#does ayurveda have side effects
barsha1234 · 1 year
One of the main advantages of Ayurveda is that it is generally considered to be safe and have few side effects. This is because Ayurvedic medicines are made from natural substances.Another advantage of Ayurveda is that it is a holistic system of medicine. This means that it treats the whole person, not just the symptoms of a disease. Ayurveda believes that the body has the ability to heal itself, and that Ayurvedic treatments can help to restore balance and promote healing.In contrast, allopathic medicine is a more mechanistic system of medicine. It focuses on treating specific symptoms, and it does not always take into account the overall health of the individual.
If you are considering using Ayurveda, it is important to talk to a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner. They can help you to determine if Ayurveda is right for you and to develop a treatment plan that is tailored to your individual needs.
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drashokayurveda · 19 days
Herbs for Ovulation health by Dr Ayurveda
Ayurvedic treatment for pregnancy is extremely effective. Apart from that, female infertility treatment in Ayurveda does not have any side effect. Infertility issues in women can occur because of ovulation failure, failure of implantation, embryonic growth due to infections, etc. Have a look at a few important Ayurveda herbs for Ovulation Health in women by DrAyurveda: * Ashwagandha: It helps a…
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drayurvedaofficial · 19 days
Herbs for Ovulation health by Dr Ayurveda
Ayurvedic treatment for pregnancy is extremely effective. Apart from that, female infertility treatment in Ayurveda does not have any side effect. Infertility issues in women can occur because of ovulation failure, failure of implantation, embryonic growth due to infections, etc. Have a look at a few important Ayurveda herbs for Ovulation Health in women by DrAyurveda: * Ashwagandha: It helps a…
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star-ayurveda · 22 days
Ayurvedic treatment for migraine
Ayurvedic Treatment for Migraine | Migraine Treatment
Ayurveda Treatment of Migraine Headaches
For those who suffer from migraine, Ayurveda can be a boon in curing this order.
Migraine headache is not an easy disease to do away with. Even with Ayurveda, moderate to severe form of migraine headaches take a while to get totally cured and usually gradually get better in a phased out manner; they usually do not disappear in one go. Usually whenever patient experiences such a headache they themselves often start off with paracetamol, aspirin, ibuprofen or other analgesics. OTC drugs may provide some relief, although they are typically not effective for most sufferers, and therefore is a very dangerous and harmful practice.
In allopathy treatment, patients who have been diagnosed with reccuring migraines, migraine abortive medications are prescribed. It means treating the attack at the onset can often abort it before it becomes serious. Similarly many NSAIDs are prescribed for a long time like paracetamol, naproxyn, excedrin, metoclopramide, megraleve, analgesics combines with caffeine and antiemetics. In short they treat the symptoms and not the person suffering from migraine headaches. These medicines are made up of synthetic products and are non organic. So, in one way they might be relieving your symptoms for an hour or so but the other way they are making you face other problems which we call side effects. Most of the pain killers are toxic to kidneys and liver which are vital organs.
Moreover allopathic pain killers are just a temporary solution. They have the same type of medicine for every migraine sufferer. Allopathy just works superficially and does not treat the root cause of migraine headaches.
Studies show that the constant use of pain killers may have a rebound effect - actually causing headaches. Dependence on pain killers may also hamper the effectiveness of endorphins, the body's natural pain killers.
On the other hand, Ayurvedais different; Ayurveda treats the whole person and tailor made treatment is devised for each different patient. For example 5 different patients of migraine headache may be given 5 different kind of remedies depending upon their physical and mental makeup, aggravating and ammeliorating factors. There are 253 remedies to choose from for migraine headaches in Ayurveda. This is one reason an experienced and knowledgeable homeopathy doctor is required to work on the disease. Ayurveda also helps and transforms people mentally, emotionally and physically.
Ayurveda treatment of migraine headaches depends totally upon the symptoms presented including the psycho-physical makeup of the patient. The character and the modalities associated and also the symptoms associated with the migraine headaches like aura, vomiting, nausea and the trigger factors decide the choice of Ayurveda medicine that would help that particular case.
What is Migraine or Paroxysmal Headache?
It is very common for each one of us to suffer from headaches couple of times in our lifetime; but for some, headaches are far too common and their recurrences become a major hindrance in leading a normal life. One such type of recurrent headaches is called Migraine headaches. Migraine headaches show a typical pattern of recurrence and are characterized by severe to moderate head pain, involving both sides or one sided which may or may not be present with nausea and vomiting.
Causes of Migraine or Paroxysmal Headache
Although the actual cause of migraine is not very clear, but the researchers believe that migraine headache is caused by a drop in the level of a chemical serotonin in the brain which leads to the inflammation and dilatation in the blood vessels of the brain leading to a headache.
Migraine is often pyschosomatic in origin. There are migraine personalities and most migraine sufferers show one or may of the following behavioral pattern : conscientiousness, fastidiousness, rigidity of views, constant conflict between the environment and self, high level of expectation.
Migraine headache sufferers are more females than males. However, we are observing a shift. Often it is observed to be running in the family, showing heriditary links.
Due to some triggering factors, varying from person to person, there is some kind of vasoconstriction and vasodilatation of the branches of the carotid artery which leads to typical throbbing and congestive attack of headaches. Migraine headache attacks may be triggered by :
Allergic reactions.
Bright lights, loud noises, odors or perfumes.
Physical or emational stress.
Changes in sleep patterns.
Smoking or exposure to smoke.
Skipping meals.
Menstrual cycle fluctuations, birth control pills, hormone fluctuations during the menopause transition.
Tension headaches.
