lets-share-neen · 4 years
I was tagged by @doggedlyjo to put my music on shuffle and post the first 10 songs it plays. I procrastinate working on my thesis right now so I felt like finally doing this 😅
- Fitz & The Tantrums - Belladonna - Jonas Brothers - Sucker - Taylor Swift - Don’t Blame Me - DNCE - Cake By The Ocean - Tim Bendzko - Hoch - Bonnie Tyler - Holding Out for a Hero - Miley Cyrus - Mother’s Daughter - James Bay - Sugar Drunk High - Oasis - Don’t Look Back In Anger [Learning this on guitar currently] - Townes van Zandt - Waiting Around to Die
I swear I don’t know why I got so many mainstream popsongs in a row, my playlist is actually way more diverse than that, haha.
I am tagging: @charlyritter @youcancallmekathyp @natsu-no-namae @ilovemyworld94 @kaylen-go-vee
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suchabadtush · 4 years
sokka for the character ask
Okay!! I love Sokka!
favorite thing about them: I like a lot of things about him, his humor, his terrible art, he’s actually smart and has the good strategies.
least favorite thing about them: Starts out a little sexist doesn’t he?
favorite line: So hard to choose, everything he says is gold! Maybe “Come on! A day at the theater? This is the kind of wacky time-wasting nonsense I’ve been missing!” or every interaction he has with Momo and/or Appa. Or that part where he’s been drinkin’ the cactus juice that’s great. It’s the quenchiest!
brOTP: Him and Momo.
OTP: Him and Toph, but I mean, I guess Suki’s fine. But Tokka.
nOTP: Anyone else? Like I could get behind Zuko maybe. But the idea that he grows up and goes off and marries someone else is not acceptable really.
random headcanon: headcanons are so hard I don’t know! I drew some fanart where he would ride around on Toph’s shoulders so he can feel like he’s flying. I believe he would. Also duh headcanon that he and Toph get together later.
unpopular opinion: Again I dunno what’s unpopular. He’s the smartest person on the team? 
song i associate with them: "My Love was Like the Moon” lololol jkjk
favorite picture of them: I don’t know?
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Apparently HP and the cursed kid got best play?? Just now in the tonys?? And I know it’s not movie related but I thought you might like to reblog some of your cursedchild content (I know there was some) to commiserate this unfortunately given award :/
This is the darkest timeline.
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kurasshadow · 7 years
cranberry, crow!
cranberry - what’s one physical feature that you get complimented on? 
My hair. People always tell me that they like my natural locks. I like my hair, too (which is why I seldom change my style of hair), but sometimes I’m frustrated with it because it does what it wants and I can’t tame it 
crow - which school subject do you wish you had an aptitude for?
I have to say maths or natural science as a whole. I was way better in humanities. Although I’d also love to be good at arts :’) Of course I always lacked the will to practice painting and sketching but honestly…I fear I have no artistic sense T_T
Thanks for asking
autumnal asks
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enigmaticagentalice · 7 years
doggedlyjo replied to your post: What's ur Instagram
“wait, you have boobs? AND THEY ARE BIG???? SHOW THEM TO US>????!!!1!!”?“ omg im dying
literally I’m...I can’t even be offended it’s just too funny god bless the internet
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ninomiyah · 7 years
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@doggedlyjo top ten songs this week (this is nine but... shh) i downloaded all (up to 2013) arashi singles over the weekend so thats what im gonna be listening to for the rest of the year (this isnt even close to a joke) in totally unrelated news who the FUCK decided to make such a banger of a single with a pv (with The Most iconic nino look imo) and multiple live performances but not put it on an album?????? only for me to frantically search for it when im on the train and think im going a bit insane? bc it aint there? who thought, in general, that singles were a good idea? anyway one day ill make a dissertation on nino's outfit in the truth pv, this is still totally unrelated,
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bigredbag · 7 years
Get to Know Me…
Thank you @mr-onepacman for tagging meeee!
