#does tong know i'd die for him?
kinnbig · 1 year
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this was life changing, honestly
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vulpeseques · 11 months
Nobody was ready for what had happened, and certainly not the guy it happened to. All I remember is that I went from a casual nobody with no outstanding features to the Dark Lord. Let me explain.
I don't know why it happened, honestly. Just that it did. I was sitting at home waiting to give kids Halloween candy when there had been a crash and a small crystal that flickered between red, blue, and green had flown through my living room window. I'd always loved collecting rocks of all kinds growing up, and that never really changed. I was cautious at first; when does a glowing gem just fly through a window?
I knew at the time I probably shouldn't, but I had to get it. Maybe get rid of it, maybe stick it on a shelf and worry about that later, but something needed to be done. I grabbed some tongs from the kitchen and tried to pick it up but the crystal pushed away at them. It reminded me of trying to stick the north side of two magnets together.
I tried to pick it up with a lot of different things, but in the end it was like the crystal demanded that I touch it with my bare hand. When I did, the world seemed to pause around me and I could feel the alien object in my palm scanning me. I tried to drop it, but the thing had adhered to my hand.
Changes will be made.
Hell no. I began to panic and flailed my hand back and forth to try and get the gem off my hand.
Reality discovered. Scanning for nearest cosmetic match.
Uh oh. I started to smack the crystal on a thick and heavy coffee table. I didn't think that the world was ready for Darth Revan walking into the world. In my panic I thought that I was going to get replaced by the Dark Lord of the Sith.
Cosmetic match found.
Me and my cheap Darth Revan costume was close enough to the real thing somewhere out there in the multiverse? This was bad and I needed to stop whatever was happening. I wasn't sure how. You might be wondering what I said at this point. I'll save you the trouble and just tell you that I swore. A lot. Almost exclusively. Lots of F-Bombs.
Beginning update and repurpose processes.
I was furiously hitting the crystal on the table until I locked up and felt searing pain wash over me. That was how I learned this magic rock's processes didn't come with anesthesia. My eyes clouded and I couldn't see anything. Not that I wanted to. At that point I was just waiting to die so it would be over.
Awakening potential in match. Syncing knowledge, skills, and experience.
It was like some parts of my brain were dumped into a bucket of ice water while others had white hot iron pokers jabbed into them. Eventually I slumped over. I began to feel things far off. I'd never felt them before, but as the crystal roughly crammed decades of knowledge and experience into my head I recognized it. Pain. Terror. The crystal dimmed and began to crumble.
Notifying Formation of success. Transference complete.
I lay there for a moment. My body ached and itched, my face felt melted, and as if to add insult to injury my throat was so dry it did that weird crack feeling when you're mildly dehydrated. At the same time, I remembered having felt worse so I pushed myself to stand however unsteadily on my feet. The lights flickered and an image of a squad car outside and a gunshot. Too dazed to recognize the premonition for what it really was I went to the door.
I felt the fear through the door before I opened it. With a wave of my hand it opened on its own. "That's cool," I said as everything settled into place. My body healed and recovered rapidly as I stood there. "I could get used to this."
"On the ground now!" shouted a man from the street. From what I could tell, everybody who could see me had the same thought about me; wrong. "Whatever that disturbance was, it came from your house. You can get on the ground or I can put you there!"
I stared at him through my mask and I felt somewhat annoyed. It wasn't my fault some reality altering crystal decided I was going to be Thanos's David. I took a step forward off the porch and at the last instant I realized what the premonition was warning me about. "Motherf-" A gunshot rang out and the rest of the word went unheard.
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legends-of-time · 3 months
Amelia’s Story (BBC Merlin Story)
Chapter 12: The Gates of Avalon
Amelia's POV
Arthur drifts under murky water wearing his armour. A woman stands over him watching as he drifts further into the water's depths.
Amelia wakes with a gasp, her breath shakes. "Arthur! Arthur!" She gasps quietly.
Once she calms down, she leaps from her bed to where her notes are, which she had recently found and flicks through the pages till she gets to the episode she had noted down after Edwin.
"Season 1 Episode 7 - A girl called Sophia turns up with her father, enchants Arthur and tries to kill him in lake but Merlin stops them."
Okay, she can work with that. At least she now knows that while her dream partly comes true, Arthur does not die, which is a relief. Now all she has to do is wait for them to show up and make sure the ending her notes say happens and does not change for the worst or she can try to prevent it happening in the first place.
The next morning, Amelia learns that Morgana also had a similar dream. This is not unusual as there are times that she and Morgana have the same dreams at the same time, it is like they are connected.
Amelia tells her that they will have to see what happens as there is nothing they can do right now.
Later that morning her and Morgana take a walk through the Castle. When walking down one corridor, Amelia notices Merlin handing a familiar girl a blanket. The girl, most likely Sophia, enters her Guest Chambers. As she does so, she turns her head and looks directly at Amelia and Morgana causing the both of them to slow down to a stop. Once Sophia has entered her room, Morgana picks up speed and approaches Merlin anxiously. Amelia follows.
"Who is that?" Morgana asks, still staring at where Sophia had once stood.
"Er... Sophia Tír-Mòr. We rescued her in the woods." Merlin says before muttering, "Well, Arthur did most of the rescuing."
"She can't stay here," Amelia says.
"The King said that she and her father are welcome in Camelot. Is everything ok?" Merlin asks, noticing the anxious looks on both Amelia and Morgana's faces.
"Yes. Thank you." Morgana tells him, snapping out of it.
"Let's go to Gaius," Amelia tells her. Morgana nods in agreement. If they tell Gaius, then when something starts happening then he will probably mention it to Merlin and make him aware that something is going on. She wants to encourage as much suspicion as possible on Sophia.
Amelia and Morgana enter just as Gaius takes a flask off of a burner.
"I'm sorry, we didn't mean to disturb you," Morgana says as they walk over to him.
"Nonsense, my children. My favourite patients are always welcome." Gaius kisses both their cheeks. Amelia then glances behind Gaius and spots that a small part of Gaius' bench is now on fire. She can see that Morgana has also noticed.
"I'm sorry about the mess," Gaius tells them, having not noticed it yet but has noticed the looks on their faces. "Most of it's Merlin's. If I'd known you were coming, I'd have tidied up in here."
"Er... it's not that. It's just... your bench is on fire." Amelia awkwardly tells him.
"My bench is on fire? What are you..." he trails off catching onto what they had just said and turns to look. "My bench is on fire!"
Morgana hands him a bucket. "Here."
Gaius uses tongs to drop the flask into the water. "You two are always getting me into trouble. What brings you to this dark corner?" He leans against his bench that no longer has flames on it.
"We had another dream." Morgana begins.
"I see."
"We saw Arthur lying underwater, drowning, and there was a woman standing over him, watching him die," Amelia says anxiously. "And she's here in Camelot."
"The mind plays tricks. It borrows from everyday life and plays out its own fantasy." Don't play Gaius.
"But we had this dream before she came to Camelot." Morgana steps towards him in earnest.
"You must be mistaken."
"No," Amelia shakes her head, "We know what we saw. It was so real...so vivid." She notices her voice shaking slightly.
"We saw him die, Gaius. She's going to kill him." Morgana then says tearfully her voice breaking.
"These are just dreams nothing more. Are you taking the sleeping draughts I made up for the two of you?" Gaius says, boarder-lining on the line between patronising and trying to be helpful and caring.
"Oh, it doesn't help," Amelia tells him.
"Here. Try these. They will induce a deeper sleep." He hands them two bottles. "You've nothing to fear." He says reassuringly.
"Thank you, Gaius," Morgana says. They turn to walk away.
"Morgana. Amelia." Gaius calls to them causing them to turn around. "Don't bother Uther about this. No need to worry him." Well, that is the opposite of reassuring. Now Amelia feels unsettled.