Foods containing tyramine (red wine, aged cheese, smoked fish, chicken livers, figs and some beans), monosodium glutamate (MSG) or nitrates (like bacon, hot dogs, and salami).
Other foods such as chocolate, nuts, peanut butter, avocado, banana, citrus, onions, dairy products and fermented or pickeled foods.
Symptoms of Migraine Headaches
The signs and symptoms of migraine headaches vary among patients. Therefore, what a patient experiences before, during and after an attack can't be defined exactly. The four phases of a migraine headache attack are common but not necessarily experienced by all migraine headache sufferers :
The PRODROME, includes symptoms experienced by patients hours or days before the headaches. These may include irritability, depression, tiredness, yawning, constipation, stiffness of neck and so on.
The AURA, immediately preceeds the headache. The symptoms may include foggy vision, colored vision, bright lines in front of eyes, sensation of pins or numbness on body, vertigo, loss of smelling power, nausea / vomiting and photophobia.
The PAIN phase, also known as HEADACHE phase : Usually the headache is in one half of the body. It increases gradually and lasts from 4 to 72 hours. However the intensity, duration and frequency of pain varies from person to person. The headache can be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, vertigo, pallor of face, loss of appetite, sensitivity to smells, noise and light and so on.
The POSTDROME phase, the symptoms occuring after an attack of migraine. These include mood changes, depression, tiredness, letharginess, loss of appetite and so on.
Defining Severity of Migraine Headache Pain
The International Headache Society defines intensity of pain on a verbal 4 point scale :Number
No pain
Mild pain
  Does not interfere with usual activities
Moderate pain
  Inhibits but does not wholly prevent usual activities
Severe pain
  Prevents all activities
How are Migraine Headaches Diagnosed?
Migraine headaches are usually underdiagnosed or misdiagnosed. The diagnosis of migraine without aura, according ot International Headache Society, can be made on the basis of the following criteria, the '5, 4, 3, 2, 1 criteria'.
5 or more attacks.
4 hours to 3 days in duration.
2 or more of - unilateral location, pulsating quality, moderate to severe pain, aggravation by or avoidance of routine physical activity.
1 or more accompanying symptoms - nausea and or vomiting, photophobia, phonophobia.
For migraine with aura, only two attacks are required to justify the diagnosis. POUNDING (Pulsating, duration of 4 to 72 hOurs, Unilateral, Nausea, Disabling) can help diagnose migraine. If 4 of the 5 criteria are met, then the positive likelihood of diagnosing migraine headache is very high.
Lab Investigations in Migraine Headaches
To rule out possible organic causes of headaches - for example, an aneurysm, tumor, or structural abnormality - a doctor may employ vision tests, x-rays, a CT scan, a lumbar puncture, or an EEG.
Home Remedies for Migraine Headaches
It is very important for those suffering from migraines to realize that lifestyle modifications like regular excercise and reducing stress in their life are very essential in curing migraine headaches. Regular excercise can release endorphins, the body's natural painkilling agents. Excercise may also help to dilate blood vessels, which increases blood flow and may counteract the constricting action that occurs a the onset of most migraines. Identifying trigger factors and avoiding these factors can be very helpful in controlling the recurrence of migrain headaches. Holding an ice pack or a bag of frozen vegetables against your forehead while soaking your feet in hot water may stop a migraine headache if fone right away.
Economic Impact of Migraine Headaches
In addition to being a major cause of pain and suffering, recurrent migraine headache attacks are a significant source of both medical costs and lost productivity. Medical costs per migraine sufferer averaged USD 107 over 6 months in one 1988 study with total costs including lost productivity averaging USD 313. Annual employer cost of lost productivity due to migraine headaches in USA amounted to one billion dollors in 1994, in addition to lost productivity estimated at 13 to 17 billion dollors per year. The workplace model of 9 to 5, 5 days a week may not be viable for a migraine sufferer. With education and understanding an employer could compromise with an employee to create a workable solution for both.
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nikhalgupta · 27 days
EraMass the Best Ayurvedic Weight Gainer Capsules in Delhi
If you feel weak due to low weight in your thin body, then you have nothing to worry about. iVate Ayurveda has brought for you Eramas Ayurvedic Ayurvedic Weight Gain Capsules, which is the best Ayurvedic Weight Gainer Capsules in Delhi which helps you in gaining weight. It is a natural solution to the worries of not growing. Our Eramass Ayurvedic Weight Gainer Capsules are formulated to effectively support healthy weight gain goals. It is completely made from Ayurvedic medicines, hence it does not have any side effects. If you are also troubled by your low weight, then definitely try our Ayurvedic EraMass weight Gainer Capsules.
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nadi-tarangini · 2 months
Does Ayurveda really not have any side effects? - Discover the truth about Ayurveda and its side effects. Learn from real-life experiences and understand the importance of consulting with qualified practitioners before self-medicating. Stay informed to make wise choices for your health. Read More- https://www.naditarangini.com/does-ayurveda-really-not-have-any-side-effects/
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pavswrites · 3 months
What Causes Skin Itchiness And How To Avoid Them In Children
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While every playtime brings joy and happiness it also brings along the possibility of itchy skin.
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The carefree and innocent nature of children does not have any space for the worries of rashy and itchy skin. They enjoy their childhood to the fullest with their friends. Sadly, being exposed to an external environment all day also means being exposed to dirt, dust, germs, and bacteria. They stick onto the skin and cause irritation leading to itchy skin.