Rules: Answer 30 Questions then tag 20 blogs
1. Nicknames: Sarah. Sar-bear. Sarahcha.
2. Gender: Female
3. Star sign: Gemini
4. Height: 5′9
5. Time: 11:42pm
6. Birthday: June 20th
7. Favourite bands: Arashi, Keane, Sekai no Owari, Rooney
8. Favourite solo artist: Uuuuh I honestly don’t know!
9. Song stuck in my head: Sing Songs by Pogo <3
10. Last movie watched: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 
11. Last show watched: Community (The zombie episode :3)
12. When did I create my blog: 2 years in November!
13. What do I post: Usually just Arashi stuff... thoughts. gifs. the like.I reblog anything really though!
14. Last thing googled: Jedi Outcast Walkthroughs. :(
15. Do you have other blogs: I do. I have at least 3 more? For different stories or hobbies. 
16. Do you get asks: Not really for this account.
17. Why did you choose your URL: Arashi English School skit with Nino. :)
18. Following: Ok.
19. Followers: Ok.
20. Favorite colours: Green, Purple and Red
21. Average hours of sleep: 6-7 if I get on a good schedule
22. Lucky number: 16! Zoltar and the fortune teller at Disneyland both said so. 
23. Instruments: I took voice lessons for 5 years... does that count?
24. What I am wearing: Tshirt and Jeans. 
25. How many blankets I sleep with: 1 right now.
26. Dream job: I’m doing it! I work in video games. I also would love to do something in Japan. 
27. Dream trip: Japan, but I actually got to do that last year and next month! But I’d love to go to Europe some day.
28. Favourite food: Hamburgers!
29. Nationality: American (Could you tell from the hamburgers?
30. Favourite song right now: DJ X MJ from Arafes. :P Kind of random.
Tagging: @doggedlyjo @chibisakura-shoujo @hanaiomi @chocodisco13
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lets-share-neen · 7 years
Tagged by @doggedlyjo!
Rules: List ten of your favorite female characters in different fandoms! Then tag ten people! 
1) Mrs. Hudson (Sherlock)
2) Amy (Dr. Who)
3) Bart (Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency)
4) Eleven (Stranger Things)
5) Maya (Ace Attorney)
6) Millie (Chrestomanci)
7) Hermione (Harry Potter)
8) Marie (Fallen - as in the awesome German Audio Drama Series, not that books that I’ve never read)
9) Lexa (The 100)
10) Emma (Bates Motel)
This was so hard... Somehow it’s a lot easier to pick favourite male characters for me^^
I’m tagging: @natsu-no-namae, @ai-to-yuuki-to-cherrypie, @5-nin-de-arashi, @ilovemyworld94, @kurasshadow, @arashicraze,  and everyone else who wants to!
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suchabadtush · 4 years
Playlist: Stalkers!
Leave Me Alone - Alexander Rybak (warning: music video is like everyone in straitjackets and stuff in some kind of asylum if you’re not into that)
Until You Come Back to Me (That’s What I’m Gonna Do) - Basia (it’s a cover)
From Eden - Hozier
I’m Your Boyfriend Now - They Might Be Giants
Trespasser - Al Stewart
Treachery - Kirsty MacColl
Melanie - Weird Al
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kurasshadow · 7 years
doggedlyjo hat auf deinen Eintrag geantwortet: Yes... you like Yaotome. Everybody should... 😜 Ha...
He absolutely does have something Ninoish about him. I think stripedracooon and I talked about this before, too. He’s also the [only!] member of HSJ i find remotely appealing.
Ahhhh good to know I’m not the only one! Maybe there is some truth to it^^° I also like the other members (as far as I know them), but more in a ‘little-brother-type’. I think it’s the age(?) which is weird because I’m just as old as they are but mhh x) I think johnnys in their early 20s don’t look their age. (They are doing great on the ‘kawaii’ thing). I also think my attitude towards them may change if I’d watch some of their shows. Attraction depends a lot on character (for me), so getting to know them would surely change my impression!  Maybe Yaotome really does resemble Nino in some way and that resulted in me liking him without ‘really’ getting to know him? Like a ‘Nino-bonus’? 
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juuuuzou · 7 years
Rules: List ten of your favorite female characters in ten different fandoms
tagged by @doggedlyjo thank you!
alluka zoldyck (hxh)
kirishima touka (tg)
jessica jones (marvel)
luna lovegood (hp)
sansa stark (asoiaf)
pidge (vld)
yachi hitoka (hq!!)
mandy milkovich (shameless)
helena (ob)
uraraka ochaka (bnha)
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lets-share-neen · 7 years
RULES: 1. Answer the new questions given by the previous person 2. Write 11 new questions 3. Tag 11 people
I have been tagged by @doggedlyjo!