Later that night, Amelia is restless as she sleeps. She sees the same vision of Arthur drowning with Sophia standing over him. This causes her to wake up and once again feel shaken.
The next morning, Amelia stands at the window with Morgana. Anne and Gwen stand behind them as they all watch Arthur ride out of Camelot with Sophia.
"You're sure it's her?" Anne asks. Anne has been quiet recently and hasn't been responsive to answering why that is.
"I could never forget that face," Morgana says not looking back at her.
"You should speak to the King," Gwen says.
Amelia scoffs turning to her. "And tell him what? That I can see the future? That Morgana can?"
"If you think Arthur's life is in danger." Gwen tries again while Anne doesn't. Amelia knows that Anne also believes that it is pointless to tell Uther.
"You know how he'd react." Says Morgana, now also turning to face her.
"You're his wards, he wouldn't harm either of you." Gwen insists.
"He hates magic more than he cares for us," Amelia says.
"That's not true." Oh, Gwen so naïve.
"Would you care to put it to the test?" Morgana says raising an eyebrow.
"What are you going to do then?" Anne now pipes up.
"We are going to have to try and stop her ourselves," Amelia says as they all turn to look back out the window. She can't let Arthur die.
Merlin's POV
Merlin enters his and Gaius' Chambers covered in rotten tomatoes after having been put in the stocks for covering for Arthur.
"Have you been playing with your food again?" Gaius asks, pottering around the room.
"The King put me in the stocks." He says, walking further into the room past Gaius.
"What'd you do this time?" Gaius sighs.
"Nothing," Merlin says indignantly. "Honestly, it wasn't my fault." He says, noticing the non-believing look on Gaius' face and turns round to pour water into a basin so that he can clean his face. "Arthur wanted to get out of going on patrol with Uther and the Guard, so I covered for him and took the blame."
"And Arthur was prepared to let you do this?" Gaius asks in surprise, walking over to one of the tables carrying something he had picked from one of the cupboards.
"It was his idea." Merlin washes his face.
"And what made him neglect his duties? It must've been something terribly important."
Merlin looks up smiling. "Sophia."
Gaius looks concerned as he walks around the room though Merlin cannot understand why. "The girl from the forest?"
"He wanted to take her out for the day," he takes food out of his hair, "He is besotted."
"But they've only just met." Gaius now looks even more worried but Merlin ignores it.
"I know." He says stopping. "I guess it must have been love at first sight." He then says somewhat jokingly before continuing with his task.
"Yes... I suppose it must be."
Amelia's POV
Amelia is walking down one of the Griffin staircases when she bumps into Sophia who is walking up.
"Sorry!" Sophia exclaims, smiling and taking a step back. "Lady Amelia, isn't it? I'm Sophia." She puts out her hand. She is putting up a good front but Amelia is not going to fall for it.
"What are you doing here?" She asks drily.
"My father and I are guests of the King."
"You're lying," Amelia says. "I know what you're going to do to him, and I won't let it happen."
"Does Arthur know you feel this way about him?" Sophia says condescendingly. Amelia scrunches up her nose in disgust. "Of course he does. I suspect he's already turned you down."
"Do not be so disgusting. He is like a brother to me."
Sophia blinks in surprise. "Well, you are still managing to make a fool out of yourself anyway."
"Stay away from him," Amelia says, narrowing her eyes.
"Or what?" Sophia pauses for a moment. "Jealousy is such an unattractive trait in a woman. You cannot keep your supposed 'brother' to yourself forever. He needs to have a life. You should not be so selfish."
Amelia steps closer to her, looking down at her due to the fact she is on a higher step. "If anything happens to Arthur, I'll find you. However long it takes." She steps around Sophia and continues on her way, letting her message hang in the air.
Amelia tells Morgana about her encounter with Sophia and Morgana decides that she will tell Arthur to stay away from her despite Amelia's protests that it is not going to work.
And she is right as as Arthur took Morgana's warnings as her being jealous. Apparently, they cannot show that they care about Arthur without him assuming that either of them fancy him. Something Amelia finds hugely annoying.
Merlin's POV
The next day after being pelted by fruit once again as he had been covering for Arthur, Merlin enters covered in rotten food.
Gaius sits at his desk with Anne standing next to him. "Not again Merlin, surely?" The two of them look like they have been in a serious conversation but had ended it once Merlin entered. Recently it seems that the two of them have this secret going on between them.
"You would think that the appeal of pelting the same person with fruit would wear off after a while, but, oh, no!" Merlin feels somewhat disgruntled.
"I heard that Arthur wasn't at the knighting ceremony," Anne says.
"Yeah," he says casually as he pours water in a basin, "he wanted to make the most of his time left with Sophia."
"So you helped him?" Gaius asks. Merlin is confused at why both of them seem so serious.
He starts to wash. "I'm his servant, I had to."
"You shouldn't have done that, Merlin," He looks up at Gaius and Anne, "I fear that Sophia may not be all that she seems."
"Why?" Merlin asks confused.
Gaius gets up. "What do you know about seers?" Anne asks.
"Not much. They're... supposed to be able to see the future, like prophets?" He is not sure where they are going with this.
"It's said to be an innate ability. Those who have it are born that way. Some aren't even aware that what they see is the future. It comes to them in their dreams." Gaius sits on a bench on the other side of his desk.
"What's this got to do with Sophia?"
"The night before she and Aulfric came to Camelot, Morgana and Amelia both had a dream. Sophia was in it." Anne says.
This surprises Merlin. "Before she arrived in Camelot?"
"I've been watching Morgana and Amelia since they were very young. And though I tried to persuade myself otherwise, I realised that," Merlin comes closer and sits on the bench near Gaius and Anne, "some of the things they said they had dreamt came to pass. I kept it secret from Uther, of course. The gift of prophecy is too close to the work of magic."
"You both think Morgana and Amelia are seers?" Now that he remembers, Amelia has previously mentioned something about dreams stopping her from sleeping properly.
"We don't think it. We fear it. They said they dreamt that Sophia killed Arthur." Anne tells him.
"Couldn't that have just been a dream? Maybe the- the woman Amelia and Morgana saw just looked like Sophia." Merlin says, trying to come up with an explanation for how this is possible.
"That's what I hoped. But Aulfric caught me in Sophia's room and, in a flash of anger, his eyes changed colour." Gaius says.
"Who are they?" Merlin asks, the seriousness of the situation hitting him.
"It's not who they are that worries me. It's what they want with Arthur." Gaius says.
Anne's POV
Merlin leaves to investigate more and it could not have been more than an hour before he burst into Gaius' Chambers again. He tells her and Gaius about how he saw Aulfric go to a lake and tell some blue fairy things that appeared about offering Arthur as a sacrifice for immortality.
"Avalon. What you saw at the lake, it's Avalon. It must be..." Gaius says in shock. Anne feels confused.
"What's..." Merlin voices her confusion.
"The land of eternal youth. Mortals are only supposed to glimpse it the moment before death."
Anne raises her eyebrows in surprise before glancing over at Merlin. "Well, he's seen it and he's still here." She says.
"Extraordinary. What did it look like?"
"Does it matter?" Drawing Gaius back to the more pressing topic. "They're going to sacrifice Arthur and we don't even know who "they" are yet."
"We do now." Gaius sits by his desk. Merlin and Anne follow him. "I found writing like this on the top of Aulfric's staff. It's Ogham, an ancient script. Abas ocus bithe. Duthectad bithlane. "To hold life and death in your hands." From the writing on his staff and what you saw at the lake, I'm afraid I'm now certain. We're dealing with the Sidhe."
"That does not sound good," Anne says.
"They're masters of enchantment," Gaius tells them.
