#dol dnd au
wrongdodo · 24 days
DoL School LI's and their Dungeons and Dragons Characters
Disclaimer: I never played DnD, but I did play Pathfinder, and maaaany years of World of Warcraft. This makes me FULLY QUALIFIED to make this post.
Robin the Orphan – Human Wizard Robin would go for something familiar and pretty traditional – human characters are adaptable and dependable. Especially if low on confidence, Robin would stick to what they know – nothing too outlandish. Mages are known for their ability to reshape reality, which is very appealing to Robin. What they lack in defence, they make up for in spellpower. Robin literally can’t imagine anything cooler than donning a robe and casting fireballs; pew pew pew.
Sydney the Faithful – Half-Elf Cleric Half-elf is just about as exotic as Pure Sydney would go right away, and only after getting the okay from Jordan. Nothing screams elf like a Tolkienesque strawberry blonde ponytail. Half-elves are often outcast for not quite fitting in with either the human or elf world, which Syd would find pretty relatable given their struggle. They’d be drawn to the cleric class for it’s obvious link to spirituality and divinity. Syd would be more than happy to be the group healer – but can deal plenty of damage themselves when pushed too far.
Sydney the Fallen – Teifling Bard Corrupt Sydney would absolutely roll a new character – something outlandish, dangerous and a little romantic. Teifling suits them perfectly - curled horns, sharp teeth a pointed tail… sounds pretty sinful if you ask me. Bards are known for their silver tongues, speechcraft and charm. It’s a versatile class – think jack-of-all-trades - and Corrupt Sydney would want to try everything they never had the chance to before. Spellcasting? Check. Melee weapons? Check. Musical instruments? Why the fuck not?
Kylar the Loner – Halfling Rogue A stab-you-in-the-ankles kinda character. Naturally stealthy, halflings survive by going under the radar - literally between the feet of the bigfolk. Rogue is an obvious choice– sneaky and cunning with a talent for thievery. Like Kylar, rogues are natural infiltrators who are light on their feet and can pick a lock like nobody’s business. Many rogues are also skilled potion makers – be it elixirs, poisons or… pepper spray. Oh, and Kylar’s already pretty experienced with knives - they'd probably bring it to the session along with their sketchbook.
Whitney the Bully – Orc Barbarian Let’s be real, they’d never agree to play – it sounds fucking stupid. But if you could convince them, it’d be with the promise that they could do whatever they wanted. The game’s completely open ended, after all. So, Whitney would want to have it all – lording it over the nerds by having the biggest, strongest character with the biggest, stupidest weapon. Orcs are ferocious in battle, with a tribal culture that doesn’t make much sense to outsiders. Barbarians have a natural toughness and a stubborn will. Whitney would punch the innkeeper. Why? Because fuck you, that’s why.
EDIT 1: @deadfish-dol drew some amazing art inspired by this! Looook! Rogue Kylar and Barbarian Whitney
Sydney the Cleric and Sydney the Teifling
Robin the Wizard EDIT 2: I wrote the fanfic!
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inkyquince · 1 year
learning to code mainly
So a few weeks back i got back in my choice of games kick and started slowly relearning how to code, yes i took computer science in school, shoot me. But ive started making actual progress today but yes so umhhhhh
i've been quietly planning out my own choice of script game, just because i love the fallen hero, wayhaven and the creme de la creme books from choice of script. the huge kick off was really when the third book came out, but i was writing the story pre amazing book drop
I've not been spending enough time writing for the very reason Im back to doing ALL OF THE ABOVE. You guys. On my inky blog.
I legit adore all of you, the stupid silly asks i get, to the questions to just... the fun shit. The omega hunt collab was so fun to organise, and it gave me courage to reach out to some of my favourite writers, several of which im sharing servers with and playing dnd week to week and on holidays with.
So i am... So damn sorry ive been doing all of this other shit. Im gonna try and find space, because THERE'S THINGS I WANNA FINISH.
the omega hunt with the prison guards, the shared by three au, everything. recently the gay and homophobic bully whitney, which ive got some delicious snippets of.
lEGIT, deepest apologies from me. i mainly got really excited that i could make a game, alongside a project undead fishman and i are having fun planning, which is yes, porn game, hush.