1. What is one concert you went to that you always get excited remembering?
Well, the last concert I went to was at the beginning of this month, so as this is the most recent one I am still very excited about that :D Honestly, I have never been to a concert I was disappointed in afterwards. One Ok Rock, Bruno Mars, Flumpool, Tim Bendzko... they all have been amazing and I love remembering them!
2. What is one band or musician (who still exists) that you would really like to see live?
I have never seen Arashi live but as the chances are very slim that I ever will, I would go with The Luka State. They are a wonderful indie rockband from England I love a lot too! (Check them out, they are awesome)
3. What country would you like to visit (that you haven’t visited) and why?
I love travelling, but right now I don’t really have a *Totally need to visit*-country on my list. There are some I would love to go to, for example New Zealand, Canada, Ireland or Iceland. I just love nature and greenery :)
4. What is one thing you think you will probably eat tomorrow?
I’ve got some fish pie leftovers I made today :D
5. Who is a celebrity or character who you think has gorgeous arms?
I’m not really into arms haha, so I can’t really think of one right now. There’s something ringing in the back of my head, like I thought lately “Wow, he is really working out!” but I can’t remember who that was lol.
6. Who is a celebrity or character who you think has beautiful eyes?
Saoirse Ronan has really pretty eyes I think
7. And who has a killer smile?
Too many :’D But I always kyaaaa~ at Kubota Masataka and his adorable smile :D
8. Do you have a friend or family member who you always gush about? Please gush about them!
Can’t think of one right now!
9. Is there a picture of a super cute animal that always makes you flip out when you see it? If you have it, post it!
Honestly all baby animals, I mean aren’t they all adorable?!
10. What do you think will be the next concert or performance you attend?
Ugh, I don’t know, nothing planned yet!
11. What is one thing you are looking forward to? (And it has to be something you didn’t mention already, so not the next concert and not tomorrow’s lunch!)
Getting the results of my finals next week. Honestly, I’ve stopped talking about personal stuff online, but this is just... One final went so bad, it would be a wonder if I passed that... It was so shitty and difficult and I had a complete blackout during it. I cried after I had handed the paper in T.T I just want to have the results to get that off my chest and know if the whole last year was for nothing...
Now it’s my turn: 
1. What book are you currently reading? (If you’re not a reader, what show/movie are you watching lately?)
2.  If you were granted three wishes, what would they be?
3.  Cite four books you consider your favourites, and why.
4.  As a child, what were your favourite pastimes?
5. What are your fandoms?
6.  Are you allergic to something?
7.  Tell me two facts about your home country.
8.  A character from a book/show/movie that shouldn’t have died?
9.  Favourite ship?
10. Do you believe in love at first sight?
11.  If money didn’t matter, what would your dream job be?
I am tagging:  @kavarnistka @channybatch @kurasshadow @5-nin-de-arashi @retasu-desu @ai-to-yuuki-to-cherrypie @natsu-no-namae @ilovemyworld94 @arashicraze @save-the-data (and you Angelica if you want to do this again haha @doggedlyjo)
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suchabadtush · 4 years
Playlist: From Beneath You It Devours
I dunno about “beneath” and “devours” but ehhh let’s go with vibes
Diabolos - Dir en grey
Necromancer - Al Stewart
Monster - Irene & Seulgi
BeeLzeBuB - Sawano Hiroyuki
It Will Come Back - Hozier
Landscape Under the Ghost - from Tekken Tag Tournament 2
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holy shit, i just saw that confessions post about the burrow burning down in one of the movies (Half Blood Prince?) I stopped watching after Order of the Phoenix so I never saw that movie, and this is the first I've ever heard of it. I can't imagine that the burrow burned down in the books, wouldn't that be traumatizing?! It's basically all they had. And they hung out there a lot. As for the waste of screen time, there is little in those movies that wasn't. If anything.
Ahhh, so you had the strength to stop watching! Commendable. I just watched the last three movies while very drunk. ;)
They burned down the Burrow in a Death Eater attack without explaining how/why, and then if I recall correctly it was just... back in the next movie, with no references to how its security had been so easily breached the last time.