"You think Arthur's been enchanted?" Merlin asks.
Gaius nods. "Almost certainly. I'm afraid Morgana and Amelia's dream is coming true."
Amelia's POV
Before long Amelia sees that they are too late in stopping Sophia from getting her claws into Arthur as he had asked for an audience with Uther in front of the Court.
He stands before Uther, who is reading documents, with Aulfric and Sophia one step behind him. Ameliaand Morgana sit next to Uther in their usual seats.
"I request this audience, Father, to discuss a matter of great importance," Amelia sees Merlin and Anne enter the Council Chambers, "It cannot have escaped your attention that I and Lady Sophia Tír-Mòr have grown very close."
Uther responds teasingly, "Not too close, I hope."
"We're in love." Yep definitely enchanted. Amelia exchanges a look with Uther and Morgana. "Which is why I come before you today to ask your permission to marry." She and Morgana share another look but this one is of concern and Amelia can see that Merlin and Anne have a similar look. They have clearly gotten the message that Sophia is bad news.
Uther is at first startled but then laughs. "I assume you're joking."
"No. I'm going to marry her."
"But you only met two days ago." Uther begins to frown slightly.
"We're in love." Uuuggghhh.
"In love? We had no idea that you were such a romantic," Uther says before turning to Amelia and Morgana, "had we, Morgana, Amelia?"
"No," Morgana says through clenched teeth. "He's full of surprises."
"I'm going to marry her. I don't care what either of you think about it." Arthur says, not deviating from his mission.
Uther clearly does not like that. "I thought you'd come to ask my permission?"
"Out of courtesy, nothing more." Arthur turns back, takes Sophia's hand and they walk toward the door along with Sophia's father.
"Guards, door." The Guards prevent Arthur and Sophia from leaving. Uther stands up. "You've forgotten whose Court you're standing in."
"You won't stop me. If I want to marry her, I will." Uther simply turns to the Guards, "Arrest Sophia and Aulfric Tír-Mòr..." The Guards step forward.
"What are you doing?" Arthur demands but Uther continues, "...and inform the executioner his services will be required tomorrow morning."
"You can't do this."
Uther raises his voice. "Yes! I can! And unless you show me some respect," he leans to Arthur, "I will!" Arthur reluctantly bows his head.
"Release them." Uther orders before turning to Arthur. "You've got your whole life ahead of you. Sophia is no doubt your first love, but she certainly won't be the only one. Enjoy yourself while you can."
Uther leaves the room still holding his papers and Amelia immediately follows him with Morgana trailing behind. They catch up with him in the Courtyard Corridor.
"You two are not planning on springing any surprises on me, are you?"
"Don't you think you should be taking this a bit more seriously?" Amelia asks him, now walking alongside Morgana on her other side.
"He's young, foolish and in love. Give it a week and he'll be chasing after the next girl that catches his eye."
"Sophia will never let that happen," Morgana says almost venomously.
"Do you bear a grudge against our guest?"
"There's something about her we don't trust. You've seen the way Arthur changed since she's arrived." Amelia argues.
"He's a fool in love," Uther says, still not taking this seriously.
"She's dangerous," Morgana argues.
"Dangerous? To who?"
"Arthur." Amelia simply says.
"Why do you say that?"
"We just have a sense, a feeling," Morgana says.
"And what has she done to make you have this feeling?"
"Nothing, yet. It's what she's going to do...I don't know how to tell you this." Amelia then says, deciding that maybe they need to take drastic measures.
"Try. Whatever it is, you can tell me." They all stop and face each other. Uther waits for either of them to speak.
After a pause, Amelia realises that she cannot say and neither can Morgana as she then says, "We've just seen girls like this before. They string men along and then drop them. We don't want to see him get hurt."
Uther seems to believe this. "I know you two want to protect him, but some lessons we have to learn for ourselves." He places his left hand on the nearest shoulder, which is Morgana's. "He'll hurt for a week and then Sophia will be forgotten." He then nudges Amelia's chin gently.
"I hope so," Amelia says as he lets go of her chin.
"Are you sure there's nothing else behind this?" It is weird how kind Uther can be sometimes.
"Yes, it's nothing," Morgana says, giving him a false smile. Uther leaves. Morgana and Amelia look after him.
"What are we going to do now?!" Morgana asks desperately.
"We have to hope that she cannot take him away," Amelia says.
Amelia stays in Morgana's Chambers that night and the both of them see Arthur leaving the Square with Sophia and Aulfric. Amelia wonders where Merlin is.
She and Morgana run out of the Chambers in the direction of Gaius'. They burst in once they arrive, not bothering to knock.
"He's gone! Arthur's gone with her! She's taken him!" Amelia cries.
"Slow down." It is then that Amelia sees Anne standing in the room.
"I know you don't believe us, but we are so sure it's going to happen. Our dream is going to come true." Morgana says, not slowing down.
"I do believe you," Gaius says.
"I've got to tell Uther." Morgana continues.
"You can't," Anne says, drawing Morgana's attention.
"We've got to do something, if we don't then Arthur will die," Amelia exclaims.
"You can't tell Uther about your dreams. If Uther thinks you two have got the seers' power, he'll charge you with witchcraft." Gaius tells them.
"We don't have a choice. I couldn't live with myself knowing I'd let him die." Morgana says in desperation.
"Wait. We've known each other a long time, you both trust me don't you?" Gaius asks.
"Yes, you know we do," Amelia answers this time.
"Then trust me now. Stay here and don't say a word to anyone about this."
"But Arthur..." Morgana tries.
"We'll take care of it," Gaius says as he walks around them with Anne following.
"Where are you going?" Morgana asks.
"To find someone who can help." He motions for them to stay inside and leaves. Amelia does not like how they are not letting her get involved but if she leaves, Morgana will follow so she begrudgingly lets it be.
Anne's POV
Anne and Gaius rush to find Merlin and enter Arthur's Chambers to find him just coming around to consciousness.
"Merlin!" Gaius exclaims. "What happened to you?" Gaius and Anne kneel down on either side of Merlin and help him stand.
"Aulfric. Where's Arthur? I have got to go after him." Merlin mutters, getting louder as he begins to be more aware of his surroundings. "What's that buzzing noise?"
"Careful, Merlin, you can barely stand up," Anne tells him.
"I have to go."
"You can't, not in this state. You owe it to your powers that you survived this at all." Gaius says.
"I'll be fine, he needs me." Merlin insists.
"Has that buzzing stopped?" Anne asks, knowing it probably has not.
"Yeah." Merlin lies.
"Liar." Gaius clearly agrees with her.
"I have to go. He'll die if I don't."
"The Sidhe are a vicious people. You must be careful." Gaius warns him.
"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing." But Merlin proves that wrong when he walks toward the window.
"Merlin?" Gaius calls to him, pointing at the door, which is in the opposite direction. "This way."
"Just testing." He says before leaving the room.
Anne turns to Gaius, "I'm going with him." She leaves the room before he can say anything.
Merlin and Anne run through the forest. At one point Merlin trips and falls to the floor.
"Merlin! Come on!" Anne yells at him as she pulls him up so that they can keep running. At one point they have to stop as Merlin tries to remember the direction of the lake.
After a bit more running, they then see the lake in the distance and see Aulfric chanting from the shore while Sophia stands in the lake with her hand stretched out.
Anne sees Sophia's staff on the ground next to Aulfric and nudges Merlin so he will see it. "You can do it, Merlin." She tells him.
"Onbregdan." Merlin chants and the staff flies into Merlin's hand. Merlin points it at Aulfric. "Swilte, gold beorþ." Aulfric turns just in time to see a bolt of light emit from the staff and hit him before he explodes.
