the missed basic hits.
Operation staff
Vannacutt and his staff members always had their way to find the and subdue their next patient. After a generator finishes the current obsession aura  is revealed for 12 sec.
Random two lockers became trap lockers, when a survivor entered the trap lockers its closing and not let out the survivor and the trapped aura was shown for Vannacutt. Another survivor can open the locker (it takes 10 sec) and their aura is also revealed after 8 sec from the opening.
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