I promised to be more active after the winter depression era, and i feel bad that im not around, especially when i do upload and i see all my regulars scuttling in to have a nibble.
SO, i really want to come through for all of you. I need to finish my commissions, currently working on a nasty arthur morgan one, which im nearly done with. im also planning the choice of script game, along with dedicated two days with patreon and also having some ideas for a future dol update i have yet to chat about in the server but its on my mind.
REMEMBER. Inky might be busy but they are also never that far away from thinking about all you lovely people!
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ghostyolive · 3 years
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Anybody ask for Greedol in a DnD AU? No? Welp, y’all are getting it anyway because it’s been living in my head for months.
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dickliqour · 2 years
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My Wild West baby boy. I’m gonna be drawing some shit that happened in last nights session, cause holy fuck that was a shit show for the poor guy LMAO
I genuinely hate the last picture but it’s going up anyways.
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dolcetters · 3 years
Hmn, how abooooout.... 7, 8 , 26 and 28?
munday asks
7) is there a muse you played on more platforms or in different moments of your life?
ABSOLUTELY. good lord.
i've played beast boy both on tumblr and very frequently over discord with my bestie in an ongoing DC-AU we've had since high school. in the ask linked under #8 i mentioned having played don from TMNT'03 on tumblr, and i'm still writing for him over discord with jenn in another on-going RP.
since we're the only two in those RP 'servers' on discord, i've also written numerous other DC and TMNT canon characters as well as a bunch of OCs and random NPCs.
do DnD characters also count because if so i think i have 4 characters i've actively used in campaigns, so--
8) did you have a muse you tried to play, but didn’t feel connected to?
[ answered here! ]
26) are you multiship?
i would say i'm selectively multi-ship, yes! dol can be kind of difficult to ship with (for several reasons), and i have a very large attachment to rosecetto even if i don't get to write it often. marcetto still has a close place in my heart even if it's faded a bit. but 2 other ships have come along that have majorly given me ~emotions~ (pointed looks at CC and bird) and i am vibrating at max velocity whilst lying facedown on the floor.
28) is your muse canon divergent in any way?
yes, he's canon divergent in the sense that i 1) refuse to let him die because i ain't about that life and 2) i don't want to make my RP partners feel like they're stuck interacting with him in dublith OR like they have to write that early on in the series.
having dol survive the raid and be on the run means he has more places in amestris he can show up (with the exception of central; he is not setting foot there unless it's necessary), AND it allows for other parts of the canon's timeline to be explored.
there is the ~angst~ that comes with being the (potentially) sole survivor of the raid, but what it ultimately came down to was that i didn't want anyone i wrote with to feel limited, y'know? it kind of bites when you're having to bullshit a reason for why a character who wouldn't visit dublith would also be in the sketchier areas of dublith--or to constantly be stuck in the first 13 episodes/first 7 volumes of an otherwise huge story.
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lunahearts · 7 years
I would like to finally present by Ariel/Ana playlist, aka A Very Mopey Playlist About A DnD Ship (Which is Only So Sad Because I Killed Off One of Them in my Backstory, Oops): (x)
It’s in vaguely chronological order, with a few extra bits on the end bc they make me sad. Track listing and a few more notes under the cut
Run // Delta Rae
Electric Love // Borns
This is 100% the bangin’ track in the movie of their life. Sorry. Fade 2 black
Somewhere Only We Know // Lily Allen
First Day Of My Life // Bright Eyes
Please Don’t Say You Love Me // Gabrielle Aplin
Hallelujah // Pentatonix
I like this song in any fashion for them, but this duet was SO perfect and was actually part of the reason I started making this playlist in the first place.
Over You // Ingrid Michaelson
Holy Back The River // James Bay
Samson // Regina Spektor
This is another one of my big defining songs for them, just about... their whole relationship, Ana’s relationship with Dol Arrah, and the feeling of something bittersweet and small in the midst of something much larger.