While bacterias can cause itchiness, natural ayurvedic ingredients can cure itchiness. Ayurveda has been used since the ancient ages and has no side effects whatsoever. In today's time, it is hard to find ayurvedic care as most brands mix harmful chemicals to make their products appealing. However, brands like ShuShu Babies use completely natural ayurvedic ingredients to provide the goodness of nature to every kid.
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To heal itchy skin you first need to understand the cause of itchiness. Here you shall find the most common causes of itchy skin and effective ways to cure it. If you’re a parent looking to put an end to your child’s itchy skin, you have come to the right place. Without any delay, read further.
Causes Of Skin Itchiness
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Skin itchiness is very common in toddlers. They spend all their time outside and are exposed to multiple harmful bacteria that make a permanent stay on the skin. This leads to some serious illnesses in them.
There are a number of factors that can lead to itchy skin.
Irritation from soap and body wash
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Several harmful chemicals are added in kid’s products to increase the shelf life. These chemicals include sulphates, parabens and many more. They are extremely harmful to a kid’s sensitive skin and lead to itchiness.
      2. External Bacterias
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Bacterias are the leading cause of eczema in kids. Fungal infections, rashes, rabbies are some of the itchy diseases caused by external bacterias. Unsafe food, dirty hands and sweat invites bacterias for dry and itchy skin. ReadMore
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carynokey · 3 months
Every Thing You Required To Learn About Herbal Products
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Organic products have actually obtained astounding level of popularity lately, along with lots of folks relying on organic remedies for different health worries. These items, stemmed from vegetations as well as herbs, offer an even more holistic strategy to wellness and health.
Everything You Require To Learn About Natural Products:
Organic Elements
Herbal items are helped make from all-natural substances sourced coming from plants, herbs, roots, blooms, seeds, or fruit products. These active ingredients are actually typically minimally refined to maintain their organic homes as well as potency.
Standard Medicine
Organic solutions have been made use of for centuries in conventional medicine devices including Ayurveda, Typical Mandarin Medication (TCM), as well as Indigenous United States medication. They are felt to ensure wellness and also address a variety of ailments by repairing harmony within the physical body.
Large Variety of Uses
Natural items are actually readily available in numerous types, featuring teas, tinctures, pills, powders, and contemporary creams. They are actually made use of to take care of a large range of health and wellness concerns, including digestive function, rest conditions, worry, skin disease, as well as a lot more.
Health Rewards
Different herbs deliver different health benefits. For instance, ginger is recognized for its own anti-nausea and also gastrointestinal residential or commercial properties, while chamomile is prized for its own soothing impacts on the stressed unit. Turmeric is prized for its own anti-inflammatory buildings, as well as echinacea is strongly believed to enhance the body immune system.
Safety And Also Effectiveness
While marigold petals items are normally considered secure when made use of as guided, it is actually necessary to talk to a health care expert just before including all of them into your routine, particularly if you possess underlying health ailments or are actually taking medications. Some natural herbs might interact with medicines or result in allergic reactions in certain individuals.
Premium Matters
Not all natural items are actually created equivalent. It's essential to opt for high-quality items from respectable companies or providers to guarantee protection and efficacy. Try to find products that are natural, non-GMO, as well as devoid of additives, fillers, and also impurities.
Regulation and Specifications
Natural products are actually moderated in a different way in various nations. In the USA, diet supplements, featuring herbal items, are managed through the Fda (FDA). However, guidelines may be actually much less rigorous reviewed to pharmaceutical medicines. It's necessary to research the policies in your nation and select items that fulfill premium requirements.
Possible Adverse Effects
While carnation flowers items are actually commonly well-tolerated, some individuals may experience side impacts such as allergies, indigestion, or interactions with medicines. It is actually necessary to begin with little dosages as well as observe your physical body's action. Terminate usage as well as speak to a medical care qualified if you experience any unpleasant responses.
Holistic Strategy
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Organic products are frequently considered as aspect of a holistic strategy to health and also health, together with proper health and nutrition, regular exercise, stress management, and various other lifestyle variables. They are certainly not meant to replace traditional clinical treatments however can easily enhance them by assisting the body system's natural recuperation devices.
Customized Technique
Every person's body system is actually distinct, as well as what help a single person might not help another. It may take some hit and miss to discover the appropriate combo of natural herbs and does that work well for you. Listen closely to your physical body's signals and adjust your routine accordingly.
Education and Study
Keep updated regarding the weeds you are actually utilizing as well as their prospective advantages and risks. Study research studies as well as medical trials may deliver important insights right into the efficacy as well as safety of bath products. Also, take into consideration speaking with a qualified herbalist or even healthcare expert for personalized support.
To conclude, herbal items give an organic as well as comprehensive method to health and wellness as well as well-being, with a wide variety of making use of and also potential advantages. Nevertheless, it's crucial to choose high-grade products, know possible negative effects, and also talk to a health care specialist for tailored support. Along with the right understanding and also technique, natural products may be useful allies in assisting overall welfare.
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today3467h · 4 months
How to naturally detoxify and clean the liver
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The only article you need to read to know all about it. If you hadn’t read this subtitle, did you even ever think that the liver also needs to be purified? Well if you want to do so , it's not that much difficult.
This article will let you know all you need to know regarding the liver and how to keep it healthy forever as per the Ayurveda scriptures without much effort.
Why is liver health care important?
Consider a towel that is used daily for cleaning the home furniture. There will come a time when it is completely overloaded with dirt and after some point, it will also need a complete cleanse, or else it will be of no use and completely become a waste.
Similarly, our liver is also a detoxifying organ in the body that converts toxins into waste material which then gets eliminated through different channels. If liver function is compromised, all the toxins accumulate which then becomes a reason for various
acute and chronic health problems.