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juuuuzou · 7 years
tagged by @croatoanmary thank you!!!!
the last:
1. drink: tea
2. phone call: some dude at a martial arts place
3. text message: group chat with my sisters asking if they wanna take my stuff
4. song: shake it! - arashi
5. time you cried: im due for a good cry. i think it was a few weeks ago over a cat who was lashing out because he felt abandoned
have you ever:
6. dated someone twice: no
7. kissed someone and regretted it: naH
8. been cheated on: no
9. lost someone special: mm? no actually.
10. been depressed: lmao
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: nope
favorite colors:
12. blue bc im an autism
14. yellow is good
15: mint green
16: light pink
in the last year have you:
17. laughed until you cried: probably..
18. found out someone was talking about you: nope
19. met someone who changed you: uhh... i dont Think so?
20. found out who your friends are: yes ive decided who i like being around and im sticking with them
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: yes
22. made friends: surprisingly, yes
23. fallen out of love: n...no?
25. what did you do for your last birthday: went to the museum!!
26. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: only a handful (others are online friends)
27. do you have any pets: maggie (dog) and itsy (cat)!
28. what time did you wake up: 7am bc im tryna be Healthy
29. what were you doing at midnight last night: dead to the world
30. name something you can’t wait for: A LOT but rn moving out!!
31: what are you listening to right now: whatever weird youtube video my brother has playing
32: have you ever talked to a person named tom: not that i can recall
33: something that’s getting on your nerves: nothing right at this moment
34. do you want to change your name: nope
35. hair color: honeyish
36. long or short hair: short but i keep having dreams about having long hair and i miss swishing it around
37. piercings: nose (3), medusa, ears (9/10)
38. tattoos: 5
39. blood type: not entirely sure but MAYBE a+?
40. nicknames: huh. dont actually have any right now. except my mum calls me doozy (bc its how my brother pronounced my name when he was littler)
41. relationship status: dont do this to me
42. zodiac: cancer
43. pronouns: he/him
44. most visited website: tumblr >.>
45. right or left handed: right handed
46. surgeries: ye just for injuries
47. sports: nothing yet but maybe martial arts soon
48. favorite tv show: oh jeez.... idk bc right now im hyperfocused on arashi so? any arashi variety show?
49. vacations: i wanna go all around australia, which is new
50. sneakers: its all i wear
more general:
52. eating: i want more mi goreng.............
53. fave drink: raspberry slurpee
54. what you’re up to: gonna finish this damn embroidery
55. waiting for: olot. moving out, finishing this cert, getting a job, passing,
56. want: motivationnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
57. get married: im not fussed but bc its illegal atm i wanna get married to 50 people
58. career: wildlife rescuer!
which is better:
60. hugs or kisses: ahh idk! hugs i think
61. lips or eyes: lips bc i like looking at people’s smile
62. shorter or taller: not fussed... shorter makes me feel good about myself lmao
63. older or younger: my age or a year younger idk im REALLY SENSITIVE
64. nice arms or stomach: ARMS
65. hook up or relationship: relationship
66. troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant like a mf
have you ever:
67. kissed a stranger: ..technically i reckon
68. drank hard liquor: im dumb idk what classifies as hard
69. lost glasses/contacts: nah
70. turned someone down: ye
71. sex on the first date: nope
72. broken someone’s heart: um. highly unlikely?
73. had your heart broken: that seems to dramatic so no
74. been arrested: no
75. cried when someone died: no
76. fallen for a friend: fallen is a strange concept. i have had crushes on friends before.
do you believe in:
77. yourself: eeeeeeeh
78. miracles: kinda yeah
79. love at first sight: mm nah
80. santa claus: no
81. kiss on the first date: sure
82. angels: nah
83. current best friend’s name(s): max
84. eye color: blue
85. favorite movie: captain america: winter soldier
immmmm tagging................. @doggedlyjo and @paretto but no pressure!
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tegosaur · 8 years
doggedlyjo replied to your post “tbh i was so sick of ohno’s solos sounding the same for years that he...”
you're not counting akatsuki in that, right?!?!!?!??!?!
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