Wake Me Up // Boyce Ave
I like this song for them just at the end of their relationship. In particular, “feeling my way through the darkness/guided by a beating heart” makes me think of them each being drawn to help Felicia and Ivona after Ana leaves.
The Light // Sara Bareilles
This is kind of my “happy ending/nobody dies” AU, where things were a little different, and they were able to trust in each other and go forward together (and I guess pick up a tiefling along the way? Shhhh don’t worry it works out and they are all a cute family together)
So Close // Jon McLaughlin
Enchanted is a masterpiece and applying this song to them makes me cry.
How // Regina Spektor
I don’t usually like doubling up on artists on a playlist, but I stumbled across this track and loved it too much to give it up. A final song, for Ana, and where she is now. A little sad, a little hopeful.
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wrongdodo · 20 days
DoL DnD AU Part 1: Roll For Initiative
DoL DnD AU: inspired by this post
Genre: Fluff. Preciousness. Enid Blyton-style snacking scenes. Wholesome sappiness.
Characters: Wizard!Robin, Rogue!Kylar, Cleric!Faithful!Sydney, Barbarian!Whitney and DM!Reader (All written as gender neutral so you can live your fantasy)
Word count: 2534
Summary: It’s the first Dungeons and Dragons session with a brand new group, and you’ve graciously offered to be Dungeon Master. What could go wrong?
A/N: Look what you made me do! I’m writing FLUFF now! 2534 words of it! JK I loved this, hope you do too.
Hope the everyone-being-gn thing is okay – you’re a smart cookie, you’ll figure out who’s who, I believe in you <3
Credits: Thanks to @fungus-no69 and @yourfuckeduptherapistfriend who helped me out with some characterisation queries - plus anyone that's shared ideas. This is a team effort - love you!
“Our story begins in a small, picturesque village called Coxhollow… which sits on the edge of a deep, dark forest…" you check your notes, steadying your voice. "The village elders have summoned you to the… they’ve summoned you to… Uh, Kylar… Kylar? You can’t really be so close to me while we do this…”
You take a deep breath to steady your nerves. It’s showtime.
“Oh, s-sorry…” Kylar mumbles, noisily shuffling their chair back across the creaking floorboards and coming to rest a more suitable distance away. The sound made you wince - Bailey was sure to hear it. The group gazed on, eagerly awaiting the rest of your description. It was too late though - you’d lost your train of thought.
In real life, our heroes sit at a rickety table in the Orphanage loft. Cobwebs criss-cross the rafters above, and a stark bulb flickers, casting eerie shadows as wind howls through the joists. It wasn’t ideal, but it was cosier than it might have been. Robin had helped you add a little comfort to the space; threadbare cushions had been slung on rusted folding chairs, and a modest selection of snacks and drinks formed a small but cheerful centrepiece.  Despite your reservations, the excited look on Robin’s face was already making it feel worthwhile. They grinned on the opposite side of the table, unable to suppress a giddy bounce that made the brim of their home-made wizard hat wiggle.
Robin had been through a lot lately. So, offering to organize and lead a short campaign felt like the least you could do to lift their spirits.  They were a massive nerd, of course - you’d seen them running short adventures for the younger orphans, and had seen how the game provided them with some welcome escapism. Robin was a fantastic DM - but they bemoaned the fact that they rarely had the chance to play. So, you’d offered to try running a bit of something yourself – Robin made it look straightforward, and they’d promised to step in if you needed any help. How hard could it be?
Sydney was an obvious candidate for the group - you only had to show them the giant rulebooks filled with beautiful illustrations to pique their interest. Although they seemed a little nervous about making it to sessions with their busy schedule, you had no doubt they’d enjoy the game.
Including Kylar made a lot of sense too – it definitely felt like something they’d be into. They practically snapped your hand off when you brought it up during English class – but were slightly less enthused when they realised other people would be involved.