How do you know that your liver function is compromised?
The liver is the most hardworking element in a living being with over 500 functions attributed to its name. Being such a vital organ in any problem, the body is proactive enough to show the signals.
Some are
• Pigmentation
• Premature graying of scalp and hair
• Sudden weight gain or weight loss
• Fatigue
• Bad breath
• Pale or yellowish skin appearance
• Dark yellow urine
• Appetite loss
• Swollen legs
• Orangish color stool pass
Why does the liver get toxic?
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Even though the liver is quite resilient if one’s liver gets overburdened it starts losing its efficiency. A lot of other factors are also a cause of it.
• Air and water pollution
• Bringe drinking and smoking
Pesticides in food
• Over medications
• Overeating preservatives and packaged foods
• Sugary refined foods
• Non-vegetarian foods
• Anger, anxiety and stress
• Poor sleep cycle
How to cleanse the liver?
When you clean your liver, it is simple to reduce the toxins overloaded and your liver becomes again capable enough to rejuvenate itself.
This can be done by eradicating the causal factors as much as possible. Ayurveda elaborately talks about the various herbs and concoctions that can rejuvenate your liver within a few days naturally. Googling them, there would be hundreds and thousands of ways, but as such is not possible all the time, here are just simple three the remedy which is easy, practical, effective, and save you much time.
1. Have a fresh sugar juice on an empty stomach in the early morning. This needs to be continued for 15 days for the perfect results. Fresh sugarcane is a boon to strengthen the liver. No wonder it is recommended by doctors during jaundice, the antioxidants in the sugarcane juice protect the liver against the infection and maintain the bilirubin levels in control.
It gets even better with added ginger and lemon juice. You can have it one hour before your breakfast or in the evening two to three hours after lunch. Avoid post-sunset. At such an economical price, it's not only tasty but also easily available all the time.
2. Rajasurf is the second most option you can go for. This is a classical formulation prepared using bringraj haritaki thai pool nicer and others. It is well known for the treatment of hair
and skin issues As its direct action is on the liver. Studies and research prove bringraj to be more potent in preventing liver damage than milk thistle seeds which are among the most
popular liver detox supplements and at a cheaper price. 4 tbsp of bringraj with 4 tbsp of water once a day and 30 minutes after breakfast or lunch. Any reputed brand can be purchased and is easily available online. Complete one dose of the bottle is enough to
cleanse your liver and bring it back to effective work. It has no side effects and is easy to digest.
3. Kutki is the third option. This bitter and cooling taste cleanses the anti-microbial powerhouse. This is one of the best herbs for the liver in Ayurveda. Studies say that a bunch of rodents were given a liver-damaging agent later with a small dose of cookie powder, and their liver was found to be significantly healed. This is so effective that it is often prescribed to treat even the most advanced liver disorders at the same time it is safe and has no
side effects. Take a half tbsp. of cookie powder with half tbsp.of honey one hour before your breakfast. Have it daily for 15 days for the best results.
Read More:-
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ayurvedicopinion · 4 months
What role does Ayurvedic medicine play in male fertility?
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In the bustling city of Delhi, where modern lifestyles often collide with traditional values, Ayurvedic Treatment For Male Infertility in Delhi stands out as a beacon of holistic health. This ancient Indian system of medicine has gained significant attention, particularly in addressing issues related to male fertility. In this blog post, we explore the profound role that Ayurvedic medicine plays in enhancing male fertility and the specialized treatments available in Delhi.
Ayurveda and Male Fertility
Ayurveda, the science of life, views the human body as a harmonious combination of three doshas — Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. When these doshas are in balance, the body functions optimally, promoting overall well-being, including reproductive health. Ayurvedic principles emphasize the importance of balance in the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of an individual’s life.
Understanding Male Infertility in Ayurveda
 In Ayurveda, male infertility is often attributed to an imbalance in the reproductive tissues (shukra dhatu) and disturbances in the doshas. Factors such as stress, poor dietary habits, and environmental toxins are believed to disrupt this delicate balance, leading to fertility issues.
Ayurvedic Diagnosis for Male Infertility
Ayurvedic practitioners in Delhi employ a personalized approach to diagnose male infertility. Pulse diagnosis (Nadi Pariksha) and examination of the tongue, eyes, and overall constitution help identify doshic imbalances. Understanding these imbalances allows practitioners to tailor treatment plans that address the root causes of infertility.
Ayurvedic Treatments for Male Infertility in Delhi:
Panchakarma Therapy: Panchakarma, a cornerstone of Ayurvedic treatment, involves a series of detoxification procedures to eliminate impurities from the body. In Delhi, specialized Ayurvedic clinics offer Panchakarma therapies tailored to address male reproductive health. These therapies aim to cleanse the body, rejuvenate tissues, and restore balance to the doshas.
Herbal Formulations: Ayurvedic medicine harnesses the power of herbs to enhance male fertility. Delhi’s Ayurvedic practitioners often prescribe formulations containing herbs like Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Gokshura, and Kapikacchu, known for their rejuvenating and aphrodisiac properties. These herbs are believed to nourish reproductive tissues and improve sperm quality.
Dietary Recommendations: Ayurveda places significant emphasis on diet and lifestyle in promoting overall health. In the context of male fertility, Ayurvedic practitioners in Delhi may provide personalized dietary recommendations to balance doshas and enhance reproductive health. Nutrient-rich foods, specific herbs, and dietary restrictions may be advised to support fertility.