It is then that Sophia notices. "Father! No! No!" Sophia tries to run to the shore. Merlin points the staff at her. "Óga ceoles." A bolt of light hits Sophia and she explodes. Merlin takes his jacket off as he runs into the water to grab Arthur, who is, Anne can only assume, in the water. She stays where she is as her dress will not help her movement; it is not like she had time to change into something more appropriate.
"Arthur! Arthur! Arthur!" Merlin calls trying to find him before diving under the water. Merlin comes up for air before diving down again. And the next time he comes up he is dragging Arthur to the surface.
When he is able to bring Arthur to the shore, Anne rushes forward to check Arthur. He briefly regains consciousness for Anne to help him cough up some water before losing consciousness again.
"Well done Merlin." She says looking over to said person who is lying on the ground next to her still breathing heavily. He huffs a laugh.
Amelia's POV
She is sitting next to Merlin, Gaius and Anne at Arthur's bedside waiting for him to wake.
Arthur groans causing them all to look at each other before Merlin asks, "Arthur? Arthur?"
"What happened? Where am I?" Arthur groans.
"Can you remember anything?" Amelia tentatively asks.
"Oh! Oh, my head!" Arthur brings his hand to his forehead, propping himself up on his elbow with the other, letting it move in circles as he tries to remember. "There was a girl. Sophia, she... I asked my father something about her, I asked him..." He suddenly bolts up in bed, now more fully awake. "What was I thinking?!"
"Well, we did wonder. Especially when you eloped with her last night." Anne then says.
Arthur looks at the four of them frowning. "I did what?"
"Merlin and Anne had to bring you back to Camelot," Amelia says.
Arthur frowns even more if it were possible. "I don't recall any of this."
"Must've been some blow," Gaius says, nodding conspiringly in Merlin's direction.
"What blow?"
"Well... er... when I caught up with you, I couldn't persuade you to return, you were beyond reason. So I had to make you." Merlin says.
"You managed to knock me out?" Arthur asks in disbelief.
"Yep. With a lump of wood." Merlin says.
"I helped! I picked the bit of wood!" Anne pipes up cheerfully.
"They only did it to bring you back safely," Amelia says.
Arthur suddenly points menacingly at Merlin and Gaius, "No one... can know about this," before pointing at Amelia and Anne, "Any of it. Is that understood?"
They all look at each other and then nod. Arthur falls back on his pillows.
Later in the day, Arthur stands before the Court with Merlin, Anne and Gaius standing behind him while Uther stands in front of his chair with Amelia and Morgana in theirs.
"When you failed to show up for patrol this morning, I feared you'd eloped with Sophia in a fit of passion," Uther says.
Arthur turns to Merlin. "I... I wish he had. Because then I wouldn't be stood in front of you feeling like an idiot... again." Merlin stumbles awkwardly.
"This is becoming a near daily occurrence for you."
"But there was a mistake. And I would not say it was anyone's fault," he says before Arthur then looks at him, "Not...not really. Erm,..you...you could say it was mine."
"Could somebody tell me what happened?" Uther asks.
"Well..." Merlin begins.
"Someone with a brain." Poor Merlin.
"After Sophia left, I wanted to take my mind off her so I went for a hunt," Arthur says.
Morgana glances at Amelia confused. "And killing things mends a broken heart?"
"No, but it's good fun," Arthur says cheerfully. "Merlin was meant to inform you that I wouldn't be back till later today." He gestures to Merlin.
Uther walks over to Merlin. "Have you some kind of mental affliction?" Probably should have checked before hiring him Uther.
"I'm looking into it, Sire," Gaius says.
"Well, I hope for our sake you find a cure. Or we'll find ourselves with a food shortage on our hands."
Merlin chuckles, "Food shortage..." Everyone looks at him waiting for him to realise. Amelia can see the realisation dawn on his face.
Merlin's POV
After another day of being hit by vegetables and fruit, Merlin sits at the table with his dinner set out in front of him while Gaius stands on the other side. Morgana knocks and enters holding two bottles in her hands.
"Amelia and I have had some troubled nights. I've come for the both of us." She stops walking when she reaches the table Merlin sits at.
"I prepared more draughts for the two of you. Have the dreams stopped?" Gaius says from the other table he had moved to. Merlin sees Morgana glance at him before Gaius diverts her attention.
Morgana shakes her head. "Arthur and Amelia told me what actually happened," she turns to address Merlin, "You must've hit him round the head really hard." He looks up at her.
"Yeah. I feel really bad about that." Merlin says.
"Here you are," Gaius says handing two bottles to her. "Remember, every night just before you go to sleep."
"Thank you, Gaius." Morgana walks to the door.
"They must never find out the truth," Gaius says once she leaves.
"Why not?" Merlin asks. "They had a premonition that helped save Arthur's life. Amelia knows about me and Anne."
"And it could've cost them their own. And for Amelia, it is one thing knowing someone else has magic and another if you have it yourself. If Uther ever found out about either of them, things would never be the same again. It must remain a secret."
"Are they like me? Can they use magic?" Merlin asks.
"No one's like you, Merlin."
Merlin looks down bashfully before looking up at Gaius again. "But they have the gift?"
"For their sake, I hope not."
A/N: Please leave comments on how you're enjoying this story and what you think.
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heretherebedork · 2 years
Liveblog of Gen Y2 ep 2
Screw it, why not?
Starts about 10 minutes into the episode.
Tell me if you want me to keep this up, lol.
Oh, look, it's sad Wayu hour. Shocker, that. Wayu, being sad? Never. That never happens. Who would have expected him to be moping in his room? I mean... at least he's not actively crying? I guess?
Thanu. I'm fairly sure you can act. Why are you so boring in this relationship?
I don't care. Like, I'm watching this but mostly talking to @absolutebl about Stage of Love and thinking of adding a little note to my master post about it not being a good starting V-BL because it's VERY much in what I'd consider the V-BL style and needs a little understanding to appreciate. Unless you're me and V-BL turns out to be your favorite and then you love it instantly.
... I still don't care about Yu and Thanu aka tears and the piece of wood.
Yu, just go and be single for like a DAY and you'll feel better. I promise.
Yay, back to Mark and Kit! Awww. But seriously, darling, you're still a med student and you're going to just... figure out a way to cure your friend? Good luck, boo, I guess?
At least they're cute AF still. And Mark is just darling and the love each other so much. I love how understanding Mark is of everything Kit does and doesn't do. He's just so sweet with him and so loving and so patient. Ugh. Babies. And Kit showing his love in his own ways as well! Love them! And casual little kisses. Yay!
Do I know that actor? I don't know! I can't tell! DAMNIT.
Oh, dramatic sad staring. Definitely... definitely needed that?
He walks over specifically to share the mirror, oh Pok, my tiny little darling in love, I adore you. You can't even stop staring at Tong for like a second. UGH. My cuties. MY CUTIES.
YES HOLD HANDS MY CUTIES. Damnit my cutie idiots, I love you so much but wtf is your relationship.
If I roll my eyes much harder, they might actually see me roll my eyes from Thailand.
Awww, Sab is a good boy.
I'm real tired of listening to cheering.
The way Tong smiles at him... ugh, these two are shockingly domestic despite their issues. All we need is for them to actually TALK and everything would be better. I bet that'll happen... never.
Ugh, Pok staring at Tong over his shoulder and Tong smiling back, I could just DIE.
Did not need to go back to Thanu staring at Yu, much less interesting.
dfk;ls the way these boys look at each other and just keep staring despite everything else going on around them. BABIES.
Chaos boys! Please just flirt with each other and get together. A+ choice. Oh, wait, actual choice? Yes please. I love the background music. What cuties. CHAOS CUTIES.
lol Matchmaker Mark
Back to MY BABIES.
Goddamn yes please. My boys and their flirting and their kissing weirdness and their failure to communicate on every possible level.