Noticing your daydreaming, Robin gently coaxes you back on track. “Don’t worry, you’re doing great,” they beam from under the floppy brim of their hat. “Maybe now’s a good time to hand out character sheets? We thought it’d make things quicker for our first session…”
You nod, grateful for the assistance. As Robin handed pre-rolled character sheets to Syd and Kylar, you took a moment to check through your notes and go over how the session should progress. Breathe.
Adjusting their glasses and peering to see in the dim light, Sydney reads through their character. They hum with interest. “Half-elf cleric…” They tap the page with one finger, turning towards Robin. “That’s a healer, right?”
“Yeah, that’s right,” Robin nods, impressed that Sydney had already done their research. “But you can do plenty of damage, with spells like Sacred Flame. And Inflict Wounds.” Sydney looks pleased, unzipping their pencil case and immediately starting to make a few notes in the margin.
“I- I already have a character…” Kylar stutters, producing a crumpled, stained sheet from their bag and handing it to you expectantly. It was a little damp. You scan the sheet – it didn’t entirely make sense. There were a few lines of scrawled description, some abilities you’d never heard of, and some numbers which seemed way too high for what you had planned. A smudged sketch dominates most of the paper, and you notice it’s not too dissimilar to the one you’d seen in Kylar’s locker. When you spot the character’s name, your eyes roll.
“This is… me, Kylar,” you sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose. “That’s my name… and this is clearly a drawing of me…” you thrust the creased page back into their hand.
“N-no, it’s… it’s my half-drow-half-kitsune vampire… aren’t they beautiful?” Kylar protests, eyes glassy. You’re not sure how to respond.
“Sorry Kylar… I don’t think we should allow homebrew races…” Robin offers gently, attempting to reduce the tension. You’re thankful for the backup. Kylar dejectedly stuffs the sheet back in their bag and looks over their assigned character - a halfling rogue. They don’t look completely disappointed.
“I hope you like what we picked,” Robin smiles – you’d spent a lot of time together choosing the best fit for the party, and felt like you’d gotten it right. “I’m a human wizard, by the way - you can probably tell by the hat,” they nod for effect, the brim wobbling comedically.
You smile too – it was sweet seeing Robin so excited about something. Theatrically tenting your fingers to regain the party’s attention, you muster your best Dungeon Master voice and set the scene for your adventurers. As if on cue, wind howls and groans through the loft, adding to the atmosphere. You have to admit, it’s pretty cool.
“Right, as I was saying… The elders have summoned you because some of the villagers have been going missing…” You glance over to Robin, who gives you a discrete thumbs up. Apparently, you’re doing okay.
Kylar has clearly played before – or has some knowledge of the process, at least. They’re the first to suggest asking the villagers for clues – although their chosen method of interrogation is a little… questionable. Sydney’s a natural – something about the strict rules of the game seem to appeal to them, and they’re a very fast learner. And Robin… they’re just so excited to play – a little fun and fantasy was clearly just what they needed.
Gradually, you settle into the swing of things. Robin opens a packet of fruit pastilles and offers them around the table. Sydney seems particularly invested in your vivid descriptions, listening intently as they nibble a sweet. Kylar leans over the table and gently picks out a can of pop – slowly, so as not to disturb your flow. Everyone seems to be getting more comfortable - especially you.
Suddenly a loud metallic thud startles you into silence. The can had slipped from Kylar’s flimsy grasp and had already rolled off the table with a loud thud. Everyone listens, spellbound as the can rolls, rattling over the uneven floor before coming to rest somewhere out of sight with a thunk.
You look at Robin, feeling hairs prickle on the back of your neck, not daring to move a muscle. Robin stares back, eyes wide. That racket was sure to have alerted Bailey, and it was only a matter of time before the caretaker yanked open the hatch and gave your guests a rude insight into what life at the orphanage was truly like.
“S-sorry…” whispered Kylar – but even that felt too loud, earning a hissed shush from Robin. Sydney’s amber eyes flickered from person to person, trying to gauge the severity of the situation. Already, you could hear footsteps. It’s been fun, you think to yourself. Shame it had to end before you even got started.
The loft hatch descends with a creak, flooding a little extra light into the dim loft from the landing. Everyone watches breathlessly – except Robin, who’d covered their face with their hands.