Yoga and Pranayama: Integrating yoga and pranayama into daily life is a common aspect of Ayurvedic treatment in Delhi. These practices help manage stress, balance energy flow, and promote overall well-being. Specific yoga asanas and pranayama techniques targeting the reproductive system can be recommended to support male fertility.
Benefits of Ayurvedic Treatment in Delhi:
Holistic Approach: Ayurvedic Doctors Online Consultation focus on addressing the root causes of male infertility rather than just alleviating symptoms.
Personalized Care: Ayurvedic practitioners tailor treatment plans based on individual constitutions, ensuring personalized care for each patient.
Minimal Side Effects: Ayurvedic remedies typically have minimal side effects compared to some conventional treatments for male infertility.
In the heart of Delhi, where the fast-paced urban lifestyle often takes a toll on health, Ayurvedic medicine emerges as a holistic solution for male infertility. The ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, combined with modern diagnostic techniques and personalized treatments, offers a unique approach to enhancing male fertility. For those seeking a natural and comprehensive solution to male reproductive health issues, Ayurvedic treatment in Delhi provides a promising path towards holistic well-being.
Source Page:- https://shortletexpress.com/2024/02/05/what-role-does-ayurvedic-medicine-play-in-male-fertility/
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hopsvedicscience · 5 months
Ayurvedic PCD Franchise for Typhoid Medicine
Ayurveda is an ancient form of medicine that has been used in India and other parts of the world for centuries. It relies on natural substances and treatments to treat various conditions. Nowadays, Ayurveda has become popular again due to its natural and holistic approach to healing. In recent years, many pharmaceutical companies have started offering Ayurvedic PCD Franchise for various medicines, including those used to treat typhoid. Hopsvedic Science is one such company that offers a high-quality Ayurvedic PCD Franchise for Typhoid Medicine.
Hopsvedic Science is a prominent name in the Ayurvedic PCD franchise industry. With a wide range of products in the market, Hopsvedic Science has become a leader in providing quality products to its customers. Their products are made with natural ingredients and are safe to use. The company is also committed to providing the best possible customer service, making sure that customers are satisfiy and get what they need.
Best Ayurvedic Typhoid Medicine PCD Pharma Franchise in India | Hopsvedic Science
Hopsvedic Science is known for its Typhoid medicines. They provide an Ayurvedic PCD franchise for typhoid medicines that is both reliable and effective. Their products are made with natural ingredients that are known to be effective in treating the symptoms of typhoid. The company also offers a range of other products that can be used to treat other diseases and ailments.
When it comes to the quality of the products, Hopsvedic Science does not compromise. All of their products are pure and natural, and they are tested and certified to meet the highest standards of quality. This ensures that customers get the best possible product that is safe to use.
Hopsvedic Science also provides the best customer service. They have a team of experts who are always ready to answer any questions that customers may have. They also offer free shipping and delivery for all orders, ensuring that customers get their products quickly and easily.
Benefits of using Ayurvedic Typhoid Medicine  
Provides natural, holistic healing – Ayurvedic medicines are made from natural ingredients, so they provide a holistic approach to healing that is gentle on the body. 
Reduces inflammation – Ayurvedic medicines are known to reduce inflammation, making them an effective treatment for typhoid fever. 
Strengthens the immune system – Because of their natural ingredients, Ayurvedic medicines help to strengthen the immune system, making it easier for the body to fight off the infection. 
Alleviates symptoms – Ayurvedic medicines can help to alleviate symptoms such as fever, nausea, and body aches associated with typhoid fever. 
Non-addictive – Unlike many conventional medicines, Ayurvedic medicines are not addictive, so they can be taken for long periods of time without any risk of addiction. 
No side effects – Many conventional medicines can have severe side effects, but Ayurvedic medicines are generally considered safe and free from side effects.
Is It Profitable to Invest in a Typhoid Medicine Ayurvedic PCD Franchise?
Investing in a Typhoid Medicine Ayurvedic PCD Franchise can be a lucrative decision for the right investors. The pharmaceutical industry is one of the most profitable industries in the world, with high demand from consumers and potential for growth. As an investor in a Typhoid Medicine Ayurvedic PCD Franc. Whise, you will have access to a variety of resources, including a wide range of products, low operational costs, and a wide network of distributors. You will also be able to benefit from the current trend of increasing health awareness, as more people are seeking natural remedies for their ailments. With aTyphoid Medicine Ayurvedic PCD Franchise, you can benefit from the growing demand for natural, ayurvedic-based treatments. Investing in this type of franchise could be a great decision for those looking to capitalize on the potential of the pharmaceutical industry.
Benefits of Choosing Hopsvedic Science as Ayurvedic PCD Franchise for Typhoid Medicine
Hopsvedic Science is an eminent Ayurvedic PCD Franchise Company that offers a wide range of Typhoid medicine at the most reasonable prices. The following are some of the benefits of choosing Hopsvedic Science as your Ayurvedic PCD Franchise Company for Typhoid Medicine:
Quality Assured Products – Hopsvedic Science stands out among its competitors as it offers only the best quality products. All the products are manufactured in WHO and GMP-certified units under the supervision of highly qualified and experience professionals.
Affordable Prices – Hopsvedic Science offers its customers a wide range of Typhoid medicines at the most competitive and economical prices.
Prompt Delivery – Hopsvedic Science understands the importance of timely delivery and therefore, ensures that the orders are deliver to the customers within the specified time frame.
Customized Packaging – Hopsvedic Science provides its customers with customized packaging options as per their requirements and specifications.
Easy Payment Options – Hopsvedic Science offers its customers a variety of payment options to make their transactions convenient and hassle-free.
24/7 Customer Support –  Hopsvedic Science guarantees its customers round-the-clock customer support to ensure that all their queries and concerns are address in a timely manner.