Tong, we all know you already fell for Pok. Why are you trying to deny this? He's been very clear about his feelings! What is the POINT of denying it?
I love these two so much. Just SO MUCH.
And back to sad Yu. Just what I expected. It was too good to last.
Yu, he literally already said he was choosing you, wtf is this whole 'will you choose me' bullshit about?
Thanu, you are in fact a blank piece of wood whenever you think about Yu and I don't care. Sorry, boo. Hey, you know, maybe you weren't meant to be together if neither of you can manage a single conversation?
They tease and play. Seriously, if Pok and Tong could just get a step more communication, even just a single serious conversation, they'd be unstoppable. "Wear my shirt so it's like I'm with you all the time." sjdgkldfn BABIES.
Tong challenges Pok for... no reason whatsoever? What is this romance between these two idiots? They're both obviously in love and Pok is SO open about it and Tong keeps semi-denying it but is obviously in love too.
Oh, that comment hit a little close to home. Baby Kit.
DARTH SANDEE. Man, Darth Sandee is definitely on your side of the soulmate issue, @leofiat-bunny.
I love Pok so much.
Or, poor Phai. He's just doing his best to give up on his love because he wants Yu to be happy. Phai is tiny angel. Boy deserves the best.
Ugh, Phai and Yu running next to each other is painful because this really isn't a race at all. Thanu literally made his choice last season this is just Yu fighting with himself. And that's what makes it so dumb. Like, it''s not even a real triangle of any sort. Phai gave up on this! Thanu said he wasn't picking him!
Ugh, Phai is basically perfect. Will this get through to Yu? Probably not.
Phai deserves his own love interest, seriously. Poor boy.
YU STOP IT. For fuck's sake, Yu, STOP IT. Just accept that Thanu picked you and GET OVER YOURSELF. /grumbles
I genuinely don't think I could care less about a couple than I do about Yu and Thanu.
Oh, look, the end of the episode! Wow.
Please talk some sense into Yu, Mark, seriously. Maybe he'll listen to you. MAYBE.
Awww, no preview of poktong. booo.
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mycatshuman · 4 years
The Emo Who Stole Christmas
Chapter 4 : You're A Mean One Mr. Grinch or Virgil and Roman Are Done With the Who's and Decide to Get Back at Them.
Word Count: 3,477
Warnings: stealing of Christmas, may be some cursing, grown adult blaming a child for their problems, let me know if I missed any
Pairings: Pre-established Prinxiety and Logicality and Demus
Masterlist | Previous | Next | More Chapters
Again, a big thank you to @icequeenoriginal for being the co-creator. This was a mother-daughter effort and I love it.
Virgil stood staring down at the Whoville in the ice-cold snow. 
Yes, the Grinch knew that tomorrow all the Whos would wake bright and early and rush for their toys. 
"And then, the noise! Oh, the noise! Noise, noise, noise!" Virgil exclaimed as he stomped around. "They'll bang on tong-tinglers. They'll blow their floo-flounders. They'll crash on Jang-jinglers and bounce on boing-bouncers!" He held his hands to his ears as if he could already hear the horrific noise. 
Then Whos young and old would sit down to feast. 
"And they'll ready and they'll feast. And they'll feast, feast, feast, feast!!" Virgil exclaimed as he stomped around. "They'll eat their Who pudding! And rare Who roast beast! And that's something I can not stand in the least." Virgil paused in his ranting. "Oh no!" He exclaimed horrified. "I'm speaking in rhyme!" He cried out. "Blast you Whos!" He exclaimed as he fell to his knees. 
The more the Grinch thought of what Christmas would bring…the more the Grinch thought...
"I must stop this whole thing!" Virgil exclaimed as he stood up and paced. "For year after year, I've put up with it now! I must stop this Christmas from coming! But how?" Virgil blinked. "I mean, in what way?" He let out an annoyed growl and turned to walk inside. He opened the door and was hit with a blast of cheery Christmas music. 
"Christmas is going to the dogs!" Virgil blinked as he watches Remy lazily bath himself to the music. Virgil opened his mouth only to close it again confused. He quickly jumped at the sound of his door opening and turned to find Roman dressed in sweats.
"Roman?" Virgil asked concerned. "How are you feeling?" Roman shuffled forward and fell forward into his lover's arms. Virgil's arms came up to wrap around the other and envelope him in a hug. 
"Virgil…I want to live with you. I don't want to be down there anymore. Not with the way they keep treating me, like some ornament meant to be stared at or ignored! Please! I don't care if someone finds out, I can't live there anymore!”
Virgil blinked rapidly. "Love," he started. "Are you 100% sure about this?" Roman nodded. Virgil sighed and ran his hands through the other soft curls. 
"Virgil?" Roman asked softly after a while. 
"I want to make them pay. I want them to understand. I don't-I want them to-" Roman groaned and hurried his face in Virgil's chest, ironically too emotionally exhausted to deal with his emotions.  Virgil frowned and snuggled the other closer trying to provide as much comfort as he could. Then, his mind began to whirl. 
Then the Grinch got an idea. An awful idea. The Grinch got a wonderful awful idea. 
Virgil pulled away from Roman and announced. ”I’m going to steal Christmas.” Roman blinked as Virgil smirked. "They want to hurt you so bad, they'll lose Christmas. And if they want a monster, then I'll show them a monster!" 
Roman hopped up, finally finding some energy. "Yes! I'll go make the costume. You work on the sleigh!" He turned to Remy only to stop. "And you just keep bathing yourself." Roman ran off and began working while Virgil started on the monstrous sleigh. 
”With this coat and this hat, he'll look just like Saint Nick!" Roman exclaimed. As they worked, Roman's voice sang a little song he had composed from all of the stupid rumors about the Grinch. "'You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch,'"  Virgil chuckled as he heard the other sing. "'You really are a heel. You're as cuddly as a cactus, You're as charming as an eel, Mr. Grinch! You're a bad banana with a greasy black peel!" Roman walked over to Virgil with the hat and place it on his head as he sang and place a quick kiss to his cheeks before going back to work on the jacket. "'Just face the music, you're a monster, Mr. Grinch, yes, you are. Your heart's an empty hole. Your brain is full of spiders. You've got garlic in your soul, Mr. Grinch. I wouldn't touch you with a thirty-nine-and-a-half foot pole.'" Virgil snorted as Roman danced around with the jacket before sitting on a table out of his way so he could work on the pants. "You know, if you ask the Who's Who of Whoville, No one's denyin”  Virgil spared a glance at Roman and smiled. Boy did he love him. 
"'You're a vile one, Mr. Grinch." Roman picked up the song again. "'You have termites in your smile. You have all the tender sweetness of a seasick crocodile, Mr. Grinch. Given the choice between you, I'd take the seasick crocodile!" Virgil giggled as Roman tossed the pants over to the same table. He closed the front door behind him after having moved the sleigh outside and walked over to Roman. He wrapped him in a hug and kissed his temple. Roman hummed happily. Virgil hated to have to wipe the smile from his face. 
"Roman," Roman made a small noise of acknowledgment. "I'm going to need you to go home. Just for tonight."
Roman ripped himself away from Virgil. "What?! Why?!" 
"I can't have you helping me-" 
"No! You can't--no!" 
"Roman, please-"
"No! No! No!" 
"Roman, I can't have you getting in trouble. I want to make sure if you ever want to go back, you can! I can't bare to have you help and then regret it and then want to leave but you can't because you've been shunned. Please, Roman. This is all I ask. Just this one night. Please." 
Roman stared at Virgil for a while before reluctantly nodding. "Okay," he whispered. He wasn't happy about it, but he knew it would make Virgil feel better about everything. "Okay, just-" Roman moved forward and placed a hand on Virgil's cheek. "Be careful, okay?" Virgil nodded. "Thank you." Roman pushed up on his tiptoes and gave the other a light kiss. "I'll see you later." 