But it isn’t Bailey’s furious face that glares up into the loft – it’s Whitney.
“Found you, slut!” they grin triumphantly, hoisting themselves through the hatch and rising deftly to their feet. They pull it closed with a loud click. Robin isn’t sure if this development is better or worse than they’d expected.
“Whitney…” you level your voice, trying your best to sound pleased to see them. In truth, your heart is still racing from the shock. They were the last person you’d expect to be crashing the party.
“Don’t act surprised,” Whitney revels in your dumbstruck expression as they stride over, reaching over Kylar and helping themselves to a packet of sweets. Kylar shrinks against the table like a defenceless animal. “You begged me to come play your stupid game. Now you owe me, slut.”
While that wasn’t exactly how you remembered the conversation going during Maths, you know it’s not worth arguing. Kylar looks like they want the floorboards to swallow them up, and Sydney shoots you a genuine look of concern - the expected response. But Robin was beginning to look genuinely… hopeful at the prospect of another player. “You want to play?” they ask.
Whitney leans over the set-up, eyeing Robin’s collection of hand-painted miniatures. They chew one end of strawberry cable while the other end dangles limply from their mouth. “Maybe… looks shit though.”
“You might like it,” you offer, jumping on the hint of curiosity in the bully’s voice. Whitney loved a bit of drama, although they’d never admit to it. Thumbing through the stack of leftover character sheets, you carefully select one and pass it to Whitney, who snatches it abruptly.
Their blue eyes narrow, straining in the low light to read the page. You’d picked a bard, theorising that a charismatic character might appeal to their more charming side. It would be nice for the others to see that aspect of Whitney’s personality, too.
“Fuck no, slut,” they scoff, the now crumpled page hitting you directly on the forehead. It was worth a try. “If I’m gonna play, I wanna wreck shit. Pick another,” they hold out a hand, waggling their fingers impatiently. At least they seemed interested.
Robin picks through the stack of papers now, selecting a new character and passing it towards Whitney’s outstretched hand. “Okay, what about an Orc barbarian? You get a big axe, and you fly into a furious rage in combat. Sound good?”
Whitney nibbles their sweet, eyeing the paper and considering Robin’s suggestion. There’s a long pause. “… Fine. But none of that dice shit. I’m improvising.”
It was probably the best you could hope for – it was getting late, and you just wanted to get on with things. Robin sets up another chair, which Whitney drags next to you. Kylar eyes the new addition sullenly, and Whitney stares right back - making a show of squeezing your thigh. You huff out a breath - this is fine.
You’re grateful when Robin attempts to get things back on track once more. “Okay, you’re just in time anyway. We’ve been summoned to the village of…”
“… Coxhollow…” Sydney checks their diligent notes. They blush, suddenly understanding how it sounds.
“… yeah, that’s right. We’re about to enter the goblin lair, right?” Robin looks to you with an encouraging smile.
“Yeah, um…” you clear your throat, sitting up and beginning to describe the goblin lair in grim detail – all dripping stalactites, mossy walls and bone-strewn floor. Even Whitney seems a little impressed by your description, and it leaves you feeling pretty proud.
As you detail the party’s approach, Sydney raises their hand, “I think… I want to make a perception check.”
You smile – it’s exactly what you’d hoped would happen. With a roll of 16, Sydney’s cleric can hear a small group of goblins approaching – which gives the party an advantage.
Robin sits up excitedly. “Okay, team – let’s roll initiative!” The orphan tumbles a brightly coloured dice across the table. Kylar and Sydney follow suit – it’s beginning to feel like a real game now. The party’s first encounter is slow and a little bumpy – it’s challenging managing everybody’s turns, especially with Whitney jabbing you in the arm with a pencil. But by the time the goblins are defeated, you feel it’s gone well – not the most thrilling battle, but a good start.