Contact Us
Name – Hopsvedic Science Phone No. +91 99293 09179, +91 70095 23487 Mail – [email protected] Address – SCO-7, FIRST FLOOR, GREEN CITY, DHAKOLI, ZIRAKPUR (Punjab) 140603
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star-ayurveda · 3 months
Ayurvedic Treatment for Migraine
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For those who suffer from migraine, Ayurveda can be a boon in curing this order.
Migraine headache is not an easy disease to do away with. Even with Ayurveda, moderate to severe form of migraine headaches take a while to get totally cured and usually gradually get better in a phased out manner; they usually do not disappear in one go. Usually whenever patient experiences such a headache they themselves often start off with paracetamol, aspirin, ibuprofen or other analgesics. OTC drugs may provide some relief, although they are typically not effective for most sufferers, and therefore is a very dangerous and harmful practice.
In allopathy treatment, patients who have been diagnosed with reccuring migraines, migraine abortive medications are prescribed. It means treating the attack at the onset can often abort it before it becomes serious. Similarly many NSAIDs are prescribed for a long time like paracetamol, naproxyn, excedrin, metoclopramide, megraleve, analgesics combines with caffeine and antiemetics. In short they treat the symptoms and not the person suffering from migraine headaches. These medicines are made up of synthetic products and are non organic. So, in one way they might be relieving your symptoms for an hour or so but the other way they are making you face other problems which we call side effects. Most of the pain killers are toxic to kidneys and liver which are vital organs.
Moreover allopathic pain killers are just a temporary solution. They have the same type of medicine for every migraine sufferer. Allopathy just works superficially and does not treat the root cause of migraine headaches.
Studies show that the constant use of pain killers may have a rebound effect - actually causing headaches. Dependence on pain killers may also hamper the effectiveness of endorphins, the body's natural pain killers.
On the other hand, Ayurvedais different; Ayurveda treats the whole person and tailor made treatment is devised for each different patient. For example 5 different patients of migraine headache may be given 5 different kind of remedies depending upon their physical and mental makeup, aggravating and ammeliorating factors. There are 253 remedies to choose from for migraine headaches in Ayurveda. This is one reason an experienced and knowledgeable homeopathy doctor is required to work on the disease. Ayurveda also helps and transforms people mentally, emotionally and physically.
Ayurveda treatment of migraine headaches depends totally upon the symptoms presented including the psycho-physical makeup of the patient. The character and the modalities associated and also the symptoms associated with the migraine headaches like aura, vomiting, nausea and the trigger factors decide the choice of Ayurveda medicine that would help that particular case.
What is Migraine or Paroxysmal Headache?
It is very common for each one of us to suffer from headaches couple of times in our lifetime; but for some, headaches are far too common and their recurrences become a major hindrance in leading a normal life. One such type of recurrent headaches is called Migraine headaches. Migraine headaches show a typical pattern of recurrence and are characterized by severe to moderate head pain, involving both sides or one sided which may or may not be present with nausea and vomiting.
Causes of Migraine or Paroxysmal Headache
Although the actual cause of migraine is not very clear, but the researchers believe that migraine headache is caused by a drop in the level of a chemical serotonin in the brain which leads to the inflammation and dilatation in the blood vessels of the brain leading to a headache.
Migraine is often pyschosomatic in origin. There are migraine personalities and most migraine sufferers show one or may of the following behavioral pattern : conscientiousness, fastidiousness, rigidity of views, constant conflict between the environment and self, high level of expectation.
Migraine headache sufferers are more females than males. However, we are observing a shift. Often it is observed to be running in the family, showing heriditary links.
Due to some triggering factors, varying from person to person, there is some kind of vasoconstriction and vasodilatation of the branches of the carotid artery which leads to typical throbbing and congestive attack of headaches. Migraine headache attacks may be triggered by :
Allergic reactions.
Bright lights, loud noises, odors or perfumes.
Physical or emational stress.
Changes in sleep patterns.
Smoking or exposure to smoke.
Skipping meals.
Menstrual cycle fluctuations, birth control pills, hormone fluctuations during the menopause transition.
Tension headaches.
Foods containing tyramine (red wine, aged cheese, smoked fish, chicken livers, figs and some beans), monosodium glutamate (MSG) or nitrates (like bacon, hot dogs, and salami).
Other foods such as chocolate, nuts, peanut butter, avocado, banana, citrus, onions, dairy products and fermented or pickeled foods.
Symptoms of Migraine Headaches
The signs and symptoms of migraine headaches vary among patients. Therefore, what a patient experiences before, during and after an attack can't be defined exactly. The four phases of a migraine headache attack are common but not necessarily experienced by all migraine headache sufferers :
The PRODROME, includes symptoms experienced by patients hours or days before the headaches. These may include irritability, depression, tiredness, yawning, constipation, stiffness of neck and so on.
The AURA, immediately preceeds the headache. The symptoms may include foggy vision, colored vision, bright lines in front of eyes, sensation of pins or numbness on body, vertigo, loss of smelling power, nausea / vomiting and photophobia.
The PAIN phase, also known as HEADACHE phase : Usually the headache is in one half of the body. It increases gradually and lasts from 4 to 72 hours. However the intensity, duration and frequency of pain varies from person to person. The headache can be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, vertigo, pallor of face, loss of appetite, sensitivity to smells, noise and light and so on.
The POSTDROME phase, the symptoms occuring after an attack of migraine. These include mood changes, depression, tiredness, letharginess, loss of appetite and so on.
How are Migraine Headaches Diagnosed?