"See you later," Virgil promised
Virgil sat with Remy watching Santa through a telescope. "He should be finishing up anytime now. Wanna talk about a recluse? He only comes out once a year but does he catch any hate for it? No! He probably lives up there just to avoid the taxes." Virgil ranted. He paused as he watched as Santa flew away in his sleigh. "Whoops. I forgot about the reindeer…" 
Did that stop the old Grinch? No, the Grinch simply said: 
"If I can't find a reindeer, I'll make one instead." Virgil turned around and faced Remy. "Remy!" Remy rolled his eyes and prepared himself to wear a headband with antlers. Virgil quickly found a reindeer headband and placed it on his cat's head before placing a red nose on his nose. "Okay, you're a reindeer and your motivation is that you're a deer with a red nose and nobody likes you. One day, you save Christmas-" Virgil paused. "Ignore that. We'll just improvise. You hate Christmas! You're gonna steal it! Saving Christmas was such a lousy ending. Okay and action!" 
Remy glared at Virgil before knocking the red nose off. Virgil blinked and then he gasped. "Brilliant! You regret your own nose because it represents the glitter of commercialism! Why didn't I think of that?" Then Virgil walked off and climbed into the sleigh along with Remy. 
Virgil flipped the switch and the sleigh came life, vibrating with power. "That feels good." Virgil turned to Remy "Here goes nothing," and he pressed the bottom to start actually start moving. The sleigh rose up in the air and Virgil grinned. "Wow! It actually works! Okay! Let's go! On, Crasher! On Thrasher! On, Vomit and Blitzkrieg!!!" Virgil screamed as the sleigh shot off and began spinning violently, turning over and over. "We're gonna die!" Virgil shrieked. "We're gonna die! I'm going to throw up! And then we're gonna die! Mommy, tell it to stop!!" He cried, eventually he was able to wrangle control of the sleigh and they flew smoothly through the sky. Virgil stayed frozen for a moment before allowing himself to slightly relax. He let out a sigh of relief. "Almost lost my cool there." 
All their windows were dark. Quiet snow filled the air. All the Whos were all dreaming sweet dreams without care when he came to the first little house on the square…
Virgil slowly brought down the sleigh on top of the roof of an overly decorated house. He noticed a traffic light among the variety of lights. "Weird." He turned back to Remy. "This will be our first stop."
The old Grinchy Claus hissed. And he climbed to the roof, empty bags in his fist. He'd slide down the chimney, a rather tight pinch, but if Santa could do it, so could the Grinch.
Virgil stood up and tied a rope around his waist. He stepped up onto the edge of the chimney and prepared to dive. "He's planning a double-twisted interrupted forward-flying 2-and-a-half with a combo tuck and like. A high degree of difficulty," Virgil muttered and jumped and dove headfirst down into the chimney. 
He got stuck only once, for a moment or two…
Virgil groaned quietly. "Stupid suit," muttered, referring to the furry suit of the Grinch. Something that helped him scare kids off and leave him alone now was slowing him down from his biggest scare of all. He huffed.
Then he stuck his head out of the fireplace flue. 
"A little more stealth, Thomas, please." 
Thomas lowered his voice. Where the little Who stockings all hung in a row. 
"These stockings," he grinned. "Are the first things to go." The Grinch opened a jar and turned it upside down, shaking out moths. "Alright, fellas, chow time." The moths quickly gobbled up the stockings. 
Then he slunk to the icebox. 
He eyed the Whos' feast. He took the Who pudding. He took the roast beast. 
"Hike!" Virgil called out as he launched the roast beast through his legs like a football player. 
He cleaned out that icebox as quick as a flash. Why that Grinch, even took their last can of Who-hash. Then he stuffed all the food up the chimney with glee. 
Virgil threw the bag up the chimney and spun around to face the tree. "And now," grinned the Grinch. "I'll stuff up the tree!" And the Grinch grabbed the tree and he started to shove, when he heard a small sound like the coo of a dove. 
Virgil turned to find Emile and grimaced. He felt really bad about this….
"Excuse me" Emile called softly. 
The Grinch had been caught by this tiny Who child, who'd got out of bed for a cup of cold water. 
"Mr. Santa, what are you doing with our tree?" 
But you know, that old Grinch was so smart and so slick, he thought up a lie, and he thought it up quick. 
"Why my sweet little tot!" Virgil exclaimed grandly. "There's a light on this tree that won't light on one side. So, I'm taking it home to my workshop, sweet child. "I'll fix it up there, then I'll bring it back here."
Emile narrowed their eyes. "Santa, what's Christmas really about?" 
"Vengeance!" Virgil exclaimed before remembering he was supposed to be pretending he was the perfect Who Santa. "I mean...presents, I suppose." 
Emile frowned. "I was afraid of that." 
And his fib fooled the child. Then he patted their head and got them a drink, and he sent them to bed. 
Emile paused their journey up the stairs. "Santa?"
"What?" Virgil asked. 
"Don't forget the Grinch-" 
Virgil couldn't take it anymore and walk out from behind the tree. "I'm sorry." 
Emile blinked and furrowed their brows. "Why?" 
Virgil bit his lip. "To show you all what's more important ...and to get back at everyone for upsetting Roman." 
Emile nodded. "Okay. Well...good luck, Virgil." 
And when Emile Lou went up with their cup, the Grinch went to the chimney and stuffed the tree up. Virgil quickly shot the tree up the chimney and grabbed everything else before climbing back up the chimney. And the last thing he took was the log for their fire. On their walls, he left nothing but some hooks and some wire. And the one speck of food that he'd left in the house, was a crumb that was even too small for a mouse. Virgil reached down and picked the mouse up deciding to allow it to eat something so long as it wasn't in a Whos’ house. Then he slithered and slunk with a smile most unpleasant, around each Who home and he took every present. 
Virgil took a saw and cut a circle above his head and the floor fell through along with the Christmas tree and its presents. He stepped up through the hole and smirked. "They're in sale. Everything must go." And he began to take it all. 
Virgil froze as he stepped into the bedroom of a magazine picture-perfect house. Oh. This was Roman's house. He glanced around at the decorations and found himself smiling fondly. He should have known. Everything just screamed Roman from the abundance of reds, whites, and golds. He carefully walked over to the bedside table and noticed the ring box the mayor had given Roman. He nearly growled as he went to take it before noticing something else. It was his gift. The one he had made for Roman all those years ago. Virgil's eyes watered and he forced himself to blink the tears away. He shook his head and quickly snatched the ring box off of the table. He went to move only to be stopped by a tan hand yanking him down and lips crashing into his. Virgil blinked in surprise before happily giving into Roman and allowing the other to wrap his arms around his neck. 
Roman pulled away after kissing Virgil senseless. "Virgil," he asked softly. "Please, let me help." Virgil bit his lip. "I suppose..." He started. "You can help...but...just promise that if we get caught, you say I forced you to do it, okay?" 
Roman's eyes widened in surprise. "Wait! No! I can't-" 
"Then I can't let you help." 
Roman blinked. "I-okay," he sighed in defeat. "I'll tell them you forced me." Virgil let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you." 
Roman froze as he finally dragged the attention away from Virgil's hiding place. He hadn't realized the Whos would put out guards to guard the path leading to Mount Crumpit after everyone went to bed to protect from the Grinch. From Virgil. But Virgil ran out of fuel for his rocket sleigh and he had to drag it up the mountain himself. But they were losing moonlight, and the long way around wouldn't work. So Roman offered to try and distract them. But now, he was very nervous. The Who guards had rounded on him. Accusing him of being in league with the Grinch. Of course, he was, but Virgil had made him promise and he wasn't about to break his promise. 