Kylar’s rogue silently dispatches the next guard – despite their initial protests, they make an excellent halfling rogue. Sure, they’re quiet – big groups had never been Kylar’s idea of fun. But as time passes, they seem to be getting a little more confident. With Kylar’s help, the group disarm several traps that have been laid throughout the tunnels. There are even the beginnings of actual teamwork emerging between the group – well, less so for Whitney, but they’re more engaged than you expected. When it’s time to storm the final chamber and free the hostages, everyone carefully discusses tactics.
“I’m happy to take on a support role,” Sydney offers. They’d done an excellent job so far keeping everyone’s health in top condition, which wasn’t surprising– Sydney cared a lot about others, and was very attentive to the needs of the party. But it was clear they enjoyed casting offensive spells just as much – between them, Syd and Robin had become a dangerous, spellcasting duo whom goblins feared.
“I cast… Big Fucking Axe,” Whitney states with confidence – you can’t tell if they’re serious, but are surprised when they snatch one of Robin’s dice and skim it across the table. It’s a pretty decent roll, so you decide it’s best to allow it - describing how the barbarian cleaves the goblin’s skull in half, with plenty of gory detail.
The final battle is much smoother and cooler than the first and it takes much less time that you’d budgeted for – you were getting good at this. Kylar the Rogue deals the final, stealthy blow to the enemy– a vicious stab wound to the neck. They clearly relish describing how the blood sprays from the foe’s jugular, covering everyone in sticky goblin gore. It might be the most Kylar’s said all night. With the Goblin King defeated, the room falls silent. and everyone leans forward, eyeing you expectantly.
“Um… that’s it,” you smile, shoulders dipping into a shrug. They look surprised.
“That’s it? Feels like we’re just getting started…” Sydney’s yawn belies their words – but it’s clear they would have happily played another hour.
Kylar looks reignited – you notice they’ve sketched their halfling rogue at some point during the session. The character peers out from under a dark hood, licking an ornate dagger and displaying a crazed look that’s not unfamiliar. It’s a very decent drawing.
As the rest of the group helps tidy up, they discus their favourite parts of the session – it leaves you feeling very proud.  Whitney scrolls on their phone; when you manage to steal a glance – the words “what is a bard” had been typed into a search engine on their phone screen. You smirk – typical.
 Robin packs away the snacks and drinks for next time, stashing them in the cleanest looking box the attic can provide. And there would be a next time – the group had made you promise before agreeing to leave. When your visitors finally depart, you feel a pair of arms wrap you from behind – the wide brim of a wizard hat bumping the back of your head. “Thank you,” Robin says sincerely, giving you another squeeze for good measure. “I had fun. You’re the best.”
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wrongdodo · 23 days
Dungeon Master PC bilibili.com / video / BV1Y84y1d7Vd
Holy fuck this is incredible and everyone should watch this right now.
Maybe Bard Whitney is the way... they definitely have stupidly good luck with their rolls
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wrongdodo · 24 days
I see your bard Fallen Sydney and raise you healer/support bard Fallen Sydney who is not normal about it. “You ran right into another trap. I didn’t know you were a masochist, Whitney.” “Robin, if you want to spend more time together, you should just say so instead of nearly dying in battle.” “Can Kylar get inspiration from me singing a song about his ass?”
Yesss, this fits Fallen Syd so well! Y'all have such great ideas, I'm so happy people are inspired
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wrongdodo · 30 days
DoL smut 18+ mdni Whitney thinks you're pathetic (M!Whitney x AFAB!Reader) Not a big deal (M!Whitney x AFAB!Reader) Projection (Sub!M!Whitney x Dom!GN!Reader) Fractured (M!Whitney x AFAB!Reader) You up, slut? (Solo M!Whitney x GN!Reader) No Contest (M!Whitney x F!Reader x M!Sydney) Milkshake (M!Whitney (bottom) x AMAB!Reader (top))
Other DoL DoL School LI's as DnD Characters DoL DnD AU Part 1: Roll For Initiative (Fluff) Waiting (Fluff/Angst) Dad!Whitney and Mum!Reader
Witcher smut (old shit) 18+ mdni Murderous knaves and perverts (Geralt x Jaskier) A lesson in alchemy (Geralt x F!Reader) The other lover (Geralt x F!reader x Yen)
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