Migraine headaches are usually underdiagnosed or misdiagnosed. The diagnosis of migraine without aura, according ot International Headache Society, can be made on the basis of the following criteria, the '5, 4, 3, 2, 1 criteria'.
5 or more attacks.
4 hours to 3 days in duration.
2 or more of - unilateral location, pulsating quality, moderate to severe pain, aggravation by or avoidance of routine physical activity.
1 or more accompanying symptoms - nausea and or vomiting, photophobia, phonophobia.
For migraine with aura, only two attacks are required to justify the diagnosis. POUNDING (Pulsating, duration of 4 to 72 hOurs, Unilateral, Nausea, Disabling) can help diagnose migraine. If 4 of the 5 criteria are met, then the positive likelihood of diagnosing migraine headache is very high.
Lab Investigations in Migraine Headaches
To rule out possible organic causes of headaches - for example, an aneurysm, tumor, or structural abnormality - a doctor may employ vision tests, x-rays, a CT scan, a lumbar puncture, or an EEG.
Home Remedies for Migraine Headaches
It is very important for those suffering from migraines to realize that lifestyle modifications like regular excercise and reducing stress in their life are very essential in curing migraine headaches. Regular excercise can release endorphins, the body's natural painkilling agents. Excercise may also help to dilate blood vessels, which increases blood flow and may counteract the constricting action that occurs a the onset of most migraines. Identifying trigger factors and avoiding these factors can be very helpful in controlling the recurrence of migrain headaches. Holding an ice pack or a bag of frozen vegetables against your forehead while soaking your feet in hot water may stop a migraine headache if fone right away.
Economic Impact of Migraine Headaches
In addition to being a major cause of pain and suffering, recurrent migraine headache attacks are a significant source of both medical costs and lost productivity. Medical costs per migraine sufferer averaged USD 107 over 6 months in one 1988 study with total costs including lost productivity averaging USD 313. Annual employer cost of lost productivity due to migraine headaches in USA amounted to one billion dollors in 1994, in addition to lost productivity estimated at 13 to 17 billion dollors per year. The workplace model of 9 to 5, 5 days a week may not be viable for a migraine sufferer. With education and understanding an employer could compromise with an employee to create a workable solution for both.
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smithjohn10 · 5 months
Does Ayurvedic Massage Really Have Healing Benefits?
Are you looking for a permanent solution for your restlessness, muscle aches, and poor sleeping patterns without any side effects? Then Ayurveda massage therapy is your go-to choice! Ayurveda has marked its holistic massage therapy from an ancient time to heal one’s ailment from the roots gradually.
Visit at: https://wingsmypost.com/does-ayurvedic-massage-really-have-healing-benefits/
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bhagwatiayurved · 2 months
Treatment of HIV in Gujarat
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Discover the new age Ayurvedic Treatment for HIV
The Human Immunodeficiency Virus, or HIV, primarily targets CD4 cells, or white blood cells, in an effort to weaken the human immune system. Additionally, a person infected with this virus has an increased chance of developing other, more severe infections and illnesses. If treatment for the disease is not received, it can lead to acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), making it extremely deadly. The specialists at Bhagwati Ayurved offer comprehensive ayurvedic Treatment of HIV in Gujarat that is well-known for yielding excellent outcomes and having no negative side effects.
Treatment of HIV in GujaratHIV infection culminates in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, or AIDS. When HIV significantly weakens the human immune system, AIDS is the resultant disease. The average lifespan of an HIV-positive person who does not take medication is three years. A person's life expectancy may drop to about a year if they are untreated for an opportunistic disease that has the potential to be lethal. Nonetheless, the great majority of people with HIV do not progress to AIDS since treatment is readily available.
How to Determine Your HIV Status: What Are the Symptoms?
The only reliable method to find out if you have HIV is testing. It is feasible to request an HIV test from your healthcare physician, and the process is simple. These services are provided by numerous clinical facilities, community health centers, drug rehab centers, and medical clinics. Additionally, a home testing device is available online and at any medical supply store. Moreover, you can utilize an HIV Services Locator to locate an HIV testing facility nearby or around the globe. In addition, if a person is in the state of Gujarat and is interested in the service, Bhagwati Ayurveda provides HIV testing. Bhagwati Ayurveda offers the best Ayurvedic therapy for HIV in Gujarat in addition to HIV testing services. The knowledgeable staff in Gujarat is committed to giving patients comprehensive care as they strive toward the shared goal of putting an end to the HIV epidemic.
HIV Self-testing is an additional alternative if you would prefer not to visit a testing institution to check for HIV. You can undertake an independent HIV status check in the privacy of your own home or any other location of your choosing. It is simple to obtain a testing kit, which may be bought online or from any pharmacy.
Furthermore, free self-test kits could be available to participants in certain community-based organizations or health agencies. It is essential to get tested for HIV since early treatment optimizes its benefits.
How successful is the Ayurvedic treatment for HIV/AIDS offered by the Gujarati doctors of Bhagwati Ayurved?
Ayurveda is a traditional medical system that treats a variety of illnesses using natural medicines. In ancient times, Ayurveda was the most effective medicine for curing disease and wounds. In the present period, natural therapy has become the gold standard for treating illness.
Even though Ayurvedic medicine has proven to be the most effective Treatment for HIV in India, before starting any kind of Treatment of HIV in Gujarat, each patient must undergo a complete diagnostic process and analysis. Reduction of viral loads, increase in CD4 cell counts, and prevention of viral replication are the three main goals of HIV treatment. It is very preventive for the patient to receive ayurvedic treatment for HIV at the appropriate period. As a result, you should make every effort to prevent symptoms and, in the event that you do experience any, seek medical assistance right once.