"You really think I'm in league with the Grinch?" Roman asked the guards. 
They nodded. "Yeah, why else wouldn't you have immediately said yes to Mayor Anton's proposal?” 
Roman grimaced. He really hated the mayor. 
"If I really hated the Grinch, would I do this?" Then Roman started his song. "'You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch. You really are a heel, You're as cuddly as a cactus, You're as charming as an eel, Mr. Grinch. You're a bad banana with a greasy black peel. Just face the music, you're a monster, Mr. Grinch, yes, you are. Your heart's an empty hole, Your brain is full of spiders, You've got garlic in your soul, Mr. Grinch. I wouldn't touch you with a thirty-nine-and-a-half foot pole. You know, if you ask the Who's Who of Whoville No one's denyin'. You're a vile one, Mr. Grinch. You have termites in your smile. You have all the tender sweetness Of a seasick crocodile, Mr. Grinch. Given the choice between you, I'd take the seasick crocodile.'" 
As Roman sang, he watched Virgil carefully carry the sleigh behind the two guards and try to rush up the path until he wouldn't be noticed. 
"I suppose not," one of the guards said once Roman's song was done. Then they both turned back to face the mountain. 
Roman blinked. Surely it can't be that easy! But it seemed it was. So he turned and quickly found the nearest garbage chute and took a ride to the top of Mount Crumpit. Prepared to meet his love at the top. 
3,000 feet up, up the side of Mount Crumpit, he rode with his load to the tip top to dump it.
Virgil grunted as he set the sleigh down carefully in the snow and turned to face Roman who was standing before him. "We did it!" He exclaimed excitedly. Roman grinned, leaped into his arms and wrapped him in a tight hug. Virgil placed a kiss to Roman's lips before setting him back down on his own feet. Virgil turned to Remy. "That wasn't so bad, was it Remy?" 
Remy rolled his eyes as he remembered at least 30 different breakdowns Virgil had had along the way. 
Roman turned towards the horizon. "They'll be waking up now," he said. "I know just what they'll do. All of them down in Whoville will all cry!”
"What an embarrassment! I've been robbed!" The sheriff of Whoville exclaimed as she rushed out of her house to her car. She climbed in and turned the siren on blissfully unaware of the rope attached to her bumper. She quickly drove off. 
Mayor Anton awoke with a start and suddenly, his bed crashed through the big window in his room with him in it. As Whos came out of their homes they watched as the mayor slid past on his bed. As the sheriff made a turn around the Christmas tree in the middle of town, the Mayor's bed slid around and came to an abrupt stop.  
The sheriff stepped out of her car and stopped as she noticed the mayor. "Mayor May-Who?" 
The mayor quickly jumped out of bed and pulled on his robe that was luckily still attached to the bed. He looked around noticing the damage. He frowned. "I wonder who could have done this," he said as he noticed Emile and their family come into view. "I'll tell you one thing: Invite the Grinch destroy Christmas." He raised his hands and beat on his bed. "Invite the Grinch destroy Christmas!!" He paused to take a breath and Emile frowned. "But did anyone, anyone listen to me?" 
"I did!" The mayor's assistant piped in but the mayor ignored him. 
"No. You choose to listen to a little not-to-be-taken-seriously child. And they haven't even grown into their nose yet." Anton shook his head. "Emile, I hope you're very proud of what you have done." With that, the mayor turned around. 
Emile frowned and looked down as tears welled in their eyes. 
"If they aren't, then I am!” 
Mayor Anton turned around to see Patton, Emile's dad, and Logan, their father had stepped in front of them. "What?" He asked, not sure if he had heard correctly. 
"I said, if they aren't, then I am. I'm glad he took our presents."
Who's around all gasped as the Mayor gawked at them. "You're glad? He's glad!" The mayor shouted to the crowd. "You're glad that everything is gone.? You're glad the Grinch virtually wrecked…? No, no. Not wrecked, pulverized Christmas. Is that really what I'm hearing?" 
Patton sighed. "You can't hurt Christmas, Mr. Mayor. It's not about the gifts, or contests or the fancy lights." He turned and gestured to Emile who's face showed hopefulness. 
"That's what Emile has been trying to tell everybody. "
The mayor blinked. "What is wrong with you!?! This is a child!" 
Patton pulled Emile close against his side. "They're my child. They happen to by right by the way." Patton turned towards his family. "I don't need anything more for Christmas than what's right here, my family."
The Who's all erupted into cheers and began telling each other Merry Christmas. Emile smiled brightly. They finally understood. Logan grabbed a hold of Patton's robe. "Merry Christmas honey!" He yanked Patton into a kiss. Missy and Pranks covered their mouths like they were going to be sick as they moved away from their parents. 
"Give me a break!" The mayor cried out as he turned away. 
Meanwhile, Emile was looking up at Mount Crumpit before they moved to find a garbage chute. "No one should be alone on Christmas," they whispered as the hit the side and started their ride to the top of the mountain. 
Everything Taglist: @spxced-oxt @superwholocked-for-life @mirror2thespirit @aroundofapplesauce @lyditist @little-euro-girl @unicornofdarknessstuff @maryann-draws
The Emo Who Stole Christmas Taglist: @logical-princey @mostpeopleannoyne
May I suggest listening to this song as mom or you know @ icequeenoriginal showed it to me saying this is how extra Roman is singing the song and I quite agree.
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maychild · 2 years
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#(i...i did not learn about this in my creative writing class in college but i did learn it on the internet: novels written by young people)
My Top Posts in 2021
cherry magic ep. 3
only on ep 3 of "Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!", but i love that other people on Crunchyroll are very protective of Kurosawa in the comments because I am very protective of Kurosawa. He is bae. I know we're meant to think he's the popular, cool, stoic type and Adachi is the cinnamon roll, but i think they're BOTH cinnamon rolls who i would protect with my very life.
Anyways, I dont anticipate Adachi breaking his heart, but all I'm saying is...he better not, or I'd fight him.
14 notes • Posted 2021-05-31 03:43:50 GMT
*puts on clown nose* speculating on ep. 12
I'm just really afraid that yu zhen will misunderstand things, will see shi lei and zi tong bonding and getting close (frolicking in the park, feeding birds?? WTFFF i hope that's another nightmare of yu zhen's) , and will think that shi lei will want to date zi tong. Because shi lei asks, in the preview for the next ep, "If i date someone, will I have to quit too?" AND OFC yu zhen will not ask shi lei to clarify what he means, UM DATE WHO EXACTLY??, he will probably be silent as a grave, and shi lei will take the silence as an affirmative. he'll resign, which will lead to yu zhen running tearfully all over the city, clutching the resignation letter in his hand, wrecking himself trying to get shi lei back any way he can (even if that means abolishing the Single Rule, and having to watch shi lei date zi tong. THE HORROR, but he would do it for shi lei, if it meant he could get shi lei back as a colleague because yu zhen has practice loving shi lei from afar, that's not going to stop now that he thinks shi lei would be happier with zi tong.)
does it make sense for shi lei to fall for zi tong?? NO but that is one charming snake, and he will twist things around so that that's what yu zhen will think, and no one will disabuse him of the notion.
anyway, i just made myself very sad. and i have no idea how they're going to clear up this messy couple and all their problems in only one 30-min ep (the special 13th ep?? i dont think it exists. or, if it does, it will probably be a behind-the-scenes special or something)
16 notes • Posted 2021-07-23 02:33:11 GMT
me: hey, self, how about we watch some other “HIStory” dramas--there are a ton that need to be watched, and with good reviews.
my petty self: hey, how about noooo, and we re-watch HIStory3 - Trapped for the thousandth and one time??? 
