#domestic smokydonuts
A (very) short fic I wrote for @foragemefromthemoss / @sams-shark (per their request) based on when John gets sick and Jack takes care of him. It’s very subtle because they have a subtle dynamic I feel. It’s my first time writing these two so hopefully it’s okay. Enjoy.
It was the cup.
And the cold.
And the stress.
Jack had told him. He told him to take it easy, told him to do his dishes, told him to wear a warmer jacket. But as always, John was too thickheaded and refused to listen to him.
And now he’s sick in bed at home.
Well. Jack’s home.
Since, you know, John’s house is . . . indisposed at the moment.
“Here you go, some nice warm tea and honey for your throat.” Jack sets the cup down on his nightstand by John’s head.
“Thanks,” John coughs. He pulls himself up in the bed with a strained, sickly groan that pulls at the sympathy in Jack.
It was such a fight to get John to this point, all curled up in bed and docile. They’d worn each other out arguing and now John was too exhausted to protest any more of Jack’s help.
John takes the warm mug with both hands, letting the steam waft into his face. He’s all congested and his head is filled with lead. He’s hoping the hot air will clear him up a bit.
Jack stands back while John holds his tea. He would prefer to be closer but it wouldn’t do anyone any good if he were to also get sick. Especially not John. So Jack stays just a few steps away while John blows on the mug.
“I can make some lunch if you’re hungry?” Jack asks though he has a feeling he knows John’s answer. Still, he’s the type of guy who asks anyway.
“Not hungry.” John sips the tea. He makes a face of “oh too hot, no wait it’s fine” as the honey soothes his sore throat.
“Alright then, you just sleep.” Jack starts making his way out of his bedroom where’s gotten John all situated. It’s not entirely ideal, but Jack doesn’t have any other rooms or beds and he wasn’t about to force John onto his very lumpy and uncomfortable couch while the man’s sick.
Jack comes in to check on John every few hours to make sure the man’s doing alright. He’s a very attentive caretaker. Especially towards the man he has a crush–his partner who he respects so much.
“John? You awake?” Jack calls out in a whisper in case the man isn’t. He opens the door slowly and as quietly as he can to avoid making any creaks.
There isn’t a response and Jack can only infer that John is in fact asleep. He very sneakily makes his way further into the room with the intent to still check on John anyway.
By the bed, Jack can see John’s sleeping face covered in sweat from his fever. Jack figured as much that John would still be running hot even in his sleep so he’d come prepared with a mixing bowl full of cold water and a wash cloth already damp and wrung out.
Jack carefully places the wash cloth on John’s forehead, hoping not to disturb the man. He waits for a moment, a little tense at the idea of waking John prematurely. It would only cause the man to be even grumpier.
When it’s clear he’s safe, Jack gently places the mixing bowl on his nightstand next to John’s empty mug, for which he grabs in return to take to the sink. Just as sneakily as he’d arrived, Jack departs in equal measure.
“Thanks,” John says suddenly through his cigarette. Jack turns to look at him.
“For wha–“
“For looking after me.”
“Oh.” Jack has to hide his face and the smile on it. “It was nothing.” He’s playing it cool. So cool.
John blows out a puff of smoke, resting his hand over the porch railing he’s propped up against, the cigarette hanging between his two fingers. Jack sneaks a peak from the corner of his eye, taking in the tired but respectable silhouette he admires so much.
“Wanna go for a drink? My treat.” John stares at the starry night sky and takes a drag of his smoke.
Wait? Did he just ask Jack out on a date? Or is it just a guy’s night out thing? Or is this just to make up for nursing him back to health all weekend?
Either way, Jack isn’t about to decline. He stops himself from reacting too strongly. “Yes!–sure. I mean. Sure. Les’ go.” He straightens out against the railing.
John nods, finishing his cigarette before smushing it out on the railing. He puts the butt in his current smoke pack to throw out later and walks down the porch to their shared squad car.
Jack follows behind, brimming with excitement and nerves.
It’s not a date. John’s just being nice, that’s all.
But it could be a date, is the thing.
Jack doesn’t let himself think as this as a date, lest his hopes are crushed at the end of the night. He’ll just enjoy spending social time with his crush–partner who he respects so much.
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Plss talk about smokeydonuts if you can 🙏🙏🙏
:o I wasn't expecting an ask like this /pos
(note it's about three in the morning going on four as I type this so it's prolly gonna be scattered lol)
It's definitely been like... a growing appreciation for the pairing, not only from the episodes themselves but from the fan creators (shoutouts to necr0dancin and requyem btw. ALSO shoutouts to DonutKittyBowBow on AO3, go read their Stars, Roots, and Trick-or-Treating series if you haven't, it's great)
The thing about John and Jack is that they're both just guys. Like in the sense of Candybats being two dumbass young adults in young love, Smokydonuts is two dumbass grown adults managing to find love in each other, if that makes sense.
Personally I like seeing them develop into a romantic relationship over the series rather than already being A Thing, but I'm down for already established stuff too
Jack is definitely the more outwardly affectionate of the two, but even then I imagine the ways they show affection are much more discrete, simple gestures and the like. It makes the softer more domestic moments all the sweeter :>
Also the angst potential is immaculate. Even ignoring the funny cult stuff, John is most likely a widow. He could have SO many hangups about how he feels like he's "betraying" that old relationship as he comes to realize just how much he loves Jack! Jack helping him move past his grief!! Like y'all!!
And this is something I pointed out like right after Deadly Smiles aired, but there is such a gold mine of potential shenanigans of John's daughter thinking John and Jack are already dating and I am so sad nobody's tapped into it (in a similar vein, the cult burning down John's house literally gives an excuse for him to live with Jack. Come on people /lh)
Also like. I think another reason the pairing's grown on me is that Tender Treats really made me love Jack dksjfs -- he's a goofball that is fully capable of kicking ass, and he just cares a lot! When I was doing a SM rewatch and got to the Newgrounds ending for Deadly Smiles, you can see Jack is concerned that John is uh. Getting a bit too invested into the cult investigation, but despite that goes along with it bc he knows how important it is, yet still manages to pull John's mind off it for just a little bit because Jack knows he needs a break
In general they just balance each other out excellently -- John is gruff and keeps his cards close to his chest, while Jack is more open and lighthearted. And because of the fact they're almost always together, they have one of the most fleshed out dynamics in the entire show
Maybe this is another reason I like the ship - we get to see John finally show his hand so to speak, something we've only gotten hints of with the photos of his daughter, and I love seeing the stoic characters open up
I uh. Didn't mean for this to be so long, and tbh I still feel like I'm forgetting something, hah. If you want more just shoot another ask! Maybe I could share some headcanons too, I've been thinking a bit on them and John's kid being a little family
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