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dubeyclinic · 5 months
Well Known Sexologist Doctor in Patna, Bihar at Dubey Clinic | Dr. Sunil Dubey
What to do if I have quick discharge…
More than fifty sexual patients come to Dubey Clinic every day for their better sexual health. Of all these, more than 15 sexual patients are suffering from premature ejaculation. They always ask our best sexologist in Patna, Dr. Sunil Dubey, how to avoid this sexual problem of premature ejaculation. They took many types of medicines for this sexual disease but they could not get complete relief from this problem.
Our impartial senior sexologist says, first of all sexual patients have to understand about why this problem occurs in the life of the sexual patient. After that, sexual patients have to be wise in choosing their sexual health care unit or sexologist doctors.
If you are a sexual patient and want to cure your sexual problem from the root then only and only Ayurveda Medicare is the best solution and treatment area for you. No other medicine can completely improve the life of a sexual patient. This is the eternal truths that after the age of 35 people come to know the power and effect of Ayurvedic medicine.
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Cause of Premature Ejaculation:
Dr. Sunil Dubey, best sexologist doctor in Bihar says that if you are a sexual patient and facing the early ejaculation then you should surely know about the reason of this problem.  Actually, there are many reasons for premature ejaculation which always trouble the sexual patient. Like having sexual activity under stress, in a state of guilt, lack of emotion in couple relationship, more concern about sexual performance, suffering from erectile dysfunction, etc.
Treatment for Premature Ejaculation:
First of all, the sexual patients should understand that premature ejaculation is a sexual cum psychological disorder. It can be prevented under the medication and treatment of Ayurveda and Home Remedy. Ayurveda Medicare is one of the best solutions to stop this psychological sexual disorder because it heals the problem through natural ways and means. Any patient can use this natural medicine to fix his problem because it does have any side-effects on body.
Dubey Clinic is India’s most reliable Ayurveda and Sexology medical science clinic that has been serving this sexual medication and treatment privileges since 1960. At present time, Dr. Sunil Dubey is the director and senior sexologist doctor who treats all the species of sexual patients.
He is the most successful Ayurvedic medicine researcher and expert doctor in this sexual medicine and healing profession. He has cured more than three lakh fifty thousand sexual patients, where the number of sexual patients benefited is very good.
Any sexual patient can take an appointment and consult him at Dubey Clinic. The appointment is available over phone from 08:00 AM to 20:00 PM every day. If you are living in Patna or Bihar then just make an appointment and visit the clinic soon. If you are residing out of Bihar then take on-call consultation and treatment. Dubey Clinic provides all over India medication privileges.
With best wishes:
Dubey Clinic
A Certified Clinic of India
Helpline No: +91 98350 92586; +91 93340 58336
Venue: Subash Market, Dariyapur Gola, Langar Toli, Chauraha, Patna, Bihar 800004
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sanjeevannetralaya · 6 months
Optimizing Optic Health: Advancements in Atrophy Treatment
In the intricate field of eye health, where atrophy of ocular tissues presents a profound challenge, the quest for effective treatments has been met with innovative advancements at Sanjeevan Netralaya. The center's Advanced Ayurvedic Eye Care regimen has emerged as a pivotal development in optic atrophy treatment, offering patients not just management strategies but a hope for reversal and improvement of their condition.
Sanjeevan Netralaya's approach diverges from the conventional medical trajectory, instead offering a system deeply anchored in the holistic precepts of Ayurveda. This ancient practice, which views the body as an interconnected whole, informs the center's methodology in treating atrophy within the eye. By addressing the systemic imbalances that may contribute to ocular health issues, Sanjeevan Netralaya's treatment strategies aim to optimize optic health from the inside out.
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The keystone of Sanjeevan Netralaya's protocol is its custom-tailored treatment plans. Recognizing that ocular atrophy does not present uniformly across all patients, the center designs its therapies to align with the individual's unique body constitution, lifestyle, and dietary habits. This level of customization ensures that treatments are not only effective but also resonate with the patient's overall well-being, thus optimizing the potential for recovery and health restoration.
Embracing a holistic perspective means that treatment at Sanjeevan Netralaya extends beyond just medications and surgical options. It involves a comprehensive lifestyle and wellness regimen that incorporates Ayurvedic nutrition, therapeutic exercises, and mindfulness practices. This integrative treatment philosophy is aimed at nurturing the body's natural healing processes, which can be particularly beneficial for patients suffering from atrophy-related vision loss.
Safety and efficacy stand as the twin pillars of Sanjeevan Netralaya's treatment philosophy. In an area where many conventional treatments come with a risk of side effects, the center’s reliance on natural, plant-based preparations offers a safe alternative. These Ayurvedic treatments are formulated to deliver therapeutic effects without the adverse side effects often associated with synthetic drugs.
The success of Sanjeevan Netralaya's Advanced Ayurvedic Eye Care is not anecdotal but is rather reflected in the experiences of a multitude of patients who have undergone treatment. The center's commitment to research and patient care has culminated in a track record of effective treatment outcomes, contributing to its reputation as a leader in the field of ocular health.
In conclusion, Sanjeevan Netralaya stands at the forefront of optic health optimization, spearheading advancements in the treatment of ocular atrophy through its Advanced Ayurvedic Eye Care. By fusing age-old wisdom with contemporary treatment modalities, Sanjeevan Netralaya offers a unique, safe, and personalized path to vision health for those affected by ocular atrophy, marking a new chapter in the annals of ophthalmic care.
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