(loll i’m being dramatic, it’d be my first rewatch)
17 notes • Posted 2021-08-31 03:58:12 GMT
me, muttering to myself while going through my work-day: BUT! someone has to confess if they're going to go back to sleeping in the same bed! I mean, otherwise, they'll have to pine for each other from separate bedrooms! And we're not here for that. we're here for cuddling and snuggling, damn it!
45 notes • Posted 2021-07-13 21:46:43 GMT
Once these dumbos figure things out, it's over for us. OVER.
They'll simply be too Soft™. Too adorable. We'll all die happily.
I cant wait. I cannot. wait.
55 notes • Posted 2021-07-22 03:48:37 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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czigonas · 6 years
Thank you for responding to my question! Now, I'd love to ask you about your predictions/wishes about the (hopefully) upcoming sequel to MD. Who is going to bite the dust? Will we reunite with Malik, Frank (again), Sarif and together with some other allies (Aria? Alex?) take down at least some of the evil guys? Will Adam be free of his programming or sadly, will he die in the end?
ohhhhhhh man. this is gonna be kinda long, so strap in.
realistically? the next game is the end of Adam’s arc. I think we’ll hear about (and see, if we’re lucky) the California earthquake that will take out Megan Reed and the Roccasecca Beach facility (and possibly ShadowChild and her wife). I don’t think we’ll see Malik again, sadly. they got away with only giving her an off-screen cameo in MD, and unless they drag her in for a dlc like they did Pritchard, I think she’ll be quietly swept aside once again.
as for Pritchard, I think we’ll see him again. I don’t think the dev team quite realised (or wanted to believe) just how much people liked him until System Rift broke our hearts. that might have been their hope at a last goodbye to him, but I think they’ll have another riot if he doesn’t get at least a little screen time in the next game. if he’s not killed by the end of the game (the phrase “they both go down together” comes to mind) I hope he goes to work with Tracer Tong or the New Sons of Freedom, but I think if Adam dies, so does Pritchard.
Sarif is done, I think. they fucked up with the original voice actor and in trying to bring him back with someone new. he’ll either quietly disappear into Rabi’ah or be shown to be a(n evil) clone himself or something. personally I think we’ll get a newspaper article about the arcology and Sarif and Brown all just... quietly failing somehow.
I think most of TF29 will sadly also be swept under the rug. betrayed from within by Auzenne and/or Chikane (and from without by Manderley and the rest of Lyon). Miller is too idealistic  - and MacReady as well, in his own way - to survive the Rise of Page and the Majestic 12. either they’re killed early on (or in another comic series like Children’s Crusade) or a few of the major players defect with Adam (Miller, Mac, Chang... Smiley probably dies, unfortunately. Aria will probably be fridged because the series has a really bad track record with that) and get killed in other missions or offscreen during or after the game.
as for Vega.... it really depends on who Janus turns out to be. if the inadvertent hintdrop of Janus being Volkard Rand is true, than the Juggernaut Collective becomes an arm of the Illuminati working against themselves for their own ends. that part doesn’t surprise me at all, but how Vega reacts to the knowledge really depends on how true to character they keep her (and considering they couldn’t even settle on a fucking race for her between The Fall, Black Light, and MD....). I have hope Vega splinters off to join Adam and work against the Collective (if they’re truly Illuminati) but she’ll probably die in a revenge-fueled mission against them or get shuffled into the background of the New Sons of Freedom to fade away in the same manner as Malik. I would love for her to also go work with Tracer Tong (and just be retconned to be elsewhere/retired by the events of DX1) but I don’t hold much hope for it.
all other things aside, I hope we see Tong at least once so he can continue to be the only character to show up in every DX game.
I also really hope (and think we’ll get) to see Anna Navarre and Gunther Hermann. we got a teaser of Gunter in Black Light, and I think they know they have to set those guy up a little more, along with bringing FEMA and Page to (more) power. I also think we’ll see a little more (probably through emails and articles rather than ‘in person’) of the Smol Dentons. I’m here for more Dentons.
as for game content... probably the end of his arc is about taking down the parts of the Illuminati that Jensen can see right now: people who aren’t in DX1. so the fall of Volkard Rand (and the Juggernaut Collective); the stalling of the arcology projects because of a loss of fortune for Brown; and the further dismantling of Picus and Everett’s rise to psuedo-power (in preparation for his fall after the Majestic 12 coup). I suspect the game will either take place right in 2030 (during/after the earthquake) or in 2033-4 (just before the MJ12 coup). if Adam doesn’t die outright at the end, it’ll be another “three button” choice where the “best end” is for him to kill himself (and someone else/take down a building with him) to prevent some greater tragedy. I doubt we’ll be given a choice though, since I don’t think they’ll try to place another game between DX6 and DX1 with the timeline getting so tight. if they do it’ll be another cheap spinoff like The Fall, probably focused on the New Sons of Freedom or (holyfuckingshitplease) Paul.
if Adam Jensen dies in the earthquake with Megan Fucking Reed I will be so pissed.
(sorry this got so long. I’ll save all my other hopes and my wildly non-canon dreams for another post.)
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plutoie · 6 years
also tell me ur Greatest Facts abt swamp son in general, I'd legitimately die for my adopted disaster of a lad
- What up my name is Ralen im 19 and I never fucking learned how to read
- He eventually does learn how to read
- Once tried to high five all of the Telvanni lords. Two of them tried to murder him and weirdly enough, Divayth Fyr was the only one who accepted it. 
- Used to think being woken up by horrifying undead was just “the norm” in Morrowind
- Really REALLY can’t stand naked barbarians and is very passive aggressive towards them (No one knows why. Not even me HJDKGSH)
- Actually has some of Nerevar’s mannerisms (Also a reason why Dagoth Ur knew he was him when they met face to face.)
- Feels rather emotional whenever hes in a dwemer ruin. Vague traces of memories of the dwemer and Nerevar’s friendship with Dumac still linger in his mind, yet he can’t recall the details.
- Loses a limb in his fight with Almalexia. (Gets a replacement dwemer limb don’t worry hDGS) 
- Mourns the death of Almalexia and Sotha Sil despite it all, he stays with their bodies and weeps. He says his goodbyes to Sotha Sil, the mer he never truly knew. Not in this life anyway. 
- Has a grudge against the Dark Brotherhood. (You would too if you had an assassin attack u every time u slept HSJKDGH) 
- Absolutely adores his pet scrib. Sings them lullabies and children’s nursery rhymes. 
- Misses all the dairy products that he would consume in Cyrodiil. 
- Loves netches. Can watch them for hours while in the swamps. 
- His first reaction to contracting corprus was to write in his journal about how screwed he was. 
- Gets Tong tattoos. If you ask them what they mean, he would say he has no idea but they look “neato”. 
- His favourite colour is the sort of misty colour you get at dawn. 
- His favourite food is anything that doesn’t involve bugs. 
- Tried to travel to Akaviri in a row boat. The only reason he met Rana in the first place is because his boat sunk and he spend a year or two trying to get back to Vvardenfell to try again. 
- After the events of Morrowind, he has a dislike towards the Empire. He knows they don’t really care much for Morrowind and its people. 
- Sometimes a bit curious for his own good. When the ring of Hircine magically appeared in his pocket, he put it on without a second thought. One brutal transformation and a rampage in Hircine’s maze later and he never puts it on again��. he doesn’t like to talk about it. SDGHgjh
- Actually cried when he had a cup of milk in Solstheim after years in Vvardenfell. 
- Can sleep in the most uncomfortable looking positions like a cat. His flexibility with weird sleeping positions confuses and freaks out many people.
- Despite being a rouge, he is considerably honourable. 
- Has a  t o n  of scarves. 
-  Has a shit ton of earrings my dude.
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